xt7crj48sp46 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48sp46/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1975-11-10  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 10, 1975 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 10, 1975 1975 1975-11-10 2020 true xt7crj48sp46 section xt7crj48sp46   


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The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday, November

10, 1975 in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Krislov presided. Members

absent: John G. Banwell*, Harry Barnard, Charles E. Barnhart, Melvin Baskin,
Robert P. Belin*, Robert S. Benton*, Philip K. Berger*, Harold Binkley, Jack C.
Blanton*, Peter P. Bosomworth*, Robert N. Bostrom*, Joseph T. Burch, H. Stuart
Burness*, Donald B. Clapp, Elizabeth Clotfelter*, Lewis W. Cochran*, Ronda S.
Connaway*, Foy Cox, Rhonda Crowdus, Vincent Davis*, Patrick P. DeLuca*, George

N. Denemark*, William H. Dennen*, Anthony Eardley, W. W. Ecton*, Jane M. Emanuel*,
Dennis George, James Gibson, Ward 0. Griffen*, Joseph Hamburg, George W. Hardy,
James Harralson, Virgil W. Hays*, Raymond R. Hornback, David Howard*, John J.
Hutton, Dean Jaros, Raymon D. Johnson*, Margaret W. Jones*, David T. Kao*, Arthur
L. Kelly*, James D. Kem *, William F. Kenkel, Don Kirkendall, James Knoblett*,
David L. Larimore*, Thomas Lawrence, Austin Litvak*, Donald L. Madden, Levis D.
MCCullers*, Randolph McGee*, James Metry, William G. Moody*, Robert C. Noble*,
Jacqueline A. Noonan*, Elbert W. Ockerman*, James R. Ogletree, Leonard V. Packett,
Janet Patterson*, William Peters*, Steven Petrey, Jean Pival, Daniel R. Reedy,
Frank J. Rizzo*, Ellen Roehrig, Wimberly C. Royster, Robert W. Rudd*, Pritam S.
Sabharwal*, Kenneth A. Schiano, Rudolph Schrils*, Otis A. Singletary*, John T.
Smith, M. Lynn Spruill, John B. Stephenson, J. Truman Stevens*, William Stober*,
John P. Strickland, Ted J. Suffridge, Joseph V. Swintosky, Jerry Thornton, John
Thrailkill*, Harold H. Traurig, Earl Vastbinder, M. Stanley Wall, Julie Watkins*,
M. O'Neal Weeks, Kennard Wellons, Constance P. Wilson*, William G. Winter*, Roy
Yarbrough, Fred Zechman*, Robert G. Zumwinkle*.

The minutes of the meeting of October 13, 1975 were approved as circulated.

Chairman Krislov reported on the resolution concerning stipends for graduate
students as follows:

The Arts and Sciences Council requested that the Senate Council put
it on the agenda for this meeting. We agreed. In trying to work out
the arrangements with the A & S Council regarding the presentation of
the proposal, the A & S Council decided that it probably need not go
before the Senate at this time and asked the Senate Council to withdraw
it. Unfortunately, there was a mixup in the Mail Room and it was
circulated, but it is not on this agenda.

Chairman Krislov reported on the following informational items:

In speaking to item a. (Biology course changes) this is normally
a minor course change which is circulated by mail. However, all of the
course numbers in the School of Biological Sciences——Botany, Microbiology,
and Zoology—~are being changed to biology courses. In order to minimize
the confusion, the Senate Council will publish these changes in the KERNEL,
we are announcing it here, and Dean Sands will be writing the various Deans
to inform them of these changes. We are hopeful that these actions will
reduce some of the confusion attendant to such a sweeping change.

Relative to item b., we have held a number of meetings with the Graduate
Dean and we have jointly agreed to appoint a six—member Committee—~three

“Ha *Absence explaiDEd -



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from the Senate Council and three from the Graduate Council——to look into
the procedure. The specific charge to the Committee is as follows:
To study University policies, or lack thereof,
on the curtailment and suspension of academic
programs, and the lifting of these and other
appropriate sanctions. And, finally, to recommend
any appropriate changes in University policy.

In our discussion of this we recognized that there may be some implications
for the undergraduate programs. Therefore, we have asked Dr. John Stephenson
to sit with the Committee as a non—voting member. The Senate Council has
appointed Professors Sidney Ulmer, Thomas Ford, and Robert Rudd to be their

Concerning item c., the Senate Council has met again with the Senate
Committee Chairpersons. This is the second meeting we have had this semester.
Several of the Chairpersons report that the work of the Committee is moving
at an admirable pace and many indicate that they will have items for us to
place on the agendas for the December and January Senate meetings. Some of
the Committee Chairpersons have had some difficulty with attendance.
Attendance is low in several of the Committees. We are not entirely certain
why this is so. I wish to remind you that the class teaching schedules are
now being finalized and if a Senator is teaching the hour his Committee meets,
it is possible for the departmental chairman to change that teaching assign—
The other possibility may be that the Senator is not particularly
happy with his Committee assignment. The Council would be glad to shift
you to another Committee, if this is the problem. We are hopeful that the
attendance at Committee meetings will be high so that the work of the Senate
can be expedited.


With reference to item d., Professor Zakkula Govindarajulu has been
appointed Chairperson of the Research Committee to replace Professor Jaros
who has resigned.

Relative to item e., the Senate Council election has been completed
and Professors Constance Wilson, Paul Oberst, and Thurlow Robe were elected
and will join the Council officially on January 1, 1976 to replace Professors
Diachun, Rudnick, and Krislov. Other members of the Council are Professors
Jewell, Rudd, Ford, Zechman, Ulmer, and Worrell. The new members are invited
to attend the Council meetings, as is any member of the faculty. We meet
from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. each Friday this semester.

Item f. is the designation of Professor John Madden as Chairperson of
the Committee of Associate Deans. We have had a suggestion from the Academic
Facilities Committee calling for the development of an Educational Resources
Manual. The Senate Council feels that that is an admirable task for the
Committee of Associate Deans which, as you know, was responsible for the
development of our Academic Programs Advising Handbook. We are hopeful that
that Committee will get under way and complete the task this academic year
or possibly the nextacademic year.



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With reference to the final item g. it appears likely that we will w
I have the Nursing proposal, which is a reshuffling of the structure and ,3
. courses of the College, on the December agenda. This is a novel proposal
mm that I want to alert you about.

w "


It also appears that Professor Criswell will be forthcoming at the 7
December meeting with several of the proposals on the Arts and Sciences 3
reorganization. %

I wish again to remind you that the University Senate will have its i
annual party at the King Alumni House at 5:00 p.m., December 10th. We l
’ have made arrangements for a bus to take us over at 5:00 p.m. The bus i?

will be in front of the Commerce Building. i‘


The Chairman turned the meeting over to Professor Rudnick, Secretary of . .:
/ the Senate Council, who recognized Professor Krislov who presented the following gr
report on the Accreditation Policy (circulated to the faculty under date of ii
October 6, 1975). 3

fi‘“ I am presenting this Report to you because the Senate Council began ,
‘U“‘ to look into the problem following disaccreditation of Journalism last .
‘ summer. A number of meetings were held with administrators, members of “
the department, and with other people in the University. As we worked i
at our task two directions evolved. We then started to develop our pro— :{
, f posals. By that time the semester had ended. The Council continued to g?
meet during the summer and it continued to work on this problem rather fl
than turning it over to a committee. Many of the Senate Committees have V
difficulty obtaining a quorum during the summer months, and this seemed Vi
to be an issue that should be resolved quickly. So the Senate Council, .t
in a sense, served as a Committee, in developing this proposal, discussed
( it with the Administration, resolved any differences, and the proposal
before you is acceptable to the Administration. This proposal Should ‘ 3
l have been discussed at the October meeting but there was not time for
1 that discussion so it has been placed on the agenda for action at this %
} meeting. It consists of two parts. One is a policy statement on _ g
accreditation which reads as follows:


V/ .
‘hflaN (1) Each educational unit which.has a program for which there is . 1 f.;
“\ a recognized accrediting agency on either the Council on Post— ‘ i'é .

\ Secondary Accreditation or the'United States Office of Education .
list shall seek accreditation of its programs from that agency
unless exempted by the President. An educational unit which does
i not wish to seek accreditation of its program shall petition the
President who shall solicit a recommendation from the Senate
COuncil. The Council may recommend approval or disapproval of the
f petition to the President that such exemption be granted.

We found that there was no written statement anywhere in the University
mandating or encouraging units, for which there was a program accreditation,
{ to seek it. Since this is a matter solely within the province of this
Senate (the setting of academic standards), it was appropriate to ask













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this body to establish a policy statement on accreditation. There are two
agencies that accredit accrediting agencies, the Council on Post—Secondary
Accreditation, which is a private organization, and the U.S. Office of

We checked our programs against their list and there are a handful of
programs here that are not accredited by either of those agencies. We feel,
therefore, that it is appropriate to establish that goal.

The latter part of the first sentence in the policy says ”. . . unless
exempted by the President . . .". It appears that accrediting agencies are
a composite of people's thinking and some of the more innovational programs
in many areas sometimes have difficulty with accrediting agencies. The
Council and the President and the Administration feel that there should be
some kind of loophole. The loophole would be exemption by the President.

The second sentence provides that an educational unit which does not
wish to seek accreditation, shall petition the President who would solicit a
recommendation from the Senate Council. The Council would then recommend
to the President. We feel that there should be some way for the Administra—
tion to exempt a program. I think both the President and the Council feel
that exemptions would be rare but there is a feeling that some exemptions
should be possible.

On behalf of the Senate Council Dr. Krislov moved the adoption of the policy
statement. He stated that the proposed changes in Administrative Regulations on
page 2 of the proposal would be presented in a separate action.

In the discussion which followed it was pointed Out that a unit should not be
reguired to meet accreditation policies, if they exist, but rather that it should
be required to meet these policies only if that unit would benefit by meeting the
criteria of an accrediting agency.

Questions were raised concerning the programs on campus which are not -
accredited and the costs involved in meeting accreditation. Chairman Krislov
stated that the Council had not made a thorough analysis of the accredited and
non—accredited programs on the campus. It had determined that there were at
least 25 programs which could be accredited and 21 programs are accredited. He
reported further that the Administration had had the proposal for quite some time,
and had looked into the questions of accredited and non—accredited programs on
campus, as well as costs. They had indicated their acceptance of the proposal,
which implied acceptance of the possible costs involved in meeting such

Motion was made to amend the Policy Statement to read:

(1) Each educational unit which has a program for which there is

a recognized accrediting agency on either the Council on Post—Secondary
Accreditation or the United States Office of Education list shall
examine the accreditation criteria of the agency to determine whether
or not the unit would benefit from meeting the criteria set up by the
agency. A report from the unit shall be reported to the Senate and

the President detailing reasons for accepting or rejecting the
accreditation policies of the recognized accrediting agency.








Question was called and the Senate voted to stop debate on the amendment.

The Senate then voted to disapprove the proposed amendment.

The Senate then voted to approve the Policy Statement as circulated under

date of October 6, 1975.

Chairman Krislov moved to the second proposal of the circulation which

pertained to the several amendments to existing Administrative Regulations,
namely, regulations dealing with the review of educational units. In connection
with this proposal Dr. Krislov made the following remarks:

As you know the Administrative Regulations provide for the review
and evaluation of educational units. When we examined this document,
we saw several deficiences in it and the proposal before you is designed
to remedy these deficiences.

The first paragraph is designed to create what we think of as ”an
early warning system". Our review committee will examine the unit and
will indicate to the Administration that the particular unit may have
difficulty with the accrediting agency. As you know, the accrediting
agencies come around every five or so years. With the review procedure
this would possibly serve as a warning to the Administration.

The changes in the second paragraph deal with dissemination of the
committee's report. We are establishing for the first time, in writing,
that when a review committee reports, a summary of that report, including
the recommendations, shall be distributed to the unit's faculty members
and to the Senate Council or Community College Council. Vice President
Cochran has been sending to the Senate Council the summaries of the
reports. We have found them very helpful and we have asked the
Administration to adopt this as University policy and they have agreed
to this proposal.

The second part (2) in the second paragraph amplifies the section
on recommendations. We found in our discussion of this issue that in
at least one college the dean has been responding very quickly in
writing to the recommendations of these committees. The committee, as
well as the faculty, then know what will happen to those recommendations.
We are amplifying that not only the recommendations should go to the
Administration but they should go the unit's faculty members and to the
Senate Council or the Community College Council.

These suggested changes are acceptable to the Administration and
they are willing to include them in the Administrative Regulations.

I therefore move that the Senate advise the Administration to place
these changes in the Administrative Regulations as follows:

Add to AR II—l.O—6, page 2, paragraph 5, that: A committee reviewing

and evaluating an educational unit with a program for which there is
a certified accrediting agency shall be asked to acquaint themselves
with that agency's criteria, if available, and indicate if it believes
that the characteristics of the unit's program would meet the criteria.













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At page 3, paragraph 3, add the following: (1) a summary of the
report, including a list of the recommendations affecting the academic
program, shall be distributed to the unit's faculty members and to the
Senate Council or Community College Council, as appropriate. (2) Within
one year following a unit's review and evaluation, the academic
administrator to whom the committee was responsible shall provide a
written report to the President via the appropriate communication
channels indicating the actions which have been taken to implement
the committee's recommendations and suggestions. Copies of that
portion of the report dealing with the academic program of the unit
shall be made available to the unit's faculty and the Senate Council
or the Community College Council.

Suggestion was made from the floor that the Senate act on each of the two
paragraphs separately. This suggestion was agreed to.

Motion was made to amend the first paragraph to add the following qualifying
statement to the end of that paragraph:

” . . , or if the program is not accredited, whether it would benefit

from meeting such criteria.”
The Senate approved this amendment.

The Senate then approved the first paragraph, as amended. That paragraph,
as amended and approved, for transmittal to the Administration to be added to
AR II—l.0w6, page 2, paragraph 5, reads as follows:

A committee reviewing and evaluating an educational unit with a program
for which there is a certified accrediting agency shall be asked to acquaint
themselves with that agency's criteria, if available, and indicate if it
believes that the characteristics of the unit's program would meet the
criteria, or if the program is not accredited, whether it would benefit
from meeting such criteria.

The Senate voted not to accept the second paragraph of Chairman Krislov's

A member of the Senate reminded the Senators of the "No Smoking” sign in
the Court Room. The Chairman urged the Senators to abide by the sign and to

leave the room if they wished to smoke during the proceedings.

The Senate adjourned at 4:05 p.m.

Kathryne W. Shelburne
Recording Secretary


 October 28, 1975



\\\“‘THE7Un'Vérsity Senate} ill meet in regular session at 3:00 p.m.,
Monday, Nolember 10, 1975, n the Court Room of the Law Building.

Items on the age

1. Approval of minutes of the University Senate meeting of
October 13, 1975.

2. Informational Items:
."Lw‘ V"L/"' "t, ' i""‘ l"
5. Biology course changes
b. Joint Committee with Graduate Council on curtailing and ‘ .,
suspending academic programslflh-Mbfiflm7 ,L744 {f/MWLO‘

).\_L.,J f ,

Meeting with Senate Committee Chairpersons 1’” ' ‘ f%:;:.,:x;,fi
App01ntment 6% Professor GOV1ndaraJulu as fiesearch Committee v(;.;ry
Chairperson‘"/“W w»; "’“ 3 fi‘ _ , , (I /“
Senate Council election resultS"LvL‘w’/€L‘xf’" ”Vii“L”“1 h~ ’
Ad hoc Committee of Associate Deans — John Madden, new Chairperson
*wwafi A’i=“f ’ Nursing proposal moving along — December 8,1975 Senate meeting
wtfig L» 1 I/wtth (A's-LIA .‘4...« 2' p , ,
' 1 l 7"“ A" 3‘) ”73;; “L” t )Q 3 1 “'7“ cw; c"'}1:ILL;l-L%an T""")L-’=’ “L (‘f‘m‘M/L" .

3. Action Items: L1 ‘,( “\. " . , , H , ,4
“ *' .;}~’~'~ 1." HM 51,. 1.211.141 w- a 7 Li L“ V»

a. Policy on Accreditation (circulated to faculty under date of
October 6, l975)
L:,\_.':.=;L up;

”Elbert W. Ockerman


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October 27, 1975

Members, University Senate
University Senate Council
AGENDA ITEM: University Senate Meeting

Monday, November 10, 1975

The following item is placed on the agenda at the request
of the College of Arts and Sciences:



April 7, 1975

At the direction of the Arts and Sciences Faculty, we
recommend that the University Senate request the administration
to give a high priority in the next biennium budget to raising the
stipends of graduate assistants. Income to these students should
reflect increases in the cose of living and enable the University
to compete with stipends paid at comparable institutions.





October 28, 1975


W.C. Royster, Dean
Joseph Krislov, Chairperson

Ad Hoc Conamittee Charge

The Senate Council and the Graduate Council will
each appoint three members to an_a_c_l hoc Conmnittee to con-

sider the curtailment of programs. The adhoc Committee‘s
charge will be:

To study University policies, or lack thereof,
on the curtailment and suspension of acadenaic
programs, and the lifting of these and other
appropriate sanctions. And, finally, to
recommend any appropriate changes in Uni-
versity policy.

Following the appointment of the six (6) members, the
Senate Council will designate the Chairperson.

As agreed, Dean Stephenson will participate as a non-

voting member.


cc: John Stephenson
S. S. Ulmer
T. Ford
R. Rudd
M. Jewell



John‘G. Banwell*

Harry Barnard
Charles E. Barnhart
Melvin Baskin
Robert P. Belin*
Robert S. Benton*
Philip K. Berger*
Harold Binkley

Jack C. Blanton*
Peter P. Bosomworth*
Robert N. Bostromfi
Joseph T. Burch

H. Stuart Burnessy
Donald B. Clapp

Elizabeth Clotfelter*

Lewis W. Cochran*
Ronda S. Connaway*

Rhonda Crowdus
Vincent Davis*
Patrick P. DeLuca*
George W. Denemark*
William H. Dennen*y
Anthony Eardley
W.W. Ecton*

Jane M. Emanuel*
Dennis George

James Gibson

Ward 0. Griffen*

,. 4% A 1 r» a __
. HUD: { In); 0/" (Mod ,2; m /.§ 5 1.3 / 1,,

Joseph Hamburg
George W. Hardy
James Harralson
Virgil W. Hays*
Raymond R. Hornback
David Howard*

John J. Hutton

Dean Jaros

Raymon D. Johnson*
Margaret W. Jones*
David T. Kao*
Arthur L. Kelly*
James D. Kemp*
William F. Kenkel
Don Kirkendall
James Knoblett*
David L. Larimore*
Thomas Lawrence
Austin Litvak*
Donald L. Madden
Levis D. McCullers*
Randolph MCGee*
James Matry
William G. Moody*
Robert C. Noble*
Jacqueline A. Noonan*
Elbert W. Ockerman*
James R. Ogletree

Leonard V. Packett


Janet Patterson*
William Peters*
Steven Petrey

Jean Pival

Daniel R. Reedy
Frank J. Rizz0*
Ellen Roehrig
Wimberly C. Royster
Robert W. Rudd*
Pritam S. Sabharwal*
Kenneth A. Schiano
Rudolph Schrilsx;
Otis A. Singletary*
John T. Smith

M. Lynn Spruill ‘
John B. Stephenson
J. Truman Stevensjr
William Stober*

John P. Strickland
Ted J. Suffridge
Joseph V. Swintosky
Jerry Thornton‘

John Thrailkilliif
Harold H. Traurig
Earl Vastbinder
M. Stanley Wall
Julie Watkins*

M. O'Neal Weeks

(’7 War)


 Kennard Wellons

Constance P. Wilson*

William G. Winter*

Roy Yarbrough

Fred Zechman*

Robert G. Zumwinkle*


November 10, 1975


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(606! 233-5608

October 20, 1275


TO: A Deans, Department Chairmen and
Members of the University Senate

FROM: Marion E. McKenna fifg’k
Dean '

SUBJECT: Changes in Existing Graduate Program

The faculty of the College of Nursing has approved and submits
for your approval the following revisions in the graduate program:


A change from a minimum of 30 credit hours, eighteeen of which
must be in nursing, required of each student to complete the
master's degree in nursing to~a minimum of 34 credit hours,
twenty of which must be in nursing, is requested.

Changing health care needs of society demand that health pro-
fessionals be prepared who can flexibly accommodate to change
and be innovative in practice.' All students in the program
will be expected to not only have a clinical area of focus
which constitutes the core of knowledge at the master's level
but a functional area as well. The average student would still
be able to complete the program within a year° The expectation
that students have a clinical and a functional area is in keeping
with the characteristics of Graduate Education in Nursing ac-
cording to the National League for Nursing, the national ac-
crediting body for master's degrees in nursing. This position
is also endorsed by the American Nurses' Association.



 Deans, Department Chairmen...

October 20, 1975
Page 2


NUR 622 - Nursing Administration — (3)



This course provides opportunities for
students to explore theoretical concepts

of nursing administration in relation to
their applications in a variety of settings,
i.e., health care settings and/or educational
institutions.‘ The emphasis will-be on middle
management skills,'espe¢ially on the inter-
personal asPects of supervision.

Enrollment in the graduate program in nursing
and permission of the instructor.

NUR 614 - Practicum in Clinical Nursing - (2-4}



i All except nurse—midwifery students enroll in

one of the three clinical sections. Students
increase their knowledge and skills in planning
nursing care for patients in the clinical com-
ponent. ‘ ‘

Médical-Sufgidal Nursing and Pediatric Nursing—

~Studentsidentify the-effects of specific
’philoSophical viewpoints on health care and

begin testing nursing theories as they relate
to children and adults.

‘Psychiatric4Mental Health Nursing - Development


of basic clinical nursing competencies in mental
health assessment, treatment modalities and
evaluation of treatment outcomes are emphasized.
Students have experiences with both individual

clients and groups.

Enrollment in the graduate program in nursing.

Concurrent with NUR’724?

NUR 724 - Seminar in Clinical Nursing ~ (2)


Seminar will focus on concepts and theories
appropriate to the clinical area. Students
are expected to become familiar with research


 Deans, Department Chairmen...

October 20, 1975
Page 3

findings and literature applicable to the
clinical area. Seminar sections are medical-
surgical nursing, nurse—midwifery, pediatric
nursing and psychiatric-mental health nursing.
Required of all students enrolled in clinical

Concurrent with NUR 614 or NUR 620.

NUR 615 - Practicum in Clinical Nursing - (2-4)


All except nurse-midwifery students enroll
in one of the three sections. Leadership
skills, transmission of knowledge in nursing
management and the use of research findings
are applied in clinical settings.

Medical-Surgical Nursing and Pediatric Nursing—
Students continue to test out theoretical con-
cepts as they relate to the nursing management

of children or adult patients with interferences
with basic needs. Students work with patients of
interest. Each student carries out a project per—
taining to a clinical nursing problem and completes
the data collection phase.

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing — Emphasis is

on health care systems and implementation of change.
Students begin developing skills in consultation,
program planning and evaluation through direct
participation. Each student carries out a project
pertaining to a clinical nursing problem and com-
pletes the data collection phase.

Prerequisite NUR 614.

Concurrent with NUR 725.

NUR 725 — Seminar in Clinical Nursing - (2)

Descri pti on 3

Theoretical concepts related to clinical

nursing will be emphasized. Leadership skills,
transmission of knowledge in patient management
and the use of research findings are included.
Seminar sections are: medical-surgical nursing,
nurse-midwifery, pediatric nursing and psychiatric—
mental health nursing. Required of all students
enrolled in clinical nursing.


 Deans, Department Chairmen...

October 20, 1975
Page 4

Prerequisite NUR 724

Concurrent with NUR 615 or NUR 6.60

NUR 616 - Practicum in Clinical Nursing — (2—4)


All except nurse-midwifery students enroll
in one of the three clinical sections» Ex—

‘periences are planned in terms of the student' 5

specific clinical interest and functional area
of choice. Students will consider ways to bring
about change and identify nursing problems that
need systematic study. The clinical nursing pro-
ject is completed. Seminars are scheduled ac—
cording to need.

Medical~Surgical Nursing and Pediatric Nursingr
Students consolidate skills in managing ambulatory
children or adult patients of interest. Students
work with a group of children or adults and focus
on collaboration with other health professionals.

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing — Depending on
the student” 5 interest and career goals, the
student will be involved in some or all of the
following activities: nursing consultation,
education, community aesessment, identification
of problems in the delivery of health care,
program development.

Prerequisite NUR 615.


 Deans, Department Chairmen...
October 20, 1975
Page 5


EUR 623 — Practicum in Clinikal Teaching and/or Supervision
in Nursing - (1—3)

change Description from - Under faculty guidance students will
have practice in teaching and super—
vision of nursing students.


39 Description: Under faculty guidance students will have
practice in the teaching of nursing or in
supervision of nursing service personnel in
settings appropriate to their career goals.

Change Title
NUR_660 — change title from Basic Midwifery I - (6)

to Basic Nurse-Midwifery I —