xt7cvd6p2q19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cvd6p2q19/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-10-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1975 1975 1975-10-14 2020 true xt7cvd6p2q19 section xt7cvd6p2q19 Homecoming
Two mole candidates run for ‘queen'

Assistant Managing Editor

When elimination of candidates for
homecoming queen began last night. two
candidates were particularly nervous.
Daryl Driver. sponsored by Phi Alpha
Delta legal fraternity. and Free University
candidate Scott Appell are the only men of
the 38 candidates applying for “queen.“

Preliminary eliminations, based on an
-nterview with three University ad-
ministrators serving as judges. continue
tonight at the Student Center. Sixteen
finalists will be selected and then chosen in
.i campus~wide election. said Betsy
llultman. chairwoman of the homecoming

The 16 lina lists will be determined on the

oasis of "goal directedness, poise, per-
sonality. character and general ap-
pearance," llultman said. Beauty and
charm were emphasized in preliminary
eliminations last fall. when there were no
provisions inviting men to enter the
contest. she said.

Driver. who was nominated by fellow

Tuesday. October 14. 1975



Six people and two covered wagons passed through
Lexington Friday on their way to Florida from Mt.



fraternity members at a meeting he did fun.
not attend. said he entered the contest
“mostly because I think it will be a lot of


an independent student newspaper


~ m --.~ .,:
., . V. ‘ AW,

Hoofing if

and Pam Mc(‘lain and three-aear-old Jason Mc-
Clain. and Don and (iina Struhle.

Victory, Ohio. The travelers are Jim Young. Gary



”But seriously, I think it needs to be
pointed out that men should not be con- the students." Holtman said,

—Chrotd Jay Akridge



56 election
to be held

Kernel Staff Writer
A special election is being held
today and tomorrow to select
senators to fill four vacancies in
Student Government (SG).
Students in the graduate school
and the library science and
dentistry colleges will be able to
vote at polls outside the SG office
in the Student Center and at the
Medical Center library between
10am. and 2 pm. both days.
Two vacancies exist in the
graduate school. Last year‘s
election resulted in a ten—way tie,

but record of the names of
students involved in the tie has
been lost. according to Jim
llan‘alson, SG president.

When he discovered that
records of the election were not
available, Harralson said it was
decided “the only fair thing to do
was hold another election."

The rules governing SG‘s
elections state that a “coin flip
will decidea tie." Harralson said.

Four students have indicated
they would like to run in the

election for the graduate school
(‘ontinued on page 8



DHKL' PtLT'u ea

strained in doing something just because it
has been traditionally a woman’s role.”

Appell, a member of the Gay Student
Coalition, said his candidacy is not a joke.

“I‘m not running to slap the face of the
University,” he said. “It‘s now a non-
sexist contest, and if I run I think it will
open the door for a lot of other men.
Someone has to do it first.”

Appell said he did not know what criteria
would be considered in choosing can-
didates. “I’m sure I will be discriminated
against. I won‘t be surprised if a lot of
people are angry, but it's my right to run
and I don’t think anyone should be mad
about it.“ he said.

The reality of men in the contest “will
probably add a little spice to the contest,”
Holtman said. “But I think it might be
awkward for them and hard on the

Persons affiliated with the contest
seemed to agree that most students were
not bothered by the idea of men entering
the contest.

“I think alumni will be more upset than

University of Kentucky
Lexington. Ky. 4050_6



Registrar's figures show
ACT scores declining

Assistant Managing luditor

Declining ACT scores for incoming ft tes‘imen have aroused
speculation by many University senators that freshmen. on the
average aren't as smart as they used to be.

Elbert W. ()ckerman, dean of admissions and registrar,
presented several charts and graphs at Monday‘s University
Senate meeting with statistical breakdowns, enrollment trends
and American (‘ollege Test (ACT) scores.

Despite increases in high school grade point averages
tGl’A‘sl, UK freshmen ACT scores are declining in all testing
categories. ()n a percentage basis used for national comparison,
the average freshman ACT score dropped from 68 per cent in
1970 to 62 per cent in 1974. (m the other hand, average high
school C I’A‘s rose during the same period from 2.25 to 2.45.

Rose said national college board administrators have studied
such downward trends for several years but have yet to come up
with an explanation.

Enrollment booms in agriculture, engineering and the
graduate school have occurred since last year, according to the
breakdowns compiled by Assistant Dean of Admissions Keller
Dunn. Agriculture enrollment increased 103 per cent since 1970.

Selective enrollment policies have apparently succeeded in
architecture and education, where such policies have been
enacted to limit enrollment. ()ckerman said. Enrollments have
declined in both colleges.

A 5.5 per cent increase in College of Arts and Sciences
enrollment was recorded since fall, 1974, but Ockerman.
downplayed its significance because of the addition of
Developmental Studies Program students to Arts and Sciences.
“We can’t conclude that Arts and Sciences is off and running
again.” he said.

Ratios for female enrollment in various colleges indicated
across-theboard increases in all fields except those
traditionally dominated by women.

“It's in line with a number of changes that have been going on
in the enrollment mix, not only at ['K but at schools all across
the country." Ockerman said of the ncrease in female students.
“This is pronounced, projected to ( )ntinue, and it will make a

()ckerman said this semester‘s SI. *prise 20 per cent freshman
enrollment increase over last yea: is “atypical" of national
trends and is not expected to contin.

(‘ontinued on page 8


4"17'5ifl “.l‘ r- . " "




LettesamSpectrumai-tidesstnildbeadwessedtothe Edtuid Page am.
Rmmll‘ Jounalism Buildup. Mstmldbetypedmlxflespacedausigied.
Lettasstuitdnotexoeedmmand Spectrumarticlesmm.

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Winges

Ginny Edwards

Managing Editor

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor

Jack Koeneman
Associate Editor



(Editor's note: Because of the number
of letters and commentaries received
by the Kernel, there is no editorial
today. In cases where a number of
letters and commentaries are received
about one or several subiects, more
space will be devoted to readers'


During my undergraduate years at

UK, Student Government (56), football

- and the cafeteria were approached with
the same gloomy expectations. No
matter what they did it was bound to be
bad. Now they say the food on campus
has improved and the football team (or
at least the defense) is making head

56 is making headlines too. Recent
actions such as the busing resolution
and the Gay Students’ Coalition en-
dorsement have finally stirred me from
my academic and apathetic muddle. In
my last year as a graduate student in
communications, I have decided to
throw my hat into the political arena.
My hat is not gay or straight, liberal or
conservative, male or female, black or
white. I have few ideologies, fewer
reforms, fewest idealistic notions about
making 56 better. l promise only to act
with intelligence and insight.



Grads! Your school has been without
representation in SG for some time. In
the plethora of empty seats no one
seems to notice. (56 operates without a
quorum much of the time). Truck over
to the Student Center Tuesday or
Wednesday between 10 and 2 p.m., and
vote for two people to fill the vacant
graduate school seats in 56.

l would appreciate it if one of the
people you select is me.

Libby Fraas
Com munications graduate student


Editor: .

We would like to respond to Senator-
at-Large Carey Junkin‘s remark that
”even the Bible does not condemn
homosexuals." We would like to refer
him to Leviticus 20: 13-14: ”lta man has
intercourse with a man as with a
woman, they both commit an
abomination. They shall be put to
death; their blood shall be on their
heads" and also the verses which
Junkin read to the Student Senate,
Romans 1: 26-27. We would like to know
the source of Junkin's estimate (Junkin
estimated there are 28,000 gay UK
students) of the number of gays on
campus. We feel that this estimate is
somewhat exaggerated.


As to Law Senator Jerry Thornton’s
remark on the relativity of the Bible,
we would like an explanation of his
basis for this statement. The Bible has
been in existence for millenia and the
Gay Students’ Coalition has been only
recently recognized. Which do you
think will last longer?

Roger Guftey
A&S iunior

Randy Stephens
Education sophomore

Phil Sholar
A&S freshman

‘A bsurd'


‘ihis letter is a comment on your
asunine, absurd predictions. I won’t
mention y0ur sports articles cause I
figure the Kernel can’t do any better or
they surely would.

Now to your predictions: Your 2-9
season for UK this year has already
been proven wrong. Your prediction on
the Muhammad Ali-Joe Frazier fight
was completely out of the question. And
your bold prediction of the Reds-Pir-
ates playoffs was as wrong as Hitler.
My grandma can predict better than

you and she thinks Jimmy the Greek is \

the man who owns the ice cream shop.
Give it up.

Allen Lewis

Engineering freshman


Monday morning the bus driver
informed me that I must get off on
Limestone across from the agriculture
building. So there I was at 9 a.m..
waiting to play dodge-car with the
morning rush hour traffic. It was 15
minutes before l could cross, and even
then, I ended up standing on the narrow
yellow line in the middle of the road.
Ah, the plight of the adventurous
agriculture student! How exciting!
How risky!

Well, excuse me for being a sissy, but
i, for one, do not appreciate the South
Lime version of Russian roulette. The
only people who will benefit from this
latest bus stop are hit-and-run drivers
and suicidal maniacs. And I haven’t
come across too many of those lately.

Maybe the bus system will post a
priest at the stop across from the
agriculture building to give us our last
rites before we venture across the

Judy Wuerch

o. L_


Animal science sophomore


’Marginal musicians’ hope in Nashville

A scant three years ago I shared the
scorn for country music (but not country
rock, as the genre has come to be known)
so carefully cultivated by many in my age
group. The redneck mentality we imputed
to the Nashville sound was typified by the
Tammy Wynette classic ”Stand By Your
Man, which I would never have heard had
Jack Nicholson not had the lead in ”Five
Easy Pieces,” and by a booze and lost love
ditty called ”Lift Ring, Pull Open”
encountered by accident while i was
twirling the dial in search of something
more arcane.





Today I am a devotee, the prime reason
being that I spent my undergraduate years
at an institution known to adminstrators
as the Harvard of the South and to cynical
students as the Harvard of Nashville,
Vanderbilt University. Vanderbilt itself
enhanced my Kentucky-bred fondness for
good basketball and instilled in me a
strange affection for Russian literature
and beer; its environs did the rest.

Last week, over the strenuous objections
of Thomas Wolfe, I went home again. i had
been away for four months and in the
interim had seen Robert Altman’s film
”Nashville” four times. (I like it.) I was
relieved to see that the city had changed
less than my perception of it, save for the
addition of two hideous new buildings. And
there is, quite simply, more to Nashville

than meets even Altman’s probing and
panoramic lens.

There is a point, going south on i 65 after
you pass the Oscar Mayer plant at the
county line and the mammoth Madison
water tank (which reads ”Tennessee’s
Sixth Largest Retail Center” or some
such) and right before the Trinity Lane
exit, where you reach the top of a hill with
a rural suburban scene to the right and left
and your first glimpse of the city straight
ahead. You know immediately why Dylan
named an album after it. It is magnificent,
with the shiny dome of the auditorium and
the tall white bank buildings glowing in an
impressionistic hazewlike the Emerald
City in the Wizard of 02. Even knowing
that deathly foul air and permanent
temperature inversion produce the effect,
I am still stunned by the view. Pure
romance and kitsch, it seems. The sight is
a fitting metaphor for the illusory coun-
tryrmusicsuccess-story myth surrounding
the city, sordid as Altman has made it out
to be.

A minor city, if it wants to attract any
tourist coins, has to have a gimmick: St.
Louis’s arch, Louisville’s Derby, Atlanta’s
Underground replete with Lester Maddox
on Saturdays, Nashville’s music. in a way,
by touting that image nationwide as
energetically as it has been doing, the
Nashville Chamber of Commerce all but
invited the broadside many have inter-
preted the movie to be. The music business
is little~person oriented, it pushes star
quality. The music sounds strange to West
Coast~iangled ears. But, as Minnie Pearl
rhetorically asked a Louisville woman,
“How would you like it if somebody made
a movie about the seedy side of the Derby
and called it ‘Louisville’?” The fact is that
"Nashville" as a depiction of the city is no
more or less accurate than any of the
l-bllywood films like ”The Valley of the

Dolls" or the more recent ”Day of the
Locust”. Only the scenery is strikingly
midAmerican and dear to my own heart.
A few words about Nashville the city as
opposed to ”Nashville”, the film: it’s the
session people and the hopefuls, and not
the stars and the moguls, who make it
Music City, USA. It is a simple enough
matter to avoid looking at the billboards
advertising Loretta Lynn’s Western Store
and to tune out the Opryland commercials
on TV. It is quite another matter to avoid
personalities connected with the business.
I met a gas station attendant there who
had left his family at the age of 50 to come
to the city and sell his songs to Johnny
Cash. I know innumerable young men and
women who arrived in town with nothing
but the clothes and Gibsons on their backs
and are still waiting tables, playing and
passing the hat at Bishop’s Pub, expecting
the big break any minute. I once talked to
the parents of Troy Hess, who was a star at
three and a zero at 10, but they’re pushing
a comeback at 12. All these people have
something to look forward to, realistically
or not, and it keeps them from the
existential doldrums of those who are
stuck at the gas station and know it.

Nashville is also a town of those
marginal musicians who hang around 17th
Avenue and get a job maybe one day a
week. The other six they put on their
cowboy boots and western shirts and go to
a bar on Elliston Place and try to convince
acquaintances that they really have better
things to do. One of Nashville’s biggest
stars is a stringman named Norman Blake
(l have no idea whether he’s known here at
all) who started Out playing sessions for
Dylan and other: ceveral years ago.
Norman used to live next door to two

friends of mine ; we would gather in their

roachy apartment and eat Sunday brun—
ches to the strains of Norman's mandolin.

It was like listening to Beverly Sills
practice arias in the next stall of a public

The young musicians have created a

subculture which is outside of the tradi»
fional Nashville church-going natives’,
outside of the student community and
outside of Real Country Music. But they
mix well with the students and hillbillies at
Tootsie’s Orchid Lounge near the old Opry
House, and the locals are surprisingly
tolerant of the streetish people. Their
tolerance is one of their finest qualities:
while Johnny and June and the others are
not members of the Belle Meade Country
Oub and usually choose to live in the
outlying towns like Hendersonville and
Goodlettsville, they are esteemed, if
socially detached, citizens. A cynic might
aiggest, and several have, that if country
music were not so profitable for the city,
the natives might be less kind, but l’m
convinced that there’s much more, some-
thing intangible, to it.

For the four months I was away, the film
blended so well with my own memory—l .
was at the Parthenon the day the
assassination scene was shot, I knew the
campus cop and one of the nurses at the
hospital, l have spent many evenings at
Exit~ln where Keith Carradine mesmer-
ized Lily Tomlin—that it was difficult to
sort it out when I returned. The past made
bigger than life. Fortunately, the zip code
still starts with a three and the Exit-In is
still on Elliston. l was right and Altman
was wrong in matters of geography; as
concerns country music, his artistic
license should be revoked. it’s never been
a bad as he made it out to be.


Rggy Caldwell is a graduate student in
the Patterson School specializing in inter-
national relations. She is interested main-
ty in getting some sleep. Her column
appears weekly in the Kernel on Tuesdays.




,vwaw. - mafi. , WW. W





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Dfl Kl: PILTC ea:

THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. October 14, 1975—3










news briefs IN A FEW YEARS.... 00 q? z i
A .
L SOME or us WlLL 31$ 6* G
0 o HAVE BECOME {.3 53¢“, 0" g“ 6‘
PreSIden'I authorizes PRIESTS ",MINISTERS .sx«°’y“a2 9° 3° G49"
U S ' 'I' ' ° ’ DEACONS 1936"" a“ $9300 $50 °°
. . crvr runs In Sinai _ sagas s sf a i
HOW ABOUT Q2" so? *9‘ 5" a” 4‘0 $6"ch 3* 6‘9
\“ASIIINU'I‘UN (AP) With little advance notice. President YOU? 09" (S? of 00A ¢°%.‘c& ”tree Ox? 0“?
Fordsigned today a congressional resolution authorizing American ' Jo Q’b‘ g3“ 59.0?2' 49 z’0‘K (‘6 +99
civiliansto manearly warning stationsinthe Sinai. serra Club (0 V‘ ‘0’” $0 00‘ So 0° ‘0” {9% (9°


ln putting his signature on the document that cleared Congress

of Lexington
last week. Ford declared:

“I reaffirm today that we will not accept stagnation or stalemate UK

in the Middle East." THEATRE

With photographers and reporters as his only witnesses. Ford


said the l'nited States must continue its diplomatic efforts mm the ‘511 Euclid Avenue / Le“‘""’0n. Kentucky 40503
nations of the Middle East "in order to sustain the momentum

towardpeace generated by the Sinai agreement." .


The Senate approved the use ofthe US. civilians by a vote of 70 . l
18 on Thursday. The House approved the arrangement 341 to 69 on- and "'ld QA ERY
Wednesday. . ~'

*Wiaékz/zmt H


Israel gave its formal approval to the final document on Friday.
Egypt had signed the pact Sept. 22.

Republicans still haping
to get Ford to Kentucky

FRANKFURT l AP) W Kentucky Republicans continue to cling to
the dwindling possibility of a visit to Frankfort by President 1‘ 0rd.
despite negative information from Washington.

State GOP Executive Director Larry Van Hoose said Monday the
(MP has reserved Convention Center here on a “hold" basis for
next Monday through Thursday.

He said he is awaiting word from the White House. which he said
is considering such a presidential visit.

However, a spokesman for presidential press secretary Ron
Nessen said the White House has noinformation 0n the matter.

Ford canceled a trip to Louisville scheduled for Thursday
beca use of expected anti-busing protests. He was to have spoken at
Bluegrass Convention Center.

Van lloose said a fund-raising dinner will be held before the Nov.
4 election.

If the president does not come to Kentucky. he said, the dinner
will be held anyway with other speakers.

Meantime, there are tentative GOP plans to turn the canceled
event into an anti-busing rally.


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SG sponsoring new program

for students' landlord problems

Kernel Staff Writer

This semester‘s record enrollment. coupled with
Lexington‘s persistent apartment shortage, has
probably convinced many tenants they are at their
landlords‘ mercy.

The vacancy rate for standard apartments in
Lexington on Sept. 15 was only 1.1 per centfiwell
below the national average, a League of Women
Voters housing report says.

(‘ompounding the housing crunch are the more
than 10.000 students who live off campus.

Assisting the offcampus studdent population
“would be like serving another small city," Alberta
Coleman. Tenant Services director, said.

Tenant Services no longer accepts student cases,
because its staff is not large enough to deal with
both student housing problems and the problems of
low income families, the agency‘s chief concern.

But students can deal with substandard housing
conditions and bad landlords through other chan-

(‘omplaints can be taken directly to the Urban
(‘ounty agencies that enforce housing code stan-
dards. The process that follows a complaint is slow,
but if immediate hazards to a tenant‘s health or
safety exist. the landlord can be ordered to make
repairs at once.

Students who don‘t know how to solve housing
problems or have questions about their rights as
tenants can receive advice at the Student Govern-
ment lSGi office.

SG is sponsoring a new program for tenants this
scmster. Mark Kleckner, a former Tenant Services
staff member. has been hired to help students with
landlord problems and other offcampus housing

Last semester SG hired an attorney. Greg
(‘lendenon. to advise students with legal questions.
ltut about 80 per cent of the students who came to
him lor legal counseling were concerned with
tenant-landlord problems. S(; President Jim
llarr‘alson said.

(‘lendenon will be on campus four hours every two
weeks to answer legal questions. but Kleckner will
handle off-campus housing complaints

The new arrangement will save SG about $300 a
semester. Last semester. when (‘lendenon was on
campus every week. $1,000 was appropriated for
legal services alone. This semester (‘lendenon will
recieve $500 and Kleckner. $200.

Kleckner said housing code violations and
evictions have been the most common student

()bvious housing code violations should be
reported to one of three enforcement agencies. he
said. '

The Dean of Students office also refers students
to these agencies.

All three—the Building inspector's office. the tire
department. and the health department use
similar enforcement procedures.

The procedure "quite often takes more time thar.
we like.“ Environmental Health Program (‘oor-
dinator Robert Jester said.

The agencies investigate tenant complaints. and
if housing code violations are discovered. the




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property owner is ordered to make repairs. If the
owner fails to comply with the requests for repairs,
he is ordered to a ppear at a public hearing.

The hearing is conducted by a board made up of
representatives from the health and fire depart—
ments and the building inspector‘s office.

if the board agrees with the inspector's findings,
and the landlord still refuses to make repairs, the
property can be condemned. said Bill Holcomb,
assistant chief building inspector.

Landlords are usually given several chances to
make repairs before property is condemned by the

board. Kleckner said. “The building inspector‘s ~' ‘
office is not really very persistent.“ He said houses

that were condemned five years ago are still ‘ "

Kleckner said he will try to keep an eye on
building inspection proceedings——especially those
involving student complaints.

Landlords can appeal Housing Board decisions to
a Housing Board of Appeals. which usually gives
landlords additionaltimeto make repairs. Holcomb

\lllfl Landlords can also appeal at the circuit court

Landlords who fail to comply with repair requests
are \(ii“‘.'l.lnI(’S taken to Environmental Court. .
accoiuuig lu Jalica Steppe, Office of Rehabilitation

and Relocation director. :3:
They may be given even more time to make , }

repairsin Environmental Court. The process

becomes a “vicious cycle“. Steppe said. .~

”Sometimes landlords simply need to be made
aware of problems,“‘Steppe said. These cases can
be resolved through existing procedures.

But some landlords are“chronic violators and
loot—draggers." she said.

Non-complying landlords might be more ef-
teciently dealt with in a special housing court. she
said. The court could also handle tenant-landlord

. ".K'T‘il“""5'4'5’73i.‘ “WM“ “4‘: .‘I.. . y , ._ .

Another alternative for tenants who wish to avoid
the building inspection bureaucracy and slowness
is outlined in the LandlordTenant act.

Tenants are authorized to make certain self-help
repairs and then deduct the cost from their rent.

But the self—help repairs must be made according
to \tN‘t’itll l rocedures. Kleckner said. Tenants
should iirst have the need for repairs confirmed by
the h iilding inspector‘s office.

Then the ‘andlord should be notified that unless
the repairs are made within 14 days. the tenant will
haw them done.

The law requires tenants making self-help repairs
to provide professional repair service, so it's best
that students don't try to make repairs themselves.
Kleckner said.

Tenants a re also entitiled to alternate services if a
landlord who has agreed to furnish utilities has
them turned off. The tenant can pay for the utilities
and then deduct the costs from his rent. Kleckner

Evictions are settled in magistrate court where
attomeys are not required.

Deposit disputes involving less than $500 are also
settled in magistrate court.

Although attorneys are‘not required. it is ad-
visable to have a n attorney even in magistrate court
proceedings, Judge Prather Walker said.

('ontinued on page 8



7:30 »9: 30p.m.
(Beginning Oct. 14)
472 Rose St.





r 5



























— BIII Kiqm

Freshman goalie Mike Dingledein thwarts a Michigan shot in the First half of l'K‘s loss to
the Wolverines at the Memorial (‘oliseum pool Friday night. Dingledein. a walk-on. made
several fine saves in a losing effort against the second ranked Midwest (‘ont'erence team.

Ohio State forfeits
Wolverines nip Cats 12-9

By l)()l'(; GAVIN
Kernel Staff Writer

Friday night at the Memorial
(‘oliseum pool the L'K water polo
team nearly upset the University
of Michigan. the number two
ranked team in the Midwest
('onference. before losing 12-9.
Saturday. UK upped its record to
3-1 when Ohio State forfeited its
match with Kentucky.

Kentucky fell behind early in
Friday‘s contest. At half-time the
score w as 7—4 in favor of
Michigan. (‘oach Wynn Paul
said his team fell behind because
"we took some very bad shots in
the first half."

In the second half Kentucky
regrouped to come back to tie the
score at 0-9 before Michigan
pulled back into the lead.

Paul said “a few turnovers at
critical moments and these bad
shots in the first half cost us the

Buckeyes top
AP poll again

It} The .\ssociated Press

Here are the Top 20 teams in
The Associated Press college
football poll. with first-place
votes in parentheses. season
records and total points Points
based on 20]8-16-14—12-10-9-8-7-6-

l.()hio St. ‘42) 3-0.0 Ltb'ti
3.()klah()mit (12) 3.0.0 582
RS. (‘al. t It 3.0-0 844

’aul praised the play of Jeff
(ienk inger. Joe Pohrer and Rick
ltubenstein. Pohrer and
ltubenstein had three goals each
and (ienkinger had one.

'l‘ed Bresna han added the other
two goals for the Cats.

”Th is was our best effort ever
against a team of Michigan's
caliber." Paul said. “We showed
a lot better ball control. played
very good defense. and our of-


fense was very alert and passed
very well."

Thursday at 7:30 pm. the (ats
will be again lacing tough op-
position when it plays Indiana.
the number one team in the
Midwest Conference. t the
Memorial (‘oliseum pool.

Saturday at 1 pm. (‘hicago
('ircle University will play UK



stew saunter


Won't somebody hit it?

The l'K soccer club opened its conference play Wednesday at

Eastern Kentucky l'niversity.

l'K‘s squad won by forfeit

vv hen the referees failed to appear for the match. The two
teams. shown above. went ahead and played an exhibition

match with I'K winning 3-0.

Former UK football star
is held on $100,000 bond

I‘llmore Stephens. former tight

4. Nebraska

30-0 762
11‘0an A811“ 304) 049
tiAlabama 4+” 43;;
7.Michigan 3-0-2 449
8.1"an 4,1.“ 445
Etl’enn \l. 344. ‘34
t" Missouri . . o 4;
H .‘\n/ S' ' 3;.“
l‘.-‘ ten-rode 4 t o 1: