xt7cvd6p2m02 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cvd6p2m02/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2011-09 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, September 2011 text GLSO News, September 2011 2011 2011-09 2019 true xt7cvd6p2m02 section xt7cvd6p2m02 l : GAY AND LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization Volume 33 Number 9
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Sponsored by
Open Arms of God Ministry

 .. ~~ - v I 4‘ UKHope Welcomes
3 4 / New Members
’ gnr University of Kentucky Health Oc-
ksf‘vflfi _ . __,§ -’ i cupation Professionals for Equality
116;» " . II / (UK HOPE) was founded in the fall
TEAM/l ' . -~ of 2008. Our mission is to promote
5I@‘ 1 I We)?" a more inclusive environment for
$3; =3 .1 9% $3“ 4 \\ lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgen-
X If" ‘V «91/ j, I der (LGBP students, faculty, and
,. "$53 7’ ‘ u— g} ‘ ' ‘ staff at t e University 0 Kentucky.
r . E -J \ {:3 Representing the first official LGBT
"sir—Q " ,. m " advocacy group on the UK medical
,1, 3‘35. . . 33“»; , campus, we attract a diverse mem-
.:§§gigx.g;__‘ . ‘ _ if! bership of LGBT students, faculty,
gm a: x ' » 33g 1 ~j staff, and their allies. There are no
, ‘iglx‘cfiij. : .-‘ 3? V‘ I requirements for joining the group;
“3* 53,; 3,} g" g; ‘ -. being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or trans-
12:39»: ’ 3 ' , = 1: "I gender is not requisite, and in fact
E I ._ ' as many of our members are not. The I
573.7 V jab only requirement isadesire to be sup-
" I. p” M portive of and interested in promot-
f6 . . - 3 ing sexual equality. We welcome any
', _ ' _ ’ and all who are interested to attend
v ”(2‘ . _5.I our meetings or send us an email.
2,» 3%? , Z;- We intend to make this web-
' i ‘7 site a hub for all things LGBT on
. ..— 3 the UK medical campus. Please
come back and visit us as we work
Members of UKHope enjoy a welcome to develop our primary goals:
back dinner last month on campus. Establishing a mentorship net-
work among faculty, staff, alum-
UKY OUTsource ni, and students from UK’s six
Offers Variety of services health professional colleges.
OUTsource is a volunteer based Promoting curricular innovations
organization that seeks to make that better prepare health ”Off-'5'
a more inclusive campus by edu- 5!°n students to meet the 598'
cating students of issues faced CIal health needs of LGBT people.
in the LGBTQIA community. , _
Company Overview The outsource Sponsoring LGBT programming that
is UK's LGBTQQIA resource center. engages-the UK HealthCare com-
We are driven by a wonderful team ”1“th '" a productive dialogue
of volunteers and a fantastic execu- about LGBT health and culture.
tive board. We provide a safe space Helping UK attract _ and re—
for conversation and just plain chill- tam more outstanding LGBT
ing out. Our friends range from stu- students, faculty, _ and staff.
dents to activists with space for ev— Can YOU help US W_|th these 8f-
eryone in between! In addition to forts? Have suggestions for the
the human resources we provide in WEbS‘tE? Please contact U5!
our volunteers and our community ‘
of friends, we check-out books, dvds, 30'“ U5! Faculty, Stfiff, and stu-
...and cds on two week loans on a dents Sheett aFéPVOX'matEg’BTonFe
- a men 0 Iscuss IS-
(Continued on Page 5) sues and plan future events.

 Issue 9 20 11 Efiatugfmsgory
_ 0 ege roups
1 CONTENTS Begin Fall Activities Page 2
i —
j —
; College GLBT Groups GSA Meeting
) gear up Page 2 Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
5 Pride Center
a l — GLSO Discussion Group
_ INSIDE THIS EDITION Every Wednesday, 7 p.m.
; Pride Center
1 .

Sister Sound
- Bluegrass Trans(Gender)
_ Rehearsa's 5‘“ 5 Youth & Families
1 Saturday, Sept 10 & 24, 1 pm.
3 Pride Center
3 LAL September
1 Calendar 11 Kentucky Bourbon Bears
- Board Meeting
‘ Saturday, Sept 10, 9 p.m.
; . Pride Center
: Imperial Court GLSO Board Meeting
' Standing Strong 13 Sunday, Sept 11, 1 pm.
t Pride Center
. Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
- GSA Recelves Just Sunday, Sept 11 & 25, 6 pm.
,r FUHd Grant 15 Pride Center
1 Lexington Pride Festival Meeting
- Hearing and Doing Monday, Sept 12, 7 pm.
The Word 16 Pride Center

 GLSO News Issue 9 2011

_ Dennis Wheatley, President
The GLSO News is publlshed Orvis Kean, Vice President
monthly by and for the Lexington Secretary, Aaron Baker
Gay and Lesbian Services Organi- Glenn Blind, Treasurer
zation members and community.
The mussnon of the LeXIngton Gay
and Lesbian Services Organization
is to provide support and services 32:3; Egg?” ’2“: tgrg:
to the GLBTQQIA community. Thomas Cotlellins AtrEarge
- - - Mary Crone GSA
The VlSlon of the Lexmgton Gay ' ,
and Lesbian Services Organiza- iesseLglogathl,l—Mrar:eting/ Sales
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA Asphon‘yv Slmallviog d At Large
' th h ' . '
community roug vouce Jessica Sucik, Affiliate Groups
The Lexington GLSO is founded
upon the core values of fun, in- m
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity,
service and competence. Chad Hundley, Administrative
GLSO Pride Center
389 Waller Avenue EDITORIAL NOTES
Egg: 1:2)? K 40504 The GLSO is currently looking for
859 2953 523% new contributors and editorial
www lslo or staff. If interested, e-mail
.9 ' g editor@glso.org.
2011 GLSO News sponsorship packages are now available!
Email editor@glso.org to pick your package today!

 SisterSound Rehearsals '

Start September 18 Weightkigf‘sgpfallenge
SisterSound, the Lexington Wom- Tuesday September 20 2011
en’s Chorus, will start rehears- 5:30 ' p.m. _ 9 ' p.m.
3'5 for the 2011'2012 season on WilliamWeIIsBrownCommunityCenter
Sunday, September 18, 2011, 548 East Sixth Street
6:90 pm. at Centenary Meth- FREE and open to the public
“"5" Church, 2800 Tates Creek Everyone interested in the Challenge
Road, Lexrngton. PLEASE NOTE must sign up. All participants will
THAT THIS IS A CHANGE IN DATE- receive a Free health risk assess-

, _ . . ment by Central Baptist HealthwoRx.
SisterSound IS a non—audition cho- Classes will meet every Tuesday and
rus so if you are a woman age 18 or Thursday evening, 6 pm. _ 8 p.m..
older, love to 5mg! can match_ p'tCh (Classes will include low impact aero-
wrth those around you and like to bics zumba yoga hoop dancing
have fun and work hard at the same se|f_ldefensell ’ etcj
time, please jorn the “Sisters” and The weight room is open Monday- Fri-
their new director, Rob Vanover day 5 pm. -8:45 pm. and Saturdays
for the 16th season of good times 10 ’ a.m. _ 2 p.m.f
and 900d musrc. New and return— For more information, please con-
Ing members are always welcome- tact Mark Johnson at 859-288-2391.
For more information call Pat- UKOutSource
U at (859) 806-0243 or check (Continued from page 2)
out www.5istersound.org

wide range of topics pertaining to
gender identity, sexuality and more!
_ GLSO We are open 10 am. - 4 pm. dur-
Discusswn Group ing the school year. We are located on
the first floor of the UK student center
(across from Student Government/ un-
The GLSO is proud to announce derneath Starbucks).Come byand see
the continuation of a GLSO tra- us! The outsource exists to provide an
dition--the weekly Discussion affirming, safe, and confidential space
Group. Every Wednesday night for GLBTQQIA students to learn more
at 7 pm. our Discussion Group about gender identity, human sexu-
takes place at the GLSO Pride ality, and related issues by providing
Center located in Suite 100 of 389 access to academic, cultural, and in-
Waller Avenue here in Lexington. terpersonal resources; and to change
the campus climate and culture to
The Discussion Group is open to become more inclusive of GLBTQQ-
everyone and is a safe place where IA students by embracing diversity.
members of or community can
meet to discuss most any topic. Effective fall 2010, all of our volun-
Toplcs include but are not limited teers are QPR (suicide prevention)
to issues associated with coming and s.E.E.D.S. (bystander violence
out, families, home life, and much intervention and prevention) trained
more. And, of course, the meet- and happy to talk to you about just
ings are completely confidential. about anything. Most of us even give
great hugs! We consider our friends
Everyone is welcome to stop to be our greatest resource and we
by and join the Discussion celebrate their stories and contri-
Group. Hope to see you there! butions to our center every day.
Email outsourceuky@gmai|.com

 GLSEN in school because of their sexual
School Climate Study orientation, and more than a third J
(39.9%) felt unsafe because of their
gender expression. 30% of GLBT
The gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans- students missed at least one day of a“
gender, and questioning youth in school in the past month because ff“-
our community need our support. 0f safety concerns, compared to ’
Many teens are coming out, stand— only 8.00/0 Of students In general.
ing proud, and working to help other _ . _ _
youth in their schools. We see a lot Increased levels ofVIctimizatlon were
of progress. But research indicates related to lower grades, increased
thatmanyGLBTteensarestruggling. levels 0f dePFeSSIOn and anXIety,
and decreased levels of self-esteem.
A number of organizations in our _
community are making efforts to The Center for Disease Control and a
workwith teens. GLSO is receivinga Prevention (CDC) found Similar re-
JustFundgranttoimplementaYouth SUltS and recently reported that
Empowerment Project for which we GLBT youth are at higher nSk than
are working to raise matching funds. straight YOUth for seven OUI’ 0f ten .
health dangers that they track in-
GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight cluaing drug use, smoking, violence, .
Education Network, is the leading weight problems. and mode-
national education organization fo- _ _ ~
cused on ensuring safe schools for Being OUt in school has both
all students. GLSEN seeks to devel- p05lthe and negative reper-
op school climates where difference CUSSlonS for LGBT students.
is valued for the positive contribu- _ _
tion it makes to creating a more The GLSEN research Indicates
vibrant and diverse community. that those who choose to be out
at school have higher levels of
GLSEN's biennial National School victimization, but also higher lev-
Climate Survey is the only national els of psychological well-being-
survey to document the experienc- _ _ . .
es of students who identify as LGBT Havmg a Gay-Straight Alliance in _a
in America's secondary schools. school was related to more POSI‘
They have pub|ished an anaIysis 'tIVe experiencesfor LGBT students,
of their cumulative ten years of including: hearing fewer_ homo-
research. Their conclusions con- PnObIC remarks, less YiCtimlza'
tained both positive and negative tion because of sexual orientation
and gender expression, less ab-
84.6% of LGBT students reported senteeism because of safety con-
being verbally harassed, 40.1% cerns and a greater sense of he-
reported being physically harassed longing to the school community.
and 18.8% reported being physi- ‘ . .
cally assaulted at school because The atmosphere in schools is slowly
of their sexual orientation. The changing, and GLBTQQI youth need
numbers for gender presentation oursupportand attention.Whatcan
were at a lower level but perhaps YOU d0? YOU can support the work
because the words use to harass 0f GLSOI Lexmgton Fairnessl and
are more often related to orienta— PFl-AGaSWEWOI'kWIthYOlan people.
tion even thou it is often gender . _ .
variance that draws the negative FinanCIal SUPPOFtlS always welcome
attention to particular students. and we need volunteers to work on
our projects and fund raisers. To
Nearly two-thirds (61.1%) of Stu- volunteercall the Fjride Centerat 859
dents reported that they felt unsafe 253-3233 0" email Chad@glso.org.

 i' . . ' . r ,7 gym“. , a, 5%“;
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MQAM I ..‘;,-»_;5:/“’ I it"s-”é; k f’
Members of EKU’s Alphabet Center participate
in this year’s Lexington Pride Festival
% Thifl {‘ (:L,‘ r/A >‘ ?,j T 17 I
777 77 *EflM/I/
Health Equity Network Summit Location: Hyatt Regency
401 W. High Street
THEME: HERO Be a local Cham- Lexington» KY
pian- Health Equity Regional 859'253'1234
Outcomes .
Wednesday Evening: 5:30-8:00 pm FREE Parking!
Reception and Panel Discussion
Thursday: 9:00-3:00 pm
National Speakers/Workshops To register visit our website
Registration - FREE or
—1NCLUDES LUNCH— Phone: 859-288—2391
Mark J ohnson—Co-chair
Registration required in advance. On-site LFCHD
registration is limited! Mark your calendar today.
I —

 "£3: —_-__-ta V1 'l Mtg
‘ o ‘ - \‘l
0 3 «tr ' ‘

\\ ° \ (39%
WMD Sept, MW
8:30pm @mpm
$5 @

Newsletter Subscription
Complete the form below or sign up at glso.org/newsub.php
______________ ________
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E-mail Address
E! I would like a free one-year subscription to the GLSO News.
*Donations welcome.
Please send this form to:
GLSO, PO Box 1172, Lexington, Ky. 40588

 HRC Launches' "On _the someone who is transgender. Relat-
R93d to Equality " Natlon' ing to the current debate over so-
Wlde LGBT Equallty Bus Tour called “pray the gay away" therapies,

. . only 24 percent of people think gay
Washington — The. Human R'ths people can be made straight through
Campaign — the nation’s largest les— psychotherapy or prayer. Full poll re-
bran, gay, bisexual and transgen- sults can be found online at http://
der (LGBT) C|V|| rights organization www.hrc.org/bus tour/media.html.
— today announced “On the Road to
Equality,” a nationwide bus tour to At each tour stop, HRC will work with
spread the message. of equality by the local community to hold a variety
educating the American public and of events. The bus will be accompa-
empowering LGBT people to become nied by an exhibit offering primers on
advocates for themselves and their everyday life topics including: your
families. The 12 week tour will travel family, your health, your rights, your
to 17 Cities in 11 States and D.C., With Community] your faith, your workp'ace
particular emphasis on the MldWeSt and your story_ Separate from the
and South where there are limited Ie- bus, HRC will also offer a variety of
93] protections for LGBT people and workshops and educational seminars
llYlng openly and _h0!1€St'Y can be with particular emphasis on workplace
dlffiCUIt- EVEHtS VY'” mdUd? every- and health care equality, schools and
thing from educational seminars on bullying issues and religion and faith.
legal documents for families to com-
munity forums about family amp" The tour schedule is as follows:
tance to participating in the Univer— Aug 12-14 Salt Lake City, UT
sity of Nebraska's “Big Red Welcome." Aug 19-21 Omaha & Lincoln, NE

_ _ Aug 26-28 Lawrence, KS
Today HRC also released a nationWlde Sept 1-5 New Orleans, LA
poll that found Americans widely sup- Sept 9-11 Austin, TX
port LGBT equality issues but more Sept 15-13 Little Rock, AR
work remains to be done — particu-
larly in the South and Midwest where Sept 23-25 Louisville &
support lags other regions. The poll Lexington, KY
shows support for equal marriage at
51 percent (43 percent in the Midwest Sept 30-Oct 3 Washington, DC
and South), in line with other national Oct 7-9 Atlanta, GA
polls on the issue. SuppOlt for non- Oct 14-16 Birmingham, AL
discrimination protections for LGBT Oct 21-23 Jacksonville, FL
people in employment, housing and Oct 28-30 Orlando, FL
public accommodations is strong na-
tionally at 79 percent. as is support Among the 11 states the “On the
for protections against bullying 'n Road to Equality" tour will visit, none
SChOOIS at 73 percent. Respondents has a state-wide non-discrimination
also . overwhelmingly say anti-gay law including sexual orientation or
discrimination _IS a problem (79 Pef' gender identity. Additionally, none
cent) and anti—transgender discrlml- has any form of state relationship rec-
natlon Is a problem (74 percent)- ognition and all have passed discrimi-

. _ , natory constitutional amendments to

As1de from POIICY qUGStlonsi 57 per— ban marriage for same-sex couples.
cent of respondents say they would

not be bothered if their Child or grand- Many have laws prohibiting the posi—
Chlld was gay. Seventy—seven percent tive discussion of gays and lesbians
0f_ men say they COU‘d be close friends in schools and few have safe-schools
With a gay man and 81 percent of lawsthatinclude LGBTstudents. More
women say they COU‘d be Close friends on the legal landscape in these states
mm a lesbian. Overall, 5_4 percent is at www.hrc.org/EqualityTourPress.
sai thei could be Close friends With

 LAL Se tember, 2011 e0 artists working with found media as
Ea|endar source material. As appropriation, each
piece is not just a replay, it is a reply, a
LAL Exhibitions: conversation that refers to the original
LAL @ Loudoun House message. Over the last decade, technol-
More is More ogy such as media extraction and pro-
Thru September 11, 2011 gramming, and platforms like YouTube,
More is More examines a common have amplified the material forthis con-
tendency towards multiples and rep- versation, adding to nearly a century of
etition in contemporary art. Whether experimentalfilmmaking which solidified
it's an influence from industry, tech- found footage as both a self-expressive
nology, materialism or consumerism, and. sociopolitical genre. Curated by_the
these serial acts have prof0und im- Lexrngton Film League, Re:Play exhiblts
plications about the society that cre- ZOVIdeos by 16 local and national artists.
ated them. The exhibition was Curated LAL @ LQUdOUh Flouse: 209 Castle- .
by Melissa Vandenberg and features W°°d Drive, Lexrngton, KY 40505
works by 58 artists from 27 states. Gallery Hours: Tues ‘ Fri 103 ‘ 40}
LAL @ Loudoun House: 209 Castle- Sat ‘ 5U” 19.— 4P- For more in‘
wood Drive, Lexington, KY 40505 formation, Visit www.lexington-
Gallery Hours: Tues _ Fri 103 _ 4p; artleague.org or call 859.254.7024.
Sat — Sun 1p — 4p. For more in- .
formation, visit www.lexington- The Mezzanine Gallery at the Gov-
artleague.org or call 859.254.7024. ernment Center, Curated by U“-
Thru September 9, 2011
LAL project Space: Every— Now in its third installment at its new
thing is Related to Everything location, the Mezzanine Gallery at the
LAL @ Loudoun House I 209 Government Center above Mayor Jim
Castlewood Dr., Lexington, KY Gray’s office will feature recent works by
Thru September 11, 2011 Jennifer Reis and Stacey Chinn. Reis and 7
Everything is Related to Everything, by Chinn are alsothejurorsfor 2011’sAmer-
artist Cedar Lorca Nordbye, is a “print— ican Founders Bank Woodland Art Fair.
stallation" that uses graphic theatricality The Government Center: 200 East
and abundant juxtaposition of unlikely Mal“ St., Lexmgton,’ KY 40507
families of signs to illustrate the inter— Gallery.Hours: M0” ‘_Fh 93 ‘ 5P- 'For
connectivity of all things. A form of in— more Information, VISIt www.lexrng-
terconnectivity that is dominant in this tonartleagueprg or call 859-254-7024-
construction (built primarily of painting _
and screen-printing on wood) is our The Mezzanine Gallery at the G°V'
shared water supply. Beneath the sur- ernment Center, Curated by LA}-
face lie hidden currents. Waterways, Culture .Fh’th J°e' Feldman, 'h
trickle through fissures in rock and sand, partnership W'th the. COthC'US Ih'
bubbling up into secret spots in lakes or ShtUte at the Umversnty 0f Kentucky
creeksoroasestoremind usofourethical September 15 ‘ November 11: 2011
connections and our social obligations.
LAL @ Loudoun House: 209 Castle— The two pieces, Caochangdi (2009) and
wood Drive, Lexington, KY 40505 Markets and Malls (2010-2011) con-
Gallery Hours: Tues _ Fri 10a _ 4p; sust of sequential photographs shown
Sat _ Sun 1p _ 4p_ For more in- as looping slide shows and stop action ‘
formation, visit www.lexington— animations. They are presented on mul-
artleague.org or call 3592547024 tiple monitors allowing the images to
constantly interact and inter-relate in
LAL@ Loudoun House a manner similar to the constant and
Re:PlaycuratedbyLexingtonFilmLeague rapid Shifting Juxtaposition of images
September 23 _ October 16, 2011 confrontrngavrsrtorto eitherthe BEIJIi’lg
Re:Play explores the conceptual and urban village. Caochangdi 0" the Ub'q'
technical breadth of contemporary vid- urtous ShOPP'hg venues l” H°h9 Kong.

 EKU A| habet Center religion. There are many ways to get
Ready For new school involved with The ABC Center and
year State of the Gay Campaign. “We call
by Adam Denney, Contributor ourselves The Alphabet Center be-
cause everyone has a letter. It doesn’t
Eastern Kentucky University is one of matter if you identify as gay, Straight,
the few universities in Kentucky that queer, black, . white, 'or polka dot!
offers a safe space dedicated to the The alphabet '5’!”C'“5'Ve to everyone
LGBTQ culture. This space is known and so_are we! says Adam Denney
as EKU’s Alphabet Center. Opening co-preSIdent 0f the center. For more
in October of 2010, EKU’s Alphabet information regarding the center and
Center has become an activist group its events you can check 0”t the”
pushing for Queer rights in the Com- webSIte. www.alphabetcenter.com
monwealth and has received tremen- TGIF (Thank God It's
dous respect from EKU and other ad- Fawness) Party
vocate organizations. EKU’s Alphabet
Center has become one of the lead- When: Friday September 23rd
ing forces pushing for the passing of Where: The paddy Wag-
a Fairness Ordinance in Richmond. on in Richmond. Main St.
This would provide equal protection Time: 8 pm. to Close.
in hOUSihgi employment, and. public As many of you know EKU’s Alphabet
accommodations to LGBTQ Citizens. Center, other organizations, and com-
This year the ABC Center is launching munity members have been pushing
State Of the Gay Campaign This cam- for a Fairness Ordinance in the city
paign utilizes the four pillars of advo- of Richmond for a long time. This
caCY; aCtIVISi‘n, awareness, affirma- ordinance would finally put an end
tion, and education. The campaign is to legal discrimination to the LG-
sponsored by many reputable organi- BTQ community in housing, employ-
zations and business including the QX, ment, and public accommodations.
ACLU, GLSO, Lexington Fairness, Fair— The paddy Wagon in Richmond is a
ness Coalition, PFLAG, KFA, and more. very reputable business and a highly
Each month the center Will focus on populated bar for the community and
universal topics within our commu- EKU students alike. They are step-
nity like fairness issues, global issues, ping up to say their business does
queer h'Stoni and Trans ISSUES: One not discriminate on any persons in-
event that is fast approaching is the cluding the LGBTQ community. The
TGIF (Thank GOd Its Fairness) party at TGIF party will help send a message
The Paddy Wagon. This event Wl” be to other business owners and the city
Friday, September 23rd from 8 p.m: '10 government that fairness is universal.
close. The Paddy Wagon is speaking The TGIF party will have many
out with The ABC Center to encourage purposes in the community.
the Richmond City Officials to pass 1_ TGIF will educate
fairness and end legal discrimination. the community on current le-
This event is unique because ita party gal polices that allow discrimina-
of advocacy for the LGBTQ community tion to the LGBTQ community.
hosted by a bar that many would say 2_ TGIF will affirm a safe at—
isa‘straight’bar. Although, the Paddy mosphere of cultural understand-
Wagon prides themselves In saying ing and acceptance within a di-
that they are a ‘peoples’ bar welcom- verse population in attendance.
ing all persons. The ABC Center will 3' TGIF will bring awareness to
also host an [event called ‘Being Gay the Richmond City Government that
and ChriSt'a" on-EKUs campus. This a Fairness Ordinance is needed and
eVent, scheduled In OCtOber, WI" bring our citizens want to see it happen.
together several Christian denomi- 4. TGIF will advocate not
nations as they speak of the impor— only for the LGBTQ community in
tance IN acceptance in the Christian Richmond but other cities as well.

 ICK Fall Schedule Wednesday, September 14, 2011,
Includes entitled “Standing Strong". This
Standing Strong show will be a fund raiser for the
Fund raiser GLSO to help them implement
by ShotZI Contributor their Youth Empowerment Train-
ing Project! The funds from this
Diva’s of Hazzard, the Julie Vaughn show Will help GLSO implement
Memorial Closet Ball, to Forever leadership training in areas such as
Your Girl, August has been an basic diversity education, suicide
amazing ride! We would like to prevention and empower our GSA'S
thank the community for support— toreach OUt to a diverse POPU'
ing these shows and congratulate lathh- Let’s help the GLSO em-
our new Julie Vaughn Memorial power OUI’ YOUth to “Stand Strong.”
Closet Ball winner, Miss Shenita Eat-
sum! We would also like to give a Fall is upon us and with fall comes
very special thanks to Viscountess Halloween and we know what that
to Reign xxx, Christina Puse. She means, our annuaIIDlva of _Dark-
imagined and then produced the ness pageant. This year Diva 0f
ICK show “Forever Your Girl: Diva’s Darkness WI” be held at 0055'
of the 80’s and 90’s”. Thank you Ings LeIXIngton on Sunday, Oct0ber
Christina for stepping up to the 30. _ Diva of Darkness is the first
plate and working so hard to raise quIaIIfYIng pageant for the Enter-
money for our community!‘ Bravo! tamer Of the Year contest at the
end of the Reign (around April-
The Imperial Court of Kentucky May 2012)- This year we have
also attended Empty Bowls and the chosen to sweeten the pot a little.
Woodland Arts Fair to help Moveable I .
Feast raise money and awareness The Imperial Court Of Kentucky WI”
for their organization. Empty Bowls be acqurrlng a sponsorship for each
was amazingly successful; every pageant qualifying for Entertainerof
bowl was sold before the event even the Year that WI" be deSlgnated t0
ended! And at the Woodland Arts be given to the 501(c)3 charitable
Fair we had the opportunity to speak organization of the winner’s choice!
with people interested in volunteer— Qur Entertainer 0f the Year quJallfY'
ing for Moveable Feast helping them lhg pageants/contests are: DlVa 0f
achieve their mission along with Darkness, Miss Mary Christmas, King
selling some pies for a good cause. of Drag (that's nght, this year we WIII
begin our first Drag King title), Miss
September is gearing up to be quite Gay Valentine and Miss Derby Pride.
a busy month as well. We will be at— . . .
tending Coronation activities in Cin- Those charities Include but are not
cinnati, OH on the weekend of Sep- IImIIted to, Moveable Feast, AVOL,
tember 9 - 11 and the Inaugural Ball Lexmgton Fairness, GLSO and JUSt'
of the newly formed Imperial Court FUhd KY- Please contact Empress
chapter of Washington, DC on the XXX, ShotZ, for contest rules and ap-
weekend of September 16— 18. We pllcatlons at shotZWIthaz@live.com.
invite you all to join us, go to www. . .
impcourt.org and click on Calendars For more events coming dUth
to see information on specific dates September and C0m|h9 months,
and times for these out of town please, check our Facebook
activities. Or, if you have addi- groupI page and our webSIte at
tional questions you can email us www.imperialcourtkentucky.org.
at info@imperialcourtkentucky.org . If YOU have h0t Yet J0med
our group page on Facebook
We will be hosting a very special JUSt l09 m and 90 to our page
show at Crossings Lexington on and send US a request to 10'”!
l _

 Cfiarmecffife Tattoo
Contact Scott ’Ufipcfiée at 859 266 4287 or onfine
at c armedfifetattoanet

 . .GSA Just Fun _
A" exatlng fall ahead A JustFund fund_ raiser
, . and celebration

The GLSO Gay Straight Alliance for
YOPth (GSA) ls EXClted to have re- On October 1, JustFund is presenting
celved at JUStFUhd grant. for OUT a spectacular evening at the beauti-
YOUth Empowerment Training F’l’OJ‘ ful Spindletop Hall, 3414 Iron Works
ect. _We Wl” need to raise some Pike, celebrating Decades of Justice.
matching funds over the next couple Just Fun will begin at 8 p.m., tick-
et months. We Plah to hire a part ets are $50 a person, $25 for those
time grant faCllltator in October (see under 25 years of age. The first re-
page )and will recruit student Dar- cipients of The Cliff Todd Endow-
thlpants from high schools in Lexing- ment Fund Grants will be announced.
ton and surrounding communities.

. . This year the party will take a little dif-
The Pl'OJeCt Will-present workshops to ferent twist. Each of the three floors
engage YOUth ln leadership training of Spindletop will offer entertainment
including baSIC leeFSltY educatloni styles from different decades. If you
sumde prevention education, and want to listen to a band crooning de-
HIV/AIDS awareness, and empower cades of dance music, we have that.
them to reach out to a larger num-
ber and broader variety 0f students. If you would like to sip a cocktail, talk
Together we Wl" develop and DUbIISh with old friends and listen to someone
a _re50_urce noteboot With progrem- tickle the ivories, we have that. Or, if
mlng Ideas and discusswn 9Uldes you wanttothrowdown with hotdance
that can be used In the schools. music spun by a D], we have that too!
We need thls project and others After four years of relentless fund rais-
_t0 SUPPOFt the YOUth who are try- ing efforts, thanks to our diligent team
"‘9. to Change the atmosphere In of volunteers, we have achieved our
their schools. See the related ar- goal of raising $1,000,000 to coun-
ticle 0" GLSENresearch. (page 6) ter LGBT discrimination in Kentucky.
The current members 0f the GSA The Cliff Todd Endowment Fund is
are now planning our first Halloween named after the generous bene-
Dace to be held on Oct. 28. Teens factor who sparked the fund rais—
from many area schools attend our ing drive with a $500,000 matching
events. We WI” be Offering infor- grant We cannot s|ow down. Our
mation about the YOUth Empower- work in big and our desire to fund
meht PFOJeCt as We" as upcoming change is even bigger. Your support
social events at the Pride Centre. is needed and we hope that you will
We Wl” be looking for volunteers to attend our Just Fun celebration and
help at the dance next month also. help us in achieve our goal this year.

GLSO Faciliftator Position
or a
_ Teen Empowerment Training PrOJect
Part time p05ltlon —20 hours a mon h for 5 months
Starting in October. More information and application at
www.glso.org by mid September.

 Hearing and Doing the come through yet, very limited in-
Word come, everyday seems to be a new
By Karen Tayiorl Contributor challenge. Lisa and I have reached
out to him in several different ways.
I bought a T-Shirt recently that reads, For example, JUSt this morning Lisa
"Christianity is not a Religion" on the saw him out in front of his house and I
front, and "Religion is us working went over to chat only to discover he
our way to God, Christianity is God really needed someone to talk t0, to
coming to man and women through Unload all his frustrations andicgn'
a relationship with Jesus Christ" on cerns. He was so very appreCIative Si
the back with the scripture John 3:16 Of her taking the time OUt Of her day D
"For God so ioved the world that He to talk With him. There are so many
gave His only begotten Son, that ways we can demonstrate God's love
whosoever believes in him would not to the people around US- Make it a R
perish, but have everlasting life." I P°int each day to find one way to I
love that! This month I want to focus bless someone that crosses your path. 1.
on James 1:19-27, "My dearly toyed You will be amazed how much