xt7cvd6p2n7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cvd6p2n7q/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1939 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/1 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing August 11, 1939 text Public housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing August 11, 1939 1939 1939 2019 true xt7cvd6p2n7q section xt7cvd6p2n7q . ,/ ,, _ _ i

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Vol. 1, No. 1 Federal Works Agency, U. 5. Housing Authority—”Nathan Straus, A- u-' August 11, 1939
A Message From the F lrst F lve PrOJects Set Low-rent Record;
USHA Administrator Meet Needs of Lowest Income Groups

Local housing authorities and the The American public housing warded. The assembly-line of public

USHA are erecting a new bulwark for movement reached maturity on July housing is set up and in operation.
democracy, largely without benefit of 4, when the opening of the first five From now on low-rent homes for the
blue prints. In the fields of land as— USHA-aided low-rent housing proj- Nation’s ill-housed will be produced
sembly and planning, of financing, of ects demonstrated that a satisfactory steadily and in rapidly expanding
design, of construction, and of man- solution to the slum problem could be volume.

' agement, they must do new things in achieved by local housing authorities Settling once and for all the ques—
new ways. They must find cheaper in cooperation with the United States tion of what families will be rehoused
and better methods of producing Housing Authority. On that date in USHA—aided projects, rent sched-
better homes and neighborhoods. public housing became a reality for ules announced for the first five proj-
They must apply these new methods the country as surely as for those ten- ects are not only the lowest ever
to replace the slums and substandard ant families in Austin, Jacksonville, reached for decent modern homes in

4.)?913193 0f the.Efii9£-_A___w,§llff§l9&9d NW1X911119EXW110 .19d_,,,thiS..country, but .are also lower than
Individuals or agencies working in the way Ollt 0f the slums and who will average slum rents in those commu—
isolation cannot hope to accomplish be followed by more than half a Thfl' nities.
tasks so vast. Public housing is a co— lion people in the next 2 years. Eight— Average shelter rents range from
operative job. Those engaged in it 99“ months 055 care“ planning and $6.59 monthly per dwelling in Austin
must learn from one another. They hard work by local authorities and (Continued on p. 3)

' must pool their brains and experience USHA technicians have been re—

:On‘a common fund. The necessity of . Construction COStS cut 14 ‘

. ringing housers and their ideas to- Management Institute . ,
gether has led the USHA to establish Percent Below Estimates
PUBLIC HOUSING as its official weekly Opened at N. Y. U. ' "
publication. 0 J 1 24 th H ' M 0 Through the constant efforts of 10-

The weekly will report the progress 11 u y. . e .ousmg anage- cal h0us1ng authorities t9 develop
. . . ment Training Inst1tute opened at more effluent and economical meth—
of the 250 ex1st1ng local h0us1ng au- . . . . . .
thoriti es and of those to be created. New York UhlVeTSltY- The opening ods of operatlon, With the active help
_ don .2) marked an1mportant m1lest0ne1n the of USHA, an average of $484 per
(contmue p hIStOFy 0f DUth housmg 1n thls dwelllng unit, 14.1 percent of the
,_ January Dead Line Set for country, as this is the-first housing original estimates, has been saved in
, management course of its kind to be the construction cost of 20,188 dwell—
WPA Survey Field Work offered by any American university. ing units in the 53 projects now 1"
Important to local housing author- The National Association of Housing under loan contract. Estimated net
ities contemplating WPA assistance Officials is cooperating with the Uni- construction cost of these projects is
in conducting similar surveys is the versity in the enterprise, and several over $8,000,000 less than the original
announcement that the field work for staff members of the USHA are as— estimates—enough to pay the entire
all surveys under the present WPA sisting in the work. development cost of 2,800 more low- t
. program must be completed before The course consists of 2 weeks of rent dwellings.

‘ January 1, 1940. This means that lectures and discussions at N. Y. U., These cost figures are based on ex- [
applications for assistance should be and 2 weeks of field work in large- actly the same items—structural,
presented to WPA as soon as possible. (Continued on p. 3) (Continued on p. 2) :

.1, l , .

 . 1:1 ‘- The West Virginia Rousing Act Administrator ‘
#13:; “does not authorize housmg prOJ ects (Continued from p 1) f
'seasmns- apart from slum clearance,” the Court _ _ V ' .
. held, but “The project may be built in It Wlll prov1de a means. for the ex- .
'For the .fourteenth consecutive any area within/the exercise of the change among authorltles of infor— ..
time, the validity of the USHA—alded sound discretion of the Federal and matlon on_ technlcal' developments. . '
publlc-housmg program was upheld State authorities and the council of Through thls publication, the 14 DIYI' I
by a State court 0f final appeal when the city, whether slum or not slum.” Slons Of_ the USHA W11} be able :50 Clr‘ '
the WBSt Vll'glma Supreme Court on Slum clearance and low—rent hous— culate, in. standard form and Wlthwt
June 13 rendered a decis10n favorable ing developments do not deprive any 1088 Of tlme, Slgnlficant Information
- - . of eneral interest. It will meet the ‘
to the Huntington'Housmg Authority person of equal protection of the laws 5:; f . . 1 . 1 f 't 1 t
in a suit brought by J' Paul‘0h9pman' contrary to the Fourteenth Amend- if? 1031591 ar 1e case 0 V1 21 S a-
The Court reaffirmed the thirteen ‘meitt, the decision stated, since the IS 1ca a a. _ , _
previous verdicts by ruling that slum fact that tenant families “will be All those 93%ng 1“ Dthc housmg
Clearance is a DUbliC 1311113059, resting benefited in a slight degree more than and those friendly to the program
upon “the foundation of the police the rest of the community does not of have constant need for the .control
power, which inherently resides in itself constitute a denial of equal pro— figures Of the low-rent housing pro- _
the legislative branch.” tection of the laws.” frlfplbyr‘nzlilltme c5§tscorlsetrlutlscuoilrlicfrllg .
Construction Costs Cut 14 Percent Below Estimates figgfig‘frfii rigiiffgéte: {3112111553
7 (Continued from P' 1) gram vitally affects our national
plumbing, heating, and electrical in- cent less; Red Hook Houses, also in 90011911137; 113:? nature Will alter the
stallation—as are used by the Bureau New York City, $998, or 24 percent phys1cal env1ronment of HS 311- FOI‘
of Labor Statistics in compiling resi- less; Pine Haven in Daytona Beach, these reasons the DthC should have
dential construction costs from build— Fla, $868, or 31.5 percent less; Major access to the basic facts 0f the pro-
ing permit data. Bowman Terrace in Vincennes, Ind., gram at all times. The weekly Will
The accompanying table shows by $778, 01‘ 25-3 percent less; North make these tacts available. .
States the changes in net construc- Boulevard Homes in Tampa, Fla., In launchlng PUBLIC HOUSING, this -
tion costs from loan contract esti- $707, or 23 percent less; Brentwood Authority hopes and believes that it
mates to the main construction con— Park in Jacksonville, Fla., $571, or will help to unite all housers behind
tract awards. 17.6 percent less; Olmsted Homes in one of the greatest causes of our time. . ~H
Eighteen of the fifty—three projects Augusta, Ga., {5539’ or 17'5 PercePt NATHAN STRAUS,
showed declines of more than 10 per— less; Westlake in Youngstown, 01110, Administrator.
cent in construction contract awards $528: 01"_ 15-3 percent 1955; and Sunset
as compared with the loan contract Homes in Augusta, Ga~,_$501, 01115-7 Low-income Area Survey
estimates. Nine prOJects decreased percent 1985- Only eight DFOJECtS . _ . .
more than $500; these projects, in showed increases from the estimates to Gulde Lourswlle Housmg
the order of their construction sav- to the actual construction costs; none .
ings, are: Queensbridge Homes in of these, however, amounted to as 'A new FYDe 0f 110081115; survey spe-
New York City, $1,382, or 33.3 per— much as 7 percent. clfically aimed ’60 guide a comprehen-
s1ve long-range public-housing pro—
coIr-igaaléts Constructioncommcts gram has just been completed by the ,
Num- __—__ WPA under the JOlnt sponsorsh1p of
State berpf . , Decrease from low the City of Louisville Housing Com-
22218. $35??? lgfggé: commas mission and the City Planning and
S r500mm 5 cost Amount Percent Zoning Commission. The survey re-
fl——— — — lates rentals paid by low-income
Calirorniam“__1--__._____________--__1.--1.-________-___.___, 1 $2, 791 $2,970 1$179 16.4 grows to family size and income. \
1310111111.-.-"..___________.___.________1_1._.1._____..___--1____ 6 2,316 2,395 421 15.0 . . . .
Georgi]. 3 2,873 2.44;. :130 15.0 In addltlon to mater1al on family
iélé‘fiti‘i‘c‘iyj::::::::::::::::::1:::::::11:11::::::::::::::::::: 3 5:33? 3:32i 332‘ iii size, income, rental, and condition of
Louisiana.--____1________________._____.__.__.______-________.._ 2 3,331 3,098 233 7.0 . . ,
Maryliud 1 3.101 2.810 291 9.4 structures 1n low-Income housmg
hittiii311::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i @833 3:53? 33% i1? areas, the published reports include
hilt teéii’j::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1:::::::::::::::::::::::: 3 313?? 3:353 it? it? a brief history of Louisville, a study
géii‘s‘y'ienii5::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3 3:333 3:231 323 1t; of land use, land coverage, and sta—
i‘;¥.§i§§§§f‘.‘fi‘f‘:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i 3133? 3:333 ”12 it tistics on building activities between
Wg'tsviigias::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, i 3:533 3:323 it? 2:? 1913 and 1938. Copies of Volume I . .
Total‘——§ __________: may be obtained from the Municipal
Avenger 3'” ”43 484 1‘“ Housing Commission 0f the City of
llncrease. Louisville for $1.35. ,
' 4

 1 .- , {‘7’ /' .- » W C,
\ v3? '4' _//,«",/ {1/ C; / .
- Attractive Pamphlets Maneje’eleent Institute
f to Meet Local Needs - ,
1ng POSt’ November 26’ 1938’ Mr. David J. Barry, Chairman, said “Network City, . NY—5~4__,___ 448 ’ 8-2-1730
RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AS AN IN” that the amount requested would m
TEGRAL PART OF THE LARGE'SCALI‘: take care of only about one-fifth of
HOUSING PLAN, R6,“? Estate Refine: the Providence families in need of N f
(Managenieenié’? Edition), June ’ safe and sanitary housing. Statistics CW CC nlque 01'
1939’ pp. 2 — ' show that there are 20,000 substand- Sinkin Piles Develo ed

. . . . . g P

THE LOW COST HOUSE, The A? chttec- ard dwellings in PrOVidence, whereas
tuml Forum. Aprll 1939, pp— 234- the $20,000,000 requested would pro— Peculiar subsoil conditions have led
320' , vide for no more than 4,000 families. engineers on the Magnolia Street low-

Fifty recently built low-cost houses, With ‘ _ t h . _ , O 1
illustrations, cost analyses, and construc— The PrOVidence request is regarded Ten 01151118: pI‘OJeCt In New 1" earls
m“ outlines’ are presented as evidence of increasing interest in to develop a new technique for sink—
HOUSING TRENDS IN EUROPE, by slum-clearance throughout the State. ing piles. It was discovered that at
George B. Marigold, Soczology and The Pawtucket Housing Authority adepth of about 38 feet, the long—leaf
Social Research, Jan—Feb. 1939, pp. was recently organized, and other yellow pine piles encountered suffi—
211—221- d f h E h , Rhode Island cities are reported to be Sim 1_eSIEtanC§ 1:0 leause $9310?

The backgroun O t e uropean tousnig . . . . rooming an rea 111m 11 ee
situation is briefly outlined. . Describes in preparing to take Slmllar aetlon' the piles when withdrawcn revealed
some detail the English housmg programs, _ 3 . . ,
and mentions briefly the housmg prOJects C Sh U (1 that instead Of Slnklng under the
1“ Vienna and StOCkh‘flm' oncrete utters SC hammer blows they had been splin—
A DUTCHMAN’s FARM—THREE HUN— to Defy Tropic Storms tering against a well—nigh impene—

’ “ DREIT‘AN'D' ONE YEARS AT CORLEARS trable layer of sandclay. . /
HOOK, Survey Graphic, June 1939, . . . Had the piles not been withdrawn
1313- 389—394- -H1gh winds have led the Puerto and examined the would have been

P d 1. t f th '1; f t1 V1 d 1‘ Rico Housmg Authority to develop a 'd d (1 Y d th b 'ld'

neCOI‘ S 115 Cry 0 e 51 e 0 16 a CC ' . . CODSI ere soun an e 111 In S

Houses project in lower Manhattan; anal— reinforced concrete Window shutter the were meant t su ort wouid

yzes Henry Street Settlement role in future for low-rent housing projects on the y . 0 ‘ pp

lower East Side planning. . . have been subJect to Sinking as much

N island. The repair and replacement as 8 feet de en din on the dama e

THE SL_UMS BEGIN TO FALL,1ghe 614) of wooden shutters constitutes one of done to the baI.)se O f ti e ile g

Republic, June 7’ 1939’ p. 1 '. . the costliest single items of main— T 01 th 't pt. ' _1 t'
Inventory of current USHA actIVity. tenance, and consequently one of the O remety e Si u: igln pille ips

by Nathan Straus, SChOOl Life» June perimental concrete shutters, 11/2 in- . .

1939 pp 258—259 . h tl' 1' . f (1 'th 1/ . h about 6 inches—Just enough to be

Suggests appointment of housing com- C 65.1 11:" remlorce d ,3“ . £31211 firmly embedded. Thus the base is

mittees composed of teachers to submit penCI I‘O S are 1) anne O “3318 0 unimpaired by futile attempts to pen—
recommendations to local housmg authori— climate and Insects. etrate the resistance, and the pile Will
ties' T' J 1 24 1939 13 The need to CUt COStS on 131110110 carry aload Of 25 tons although only
BIG PUSH’ “m u y ’ ’_ p‘ ‘ housing develops many techniques of a 12—ton capacity is required. About -, ‘
Quotes speech made by Administrator 7 1. . . ‘ ‘ .

Straus at the Institute of Public Aflairs. \alue to In Nate Industly' 150 piles are used for eaCh bullding.
Summarizes relationship of housing to the .
activities of the Temporary National Weekly Construction Report
Economic Committee.

Item Week ended Week ended Week ended Week ended

August5,1939 July 29,1939 July22,1939 July 15,1939

Material for Public Housing should be ,
addressed to Informational Service Divi-

. . .. 7 . N b I ' d -‘ ___,__.u_.._,"fin”... 3 '
51011: U- 8- Housmg Authonty’ “ashmg' Ntfitii 8i3533133511165;Oasiét’rfié‘t’tm..-___,.__...,,__,___,_ 35,033, 28,220 25,33; 24,633
ton, D. C. Publication is approved by Total estimateeloveE-zlfllfcost1;:an housing.._.___-_---_______ $162,954,003 $134,012,323 $119,423,030 $115,313,000 .
the Director, Bureau of the Budget, as 33323.22ZZfre'Snsifiefié’ntiZt2t‘éi‘fltit?F.TE:’:::::::::::::: itigiz $21945 $31323 33:34? '
required by rule 42 of the Joint Commit— ________________._____—___——
tee on Printing. 1_ Includes: (1) Building the house, including plumbing, heating, and electrical installation; (2) dwelling equipment,

architects’ fees, local administrative expenses, and financial charges during construction; (3) land; (4) nondwelliug facilities.
2 Includes building the house, including structural, plumbing, heating, and electrical costs.
> '\ . ; i7 _7W' _ M" .._.-_....._e_________.___ U» .. _ u... .. .