xt7crj48sn32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48sn32/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1930 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.1 n.1, October, 1930 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.1 n.1, October, 1930 1930 1930 2020 true xt7crj48sn32 section xt7crj48sn32  



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Volume I October, 1930 Number 1

A Half Million Dollar
Negro Junior High School


Maditon Junior High School Building
Louiwille, Ky.

This is one of the two New Junior High
Schools at Louisville and is the first of a series
of pictures af-sohnal buildings recently con»
structed for Calored Youth by Kentucky Boards
of Education.

“AnEqual Educational Opportunity for Every Kentucky Child”







Kentucky State
Industrial College

Established 1886


015m Cour-=5 leading to A. B. Degree "in. Major: in English,
Education, Suclnl Sciences—B. 5. Degree win. Minion in Am.
culture, Home Economics, Hymn “a Bialagical Sciences—Two

year College coum preparing for Medical and Dental Cnllegei.

Well Trained Faculty

Added Equipmenk in All Departmenh, Comfnrhble, Attractive
Surraundingl, Wholesome Atmmphere for Study.


For Particular], Address

R. B. ATWOOD, President





To the colored teachers of Kentucky, the Presidenh Secretary
and other officers of the K. N. E. A. extend greeting-s, We trust
that the scholastic year 1930-31 will prove to be a happy one for
you. May your educational efforts be crowped with success. To
achieve this desired success, there is needed (1) e loyalty to the
ideals of the teaching profession; (2) a cooperation with those
among. whom we may work, either in the school or the community,
and, (3) a consecration to the task of building character, ideals
and power in the colored youth of Kentucky.

The K. N. E. A., in its 1930-31 program of activities, seeks
the cooperation of every teacher and friend of education. The
needs in Negro education require a strong united effort on the
part of each teacher. Do your part by enrolling early in the
K. N. E. A. An organization can do what an individual cannot
do, indicating that “United we succeed, divided we fail."



Privileges of Active Membership
in the K. N. E. A.

1. The privilege of attending all general sessions of the Asso-
2. The privilege of participating in the depart-mental sessions

3. The privilege of speaking and holding office in the Kentucky
Negro Educational Association.

4. The privilege of voting end participating in the business affairs
of the Association.

The (privilege of receiving all literature of the Association in-
cluding the ofiioial publication, The K. . . E. A Journal.

No Kentucky Teacher Should Fail to Enroll
Send One Dollar

To A. S. Wilson, Secretary


 K. N. E. A. OFFICERS, APRIL, 1930, T0 APRIL, 1931

Bond of Director‘



W. H. Humphrey, Chairman Ex—Officio .Maysv'flle
W. S. Blanton, (Term Expires, 1932) ..Frs.nk.fort
J. L. Beam, (Term Expires, 1932) . . . . . . . . . .Versailles

F. A. Taylor, (Term Expires, 1931) . . . . . . . .Louisville
S. L. Barker, (Term Expires, 1931) ..... ... . .. . . . . . . . . .Owensboro


General Officer:

W. H. Humphrey, President. . . . . . . . . .Maysville


A. S. Wilson, Secretary-Treasurer. ..Louisville

Miss L. V. Ranels, Assistant Secretary. .Winchestet

W. .l. Gallery, Historian. .,. . . . . . . . . . .Little Rock
Vice Presidents

Mrs. Fannie E. White, First Vice President . . . . . . . . .Lexington



G. a. Brown, Second Vice President... ...
G. w. Parks, High School and College Department
Mrs. L. H. Smith, Elementary Education Department.
Miss R. L. Carpenter, Music Department.
Mrs. Blanche Elliott, Primary Department”









Mrs. T. L. Anderson, Rural Education Department. . Frankfort
Miss S. B. Snowden, industrial Education Department. .Lexington
R. D. Roman, Principals’ Conference . .Shelbyville
J. Max Bond, Athletic Department. . . . .Louisville
Lee L. Brown, Commercial Department. . .Lonlsville
District Organize"

Miss M. S. Brown, First District. . . . . .Mayfield
Mrs. Nora Ross, Second District. . .Madisunville
H. E. Goodloe, Third District. . . .Russeilville
R. L. Bowery, Fourth District . . . .Elizabet'htown
Miss Hattie Daniel, Fifth District . . . . Louisville
H, R. Merry, Sixth District“ .. . . . .Covington

. . .. .Versailles

.l. L. Bean, Seventh District.
J. W. Bate, Eighth District
W. E. Newsame, Ninth District
K. L. Walker, Tenth District
E. B. McClasky. Eleventh District. . .


. Danville
. . . .Cyntlu'am


 The K. N. E. A. Journal

Official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association


Vol. I October, 1930 No. 1


Published by the Kentucky Negro Educational Associativn
Editorial office at 2518 Magazine Street
Louisville, Kentucky

Atwoud S. Wilson, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor
W. H. Humphrey, Maysville, President of K. N. E. A.

Baird of Direct":
J. L. Bean. Versailles W. S. Blanton, Frankfort
S. L. Barker, Owensboro F. A. Taylor, Louisville

Published Bimonthly during the school year: October, December,
February and April
Membership in the K. N. E. A. (One Dollar) includes sullscl‘iption to
the Journal
Rates for Advertising space mailed on request
Present Circulation: 1500 copies . . . 1930 K. N. E. A. Membership.1270




Officers for 1930-31. .
Editorial Comment ..... . . .
Praceedings of the 1930 Convention.
K. N. E. A. Scholarship Fund Operates. . . . . .
Kentucky Athletics
Report of the Legislative Committee ...... . . .
The K. N. E. A. Scholarship Fund Rules. . . .
Secretary’s Financial Report .......
K. N. E. A. Committees Announced.
Membership i9 the K. N. E. A. for 1930
Objectives of ihe K. N. E. A
K. N. E. A. Killlings. . . . . .




Editorial Comment



Another step in the progress of the Kentucky Negro Educational
Association is marked by this, the first presentation of an official
teachers’ journal controlled and published by the Colored teachers of
Kentucky For the past eight years the present secretary has issued
the K. N. E. A. Bulletin, which had developed into an eight page paper,
sent out several times each year. Our K. N. E. A. Journal is to be
published .bi-monthly during the school year and will contain from
twenty to forty pages per issue. It will contain matter of general in-
terest to teachers and friends of education as Well as present in various
issues the features of the program of activities to be sponsored hy this

While this publication is under the management of the K. N. E. A.
secretary, the president, organizers, and heads of departments will
make frequent contributions. Moreover, any tacher or school official
in Kentucky should feel free to send in contributions to this Journal.
Superintendents of schools are urged to cooperate with us in handling
this publication through the contfibution of educational articles or news
items, and by urging their colored teachers to subscribe to the JournaL.

This publication is being entered as second class matter at 'the
Louisville Post Office, being listed for subscription at the rate of fifty
cents per year. Every colored teacher in Kentucky is urged to become
a subscriber to the K. N. E. A. Journal

There Will be selected advertisements in each issue of this journal
and friends of education are urged to advertise with us. The Kentucky
Central Life (L Accident Insurance Company has contracted to advertise
on the outside cover in each issue. The colored citizens of Kentucky
should Show their appreciation of their patronage by patronizing them.
The Kentucky State Industrial College and Lincoln Institute have also
given advertisements for all of the 1931 issues of our Journal. Let us
boost these schools.

Attention is called to the teachers .utside cover of this pub-
fication. It was designed at the suggestion of the secretary by Mr. Max
Sheppard, the son of the late Dr, W. H. Sheppard, noted missionary and
friend of the K. N. E. A. Mr. Sheppard is 3 Louisville boy of whom
we are proud.

The K. N. E. A. secretary desires to acknowledge valuable sugges~
tions from Mr. R. E. Williams, secretary of the K. E. A., v'ho has con—
tinuously sent to this organizafion issues 0! the Kentucky School Joul—
ual and shown a fine spirit of cooperation.



The Fifty-Foam}: Annual Meeting of the K N E. A. will be in
Louisville April 15-18, 1931i Plans are now being made for me se-
curing of outstanding speakers for the program. There will also be
featured the usual annual contests, exhibits, and sectional meetings.
A track meet at the Louisville Armory will he an added feature of the
1931 meeting. There will also be elected a new K. N. E. A. president.
the term of President Humphrey expiring at the April meeting. Every
Kentucky teacher should start to plan to he in Louisville on Aprfl
15, 1931.



After some discussion at the 1930 session of the K. N. E A., it was
decided to continue the industrial exhibits. Not enough schools have
sent exhibits the past few years and more schools should have work on
display if this feature of our Work is to continue. The Industrial Edn-
cation Department will supervise the exhibits at the 1931 session. Mr.
George L. Bullock, secretary of this department” will be in active
charge of this part of our progmm. Pm. Bullock is now planning a
list of the items to be exhibited at the 1931 session for publication in
the December Kl N. E. A. Journal. Write him at the Central Colored
High School. Louisville, Kentucky, sending in your suggestions and
items you would like included in the list of exhibits.



The interest shown in the several annual state-wide spelling bees,
which the K. N. E. A. has sponsored, warrants their continuance The
Elementary Education Department, under the direction of MN. L. H.
Smith, Chairman, Lexington, Kentucky, will, therefore, sponsor such
a contest for 1931. Suggestive words will be printed in the December
K. N. E. A. Journal, and the rules of the contest will be outlined. Send
in your suggestions before that time.

 Proceedings of the Kentucky Negro Educational
Association 54th Annual Session

Louisville, Kentucky
April 16-19, 1930

The Opening General Senior:

The central theme of the 1930
K. N. E. A. Convention at Louis-
ville, April 16-19, was “Better
Health and More Industrial Edu—
cation for Negroes.” The general
sessions were held at Quinn Chapel
beginning Wednesday, April 16,
at 8:15 P, M. The first session
was opened by an invocation by
Revl B. W. Swain and music by
the Girls’ Glee Club of Central
High School. Mayor William 13.
Harrison, of Louisville, made the
welcome address and the response
was given by D. H. Anderson,
President of W. K. I. 0., Paduoah.
Greetings were extended from co»
operating organizations — Mr. J.
Max Bond representing the Inter~
racial Commission; Mr. J. R. 'R‘aYi
the Louisville Business inen; Mr.
M. J. sleet, the Negro Insurance
companies; Mr. J. A. Thomas, the
Urban League; and Mrs. Essie D.
Mack, the State Parenh’l‘eaxzher
Afioc‘iatiorl. President W. H.
Humphrey, who was presiding at
one meeting, made appropriate
remarks, relative to the firogi-am
and activities of the K. N. E. A
The main address of the evening
was given by Mrs. Mary Church
Terrell, of Washington, D. C.
The Legislative report was made
by Prof. P. Moore, of Princeton,
Ky. Appzupz-iate musical selec-
tions were rendered by Mr. George
Hammton and Mrs. Cora DeSha
Barnett, of Louisville, and {by the
quartet of K. S. I. C.——the latter

under the direction of Miss 101:;
Jordan. Prof. R. L. Bowery,

Organizer of the Fourth District.
was awarded the trophy for the
largest district enrollment for
1928—29, by A. S. Wilson, Seare-
tary of the K. N. E. Al During
this session, R. B. Atwood, Presi-
dent of the Kentucky State Indus-
trial College, and Mrs. Florence
Cole Talbert, President of the
National Federation of Women’s
Clubs, were introduced to the
members of the K. N, E. A. This
session was adjourned by a bene-
diction from Dr. C. H. Parrish,
President of Simmons University.

The Second General Senion

On Thursday, April 17, at 9:00
A. M., the K. N. E. A. assembled
its Second General Session of the
1930 meeting. The Louisville
Normal School Glee Club rendered
the opening musical selections and
Rev. J. A. Grant gave the invoca~
tion. The report of the Legisla-
tive Committee was then discussed
and finally adopted by a special
motion. The motion provided that
J. Max Bond, Director of the Ken-
tucky Interracial Commission, be
appointed to formulate plans for
the execution of the program out-
lined in the report of the com-
mittee. Dr. E. a. Underwood, of
Frankfort, Ky., because of his
special interest in the K. N. EA.
and its legislative program, was
then voted .1 life member of the
K. N. E. A. The K. N .E. A., by
a special vote, pledged loyalty and
cooperation to the educational
policies of President R. B. Atwood,

 of the Kentucky State Industrial

The main address of this session
was made by L. R. Gregory, Su<
perintendent oi the Louisville
Public Schools. He was appro-
priately introduced by A. S. Wil-
son, Secretary of the K. N. E. A.

After some discussion, the com-
mittee, consisting of W. H. Fouse,
of Lexington; W. S. Blanton, of
Frankfort and Mrs. L. B. Fouse,
of ‘Lexington was appointed to
send expressions tram the K. N.
E. A. relative to the appointment
of Mr. Parker, of North Carolina,
for Judge of the Supreme Court,
it being the sentiment of the K.
N. E. A. that Judge Parker could
not render desirable service, due
to his prejudice against the
Negro, as expressed in certain
reported statements. The report
of the Nominating committee was
made and adopted. It was de-
cided, by a special motion, that
candidates, who had no opposition
for office, be elected by acclaim!-
tion. Under this provision the
following oficers were ele ted
for 1930~31: W. H. Humphrey,
Maysville. President; Mrs. F, H.
White, Lexington, First Vie e
President; G. H. Brown, Louis
ville, Second Vice President; At-
wood S. Wilson, Louisville, Sec—
retary-Treaaurer; Miss L. V.
Ranels. Winchester, Assistant
Secretary, and W. J. Gallery, Lib
tle Rock, Historian. It was then
voted that the candidate for di-
rectors who received the least
number of votes would be elected
for a one year term to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of
Mrs. L. C. Snowden, of Lexing-
ton, Ky.

The Third General Sex-inn

On Thursday, April 17, seams
P. M. the Third General Session
opened at Quinn Chapel with an
invocation by Rev. W. P. Offutt
of Bowling Green. Simmons Uni-
versi‘y rendered the opening mu-
sical selections. The first main
address of the evening was made
by John W. Davis, President of
West Virginia State College, who
spuke‘ on “The Environmental
Factor in Negro Education." Af-
ter e solo by Miss Theda. Van
Lowe. or Lexington, Mrs. Fannie
Givens, of Louisville, introduced
the second main speaker of the
evening, Mrs. Sallie W. Steward,
President of the National Asso-
ciation of Colored Women. Mrs.
Steward spoke on “Education for
Citizenship.” Both addresses were
enthusiastically received by every
large and appreciative audience.
The final feature of this program
Was the awarding of Eagle Scout
badges by Executive R. M. Wheat
to William Womack and Harold
Taylor, twn Boy Scouts of Louis

The Fourth General Session

On Friday, April 18, at 2:15
P. M., the K. N. E. A. convened
for its Fourth General Session.
The hand of the Kentuclq School
for the Blind, under the direction
of Mr. Otis Eades, furnished the
opening musical selections, and
Rev. R. T. Frye, of Frankfort,
gave the invocation. A chorus
from Lincoln Institute then ren-
dered musical selections and B. H.
Robison, Principal of Lincoln In-
stitute, made appropriate remarks.
President R. A. Kent, of the Uni—
versity of Louisville, made the
main address of the evening. He
was introduced by Mr. J. Max

 Bond, who also made special re-
marks during this session. A
special resolution, approving the
“Robison—Gapper bill,” which pro—
vides for the establishment of a
National Department of Educa-
tion, was adopted at (the suggestion
of E. E_ Reed of Winchester. Mr.
A. L. Garvin, of Louisville, spoke
at this session in the interest if
the N. A. A. C. P. Another main
feature of this program was an
address by Mr. L. N. Taylor, of
Frankfort, Ky., State Rural School
Agent. Mr. Taylor’s remarksin—
(limited his continued interest in
the K. N. E. A_ and were in line
with the outstanding cooperation
which he has given this organiza—
tion in carrying out its program.
The find address of this session
was regarding the health of the
Negro and was given by Dr.
‘vOrville Ballard of the Waverly
Hills Sanitarium. It was voted
at this session that Mr. J. Max
Bond he a. life member of the
K. N. E. A. in order that he might
facilitate cooperation 'between the
Kentucky Interracial Commission
and the K. N. E. A. in nos-Sm; leg.
islation relative to Negra educa—
tion in Kentucky. Prof. W. H.
Fouse, of Lexington, who was a
delegabe at the 1929 session of
the National Association of Teach-
ers in Colored Schools, then made
his report; in which he urged that
the K. N. E. A. sumort this or-
ganization in a. larger Way and
that more attend the next annual
session to be held at Potetsburg',
Va. It was voted at this session
that Prof. Fonse he refunded his
expenses to the 1928129 meetings
of the N. A. T. C. S.
The Fifth. General Sulion
On‘ Saturday. April 19, at 9:00

A. M., the final general session of
the K. N. E. A. was held. The
first main feature of this session
being a memorial service for re-
cently deceased members of the
K. N. E. A. Talks were made by
various persons regarding the late
Mrs. M. E. Steward. of Louisville;
Prof. J. S. Hathaway, of Rich-
mond; Mrs. L. C. Snowden, of
Lexington; and Rev. J. E. Wood,
of Danville. Dr. C. H. Parrish
was in charge of this service and
Miss R. L. Carpenter was in charge
of the music for this feature of
the program.

The business session was begun
by the report of the Scholarship
Fund Committee. The report of
this committee, which outlined
plans for the operation of the
s holarship Fund, was adopted.
The report of the election com<
mittee was made and adopted.
The following Directors of the K.
N. E. A. were elected: J. L.
Bean, of Versailles, (157 votes)
two years; W. S. Blanton, of
Frankfort, (120 votes) two years;
sud s. L. Barker, of Owenshoro,
(111 votes) one year. The finan-
cial report of the Secretary-Treas-
urer of the K. N. E. A. was made
and adopted by the General Asso-
ciation. Prizes for literary and
industrial exhibits for the 1930
session of the K. N. E. A. were
then awarded by the Secretary-
Treasurer. After some discussion,
it was voted that the President be
given power to appoint a com-
mittee to oversee the 1931 K. N.
E. A. exhibits. It was further
decided that $200.00 be turned
over to the Industrial Education
Department as a prize fund for
1931 exhibits. It was also voted
that a Research Committee of five

 persons be appointed by the Presi-
dent of the K. N. E. A. It was
then voted that any member of
the K. N. E. A who attended the
National Association of Teachers
in Colored Schools at Fecal-slung,
Va., he considered a representative
of the K. N. E. A. It was voted
that We affiliate with the N. A. T.
C. S. and pay an affiliation fee of
$25.00. A motion was then made
that the membership fee of the
K. N. E. A. be $1.50—50c of the
fee to take care of the expenses
involved in the publication of the
K. N. E. A. Journal. After some
discussion, the motion was tabled
and the Board of- Directom au-
thorized to take such steps as
w'ould be necessary to give pub—
licity to the proposal for an in-
armed membership fee, in order
that some might be voted upon by
3 large number of K. N. E. A.
members at the 1931 session.
During the 1930 meeting, Va»
~rious departments held sectional
meetings on Wednesday, April.
16, at 3:15 P. M., on Thursday,
April 17, at 2:30 P. M., and on
Friday, April 18, at 8:30 A. M.
Most of the departments reported
various successful sessions, out-
standing speakers being on several
of these programs. 'llhe K. N. E. A.
entertained the teachers on Thurs.
day, April 17 at the Palace
Theater, permitting all of them to
enjoy a special film without an
admission fee. On Friday, April
18, the Tenth Annual Exhibition
of the K N. E. A. was rendered
at the Louisville Armory. The
program consisted of a musical
pageant rendered by the pupils of
the Louisville Public Schools,
about 4,000 persons being present
at this feature of the program.

The K. N. E. A. officially ad-
journed Saturday, April 19, 1930~
(Miss) L. V. RANELS,
Assistant Secretary


A teacher who can find things
to be done without the help of the
superintendent, the principal, and
three supervisors.

A teacher viho gets to school on
time in the morning and who does
not push the children out of the
door in an attempt to reach home
by three minutes utter four o'clock
in the evening.

A teacher who is neat in appear—
ance and who does not sulk be-
cause of’en hour’s overtime in

A teacher who listens carefully
when spoken to and asks only
enough questions to insure the oc-
curate carrying out of instruc-

A teacher who moves quickly
and makes as little noise about it
as possible.

A teacher who looks you
straight in the eye and tells the
truth every time.

A teacher who does not pity
herself for having to work,

A teacher who is cheerful. cour-
teous to everyone and determined
to “make good.”

A teacher who, when she does
not knovd, says: "1 do not know,
but I will try to find out."—B|ll-
*letin, Department of Education
of Missouri.


 K. N. E. A. Scholarship Fund Operates


Already the Scholarship Loan
Fund of the K. N. E. A. has be-
gun to help worthy students. The
committee has approved the ap-
plication of Miss Frances Morgan,
a. senior at Fisk University. A1-
ready she has received her loan
and it is reported that she is do—
ing well in her Studies. Miss Mor-
gan was a student in Simmons’
University and graduated from
the high school, after which she
attended Fisk University. Author-
ities at Simmons report that her
stay in this school was smooth and
pleasant and that she was studl<
ans, of good conduct, and finished


her course with credit. At Fisk
University authorities report that
Miss Morgan has been u reliable,
faithful student, and recommend
her highly to the K. N. El A. Miss
Morgan is the first of the senior:
in standard colleges to profit by
the K, N. E. A. Scholarship Loan

The application of Mr. Theadare
Rowan, a senior at Wilberforce
University, is now receiving con—
sideration by the committee. Bath,
of these pemns are Kentucky pn-
pils and the K. N. E. A. takes
pleasure in the opportunity to
serve them.

 Kentucky Athletics

After carefully surveying the
work being rlone by the Athletic
Association of other Southern
states in connection with the de-
velqyment of a state Wide athletic
program, many of the coaches
and principals of our High Schools
in Kentucky, came together fora
meeting whale definite plans were

' worked out, whereby, this state
might develop a combined pro-
gram of athletics that might em-
brace every high School in Ken-

There appeared to be three dis-
tinct districts, that were already
functioning in the various sections
of Kentucky. The names of these
sections are: The Blue Grass
Section, that functions under the
name of the The Blue Grass Athle-

tic Association: the Western Sec-
tion, which embraces the schools
in Western Kentucky, and the
Mountain Section.

The President of the Kentucky
Atheletic Association, J. Max
Bond, invite: the principal of
every single High School in Ken-
tuclq' to send their schedules to
his office at 214 Pythian Temple,
and to keep close tab on outstand-
ing players in order that an all.
state team might be nicked.

The Kentucky Athletic Asso-
ciation plans to sponsor a State
Wide Basketball Tournament, and
a State Wide Track Meet. Such
a program, however, will require
the co-operatio'n of every single
High School with the Athletic A3-


Admission, 50¢


Eleventh Annual
Physical 6xlzibl'ti0n ‘

Louisville Armory
Sixth and Walnut Street:

Friday Night, April 17, 1931
A State-Wide Track Meet

Part of Proceeds for the K. N. E. A. Scholarship

Advance Sale, 35:




 Report of the Legislative Committee

We, your committee on: legisla-
tion, beg leave to make the ffllaw—
ing report of certain leyislative
measures affecting Negro educa~
tion and progress, which were
passed‘by the General Assembly
of 1930:

We met in the distinguished Iii:—
tle City of Frankfort several times
last fall and winter to discus some
problems pertaining to our edu-
cational progress from several
viewpoints. The Negroes of Ken-
tucky are truly on trial. It is the
duty of the leaders of the race to
find out what is due the race under
the State and Federal “Constitu-
tions as well as the Common
School Law and then plead and
contend until justice is fully es
tablished. We believe that such
leadership should not be confined
to the teachers alone but should
include leaders in every progres-
sive walk of life,—-the farmer,
factory hand, physician, minister,
miner and others interested in the
yet we realize that in the final
analysis the great purpose is the
uplift of the child and a complete
citizenship of the Commonwealth
and of the world

Realizing that there is not an
accredited college in Kentucky for
Negroes, was proceeded to outline
a tentative budget for the colleges,
the one at Frauldofl and the one
at Paducah. We believe on r
budget was a reasonable one for
operating accredited schools. We
fell short of our request; but the
General Assembly appropriated
$190,000 for Frankfort, $189,000
for West Kentucky or about
$379,000.00 for both colleges.

For these appropriations we are
profoundly grateful. That was
truly a mark of interracial good
will. Lei: us cherish hope that out
of such liberal appropriations to
our State Colleges there will come
forth two accredited colleges for
the higher education of the Negro
youth of Kentucky Your commie
tee noticed that the Colored Nar-
mals and Colleges are not listed
in the columns of the other Nor-
mals and Colleges and therefore
fail to share in the special funds
according to the Biennial Report,
but are meandered and catalogued
under name of Vocational and
Industrial Institutions.

We ask not for new laws, but
rather for the proper execution
of those spread upon the Statutes
of the State.

The Colored Children’s Home
Society will receive $37,500.

This is the first time known to
man that the Negroes of Wat and
Eli-st Kentucky ever stood together
“or one common cause. an equal
opportunity for every child in

Among the outstanding bills
passed for educational purposes
was Bill No. 14, known as bhe
Equalization Bill, appropriating
$1,250,000“! each year to allow
the teachers to get a minimum
salary in each county of $75.00
per month. The teachers every—
where in the Commonwealth hail
the news of increase of salary
with exceeding great joy Your
committee is if the opinion that
the General Assembly of 1932
should be asked to divert the sur-
plus money, lllfi per cent, from
the Highway Commissioner's fund


 'his page in the original text is missing.

 'his page in the original text is missing.

 'his page in the original text is missing.

 'his page in the original text is missing.



122. Timesaoumsl Pub. 00., Jan.‘ Bulletins. . 40.00
123. w. 1-1. Humphrey, exp. Louisville, Feb. 22. . 12.40
124. Mrs. L. F. Bowjen, exp. 1029 Orat. Contest. 3.00
125. W. E. Robinson, P. 11., postage March Bulletins . 17.25
126. Louisville Leader, Morel. Bulletin and Cut. 60.50
127. Ky. Reporter, payment on Programs...“ 30.00


128. Times-Journal Pull. Cm, Sp. lists and Athletic Voice. . 82.00


129. Cash-Circular letters and program postage... . 9.00
1310. Louisville Psper Go., bellots, certificates, et . 18.02
131. c. M. Smith, mimeog‘raph work, 3 letters... 9.00

132. Ky. Reporter, balance on anagrams . 30.00







1313. P. Moore, director’s expense. . . . . 9.80
134. W. S. Blanton, director’s expense. . 3.20
”1335. Exhibit expense and prize fund. . 190.00
136. Mary Church Terrell, speaker's fee . 89.24
137. John W. Davis, speaker's fee. . . 50.00
138. Sallie W. Stewart, speaker's fee . 50.00
139. Emma Lewis, speaker’s fee. . . . 30.00
140. L. v. Ranels, ass't seey's erqpense. .. . 15.00
141. W. H. Humphrey, president’s expense . 20.00
142. G. M. Smith, K. N. E, A. clerk. . . 20.00
143. Max Sheppard, large signs. . 5.00
144. Louisville News, publicity.. . 10.00
145. F. McMullen, design L. G. Snowden. . . 8.00
146. Elizabeth Bullock, election clerk. . . . . 6.00
147. W. H. Ferris, reporting meeting. . 6.50
148. W H Fouse, expenses to 1928~29 meetings of
N.ATCS. .. 71,38
149: A. E. Meyzeek, president‘s 1929 expense. . 17.50
150. A. S. Wilson, secy’s salary for year . . 317.50
151. Mrs. la B. Scott, speaker’s 17051111.... . 6.00
Total payments . . . . . . . . . . .$1956.91
Balance in bank. . . . . . . . 469.90

N. B. The Louisville Convention and Publicity‘ League paid
$75.00 for K. N. E. A. Meeting plumb—Quinn Chapel and the Palace

Items (receipts or payments) which are started were reported in
detail to the Board of Directors. Cancelled checks, receipts, and bank
records were mrhibited Do the Board of Directors to cover all items of
'the above report.

A Scholarship Fund of $510.39 on deposit in the Savings depart-
ment of the First Standard Bank is not included. The balance in the
'hands of the Secretary-Treasurer on May 1, 1930 for the K. N. E. A.

is therefore $930.29. Respectfully submitted,


 K. N. E. A. Committees Announced

President W. F. Humphreylws
appointed committees suggested at
- the 1930 K. N. E. A. Convention,
the personnel of them being here.
by announced.
Scholarship Loan Fund
Miss Estella M. Kennedy, Han-
rods Creek, three years—1930>33.
G. W. Adams, Paris, three
years, 19304933.
H. R. Merry, Covington, two
years, 1930—1932.
Mrs. M. J. Egester, Paducah, three
years, 1930—1933.
E. 'l'. Buford, Bowling Green,
two years, 193071932.
Research Committee
W. H. Fouse, Lexington.
W. H, Perry, Jim, Louisville.
C. L. Timberlake, Greenville.
B. E. Perkins, Hopkinsviue.
Bates Caldwell, Owensboro.
Cooperation with K. E. A.
R. B. Atwood, Frankfort.
W. B. Matthews ,Lnuisville.
W. H. Fouse, Lexington.
J. W. Bate, Dunville.
D. H. Anderson, Paducah.
3'. Max Bond, Louisville.

L. N. Taylor, Frankfort.
I‘egillltil‘e (1930-1931)

J. Max Bond, Louisville.

Dr. E. E. Underwood, Frankfort.

W. J. Gallery, Little Rock.

H. C. Russell, Louisville.

P. w. Williams, Lynch.

A. E. Meyzeek, Louisville.

W. S. Bhutan, Frankfort.

industrial Exhibit: (1930-1 931 )_

George L. Bullock, Louisville.

Miss S_ B. Snowden, Lexington.

Mrs. Emma Bennett, Louisville.

Mrs. L. H. Smith, Lexington.

R. L. Dowery, Elizabethtow’vi.

Each of the above committees
is expected to report its activities
at the 1931 session of the K. N.
E. A. at Louisville, April 15 to
18, 1931. The first person men-
tioned on each committee has been
designated as chairman. As soon
as possible these coimnittees
shauld function either by special
call meetings or through corres-
pondence during this