xt7cvd6p109w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cvd6p109w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-02-27 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, February 27, 1987, no. 498 text The Green Bean, February 27, 1987, no. 498 1987 1987-02-27 2014 true xt7cvd6p109w section xt7cvd6p109w        ;»     
i .
  No. 498 February 27, 1987
February 27 Gallery Series: Clay Maupin, UK Office of
Financial CounselinQ··"Information on Tax Law
Changes for 1987"
March 3 George Pullman, 1831-1897. American inventor,
cabinetmaker and inventor of the Pullman sleeping
March 3 LS2000 Library Staff Open Forum. 2:00 pm in the
. Gallery.
March 6 Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806-1861. English
March 6 Gallery Series: Appalachian Storytelling and
·· Fiddling--Ron Penn and Ron Collier.
s March 8 International (working) Women's Day. . Celebrated
7 as a national holiday in the People's Republic of
Y China and the USSR.
March 9 Amerigo Vespucci, l451—?. Italian navigator and
March 11 OCLC Newspaper Union List Demonstration. 2:00 pm
in the Gallery.
March 13 Gallery Series: Dr. Kathleen Blee, UK Department
of Sociology--"women in the Ku Klux Klan in the
1920‘s". Lecture and slide presentation.
Next Green Bean: Friday, March 13, 1987
Deadline for inclusion: Friday, March 6, 1987
Production staff: Editor, Kerry Kresse; Typist, Carol Ranta;
Printer, Cecil Madison
he Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes

 LSZOOO TRAINING FORUM publications, she volunteered
The 5th Library Staff Open to assist. Within a short time
Forum will be held on Tuesday, she had organized our efforts
_ March 3 at 2 pm in the Gallery. in such a way that the entire
This training session will project was completed within a
feature a brief LS20OD system reasonable time.
update by Tari Keller, and a Since I am aware that
discussion of the MARC record Mrs. Berman has
and its implications for LS2000 responsibilities other than
by Brad Grissom. ‘ assisting my staff, I wanted to
tell you about her initiative
and the truly excellent quality
ABOVE AND BEYOND... of her work. without her
Mr. Willis received the assistance, I am not sure we
following thank you letter would have been able to meet
dated February 13, 1987: the many deadlines which were
put on us by the candidate and
The purpose of this by the date uf the Trustee
memorandum is to tell you about meeting. ·
the excellent performance of
Mrs. Andrea Berman, Library
Technician in the Engineering Ray M. Bowen
Library. we have been Dean of Engineering
interviewing candidates for the University of Kentucky
position of Director of the
Center for Robotics and
Recently, we reached the point SEMINAR
in one of our negotiations such As part of its general
that it was appropriate for us service program, the Gaines
• to prepare a promotion and Center will begin on March ll
appointment dossier for the an informal luncheon seminar
individual concerned ..... designed to acquaint library
In order for to prepare personnel with current
the necessary promotion and projects, techniques, and
appointment dossier resources used by UK faculty.
sufficiently early to present The seminar has as its
to the Trustee meeting on purpose the furtherance of a
January 20, 1987, it was spirit of collegiality and
necessary for us to retrieve intellectual appreciation among
approximately one hundred those on the campus most
publications from the library. concerned with scholarly
On Monday, the fifth of research in the humanities.
January, I asked three of my At each luncheon, a
staff to begin this process. faculty member will explain her
They were working from a resume or his research, with
which listed only selected particular emphasis on
publications and contained resources employed, and will
typographical errors as well as also offer a critique of M.I.
some complete omissions. King's resources for general
when Mrs. Berman observed research in the topic area
` our efforts to retrieve these (most particularly as it would

 affect undergraduates and to newspaper collections in
graduates who might want to Kentucky and elsewhere will
begin research in that area). also be discussed. For further
The format, however, will be of information, call 257-8389 or
an informal discussion group. 257-8387. (Submitted by Judy
Participants will be Sackett)
different for each (meeting,
with particular interest in the
topic of discussion being the BLACK HISTOR§Mwm§QURCES IN
primary consideration. A total SPECIAL COLLECTIQNS
of 12 library personnel may The exhibit currently on
attend each meeting. display in Special Collections
The Gaines Center will this month is "Black History
provide a buffet luncheon from Sources in Special
12:00 — 12:55 for participants Collections." It features
during each seminar session. photographs, memorabilia,
Two speakers have been clippings and books of blacks
scheduled so far: in various ac”ievements and
historical mouents. It will
March 11--Thomas Cogswell, remain on display until March
History Department, l 17th 6. (Submitted by Terry warth)
Century British History
Department, Modernist and Post- NEWS
Modernist Literature. Call for Preseggagignss The
~ Academic Section of the
Two more speakers will likely Kentucky Library Association
; be added in April. invites members _to submit
If you are interested in topics for presentaion at the
{ attending one of these KLA Fall Conferenoe, October 1-
seminars, please contaot Rob 2, 1987. Mini-sessions are
Aken at 257-1631. (Submitted presented by l5-20 people in
by Ray Betts and Rob Aken) 30-45 minute sessions. Format
of the presentation is informal
and conversational. Send your
proposal to Sally Ann Koenig,
QQLg__wN§y§PAPE3_”wQ§lQ§W_WLlST Academic Section Chair~Elect,
DEMONSTRATION Helm-Cravens library, western
On March ll, 1987, Libby Kentucky University, Bowling
Potts, of the Kentucky Green, KY. 42l0l. eloposals
Newspaper Project, will present are due May it_ 53t*, and
a demonstration of toe OCLC should include the following:
Newspaper Union List in the topic, title or program,
Gallery at 2:00 pm. This presentor‘s name, mailing
demonstration will include address and phone, brief
instructions for accessing and description of presentation
interpreting the online (goals and oential points,
newspaper union list displays. about one paragraph will do),
( The scope of the Kentucky and target audience.
Newspaper Project and the
increased bibliesrephie eeeeee  

 Spring Conference. The theme KLA Academic Libraries Section,
of this spring's Special Spring Conference. The
Libraries Section Conference is Academic Library Section is
4 organizational communication. holding its Spring Conference
Featured speakers are Dr. James in conjunction with the
Applegate, UK Department of Kentucky ACRL Section. The
Communications, who will speak theme is "1987: The Year of
on communication skills for the Reader." Evan Farber of
leaders and managers. Maria Earlham College is the keynote
Miller, of the Jefferson speaker. The dates for the
Community College Humanities conference, which will be held
Department, will address at the Seelbach Hotel in
personal image building and Louisville, are April 9-10. As
credibility. Nancye Combs, soon as the brochure is
Human Resource Enterprises, available, more details will
INC, will discuss conflict appear in the Green Bean.
management. Finally, Mike
Kern, Jefferson Community KLA Academic _Library Section
College Department of Business, Officers. .
will explore communications and -—Martha Birchfield, ALS Chair
small-group decision making. and President of ACRL, Kentucky
Held at the Seelbach Hotel Chapter. (Lexington Community
in Louisville on March 26-27, College).
registration fees are as —-Sally Ann Koenig, ALS Chair-
follows: Elect and Vice-President of
ACRL, Kentucky Chapter.
·· Entire program (western Kentucky University)
-—$20, Special Libraries --Tyler Goldberg, Secretary.
( Section member (University of Louisville)
--$25, KLA member or full- --Bob Glass, Treasurer.
s time student (Centre College)
-—$30, non-KLA member
Outstanding Academic, Librarian
One day, Thursday or Nominations. The ALS Awards
Friday Committee will be calling for
—-$15, Special Libraries nominations for the 1987
Section member Outstanding Academic Librarian
—-$20, KLA member or full- during the summer. Cynthia
time student Atkins, Awards Committee
--$25, Non—KLA member Chairperson, encourages members
` to begin to consider
Buffet luncheon on individuals for this honor.
Thursday, March 26, is extra.
The $12 luncheon includes soup, [Editor's Note: Special thanks
deli luncheon buffet and to Judy Sackett,
Seelbach pie. Prepaid Periodicals/Newspapers/
reservations are required. Microtext, who is the editor of
Continuing Education CEU the ALS Newsletter. I took
Certificates are available for great editorial liberties and
· $1.50. For a copy of the plagiarized much of her
program, please call Kerry newsletter for this portion of
Kresse at 257-5954. the QB.]

 KIES SUMMER STUDY ABROAD Sciences Building (now the
1 PROGRAM Funkhauser Building). In 1940, p
· The University of Kentucky at the request of the Director, K
has joined the Kentucky Margaret I. King, the Zoology
r Institute of European Studies Department Library and the
(KIES). KIES is a consortium Bacteriology Collection were
formed by Murray· State merged. Almost a decade later,
University, Eastern Kentucky in 1949, some of the collection
University, western Kentucky of the Experiment Station was
University, Morehead State added to a growing Biological
I University and UK. KIES Sciences Collection.
organizes and coordinates Short of space in 1974
summer study programs for and 1975, the Biological
college students in Austria, Sciences Library moved from the
France, Spain and Italy. None Funkhouser Building to the
of these programs require Thomas Hunt Morgan Building.
proficiency in a foreign As of May 1986, the collection
language and all of them offer consisted of 39 "00 volumes and
: a variety of courses in 445 current jaurnal titles.
addition to language courses. The collection has expanded
The cost of KIES programs beyond the fields of botany,
varies from $1640 to $2460. zoology, and bacteriology to
. All figures include round-trip include materials on
airfare and in—state tuition. comparative anatomy,
Some program fees include a neurobiology, ecology,
r Eurail Youthpass and the embryology, entomology,
~ International Student ID card. evolution, external morphology,
y Deadline for application is general radiation biology,
_ March 26, 1987. genetics, , histology,
Please encourage faculty microbiology, aquatic sciences,
Q members and teaching assistants virology, parasitology, cell
to announce this information. biology, metabolism of micro-
n For further information, organisms, physiology and
contact Isabella Zsoldos, Study vertebrate natural history.
W Abroad Advison, 102 Bradley For many years the
Hall. 257-8139. Agriculture Library has served
as the technical services unit
for the Biological Sciences
MEET THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Library. An attempt has been
LIBRARY (By Mildred Moore) made for several years to cut
The beginnings of a future back on duplication between the
Biological Sciences Library Biological Sciences,
existed in 1935 with the "S" Agriculture, and Medical Center
Library for the Departments of Libraries. Although not
Geology, Anatomy, Physiology physically together, these
and Zoology. In 1938-39, the libraries cooperate in their
library provided monies for new collection building.
shelving and furniture for a A total of over 17,000 volumes
small working collection in the are circulated annually, and
Bacteriology Department when 6000 reference questions are
they moved to their new answered by the staff. The
quarters in the Biological staff consists of one

 professional librarian, one DATALINX ONLINE ACCESS TO FAXON
technician and four student IN CSR
assistants. Over 127 books and For several months we have
324 journal articles are been using DataLinx, Faxon's
circulated to other libraries online access system. The
annually in the US and foreign Faxon Company is one of our
countries through interlibrary major serials agents. DataLinx
loan. Through intralibrary offers online access to Faxon's
loan, several hundred journal database and file, as well as
articles are copied and books Linx Courier. Current
are loaned to other campus information is available for
libraries. Other facilities on viewing, giving complete title
campus, such as the Tobacco and and publisher data, up-to-date
Health Research Institute, also serial prices, current machine-
make heavy use of intralibrary readable cataloging for serial
loan services. publications (MARC-S), and
Acquisitions lists of new customer financial information.
books, guides to the Biological Linx Courier, the electronic
Sciences Library and lists of mail service, allows users to
current journals are place orders as well as
distributed at various transmit claims online. we use
intervals to our faculty and DataLinx for our daily claiming
other interested patrons. and for communication with our
Tours of the library are given representative in Westwood,
upon request. Massachusetts.
The space problem was DataLinx has two major
M resolved on a short term basis functions:
when 963 bound journals were 1. Bibliographic and order-
, replaced by 331 reels of 35mm related information_for all the
film. Approximately eleven titles that Faxon offers. It
5 boxes of microfilm take the is supplemented by Info-Serv,
place of sixty bound journals. which is updated regularly for
The staff is looking additional information on new
forward to the coming of titles. From Info—Serv, we can
automated circulation in the also access Alfred Jaeger's
Biological Sciences Library. database for back issues of
The barcoding of all the specific titles, and to request
monographs in now in process. a quotation from them.
we are sure that the years 2. Specific information for
ahead will be very interesting titles to which we subscribe.
ones for both the patrons and we can look up the transactions
the staff. over the past three years for
all our subscriptions. These
include the invoice history,
title changes, claims, and, in
short, everything that has
happened to that title. we can
also access other Linx users'
files to see if they have a
subscription to a particular
title. If they have the Faxon
online check-in system (SC~l0),

we can see what they have PROFESSIONAL READING (submitted
i already received; if they do by Rob Aken)
( not have SC-10, we can send Advances in Library
._ them a message through the Administration and
g courier and ask them about it. Organization. Vol. 6, 1986.
‘ DataLinx may provide Call no. 2678 .A33 v.6 1986. A
valuable information to anyone {Contents include: On the
who selects serials and needs nature of information systems;
current and retrospective price Fiscal planning in academic
information. It is also useful libraries: the role of the
in solving serials problems by automated acquisitons system;
showing us other libraries that Taking the library to freshmen _
have the titles or issues in students via the freshman
question, and providing online seminar concept;
communication with them. conceptionalizing library
CSR will be providing office functions as
three demonstrations of preparation for an automated
DataLinx for anyone interested environment; nd a survey of
in seeing how the system the sixth—year program in
operates. Each session will be library schools offering the
limited to six people, but will ALA accredited master‘s
be repeated as the demand degree.}
arises. (Submitted by Nazee
Depp) Effective On—the—Job Training:
Developing Library Human
Resources. By Sheila D.
~ <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<>> creth. Call no. 2668.5 .C73
The Library Disaster
Preparedness Handbook. By
Mark your preference below for John Morris. Call no. 2679.6
a scheduled demonstration and .M67 1986.
indicate your second and third
choice in case your first Managing the One-Person
choice is unavailable. Mail Library. By Guy St. Clair and
this portion to Nazee Depp, Joan Williamson. Call no.
Central Serials Records, King 2665 .S774 1986.
North, 00391, by March 13th.
Research _“____ Libraries:
Measurement, __mManaggggpgL
March 24th, Tuesday, 9:00 Marketing. Minutes of the
- 10:00 am. 108th Meeting of the
p Association of Research
March 25th, wednesday, Libraries, May 1-2, 1986,
11:00 am - Noon. Minneapolis, MN. Call nc.
020.622 .As78 108th 1986.
March 26th, Thursday, 3:00 (Contents include: ARL‘s
— - 4:00 pm. statistics program; Using
data for managing and
research; and minutes of the
ARL business meeting.}

 »»~ S
Position Opening KANSAS
Staff Assistant VI, Grade 7, Cataloging Department.
Circulation Dept. M. I. King University of Kansas Libraries.
Library. · Salary: $18,000—$22,000.
Deadline: April 10, 1987.
‘ ‘ OHIO
Catalog Librarian. University
of Arizona. Salary: $18,500. Head, Serials Department. Case
Deadline: May 15, 1987. Western Reserve University
Libraries. Salary: $26,000
CALIFORNIA minimum. Deadline: March 13,
Social Sciences Reference
Librarian. Stanford University V.xGINIA
Libraries. Salary: $24,800- .
$34,500 — Assistant Librarian; Public Services Librarian,
$27,500 — $35,500 - Associate Science and Engineering
Librarian. Deadline: April Library. Salary: $20,000 or
15, 1987. higher. Deadline: March 15,
Personnel Librarian.
~ University Librarian. University of Virginia Library.
University of Illinois at Salary: $25,000 or higher.
s Urbana—Champaign. Salary: Deadline: March 15, 1987.
7 competitive. Deadline:
Y February 28, 1987. Fine Arts Librarian.
University of Virginia Fine
INDIANA Arts Library. Salary: $28,000
or higher. Deadline: April
Head, Monographic Catalog 15, 1987.
Department. Indiana State
University. Salary: $25,000
minimum. Deadline: March 9,
Personnel Officer. Indiana
University Libraries. Salary:
Assistant Librarian, $19,500;
Associate Librarian, $24,000;
Librarian, $29,030. Deadline:
April 10, 1987.
Planning and Budget Officer.
Indiana University Libraries.
. Salary: Assistant Librarian,
$19,500; Associate Librarian,
$24,000; Librarian, $29,030.