xt7cvd6p1105 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cvd6p1105/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1997 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 72, No. 4, Spring - June 1997 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 72, No. 4, Spring - June 1997 1997 1997 2014 true xt7cvd6p1105 section xt7cvd6p1105 7
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US ISSN 0016-2116 ii
Table of Contents 1
Introduction to the FNS - Luke McDonald 1 7
Kate Ireland Retires — Kate Ireland/Anne Cundle 4 1
Beyond the Mountains - Deanna Severance 8 y
Notes from the FSMFN/CNEP — Susan St0ne 14
Wendover News — Susie Hudgins 16 A
News from the Courier Program - Karen T//zainisee 19 1
In Memory of The Honorable Eve Chetwynd 23 i
In Memory of Nora Kelly 26 i
In Memoriam 27
Cover: Kate Ireland 1
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin i
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
Wendover, Kentucky 41775
Subscription Price $5.00 a Year for Donors '
Subscription Price $12.00 a Year for Institutions
Second-class postage paid at Wendover, KY 41775 and at additional mailing I
offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FNS. Wendover, KY 41775.
Copyright FNS/Inc. 1997 All Rights Reserved

l U you have never been introduced to the Frontier
1 Nursing Service we would like to take this opportunity to brief
;_i you on the history and the on-going work of the Service. We
  encourage you to share this Bulletin with a friend.
  Luke McDonald was born at the Mary Breckinridge
  Hospital in 1 979. His mother, Marcia McDonald, was a Family
j Nurse Practitioner in the Hyden Clinic. His father, Keller, was
  a football coach at the Leslie County High School.
  Luke is 17 now and a senior at Willits High School in
  Willits, CalU”ornia. He is active in his school as Student Body
li President, Peer Counselor and is an athlete. He plans to attend
E the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, next
  year. He hopes to someday spend a summer as a courier at FNS.
. Luke recently did a research paper focused on Mary
I Breckinridge and the Frontier Nursing Service. He won jirst
l i place in the Caly‘ornia state competition and seventh place in
 i the nation. -Barb Gibson
 § The Frontier Nursing Service
  by Luke McDonald
 ‘_  History relegated Mary   —
l'    Breckinridge to an obscure and   g l`;_
 f g lengthy list of unsung heroes. »   g -
  Born in 1881 to a southern    aj, I     _'·.  
 A aristocratic family, she was a g   __ I  
  great granddaughter of Thomas    g    
 Q Jefferson's Attorney General,     `  
 =é granddaughter of the Vice—Presi-      .  ii   .i*—·  
  dent under James Buchanan, and daughter of an Ambassador to
,? Russia. Though her family was well connected, Mary
 gl Breckinridge deserves recognition in her own right, equal to
  that accorded Florence Nightingale and Clara Barton, for the
s {J daring stand she took in improving health care.

Mary Breckinridge has stood behind these other pio—  
neering nurses because her Frontier Nursing Service (FNS) has j
only served a small area in eastern Kentucky; how could it have  
had a significant impact? Besides, many doctors are specially 5 .
trained as obstetricians; why would nurse-midwives be needed 5
if there are already plenty of these specialists? Even if it is  
1 conceded that the practice of nurse—midwives in the United  
  States is beneficial, it may be argued that their introduction and  
i expansion would have occurred without Mary Breckinridge.  
l Research proves, however, Mrs. Breckinridge's work to be the  
{ rock which rippled the pond of health care for all time. Mary  
K Breckinridge boldly created a health care system to serve a I
, poor, isolated, mral Appalachian region. The FNS became a
  model which has been emulated in the rest of the United States
  and worldwide. In addition, her work has expanded the role and
  the education of nurses, as well as influenced the introduction
V of modern methods of contraception.
i Mary Breckinridge's quest for better health care for .
children came after the deaths of her two young children,
I Breckie and Polly. Out of her own personal tragedy she forged
p a mission, to insure the health care of children so other mothers
i would not suffer the same loss. Mrs. Breckinridge demon-
  strated a concern for children that began before they were born
I with the care of their mothers and carried throughout their lives.
, She created a model of cost—effective, high quality health care.
I Shortly before her death in 1965 she described the first forty
if years of growth of the Frontier Nursing Service as "suggestive
of a tiny plant that grew to be a banyan tree, yielding shade and
i fruit to wide neighborhoods of men" (Elmore, "A Celebration:  i
Our First Forty Years" 25). Now that over seventy years have
passed since the beginning of the Frontier Nursing Service, the ,
banyan tree planted by Mary Breckinridge continues to grow
and flourish in this country and around the world.

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Mary Breckinridge - Founder ofthe FNS

Kate Ireland Retires from Board -
1 Appointed Honorary Chairman
  After serving the Frontier  " {Q .
. Nursing Service for 46 years in r  `·‘  gp    Lttg    
. every capacity from Courier to `     _· _   I
j National Chairman, Kate has re-  rp I   A      j‘
  gretfully come to the conclusion   n     Y    
{ that the time has come to retire *       . I A
  from the Frontier Nursing Service   { A    i p
Q Board of Governors. E - ~·  S~t ¤,
E Kate first came to the Frontier Nursing Service in 1951
  as a Courier where she learned to take care of the horses, assist t
i the Nurse—Midwives in their duties, tend to sick animals,
  maintain the jeeps in good working order and to do many other
1 duties foreign to a young lady brought up in a distinguished
é Cleveland family. In 1963 she was elected to the Board of
1 Governors and in 1968 she became Vice—Chairman. In 1975, .
she replaced Marvin Patterson as Chairman. She served in this
I capacity until her retirement in 1992. Kate then became Chair- i
i man of the Frontier Nursing Service Foundation Board.
i Kate is widely known for her tireless and generous
  work on behalf of the Frontier Nursing Service and of many
  other organizations and has been a major force in establishing
J the "presence" of Nurse-Midwifery in today's world.
  Kate writes, "This is a heart rending decision - to know
I? that I will no longer be involved on a day to day basis in the
. many important decisions that face FNS in the future. After six
j years as a permanent Tallahasse resident, I know that I just I
I cannot give sufficient time and energy to FNS. My many years
in the mountains will always remain a very special part of my I
life and I will be following with great interest new develop- A
ments and progress of the FNS in the months and years ahead."
Kate will continue to be involved in hospital work near ·
i her Thomasville, Georgia, and Sandy Cove, Maine, residences.

She is especially interested in environmental issues, particu-
larly as they pertain to quail hunting and the propagation of all
_ types of wildlife. Many other activities keep her busy. Although
she can no longer contribute the time she has for so many years,
I Kate will remain ever vigilant as Honorary Board Chairman.
i Kate Reminisces
When I first arrived at FNS in 1951 horses outnum-
bered jeeps by two to one - 22 horses, l l jeeps. This meant that
each class of midwifery students had to come to Wendover for
a week to get their riding skills checked out and to be sure that
· each could drive a stick-shift vehicle with little or no brakes.
This schedule was fine when we had a full complement of
couriers, but my first autumn I was there alone. At least those
students knew how to groom a horse by the time their week was
up, and I must have rolled backwards down Pig Alley at least
_ 36 times while teaching people how to start on a hill with no
hand brake. But, worry not, tea was always served at 4 pm
i despite the rigorous schedule.
After four months under Jean and Brownie's tutelage;
learning to stick needles in an orange is quite different than a
cow hide. My first case was the Beech Fork cow who had the
"muir". Out I drove with the vet book in one hand, penicillin,
appropriate needles and syringe in the other. When I arrived at
Beech Fork the barn man said the only way to treat the "muir"
was to split the tail and cover with turpentine. This treatment
had been drilled into me as a no—no. Anyway, the cow's
r problems seemed to be a big lump in her brisket. Both nurses
were very busy with clinic but I persuaded one to come and give
the shot. Wouldn't you know the needle broke and John Henry
i spat tobacco juice and said "that'll never cure her". Second
nurse, another broken needle, another stream of tobacco juice.
» I could hear Brownie's British voice ringing in my ears "bend
your wrist and throw the needle like a dart." It worked. On the
I third day the swelling went down, the cow began letting down
her milk and the barn man was converted.

This article was written by Kate Ireland and published in the
Quarterly Bulletin in 1954.
Too Much Pig I
i Hobert Cornett and I had to take the 725 pound Duroc i
I sow, Edna, Duchess of Wendover, to Lexington to market. We --
  took a departing guest with us and had to put all of her luggage
i on a platform over Edna's head. This definitely aggravated
3 Edna, who spent the first half hour trying to dislodge the
  platform and remove all the luggage, but luckily in vain. Then
  she discovered that the platform provided a good shade, so she
g sought other games to play. The spare tire was tied by a heavy
l rope to the back of the cab. By the time we reached Manchester,
  Edna had severed the rope, and from Manchester to Tyner she
  played football with the tire. This made the driving for Hobert
  _ very easy! Only 725 pounds running around in the back of the
I truck, and she always scored a goal as we were going around a
, After all this exertion, Edna settled down for a nap. She
couldn't have been quieter until we got to Lexington. But, she
I being a country sow, the city noises were strange to her and she
i woke up to observe the changes. First we had to go to the
E railroad station to unload the luggage of the guest. By this time `
~ it was noon and Edna's sunshine was not much help so, after a `
  half hour of driving around Lexington, Edna decided to unload
l herself.
, Just as we were turning off Main Street, Edna knocked
_? the extra boards off the back of the tail gate. Immediately ’
6 Hobert leaped out of the cab to the back of the tmck to keep
Edna in, while I made a 500 foot dash down Main Street to
retrieve the lost boards. l
Hobert said, "keep her away from the tail gate while I
I get the hammer." I waved my arms once. Edna waved her snout
‘ twice! Then Iyelled for Hobert. He got back just in time to save
I Edna and me from rolling down the street together.

{ After this it was I who went for the hammer. Luckily,
{ I found two, the one with which to nail the boards back on and
_ one, a wooden mallet, with which to keep Edna at bay. It may
  I sound inhumane to hit a pig on the head with a mallet, but 725
l pounds of mad pig has to be controlled somehow. While Hobert
Q tried to pound the boards, I hung on to the side boards trying to
prevent Edna from raising the truck bed. But Edna's weight
being greater than mine, I found myself being lifted three or four
feet into the air. An amusing spectacle it must have been for the
onlookers! After fifteen minutes of holding up all the Lexington
traffic, we got the boards nailed on after a fashion. But Hobert
had to ride in the back with Edna to keep her from tearing up the
truck bed. We got her safely to market where she sold for the
highest price of any pig this summer! That made our trip
Hobert and I didn't really care if we never saw another
pig, but arrangements had been made for us to bring home a new
Edna from the University of Kentucky Experiment Station. The
new Edna, a Hampshire, weighing only 265 pounds, was so
well-mannered and friendly that she renewed our faith in pigs.
But still we were very happy when she was unloaded and in her
own pen at Wendover.
When I went to the kitchen for my late supper what did
I find but pork chops!
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A Wendover "Edna"

Beyond the Mountains  
"Grotitude is something of which none of us can give  
too much. For on the smiles, the thanks we give, our little  
gestures of appreciation, our neighbors build up their philoso-  
phy oflufe. " - A. J. Cronin   I
I Many thanks for your generosity to the Frontier Nurs- I
  ing Service.We have ended the year having carried out our
  mission on sound financial footing, thanks to your benevo-
I lence, good management of our hospital leader Ray Branaman,
I School program leader Susan Stone, and our employees!
  Audit Firm
  The fall issue of the Quarterly Bulletin will include the
I audit ofthe FNS this year. You will notice that our audit is being
  brought about by the firm of Potter & Company. The following
is an excerpt written by Mrs. Breckinridge in Wide Neighbor-
hoods. I
When Mr. Charles N. Manning, President of the Secu— I
rity Trust Company of Lexington, Kentucky, agreed to become I
I our Treasurer, he said he would help me to set up a budget in I
I which he hoped there wouldn't be too many deficits for me to
I have to meet. Mr. Manning arranged for a certified public
accountant, Mr. W. A. Hifner, Jr., to be our first auditor, and the
firm of Hifner, Fortune and Potter handles our annual audits
  down to this day. Just as we owe the careful handling of our ,
i funds to Mr. Manning and Mr. Dabney, we owe the careful
accounting of them to Mr. Hifner.
. I did not meet Mr. Hifner until it came time for me to ‘
take him our vouchers of expenditures and our pages of inven- .
· tones to add to Mr. Manning's bank statements of receipts at  I
the close of our first fiscal year. To me he was an auditor,
j therefore, a person moving in realms of tabulated figures where  _

l no common garden woman could follow him. The first impres-
l sion I had of him was an awesome one, tempered only by his
  courtesy and kindness. Ten years later hc gave his first impres-
 __ sion of me in a letter of transmittal to Mr. Manning of his annual
g audit report. I quote several paragraphs:
  ’In tranmitting t0 y0u, Mr. Treasurer, the annual audit
{ i rep0rt 0f the F r0ntier Nursing Service f0r the jqscal year just
I ended, I wish I had the ability t0 c0nvey t0 y0u the successi0n
0f exquisitely beautyful pictures these annual rep0rts have
visualized t0 me.’
’I shall never f0rget the frst audit we made f0r the
Service. The Director walked int0 0ur 0fj$ce, a t0tal stranger;
dumped 0n the fl00r an 0ld rusty pair ofsaddlebags, and calmly
ann0unced that she wanted her acc0unts straightened 0ut. Y0u
will please n0te that I say "acc0unts" and n0t "b00ks", as the
Service survived the frst several years 0f its existence with0ut
the aid 0r impediment —acc0rding t0 0ne ’s p0int 0f view 0f b00ks
0f any kind. ’
i The Audit Committee and I did not associate this
passage of Mrs. Breckinridge's when we interviewed Mr. Greg
Mullins and Ms. Anne Ehl from the firm. It was only after the
l recommendation was made to the Board that Miss Kate Ireland
F brought the passage to our attention. This has been a serendipi-
tous experience, and we look forward to the renewal of this
FNS Saddlebags
e· Many thanks to Bill and Leslie Penn for the donation of
FNS saddlebags. Virginia Buckner, National Corresponding
Secretary of the Daughters of Colonial Wars, called and said
 I she had a friend who owns an antique shop in Midway,
I Kentucky. He had purchased the FNS saddlebags and wanted
 . to donate them back to the FNS. I was delighted to meet Mr.
Penn in Lexington to receive the saddlebagsll

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I National Nurse Practitioner Summit l
l February 21 and 22, Barb Gibson and I traveled t0 l
Washington, DC, to attend the American College of Nurse ’
Practitioners "National Nurse Practitioner Summit". On April t
9-12 Barb, Dr. Anne and I traveled to Albuquerque, New [
Mexico, to attend the "National Organization of Nurse Practi- l
tioner Conference". The Board has directed the Frontier School
I of Midwifery and Family Nursing to begin development of the
Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Program and we were recruit-
I ing Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) to assist us with the
development of a distance learning FNP program. We antici-
pate our first students will be our CNEP graduates who wish to ·
I become "Family Nurses" by obtaining the FNP certificate. .
I It was great to visit with Julie Gorwoda, one ofour FNS
graduates, who is now on the faculty at the University of New ·
Mexico. ‘
Daughters of Colonial Wars
April 12, I flew to Washington, DC to meet with the ·
Daughters of Colonial Wars (DCW) at their annual meeting. X

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  Mrs. Severance & Mrs. Harrietjurgeleit, National President
I The DCW have been and are such generous supporters of the
I FNS. However, I must tell you that the greatest gift (and
surprise!) was the 900 baby caps knitted for us by the chapters.
I These are so personal, so cherished. Last year, we had 140 births
I at Mary Breckinridge Hospital.
  As I flew home, my brain was noodling over the baby
I caps. Suddenly it came to me that our nurse—midwifery gradu-
ates are all over the country. Every baby whose birth is attended
by one of our graduates is an FNS baby! When I told Susan
Stone of my idea, she loved it and proposed that all students
attending Level III, the student's last classroom work before
they begin clinical, should get one cap to put on the head of the
first baby whose birth they attend. Our graduates and students
' will be receiving baby caps. We have ordered labels, "Espe-
cially handmade for the FNS by the DCW" which will be sewed
_ into the caps. A small statement explaining our relationship will
» accompany the caps. As someone said to me, " 100 years from
‘ now someone will pass their baby cap on to their great grand-
I child and the work of the FNS will be remembered." Thank you
. DCW.

April Board Meeting  
The Board of Governors met in April at Wendover.  
What a glorious time of year with the dogwoods and redbuds ,
blooming. There was a sad note to the meeting however, when I I
Kate Ireland informed the Board that she felt it was time for her
to retire from the Board. That night at dinner, after a great deal ,
of remincing Jane Leigh Powell, Chairman of the Board,
I presented Kate with an engraved silver tray as a memento of all I
I her years with the FNS.  
I We were particularly thrilled to have Miss Anne Cundle,  
former FNS nurse-midwife, and Mr. M. H. Allen Jr., Trustee of I
the Parker Poe Charitable Trust, visit us. I
p The Parker Poe Charitable Trust has been very gener-  
I ous to the Frontier Nursing Service. Mr. Parker Poe was Miss  
Kate Ireland's uncle. Our latest repair, thanks to the Trust, is the  
I retaining wall behind the Garden House at Wendover. I briefly I
I toured Miss Ireland, Miss Cundle and Mr. Allen showing the  
many the improvements made at the FNS such as renovations  
at Mardi Cottage, multi-purpose Barn room, Haggin Dorm and  
Joy House. We were also able to purchase heat pumps for I
Bolton House. Thanks to the Parker Poe Charitable Trust!  
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Miss Kate Ireland, Mr. M. H. Allen and Miss Anne Cundle

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Berea College Appalachian Fund
l April 30 - May 1, Barb Gibson andl attended the annual
Berea College Appalachian Fund Conference at Berea College
V in Berea, Kentucky.
Q The FNS has been a recipient of the Fund for many
  years. During the last two years, the Fund designated a schol-
  arship for a Kentucky CNEP student based on scholarly work.
[ FNS awarded last year's scholarship to Ms. Ann Moore of
. Hindman, Kentucky. We invited Ms. Moore to speak at the
l Conference on behalf of FNS.
Ms. Moore attended nursing school at Berea College in
1988 and graduated from the Frontier School of Midwifery and
·· Family Nursing‘s CNEP during March 1997. She fomaerly
worked as an RN on the OB floor at Mary Breckinridge
.` We thank Judy Stammer and the Berea College
Appplachian College Fund for their continued support of the
Frontier Nursing Service.

l l
Notes from the FSMFNICNEP- I
Spring came to the School s »  . .No.I .  
in Hyden in wonderful shades of   ~· { ,
  pink redbud trees, dogwoods and _ K
yellow daffodils. Spring also trad-  
1 itionally heralds the start of a new   '
  class in CNEP. On March 19 and   I  
  23 we admitted 35 new students     1
  to Class 19 and April 9-13, 22  _;   . 9 s i
1 new students were admitted to .5     -2,;, \,-9  
,j Class 2()_     i,r` 1 Tit  .~;·;:~ ' Y 1
i Midwifery Bound is the name of the orientation week- y
  end that we have at the beginning of each class. During this i
  weekend, we spend a lot of time not only orientin g the students i
  to their Level l courses but also getting to know each other. The I
  first night of Midwifery Bound, Kitty Ernst (a FSMFN graduate  
  of 1952 and senior faculty member) tells the story of the FNS,  
i the FSMFN, and CNEP. Days are filled with classes with Level I
. 1 instructors and interviews with Regional Directors regarding l
y the proposed clinical experience. On the second evening we
y convene in the Barn and each student tells wonderful stories y
1 about their life and why they want to become a nurse-midwife.  
The third night all of the students and faculty develop and *
perform skits bringing much laughter. We end that evening  
I with music and dancing in the Barn. These are powerful four-  
day weekends where a class of new students is turned into part  
y of the FNS/FSMFN/CNEP family.  
  On April 16, tragedy struck our school when Lisa  
  Scherrer from our newest Class 20 was killed in a car accident. {
. Lisa had attended April Midwifery Bound with us and was just ._
' beginning her path to fulfill her dream of becoming a nurse-  
midwife. She lived in Idaho with her husband and two children.  
The School responded by an outpouring of grief on the BBS. I
2 There was also a candle lighting ceremony in honor of Lisa and

l candles were lit across the country y r V
on April 28th at 9 pm to express  
grief and mourning over her loss.    
  The Class 20 students started a if [ [Q Q L  gy
Q scholarship fund in connection with . V "( ’   ¥ 
the Kitty Emst Fund and dedicated , ~~»-—-av  ‘·  
» it to Lisa's memory.The Spring 1997 ji im:
[ CNEP Directory has been dedicated  
  in memory of Lisa, and this year‘s l
  contribution of the School to the Mary Breckinridge Scholar-
g ship Fund will be dedicated to her. These actions are made in
Q good faith to honor Lisa‘s memory. Unfortunately, they don't
despel the helplessness that we feel over this terrible tragedy
1 and especially our tremendous concern and feelings of grief for
; Lisa's family.
, We say that the hour 0f death cannot be forecast, but
[ when we say this we imagine that hour as placed in an obsure
  and distant future. It never occurs to us that it has any connec-
i tion with the day already begun or that death could arrive this
1 same afternoon, this afternoon which is so certain and which
has every hour flied in advance. [Marcel Proust (1871-1922),
French Novelist]. Remembrance of Things Past, [vol. 6, "The
1 Guermantes Way," pt. 2, ch. 1 (1921; tr. by Ronald and Odette
Q Cortie, 1988].
T No one ’s death comes to pass without making some
  impression, and those close to the deceased inherit part ofthe
[ liberated soul and become richer in their humaneness. [Herman
[ Broch (1886-1951), Autrian Novelist. "The Spell", ch. 2 (1976;
i- tr. 1987].
I felt that these two quotes somewhat reflected our
i feelings about Lisa's untimely passing. We can only hope in our
  hearts that Lisa is on to the next level of existence and happy as
[ she looks back to her classmates moving forward in pursuit of
[ their goals on this earth.
-Susan Stone, ActingProgram Director

j Wendover News
I I'm back, much to Barb's
delight. She would do just about   ___V .
  anything to make sure I stay , _ ,  
  healthy enough to write Wen-  
  dover news for the Bulletin, and,   I  '
E healthy I am! * .\  e.
* I have preventive chemo- `'`‘    
  therapy one week each month  
i and will be finished in July. Luckily, Ihave had few side effects
j and am able to work full time. Most of all though, I want to say
{ THANK YOU, for all the cards, prayers and kind thoughts I
  have received. It seems that each time I started to feel a bit low,
2 another card would arrive to make my spirits soar. Thank you
  all, from the bottom of my heart.
  Renovations ofthe Big House
  Meanwhile, major projects have been undertaken here
¤ at Wendover. Over the years the Big House has had a lot of use
  and a lot of wear and tear, so it was decided to do a real overhaul.
i Upstairs, the bedroom walls were taken out and badly needed
  insulation was installed along with new sheetrock. The painters
  moved in and did their magic and each bedroom looks posi-
p tively spiffy. At this time they're working in the hallway, so it
  won't be long before the entire upstairs is completed. I know all
  of our guests will be more comfortable now that we have good,
, modern insulation in the walls. The heat pump sometimes has
  a terrible time trying to keep up with the cold weather, so, ‘
i hopefully, next year will be less draughty.
f While all the commotion was going on upstairs, paint-
‘ ers were busy preparing the staff dining area as well as the
kitchen for their new coats of paint. Then one weekend the
I electricity was turned off and the electricians accomplished a
E major overhaul of the wiring. Slowly but surely, the Big House

is taking on the polish that a National Landmark should have,
and once again we can all be proud of our treasure.
_ Dr. Anne's Garden
Now that spring is here, it is great fun to see all the
various plants Dr. Anne and Christine planted last fall. Climb-
‘ ing roses are coming up along the wall to the Big House, all sorts
of perennials are budding forth as well as the glads and lilies we
planted in the past. Best of all is Dr. Anne's strawberry patch.
Seems to me we‘re going to have some mighty good treats from
that area.
Dr. Anne's Knitting
When Dr. Anne isn't out gardening she's inside knitting.
When I was over to visit earlier this week she only had eight,
count ‘em, sweaters on the needles all in various stages of
completion. Since she started on this project she has given me
over 70 sweaters to sell in the Gift Shop! She and I have the best
time looking at all the yarn that has been sent to her (thank you
very much). She knits the kiddy sweaters and I knit the newborn
though there is no way I can possibly keep up with her, try as I