xt7cvd6p2k38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cvd6p2k38/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  1894-05 1894-06 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 4, No. 9, May-June 1894 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 4, No. 9, May-June 1894 1894 1894-05 1894-06 2015 true xt7cvd6p2k38 section xt7cvd6p2k38 Z5. 5‘: 7 i: . ; 5} ;_;;-- M _,
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— 3‘5. " 3159i " -'=t " —‘:?' =3? 55%. 55:2 -i‘i7'i~=5l~‘% : skim-its: -:-. E:r==='=5 E5
‘5‘ 7 35'5" ‘5 fill ll: ,. 5' a?! “‘5' '%€ 9* -5:. - ‘J ..i=-‘5. =.-‘ E: ..-. a -
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———-—-——___._.________________——________________ :
Vol. 4. Lexington, Ky., May-dune £394. No. 9 1
ngRgsg inient has felt its sting and Ineiiiily S’ E ‘E I D N’ E ‘S . ',
_ [every man of us here has ielt its ‘ . . 1
5 5 lzyProf. j. H. Kastle delivered beforeillln'l‘lblc poison working death ‘1 ‘1 x ' '
“in-Monday Uu‘i5M'5y5 5595 pm ( w‘ithin ()UI‘ veins. 5 \Vho Study heonomv Should not fail to , . l
5 . It is when l call to mind these .
()url'it 1‘? has ii leel lnen dis—l . ,"— ‘ ‘7 ‘ 3,
m l 2.“ (It : “l (“Jinn 1118iliindrunees and many more, whose t1 .Mlfi ”t {ht }
M ‘.‘( l. .’.".,‘ H, ' ‘l 1 if. .
' l l (. 5 M“) . . “ lskeletons were. I to sent here {it this D 4/ i
been hindered byseetzirizniisiii undi. . _ p _ 7 _ a' l p \ l
I l)l”()l31' . ieiist would east 21. sullen gloom up— w T . . _ ' I
”M l.’ f “.1 f u . H l” this brilliant cmnpemy—it is '1lie longest Notion House in Lexn'igton. l
l llilSiCI'S orwe u o ieii' 110)C . , , L _ i
D iwhen, I say, that I call to _ - .‘n ‘ v x l) \ , . 1. , 1
i. ' .5. . ..5.. .. .. 5‘ . " . ' ‘ ‘ ' f.‘ " '3. ‘5 r'll‘ . 4", . i‘ ) '1 l
”1ng lunelelluokled tllie cause oil mind these inunyliindriinees, that I 01H [)1 M .13 ul‘iv it.) 3 tug i ) ‘5 «int, J. (Ill ‘5“ L t ; ..
$1“th “we” “" “Mm“ wouder that there is its ought that new reiiiii‘, Notions, Liidies and Gents ;
.‘irist. : - ~i- . , 5" _ , . ..
wouid instiiy I’thSOllulJlt) expeetzi- 4 5,2 g , y I, _ W i . r l
. ‘ . . . I ‘ yin i n y .‘ ‘ 1
, Com”,“1thWymhbmmt mm on: fummofhow and pms— Tiiiiiisiiiiidn. .IIJt'o, hoots (“Id bhoes, i
. ol the grandest und noblest mission . perity. l iflilllkcts, Stutun‘lery Etc. }
ol'u free press, have hurled their Til‘tlil' God however there is 110' 5. . . T i
. . . . h . . ‘ x 7 ’ ‘ T C ' ‘ l ’ I ‘ .' l‘ ‘. i
editorial edicts of denunciation hand-writing Of (100111 upon these '11} H", 501 Llldbl “ (All ‘ i
against an institution which has i newest 01' hm- “551115 tonight. i J D P U R C E L L i
always merited the fullest share of' And I believe that the oldest 01' ' _' i i
‘ ' ' ‘ ' Q.
their encouragement and support. l our number here—those of us here II' I3: I55 ‘hfeSt h/[aln ”treet- - ‘ l
Little, meaniinddelizised politicians, who have borne the burden and ——-———-————————_.__._____._..... ' ’2
without one half at cent to cull iheir heat of these days of adversity—l p
' ”W“: ”he that “'hi'Jl'l h?!“ lieen i believe that these battle—scarred vet—i ”film Why FRED J HEINTZ V7" :
“”hh’ hy bribery and COYVUPW)“; eruns in the cause of education are . {Wity'n iii/\flfl/éhll '5‘ ° l
these hilVO 1’00” the. 111011 N nhlh‘ COI’lh’lerl; thut the victor ' over these .-.-:l:',:'i‘.li‘ll“iI 9mg”? 3; ‘ j y l
. _ y . . 1 , l _, . . 'l . ”“515‘i’r'3‘ifl‘5i9‘i‘,lsv‘lri“:Jr.islilli‘r5ill. XDW :5, li’llellllthlllllllg
‘ (”huhl)’ ODIN” the le\)ing Oi ‘3 lb yours oi struggle is indeed nigh, . Wiiui,il[hilj;:.iiii‘syy:5.x::i.,;.yil:’i ‘g‘g‘w’x/ \ \/,; 5 i\
. ‘ . . . . : ““"":“l‘.‘i":'i‘.‘t-z‘f ’ A, ’:1. ‘5' . 5. ‘
hull eent tax—{ind these lizive been and that there yet awaits this 1.15m- lha'ildllil‘il“Ii‘llll“‘15:ll.lilllly‘lyi’iil ii fink ; {p Ail/E‘s :
- - ‘55.». 5‘5.5‘.‘.“::“‘:i".‘{“:‘.“5“"::::"5',‘":"iy“,_ :5 2..., may? 3
1h“ ““5“: “'h‘) m the CHUSG 01 edu- tution an em of prosperity and use— liihi‘ygmm‘.m‘:y:y‘5‘=:;5‘:,l“‘ililil'lifiltg : 6» lEl';l§ill {523% g .. ~55
' ' - ’ .5 3 .‘ji‘fm‘yi".ii"::“.i-‘.y‘i‘.“li in- 5, g: y: , ,
' 5 cation have prostituted their noble i'ulness fur beyond the expectations will”I'M-”‘hllllill 0% , §Z§ll l 5. _‘ I
' olliees as ministers and servants of of men. Mill-ll‘l‘li‘ll‘lili“.ivlfllilll ‘.\5 ll h//,/5 ‘3' .1. ' _
. . . . :’.‘»~‘%$i.v3‘. .1‘ :l:"““‘." : . [c' I a“! .
I -§ ' . i‘. " .. i" ' i 1) .115 " i '. .- -' 5i 5i; .55 \‘uE'M‘:..HH;l ‘ :W’ '5‘ cp‘g-y.“ .- ~
tli( .1’.“l’]‘ (Coed A spiiit o 0 I 1h:facttliatduiiug these 3th. 'WWVW..1 lipm§2\:\\; CllSlOlll HOUSE Squale
“yhhfim has been abroad 1“ the men, like Desdenionn, have come to: “Edy/*5! huWy.:.5~ '
‘ 5‘ - w " 'l "A l I Hill/3"“ ‘
hind. 'lhe (AHIHilOnWCHl oi hut’hwc lier for the very dangers she l" , l
. ‘ . ' I l
.Pett1tundlh1gh (.ooi.)ei‘——tliegreat huspuggwh and to 1101101- and ye- ______________—_—_____ l
unknown i'roni Marion, has been speet her 1'01. that element of truth . . . .l _
h'lh‘hhl “PM1 a Democratic znid and justice upon which she was - I 1’16 M i I 1110)] i O. '?
' ' . . . C
th'tyh’Vlhg 13001110. founded, and true to which, in °
The Halls of Lorislntion—ies 5. ' . 5' 5 . . _ . v _ 5
, {-5. _ }] spite ol all hiiluies .iud shoit eon] MAK UFACVLURERS 0F . ,
. even the sacred precincts 0f “0 ings she has endeavored to build ,
eonstitulionnl (‘011\'(‘ni5i()11 1tse1l5—it0 the glory of God and to the uplitt- WRITER?! EQLLEGE AF“) BafiD UHEFURMS. 1
have hOUh th‘ldh‘l h)" hll)l))’15tS‘—iiiigofKeiitueky’s lDtU‘lliOOd. And F) C , 1
hhd for “’h1‘t“‘th“t the cause 01 when, these old dissensions and zin— FLA@$_B"§QN’WJ’Q‘- Y’”®?‘Q§‘-H€fimets y
- - - .. ‘ . {a. “EU ‘3 mm) b .5 9 ~
high edueiition might be eheeked,1 tiie'onisnis shall have passed away l
and that a prit'O—VGS a lilight)’ 51111.1 been ibrn'otten' when the coni- ' ' ) ° - l
,. . . . l . b 5 ) .5 ' ' i ' ¢ ‘ '3 ' ‘ V j 'W , ' ‘nltOS- ‘
._ pi-iee——-niiglit he set upon that ig— inonweul of Not Pettitand Hugh 0“ (At/0111‘s {01 OillCClb 311(1 1 ll ( ,5 :
pornne:l which 10; iiiieruzions has Cooper shall have gone the way of THE M. C. LILLEY CO. _ ' .
>1: 3 .' (ininon— . .,..i . .1 ,- .,
)(in ie euise 0 ii» > (oxeys, and when these pig-gnu Dong St. And E.Hvenue, H .. .. Columbus, 0 .
“""hth- deniagogues shall have long since 4 .
The ‘3Vh “Whom 0f thls IhStlth‘ passed into that innocuous politieiil ..__._.__——-——————————-———-——-
' tion hflVG gained a h’othohl “0t deseutude which tliuy have so long '.,5._53r‘£7§lif,-I512~ 7 ~ - t i ' ‘
. i Fm. ,, (1mm), little mumchc MANI ACiLRnks AI\D DEALERS IN
slope the crowninir jewel of the . k i . lump}: -1 F1 C . “”1 Mn 1’3”] ‘ , a, , - ,
I r: . , I i i m ., t ) mui y our, 0111, . (.i . i (u , CU” Iamgmi Patent. Sterlin ,
Blue (”ass and l’eiiiiyi'ile alike—a My biggfllgril‘:2“): It;:1n‘ Choice l'ainily. Silver Leaf, Roller l’ateiit, XXX Family. Superfine. . g
“x \ university superb in its equipment, A thinkin’ of the future ' 66 Walnut St, . Léthgtoni Ky-
- a university magnificent in its pro- An» 1 countin’ time a 10%5 __.___________._________.________l ' ‘
portions, a university compared T' I I L 1
; . . . . ill I was tw xnt 7- a
‘ With whose brilliant achievements, Ant sure enhugi'hmfify hos“ IF YOU N EE‘D N EW 3H0 ES .'
i '1", will 1 ' , A w ‘ 7 “
pI d iaiisy \‘1111t, in I b.) gone d 1) s, AT ngN'nuoNii. or want to get your ‘
, 1c pride not only of lxeiitucky but lt’s comin’ on was slowly ' ~
the intellectual mistress of a 0111— But it’s surely come at last, '
tured South, was but a dim yet A“, 1‘ found me happiest
beautiful foreshadowing. In ” tl‘ml‘mi 0f the llflSt-
, , . . , ' A’l‘ ’l‘\VEN’I‘Y-.le. ‘
A Vtiy temple of learning shall I Timotq wheel iq now :movin’ GO TO JOE ELVOVE 257 SOUTH BROADWAY' ‘
like impaiial Iltoint, sit mistiIiss on A” a noghty whirl it seems, 1'10 makes it fine shoe (if the best material from $3.50 ‘
4“” these seven hills; a temple of harm Au’ often 1 am happy .Yet— to $6.00. He also does repairing; iieatlv and prompt at
A inzjr founded upon the truth and tra- But it’s only in my dreuns. the lowest prices. k v i i h

 V o
W .,
. Telephone 359. _.
' ,‘.!,.,..‘.,.;_'7"‘j'. . . , {El \1 V
yaw , r" \, 1 .3 ‘5 “WM“
| I .3552"; :3: 'rz“""f meé“
v TABLETS AT eosr starlet; 1“
1 1, , B; F , Sh _, D, . ‘ Li Elite: :2. met “s: ‘ ~
' S 2011 ( e15 races, :30 {It es. 1scount 0t 10 per cent to Students. Cifit‘i—ux _ “ii-flit .
' - ' Corner Main and Upper Streets. M _g% : '
________'_____—_______——————— __ if US“
SQUIBLETS. Col. (Ilay has been assigned to a ' . .
* .—— ' militar ' ‘)ost out West and will not I I A R; R/ S‘ ‘5 l I f , . '
b n“ t ' Cl Cl 6 1 a er' *
o , 'l ‘ )Ar 7 A '. a ‘
Mr. Cornell Spears has returned: he “b1 1 us 1:1,“: flew] t tlo 1 ay
. . _ ‘ , .r , as een a 'lllt mom 0 1e Joys; ~
after a smourn through the W est, W) ex )ress our reorets on ll'tVlllO' TONSORIAL ARTIST. 91 N. LIMESTONE ST. ‘
and is again “speeling” in the band “1 ‘ 1 11‘ d ‘2 1’ “1 , c ‘0 '
and holding down first base on the :50 0.058 nm an , Wis} 11m success SPECIAL fiTTEl‘l-“fllll PAID TU STUDENTS.
base b‘tll team in his new appomtment. ___,. ~ ‘
L; (. . . ,
—. .
Wm. Hobdy on "his way home The Inspector General was here -
from New York, where he has been last month, but on account of the .

' attending a medical college, stopped rain the battalion was not able t3 ' 5 , ,
over to see us and will remain until drill on the campus, but drilled in 1 2 S. U pper St. _
after commencement, for he is es— the college hall. 5:32, 3,, 4;». 2;?»- if“? W 5,2, .5, if. ,

Pecially interested in the class of — Fine iii'l'li‘ if .l. I; b “g: l: f" -
a . " . 9 536‘ it“: :21 2:"‘23 w:
9'1" , Quite a number of our boys and .3; . iii; if; 31: 3'1“. :2! :‘5 g‘ g" is: .Z-j fl ~ '
__ . . .331. +1; 5*" {2,5}? fin," its; aid: "-323 “,1, ‘
' girls went on a pleasure trip to Elk 'r " ”a ' ' R 41* "r" ' “l i
Johnmc gd your trunk and ‘1 Lick Falls Saturday. Cleaning, Dyeing, Repiaring‘. "‘
c .'. 01 i . . ' “* . “' v' T ' ' ‘
“WWW” ““1 F30 1‘0”“!- Alter at10ns &e., Neatly done. Lexmgton, Ly.
. _ HORSE SALE-—We will offer for —___._——_______________
Those awful , 1:“th have again sale, subject to the highest bidder,
...' -. '. . )..‘_ . . .
:, mystel 101‘ slyharisen and the I ‘ebl our entire stock of horses, or in 0th- I_< ent’s ‘ 1C AR Store
dent 15 guessmg- . , er words “jacks,” on June 6 at 10 T 3
‘ Pm- . 101 E. MAIN.
Mr. Bradshaw, Len Hughes, Ben. All are standard and reglstered. .
, Keiser and Jim Hayes will gradu- For references apply to Smith Al- Full I 1n€ Of i Ob'ICCO Etc --
" ate next Thursday. . Members 01’ ford, Morris Case, Stone Lewis or A . C 3 . , ‘2 -
the family and friends are invited Bob Nelson. Jacks will also be sold _—__________________3__
to attend. on commission, and parties havrng
__ some they would like to dispose of LGXI n gto n Stea m
Sliakespeare~—"A horse, a horse! would do well to call at our office, . .
, , . J . ' . 7 ’ . w 4 .
; My kingdom for a horse!” 1 New Dormitory Perms made ‘ ilea’nln & D elfl ‘ N 7 ()ka ~'
Judge Denny (on examination)--- known on night 0f sale. - g j l g . l
; .c l. . .. 5 . » . DU‘JLAP & SHERBURNE. ‘ -
x fA lulnse, (1;,hOlSe . My tent book * ‘ FOR LAD}ES’ AND GENTS’ WEAR
or a '101‘50. '—_——_— V
. - ' _ luay 'l“velity Sixth. 6! E. MAIN ST., LEX'NGTUN, KY.
AlterinO‘ and Repairinn‘ done with neatness ‘tlld dispatch
, ‘ v . 2 l - » Br HENDERSON DAINGERFIELD. ‘ 2" . ‘ i. D ‘ ‘ ‘ * " “ ‘
.thn me' IV'Wllk‘ dismounted —— not responsible for fire theit or moth.
lllS Caesar and Virgil class and tried Athl‘nOtll with our colors, thedear white and
. . . . l‘Ct,
them 1n infantry (11‘1“, the only 'l‘hellttlo white crosses :rloum over onrdead, ———-——————"‘—‘——'—_’—_———
The strong soldier bodies lie. under the sod;
command they could execute was The lig'hvle soldiersouls are on high with their .
' XIX . ‘
“ )arade rest." W \J l l l h 66 B
1 , And what have they left us, their children, " ' , O u I a n , r0:
' _— I t Llodaww 1 l‘ii ‘ ‘ , \ I Wholesale and retail dealers in
. us :u (“‘0 um )I ,.eres. pover .y‘. ray. V" i
. BOW-me of the gmluates clothed isternsures: ‘éi.tt’l‘-tiri.l5dl'tlll. SIOV CS. llml 810, Pumps, t1 ates, Mimics, Hardware, Etc.
, lll sheepskins. “"" Galvanized Iron and Slate Work a Saecialt .
' \ '~ Their weapons ’ll'(‘ made into pl()l1”'llSll‘11‘(N I 'y
,2 " I, “’ltllistrugl. ‘1‘ “m t’” H” “I 1‘1 Job work done on short notice at the Great W estcrn Stove
, J L V ‘ 7‘ . v v - ‘01‘ Ill: l0 ”DC 1". r 10y 110 l y ()llg l . y , ‘
I .(dlamncei: ROdng, lJLttCl lxllOVV D And sitlhligllil‘lilhe Cavaliers find even now, $1 ll (1 I111 SPOTC'

. {1.5 Judge, left SCllOUl lit‘St WECk t0 "l‘ls (silisierl handling the sword than the 26,\\OSt 313111 Stl‘C‘Ct.

‘ take unto himself a wife. He mar- p 0W” 1'
ried MlS‘S‘ 313.1)th Anderson '11“) a Yet love 1for our Southland is strong in her _———.._.—.—_————-————-—-————-————-——-—

. . . , i .. Hoot .—— _
student of this college, at the home we cilidhinili«Slime country for Whmh the) [5- I‘UEHNE- B- FOTSCH Jar—2
01. her parents at Mt. Sterling. A ()urnliilslslim been furledundourcause snilered Plimnix Hotel. Under Fayette National Bank.
. large number of friends greeted Emmi-(11:13! ““0 hm command mu Downer BARBEBS.
them at the depot as they passed Tl -___.f ——. 1
e 1 route to 10m. ,' 1: ,‘ ‘ 1e Wives 0 Oscar Wilt (2 Thomas
, .J “11 0’ Whele they Hardy, Max O’Rell, Rider ’Haggard,
Will spend a few days and then go Dumas, and Sardou, are all invaluable '
to his home to reside. helpineets in the literary works of their LEXINGTON, KY.
husbands. Mrs. Frank R. Stockton 36$ ‘. 1 it t‘ .1, 1
—' writes all ofher husband‘s novels at his ' FOUR a an ‘0“ pa“ 0 Sh” cnts.
’l.he Inspccsor General on the ‘htmu‘m' ; _____ ____
day of inspection presented Adju- Fanny Davenport Will mt £0 to Eu- “mutammc‘l by
t’mt Ion” b'f 1' ti l'tt l‘ “:tl rope this summer, but will remain in Lex'hgton
‘ ‘ ' " l 0 0 ‘0 )‘l :1 Ion) “1 1 her own country place. Next season she ' ) Roller
a handsome sword, the gift of Col will stage a new Play by ViCtOl‘iell SEW ‘ Mills CO.
pl‘t" don. It will be seen here before itis , ’l ,
' J 3‘ ‘llj‘ "l l r ml. i l-“W'll'h'V‘P‘A-l

 l . /r , ‘ , , , .
P.1nts—-all shzrles—froin $2 to $6. Hats—From 50.3. to $3. 0111' SI;
,3 ‘ 1 ‘ 1 1 0 hat is a regular $1.230 hat. .
91°) ~. TllC lllltllllll llflS (1”)le Ht l The best hosiery in the niarket——all colors, and all our own importa—
-, ‘) r . - - tion at 151' and 351'
‘10. ‘ ». ’ ‘ 1 par irised to see the 1 11'111t1i\"111(l ‘ ' " . . .
\‘r‘\‘/ 3' ”u 11 )0 S 1 l ( " L The largest selection of dress and fancy shirts in the City from [10(- to
“in”, \ qualitV, and the unusually low tigures 011 $1.50. Latest things in neekwear 23c and 501:. Prince Albert suits a
"e . /. speeialtv. ‘
. . . . 0‘ 1 . r , t 1. 1. »
' ,x’ . .' 1 0111 171111,? “0d“ . ' suits to order......... e311. 1 . H .
° 1? London Sack and Regent frock suits (eut low) in , About half the price lailors charge
. . M. A .. _ 1‘ , 1. , . . 1. o.-
.(D - 6135 all labrics and shades at. $10, .751.) and 2,311). Pants to order.......... m). . (lstn hue.
. Dress Suits for Rent. special Discount to students.
. . . . . I a 1 ‘ ~42:—
WHO WROTE SK’AKESPEARE? SCl'llMle’s Magazn‘ie for .June,1H2nnl[0n l‘tllllllt (011000 éyéggggxggg
- . - l . ‘ ' / Igg?%é¥%isi:fifi __
_ _ contains an Ell'tltilc by John lleard, ‘ t‘ ,, M‘%%:ié£:%:j_§%‘g
Hamlet overheard Julius Caesar JI" “111d" 101 thb hint time 111 {LC-l 1nlion‘f,,f,7,;,._"‘l’,,‘,i‘,(,,{$35}? 1111;111-1-11 “gi-é—ffr‘vw‘flltléziféfi ‘
" ‘ ' ’ , 1 , '1 1 , f . ' 11‘ 0.1g] 1] . I, 1 construction; appointmentssuperiorqgivgéi§1w7 vfi’r/"V'H‘
’ tel] Kin 1r LC'U‘ 0n thQTon'Lh Night. “9’51" L Him 111 ‘Hh 1' 1‘ l0 8 L ‘(' l 111-1-11111111111Ialionsliiiilsnrpassed; lulimqéf? V'§L./’"1._‘-5; ‘, fififlr‘fii‘.“ £1273???
’3 ‘ ' ' A .. .' .. ,. . 2 . ,3 ' '. . , , ~t I st :1 1 1 l d 1;: t . I ,\' L:- s: l I ~“ . ' "j',*",,: , . -‘ 1 "11,1”. r'z;:.=ff.5‘: , 1;;{543-55
After the Tempest that Antony tiagical story of ‘ Maniinilian 1111a 1, Elimilmhi ii’htl-ii 1m Mir-(1i 11:1111':l11';11ii;. €322 Mi ”firtéfigljfm, E as}:
“ ‘ ‘ - n - - - , . r .. -.' v -1 1. . ., .Q. . ' 1,-1'-', , . .»".‘_’-:.1__‘;: a": Z' 4.. 51:53:31 '35:..-
. 1 (‘1 1 1 t -. l . 1 t 1,1 ( t ) .101. HUS MOXICU / 111 the llght 01 1111111)" (100- :tth(l\\j\|i‘11ilill\\ Tilhsiltxithv-(nnhlcdoiiif E91373 3:: §§;:%:7 ’13: _.:__:‘;}-{_ “£315;
d1“ 1 (’Ol)‘I Id. )8“ 0 (I ‘l ’ . , t‘ ,1 ' .1 1 1 . .1 .) . , Ll , 1 1 , plislied teachers: Sludents received A WALK 1 E Wjfifilfl“w [i E]! amt};
. ' ‘ ‘ 1 . ‘ V; 1 1 .1) u HUM“ 5 “ NH] I‘UC ILCLH .3 ML“ ataliv time For tcl‘iiis. (tatalowue Iiifiig ’JflLflfiKflUfif-ihml L “I , '1‘: ;
. that 1 W” GLnt’h‘men 0f “011d “ “b ' ‘ ‘ . , ' 1‘ ' and otheriiir'or111-1tioii ‘Lli(ll‘0<~: H l :‘i.'I*7-31&E‘- -‘ a» mgatfia—H‘figf’lffig iflifls ’- I'
the author of Shakesie‘n‘e’s il‘ws published 1” l‘ranee. 1111s (‘lra- ‘ J-B SKINS'IGR,”resident. :fifia‘fgfr‘é’ifivwfifiafi;efi§?t‘§r3r%%é%
‘ . L . r i i ”I J I l. inatic reeital of 2111011isode whieh Lt-‘ivglmlyliy- gm’wfl‘w—a-Am I‘d—“$2“ ;£:"IE‘II‘IP "“‘"““" .
’ 1 Lear said: X011 may take it As tl 't ll ,, l‘\‘ 1 , __._—_____....____»_.______________.________....._.___.__
. . _ . . 1e wri er ea s ‘one o 1 a )0 eon s
You Like It, but I don’t believe it, D 1) ,, . _ “l t _ .
. . . a 1- reams ’ ‘1\'(‘S in 1a 1e.-
‘ forI heard Romeo and Juliet say 3 ’ g . ’ I, -
‘ , . _ n - turesque style which the author has '
Love s Labor was Lost when l reilus _ * , . i
. , , . 7 , .‘,shown 111 his stories, a perteetlv ,
and (.vl'CSSIdH, stole tl1e(,.ome1,ly ol 1 t [ tl tt' t
- . . e ear aeeoun e 1e. even' rom 1 s
. Errors and sold it to the Merchant , _ . . 555 E; Main St
I . . conception to the execution of Max—
. . of Venice for a cup ot sack and a , ,1, Tl t . ,1 ] _ t f
. . ,. . 1111111111. 10 'rue iiisn e 11s or r o‘ . - '
dish 01' caraways. ’1 1111011 of Athens V \ Fine PhOtOEI‘EDhS at Reasonable Prices.
. _ , . ,- , . the part played 111' the L nited ‘ ‘
. and Cyinbeline were parties to the H't t t1 t1 tli l ,1, 1 WW“
. . . ., 'a es .1e L111 101' 1111 's W] 11-11 1- .
theft, and after drinking Measure ’ ‘ ‘ ’ 1 Q E E N DC'UGI‘ ll] COAL dllll 1 ._
- . . ‘ r. 1 ably never be thoroughly known . “,3 ‘ 9 1
' for Measure With the Merry W nos, 1 ti f s 1‘ t .
. . ,. ieea use 1ere were ew t oeumen s , 1 y 1
-' of Windsor told himr John all . _ _ I INDL (I ;. 31! I
_ . ,’. D . and the real instructions were given l 1 ll\ - O FFEC E A E“? E) d“ AR D N O. 132
' about it. I‘thhELl'd III, a competent , ~ 1 1' tl 1' 1 "l .
. . . . 1’ worc o mou 1111' men w 10 iare m-
-- critic. said Bacon could not writel ‘l 1 , . EAg E M A! N STR E ET
, , m T, v T passed away. Mr. Heard s narrative ' - = ,.,
- 7, M... . :‘r 11“.i:‘.tcrs 1.2111), and Henry 1' U1 . , " , . ., , _,__.__.______________—__________.
. . , ' _ 1s enriched With a series of Silliilnt);
said that settles 1t. >1) why make , , . “ ,ma 1'; _ , ~ .17. ~
‘. . pictures l)V Inarehetti and Gilbert £15 . .W 3
, , so Much Ado About l\othing. (‘ 1 " 3511.1- 71»!!! a f; . a “i 1.‘ .1; WW” {3‘ a .
. . . an . "I: .1 1392* 3.; .. 1 n. 5‘ .1“. 1's ~‘
Othello was busy (lISCUSSllig‘ i\ I’onit 1 . Y w . ‘ ‘13, gig fiffl ' pf" ill, I" ll, '~ f (9.13...» 1,
- . , 1 Professor b1. 5. Shaler has enter— ‘ ”’~ ' " ’ ‘ WM “:31?
- of Honor w1tl1 Henrys IV, V and . ._ Q‘ E) .
,. . ed upon a new field 111 his popular '
. VI, and as ltichard II was . . . 1"“ F" 3,5 ““1 11.!
.1» . , studies of nature, and begins in 1- _ fig»- 11- . a? K’.’ "
, absent Taming the bhrcw I . . g In 11.. gig .ng {4; Qt; I .
: - I _ . . this number a group of articles on
1 could get no further ev1denee as to D t' A . ‘ l tl . l _ j. , ‘1- .1 ll . . ‘ , .
_, _, times 11: 1111111 s viose anima .' , -- r. -- - - 1 , . 1 ; a, - 1- ; 1 - :-.-
who wrote bhakespeare, but A1115 '1 .7] ‘ , _ 1 ‘ ‘ Aginultuial, biologital, (,111 _i 1,, 11, 111111;, ”[31,:11111111 _
Well that Ends W011, “' 1“ a“; Ehuethtl" 111.111 “£115“ Engineering, Scientific, ( lassu-al, ‘1 eterinarly, hernia] -
. 11111 associa ion. 11) nesen ‘1.]'- , ’ , - ..
. ——————— .7 “H .1 , ‘ school and Commercial Courses. ~ ,
.._. Tl P . ‘ P _ . tiele on ,1 he Dog is full of the , '
p, . lge‘gjmlbw 0t f10t11'1811:vf01]11},l1115, I most entertaining 111l()i'111:1tl()11 1n 28—Pr‘0f135530rs a me! Eh structors—EB
‘ ' (r '1 J 1 ' ' _ - ~
.- ' m 1 5 1001955 0 .1“ "1“ LC regard to the developmentot various '
‘ paltltimit,COVIBIS-the11111)()1't011t t01)"!kinds of dogs, their habits and as—1 Countv Appointees admitted to tree Tuition. Board in Dorniitor_\' $2.25, j
., . res ol1 nationa aid to the l\11..1i.1gua , sr.)ciations, with nicnlents 0, their 111pii1at1. 1.11111111‘1‘, b1.) .nid .111 p1 14111,. 1\.l l allrl 1 1111 [1.151115 . ‘
z : ‘ .‘ i ’; -' '~ - -, ‘(‘011( e1 nesr :1\' in 1 * 1 e111 air. ‘or ('11 a- , _5
@1111, our P051?”11 1“ “19 1 11.1fm intelligence and what the author on “,1 .- . 1 l . ,.. _ ll. ,1 , 1 .
()eean, the question of trans—Paeilie ("ills their “social culture n He ‘1 0‘5“” .1111 ”L “I 1” 01111.1 1”” ‘lm’ -l to . '
cables, our policy in Samoa, Enq- v -j i W i
. 7 ' ' - , . enumerates with examples a lone- 1-1 _ _
jw I lands administration of the Fiji . . 7 u , i . D JAMES K. PATTERSOZN’ PEI. DJ PRES
y H .., _ - eatalogue of human qualities
‘ rro) 1.’ .‘ ' ,, ' — z.- ~ -
g, “‘16,” 18ml”Sflgolnsiltmm“ mlk which characterize the thoroughly Established 1851 _.,_
‘1; (r 13' A1 1 - ‘1‘, 4‘ _ .7 . .7 .‘ '
._ lnbll’ 10 111110 0 ”11mg SUI, Lug domesticated dog. A series ot pic- .
1.11 .' )S .' 1 , .‘ J ‘E? ‘
I i :1 “fit y l’tiiri'ungits, “IL Pope tures by Ilerrinon Leon, the French E E gL’S E R C 5‘ R a h! g e N D 4'
am 1 1 ‘ 1 . 2 i '1 — - - ~ . '
-. 1'“ :ienbeWl‘: “1““ Plan animal painter, accompanies the 1 i
1““‘1’ 0 ’0.“ ,0” “1"” “‘6 “gm- article. Chemicals and ,
. . hours day in Lngland and other ' I
allairs of international interest. In ~ g hem [(321,] m ppfll iltllS. ,
the field of domestic politics the l i i
- - THFYC s 1’" 1. W ' . , 1
x. quorum question 111 the House of i 20:), 2” I , 209, 211, [111! (l A‘ 0., ._
1 Representatives, the tariff and the Wun HMS harde Wain storl CC (1 1g“ 5‘1 1 i
' . . - . 1 T ,, , . é-r‘. .11)l‘.,1 1 .. ree. 1 ‘
income tax in the Senate, l\ew 211 \V. hhort Stu, Lexrngton, Ky. 11:30 i '
Xork’s reform moveinrnt, abandon- . _’ "3'“ —+fr$- NEVV YORK-
. . . . . ’ -1 I'm ‘
ment of prohibition 111 Iowa, and Gunsmith, LOCkimlth' .86” Hanging 13551 + + ..
- - - - : —— + 1 '—
thc liquor question in South (Jaro- Stencrl Cutting, ZI‘: '
. . . . ' p ,‘ '. ‘.- . ‘1\1~v-« 7 ,v- v' 1 "
1111a, receive editorml treatment, and A\VNIN(} MAKING, ‘nfi‘su Flntht Boluinmii and (111111.111 (,1l.1..s\\.1111, howl Bull!) and . '1
' comment is made on the careers of F '“g’” Messmi l’orelain. l‘urest .llainniered l’latinnin, Balances '1 ’
. . . V Umbrellas aul P. ra.‘ 1- 3. .1 E ”if?“ . . r . . . .
/ the late Senators C1111 lllht and i . _ 1:0 S (Glued ”“1 103-39 and “’(JI‘YlItS [miss Mlttl'ost'u ms and l‘uielei‘iohwnzal A 1 1:1— j'
v l , 1\L])J11L(l. 4‘; 1—1 1 l v t: I K._
\ ““00- T. A, “orgygpy 1 , i ratus. (:‘lir'niieally l'ure .\1-i1l.~‘ :1111] Assay “1111.15, .