xt7cvd6p093t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cvd6p093t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1927-01-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 14, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 14, 1927 1927 1927-01-14 2012 true xt7cvd6p093t section xt7cvd6p093t I
















KY., JANUARY 14, 1927





Plutocratic Burglar Pays Visit to Three Sorority Houses
During Holidays; Don't Feel Slighted If He
Hasn't Honored You as Yet ; Possesses Individual Taste

Students Prominent in Campus
Activities Volunteer Services
in Obtaining Subscribers ;
Attractive Posters Made





"Cyrano de Begerac" Will Be
First Play of the New

Appears Thursday


Co-Ed- s,

look to your
laurels and your facial cream for the
university burglar has been singularly
active lately. He is evidently a very
eccentric individual with a taste for
ukeleles, hosiery, cdmbs and ink. So
far he has honored only three sorority houses with his visits but he will
no doubt visit all in time.
Our burglar played his. clever little
game during the holida"s, confining
his activities to the Alpha Xi Delta,
Zeta Tau Alpha, and Alpha Gamma
Delta houses. Here his fancies ran
wild; he walked oft" with everything
from laundry bags to evening dresses.
The Alpha Gams returned after the
holidays to find missing three slickers,
a lumber jacket, a cretonne trunk
cover, a small silver clock, an amber
manicure set, a georgette evening
dress, a flannel dress, si silk dress,
three sheets, a counterpane, a laundry
bag, a comb and brush, two pairs of
blankets, "a pair of gold satin slippers
and hose to match, three pairs of
pumps, a mirror with a silver frame,
a blue bathrobe, underwear, hose and
This unusual individual was evidently not satisfied with this miscellany so he added to it from the Zeta

j The campaign on the campus to
place in the hands of each student a
season ticket to the Romany has been
in progress for a week and although
the results have taken no definite
form, the directors of the campaign
state that indications point to success
Every available device is being: used
to impress students and faculty mem
bers with the importance of becoming
a Romany patron and the fact that
value will be given for the purchase
of a ticket to the series of six plays
is emphasized as one of the principal
reasons that a season ticket should
be obtained by every student and faculty member.
No definite statistics on the progress that the campaign has made are
available. "Miss Duncan Foster, who
is directing the drive, reports that
the enthusiasm shown the first week
is a harbinger of future success. An
other indication that successful re
suits will be achieved is the fact that
many of the students prominent in
"campus activities have volunteered to
participate in the campaign and are
engaged in urging their friends and
acquaintances to subscribe to the
Among those who have enlisted in Chemistry, Hygiene, and Fresh
man French and Spanish Start
the cause are Jeanette Metcalf, Elizabeth Clay, Margaret Gooch, Marie
Schedule; all First Hours
Patterson, Helen Wells, Virginia
On Saturday
Reeves, Henrietta Blackburn, Marion
Gilmore, Harriett McDonald, Cynthia CLASSES
Smith, Bowman Webb, Alvin Hillen,
examinations will be
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) gin Friday, January 21 with chemistry classes the first to face the ordeal,
according to the examination schedule
furnished The Kernel by the Regis-tra- r
's taiceAllTass "work" 'will
close after the last class on Thursr
day, January 20.
The schedule of examinations is
Dean Boyd Is Chosen Member as follows:
Friday morning, January 21 chem
of Executive Committee at
Meeting in Lexington
Friday afternoon
hygiene, first
Last Week
year French and Spanish.
Saturday, January 22 first hour
Monday, January 24 second hour
Dean Paul P. Boyd, of the College
of Arts and Sciences of the Univer- classes.
Tuesday, January 25 third hour
sity of Kentucky was chosen as one
of the members of the executive com- classes.
.Wednesday, January 26
mittee at the Convention of
colleges, "which was held in hour classes.
Thursday, January 27 fifth hour
Lexington last Saturday. The meeting was the most successful that has classes.
Friday, January 28 sixth hour
been held since the organization of
the association, there being 108 mem- classes.
Saturday, January 29
bers in attendance.
The opening address was made by hour classes.
The eighth hour classes will be arProf. Lewis R. Akers, of Asbury College at Wilmore, president of the ranged by the instructors of these
Association of Kentucky Colleges and classes with the approval of the head
Universities. In his address Profes- of the department. The seventh hour
sor Akers declared that this is an classs may be given earlier in the
age of asininity, in which the youth week also if an hour can be arranged
of the country are unable to dis- satisfactorily by the instructor.
tinguish between license and liberty.
The examinations will follow the
He said that only the rules laid down plan used in former years, the Monin the Bible can set the continent day, Wednesday and Friday classes
right side up. Other menaces of the being examined in the morning and
according to the Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
present civilization,Professor Akers, are: psychological classes in the afternoon.
fear, political fear, economic fear, meeting four or more times a week
historical fear, administrative fear, will be examined in the morning.
All forenoon examinations will beand moral fear. He detailed each
gin at 8:30 o'clock and the afternoon
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) examinations are scheduled to begin

Next Week's Kernel Will Be
Published Day Early Because of the fact that final examinations begin next Friday, the
editors of The Kernel have decided
to , publish next week's issue of
the paper one day early. The Kernel will be distributed from the
Campus Bookstore on Thursday
as the staff collectively and individually faces the
same scholastic crisis that confronts the rest of the student body
in the guise of
there will be no paper published
during examination week.
Thursday's paper will be the last
until Friday,
February 4.
Get your copy next week on

Tau Alpha house a cedar chest, a jewel box containing a class ring and a
college pin, a ukelele, bedroom slip
pers, shoes, dresses, pajamas, under
wear, a comb, and another laundry
bag. He left the Alpha Xi house with
eleven dresses, bed clothing, an ivory
toilet set, silk hose, several bottles
of ink, a third laundryxbag and some
facial cream.
After much consideration the staff
has decided that the offender is either
possessed on an exaggerated sense of
humor or is totally lacking in. one.
We would like to see the doughty
bandit cold creamed and perfumed,
apparelled in evening dresses,' laundry
and bedroom slippers,, sitting
on a cretonne trunk cover and playing
The articles left over
the ukelele.
could be safely stored in the cedar
chest until the worthy gentleman
found use for them. He will be a real
plutocrat now with two extra laundry
bags and the three combs.
It is high time the Sherlock
and Hawkshaws of the Dramatists' Struggle Will Follow Vandy-'CBasketball
campus used their wits in detecting a
bandit so bold, bad and unscrupulous
Game in Men's Gym ; All
must lanUntil this is done
Students Invited
guish without their ink and .their
facial creams.
By Kathleen Peffley
Immediately following the Kentuc- game, Strollers, dra
matic club of the university, will
give their annual dance in the men's
Schedule To
gymnasium. All students of the uni
versity are invited to attend this
Additional Fee Will Be Charged dance, the subscription to which is





All Students Who Classify

The Rhythm Kings eight piece or
chestra of Lexington has been en
The following is the schedule for gaged to play for this dance which
classification of students for the sec- will last from 9 until 12 o'clock.
ond semester. Students will report Members of the varsity basketball
to their respective deans as indicated teams of Vanderbilt and Kentucky
will be guests of the dramatic organbelow:
ization for the occasion.
College of Arts and Sciences
Students- - are urged to attend the
Dean's Office, Room 107 Admistration
Stroller dance as it is one of the
means by which campus dramatists
Seniors and Juniors Jan. 18-1- 9.
are enabled to present their annual
Sophomores Jan. 20-2-

,tPt eshmenJari.



College of Agriculture
Asst. Dean's Office, Ropm
Experiment Station
Juniors Jan.
Seniors Jan.


22-2- 3.


27-2- 8.


Make Posters
Student Industrial Association
Boosts Romany Theater





Make Talks
Judge Stoll and Mr. Alden


dress Law Students
Judge Richard C. Stoll, of the circuit court, and F. A. Alden of the
West Publishing Company gave a
series of lectures to the students of
the Law College, of the university,
this week on topics pertaining to law
subjects and law books.
Judge Stoll lectured at the second
hour each day on the interpretation of
wills. He emphasized the importance
of clarity in wills and urged all prospective lawyers to become familiar
with the Kentucky statutes governing
such documents. He stated that
there was a great deal of litigation
which resulted from carelessness in
writing wills or from ignorance on
the part of the author of the document.
Mr. Alden lectured each day at
the third hour on the use of, law
The object of Mr. Alden's
addresses was to acquaint the law
with the various books dealstudents
ing on their subject, and how to use
these books.
Meeting of the senior class will be
held Monday afternoon, January 17
at 4 o'clock in Dicker hall. All seniors are urged to attend this meeting as important business is to be
brought up at this time.
President, senior class

2 o'clock.

The Student Industrial Association,
founded by the art department has
been turning out a series of posters
advertising the Romany theater.
These posters have been reproduced
by a new oil process worked out by
Mr. Lester Cook, director of the
Student Industries. One of the designs was created by Mr. Fiske of
the art faculty, and shows two
masques, one representing the comedy of having a Romany ticket, and
the tragedy of not having
one. The other design was created
by Mr. Lawrence Cammack, a student
in the art department, and shows a
young man surrounded by various
beauties of the fairer sex broadly
hniting that the shortest way to un
dying popularity is to buy a Romany
theater ticket,.
The posters bear such an exact re
semblance to the original sketch as
to be their own compliment to Mr.
Crook's process, and indicnte tlioir
value and practibility for commercial
the-oth- er

Outdoor Sports Vie With Indoor
Pastimes for Favor of Campus
Kentucky Is Paying Striking Attention to Her Winter Amusements, Says Stebbins, Expounding a Miscellany
of Snow and Scandal, Basketball and
Burglary, Tea and Tropics


Canada has nothing on us but a few
furs, and not many of them. Kentucky is paying a "striking" attention to her winter sports, outdoor as
well as those of an indoor and more
strictly private nature. "Strike one
out!" And a lot of us are out already. I've a sorely mistreated toe
and I've heard of one cracked skull
so far. Red noses,, natural complexions, hardy colds', stiff joints and
rheumatism number among the minor
casualties. All for the love of
This copy is not meant to
be a statistical account of titles, records, and championships held by Kentucky sport fans.
Then, there's basketball, too much
We seem to
of that, apparently.
weaken. I tell you this was" meant
to be a warm country. Snow has no
earthly use in the Blue Grass region
of the Southland. It just ties up all
activity or the period of freezing and
thawing when any sensible man
should be 'hibernating along with the

spring productioni-Jthe past few
years the organization has given such
costly productions and has presented
them frequently in other cities of the
state, that expenses have frequently
exceeded the income
derived from
ticket sales. All proceeds from this
dance will go into the Stroller fund
and be used in defraying costs of the
spring production.
At the regular monthly meeting of
Strollers held Monday- - afternoon in
White hall, plans were discussed for
presenting this year's play. A committee is now at work selecting a play,
and according to Dow Caldwell, pres
ident of the organization, it will be
announced and tryouts for parts will
begin soon after the beginning of the
second semester.
Pins for Stroller members have

27-3- 0.

dormouse and others of its kind.
But then, too, there's lovely hour
of tea time, around the glowing
hearthstone, when there's food for
thought and the more mundane appetite as well. All summer scandal
germinates in the winter sport of indoor gossip. But that's strictly private.
There's the charming custom
which links the word "dance" with the
aforementioned one of "tea."
confess to their constant association.
That's not so private. Perhaps exclusive would be the better word.
And then, of course, there's that delightful
sport of terrorizing and burglarizing sorority houses. (It's begun with renewed vigor.
I've always, somehow, suspected the
North wind of being the guilty man,
although last year a Phi Tau did
catch a first hand glimpse of the
anonymous villain, and then, too, it
seems rather
to accuse
the North wind of having any per- -


Will Rogers,, Comedian,
To Appear Here Again
"Poet Lariat"


and DeReske
to Woodland

January 15

Will Rogers, cowboy comedian from
Claremore, Okla., will again appear
before the people of Lexington with
his reliable lariat and sparkling hum
or. Mr. Rogers together with the
DeReske Singers who appeared with"
him in his engagement here last season will come to Woodland auditorium
Saturday evening, January 15, as
one of the features in the concert
series sponsored by Miss Anna Chandler Goff.
The "cowboy comedian" with his
own inimitable humor delighted a
large Lexington audience on his last
appearance here and many Lexing-toniaare anticipating his reappearance. The program of the DeReske
singers also made a very favorable
impression on those who heard it.
Mr. Rogers, sometimes styled "poet
lariat" of the United States, in addition to delivering his lectures (if such
delightful ramblings may be called
lectures) over the nation, is causing
thousands to chuckle with his "humor
bulletins" which are published every
day by hundreds of papers. These
bulletins contain comments on all
every day topics from the actions of
Congress to Rogers' own troubles as
mayor of Beverley Hills, Calif., his
adopted city.
Tickets for the concert are on sale
in the lobby of the Ben Ali theater
and at the Lexington College of Music. Prices are $3.30, '$2.75, $2.20,
$1.65, and 1.10.


Students enrolled in the College of
Agriculture and other students interested in agriculture as a life work,
should find this week's article on vocational guidance especially interest
ing to them.
Under the title of
"Farming," Dan Casement, one of
the foremost agriculturists of the
country, gives some .timely pointers
to those interested in farming in an
article on page five in this issue. The
article is reprinted from the January
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) issue of The American Boy.






Universities of Indiana, Michi
gan, Cincinnati, Centre College, Chicago Kent Law College-Are

Visitors Have Veteran Team;
Have Impressive Record for
This Season; Wildcats in
Good Condition for Game



Cincinnati Debate To Be Broadcast Over the Radio JanA difficult schedule
has been
planned for the university debating
team this year, according to Prof. W,
R. Sutherland, head of the department of public speaking at the uni
versity and coach of the dobating
team. Ten debates are already sched
uled, five of which will be held at
the university.
The next debate will be with the
University of Cincinnati on January
over the radio at station WLW and
the subject will be "Resolved, thaf a
United btates Department of Education Should Be Established With Its
Secretary in the President's Cabinet."
Kentucky will take the negative side
and the speakers will be William H.
Hanratty and W. B. Graham.
same subject will be debated later
with Centre College at Danville, J. C.
Burnett and A. K. Ridout being the
Kentucky speakers; and with Berea
College here, with Hanratty and T. E.
Skinner, the university's representa
On March 1, the team, will go to
Bloomington, where Hanratty, Ridout
and Graham will debate .with the
University of Indiana team on the
subject, "Resolved, that the Five-Da- y
Week in Industry Will Advance the
Interests of the Country." The Kentucky team will then
go to Chicago and the following night
these three men will meet the Chica
College of Law, over the
Daily News Radio, on the same sub
ject. The Kentucky team will have
th'e negative side. On March 4, the
same teams will debate the subject at
Lexington, and Kentucky will, take
the affirmative.
On March 5, Hanratty, Ridout, and
Graham will again meet the Univer
sity of Indiana, this time debating on
the "Principles of the McNary-Hau-gFarm Relief Bill." The Michigan
State College team will be met March
14, by Burnett, Hanratty, and Ridout
on the subject, "Resolved, that a
League of
Should Be Formed in Interests of
World Peace." Ridout and Hanratty
will debate a team from the Univer- ic

Paul Jenkins, who will lead the uni
versity basketeers tomorrow night
when they meet Vanderbilt in their
second Southern Conference

SuKy Circle To Elect
New Officers Tuesday-


Alumni Club Will Give Sweaters
To New Members of Pep


Lights Put Out

Fete Dean Anderson

Sleighing Is Newest of Diversions;
Students Join Midnight Excursions
Get Your Sled and Meet the Throng; Bring Your Own Best
Girl Along; Sliding Is the Sport That Thrills;
Provided, of Course, You Survive
the Spills

room-mate- 's

The Commodores will steam into
Lexington with one of the most re
presentative outfits in the Southern
Conference basketball lake. The team
is intact from last year with the ex
ception of one man. Last year Van
derbilt fell before the Kentucky cag-e- rs
by a
score. Vanderbilt
wound up an extended trio throue-the North last Saturday, where thty
made an impressive record asrainst
Yankee quintettes. One Kentucky
team has so far been Dlaved hv th
Tennessee institution, Western Nor
mal falling victim by a
On Vanderbilt's aggregration, Ken
tucky is represented bv Joe Stewart.
of Owensboro, who plays a consistent"
bang-u- p
game at center. Bridges
and Baker, Vandy's forwards, are re
ported by Nashville sport authorities
as having as uncanny eye3 for
the basket as any pair of
in the Sonth. McCall and Moss
round out a
team at
Kentucky seems to have a natural
aptitude to open up and beat South- 30-2-




8 o'clock.

Election of officers of Sukv circle
for the second semester will be held
at the regular meetincr of the nen
organization next Tuesday afternoon
m the trophy room in the men s gymnasium, according to an announce
ment by James D. Augustus, presi
dent of Ihe circle.
Sweaters bearing the word SuKy
in blue on the white sweaters will be
given to the new members of the
organization within a short time by
the Lexington Alumni club, it was
announced at the meeting of the circle
held Tuesday afternoon. For several
years the local alumni club of which
Miss Margie McLaughlin is head, has
furnished these sweaters to newly
pledged members of the circle.
Plans for two dances to be given
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) by the circle, one in March at the conclusion of the high school basketball
tournament, and the other the annual
May Day dance were discussed at the
regular meeting Tuesday. CommitWorkman Sticks Pick in Cable tees were appointed and other routine
business was also attended to at this
and Darkens University
All electric lights on the university
campus were put out of commission
Thursday morning about 7:30 o'clock
when a workman who was using a
Committee Plans Honor on
pick near the recently completed
Sixtieth Birthday
forge shop, stuck the pick into an
underground power line carrying a
The alumni of the College of Enhigh voltage.
The workman, whose name was not gineering, University of Kentucky,
Anderlearned, was not injured although it and friends of Dean F. Paulbirthday
is said the part of the pick which son,, will give an elaborate
party for 'the dean on the occasion
came into contact with the cable was
melted off. The necessary repairs of his sixtieth birthday anniversary
to the cable were completed about on February 10 at the Phoenix hotel.
A committee of 15 alumni of the
3:30 o'clock and the power turned
college is in charge of the arrangeon again.
Work on The Kernel was thrown ments for the dinner and has issued
behind about five hours when electric invitations to the party.
A special program of speeches and
ity supplying power for running the
press and linotype machine was music will be provided by the comturned off, but by working late into mittee and many alumni from New
the night the staff was enabled to York, Pittsburgh, and other cities,
are expected to attend.
turn the paper out on time.



The Wildcat basketball ship, which
has weathered one out of six storms,
will drop anchor tomorrow night in
her own Harbor and attempt to rar
sist the invasion of a man o war
manned by a superbly trained crrw of
Commodores from Vanderbilt University. Hostilities will commence at


"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle
all the way,
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one
horse open sleigh!"
So sleighing is now the collegiate
pastime. As long as there is a thin
and dingy cloak on the ground the
latest thing in campus togs will be
boots and knickers. We could misquote a popular stanza and make it
timely "We've got a car and a sled,
and a sled and a car and we're ready
to go."
Nothing since the
game has caused as much excitement and misery as the present
sleighing craze. Teddy has at last
had an opportunity to borrow his studious
new boots, for the
latter lives at the library and reads
Johnnie got a date with his S. L.
for the fraternity sleighing party.
For days before he delicately intimat
ed his superior skill in the frigid art
of sleighing. He told Sue that she
would have a delightful time for he


Commodores Defeated Western
Normal by 41-2- 0
Last Week

uary 20


EXAMS TO BEGIN Students Must



that she would come home
unharmed. A block's slide independent of the sleigh left poor Johnnie
sadly damaged as to trousers and
ankles and he is now languishing in
bed while his
steals his
Of course
like skiing
is extremely simple a mere matter
of keeping one's equilibrium in the
proper place.
Hitch the instrument
of torture to a car. Throw off all
objects which might be in the way
girls etcs., and tell the person who's
driving the car to speed upv to sixty
or so around the corners then it
is generally conceded that one is to
hang on. Concentration or the reciting of one's prayers in a polite
monotone often helps. If any of your
friends walk by it is not considered
essential that you are to let loose
with both hands to wave a greeting.
By some college authorities it is even
considered inadvisable.
.Naturally freshmen need not be

.would see







George Robbins, James Burnett
and H. C. Porter Chosen in
Recent Try-ouof



George K. Robbins of Florence, Ky.,
James C. Burnett, of Tompkinsville,
Ky., and H. C. Porter, of Bardstown
Junction, were chosen to fill vacancies
in the Student Speakers Bureau of
the University of Kentucky Friday
night, January 7, in the annual
in which ten men students competed.
Mr. Robbins and Mr. Burnett were
selected earlier in the season as members of the university debating team
and represented the university against
Oxford Collge, England in November.
They came to the university this year
from Berea and are students in the
Law College. Mr. Porter is also from
Berea where he was a member of the
Berea debating team and a member
of Tau Kappa Alpha, honorary debat
ing fraternity.
W. H. Hanratty, of Hopkinsville,
who won the State Oratorical mednl
and the southern championship in or
atory last year, is the only member
of the bureau left from last year.
The Student Speakers Bureau is
under the direction of the Alumni As
sociation at the university and sends
out speakers to various meetings
throughout the state whenever called
upon to encourage higher education
and to foster the interests of the University of Kentucky.
Judges for the contest were Prof.
W. R. Sutherland, head of the department of public speaking at the university, and two men not connected
with the university. Each speaker
made a ten minute speech on some
phase of higher education in Ken
try-ou- ts

Off To Panama
Len Tracy and Dick Conn Ac
cept Positions in Tropics
Len Tracy, former football and bas
ketball star of the University of Kentucky, and Dick Conn, who was football manager for the Wildcats during
the past season, are now on their
way to Panama.
The two former
students have accepted positions with
the Panama Pacific Railway Company.
When asked by fellow students why
they were leaving the boys said that
they had always wanted to travel
They are not
and see the world.
under time contract with the railroad


The name of the recently founded
sorority on the university campus, the
announcement of which was given in
the last issue of The Kernel, is Delta
Sigma Tau. The name was given to
The Kernel last week as Sigma Delta
Tau and was therefore incorrectly



Subscribe for


!h" ? ? ?

First Woman Graduate of Col
lege of Law and President of




How can you render a great
service for your Alma Mater
and materially benefit yourself

at the same time


Miss Lena Madison Phillips, of New

York, national president of the bus
iness and Professional Women s Club
was the guest of honor at a dinner
given in Lexington by the Kentucky
organization of the club, Tuesday
night, December 28. Miss Phillips
is a graduate of the university and
a member of the class of 1917. She
was the first woman to be graduated
from the College of Law of the University of Kentucky and has been
admitted to the New York bar.
While in Kentucky Miss Phillips
spent the Christmas holidays with
her father, Judge W. H. Phillips, of

What do you owe the
University of.
Kentucky ,

Last summer Miss Phillips was hon
ored by the national organization of
the Business Women's Club by being
elected to the presidency of the or
ganization at the national convention
in Des Moines, Iowa. She was active
in the organization of the club and

traveled over most of the United
States in the interest of the organiza
tion. After the organization was completed she was elected the club's first
executive secretary. She later resigned and began the practice of law
in New York, where she has built up
an excellent practice.
During the World Warr Miss Phil
lips served on the national Y. W. C,
A. board in connection with the organ
ization of business women for war
She returned to New Yorw immed

iately after the Christmas holidays

the mission of the
Alumi and the Alumni Association of the University

ed States. Radiator Company in Cleve
land, Ohio.

uni-verst- iy






maiden name of wife,
ages of children).

date of marriage,

names and

Chicago Alumni Club, luncheon
third Monday in each month in the
Men's Grill, Marshall Field Co.
Buffalo Alumni Club, meeting
second Saturday in each month at
Chamber of Commerce, Seneca and
Wain streets, 2:15 p.m.
Louisville Alumni Club, luncheon,
private dining room Brown hotel
1 o'clock p. m., first Saturday in
each month.


The wedding tf William H. Mc
Adams, '13, of Lexington, Ky., and
Boston, to Miss Jean Dubbs, of Chi
cago, was solemnized at the Wilmette
Baptist church of Wilmette, 111., Tuesday night, December 28. They left
immedately after the ceremony for
Lake Placid and later sailed for Bermuda for the winter.
Mr. McAdams was graduated from
the University of Kentucky with the
degree of A. B. in 1913 and in 1914
was warded the degree of M. S. During the time that he did his graduate
work he was assistant food chemist
at the Kentucky Agricultural Experi
ment Station. He left Kentucky and
in 1917 he was given a degree in
chemical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in
Boston. During the war he served as
a Captain in the Chemical Warfare
Service and was engaged in the perfection of war gases.
Since 1919 he has been
on the
teaching staff of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology ias profes
sor in chemical engineering. He also
does consulting work and for several
years has been one of the experts for
the Universal Oil Products Company

Eldorado, 111., have announced the
marriage of their daughter, Mable
Marie, to Mr. Charles T. Hughes. The
wedding was solemnized
28, 1926. Mr. Hughes is a graduate
of the University of Kentucky and a
member of the class of 1925. While
on the campus he was Kentucky's
first four letter man. He is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and while
in school was president of the men's
student council, a member of Keys,
Thirteen, Lamp and Cross and was
voted the most popular member of the
senior class.
At the present he is teaching and
coaching at the Harlan High school
of Harlan, Ky., where he and his
bride will make their home.


Call 1466 - 4710


Choice Poultry
Also Butter, Eggs and Old Ham

Poultry Co.

Moore-Disho- n

S. Limestone

The Phoenix Hotel
pays special attention to

Parties Banquets and Dances

University Organizations



Cramer, Manager


A recent letter from Robert B
Clem, '24 who is a student at Columbia University, New York, tells of
a number of former University of
Kentucky students who are studying
there this year. He says that they
get together quite frequently to talk
over old times at the university,
'Bob" Clem is there, as he was here,
a member of the Glee club and is
one of the leading songsters.
stated in his letter that every re
reminded him of the Uni
versity of Kentucky and his pleasant
associations with Professor Carl
Lampert of the university. He en
closed a check for his dues for this


Driv-It-Ur-Se- lf.


Pay by the hour only.



L. W. Culley, Mgr.

send into this

Algernon Sidney Winston, '12
Charles Leon Bosley, '13
Candie-iiYh- t

Herbert Adolph Conhurst, '13
Fred Farris, '13

3t-- 5

Kurozawa, '13




Luella Morton Shaffer, '13
Arthur Ray Bennett, '14

John Lloyd Brown, '14
Arthur Louis Brueckner, '14
William Wayne Chambers, '14
Guy Leslie Dickinson


Harry Benjamin Debrowsky '14
Gaithern '14

Donald Magoffin

Normal Gilbert Coleman
school at Bowling Green, Ky.
Madison Cawein is a graduate stu- -






driv-ur"se- lf


The Alumni office would appreciate it if you would
office addresses of any of the graduates listed below.
Philip Arthur Whitacre, '12

registrar of the

At the December meeting of the
Louisville Club of the Alumni Association a reorganization
of the
club and election of officers was effected. The members met Monday
December 6, at the Brown hotel for
luncheon. The following officers we