xt7cvd6p2t34 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cvd6p2t34/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-12-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 08, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 08, 2003 2003 2003-12-08 2020 true xt7cvd6p2t34 section xt7cvd6p2t34 COLUMNIST DISREGARDED NEEDS OF KY. STUDENTS l DIALOGUE, PAGE 6


December 8, 2003

Celebratin 32 ears of inde endence

UK beats UCLA in John Wooden Classic | PAGE 4

://www.k kernel.com


Police increase holiday patrols

Many vehicles are broken into over the holiday season;
police advise keeping valuables stored out of sight

By Semieb Shell!!!
smr wmrm

UK police officers said
they are working overtime
to prevent thefts this holi-
day season.

Last week. the police
department established a

task force to focus on
street-level crime preven-
tion and detection.

The task force was cre-
ated in response to height-
ened levels of crime that
strike during the end of
the fall semester every

Each night. three to
five extra officers. both
plainclothes and in uni-
form. will patrol campus to
keep an eye out for crime.

“We’re trying to get a
grasp on it before it gets
out of hand." said Cmdr.
Travis Manley with UK Po-
lice Communication and
Information Services. “It’s
a pre-deterrent before the
numbers get too high."

He said their efforts
are geared more toward
preventing thefts from ve-
hicles than anything else.

“They look for circum-
stances that would afford
someone the opportunity
to commit a strong-armed
crime." Manley said.

The increased pa-
trolling hasn't resulted in

See PATROL on 2



Cell phone cameras,
portable music players
highlight campus gadgets

By John Michael Ford

Technological gadgets
of all shapes and sizes find
their way onto campus —
everything from smaller
ways to carry and play mu-
sic to the latest model PCs.

One student may take a
moped to class, another
may prefer a unicycle and
others will walk and talk on
their cell phones.

By now many students
on campus have played with
a friend‘s cell phone camera
or sent e-mails and text
messages from class.

These gadgets have
been popular this semester.
emblazoned as the “ulti-
mate guide to life" by
Amanda Lawrence. a kine-
siology and health profes-
sion sophomore. Now when
friends call, not only can
they have an individual
ring tone but also a picture
of them is able to pop up.

“It is versatile: I use my
phone to e-mail funny (pic-
tures) of my friends to be
used as backgrounds and
for blackmail." said Stacey
Marzano. a family studies


The advent of wireless
Internet services has pro-
pelled students outside
their rooms. allowing them
to surf the Web in many ar-
eas on campus. While some
students have wireless lap-
tops. students such as engi-
neering junior Ben
Schadler get their mobile
connection with a palm pi-

“My palm pilot is conve-
nient to have and is really

See GADGET on3




Undeclared freshmen Andrew Webb listens to a Sony Ninllilsc player/recorder In Heggin Hall while
studying. The Nlnlblsc recorder can record up to 320 minutes on a single disc.


Cincinnati mayor advocates stun gun use

Mayor says stun guns are good police equipment;
e-mail comes after death of black man in custody


Charlie Luken on Sunday
urged the city to buy stun
guns for its police force in re
sponse to the death of a man
following a struggle with six
officers a week ago.

“I am looking for any av-
enue to avoid another strug-
gle." Luken wrote in an e-
mail to City Council mem-

bers Sunday that asked them
to find $1 million in the 2004
budget to pay for the non-
lethal weapons.

“While it is unclear
whether the incident would
have changed if our officers
had the latest technology in
Tasers. I believe we must
equip our police with the
very best equipment." Luken

The money could come

from not filling 34 middle
management city vacancies
that Luken expects within
the coming year. he said at
City Hall on Sunday. He said
the money should be enough
for 1.000 stun guns for the
1.0500fficer department.

Nathaniel Jones. 41. died
Nov. 30 after the scuffle in a
restaurant parking lot. A
cruiser videotape showed the
350de man lunging at
one officer before he was
brought down and struck re
peatedly with metal night-

The coroner ruled Jones‘
death a homicide but cau-
tioned it did not imply that
police used excessive force.
The direct cause of death
was the struggle. the autopsy
showed. but Jones had an en
larged heart. obesity and
drugs in his blood.

Jones' family and ac-
tivist groups have said they
will commission indepen-
dent investigations. adding to
probes by police. prosecutors
and a citizens‘ panel. The

See STUN on 2


Cell phone chatter
annoys students,
library employees

Employees look for ways to curb cell phone use

By Jacob om
communal: wanna

The tune of cell phones is becoming more of a familiar
sound in the library than the quiet wisp of book pages being
turned. library patrons said.

As more students are clamoring for places to study for fi-
nals. the noise of cell phones is becoming a large disturbance,
some said.

“Before cell phones became so popular. they were not as big
of an issue in libraries and especially not in the William T.
Young Library." said Leslie Macklin. evening supervisor at the
circulation desk of the Young Library.

Signs are posted in the entrances, telling patrons to limit
conversations to the two foyer areas or outside. but students
don’t always adhere to this rule. employees said.

Macklin said she sees numerous people chatting on their
cell phones every time she walks around the library

“Cell phones are an immense problem." Macklin said.
“Everywhere is bad. especially reference. Students don‘t pay at-
tention to the signs that are posted."

See PHONES on 2


JONATHAN nun | xsnunsrm
What does this piece say to you?


Stress and holidays cause
more seasonal depression

Professionals say simple tips can improve moods;
students say finals. holiday demands are depressing



With the holidays fast approaching. many students are
sucked in by the winter blues.

“The holidays can be a sad time for some students. partic~
ularly if they have recent losses such as the death of a loved
one. or parents divorcing or a move away from the family
home." said Mary Bolin-Reece. director of the UK Counseling
and Testing Center.

Depression is a very serious illness that can cause a per-
son to struggle in his or her social activities. work or daily life.
The National Institute of Mental Health states that there are
nearly 18.8 million Americans over 18 years old who suffer
from major depression.

The traditions surrounding the holiday season can also
place undue pressure on students. Bolin-Reece said.

“Our culture places so much value also on purchasing or
receiving the ‘perfect' gifl. which places quite a financial bur-
den on students and others with limited financial and time re-
sources.“ she said. “Some students may worry about disap
pointing someone. or about being disappointed.“

There are many different forms of depression. but around
Christmastime. some students are affected by a form of de-
pression known as seasonal affective disorder.

“Some persons have depressive symptoms in a seasonal
pattern. with greater prevalence in higher latitudes. among fe
males and among younger persons." Bolin-Reece said.

Some students agreed and said the holidays can bring on
the blues.

“(They) make me feel worse; everyone else is so happy and

See BLUES on 2


Holidays bring extra desserts. pounds I m: s

Roddlck wins tennis exhibition at Rupp Arena I an: .

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The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky. Lexington






The Low-down

Prolossor wins national nudlcal association and

Dr. F. Douglas Scutchfield received the American Medical
Association's Distinguished Service Award at the associa-
tion's House of Delegates meeting in Hawaii Dec. 3. The
Distinguished Service Award is presented to a member of
the association for meritorious service in the science and
art of medicine. Scutchfield, a professor. served as the di~
rector of the University of Kentucky School of Public
Health from 1999 through 2003.


The ollege of Social Work was recently reaccredited for
eight years by the Division of Standards and Accredita-
tion Council on Social Work Education. Administrators
credited the honor to the revision of the Master of Social
Work program to include concentrations on mental health
and other programs. “These are cutting edge programs
emphasizing the application of research in practice.
ethics and new knowledge in both fields," said Kay Hoff-
man. the dean of the college in a press release. The Col-

lege of Social Work was formed in 1972 after being known
as College of Social Professions.

Board of Trustees to meet Tuesday
The UK Board of Trustees will meet at 10:30 am. Tuesday
on the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.




Continued from page 1


I can't keep that frame of
mind," said Dyan Tigard. a
theater junior. “The winter
weather also drags me down;
nice weather is a good moti-
vation key“

Symptoms of depression
include loss of interest in
pleasure or activities. signifi-
cant change in appetite. sleep
disturbances. feeling either
restless or slowed down. fa~
tigue or loss of energy. feel-
ings of worthlessness. having
a hard time thinking and con-
centrating and recurrent
thoughts of death or suicide.
Bolin-Reece said.

Even too much to do can

stress students out and cause

“Finals really bring me
down. because not only do I
have to be inside. I have to be
inside to study“ said Nick
Kidd. an English and psychol-
ogy junior.

Treatments are fairly
easy for a person with mild
seasonal depression.

One can always seek pro-
fessional help. Bolin-Reece
said. but there are other alter-

“Non-therapy approaches
to managing depression in-
clude exercise. good nutri-
tion. meditation. yoga. mak-
ing decisions to include posi-
tive and pleasant activities to
one's day and bibliotherapy.
which is done through the
use of books." she said.

E-mail kernelrurukyedu



Continued from panel

any arrests yet, he said. It
will run through Dec. 19,
the last day of classes.

Leslie Hamilton’s car
was broken into around
Christmas of her fresh-
man year.

The marketing junior
said she received a call
from the UK Police officer
patrolling the lot the next

Two of her car win~
dows had been smashed —
Hamilton's CD player was
ripped out of the dash-
board and all of her CDs
were stolen.

“I wouldn’t have
known about it if they
hadn’t seen my car and
called me,” she said.
“They told me that thefts
go up the most when peo-
ple move in, around

Christmas and at the end
of the year.”

Hamilton bought a car
alarm and said she hasn't
had any problems since.

“It’s kind of sad that
we even have to address
this issue." she said. “I
guess there's always some-
one out there who wants
to be the bad guy."

Manley said the task
force is primarily an effort
to ensure the safety of stu-
dents. faculty, staff and

The police department
also issued an alert last
week to warn people to be
more careful with their

It advised students
and employees to pack
their cars at the end of the
semester and leave on the
same day, and to hide any
items from plain view by
locking them in the trunk.




Continued from page I

Justice Department also is
gathering information.

About 500 people attend-
ed a memorial Saturday for
Jones. who was black. His
death has focused attention
on the racial divide in this
city torn by riots in April
2001 after a white police offi-
cer shot an unarmed black
man who fled arrest.

The new model Taser
was demonstrated to city of-
ficials about five months
ago. Luken said.

"We have been waiting
on a federal grant." Luken
said. “Because of what hap
pened a week ago. the city


manager and I have conclud-
ed that we cannot wait."

Malik Shabazz. presi-
dent of Black Lawyers for
Justice and national chair-
man of the New Black Pan-
ther Party, denounced the
proposal on Sunday, calling
it an empty gesture.

“It's too little, too late,"
Shabazz said. “It’s also evi~
dence that they did not have
proper procedures in place."

Police Chief Thomas
Streichers told council mem-
bers on Wednesday that he
stopped use of the older
Tasers because he consid-
ered them unreliable. They
required an officer to touch
a person to activate the stun
capability — not practical in
a case where the suspect is
lunging and swinging at offi-
cers. he said.




Continued from page 1

Many students also find
cell phones to be more of a
problem than an answer

“I think that cell phones
shouldn't be allowed in the li-
brary." said Daniel Fischer. a
communication senior: “Cell
phones should be left at home.
I have one but don‘t use it in
the library"

Some students disagree
with the cell phone policy

"if the cell phone has a
practical purpose. then having
them in the library and talk»
ing on them in the library is a
good thing." said Amelia
Brown. a family and con-
sumer sciences senior and a
SG senatorat-large.

Some people said it is no
different from talking to the
person next to them.

“I don't have a problem
with it." Brown said. “As long

as it‘s not too loud. it's the
same as talking to someone
across from you at the table."

Another major contribu-
tor of the cell phone factor is
the size of the library. said
Carol Diedrichs. dean of ii-

The Young Library is the
largest on campus. thus more
attractive to a variety of stu-
dents. which makes cell
phones an even bigger prob-

With the floors made of
marble and lots of open space.
noise seems to travel through—
out the library

“When a cell phone rings.
it sounds much louder than
when it rings in any other li-
brary." Diedrichs said. “It's
noisier and everything echoes.
Acoustics play a big part in
how everything sounds."

While some said larger
signs prohibiting cell phone
use might be the answer. oth-
ers said it would be less ap—

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so YOUR STYLE CAN co DOWN m Hisroim

but they don‘t look appealing
— that. and students don‘t
care." Macklin said.

But employees said they
lack faith that bigger signs
would make a difference.

“You can't really do any-
thing about it — people al-
ways bring food into the li-
brary, and they will always
use their cell phones in the li-
brary, too.“ said Tim Coyle, a
middle school education
sophomore and circulation
desk clerk at the Young Li-

Other libraries around
campus and town don’t neces-
sarily have the same problems
that the Young Library does.
others said.

The Lexington public li-
braries have very little prob
lems with cell phone use. said
Judith Olsen. manager of the
Tates Creek Branch Public Li-

“If there are people using
cell phones. we ask them to go
outside or take their conversa-
tion to one of the private

rooms," she said.

The Young Library secu-
rity guards try to police the
cell phone use, but in such a
large library. it’s very hard to
do so, Macklin said.

She also said guards who
monitor cell phone usage have
limited options in enforcing
the policy.

“All that we really can do
is ask them to take their con-
versation to one of the foyers
or outside." she said.

Short of having to wear
ear plugs. students can take a
stand as well, Macklin said.

“If students are willing to
step up, the noise level will de
crease, making the library a
quieter place to study." she

“It’s extremely annoy-
ing,” said Michael Troutman,
a first year law student.
“There is nothing worse than
people talking on their phone
when everyone else around
them is studying."

E-mail kernel@1tkyedu






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Phone: 251-1915 | E-mail: dpooreOlyiiernelrorn


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Apple's iPod portable music player holds 10, 20 and 40 gigabytes

fl music, or up to 10,000 songs.

Immanuel. l MONDAY, orcruwi a. 2003 | s



Continued from page 1

good for organizational
skills." Schadler also said
that his organizational ac-
cessory only lasts as long as
his batteries. which is the
downside of any portable
device. Palm pilots can also
be handy for simple pro-
grams like PowerPoint. Ex-
cel and Word.


Music on the Internet
has seen a few changes re-
cently Napster is back, but
like Apple‘s iTunes. it is
charging its users around a
dollar to download a song.

Music Match is provid-
ing a similar service where
users can purchase individ-
ual songs or entire CDs. Ap-
ple‘s iTunes is depending
on sales of a portable music
player, the iPod, to boost its
music service.

“The dirty little secret
of all this is there‘s no way

to make money on these
stores." Apple co-founder
Steve Jobs recently said in
Time Magazine. “Because
we're selling iPods (to turn
a profit)”

Apple’s iPods retail for
anywhere from $299 and up
at local retailers Best Buy
and CompUSA. depending
on the amount of music it
can hold.


Fujitsu Laboratories
Ltd. announced that it has
developed the technology to
produce plasma screen TVs
larger than 100 inches diag-
onally. The ultimate way to
save space in the dorm
while simultaneously turn-
ing your room into the
video game central is to
find yourself one of these
flat screen TVs. If you’re in
the market for wider
screens. check out Acer
America’s wide-screen lap-

It has a 15.4 inch dis-
play with a resolution of
1,280 by 800 pixels. The wide
aspect means that it lets
viewers watch movies with-

out having any black bars
at the top or bottom of the
screen. However. if you are
a fan of online games. these
monitors may lack the puri-
ty of a regular moni-
“Beware of
flat screen moni-
tors because
they can lack
the clarity that
standard moni-
tors have," said
computer sci-
ence freshman
Justin Ford.
The new
on campus
is spread
out be-
on the
edge of
t h e
er world
a n d
t h o s e
for modern
Whether students are

gadget gurus or still have
the original blue Nokia
phone, trendy toys have
made their mark at UK.

Email kernelawkyedu

Cell phone text
rnesssolne and
corners espo-
blllties have
widened tlie
wireless world.



Holidays bring extra dessen

ldellssa lllnsliaw

Holidays are known for
time off school and count-
less shopping hours. The
holiday season can also be
known for packing on the
pounds. especially for col»
lege students.

While returning home
for almost a month. cam-
pus dwellers may go from
Easy Mac, Ramen Noodles
and whatever is cheapest
and most convenient to
huge homemade meals
where desserts become a
special treat.

Opening the freezer
door and reaching for the
ice cream may become a

day break.

“I love to curl up with
something sweet." said
business junior Lindsey
Reed. “It makes me feel
cozy and at home."

Many students may not
know that one serving of
ice cream may be as bad for
them as a typical drive-
thru meal.

Food and restaurant
Web sites regularly list the
nutritional value of the
foods they produce or
serve. Most ice creams con-
tain extremely high
amounts of carbohydrates
and raised levels of satu-
rated fat.

One serving. or one-
half cup, of Ben and Jer-
ry's “Chocolate for a


Change" ice cream has a
whopping 36 grams of car-
bohydrates and 11 grams of
saturated fat. That‘s not
much different from the 50
grams of carbohydrates
found in a McDonald‘s Big
Mac and the same amount
of saturated fat.

Aaron Samson. biotech-
nology sophomore. said he
usually enjoys his favorite.
cookie dough ice cream.
about once every two

One serving of cookie
dough ice cream packs over
280 calories, about 16
grams of fat — 50 percent
of which is saturated — 31
grams of carbohydrates
and more than 20 grams of

:s, pounds

The USDA recommends
only 20 grams of saturated
fat, and one-half cup of ice
cream can provide over
half that amount.

Another thing to keep
in mind when gobbling
down ice cream is the serv-
ing size. One serving size
in most ice cream is only
one-half cup.

“Half a cup? I usually
get two scoops over at
Baskin Robbins," said jour-
nalism junior Allison Mon-
toya. “plus extra sprinkles!”

Over the Christmas
break, gorging on Mom’s
hearty dessert may leave
students frequenting the
Johnson Center upon their

E-mail kernel@uky.edu


g tural thing over the holi-



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e0. 8


(Illllll (Illlllll

Week of December 8- 14

The Campus Calendar is produced by the Office ol Student Actwrties Registered Student Or?
and UK Dents can submit inlormation lor FREE online ONE WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAY in or
matron is to appear at http://wwwykyedultampua Calendar. Call 257-8867 (or more

'Panhallenlc Meeting, 3 45pm Exec Council, 4 15pm, Full

COUI’ICII, Student Center. Rm 359

“UK American Civil Liberties Union Meeting, B'SOpm,

Student Center, Rm, 231

Mon 8

'Prayar and Praise, 9:009m,the chapel between Tn Belt and

ADPi houses

‘Ilbla Study and Dinner, 6:00pm, Wesley Foundation
'Followahlp M Chrlatlan Athletea, 8:00pm, Student Center, Rm. Worsham Theatre

'Math Tutoring. All 100 Level Classes. 6:00 8:00pm, 307 Commons, 9:003m-6100pm,

Mathskeller (POT)

'Chernistry Tutoring, All 100 Llaval Cleans, 6:00 9'00pm, Blazer Small Dining Room
'Phyalca Tutoring, All 100 level blesses and 21 "213, 6:009:009m, Blazer Small

Dining Room

'Iiology Tutoring. All 100 Level Claases. 6:00-92m, Blazer Small Dining Room

'Deborah Iutterllald Lecture. 7.009m, W.T. Young Library, Rm. Auditorium
'Vlalons of America: Photographs from the Whitney Muaaum of American Art,

UK Art Museum

‘ Hll
71mm, Old Student Canter, Rm. 359

’Oreen Thumb louver-nearest Club, 7:00pm. Student

Center, Rm. 100

, Pledge Meeting 6:009m, Active Meeting

Tues 9

fibeeday M Together), 7:30pm, Baptist Student

Union. 129 Columbia Ave. (behind WI Young Library)

Uta, North Campus: kin-5:00”, Patterson Hall Lobby, Central: 6:00-
B:009m.Hoggin Hall Lobby, South: 5:00-6:00pm, upstairs of Commons Market, Rm. 307
mu. Imam-afloat. Journalism Building. Rm. Maggie Room

'Iath Wearing. All 100 level Claaaea. 6:00-10:009m, 307 Commons
‘Chalnletry Nearing. All we Level Clea-ea, 6:00-Quorum, 307 Commons
'Phyaias. All 100 Level Cleaaea, 6:00-9:00pm. 307 Commons

'Ilelogy Tutoring. All 100 level Clauses. 6:00-9:009m. 307 Commons

'Cheletnlae Party tor Lite, stopm, Student Center, Rm. 115

'm- Anime . Mange Club of UK. Len Exile, 7:00102009m, Student Canter.

Rm. Canter Theater, Free!


UK Art Museum


'0! Pending Club. 8:00~10t°l)pm, Buell Armory

’UK Warner-e Mghy Preatloe. mes-7:00pm, Club Sports Field (rugby pitch)
'ha [won Do Cilia Practice. 6:30-&mpm. Alumni G m‘s Lott

"fable Francoise, French conversation group. 3 00-

4:30pm, Student Center, Rm 231

'lnterGrealr Programming Assembly, 4'00pm, Student

Center, Rm. 206

w... 1 O

'Frae Food for the Body and Soul, TOO-8.30pm, St

Augustine's Chapel

'Encountan-Ilbla Class, 7.00pm Student Center, Rm 230
'Creetlva Writing Corner Coordinator. 6 30 8 009m, WT Vnung Library, an Writing

center 8 108

'UMOJA. 5:00pm, Lafier‘ty Hall Basement, Rm 104

'LCC Republicans Meeting. 1 009m, Oswald Building, Rm. 210
'Math Tutoring. All 100 Level Classes, 6 00 to 009m, 307 Commons, 9 00am

7'00pm, Mathskeller (POT)

“UK Womana Rugby Practice. 4 45 7 009m, Club Sports Field (rugby pitch)

mg. IAL

‘Jau Arts Foundation Blg Band Christmas Concert, 8 00pm, Singletary Center,

Rm, Recrtal Hall


'Vlalons of Amarloa: Photographs born the Whitney Museum of American Art,

UK Art Museum


'lfl lambda Meeting, 7:309m, Student Center, Rm. 231
'0! College Darnearats, 7:30pm. Student Center, Rm. 206
'Ameesty Internaelenel Measlng. 7‘00pm, Student Center,

Rm. 228

W1 1

'Velaaa for Chalaa weekly meeting, 5:00pm, Student

Center, Rm. 215

'Cfll, 1:30pm. Worshem Theater in the Student Center

'Iath Tutoring. All 100 Level Courses, 9:0(Jorn—7tOOpm, Matnslreller (POT)

. J! i. «'5‘ 1


UK Art Museum

'w mu. m, 8200-1013091“, Buall Armory
“UK Wamana In” Practice. l:45-7:009m, Club Sports Field (rugby pitch)

W 6:00-0:00pm, Max sto German House, 2125. Maxwell
m Feoua. rupm. Baptist Student Union, ‘29 Columbia Avenue (behind WI

bung Library)

"the M Iarvlee. 8:00pm, Wesley Foundation

M Dressage Them. 5:00am. Gerrlgus Building, Rm. 109

'LE.A.P., 1100 ll 50am. Frame Hall Rm 201
'Math Tutoring. All 100 Level Courses, 9 002m» 5 000m,

Mathskeller (POT)


‘UK Hockey Game vs. Temple, Midnight Leningmn Ice Center

35 00 at the rioor

'Frkley football, 3 000m Good Barn Field, arrnss 1mm Commonwealth Stadium
'70. Karon Do Club Prnctlca, 5 30 7 00pm Alumni Gyms Ln‘t

'Vlelons of America: meagra'hs l'roen the Whitney Museum at American Are.

UK Art Museum

‘II the." Cause we. We. Midnight, Lexington lee


’b I“ D. a m "mam-11mm. Alumni

Owl’s Loll

‘Nevnnan Center Mesa 9 00am 11 30am 5 009m, (1 300m

Newman Center 320 Hoes Lane

'Collaga WORN. Oarvlce. 812nm Smithside Church oi Christ Sun



‘Math Tutoring. All 1” Level Claeaee. 6 00 8 000m 307


‘Chaenlatry Tutoring. All l” Level Cleeaea 7 00 10 000m 307 Commons
‘Phyalea‘lbtorlng. AR lfllavalelaaaeeandfllnl). 70010009m 307


'Ilolagy Merlng. Al 1” Level Claaaee. 7 0010 009m 301 Commnna
'mloe M. ”1.41) 1 000m 307 Commons

0m m renown Noggin Field


 Steve lvoy
SportsDain Editor
W: 257-86 | E-rnait sivoyOlylernolcowi




Cats win despite shooting woes

UK's 27 percent shooting
still enough to beat UCLA
in John Wooden Classic


ANAHEIM. Calif. —
Even storied basketball
schools like UK and UCLA
can play a clunker occasion-

Senior guard Erik
Daniels scored 14 points and
the No. 9 Wildcats defeated
UCLA 52-50 in the John
Wooden Classic on Saturday
in a game marked by intense
defense but terrible shoot-

UK shot 27 percent to 34
percent for UCLA, surpris-
ingly low percentages for the
two schools with the most
NCAA basketball titles be-
tween them.

“That just shows defense
comes through when you’re
down," junior forward
Chuck Hayes said. “If we
don‘t play no defense. the
game is going to be ugly"

UK (4-0) led by 17 points
in the first half of a game in
which they never trailed.
The Bruins (2-1) closed with-
in three points three times in
the final seven minutes. but
couldn’t put together a scor—
ing run.

“Falling down 236 was
really a tough hole to dig
ourselves out of.“ first-year
UCLA head coach Ben How-
land said. “I'm proud of how
we fought back. We‘ve just
got to get a lot better."

Senior guard Cliff
Hawkins added 12 points for
UK despite fighting the flu
and Hayes had 13 rebounds
in front of family and
friends who drove six hours
from his hometown of
Modesto. Calif.

“It wasn't one of our bet-
ter games. but it was a win.“
head coach Tubby Smith
said. “Coming out here was
an adjustment. the travel. the
tournament-type atmos-
phere. If we had made some
shots. we'd feel better. but we
feel good."

The Bruins limited Ger-
ald Fitch to 1-of-10 shooting.
He twisted his knee Friday
and couldn‘t finish practice.
Other than Daniels. Ken-
tucky's starters combined to


Senior guard Antwain Barbour goes for a layup guarded by UCLA junior guard Brian Morrison in UK's 52-
50 win Saturday. Morrison was called for an intentional foul on the play.

shoot 9-0f-38.

Junior forward Dijon
Thompson led UCLA with 14
points. while junior guard
Cedric Bozeman had 12.

"Their press was very
tough, but we were just miss-
ing easy baskets." Thompson

UCLA got into trouble
when sophomore 7-footers
Michael Fey and Ryan
Hollins each picked up two
fouls in the opening 3:30.
Then Bozeman earned his
second foul with 13:22 re-
maining in the half. trigger-
ing a cascade of boos from
the crowd.

"That was huge for us to
get them in foul trouble."
Hayes said. “It took away
some of their big men's ag-

“I had to be more hesi-
tant," Fey said. “That really
affected me a lot. I couldn‘t
play as aggressive as I want-
ed to."

Fey was called for his
third and fourth fouls barely
two minutes into the second

But the Bruins were des-
perate for manpower. so he
returned just three minutes

UK. who doesn‘t start a

player taller than 6-foot-8.
outrebounded the Bruins 41-

Hayes. Hawkins and
Fitch all played more than 34

“We. were kind of rush-
ing our shots with the 7-foot-
ers in there. hoping it would
get the roll." Hayes said.
“Sometimes it did, some-
times it didn‘t."

UCLA closed to 36-33 on
seven straight points. includ-
ing four by Hollins. with 7:31
remaining. But Hawkins
scored the Wildcats' final
seven points to seal the win.


LSU, Oklahoma to

USC moves to No.1 in voter polls, will face Michigan
in Rose Bowl for possible split national championship


College football fans. get
ready to crown not just one.
but possibly two national

And get ready for a new
round of controversy.

That‘s because the com-
puter rankings had Okla-
homa as the country's top
team Sunday while the hu-
man poll voters picked
Southern California.

It‘s exactly what the Bowl
Championship Series was de-
signed to avoid. with the
prospect of a split title certain
to renew cries for a playoff.

Despite getting w