xt7crj48sj40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48sj40/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-02-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1987 1987 1987-02-20 2020 true xt7crj48sj40 section xt7crj48sj40  

Kentucky Kernel

VOI. XCI, No. 102

Established 1354

Kuder selected
vice chancellor

Sources say decision made

Staff reports

James Kuder, director of student
relations services at Colorado State
University, has been selected as the
University‘s new vice chancellor for
student affairs, sources close to the
search say.

Kuder declined to comment on
whether he had been approached by
the University and whether he had
accepted the offer.

“l‘m not in a position to comment

Pending Kuder's acceptance, the
recommendation by Art Gallaher.
chancellor for the Lexington cam—
pus, will not be official until the

Board of Trustees approves the ap—
pointment at its next meeting, which
isset for March3.

When asked about the decision,
Gallaher declined comment.

Kuder‘s acceptance would end a
search that has taken about seven
months and brought five candidates
to campus to meet with the seven-
member search committee, admin-
istrators, faculty and students.

Several UK officials, including
Jack Blanton, vice chancellor for
administration; Joseph Burch, dean
of students and acting vice chan-
cellor for student affairs; and Larry
Crouch. director of the Career Plan-
ning and Placement Center and

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky '


chairman of the search committee,
declined comment on the decision.
Kuder would fill the position left
empty after the retirement of Rob-
ert G. Zumwinkle Zumwinkle re-

Scc kl DIR, l’ugc ‘

Nepandontelnco 1971

Man with 2 nations
compares cultures

Staff Writer

Andre Danilenko is a US. citizen,
but he lives in the Soviet Union.

Danilenko, who spoke at UK last
night, says he can comfortably bal-
ance this somewhat precarious situ-

“Basically, I would say that I‘m
just like any Soviet person,“ Dani-
lenko said. "Except the only thing is
being half American — I‘m not ex-
actly the same as them. But I feel
:omfortable in the presence of Sovi-
et people.

“And now, being in the US. and
being in the Soviet Union is practi-
cally the same kind of experience,“
he said, "but, I would say it takes
about a week and a half, in both
countries. to get really fully adjust-


Staff Wri ter

UK celebrated its 122nd year of
existence yesterday. but not
many people felt the need to ac-
knowledge it.

Only about 50 people attended
the celebration. which was held
in the Student (‘enter's Great
Hall and lasted 30 minutes.

About 75 attended last year‘s
celebration. which featured for-
mer (iov A B "Happy" Chan-
dler and the unveiling of a mural
depicting student life at the Uni~
versity .

Art Gallaher. chancellor for the
Lexington campus. presided over
the ceremony and gave the tradi—
tional five~minute speech about
the history of the l'niversity


(‘ontributing Writer


“th much of the nation watches
a fictional story about the l'S.S.R.
taking over America. l'K students
will be able to receive a real view of
l‘nited States and Soviet relations
this weekend.

The Russian and Eastern studies
department is sponsoring a Soviet
relations conference today and to-
morrow in 1730 Student (‘enter

The program will include rep-
resentatives from the l' S State De
partment and the Soviet Embassy,
as well as several speakers from
colleges around the world

Friday‘s segment begins at l p m.
and features Nikolai Smirnov, a rep-
resentative from the Soviet Embas

Stephen White from Glascow Uni-
versity in Scotland is scheduled to
he the keynote speaker at 8 tonight.
White‘s speech is going to include a
disussion of Soviet leader Mikhail
Gorbachev‘s new policia concom-

Gallaher. along with two UK
cheerleaders, a clown and an
SAB member, sang “Happy

Punch and a birthday cake, d0-
nated by UK Food Services. were
served afterward.

With his speech, Gallaher
wanted to “pause briefly to rec-
ognize UK.

“It is important to remember
that the University was born out
of pressures to form a new kind
of college that wasn‘t just for the
privileged elite."

Gallaher recalled important
figures in UK's history, such as
James Patterson, the first presi-

He spoke of important histori-
cal moments such as when
women were admitted into the


Art Gallaher. chancellor for the Lexington campus. slices 3 birthday Sity's 122nd anniversary yesterday in the Great Hall of the Student
cake for about 50 people who showed up to celebrate the Univer- Center.

UK celebrates its birthday before sparse crowd

university in 1885 and when the
first woman was graduated in

He also spoke of the admission
of blacks to the University in the
early 1950s and the acquiring 0f
the Medical Center in 1956.

Gallaher concluded his speech
by saying that “the University is
a grand old lady.”

Many people that attended the
celebration. though, had mixed
feelings about the event.

“I was disappointed," said
Tony Yates. an advertising se-
nior. “It looked like something
put together at the last minute."

The birthday celebration
“should have been promoted
more «than it was», and the bad
weather are reasons that many
didn‘t come," said Randy Rock.

looks at Soviet relations

ing free speech and the restructur~
ing of the Soviet economy.

The six other speakers in today's
program will focus on questions
about arms negotiations, superpow-
er relations and social patterns,
according to a press release.

Tomorrow's presentation starts at
9 am. Featured speakers will in-
clude Anthony Salvia, a representa-
tive from the US. Department of
State, and Jack Mendelsohn, the
deputy director for the Arms Control

Mendelsohn‘s speech will detail
the nuclear arms race and some
new proposals made by both govern-

Other speakers on Saturday will
discuss the Third World, religion in
each country and NATO.

Roger Anderson, chairman of the
Russian and Eastern Studies depart-
ment, said students will have a
chance to question the speakers and
talk to them about conflicts between
thetwo countries.

Anderson also said that most of
what we learn about Rush is gath-

ered through television and the
news, but this program will give
people the chance to learn about the
Soviet Union firsthand.

"These are face-toface conflicts.
They‘re not through TV . they‘re

Anderson said the program will
offer a “slice of life" about Soviet
military. geopolitical and social as-
pects and in turn will compare and
contrast them with American atti~

Each speaker will give a 25-min
ute presentation before answering
questions from the audience.

Anderson said this type of pro-
gram is unique to UK in two ways.
First, it has never been done on this
campus, although he expects such
projects to spread to colleges every
where. Second. Anderson said he
has never seen a conference with
this “brood of talent" before.

Anderson said he hopes students
will attend the twoday seminar and
speak to these experts about our re
spective societies.

ALAN LESSlG Kernel Staff

a graduate student.

It is “so hard for students and
faculty to find time from their
busy schedules to take off for
this," said Liz Demoran, an em-
ployee at the Alumni Association

Three engineering students
from the People‘s Republic of
China said that “as international
students we are glad to take part
in the celebration and we are
glad to learn the history (of

“It makes us think of the past
and the future."

Beth Dorris, SAB member and
coordinator, said “It‘s a fun
event. I think it can be expanded
and can get more exposure. We
do it every year and it keeps


A: I: took first place in
WKQO‘I Decent Exposure,
but Bad Guys found third
place a Tough Mix to swel-
low. See PASTIMES, Page

MOM. For a report no




Danilenko ended up in the Soviet
Union when his mother, Paula Garb.
married a Russian citizen. She lived
in the Soviet Union with her hus-
band, divorced, returned to the Unit-
ed States and then moved back to
the Soviet Union.

“You have to really live in the So-
viet Union to understand why she
moved." Danilenko said. “She based
her decision on the fact that she
spent two years living in the Soviet
Union with my dad.

"So she knew what she was com-
ing to. And being a single mother of
two kids, there was no way she
could have raised us and got a col-
lege education. So she got a free col-
lege education in the Soviet Union
. . . at the same time she was work-
ing full time so we could have a
comfortable life.“

Friday. Foam 20, 1987


Because of his unique situation.
Danilenko is permitted to travel
freely out of the Soviet Union. He
also lived in San Francisco until the
age of seven and has therefore expe
rienced both cultures.

\L‘L‘ “4‘. l‘Jtli ;‘ i.‘

Soviet official says
arms race key issue

Staff Writer

Now is the time the United States
and Soviet Union need to find some
common ground with bilateral real-
tions, said Nikolai Smirnov, rep-
resentative of the Soviet Embassy in

Last night, the Soviet diplomat ad-
dressed about 30 students and field-
ed questions in 230 Student Center.

“Bilateral relations between our
two countries have paramount im-
portance,“ Smirnov said.

The nuclear arms race is one of
the most important areas the two
superpowers need to concentrate on,
he said.

Smirnov said the disaster at the
Russian nuclear power plant in
Chernobyl shows what grave conse-
quences can occur when nuclear de~
vices get out of control.

“It’s difficult to imagine what will
happen if a nuclear device is explod-
ed,“he said.

The proposal made by Secretary-
General Mikhail Gorbachev of the
Soviet Union to reduce the threat of
a nuclear war is a step to disarma-
ment, Smirnov said.

”Our leadership has made not
only some kind of appeal," he said.
“but it made some steps (toward
achieving it). and the time of that
proposal is running out."

However, one issue that Smirnov
said is preventing a nuclear
agreement between the two nations
is President Reagan's pmposed
Strategic Defense Initiative.


Smirnov said Moscow is not up
posed to research of the project and
acknowledged the Soviet l'nioii has
been researching a similar project.
but he said the actual deployment of
the “so-called space shield" in space
is “very dangerous from our point of

Problems with SD] that SlTllrntl‘.
cited are that it increases the devel
opment of new offensive weapons.
wastes an incredible amount of re
sources and money and has several
flaws that fail to make it foolproof

Another highly controversial topic
between the United States and Sovi-

Sce St“ lI-' l. lmt it in '.

Landscaper discusses
ways of depicting art

Staff Writer

The Gaines Center for the Human-
ities last night brought landscape
artist Rackstraw Downes, a noted
painter and critic, to UK.

In his lecture, “The Art of Depic-
tion and the Landscape of Today,"
Downes told about 95 people in Pat-
terson Office Tower “what painting
and landscape is all about“ — from
a painter‘s point of view.

After 20 minutes of technical diffi-
culty with his main visual art, a
slide projector, the painter ex-
plained the essence of landscape

Dividing the seminar into two
parts, Downes spoke of depiction, or
how an artist represents images in a
painting and the landscape itself.

“These are subjects which are in-
timately intertwined if you are a
practicing artist," he said.

Downes said the depictive side of
art is an artist‘s idea of mea-
surement, which he uses to arrive at
a focal point for his work.

Using an early 19th century photo-
graph, “The Passing of Arthur" by
Margaret Cameron, as an example,
Dom pointed out how measur—
merits helped calculate the positions
of shadows tocreate a realist effect.

Downes, who has works of art
hanging in such museums as the
Hiishhorn in Washington DC, pro-
vided more than an hour of colorful
slides of his and other landscape art-

Downes also cited abstract art as
a major holder of depictive tech-
nique -—- an element that was made


popular in this type of art dunng the
19405 and ‘50s

Downes flashed slides of works by
artists such as Alex Katz, a giant in
the field of abstract art. Many of
these paintings were of factories and
construction sights.

Downes talked of many of his ovm
works. which include a painting of
125th Street of Harlem in New York
and a water-purifying plant in

All of these works displayed in
some way man interacting with na-
ture, while evoking a feeling of tone

Downes continued his lecture. the
second in the Gaines series of
"Human Structures,“ discussing the
landscape and describing the unique
architecture and how "these differ»
ent shapes createa landscape."



 2 . KENTUCKY KENNEL. Friday, February 20,1987

View 01nt

Fran Stewart

Scott Word
Managing Editor

Cynthia A. Palermo
Editorial Editor

Joy lanton
News Editor

Kentucky Kernel

Establlohod 1094

Independent Since 1971

Rup Arena shuld he place to cheer, not watch, UK Cats

I \ e got a bone to pick

\l.iiiil_\ just with the season ticket
holders. but the [K student section
should listen up. too.

Hold onto your seats, people, this
might get rough But then again.
\ ill re good at holding on to and sit»
'.'lti it: your seats. aren‘t you”

Il.i\t‘ you people forgotten «or did
wit e\ er know i what a real college
luiskt‘Illdll game is supposed to be
like '

2 nine on. you know. the ones with
; )iiil screaming and hollering
":r'oughout The ones with electncrty

.iing through the air The ones

vii: m-stalic tans waving banners

m IMMIS behind the opponents

:.'hlhl.ii‘tl when they shoot a tree
“kiwi \iiii know, the ones with the
ioizageoos tans even wearing cola
ormi lla‘l." and people painting their
.i. i . lo match the school colors

the games that are so loud. when

i:_ set home your throat hurts from

-- .rzc so much The games where

't the home team is the under?
' might have a chance for the
n at :tii that magical and wonder.
finite called the homecourt ad—
" T.i;~_’t'
“he epz’ome oi college hoops



But. hold up, in the largest built-
for-basketball arena in the nation, is
the crowd becoming too much like

heaven forbid — the crowd that
shows up in the fall for the UK foot-

I don‘t have to remind you that
that crowd only cheers after a

That crowd comes to the games in
their Sunday afternoon Polo match
attire. and well. I could go on, but
forget that crowd for awhile.

For the L'K roundball crowd,
though, the Tennessee game is a
classic example.

First off here comes a team into
Rupp Arena that is considered a bit
ter rival Tennessee is down this
year. probably more than usual.
They sported a disappointing 10-11
record and 4-8 conference mark

The University of KY Residence Halls
with WVLK radio and Coca-Cola
present the annual

Saturday, February 28, 1987



Lexington Civic Center
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First prizes of $500 cash will be awarded to
each of the winners. second prize couple will
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compact disc playerstrom Stereo Warehouse.

Entry forms are available at: 301 Complex
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coming into the game. But that
shouldn't matter.

They beat UK down in Knoxville
7568 in the game back on Jan. 1.
They have, in Tony White, one of the
best guards in country. He is leading
Tennessee and the SEC with a 23.1
scoring clip.

So it‘s natural to expect the Rupp
Arena crowd to be primed and
ready for sweet revenge. Ready
with the blue and white pom-poms
(Oh. sorry, those only come out
when we play on national TV.) But
still, ready to keep that jinx, the im-
plied Rupp jinx, (they always talk
about that Stokely jinx), going

Sowhat happened?

The crowd, this time in maybe its
worst performance of this season,
just sat there on their duffs for 40

I‘ll admit the overtime was fun
and loud, but that doesn’t count. If
the crowd had been “real" for the
regular 40 minutes, UK wouldn't
have needed the extra period to beat
the Vols.

The scene was pathetic.
No “I Hate Tennessee" buttons.
shirts or stickers to be seen.

highclassed to do such “vulgar"

But anyway, it's really amazing
how it takes a thunderous dunk to
get those people out of their seats
and onto their feet.

Why even sometimes when the
good-hearted make an attempt to
stand and cheer, they are told to sit
down by some lazy jerk sitting be-
hind them.

We might as well play in a church.

it’d be nice and quiet in there.

I never thought I'd ever say it, but


Rupp and its 23,500 spectators
(yeah, “spectators,” because spec-
tators just watch (spectate); “real"
fans yell and cheer), take a back
seat to other smaller arenas with en-
thusiastic crowds (hopefully just for
this season).

If you watched the Notre Dame-
Duke game last weekend, then you
got a good taste of how college fans
are supposed to act. Even if you
don‘t give a snot about Digger’s
team, you‘ve still got to respect that
Athletic and Convocation Center

And I don't think you would have

many takers right now even from
the top teams, if you asked them to
take their teams into South Bend
and battle the Irish.

A few weeks ago, remember, they
knocked off then-ranked No. 1 North

And how do you suppose LSU's
arena came to be known as the

I’ll bet it wasn‘t by sitting back
and only applauding dunks.

Contributing Writer Steve Rush is

by Berke Breathed


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 KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday, February 20, 1987 ~ 3






mane-01504440055155. 1011131110on 0110000330010-
mummoammamumwm ~
play-”mean 10,1031 firm; mwmwwmm
Wuwmmnmmmmmm :
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Karateitidll— ModPlefltfiot) ,

Light 01 Day ~ Rated PG-13. M Putt: 1, 3:10. 6:20. 7:45, 9:50 and
tonight and tomorrow'enty at 11:55. A190 It Crossroads: 1:10, 3:20, 5:30.
7:45.9;45mdmtmmmorflyat11:30.i ~

Limo shop dttoum~ 911009013. mm Main: Tonight at 7:45,
9:45.TomorrowandSuriday~aii5z45.-¥:4559:45:) - '

Mannequin - Rated PG. ("0191 M:. 1:50.. 3:25.. 5:25, 7:30. 9:30 and to-
m and tomorrow only at 11:35. Also M19 atfeyette Md:1:50.3:4o.
5:30, 7:35, 9:25mdtooioi’itmd 10111011000003! 11:10.}

The M— 83130 PG. (South Putt: 2. 4:30. 7:25, 9:35 310 tonight and
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Star search

Decent Exposure contest gives bands chance at recognition

By THOMAS J. Sl'l.Ll\'AN
Staff Critic

o hear the crowd tell it. the

judges of Decent Exposure,

didn‘t. in the words of Ray
Davies. “give the people what they

want. "

Their decision to award third
place to Lexington‘s Bad Guys was
protes ted by a crowd of more than
375 people on hand at Breeding‘s
Wednesday night

The judges 1 Craig Diable from
Warner Brother, Walter Tunis from
the Lexington HeraldLeader and
Dale Warren from the UK School of
Music) left the bar as the awards
were being announced.

The decision to award first place
to A2 12 was reasonable. But
awarding second place to Tough Mix
over Bad Guys was in the eyes and
ears of the audience. without reason.

Bad Guys was the first band to
perform. They took a cold crowd
and heated them to a boil with a
tight rock performance. By the time
they performed their third original
song. "Take me to the Top," the
dance floor was jammed.

Andy Bowers, lead singer of Bad
Guys. impressed the crowd with
both strong original and mock cover
vocals. Bowers sang the Call's
“Everywhere I Go" like only he and
Michael Been. lead singer for The
Call. can. It was the same outcome
when Bowers belted out Billy Idol '5
“Rebel Yell. "

Bart Bowers. lead guitarist for
Bad Guys and Andy‘s brother. spun
in spastic circles on stage as he
captivated the audience with his solo
in "Take me to the Top."

Backstage. the exhausted Bad
Guys were pleased with their
performance. “Everybody was in a
good mood and that's what counts."
Bart Bowers said.

the first band: getting the

crowd going." Andy
Bowers said. But no matter how
tough. Bad Guys had the crowd
warm and ready for the second
band, A2 12.

A2 12 played a different genre of
music. Lead singer Lucinda Grey
took a warm audience and danced
them to exhaustion with A2 Iz‘s
Motown jam.

' ‘ ‘ It was kind of tough being

Az lz lead Singer.

With choreography similar to that
of Prince and the Revolution, the
five—member band danced
themselves to exhaustion, too.

Grey's performance was intense.
With a sound similar to a young
Michael Jackson. she rained an
emotional, vocal shower on the
dance floor with “Reflections." an
A1. 12 original love song.

But the crowd grew cold as A2 12
left the stage The final performers,
a country band called Tough Mix.
contributed to the chill factor.

The six-member band. ranging in
age from 25 to 33. sang all originals.
Lead singer. John Dawahare. sang
“Talking to Myself” to an apathetic
crowd. The title could very well
have been “Singing to Myself."
because that‘s what Dawahare was


Bass player. Andy Bowers. and his band, Bad Guys. took third
place at Decent Exposwe amid some crowd controversy.

Lucinda Grey (left).
guitarist. Jeff Calhoun, perform during the Decent







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and lead

At the break in between songs. the
conversations taking place in the
audience drowned out the song
introductions by Dawahare.

Dawahare's vocals. which sounded
like a clash of Bob Dylan and Buddy
Holly. was a tough mix for country

Yet Tough Mix's performance
gained them a second place trophy
and a $300 gift certificate from
Carl‘s Music Center.

The crowd vocalized their
disagreement with the judges
choice. The judges were in their
cars at this point.

he third-place winner. Bad

Guys. received a $200 gift

certificate from the center
and a trophy.

But the big winner of the night
was A2 12. They sang and danced
their way to a paid appearance at
WKQQ's Memorial Stakes. a live
video from Hart's Videography, a
$400 gift certificate from the music
center and the first-place trophy.

For a band that has made major
changes in its membership in the
past eight montls, that‘s a major
accomplishment. Grey said.

With a new drummer, Mike Lacy
and a new bass player. Fred
Hanchett. Az lz is “hotter than
ever.“ according to an A2 12
backstage fan.

Members of A2 12 were pleased
with the contest, but feared that it
promoted bad feelings between
bands. “I think this contest serves a
lot of good purposes," said Jeff
Calhoun. lead guitarist for A2 12.
“But generally speaking. I think
music in competition develops
resentment among the bands

it is with that in mind. that
Calhoun said his band is not the best
band in Lexington. “It's really hard
for me to say who‘s the best and
who‘s not.“ he added.

Rather than being considered the
best. A2 12 just wants to be accepted

Exposure contest. Az
$400 and the chance to make a mu;

Erik lou-
Ar '5 Editor

Woe Millor
Assistant Arts Editor


CVN'HiA’fseorm —
12 place:

for what they are i .\.tl;'
tagged as a group '::.il ~ 'l". i...
savsomething niusimlig. ,lm: \ ,~,
for anyone else it ho . 'l‘}‘: :i: ‘» - ..
that." (‘alhoun sii id

Aspirations for the lillil-"r' . .i
include the (‘Uliililt‘l‘t'ldi lllli>lt
market “\‘l'ewant to lit‘ .i p..." -
the mass COHImt‘rt‘hii ll‘idl'hi"
(‘alhounsaid ‘ \Ri- \\.l.":l n. -..
household nami-

"In the next year m- l't‘ eon; '-
makea major push to gt'i on: '.'.i .
and get a ‘l‘(‘(‘()l‘(lllltl woman *
Calhoun said

nd original llllbit .» flue. ‘r.
plan to do that
"Wefeel liki-xxi- 12.1w

something to say to ,i large-
audience," Calhoun said

“We don't hold true llrltlilif.
music out of egotism we hold '1“ .
to it out of sharpening our lillnit
songwriting and pt‘rfiil‘lillilil .
That‘s the one thing \u- 1.1. i.
sharpening our perloi‘niiiiu <1 , -

Members of the band Minx?
much of their st} lt‘ i Iilllt'\ fir T'
Prince and Motown "l’rini-i- . ~
biggest idol." Grey Niltl

“Tony (White Ash” illK" .. ng.‘
deal of the songwriting is .i
Motown fan.“ (‘alhoun Mn; \\ '.
plays rhythm guitar tor \.- is

Because of these r‘iwb (il't‘_\ ~. .
they please a large group oi
listeners. “Because our lllil\it rm
cross over so easily. we tun llld} ::
front of all kinds of inherent
people.” she said

“We've played for hem _\‘ inelal
fans. punk fans. blacks. whites and
fraternities "

Tim James, prt)nl")llliil.\ iiiriivti ii
for WKQQ and a ['K graduate, \\.t\
pleased with the event ' The hands
are as good as they ve ever been '
he said. With the except ion oi the
judges' secondplace decision. lllt‘
crowd was pleased too

Belgian subways offer view
of nation’s longest art gallery

Associated Press

BRUSSELS. Belgium ~- Belgium's
largest art gallery is 21.7 miles long.
spans the length and breadth of
Brussels and attracts 200 million vis~

From the day it opened in 1969.
the Brussels subway system has
asked Belgian artists to liven up the
world of commuting. To date. some
50 artists have added touches of
color. wit and style to 40 of 53 under-
ground stations. The 9920 million
system has spent $1.57 million on

The works run the gamut from
Belgium‘s greatest living painter.
surrealist Paul Delvaux. to lesser

“If people don't want to go the
museum. we bring the museum to
them." said Leo Camerlynck.
spokesman for the subway system.

However, most commuters are in-
different. he said. Only 10 percent
say they like the creatiom; most be-
lieve the money is wasted.

First-time subway riders in this
city of 1 million may find the under-
ground voyage quite a trip.

In the Hankar station, Roger Som-
ville's gargantuan wall painting of
500 square yank depicts in wild. an-
grily applied cola-s the 1m military
coup in Chile. ”The fresco is not

meant for the museum but: but in:
the pedestrian ” the artist
“The aim is to open .i dialogue nail
the public. certainly to main
them react "

Paul De tiolx-rtx iniiml 'i. tn:
suburban \'ander\i-liii~ \Lil l\ :1.
less impressive From t't‘f‘dliilt‘ nicx
covering the lower \mll Y‘lV‘ t‘lli‘i
mous pastoral scenes 'Vt \i'.‘i\!i:‘.:il
changes in the very landscape wlui l:
had to yield to the suburb .1lii‘\t‘ ”11'

“I have tried to rei-