xt7cvd6p2q90 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cvd6p2q90/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-04-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 30, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 30, 1982 1982 1982-04-30 2020 true xt7cvd6p2q90 section xt7cvd6p2q90 W
1 ./ l . »
KENTUCKY “"‘"""'"'"' ’
' You just ml ht be tempted to enjoy the
sun insteadgot studying this weekend. i / :zlr mi! ld F .
Today will be mostly sunny and warmer. . or S 0” Opens m Kno'whe '
Highs will be in m. upper 60$ '0 '0" next month to tantare galore But IS I'
705, With winds five to l0 miles an hour. 3 ' Wha' "45 mode 0“" '0 be? ”’0 """’P'd
increasing cloudiness will occur tonight, Kernel artswriters who even now are ‘
with laws in the upper 40: to low 50s. waiting in the Volunteer State tor odmtt ,
Tomorrow Will be P°"lY cloudy Wl'h 0 tance to the Worlds Greatest Spettocle '
30 percent chance 0‘ showers, with ask some probing questions about the ,
highs I" the low 70" whole attmr on page 6 '.
Vol Lxxxw No l55F"d¢y.AprIlM. m2 yumvorhtyolKentutk, i...,,,q,,,,, “Wm.” A,”momma",“WMKQW W 3" "””"‘w———“‘—‘—““-““- P __. _PPP PP P
H 0 “sin 9 p rices PROPOSED HOUSING CHARGES 1982-83 Meal plans -.
for summer .
, »o ..t
' ' o I Units '81-'82 '82-'83 Increase Increase ff d .
WI rlse . O . are a ere »_
for next semester WM ___m
ores Page Apartments 672 1050 1140 _- ___ P P 5;"
Rose La /Li de Walk ‘ts t Students who are staying on cam-
___..—___.....— ne n n mu 0 - - ‘ . . .
By BILL STEIDEN dramatic hikes in the price of natu. Lindenwalk 26 -m_ 16.13 :uurscliuassiesmgfirplla‘lil n0v~ be able to I ‘
“ml-low“ ral gas. which has risen 224 percent This is the first time UK has of- ', '
since the 1975-76 fiscal year. Most of fered asummer meal lan. 'P_ ‘
Am x Urflvttrsityf’sthaqutnlneréts, Gwith Apartmentwm_ 237 ___- UK food services'psummer meal
- - exce lono ea -eecnc re ' . . -- .-
age 11.85 percent increase in Univer- Page mills, have gas utilities. g PROPOSED SUMMER SCHOOL RATES Shinmgll offiftiger smiligko {gldlsliii
slit’ly housingarates.’ fei‘l gly tthe w'aY' Blanton said the University‘s WW °'o per week‘or two meals five days a "a
51 e yes or y as ac an on,v1ce housing department is plannin to - t , , » . '
presidient for business affairs, :e- request a Physical Plant Degart- l 8" 82 ~__~__8__2_:~83 Increase Increase we'Icll‘Pefo‘rlgfjepegfwglcth meal on the f
eas proposed rate increases or ment study on the feasibilit of con- ‘_"'" . . , ‘. »
the 1982-83 fiscal year averaging necting the apartments to 3the Uni- i Double Room $260 $280 w 7159 2:: 2323233ng 5:: giggififfifi ,f '-
1:85t percent (see accompanying versity’s coal-burning main power W _ have to pay the difference and 1f
c ar l. ' lant, a move that could reduce util- . ~ . .- 3
Also released was a pmposal for iiy costs. He said such an undertak- Smgle Room 325 350 25 hloiiieggoiggggaiggt pnce the} m” .
more moderate increases in meal ing, while costly, might be worth» Wmmum..- L “No change will be given " said
plan rates forthecoming year. while considering the even greater -. -....- Robert Braun assistant to mg. direc- -,
, Most of thrilprfaqfsed homing rat: hike in gas prices expected if it is EAA—————-——-————-———-————A-«——-MPPPPPPPPP_PP_P__ [or of f M services. »
increase w‘ 0" a?” men decontrolledasex cted in 1984—85. 1 _ _ ‘ 9 ' P e P . - ‘ ‘.
dwellers, who are for the most part While housing prams continue to i PROPOSED D'NlNG RATE) m? [212:] Ssi'gnstlflfngg 2:315: 33: , '. '
graduate students already hard-hit climb, the average increase in meal ?“WM“W*"“ count ' i r‘ "
by graduate financial aid cutbacks. plan ”‘5 actually dropped from He said the food service started
Rates for Commonwealth Village. last year's 6.24 percent level to 5.32 the meal plan because it was w
Shawneetown, C°°P°FSF°WP and Uh" percent, or $42 (see accompanying , Proposed quested by many summer school _
verSlty-owned effIClenCies and chart).
. . , Contracts ”0 Rate R 5 ° StUdems» :
apartments on Linden Walk and Allen Rieman, director of food Plan I . are e "We had quite a few requests . .
Rose Lane Will rise 3“ average 0‘ services, said the relatively small 31582 ‘81-'82 '81-'82 '82-'83 Increase Increase from students who are here m ii];
17-17 percent,or $313month. rise in meal plan costs is largely the l “‘ “m“? " summer .. said Braun "We decided
The greatest increase —18.41per- result of over-budgeting this year. 3 T— i to try it‘ and see“ if it would work '. i :'
cent '“ W1“ be for one bedroom “Food costs didn‘t go up as much l 3 Meal/7 Day 260 l 5 81048 510% $42 401 out. ';‘ ,3
apartments at commonwealth Vll' as we expected,” said Reiman. j i Food services will require a one '|
lage, bringing their monthly rate to “They generally stabilized around week minimum purchase and a one 1.
$230 from the current $195. the middle of the year, so we were — week advance payment
Residence hall dwellers, Who {me able to carry some over i “You have to buy it itmeal lleell i ‘i
the brunt of. the housmg rate hikes An obvtously-pleased Blanton said i 2 Meal /7 Day 1 300 l pg, 934 982 48 5.14 for at 1635, one week we do w
““5 year “nth a 17-05 percent m‘ the carryover 15 also In part the . l i quire a week's advance payment " ‘
crease. Will my only 8-57 percent product of Reiman’s management 3 l i t saidBraun ' ‘ ;'.
more, bringing their cost to $1,118 abilities. l m+am.....s_+m_- The summer meal plan is more 2
for fall and spring semsters com- Rieman said the cost savings and l l ! convenient he said because 3 gm,
bined, up $88. The Greg Page apart- the negotiation of a favorable con- i l _V : 7_ ,1 dent won‘t have ti, clean up him.
ments will also be spared, with an tract with the University‘s dairy ; CS Meal/5 Day 3484 276" l‘ '1‘ 812 40 5'18 mess and the food is already pre» ’ '
increase 0‘ only 8-57 percent for un- product supplier will permit some i i ; pared for them .1/
dergraduates and 10 percent for improvements in the meal halls. 3 i..-...-......i.-....-...,e,.~._ has-..“ The summer meal we” bag,“ \1th
marriedstudents. Debuting in all cafeterias next l ' . i da May 04 and lav'um,‘ Hid";
_ Blamoiledsatid the 308N211“ Trustees year, he said, will be soft-serve ice 7 l l ' Au); 6 ' .. I d‘ i
l5 expec 0 approve e KNOWS!“i cream machines, and a delicatessen l ~~ ? E »;,»- .. ' ' » . . . , ‘
housing and meal plan rate increas- operation similar to the Student Cen- 5 2 Meal '/ 5 Day 156 I 3 i [b 930 54 6-16 ofstmdfgz 23:35:: ,fig,”2;,jfl,j‘,,”l§,
95 at its May4meeting; ter‘s Equinox. which accepts both i i i this summer which are the Rturirnt :‘ ’ ’
He attributed the marked increase cash and meal cards. will Open for ‘ _” “WW”"LN'W'w‘ “ “My" Center Cafeteria the Wildcat (‘rlll 5’» ;_
in rates for Commonwealth Village, business next fall in Blazer Hall caf. I Total 5200 100' t» N A N A N A N A K-Lair Grill and Kirwan Bhn'hm' -’
Shawneetown Coo rstown and the t ' 7 - i ‘ g
, p9 e eria. i _ . m_ .- m___ ., -- “______ Commons Cafeteria. : ,
. athroom philosophy
l l l l l l l 7,; .
Same show dissatisfaction Wlth quality of campus graffiti
___..—___.— , ...;
By LARggpnggIMPSON When the writer 5 identity [5 un- gar instead of “acceptable" lan- form of expression but as a form of Jess Harp. superintendent of the dealing with such topics as Iran. El ,‘if :
known, 83“,!“ '5 usually the only guage lS because the authors ano- vandalism, which costs UK thou- PPD paint department, said the cost Salvador, Ronald Reagan and lhe jig
characteristic that can be deter- nymity allows uninhibited, totally sands of dollars each year. of the paint and labor for a small draft )33‘»
___..._..__— mined Wlth PUth toxlet stall gralfl— free expression, according to an ar- restroom ranges from $3010 540 . _ -,fP»~'\
Whe'e has all the 800d graffiti tl- ticle in the Journal of Social Behav- Omer Kirtly, service department And Some graffiti ”133' be J‘L‘t “’l’ 2'.
gone? Everywhere you look you see In both studies, the researchers ior. superintendent for the Physical Although most restrooms are entertainment. ”‘9 ”“5 Slamm’h' ' i;
the same old s--- you saw in high concluded that males write more Plant Division, estimated that more painted each year some such as found on a library StUdP‘.’ deSk ”m" 0-,
school. Let's get some respectable erotic messages while females tend The article described graffiti as than 200 custodians spend about 20 the ones in the “he Arts, Building 15 hke a ba_lh»_0nC€‘ you )3? boon In It _, ».
graffiti. toward romantic ones, such as “a form 0f Spontaneous selfcxprtss- to 30 minutes each washing graffiti the MI King Library and pence: for awhile, "am ‘50 hot ‘3,"
”dung” signed) Otis 5‘ ”Oh" loves Mary." 19". without the inhibitor or accounta- 0“ walls and desks 0“ the main Hall require frequent paintings Others include. “I‘d rather have a 'r C i,
. The researchers think the ldiffer- blhty which “reflects areas, 0f con- campus aloneeach day. ranging anywhere from every two bottle in front Ol me than a frontal 133.79
The author of tlus scrawled com- ence is because of either baSic sex- fllct or popular preoccupations of months to twice a week because of lobotomV'” “You must not be “in.
plaint found on a library desk cov- ual differences between males and the general public." This task could total more than heavy graffiti Harp said good if'v'ou have to advertise“ ,1}, i";
ered mainly with 3;; ,pr: in; am. we... females or cultu- 25,000 man-hours per year,he said. ‘ ‘ response to a sexual remarkt and _ ’.j-_
sexual references :3: PFBT‘-.-‘§ ral conditioning However. W959 Who have to clean Repainting restroom walls and Along with sexual messages, some "Jesus saves souls like the ones that " if
was joking about g Wfiéqwm‘: of expression up the graffiti do not View it as a partitions can alsobeexpensive. graffiti reflects political concerns write on this desk." h f,
his name but not ' ‘gil‘llh fi if I I methods. 5
necessarily about m‘ -- .22.; Graffiti itself A» ,_“__ . . , . , , , _ ,. _ _ .- . . “.mmm ,w
the quality of - l ‘ i results because “filo T "'- - I ,.t»-..;_:~t 1 i1.» 1 i ,3 P , . . - 5— wrist sets; A 1 3 WsA ‘ rises; ...
UK‘s graffiti. A ___ p80ple are pre- “.3, . l‘ \‘V" _ ‘ _ . , . Pl- *Pf‘ r1 A ; _, i ». ~ ». .3 f ,l’il I”; 7734).»; A l ~T- E-ifigltfigfi ‘s f . t ‘ 5 L.» ;-_'~-‘
Sociology pro- E -—I vented from re- '.‘ q 1 i I .i [E‘rk‘lll :‘ t P ’ " ltPii/I/A'Ilif9(% 1.1 i'fi'.i“'I..l Li’fi-G‘Tthi -. Vi‘jnt ' :Xi 9 -‘ x'
fessor Bob GOld' J l _ —- leasing their a“ l ..«s i "_ WW, “N i . ":1. f3:L‘l»:li.1 4:1"? . q .... .-..-. , .. M. ‘ -- » 1*, L — , I l ‘- ~:: .. ’ i i ’ i 5‘; 9“}
man Shara this | T - u ‘H' W011}, SChOOl and ‘ . VIA I iW... .. II'JJ I fry 1 r ' ‘ W‘ Avwwww . __,, '1:_F~r‘:‘fa‘ *7T‘:f 'r ( raj t ‘ .' -“
dissatisfaction .., - ' - ._| family ”$50115 2‘09 PP, l i , . . iA* , ‘ i Ai- i fi ' a . 3". *.
for the quality 0‘ r r" ‘ a through a Iesiti— "'1' N“ i1 i » . ; t w ‘. t z : P ; ,.. » as l ‘
graffiti. He said ’ T mate outlet, .ITPLPIT“ $17 _ . - [l r: . , {1?} j l _ , : . ”=35 _
a lot of UK’s _* ‘ i: ‘7‘ ‘ according to {435‘ A Q“ ‘ .,i T“. ' . » l . A ' k * f", . ’ - -';, 5"»,
graffiti is unorgi- l ’T 1‘7 l". I 7' ‘ ‘ Goldman. 7114-: -/.:- , >5- ; ‘ t l . ‘ . ‘ ’ 7 i i ‘ i, l i l , . g i :34 ‘ ”i :‘zg
nal and mindless ', l I _ , 7 — The wall or . 4ft » ‘/~‘*,';§‘: i; : ‘ ; ' l i l ,7, A l” .Pf.‘ 5 g "‘ ‘
compared to l g _ a desk becomes a F 3 i ~ ;:j. " ,r‘ v. i ‘ ‘ ' , ..l x i I . . ‘ i am“ ,P:
other campuses, W J. l - _jv‘ /’ .. forum to vent ili“‘-r ' " ' , P . . ' » ' » f, ‘ .‘ j = ggg; »
suchastheUni-l; ’ ' l I» ~_A~~ frustrations on, ,AL'i P.‘ » ‘ ."i i' igfiiEE .
versity of Texas, lP--, »‘ , l i l ~ “a hesaid. rfiLl-Ifi ‘ . Y P-‘ . _. . PP, . f . ‘ . : .“ ‘ ‘ sfi'r-EE: :5 f
which he at- l. , ‘ , 1 "j Amessageona ”L741 ' “if“ ' .f ‘i t.‘i‘i' ‘ ti:
tendedinthelate l L g i ‘T '_‘7 library desk ili‘i l A ~ «A ~ fi' I :‘l w
1960s. i,.‘ ,i,‘,_.‘ echoes Gold- “-1; .., :t‘:,=.: xi =. P; -.
Its slogansand ‘ ‘ '1 l \ , .‘ man’s viewpoint: i111 :"l \\ -.»_ , ,i 1' ‘. .lPI'» ,l. A, L .'
long, profound -., . .-.).x- J . “Graffiti is the 'ifdi - v I. ,‘W ‘ »_ t‘ 'ifl; _, 3'
statements we ‘P; " C. J»: "-5"- AA, sublimation of I‘,.:i ..C‘ —m .. I . ‘ '. f .f l"‘ P ' T, L4 '
ated a "bath- " . i"; :‘1-‘\9'?-‘& . fears, hopes, x.‘ 7,1,- ‘ . ‘ . l , , i In" '. '. : Li :1..." ‘ 7 "
room philoso-jh, 1v. ‘1‘..- dreams. it isa {lT’I' 17p, » L -,",', "fig-fit: “am »
Phy" that UK ‘uP . P.‘- ..‘An - 8. my wonder that en- '1 l ‘ ”l 1ng l , l » ,, ‘P , l . , . ‘ "€91 L - ...-“w * ‘:'
lacks,hesaid. ‘ - " . . tire colleges u- f- , LET, 1 ’l‘ ,Pi' i" , - . . l | ~ V ‘- ‘: _;_ T1. ”mum‘s-w‘ ' »
UK's graffiti, liowever. is often arm't covered with it,“ the message “ 1.. . t ‘_ ‘ . : : t . l » “ "'"
racist andsexist.Go|dmansaid. stated. “What other place offers sc 3, _ , _. Whig; a: > g. . _ ' - . P
The majority of UK': graffiti is fewrewarcbforsomuchwork?" 7t» "g; Law J; ' g _ " . it? 5‘s”. ','.“‘P;:' P, 2,, ' ‘ ' /“-’ » . , ‘P. ,' ‘
sexual, including pornographic and he large amount ofsexual graffi- ; , ' it _ 3 ._ . P ‘ '»; _‘V *leiie- if ”L x. .. g .“ * . . , ‘ - P ‘- ”a; ‘
pervertedrefemceo.heuld. ti reflects the repressed sexuality oi .. . IA 3W9? " ;__, ‘ P . . ~ " ," " ' h ‘Wz-V‘ " ' ‘.
"is there anyone here hutch me sornepeople,accordingtoGoldman. ”3.: , 7!, . . U “A .A , t» JP“ " - ' A ~ ‘
who isn’tperverted?"uhonepu- One remark written on a desk - ‘ ' .3”; A. a» ' ”>‘ A" , - , , :- ...
fitlwrlteronallbrarydeek. said, “This desk is a medium for the “ P . i ‘ ’ PP Arms» “A ‘ " " 53‘3”“ “AP ' ~ " “3:; = ” "‘3. . A” “it 2.. ‘
“Didn’t anyme come here fa- an sexually fmtrated." "i .4 " massfle“ 1 ‘o‘utifi‘; , .
education?" reach moths- deek A manage on a bathroom wall w» “iv ’-.’:’~z»“‘.'»'? PE" "igl " » P ' . L“!
filled primarily with m mt: stated, “People who write on walls seniors” , mm.» ' . ‘1‘»; we "a
andofferl. havewarpedminth.” panama/lamina P
“NO"lstbeea‘lbbldm. The humor fomd in graffiti indi- Al' i a ‘n'
Grfluémmpmlcmm a: tltihnt many remarks, even n '0 I I I -
provl ta vi social oblcene . . .
...“... amass Myssamma'a ,. Whh°',,;P9-T;,'° «t»- o 9...... . 5...... .. may»... . ..
at Illinois M m m ..g m “www.mmd. painter or t e ystca ant Division, was busy yesterday'ocrap- palm,
University NW. Them [emu m m vul- ing Window frames at the Agricultural Engineering Iutldlng on
P j t t

K‘é mel"“‘"
- lottotnol kll 'lr
. I". "0“." Kan Alvin. “my I. 9.". MC!" Mean mm b Cl“ I. M! “In
0 n him»: uni-o on, Hm. I muu'hmm, ,,..,,,,p,,..,, All» iduw G'DDh-ufdmw Phbvoiduo.
i e 3 “as I Ann. crum- Linl (Id-bu imxz'rOpmM lobbte lulu: tulle ”law..." I load J... V
“0'"!me t‘t‘t ' (no, tlia i A“"'°"'M°"°9"‘9 Ed'm" A\‘i5Iullt 5pm., “in“, A\§l\'all' Airs [dam layout Editor Uuol Photography
-. A]!!! as another year draws t0 3 0,039 . . .
That‘s all, folks. who will rescue us —— men like Reagan, Rush
The Kernel now brings its publishing year and Mondale merely serve as a tranSitlon
t? a (310,59 It 5 time to DU” the plug Uhtll the between the status quo and the very differ- t it
first edition of the summer Kernel appears ent time that lies in the future — in our life- , g
t. June 11. times. What that will be, nobody can yet say. f “(9: fl ‘0 O o . - -~ I
, t' . . (It by” ’ ' \\/c ’ , . .
f It‘s been a long, hard year for all of us. ,It looks increasmgly as though our genera- 5,4,, , 3 Z , p ' , ,:.~ "MN 47 (3 i
Things are tense — you can see it in the tion W111 be left holding the bag. Where 0“? '3 ,.~ 5‘ ’p’ ’,5)x :ItyW't ”Mil, ,,,,:,‘//,',‘;,{//l///// U . ~).\
. .' ' . v 1‘ A .’ v. t‘ '-u M I" , I ‘I “ill, _
I} faces of students walklng across campus and recent predecessors walked a path gilded '£-1/lh-“ ,. I \ _ //// ill/7,1,1" I‘l’l‘ll/II i/A'll/y/I III/ll", 5., 0
.1, ‘ feel it in the air. Everybody is worried about Wlth grants and loahsi we are learning .the or _ ' A"? .- ‘ _,‘ ,-:', iii: ® a IgZ/Io {;.
7 ' into nothing more than a clownish popularity zons , I .; & 1...,ilt‘\\_‘.{{\¢_o3§ _ é» \ Q) / fig’ 6" z
contest. The candidates are bought and paid ' fin, \qtfifisi' \h/ $3511“ % i g 5 {'9' ".1’ ~. . _ . ’09
x . . . . - . m» ~ 1 ., u. / . - , .3
j. for before. they are ever put 0“ the market, ' It is the hard times during which progress g; \Q 22%? 1%}, _\’s\f}\li§o{§;{,\:t/ /’ Z? /‘%x, "‘12
p; _. 50 quality 15 nolonger an issue. is made and great leaders arise. Our lives 3*. _ \ . '_ 4,, Iii}. ‘1‘qu p359. thin 4 a I} ‘ flip-g
p.,. and legacies have unimaginable potential. g- ,. . c), hi3 23‘,‘,‘iQi-,-5. fig}; C/ '3 ‘ ‘5, , Iii.
Our problems are not forever, however. ,, r uti 'A\l\\\ jitléf'lbui Dickie. . \i 1.3' .355’
g. The political vanguard of the last quarter- But it will take personal bravery to make % l j {7 / V3; all l,_,';~\\~.,\;\i'¢4l;ll «My? . in,"
century is aging quickly, and its time is al— the first great strides forward. We must M] 5,5éo/I/y’75' othgffiwiitvth' \hfvlll ; ”I, “lb; , H
,3, most past. As the old faces fall, new ones walk with the confidence that, whatever has y; I, 7-3;“ “31":‘99, :K' W’s”, Will/mtg“? mil tees, Q 1.,» i...
Will rlse to take their places. And it Wt“. not come before, we can equal or better. Don’t ,, “.l’ :7' ”at : SEX ,7, ‘iL grit- ”I’M/fl E‘s-XL.
be this first crop of the “new" pollthians let the bastards get you down. ’ .
‘ l hree fer' forget exams save the News and thank you
. ‘ E -
r. : g I I
'3 ~._ Today you get a bargain. You get Life does not end today. For those glands have begun to work over- sports, the columns, the double- those of you who wanted to spend 10 taking life over the coals every
' my last column of this year. and of you facmg the hell of next week‘s time, for those of you who have sud- truck center spread of large pic- or so minutes reading something otherweek. .
what‘s more, you get a three~fer So final exams, let me clue you to denly found your whole bodies shak- tures, the headlines (“Ford to N.Y. that wasn‘t just the same old '
f: Q. what? you say. So there‘s “Bloom something. ing like a bulldozer without an off ~ Drop Dead" on the front page chopped liver. After talking with If you want to stop by and leave a
County" 0" the bottom, and the switch, for those of you who vow to was a personal favorite) — it’s too many of you, I guess my mission message, the welcome mat is out.
‘ Golden Forks on the other side. Now kill yourselves if your “A"s fall much for New York to lose with one has beenasuccess. [ill be writing for the summer edi-
takeoff. through the floor if you screw up fell swoop from its parent Tribune Th f h tf it Thank tiotns,f that I: unleiss tsomeone drops
if. Don't get me wrong — I’m not in a '. , “this exam," remember . . . It‘s Co. ere ore, a ear e ” 0" 0 e S y an 0 ers me an th‘
_ -. bad mood. I guess it‘s what mothers . only one more line in the Big Blue Its fictional heritage _ as the you" is in order for thoseof you who ternship. And come fall, my desk
" ~ call “cranky." l‘m cranky. I'm '0 fl“ _ Book. The sun will still come up in Daily Planet, where Clark Kent have offtered you;e conllplmiénti and willbein the left-hand corner.
:',‘ ‘ ‘ , ' v \ / arr' ' Y . . . . .
midsummer / s m lg: ,7. cursor“... berm in: .u a tree mmue drop
‘ nothing more than a cabin on the e tax-deductible contributions to me, night with sawdust for brains. Iap- m'sggmg them?” H t‘
coast of Maine without a phone or a The tests you are about to take care of “The Stop Rupert Murdoch preciate the feedback, because it ego" "lei year, same ime,
5.2:; doorbell, and 10 cases of Molson are, in the final analysis, worthless I am about as angry as I can be Fund", Kernel offices. makes me better. And if I’m better, Same anne.
tier-:2 Bzégortxg iregdgfhiswgmgter's aggrozsowo:lovgttgisidilg'eglfmsii about the New York Daily News. After all. wouldn‘t you like to yougetabetterproduct. Some people are here on the five-
"Itzi been hell _ and I'm only a part- say “'B‘ull biscuits .. and a lot of you “New York‘s Picture Newspaper" i5 adopta newspaper. I'm returning next year with a dif- year plan. Kernel Assistant Manag-
,“;i time student I am winding this one Bio'and Chem malors busting mem some Tubes City‘ and‘ being aspen- ferent title, but I’m not haughty ing Editor Jim Harris is here on the
it} out with an. enviable record' two for the gem med school will break “1le as I 3an there's "Ot a thing I . about it. So I’ll be the managing edi- six-semester plan. He is a senior
535*", previously-trusted professors. are in on the second chorus, but it's candoaboutlt.‘ tor of the fifth largest morning during all six, thinking he majors in
-, gonna “a“ me; both my cars have cruellytme. ,If the nation 5 most famous tab- lstarted doing this as a forum for newspaper in Kentucky. I’ll still be journalism.
had the course; I accidentally killed All the psychoses, all the para- lgldhga'lly tnfeéwspapell‘s gaps Sada-u};
"fit". the Goose that Laid The Golden noia, all the NoDoz and coffee and ih ex thvavtwfil ' “(ff thunN or
. ,5)," Egg; my financial life is in ruins. colas you will suffer through in the thrltalcnueutrlitl) lita‘hll eng ‘11 e el“ B." ts
,1" and I‘m not going anywhere for an next seven or so days will be forgot- d fen somgo .0 aleati wil stur e ed I e
)"j apprenticeship on a “actual" news- ten once you get to the real final e: lkno 'tJ angels may Em
'31.}: paper (as if to say, “What the hell exam — which comes next Saturday ea: fm villllturnlh .3" ms or a
f‘ if have I been doing the last eight forsomeofyou. pa 0 ye a eri ge. oux
(1'73 months'?"). Life. ladies and gentlemen, is a For those of you who have never ,_,ig__.,__ c-.._,,A_V - _.._..,“- _,dv , _
if, I imagine a toupeed sportscaster never-ending. comprehensive final seen the News, you are undoubtedly
with an instantly recognizable voice exam for which you cannot study. missing one of the great wonders of l . , ,
7","? in the background of my mind. “It You can only go to it, sit down, take journalism. A paper that started as Glrls told 9011939590!“ is traveling. the dishonest practices of some of
$3“: has come down to thiS." he‘s moan- out all the Pens and blue b00k$ you a companion for the plain man, with . This‘picture that has been created your fellow students. You are com-
, ing. “Eight months of gruelling pun- can find and dig in. its sensational headlines and stories Dear Dean Eardley: lS unfair. . pelling us, unwilling though we are,
i. 15‘, ishment inflicted on his body and his The questions are ambiguously- and its flamboyant _ and terrific __ I was so glad to read your 1 ant by no means ignorant 0f the to respond through the same medi-
-'._':_,‘1. mind are now reduced to a mere worded. Jilllon-part-long monsters pictures, the News has become the statements in the Kentucky Kernel recruiting Violations that occur and um.
‘.-" grain of sand on the beach of educa- you never have time to fully answer. New Yorker’s link with the world. about the condition of women in the related abuses that d0 eXist in 001- , _
tion history.“ At which point I tune They are worth nothing in part, but It was said last week on the (:35 architectural profession. I was im- lege sports. I am most concerned, Because of increasmg enroll-
“i*{ t out my mind and tune in Cawood on added together they begin to pile up Morning News by a News columnist pressed by the women who were however, that the current wave of ments, and the need. for large stu-
t}":,,';~ theradio. thepoints. that everyone reads the News .. “suckling all their babies in the publicity, in the absence of any dent classes, it is difficult for one
;",.'. 'i In spite of all the good that‘s come And here‘s the hard part —- it is Henry the tin-knocker, Henry Kis- back of each lecture class.” counter-balancing reporting dealing person to monitor adequately, 30-90
;» 3' out of this school year. I‘m tired and impossible to get any more than a singer and everyone in between, 1 They must have been quite re- With what college athletics are domg students Sitting together in a
‘ I want to pack this crackerbox in. “C" on it. There are always too count myselfin the latter. markable andIthink shouldbecom- that is posmve, has inadvertently crowded lecture theatre. You
.... Take off to the Great White North many mistakes made, too many cor— The Sunday tabloid comics _ mended. They managed a house— given the American public 8 mis- omitted to mention that the m0h1t01'
and those 10 cases of Brador. rections you wish you had the time “Dick Tracy" on the front coiler, hold. They took care of a child. Yet leading look at the academic and walked around the class at the start
. 5., But not without leaving you all to go back and stick in. “Dondi” on the back (replaced by at the same time, they designed and athletic programs at most schools. of the 50 minute test, and again at
'_.";."- with these words to take finals by. For those of you whose sweat “Peanuts" some years back), the studied architecture. And I am sure _ ‘ts end.
"‘.n that their work was excellent or I am not the stereotype 0‘ the ab
" . , - - sent-minded professor walking down In the intervening period, he mon-
‘lil'i' :2?" guidnt hart/)6 pons‘smtfnader: the primrose path of academia, itored from the dais, remaining
-' 1' BLmM COUNTY by Berke Breathed mafiablgggzt ‘in gm” 0' inions :n d i oblivious to all that is happening in there in order to answer the numer-
mm that W shaie that ’ mm the real world of college athletics ous queries raised by students He
"3:": WW- COME "hm y °P today — unfortunately “guilt by as- may well have missed the cheating
iépifi’fii‘iafiv “Wm's' WI we? also delighted to see our mm"? in the Public mind. an ““Vi‘Yv W why did Y°“ “°‘ ”9°"
.;:.:' .1 ‘ cl , A ~ - y - association that stems at least in it to him directly on the SPOt- Had
. l , “WWW - icture in the Kernel alo With -
. ”‘ ' VWM. p \? p0 wo d5 of 'sdom If In: n part from the one-sided news media you done so, he could have taken im-
’ ‘ ~ i 1/ ' ,/ ' i ' \\\' Zmugloye; 1 wziliid hire you 8:8] accounts. As a result, all colleges mediateaction.
l! ’;" ~ amt "‘13 i) ,l' ‘ "1% j L, \\ '\~[§ {6 think you'recute. have come under the Cl“ 0f suspi- The Department Of Statistiw m
~,',.: an! #7» . ck ii: ‘3‘. ~. lg, & .0, Keep up the good work, Dean °‘°"- not wish to utter into lengthy dis-
. ‘ ‘ , ‘ V .4' Vii/7 t; V 14' . -. V 4/@ Eardley. After all. I don’t know Let in not dwell upon the evilsof cussion about optimal metho