xt7cvd6p2t82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cvd6p2t82/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-10-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 2007 2007 2007-10-25 2020 true xt7cvd6p2t82 section xt7cvd6p2t82 the balls or liltt't‘


lit-v 'r'c (it'dti


or are thcv?

His buildings

.rrrd said to haunt

Page 3

OCTOBER 25, 2007





UK receives '0' on environmental report card

jmccoy@uky edu

UK received a "( on its efforts to
preserve errvirotrmcrrtal resources on
campus. a grade that L‘K‘s top facilities
official said could be higher it the uni»
versity used energy rttore efficiently.

The Sustainable Endowments Insti-
tute released its 2008 College Sustain,
ability Report Card yesterday. UK‘s
grade has increased since January.
when the institute gave UK a ”‘-"( on
the 2007 report card.

"We use a lot of electricity at UK
and all our heat is coal produced." said
Bob Wiseman. l'K’s vice president for

facilities management. “Energy use is
going to take a lot of work. The first
step is conservation."

Students living on campus can aid
l'K‘s fight to save energy by tuming the
lights off when they leave a room. Wise—
rrran said.

”Dorms are huge energy users. and
there are a lot of energy—using devices
that are very energy intensive." he said.
"Students can help by making some etl
forts in conservation."

The institute graded the 200 US.
and Canadian colleges and universities
with the largest endowments on the fac-
tors of administration. climate change
and energy. food and recycling. green

building. transportation.

shareholder engagement.

Wiseman said he is not sure how
the institute reaches specific scores.
such as the difference between an “.»"\

and an ”—."A

"It is a very subjective process."
atrd it needs to be looked at in perspec—

tive. Wiseman said.

"They‘d like to see endowments in-
and base their grades on that.

vested in sustainable

he said.


Large research institutions are gen—
rarrge. Wise-

er'ally' in the "B" to "(‘-"

titan said.

B( )XING l.\' 'l‘l lli BASICNIEN'I‘

transparency, investment priorities, and

"Smaller schools tend to have an
easier road to hoe." he said.

L'K is in the "('+" range overall.
Wiseman said.

"We're better in recycling and insti-
tutional processes than they gave as
credit for." he said. The institute gave
UK a ”(" in both the administration
category and the food and recycling

UK Greenthumb (.‘o-ctxrrdinator
Brittany Zwicker said she thinks sus-
tainability awareness is stwting to build.

"I think we've started moving in
the right direction." Zw icker said.

Academic departments and areas
around caniptrs set up tables and booths





Members of the UK Boxing Club look on as landscape architecturej unior Tyler Sexton, left blocks a punch from marketing freshman Jason Greene during practice yester

day evening


The air outside was cold. but the

basement of the

Alumni Gym was hot and humid as members of the
CR Boxing ( Ilub pounded the bags in preparation

for their fight tomorrow in (Iolumbus. Ohio.


club. vv bieh meets every weekday in the basement of
\lumni ( xy'm has about one fight every two weeks
said George (iintcr . the clubs head coach.
\\ bile boxing may seem like a brutal sport. (iirrter
said nobody ever gets hurt. aside from a few bloody

noses and concussions. l he club eostss

320 per se-

mester and is open to students faculty and stafi.

I here are aboutz


of the Alumni Gym.

History |U0l0l Lurs Lopez doesn't have time to stop and nurse his bleeding lip
during a UK Boxrng Club sparring match yesterday evening rn the basement


,activc members. five of whom are
The club supplies every thing needed for
participation but members must btry their own
hand wraps and mouthguards ( iirrtcr said.

After tour, See Blue comes home to Keeneland

Exit" 93393

jlaster@kykernel com

Students will be able to go to
Keeneland Race Course for free as
pan of homecoming week.

See Blue Day at Keeneland.
sponsored by UK and Keeneland.
will kick off at I] am. tomorrow
with a pep rally. including L'K checr~
leaders and the pep band. free food.
and door prizes.

Students who attend the rally
will receive special bracelets for
free admission to the races and ac
cess to free reserved seating. valued
at $6.

Students. alumni or faculty who
cannot attend the pep rally can show

their UK [1) at the door for free ad»
mission to the races.

"People go out to Keeneland for
their homecoming festivities anyway."
said Christa Marrillia. Keeneland‘s
event coordinator.

UK is providing use of the univer~
stty 's cheerleaders and pep band. and
Keeneland is covering the cost of ad—
mission. Marrrllia said. The event will
happen regardless of inclement

"So many people come in from
out of town." she said. “It's logical to
have a real feel for Kentucky events
and combining homecoming with

See Blue Day at Keeneland is one
event in the See Blue marketing came

first turn mo. Subsequent issues 25 com

paigrr. which President Lee Todd an-
nounced at his State of the Campus
address in September. Blanton said.
"The key is w as with any nrode of
communication . to make it appeal<
ing." Blanton said. "We‘re trying to
create more visual appeal to what
we're doing."

The lS-city btis tour around Ken-
tucky is the first major marketing
campaign since Todd became UK‘s
president in 200i. The bus tour ended
()ct. l l . but the campaign will contin-
ue through events like tomorrow‘s
Keeneland day.

The research for the See Blue
campaign took about a year. and in-
volved surveying about L000 ran-
domly sampled high school students

inside Kentucky and about 1.000 out-
of—state students. Blatrtorr said. Cur~
rent L’K student leaders also took the
survey. he said.

“Inside the state. UK is highly re»
garded by students."
“Outside the state
just that l K is not well- known ()ut-
side the context of athletics a lot of
L K s academic programs are just not

The campaign‘s goal is to gener-
ate interest in UK by creating a recog-

”The idea is to leverage the pas-
sion people feel about the campus
and about UK athletics."

Blanton said.
the challenge is

“brand statement." Blanton


at the first annual sustainability show—
case to display what particular depart«
ments had to offer in their efforts to re-
spect the environment. she said.

“A lot of what is being done wasn‘t
transparent. and (the showcase) showed
people what UK is doing." she said.

“I think a ‘C‘ is a pretty fair score."
she said. but she added that UK is not
where it needs to be and should work
toward a higher score.

The College Sustainability Report
Card is the only comparative evaluation
ofcampus and endowment activrties that
protect natural resources at the colleges
and universities in the United States and
Canada. according to the report card.

SG passes

funds for
service trip

ELBlair Thomas

The Student Government Senate
was divided at last night‘s meeting over
legislation that requested funding for
two Greek projects.

Two resolutions. one asking for
$4.000 for a service project in New Or-
leans and the other requesting $3.747 to
fund a new bike path through sorority
circle off Columbia Avenue. both ac—
cepted friendly amendments to decrease
the money needed.

ln a 19—4 vote. the Senate approved
an amended $1.500 to help pay for the
Greek service trip.

The money will be used to pay for
hotel rooms for eight executive mem»
bers of the lnterlratemity Council. eight
from the Panhellenic Council and eight
from the National Parr-Hellenic Council
to travel to New Orleans for a two-day
service project with the Association of
Community Organizations for Reform

Several senators expressed concem
because of the amount of money going
to a project that isn‘t open to the entire
student body.

“This organization rarely funds
things that all UK students aren‘t invit-
ed to join.” said Graduate School Sen.
Noah Meeks. “l just don't see how we
can justify taking from a budget of stu—
dents' money when they aren‘t allowed
to go."

Sen. Jackie Colgate noted that IFC.
Panhellenic and NPHC all have their
own operating budgets.

See 86 on page 8

names of

By_Autumn_ Hamison

news@kykernel com

Students looking through their
copies of the Spring 2008 schedule
book may notice something missing:
The names of instructors are not includ-
ed for any of the courses listed.

Because of a problem during the
schedule~book processing system.
course instructors are listed only in the
online version of the class schedule.
available through the rnyUK portal
thttp://myuk.uky.edu). said Associate
Registrar Bruce Manley.

The Integrated Research Informa-
tion Systems team compiles the sched-
ule books from reports from the univer—
sity computer system. Manley said. He
said he's not sure of what specifically
went wrong in that process. This is the
first time he knows of the problem oc-
curring. he said.

“We were able to pull the current in-
formation for online." Manley said. He
suggested that students use the online
version since it is continuously updated.

”As soon as we make a class change.
we notify the IRIS team. and they make
corrections." Manley said. “Changes are
made effective immediately"

See Schedule on page I

m 257-1915; W: 257.2872

' t


 PAGE 2 |jh_ursday, October 25, 2007

u Qku Go to www kykernel com for the solution
— —

your dailydose ofentertairyment, (pop cultureand fun Kernel ‘ Ql

























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating: 70 is the easiest day, 0
the most chal/engrng.

Arias (March 21 - April 19) Today
is a 7 -__ It's getting a little bit easr
er to gather information Its easier
to spill the beans, too, so watch out
Loose lips sink ships

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
IS a 6 — Luckily, working under
presswe is one of your specralties
You'll pop through the difficult
phase into the fun part, soon
Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 6 — Don't gossrp, even if
pressed The odds are too high
you'll be misunderstood Or, even
worse, what you say wrll go straight
to the person you're talking about,


no (mm. mm
ask alignment ‘

who'll understand quite well
Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is a 6 ,7 You don't always say what
you reallyt hink in or argument
Speak up even if its diff icult Don't
assume they know wl .it y no want
Make rt obvious

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is
an 8 w A Tal‘rBaClllllg scheme
needs a little more Work For exam»
ple, if you're planning a too get the
very latest map, Also. have an alter-
native route already worked out
Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is
a 7 . , Hliiiii?” costs are then norm:
of this game i lildi in item is your
asstqnmei‘t Si not are. h u led pretty
deeply, Si kirk)‘ no is delinitely re-

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Today is
a 6 ~ ~ Should you tell a person wrtlr
yew strong opinions where and how
you disagree7 ljnuld be fun It's up
to you

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
lS a 7 ~ The prize defrnitely goes to
the one who's most efficient now

How to Drink 10]
$10 AUCD $8 w/ Student lD



Red Mile Rd.

”Magma :4,” ”wax/x,“


: .m w

You'll get extra points and respect
for making a tough job look easy
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 ~ Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 Passrons are strong
Make sure there's not something
important you're overlooking. Don't
:gnore your friends this time Con:
sider their considerations
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To
day is a i You feel pushed to
take action. not it's hard to make up
y .1” inind Let the others race off in
in directions Maintain your cool
and you'll Win the race
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) Today
is a 7 Ther more you go through
the mater a: tlit mi. iret touble you'll
save yo met A trig protect has a lot
or room for mistakes Avoid as many
as posSible wrtli intensive planning
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To-
day is .i 7 Don't agree to any
thing that's going to cost you ll the
agency wants a fee, make sure it's
affordable You can earn more inon-
ey WllllOUL going into debt


9‘“ 4 s . . . y __ A“
SA it .i i r r is
L...- turretmvu a. Mom uunLg'






Vanessa swears her love

we DESI-l

So much for thc storics that
Nick Lachcy and Vancssa Miri-
nillo's low is on the rocks. "()h.
is that thc new rumor?" shc
askcd Lls ()ctobcr X at lhc LA.
launch oi Bongo‘s spring collec-
tion. “No. sorry. Wc arc still
\cry much togcthc‘rl" And they
madc it clear the next night dur»
ing dinner at l“iibi‘t3cirii‘s in
L.A.‘s Bcl Air neighborhood.
"Nick rcachcd his hand across
thc tablc and took hcr hand in
his.” says a witness of thc duo.
"Shc was tclling a story and he
was cracking up?” But bcyond
Laclicy\ scnsc of humor. Min~
iiillo. 36. tclls Us it's thc cncour-
agcmcnt hc gives that matters
most. ”Hc‘s very supportive."
slic giishcs of thc singcr. 33.
who's at work on a new CD.
"That makes him very grcat."

Mark Wahlberg Shows Us
His Soft Side

Dcspitc all the glitz and
glam oi the October 9 NYC prc-
niicrc of his ncw flick We Own
the Night. Mark Wahlberg told
L‘s that what hc was most cxcit~
cd about that owning w as going
home. "I actually miss my kids
likc cra/y." admittcd thc actor.
36. of his daughter. Ella. 4. and
son. Michael. I‘) months. with
his modcl girli‘ricnd. Rhca
Durham. “l‘yc bccn the priority
{or quite sonic time." hc says.
“Now my kids arc the most im-
portant That's whcrc 1 get the
most enjoyment." And all they
need for a good time is their t‘a—
\‘oritc. Shi'ck. They got a basket
of thc pop—up books. he said.
“so after seeing the movie four

I had to read the whole
and thcn play thc char,


Jane's Dancing Partner

Since the ()ctobcr l dcath ot‘
hcr mother. Micki: Fiankcnbci‘g.
Dancing With the Stars' Janc
Scymour. 56. tells Us. "l lccl
cool moying on bccausc that‘s
what my mom wanted me to
do." But slic‘s not doing it
alonc. thanks to her actor hubby
ot' l4 years. James Kcach. 5‘).
Shc says. "Every day l conic
back from Dancing and I'm.
likc. cripplcd . . . and hc mas~
sages my feet?"

Usher & Tameka's Miami

“Tamcka is a \cry positiyc
inilucncc in every aspect of my
litc. and has always been." Ush—
cr tclls Us of his wife of nearly
lthL months. Tameka Foster.
Hc isii I kidding; [fun though
thc stylist. 37. is upccting their
son in just two months. she still
madc a point of celebrating the
singcr‘s October l4 birthday
(the big 2-9?) in style . with a'
suiprisc trip to Miami. ".Shc‘s
trying to get him to unwind." a
mum: says of the duo, Their rc—
laxation r‘ccipc‘.’ Bunking at Thc
Sctai and shopping for baby.

Mad Men's Jon & Jennifer
— Love at First Sight

”l‘yc loved him from the
second I laid eyes on him."
Kissing Jcss’ica Stein star Jcn-
nifcr Westicldt gushes to Us

about falling head oycr hccls tor
Mud Mcn actor Jon Hanim.
“Thc rest is history Nine and a
hali‘ ycars of dating latcr. Mis-
souri natiw Hamni. 36. admits
he's still similarly smittcn. ()l~
lhc actress. 37 whosc ABC
comcdy. Notes From the Under—
bclly‘. rcturiis midscason . he
says: "Slic‘s just the most beau--
til‘ul. intclligcnt woman l‘\c
cvcr mot."

Ashley’s Secret to

[ch11 though her ncw gig as
the lucc ot' Rcd by Marc licko
has hcr criss—crossing thc counv
try this month High School Mu—
sical star Ashlcy Tisdalc. _-. is
committed to keeping her rela—
tionship with danccr bcuii Jared
Murillo a priority. “it‘s dct‘initc-
ly hard wlicn you‘i'c always
traveling." shc‘s‘ said oi |o\'c.
“But if you rcally want to date
and put timc into it it can

Maroon 5's Adam Levine's
Cinderella Waitress

It‘s been more than a year
since Maroon 5's Adam Levine
first mct Bccky (iinos when shc
was a hostess at NONE Steak
Housc in the Palms in Las V’c—
gas. and the singer 28 and as—
piring painter. 22 .arc still going
strong The rocker recently
gushed about her on Howard
Stern‘s radio show ”She's so
beautiful," he said. She s in-
credibly talcntcd. Shc is



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THURSDAY! Bonfires, costumes and trick—or‘treating are all a crucial part of fall festivals and Halloween. These
October 25, 2007 g traditions have been passed down from generation to generation and have become customary in the
United States. However, these rituals date back to long before 1776.
PAGE 3 I :- . . The ancient Celtic festival, Samhain, was a celebration of the Celtic new year, which began on the
’ first day of November They believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the
world of the living and the dead was blurred, and the ghosts of the dead returned to earth They would
Meghan Cain have huge bonfires and dress up in costumes of animal heads and skins, and they made animal sacri‘
Features Editor « . fices in the fire. _ ' .
m: 257-1915 ., ' When the Romans conquered the Celtics in AD. 43, their traditions were combined. In 800, the pope
futuruflvbrnolmm ' declared Nov. 1 to be All Saints Day, and the night before was deemed All Hallows Eve. These celebra-
' tions continued to combine fires, costumes and ghost stories. As immigrants began to migrate to the
United States many years later, these traditions became part of the American way of life.

@1ch from tfic campus crypt





As the days grow closer to all hallows
eve. fear escalates and people want to be spooked.
Sometimes students take road trips to supposedly haunted
houses in cities surrounding Lexington in hopes of being
scared. But this year. look no further than UK's campus for some
frightful tales of ghostly women. suicide and fallen carpenters.

Spindletop Hall

Late at night. in the hallways of the 72-year-old building. a blue dress can be seen. Inside
the flowered day dress there allegedly rests a transparent woman named Pansy.
Various staff members have spoken of the ghost at Spindletop Hall. UK's employee and alumni club. said Spindletop gen-
eral manager Gerald Marvel. who added that he has yet to see anything.
"I guess if you are a believer (in ghosts). it is possible to see something." Marvel said. “I am not a believer. so I has en‘t
seen anything."
But for both believers and skeptics. the story of Spindletop matriarch Pansy Bemadette Merritt Yount holds true.
Pansy and her husband Miles Frank Yount struck oil in Texas in I925. and they just happened to name the land
Spindletop. Marvel said. This discovery brought an immense amount of money. and Pansy Yount used some of this
money to build herself a stable of American Saddlebred horses.
Eight years to the day of their enriching discovery. Miles Frank Yount passed away. and Pansy took up
her belongings and moved to Kentucky. where she established Spindletop Farm in 1935. Pansy Yount left
Kentucky in 1955. Marvel said. and she sold the estate to UK in I957.
"She never felt accepted into the blue—blood culture in Kentucky." Marvel said. "She never felt

City has its share
of ghastly sights

By Sara Tracy

features©kykernel com

Lexington and the surrounding areas
are offering students and residents a
chance to see Freddy Krueger. Jason
Voorhees and Michael Myers in person.
If that isn‘t enough. thrill-seekers can
face fears like snakes. clowns. darkness
and tight spaces.

Still other students who are really
looking to get spooked can see Leather-
face from “The Texas Chainsaw Mas-
sacre" rip through a movie screen and
chase them around. These are all features
of Halloween attractions in Lexington
and the surrounding areas where students
can take part in outdoor and indoor

Indoor Frights

I Enter the dream world of a demented

at home." girl. Sarah Johnson is said to be an evil
0n the day that the estate was passed over to UK. Pansy Yount died. child who poses as a corpse or a little girl
Now the hall exists as UK‘s faculty. staff and alumni club. According to Spindletop‘s '
Web site (wwwspindletophall.org). nearly 1.300 families and individuals are part of the
club. Some believers might say there‘s one more.

See Haunted on page 4

Patterson Hall

The door to the attic gaped open and was swinging back and forth as if a breeze was pushing it. However. no
one had been to the attic that day.
Farrah Dicken. director of Patterson Hall. said she encountered this scenario just a few days ago. She said no one has a key
to the attic accept for maintenance people. and no one had been called that day.
Still other times. she said. people claim to see the lights on in the attic.
The story that has spooked this fear of the attic is somewhat debated. Dicken said. Yet the core of the tale remains constant.
“A number of girls committed suicide in the attic. and the story says they haunt the building. specifically the attic Dicken said.
The time of the mass suicide is what remains to be debated. Dicken said she has heard four different stories.
When Patterson was first built. it was an all-girls domi and was purposefully placed away from the rest of the campus. [)icken said. One story is that the women were given a
hard time at school and that they killed themselves to escape from their hardships.
Two other stories Dicken said she has heard take place during World War I and World War II.
“Many of the girls had boyfriends and brothers in the w ar." she said. ”They killed themselves instead of dealing with
the difficult situation."
Finally. Dicken said she heard the girls committed suicide around the time that the stock market crashed in
1929 because their families had lost so much money.
Regardless of when the supposed suicides took place. students still enjoy sharing the tale and keeping
the haunted tradition alive.
"Freshmen come in and ask about the story becaUse they hayc heard about it front an older
sibling or friend. It is Just futi to think about." Dicken said. "People complain about L'K not
having traditions. but this is a spooky bent on one. It connects people who [be here with
people who used to."


Singletary Center for the Arts

Around 30 years ago. two men fell from the catwalk of the main
stage in the Singlctary Center and died. Today. some believe
these two men still wander the halls and catwalks ot the
Singletai'y (‘enter at night.
Bobbie Owen. office manager at the Singlctary
Center for six years. said it is the little things
that make her believe the building is
“Sometimes I will lock a
door. and when I check it. it
will be unlocked." she
said. “Other times. the
doors will open ran—

See Ghosts
on page 4

Left Spindletop Hall. UK'S employee and alumni club,
is said to house a ghost named Pansy Yount who
roams the halls in a blue-flowered dress Yount was
the matriarch of Spindletop Hall before she sold it to

Right Stories say the ghosts of two men walk above
the ReCital Hail in the catwalk of the Singletary Center
lwo workers fell from the catwalk of the main stage
more than 30 years ago while the center was being











PAGE! | Thursday, October 25, 2007


‘Curse’ of musical composition

lands professor a national award


nows©kyksmel com

Unlike many kids. when Joseph Baber was
young. he found adventure in writing music in-
stead of books or playing pretend.

“When I write my music. it is like Peter Pan
going to the window and seeing a whole new
world." he said. “My music is my adventure."

The UK music composition professor discov-
ered his talent around age l2. A national commu—
nity recognized it earlier this month when the
American Society of Composers. Authors and
Publishers presented him with the 2007-08 AS-
C APlus Award for writers of concert music.

Baber started composing music when he had
to miss a year of school because of an illness.
Practicing the violin for hours when he was sick
led Baber to his composing career. which he has
spent the past 35 years of at UK. he said.

"Composing music is a curse to me. I have
Baber said "Ultimate—
ly I have no reason to stop. This is all I know.“

Baber writes and perfomis musical composi»
tions for churches. schools and private-company
gatherings in the community and is the principle
viola in the Lexington Philhamionic.

His compositions include orchestral overtures.
suites, two symphonies. several marches and two-
tone poems. His most well known works are three
collaborations with novelist John Gardner on the

tried stopping but I can‘t."

operas “Frankenstein."
“Samson and the Witch."

“l have written over 300 pieces. and l have to
trust directors that they will not alter my music.”

Baber said


of judges.


“I write for my own pleasure

Baber prac»
tices Viola
with the
on Tuesday


Although he Uses traditional. European mu—
sic. it is different than many other classical com~
posers because it has a midwcstem twist to it. he

Baber has been an award—winning member of
the American Society of Composers. Authors and
Publishers since |97l.

Though he has received national attention.
Baber said he writes music for himself. not panels

Baber said.

Baber is currently working on an opera that he

expects to complete for the Abraham Lincoln Bi—
centennial in 2009. to celebrate the 200th anniver‘

sary of the fonner president‘s birth.



Continued from page 3


Owen said toilets will
flush when no one is in the
bathroom and that lights ran—
domly turn on and off.

Owen is not the only one
who has seen strange hap—
penings at the Singletary
Center. She said Jeff Keller.
a technology expert who also
played the tuba. decided to
practice around midnight a
few years ago in the Recital
Hall of the Singletary Cen-

Keller was recording
himself when he thought he
heard footsteps in the cat—
walk. Owen said. He stopped
playing and listened to his
recording 7 and he could
hear the footsteps in it. Owen

The folklore adds to the
campus culture. she said.

“Personally. I think the
campus is devoid of being
personal." Owen said. "Stu—
dents just view campus as a
bunch of brick buildings
where they go to leam. When
you hear these stories. it
brings the buildings to life.
They have a past like a person




Derek Webb and Sandra Mc-

6 pm, The Dame Tickets cost 815

Chris Voltz
7p m., Headliners, LOUISVIllE‘. Tick
ets cost $ll.

Del Tha Funkee Homosapien
w/ Devin the Dude, Bukue
One, Junk Science feat. Iller

Than Theirs
10 pm, The Dame hckets cost $15

FRIDAY, Oct. 26
Type 0 Negative

8 p m, Headliners, Louisville Tick»
ets cost SZt

Will Hoge w/ The Hard

Lessons and Leslie
9 p m, The Dame hckets cost $l0
in advance, $12 at the door

Fillmore's Therapy w/ The

TD pm, The Southgate House.
Newport Tickets cost $5


For the week of
Got. 25 iiiiii Om: 3t

7 pm, Bogarts, CllTCanail. Tickets
cost $15

Gov't Mule w/ Grace Potter
8i the Nocturnals
8 p in, Madison Theater, Coving-
ton hckets cost $27

SUNDAY, Oct. 28

Tori Amos

8 p m, louisville Palace, Lowsville
hckets cost $42 50.

Pat Monahan
8 p in, Madison Theater, Coving-
ton. Tickets cost $20

TUESDAY, Oct. 30
Stars of Track and Field w/

Eskimo Joe
9 pm , The Dame Tickets cost $6

FourStar Alarm w/ Covington
and The Invitational

9 p m , The Southgate House, New»
port Tickets cost $5

Chico Fellini w/ Oxford Farm

9 p in, The Dame Tickets cost




1. Poltergeist pioneers


Spirits of Fort Harrod's pioneers come aliye for a ten
hours at Old Fort Harrod State Parks" Haunted lii'ontier.
Event festiyities include a large male and ghost stories

in the graveyard. The event \vill run Friday and Satur-

day from 7 to l0 pm. For more information. call 734» l


2. Bite me!

The Kentucky Ballet Theatre presents "Dracula."
loween thriller. at the Lexington Opera House. Pcrfor— ’
mances are Friday and Saturday night at 8. Tickets cost ;
$l2 to $25. For more infomiation. call 2525245. l

3. Night of the living dead

Zombies are taking over the streets of downtown Lexing—
ton this weckend. Every year. individuals from the Lex-
ington community get together to resurrect Michael Jack»
son‘s “Thriller" video. This Saturday the public is free to
participate and watch the recreation at 6 pm. at Mecca.
On Sunday at 7 pm. the zombies will hit Main Street to
do their dance. For more information. call 2549790, f

lites-R N. as:
Most-played albums of the week

1'0? IQ




.“i §3N§


1. Numbers —— "Now You Are This"
2. Devendra Banhart A“ "Smokey Rolls

a Hal—


Down Thunder Canyon"
3, Animal Collective ._.
4. MIA. -— "Kala"

5. Broken Social Scene Presents Kevin
Drew — "Spirit If..."

6. Of Montreal —~

"Strawberry Jam"

"icons, Abstract Thee"


8, New Pornographers _ "Challengers"
9. Rilo Kiley — "Under The Blacklight"
10. New Young Pony Club »—

l 7. Sir Richard Bishop -» 'Polytheistic




Continued from page 3

who can see people‘s greatest
fears and use those fears against
them. Kentucky Paranormal ln-
vestigators' Nightmare Haunted
House. located at 12]] Man-
chester Street
opens up her dream world to the
public. Standard tickets cost Sll
in advance and $14 at the door.
For more information. visit
KPI's Nightmare Haunted House
Web site (www.2scary.coml.

I The Hustonville Haunted
House has gone through a ma—
jor change. With a new owner
and many new elements inside
and out, this 10-year-old haunt-
ed house is sure to bring a
crowd. Tickets are $10. and the
attraction is located in Hus-
tonville. Ky. at 9837 E. Main

in Lexington.

Street. For more information
visit Hustonville Haunted
Houses Web site iwwwhaunt—
man .L‘Dln ).

I Imagine that split second in a
nightmare right before walking.
Everything is getting scarier
when suddenly your body jerks
you awake. Now imagine being
stuck in that horror. The Haunt-
ed Hotel houses just that. Locat—
ed in Louisville on 3000 S. 4th
Street. creators promise more
blood and gore than ever before.
For those brave enough to not
wake up. tickets cost $15. For
more information. visit The
Haunted Hotel's Web site
( www.hauntednetwork .com t.

Outdoor Spooks

I Monsters come alive in the
forest at Jacobson Park. The
Trail of Terror houses more than

l7 horrifying scenes that cre-
ators claim look just like the
worst horror films of Holly--
wood. Located on Richmond
Road. this creepy experience
costs Sl0, For more informa-
tion. visit the Trail of Terror‘s
Web site (wwwhaunted

I Enter into the forest of Holly-
wood terrors. Encounter mon-
sters from “Jeepers Creepers 2
”The Mummy." “Halloween."
“The Hills Have Eyes 2" and
many classics in the Legendary
Nightmare Forest located on
Preston Highway in Louisville.
This year. the attraction is offer~
ing something for those fans of
the paranormal as well. with
crop circles and possible aliens
at Nightmare Harvest. For more
information. visit the Nightmare
Forest‘s Web site (www.
nightmareforest .com t.





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Recicle the




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