xt7crj48sm7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48sm7v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-03-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 01, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 01, 2007 2007 2007-03-01 2020 true xt7crj48sm7v section xt7crj48sm7v Norah Jones’ newest album is topping











MAR(‘H l. 2007'

Cats continue their winning streak
on the diamond




Med school locks tuition for future classes

By Katie Saltz
ksaltI'Qkykemet com

Secondqear medical student Joe Slusher has
more tuition concerns than the a\erage undergrad.

“Turlron ttt'tects trs imed studerilsi \sa} more
than it does undergraduate students." Slusher said.
"There is so much uncertaint} With it."

But both he and (K ot'titi‘als are hoping a ne\\
pilot program trom the (‘ollege ot' Medicine “I”
help support the burden

Starting this tall “till the ('lass ot 20] l . the col-


Keiituclt} residents “ill pa) 523.752 per )ear.
and nonresidents “Ill pa) 345.155 per )ear.

l)r. Ja_\ Permaii. dean ot‘ the ('ollege oti Medir
cine. said the program is \er_\ uncommon in med,
ical schools around the country

“We are one of \en te“ rristittrtroris to address
this problem this “in." Pet'man said. "It is our local
attempt to address the national issue ot. the extraor»
dinar} costs ot' medical school."

l‘t‘omst Kumble Subbasuam} \sorlsed \\ith the
(‘ollege ot Medicine to create the plan. Sub-
basuamy said the pilot prograrii ma) address the

“This pilot program is an irriportaiit initiatoe
because it “ill gne our medical students the abilit)
to plan ahead with respect to their turtion costs \\ tilt
the hope. ultimatel}. ot' making their education
more att‘ordable." Subbasuam) told the Kernel in
an e—niail "()ur countr} and our eomnioniwalth
need more doctors. Ho“ e\ er. one ot the barriers
tor mam) students has been cost."

A tuition guarantee tor medical students is
needed because ot the e\treme disatbantages the}
ha\e compared to students pursuing other protes
sions. Perman said.

“Medical students don't has e the opportunit} to

said ".-\tter tour tears or sthool. othei students can
go oil! and ininiediateh get .l iob Medital stttdcttts
hasc additional \ears ot sthool and their their test
tlt‘ltlt‘s H

[he unpredictabilits ol tuition increases is also
something that Subbasxsairis and l’crrrian \t‘!l\ltl
ered “hen creating this plan

”()tten ttrrtiorr increases b\ double digit per
eeiitages.” l’emiari said. "Students go into meditai
school thinking ‘\\ here is this heading “ lire tosts
are risuall_\ uriknmsn

Medical students “I“ be panng more at liist
under the program. but the initial Illzlt‘dst‘ is net es

lege is launching a pilot program \shere an) med~
ieal sttiderit \\ ill have a that ttiition rate tor all lotir

86 Senate
settles on
committee it

ByWBlair Thomas

blhomasifikykernel tom

obstacle ot ttrition costs in a signilicant \\a_\. earn as much moire) to otlset the costsf‘ Permian

‘::; Tuition ' m 5

Student (imernriient senators
reached a compromise on their com
mitlee restrtictrrriiig last night alter
more than a month ol' discussion.

(‘ollege ot I:ngineerir‘rg Sen. .losb
()doi and (‘ollege ol lam Sen, Tom
Raul met 'l‘uesda) to combine the too
separate organi/ational plans presente
ed at the Mb 21 lull senate meeting.

"l 41st “CCh. the plans “ere _|tlst
too similar.” ()doi said “It isn‘t about
competition and \\ ho can get the most
\otes tor the plan the} created. its
about coming tip urth a plan that “Ill
best ser\ e Student (imei‘nment so the
students" needs are best represented."

the neu t'i\ertoinriiittee plan
passed rinaiirniorisl). through the ()p
eratrons and l:\aluations Committee,

"\\rth te\\ er committees. \te can
put senators “here the) “11] best
ser\e and still be ttinetional as a sen~
ate." said ~\‘en. llrrttam langdon \\ ho
also sponsored the act

ll tlte lull senate passes the act on
March 7. the ne\\ structure \Hll ha\e
the torrent (‘oriiriiittee on ('ommrti
tees and the \ppropriatioirs and Re\
enue (Committee It \Hll also include
three ne\\ committees the (ii'aduate
and l’t‘otessronal Strident .\t‘tarrs
('orriitirtlec. the Academic and Stu ‘
dent .»\ttaii‘s (‘omnirltee and the lnteiv ' ‘
nal .-\ltarr‘s (‘orriiniltee ‘ i H. MAW“:

"()ne ot the riiairi dillerentes in
this \ei‘sion is that ('omriiittee on
t'onimittees “Ill appoint l\\o people
to malt \srth the Student l.obb_\ist
('orps ai trirthei e\tei’rial relations
\\ illi St} and the Senate," Raiil said
“ lliat \\ as the onl} ieal \llt lsing point
betsxeeii Josh ’(ltlUtI and nosell "

()dor began restructuring the
committees bet arise he tell a need tor

‘\~ [JP 5



Cats’ senior trio plays final game in
Rupp as the Cats roll past Georgia

eat‘l\. h}.

olt a late (ieorgta tornebatls that was lk‘ll‘illlIM em or their

It’s definitely
one of my favorite
experiences that I
will never experi-
ence (again) in my

By Jonathan Smith

5w fltlkykfi" n rum

as man} as si\ in the liist halt but lat'. to light
lii'st ttlalLll‘llt‘ this season \ilier'e | K led Ii points at
.\la}be it “as the loss to \andei‘bilt on Sunday dtir the lirst halt. but lost “saw iir ost'i‘lrriie
m}; \\|iich the ('ats led tor 1‘) niiiiutes \estt.‘rda\. the ('ats led b\ l\ i‘Hin's

.\l.r\ be it \\as the i‘etcnt [‘lli‘lle toit‘inicnts iiiadc b_\ the setorid halt alter a loe( ratstoid iiiiirls utter. 'lie Ht .'
l K head toat'li lubbt \mith and \thletics llii‘ettot' dogs \\t‘tll on then run
Mitch Bat'iihart about the status ol the program (it (ieor‘gia «1“ ll. \
iiia}bc it \\.rs rust betause ll \\ as senior night and the 'ltart too minutes it-iriairiirrg.

“Voices" of
\‘icti ms

'-\i'lt \ llfl :t‘l' ,:

"v rut it to eight points \rth we
a la‘sais ltroun shit.
and dunk But unlilse the pre\ iorrs gariie. ( ieoigra would


heard in

('ats “melt" going to let their trio go out \\il|i a loss
\Vhattwci‘ It “as. [K plated \\ itli more locus than in
recent games. resulting in an \270 \Hll o\ er (ieorgia in
tront ot IJJHH tans at Rupp Arena
“I think we vi ere pla) ine \er_\ tontiderit out there and
orii energ} \\ as tip because ol serrioi night." said irriiior
tciiler Randolph Morris “\\e “ere pumped tip earls"

it! get an_\ closer. as tumor guard Raiiiel liiadles riiade a
? pointer and tour li‘ec llllr\\\s doun the s'iett h to ltecy
l l'\\ lt‘dtl lllldtl
l'he likeh
ueretrt tor \lottrs
\tter taking lost the shots Suridas 2n the loss against

lead \rorrtdiit haw beer: so "it: if .t

Lukasz Obrzut UK
at?" H)’ O‘N” u'i . "

\tl'lltL' if it.

l'l\' illl-‘l. ‘l (i Southeastern (‘ontereiieei did get ii i
. l

‘ ,. Basketball


By Josey Montana McCoy
news tikykemei mm

UK doctor awarded for work with sex assault victims

-,1.ii lseti'iitlu's '. 3.

\t‘\tl.t' at":-

the cold. marble (‘apiiol building
usuall) lull ot‘ urgent congressmen
\‘lll host a haiidt'ril ot l'ls' students
acting otil emotional tales ol sexual
abuse loda).

“In the inlormation age. statistits
can grim numb." said Doroth} lidr
wards. l‘K “omen's Place director.
“I hope the people hear the pain ol
these stories and reali/e 'tliis could be
a wmian 1 low ‘ "

The presentation is part ol the
luck-oft~ tor Sexual Assault .'\v\are~
ness Month. and students “Ill per-
torm “In Our ()vtn Voices" in tront ot
(im. lirnie Fletcher and other polili

"The opportunit) rs stich a huge
honor." said snelitltig} sophomore

See, Voices it" page 5

Peru said ()mar .\ dedit .llt'tll to ‘. :ttizits and tht i: Hr". ll
rights is \\ hat tirialilied him tor the \ \ \\l\
.i\\at‘d .‘r ' ‘.'\c§

'lliex ithe auardsi \\t'lt' t reared to honor two sill is stunt-thou,- ‘lmi «to
ple \\ ho ha\ e been teiitial pietes to lsentutlu s I
anti rape irio\enieiit.' l’eirs said "“e're looking ’ , I
tor people “hose eltorts haw lotused on sexual l
\lUlCllLC and ha\e had a long term ettett Hi the

By Jill Lester

itas'erdkyue'riet r 3m ”V", ”5

llr Hatiiii ()mar ot t'rs's pediatiit department \\.is
honored tor his ettons against se\tl.tl assault last night.
btit the dottor' said the real a\\.rrd uas in his “(ills

‘“ hen \oii trialse a ditleient e in a teenager is lite

it's \er_\ r‘estai‘driigf' ()mar said

The Kentuek) Association ot St \rial \ssaiilt l’i’o
grams presented ()mar u itli the Sexual .-\\\dtlll .-\\\ are
ness Month .iuard. or S-\;\.\1_\

“He commits so nitith time to real!) compassion
ate tare tor adolescents." said \larslee l’err}. stall at
tome} tor KASAP "He has a real understanding ol
\\ hat \\ e need to do to pre\enl se\rral \ ittimi/ation "

\\\ ltt‘t'rl t r rtt‘t‘tt'..t l‘ s'
itfith .li iii .l‘l‘k't '\ ‘i .iiiit‘t \s: 71'
l'. is t iiit 2.11
hi ‘ptt‘H'tll st‘\tl.rl .rl‘ltst'
Lids and treat them tor \ears ‘

l'llt‘ lath it: \Cl\l\C\ li‘l 't‘t‘liag'tts
\orrng adults. at lsentritlu as
throughout the l tiited States, “as part ot tht
reason ()mar said he uent into adolescent medrt the

"I tell that there aren‘t enough people helping

Assault _. ;~iiv5

s.t.tl 'i'il lis its .i sr's it"t “

but to fare ' ..


sltllt,‘ H

()mar has treated around It It sur\ i\ors ot se\
rial abuse eat h )ear' tor the past eight tears. at
cording to K.»\.\ \l’ \liir h ol that uorlt has been as
a \ohinleer

“It an main is needed on “eelseiids oi e\enings. l
\\as \\ illriig to do it." ()mar said

Omar .it‘al

'~\ t‘ii .ts

First issue has. Subsequent issues 25 cents. Newsroom: 257 7915. Advertising: ‘57-2872



 PAGE 21 Thursday March)


your daily dose of entertainment pop culture and fun Kernel ‘ Q





















By Linda C BIIItk

To get the IIIIIaIItage chart. the
day‘s rating Hits the easiesttfai I7
the most challenging

Aries (March 21 April 19) 'IIIIIII
Is a 7 . You 't‘ .IIIy rtttrarttIIII 'IIIIII
out you dont ‘ctri ycIy‘ IIIIII lI list
working Th s Is not III'II" IIss II I i I?
II youvc .1lIiI_1I.I
Taurus (April 20 May 20) min
IsI16 Thetun II. II. It .
I.tIIIItIII.1InIIIn 1s I'm. l‘t“’l. ‘
In .1 platto yIIo I,.'1II. Y‘t HI“. and IIIII'
I' Into It norm in or
Gemini (May 21 June 21) TIIIIIII
s 16 III-III II1It now, one u
l 1“ It \Ntilk

III.IsliII1 II :.'

'llls ”(I IpI I Is


llli. (tin

Cancer (June 22 July 22) Tod av
Is an 8 You lean on shopping hut
only out things that make your to
tit-III, IIIIIrtI stature III other words
troy tlIIIIiIs that nyll ultimately ru-
tut:c your expenses
Leo (July 23 Aug. 22) , Today Is .1
Boot spend 3 lot but do show
cwryhouy your appremation It
IIIII1IIIs more to them than you know
but you ll learn as y0u no aloIIII Be
lcs It I. for:
Virgo (Aug. 23 Sept. 22) Today:
I . two. It IIIIkIntt 1hout thi e-
I':t you It one yourself when tl‘I- s
I.IIIIct.'. s Itoizt‘ :tr‘lli IIIIaIt around
tI-I sI‘IIIIiIhIIrty (IlstIs praise Tait?
tilt: .1‘ Wu. .’ iV\l‘
Libra (Sept. 23 Oct. 22) To lay Is
I . ~14 III. IIaI kIItI lt‘ dI st IIVtty I'lIs
IIItIts I..:I..II' Willb rootIIIiI make i
W ”(l lt‘ tIIII IItIt s SI ,Il Ni (ii) WI it
Scorpio (Oct. 23 Nov. 21) IIIIaI
\ 1 .~ l‘ lt’ "III 'IIIiII \s1 .I s II

I’l‘N I.I..I.‘I t sIII It.‘ and .1 II IIIIIt‘Iy


Horoscope B
Sponsored By;



Rt lelIIJlll and loungi

810 Euclid At 0.



manner Others want to pay even
more than you‘re asking for
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Dec. 21) - To-
day Is a 7 — You‘re getting closer to
solvrng the mystery Keep It to your-
self Others want to know what you
know but they aren‘t all on your
Capricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 19) - To-
day Is a 7 - Dont talk about your
Wins or losses yet, yoti re not fin-
Ished You‘re In a position to spend
more than you have If you do that.
be careful
Aquarius (Jan. 20 Feb. 18) . Today
Is .1 7 - TraInIno a helper at first
seems to ttost you more than It :s
I.I.Iorth Don‘t give up thIs turns out
to he a good long-term Investment
Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) , Today
Is .In 9 There s more work coming
III tllltl this time you re ready for It
You have .1 II IutIntI ”‘1 plate that Will
III'tlttI ttIII ‘II IaI. tI1sIuI to proress,
.1III) l1l[‘j{( [it (.11 yin.)

Pin and Jflflt‘. the Big host's
biggest .\ftll'.\, look In \it'mam as
the) ramp up adoption plum
imml Mun/i (inn revelrv

By Joey Bartolomeo

Three days before Mardi
(iras. as tottrists were gearing up
for the massch part). New ()rI
leans‘ ntost fantous ttew resi-
dents. Brad Pitt and Angelina
Jolie. carried on as if it were an)
other Saturday ()n Februar) l7.
the couple took daughters Zahara
and Shiloh out fora stroll in their
French Quarter neighborhood.
"'l'he} were walking along. pttslt-
irtg the carriage like an) other
family." says art eyewitness.
"'l‘hC) blend tttto the crowds
here." ()it the wa) back to their
$3.5 million mansion. the tour-
somc popped into ('at‘.’ hmic to
pick tip coffee - mocha for Mont.
latte for Dad - arid a bag of chips
for Zahara. "They really like the
neighborhood." a cafe worker
tells L’s. "’l‘hc) seem like a nor-
mal famil) "

Arid that famil} ma) be
about to c\pand, At least one
source itt Vietnam tells [is that
Pitt. 43. and Jolie. 3|. haw lilcd
paperwork with l'.S. ('iti/enshtp
and ltttnttgration Scniccs to
adopt a btw front that countr)
(sec bo\. far right). The parents
of three . Maddox. 5. Zahara. 2.
arid Shiloh. 9 months . lta\c lortg
been \ocal about their desire to
take In more international chil—
dren (their eldest are front (’antI
bodia attd Ethiopia. rcspecthcv
l) ), Wit} now“ As Jolie etc
planted rcccntl) tti Britislt lillc.


flte pig” MAKES Six?

“If we‘re goirtg to hate [0 kids.
we'd like to raise them while
we're )oung." Vicki Peterson. the
adoption-agenc) executive direc»
tor w ho worked with Jolie on
Zahara's adoptiott. was unaware
of the plans in Januar). but the
Vietnamese source tells Us the
couple has applied to adopt from
the Tam Bitth orphanage tit Ho
(‘hi Mtnh Cit). which the) \isit-
cd iit Nmentbcr. (Reps for Pitt
attd Joltc could itot be reached
for comment.)

Southern Comfort

Though a source close to the
couple says the pair are going on
an extended overseas trip itt
March for "personal business"
(perhaps adoption—related‘.’l. their
current focus remains on New
Orleans. w here Pitt is tilmittg
The Curious Case of Benjamin
Buttoti. attd Jolie has taken on
the role of stay-auhome rnont.
(Sometimes. how cw er. the worlds
intersect: Pitt's costar Cate
Blanchett. her husband. Andrew
lI‘pton. arid their sorts. who are 5
arid 3. spent more than two hours
\ isitittg the Jolie-Pitts on l‘cbrti~
ar) WI

Since moung front LA. to
Januar). Jolie has settled ittto a
routine. taking Maddox to school
each moming (bodyguard itt
tow I. then heading to Fuel. a lo»
cal coffee shop. She spends af-
ternoons strolling through the
l‘rCllL‘ll Quarter wttlt her body
guard. often stopping at the
quaint (‘hanres House (‘al‘l She
has also been bus) ftirttishiiig
their house with antiques from
Bottom of the Barrel. According
to one of the shop's owners. the

stars haw purchased a $4.000
bedroom set "and their assistants
come iit all the time arid pick
more things up." Of course. be»
ing together as a fantil) ts top
priortt). At press time. the entire
clan was expected to get a per»
sorta) tour of Mardi (iras‘ festit i-
ties from New Orleans ma}or
Ra) Nagiu. ()n the itinerary the
()rphcus parade and a stop at
Spanish l’la/a to see the King
and Queen crowned.

Signs of Stress

Life iii the Big Easy has had
its challenges. in er since Jolie‘s
mother. actress Marchelinc
Bertrand. died of cancer itt late
Januar). the star hasn‘t been the
same. a source says: "She doesn't
w aitt Brad aw a) from her for a
second." Recentl). sans the tttsid»
er. Pitt had been imtted to a
shooting range with some of his
securit} detail. but Jolie nixed his

Jolie's emotional distress has
also resulted iii a noticeable
weight (the Safootfi star
weighs l0‘) pounds. sa_\s the in-
sideri. “She isn't eating." says a
source close to the couple. "She
has been under so much stress.
and Brad is tr_\ing to be under“

lt an}thtng could boost ltcr
spirits. It scents. another child
“(Illlcl A whether Zldttptcd (11‘ bit)-
logical. ”Brad . . . wattts l0 ntore
kids.“ the Jolie source tells is
"They are tr)ing both wa)s be
cause Angie w ants to gixc that to


Copyright 2007 Us Weekly



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Student Government


Make your voice heard in the upcoming elections.


Pick up filing information in the Student

Government Office. You can find your petition and

any needed materials in your packet.

Filin Deadline: March2 2007




Any questions?
Call: (859) 257-3191









March 1, 2007



Your weekly dose
of entertainment,
pop culture and tun is
now in your hands


t. Norah Jones, ”Not Too Late"

2 Gerald Levert, ”In My Songs"
3. Various Artists, "Grammy

4. Corinne Bailey Rae, "Corinne
Barley Rae"

5. Fall Out Boy, "Infinity on High"
6. Robin Thicke. “The Evolution of








Norah Jones has gone trnrn carxgri tied '! iisii at l".i“t,"r‘\' aw: ii «iii s it. " irt teeny xi Art“ t l 'tii'ts Her "en.
a-‘oiim, "Not tot. are .s tu're'it t N: ' ("e i ' a'ts 5w " ‘i is i i s :i ', ~ #7 «i sun Va? " asrs'
leel trend whether that ne ‘r‘at‘m'i l " i 'ri are" r -i ’ r ‘ .si
J t 11 t . 11) h t
By Geoff Boucher pereent.

The Washington Post the top neueorner this \reek rs “Kitl/ Bop H."
the latest in the series that nurtures .ur exervehangrng
ere“ ot )irtirresters heltrng out eurrent radio hits, 'l'hrs
trrne .u'ottnd the} are singing songs h). (intirls Barkley
K’l' Ttllhlttll. the l‘l'tl} and others l‘hrs edition dehttted
.it \‘o. 4 tintl sold "illtlll eitl‘tes. it‘s the lrttli tonseetr
“\L "Krtl/ Hop" release to preuttere tn the lop 1“. At
touting: to lirllhoaitl torn

\t ,\o Ill :s .itrother ilehut. "l’or’ttihle Sounds
trout toh} .\l.ie. \\hl‘\h is the stage tnontlser‘ ot lot“
.\lels'eeh.ur the (‘hrrstriut musre star hest known tor
his ntemher'shtp in the group tle IJHK. "l’orttihle
St)lllld\~ sold 511““ ettttles.

[be out; other lop ll! debut is "( 'ttres.' the ne\\
ttlhnrtt trout \nl‘vet‘hu. .irrother ('hrrstian lllU‘lL titt.
\thrth sold Mull“ copies to r‘eiieh ,\.i I” on the t.ill_\
ot stiles thl'itl torrrptletl h} \dt‘lse‘ll SoundStiur

The Valentine‘s Du) flowers huxe \xilted. and the
(irumm) A“ urds ttrL‘ ancient hl\lttl'_\ at least. thus
the stor} on the rtutton‘s pop charts. u here the Iltltii
February sales surge was longv gone h} the rural tlti) ot
the month,

The No. I album in the eountr} rs ' .‘s'ot loo 1 tite '
h} Norah Jones. hut the (‘1) eluuned that top spot to
selling rust under lthtlllll more utples. “huh is re
speetuhie but u tar ers trout the I] 1 MM copies the .il
hunt sold tn the pre\ tous “eels

The ttrttsts u ho enro}ed ti hie hump thanks to then
tippeiirunees at the (irtrmm) teleetist [eh I l .ilso Hirne
haek dimn to litirth l)t\re ('hrelss. .ltrstrtt Intrhetliike.
(lime l'nderuood. ('orinne Hutlt‘js Rue .uiil lohn
.\l.t_\er eueh s.i\\ their s.iles tot.i! drop more than 4'!


All three albums; beaten at hunt/rev one on the Bil/hoari’r charts



‘Not too late"


Come away With me"


2003 Best Pop Vocal Album for "Come Away With Me"

2003 Album of the Year for "Come Awav vnth Me"

2003 Record of the Year for "Dont Know Why"

2003 Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for “Dent Know Why"

2003 Best New Artist

2005 Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals for 'Here We Go Again" iwuh Ray Charlesr
2005 Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for 'Sunrise"

2005 Record of the Year for “Here We Go Again" tenth Ray Charles)

White’s m1 Rip

Billboard: Top 10 Albums this week

Robin Thicke"

7 Justin Trmherlake,

8 Dixie Chicks, "Taking

the Long Way

9 Daughtry, "Datinhtry'

l0 John Mayer, "Continent“


She describes her
new music as 'slow,
quiet, subtle, simple'

By Ann Powers

H()l.l.\'\\'()(tl) l\t her piano. \‘ortih
Jones is .it etrse. (‘orrlt‘onttrte the uttet'i) t.isti
til atmosphere ot \rnoehu Mush on Sunset
Boulexur'd. \\ here tans “edged into the iusles
the l‘rrdti} night hetore the (irtintnrxs to mt
ness ;in in-store pertornrante tronr Jones. tinil
her Handsome Blind. the \sorlil‘s ruling; re
mule pop singer ruined hetueen the rxories. l


Hitlek‘ lttrttl‘sull lirst t‘ltitetl their lot tire I

told him that tlre\ sotrttiletl ttuiie


\Uttl lk‘llttlllldlltt" \tl trh‘i \t'llfi‘v .tllll .l ZK'I

soltti‘. st.itnp \lie has .in hottest “and o! tili

she's tttkerr rrr .irrit .t .ivlttes out .r ti \~.i\ llt.:l
litH\\ l\‘\k' H

lones jlk'l\1‘li\i\l‘- when ”shell .irrim' he:
reputation .is "the queen o: inure h tittisit il‘

\liite ttzttt liiil\ Kirseri pit .'
wl gel .:".:tl\eil Y=-- “Jenn mtitl
’.i:rii l thrti‘r. '\\o:\ "z..' term
not nttl's tit: t‘ttt e\et\ot:e
' i


Il'ihlx lllnl \

.stetrs to 't \
t‘ttlst sfre \lix. ’l: sour
not hJshL‘ll‘llllkl iriiisrt ll it lw'ies .s ‘l-‘l ’ tit


as :tl. tit-op; Hutu;


\ilt' .lr‘t,'sll T l‘x‘ils \e il‘ 'i'lt t‘rL'i
‘ltlott ' te.i.i\ stlrl triv‘A ozone .sIJ‘i
‘l'.'\ MP 1' o‘ ,r “it: “.itluj'outml ~‘l ritut‘

do eat”

phones. or :t it I!








\Vur‘ht/er kethoutd. and. on one song. .iri th‘lllgilltwgf‘flil‘lprlf1:,” b A ”k V, ,
tieoustte guitar Rtit'el} looking; up. she sting makes up. ,3, W“
us It her \ore-e \\.ts strt'tiietne \srtlrrn those in ”MW“ at.“ 1‘ A?” .. ,_\, ,,
stt'unreuts. riiit- tones and so .. :r t s
Her .illttr'e emanated trorn the introspe. l“: ,,,,,, er. , [ H
tron ot her st_\le the sense that \, \ \
\\h.it rtttittet‘eil here \\.is hiippen \ ,y, , K ,
”If! it] the \I‘Js e “etueen lones‘ It _ , M.“ Y
hands. leelrne otrt tin irrstr'tirrrent. Slit} this; till i ' ‘ \
and her ’sirite. rtuitlttrte to \‘r‘ll hOt‘PK‘l We’ll“ m, \ '_ , >. . \:
neet \\rth \\htit it stint to her l‘he "Mr M H U ,, . ., . ,
songs \seren't Kl‘lllpll‘stHCd h\ all She S :3;ka Hi 1,. l i i t. .‘
nou it's hetome l;t/\ thrrtkrne to . . ,
ein “ltdl times {rats “Mitt and ll 50““ (m ,
ground musie but the? the“ ill a Wkly {in} . W X m K 1
listeners in the \\.l\ .i sivtt torn i,- , .
lllrllld etin eiun .itteutron more et lOlkf‘ :U‘l‘tt‘ ., i _.I, e ., ,
teetr\el\ than ti shout ,\ d
l‘hts t\ the stove or \ortrh . .
Jones. the ttrst o‘l ti ne\\ genera CRAIG STREEI R y.‘ ,, l r
tron or \‘tH‘ to striteet: .llllisl I
pop's current “it‘lltllll.1\l.t\\ll\'\\ l
h} putttne Illthk :rrst Her 2n
trethhle rise srnte her Ill“: little r
\ote Retords dent. "(‘otne \\\ti_\ \\ith \le _. . t t A \
lt.is rn.iiie lones th-x central .‘igure in .. rum l ,. 1 m , H‘ t
rno\ernent sorne'rr‘res trtteli} tltihhetl 'thc m. ‘ \ y, .p
rte“ eiis\ listening” Kor. in prunileit shortlsint. H U -r x { k \l
”\l.lt‘l‘llsh\ lllllsie "tit 't‘iore .itturuteix R l, 1.
‘\i‘1hck‘ tis pops latest tr.insl.rtton ol soplrrst. ‘ ,y,
tritetl tiletis into tirrrtrtron zetrrtitiihit tori. s. t:- ,A K
htrrtthle .i personaliw .l\ Lune .illims. htis , , i , _ e
hld/Csl tlie puth tor your»: ill'l‘sl\. rniim ot U ,I
thern terrade srneets xx'u uphold iintl trpil_.tt ,‘ \ “x
the teen \ ot trossmer gtoti .3 \
But she ilttln't .:'\\.i\s onn tlns sin ll }
thiu'rsnru 'l gteu tip unztiitrn: in} Linor'te \; H“! l: r h,
singers, ' longs, \xlris spent her south .ll Hi: rm ll. lr' the V, l.
lirs, recalled .it her flux '31: :ftetrtoori of ‘re: ‘ 'l A _
\llltm‘l‘u alillt \i‘l tl:‘.\tt\‘ lilllll; Htt' t!‘\i'\.\ l t\) .\ I :
l'lletl hut inst loan: to sing: ;l in: mt“ Netti ‘i‘, >_ \ \f
\.itr;_'h.in or lirliie liiliohfl in he \\, mi, , y \p ‘
tronr Heurt' Hit? 1 itlvt :\lti\til plum and | , i“
thought. ‘\lii}l~t' I should ext it Yi\.ft'tliqt \ \, A
\khet’e l totrlil sin; mil flit .it 'he s.utte 'trni'
Bk‘edtl‘s‘ it's not etis'x l"s taxi» illltljl‘ at out e i
She tulle-.1 her l :rl ttirtr’wil her s'ozniit l, I .' “I“
tosretral thethstonriett 1., It“, . ,i
lirrres \\orl.eii lllli‘i.‘ll tier prol‘.erti it‘ “we or ,m ,\
pirl‘lrt "I eot ‘lt:~ _ ‘zr toll‘eee \khgre l In t 1 sh.-
pltrwtl .intl s.in_:' .it .i restim int. she in .illeil I , CH“ \ht .
"for too tears "lute .< '.\.‘e‘r..l ,ittst t'irtu titeif :1 ‘
lot three hottrs \ohotlx z-.-.il.\ ltstetreil, six ,5“ ~ ;
o'ite lll .. \khde t‘iJ-‘pl. axinfil \lli‘ l? '10,, .t‘ l I
thitkeroittrtl "ltis‘e l' Isis sttp'tostif 'o “e _ . i ' ,
\Hretr she r.\ :s ltsiioereil 'n \e\‘. \ ~tl. .4 {pm {,1 , i ‘ _ .V l’
Ten tears ltittt lot gs '.\.is s'rji plusrrre mm \1‘ ‘ I” . .
hiiurthes tinil totltin gin-3s Nears ot lliklel‘lL‘ .m .ru l . in,” ,k .
the lounge srneer s \,~‘ll:l:lnlll\‘ to set .i niooif ,H SIM ll , ls-in i \M. k” i
\Hletlll lorttny tirirtlnne on the i;s':'it~r Jed ,N, . ,H . N .
her to ilexelot‘i skziis r.itel\ \.iliteil .r: .i pirt‘ ,‘ .‘ \,
st.ir \\ hen she whit; ; her iiurr .ir1:st sfii \M ih , N s\ H ,
kept those skrlis innit: , 1. _ ,, ‘. \ ,M
"lo Hlt'\\ t‘.tt\ her iterttos soiit'iteil illse W «,t | K A 1‘ \ .r 1 .l, t L
sornethzne people would hm ’rrottil ( rare H 1 ii A H” , ’
Street. the proiliii er who his! hrotreht her ll‘rl-‘ “HUM H . 1 t
HlL‘ sllltllit lt‘ lt'titltl '( I‘lllt' \‘»\il\ \kl'h \1 t [I l i' {:LL‘ ‘ ‘l ‘

"\\ hen illliie \ote Retorifs thret t‘\L‘-_||l2‘«‘



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Plies 4 | Thursday, March 1, 2007

'Carmen' brings seduction, scandal
to Lexington Opera House tomorrow


teatures©kykernel com

“Sex. lies and no \ideotape" ix ho“
Marc Schlackman. stage manager for
Bilet's "(‘armen." dexcrihex the seduc-
tixc and stimulating opera.

On Friday. L'K Opera Theatre and
the l'K S)niphon_\ ()rcliextra “ill take
the xtage at the l.c\'ington Opera House
to pert‘orm one oI l'K‘x higgext produc-
tions to date. and the most scandalous
according to Amanda Balltrip vtho plays
"Fl’ltnqlllltl." one of ('arnien'x gnu) xide-

“lt'x men more xcaiidaloux than La
Triniata.” Balltrip xaidi

La littH‘dld \ias l'K Opera The»
atre‘x last production dramati/irig the el—
lects ol nightlife and tuberculosis.

"Watching (‘armen ix ii good experi~
ence became it ix reall} relevant to pet»
ple's |o\e li\ex today" xaid Brand}
Hawkins. who plays the lead character.
Carmen. in one ot’ [“0 caxtx,

(‘armen ix \er) flirtatious and i.x
able to xteal and manipulate the heart ot‘
any man xhc dexirex_ causingy jealous}.
heartache and exen murder.

Hankins .xaid it “ax reall_\ hard for
her to put her personalit} iixide and pla)
the role of the flirtatious xediictrexx.

“'l‘hat ix not \\ ho l reall) am. xo it
“ax hard for me to relate to ('ai‘men."
H;t\\l\lll\ xaidi

(lumen .xediicex the engaged (‘orpw
i'al Don .loxc She tecterx romanticall}
hemeen him and the tamoux hullt’ighter
l‘.\\itlllllltt Violence enxuex and the plot
thickenx .ix the mo men dixcmer ('ai-
men‘x \L‘Ihlltll xeci'etx. .-\I'ter maxx
heartache and conflict. the production
endx \\ itli .i xlioclxin; \lll'Pl'l\L',

"(\iimcnf' directed h} Michael
lihi'man. litix a caxt ot mei ltlll l'K xtui
denix \\ ho h.i\e hcen “orking IIOIlwIUp
tor .i little o\er liltll"\\L'L‘l\\. perlctting
Illt‘ Uptl‘i

‘ilti ix i It ill\ ie'eiit illiixtiation oi

the tilcnt Irom the l K Muxic ind 'l'he- EU 11,“, h, ‘1 3 . ,,,‘

atre departmentx,‘ xiiid .\mclia (iioetxth.
\\ ho I‘iil)\ (‘armcn'x IL‘tllUlh toe

()pcrii America lixtx "()ii‘iiieii" .ix
one ot the top tour operax mm per
loriiicil. “hich putx ii lot ol pi‘cx\iit't' on

She \tllxl iii.iii_\ xcnxationx aic pot‘r



' lizw'ii ilsiixz tar" tj'i ' i5, ii" riiii 'at


"wart: :ihv'iiiiii‘: plays l’h’ [Ii'aa'ii lath m a il'i‘ia’x rehearsal it

it ,.,,,:i_‘,.,,
W .ll\,t:, xiii iilii- 'iaitai M: a i

“The mirxic ix .ilxo \er} recogni/r

l K‘x e'il\l\ to ll\L‘ up to the ‘Mirhl'x xi.iii timed throughout the production. expcr ahle; eiei‘)oiie heiii‘x it iill ot' the time.

ilaid» t‘lilll} limit the xtorex ol miixic that \\lll

Pi.il|trip \illkl the pi'odiittion ix '.in in 'nccp ilit- iiiiiliivvnu- captniited. xhe xgiitl,

trzeiiiiig ‘I'.lll\lt‘l ot emotion ”



Most-played songs of the week

1 High llamas, "Can"

Apples in the Stereo, "New l‘vlagnetic Wonder"
3 Barr, ”Summary "

4 Lavender Diamond, "The Cavalry Of Light
5 Menomena, "Friend And Foe "
6 Beirut, 'Lnn Gisland "




Marnie Stern, "In Advance Of The Broken Arm
Malaiube, "Trompe I, Oeil"
The Good, The Bad and The Queen, "The Good, The Bad
And The Queen"
It] MV And EE With The Bummber Road, "Green Blues”

WAKL ‘r‘ )1: 1'?

I. Turn your Ideas into art:

[‘liix \illlllili'\ .ll thi (iii'iiceit ( ciit i In l’tt'. l’Iilit/ci l’ii/i-
“lltlk‘l tor editoiiai Hirtoii'iinc. \Hii lit lk.lklllllL' «ill llilltltllli tioii
to lttliltll'ldl‘ .ii'looiiinc l! U l', he liivii, ‘l I I ii ii. .tllhl ii \75 Ice
ixtrition i~ iupiiiid ll‘lll1|ylk‘ll"{,!!l]llyll‘llktlll.j<71 II ‘5 oi \ix
Il\\\\\\\llllt‘L ‘L‘ltllt'l 't‘xillj.‘

2. Faces of Kenya

'l‘hix l‘lltld}. (lilllk‘l) H ix llt\\l‘ill_L‘ ii I't‘tt'l‘llttll loi locil portrait
iimxt .llll Riid/ilx .ind her latext \wil ” \(‘eleliiuiti-iii on the Peo
ple ol Muiniiiloni \'il|.i_ce‘ llie i'etcption ix ltoni ti" pm and
ix located at It“) \Kiiltron \‘.t‘IlllL‘ loi more iiilorniation tall
332 mm

3. Lexington's twist on American Idol

l'l‘hix Sillllrtltl‘x tl‘ie iiiox! talented opera xl.iix \Hll \ ompetc loi the
prextiyioiix \llteth ()pei'ii \tholarxhip lhix c\ent xt.irtx .it _‘
p in and 1x lice and open to the public It tiikcx plate in the
Recital Hall ot the Smelt-tar} (‘enter tor the :\r1x [or more in

lormation call I“ IXHX

recycle your



Squall Line ‘\\i The (ireat
Deprexxion and l (ileiin

9 p rim The [hi/NP Tickets are

,loxhiiii Black \\'ill\inx \\
illl\llll l~.ai‘l

5'? 1‘ it: , The Souththe House,
Ntfflt'TUTI Tickets are Free


March 2

Parlour Hoyx \x’ Blinc
Kong and The Stcrnx

9pm Thi'l 7mm Trifketmire

The l.ll‘L‘l'lIllL‘\ \\ ' Woher-
ton Brotherx and M} Wile
The Tiger

930 p In, The Soi/thgate
Hot/5o, Newport TNT/(PIS are


March 3

(,‘liih Duh \\ Skylli

9pm The [Ta/rm Tickets are


Born (‘roxx M ed
9pm The Sol/thoati House
Newport T/irkets arr; Free

Ice Harve)‘
tip/n, The Fish Tank, Tickets
are $5

March 4

but doexn't l'\ll(t‘»\ “here it coniex lioni."

For the week of

(iym (‘laxx Heroes \\ RX
Banditx and K- ()8. P03
7 pm, Briqarts T/trkets‘ are

TUESDAY, March 6
The Mo\iex \\ People

7 p in, Bogarts Tickets are

l€xxe\ (ireen \\ Kim ’l'ay

8 p m The Slit/thggrte Hot/xi",
Newport Tickets are 85

Pete Yorn \Vz” Aqualung
and Mad Hatter

E? p in, Madison Thor ter, Cov-
Iriotirri Tickets JIt.’ $20

March 7

Bishop Allen at Say Hi to
Your Mom and Petticoat.

9 p '77, The Dorrie T/(skets are

Mike Younger \x',’ Pete Nis-
clit and Jason Quickxall

8 pm, The Southgate House,
Newport Tickets are S 7

Public linemy w/ X—clan
and Mad Hatter

8pm, Mad/son Theater, Coy
ingto/i Tickets are $25

kernel, please.



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