xt7crj48sj17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48sj17/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1985 1985 1985-09-04 2020 true xt7crj48sj17 section xt7crj48sj17 ___—WQMM—J—fl—iw—w .. -
. . . KEN' l 'UCKY
..eiSily 0t Kelilugy - ‘
V0" LXXXIX, No. I78 5"Obli3h0d 1894 University of Kentucky. lexington. Kentucky Independent since I97] wed"95d°Y September 4 “’55 ' '. '
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0 O . . .. _ . ' ,-
International writer UK senior *5: .~ .5“- .. .. 5.. .. ..
'5; ':“. 4:4“). :5"r;. ' ‘ "i '

attacks U S ol'c - gives Organs ‘ s . . 5
. . p l y "' '1- . “I: ’ ‘ - "2 I '. ."'"",:'5' '

' C t l A ' = . at. after death ', 5 -- / * ' 5 5 . -.
In en ra merlca “\ .- By LINDA s. HENDRICKS - ‘ r ' '2: ’ r 1.; "2 5'5". -'
" »» ' Senior Staff Writer . 5 . . g"... . " .'
Hy ’l‘nl .ltilleuN selves more critically. If we assume : av / “ I j_ ’II':I IJIl
Senior StuffWriler we are perfect. we are then commit- ”fiw F Paul M Hess. didn‘t get to fulfill .5 . , ' - . I ‘I ‘ j."
tingamostdangeroussm.” his professional goal. but he did } . _ 5. "','.5.

The soft-spoken tone of Andrew Reding. Ltl. whose work has ap- _..55" have a chance to serve the medical . ' 5 4 '. 5 3".
Redmg did not detract from his peared in Christianity- and Crisis. “‘57" profeSSion. V . . ',,5" .Ipi'. ‘ii'I
harsh message condemning the world P()ll(‘\’ Journal and The Chris Hag a 22-year-old nursing senlorI 5'_ ..5. .III . ., I.I- 5 '35
t'nited state‘s policy in Nicaragua tum Century. toured Guatemala. ,. , ‘ was pronounced dead at 2:35 pm ' '* “k " '5" '5 .I'I'. III}: .
lastnight Honduras. Nicaragua and Costa ‘5 {595 Monday at Humana Hospital Lex~ 4' . ._ .;

In his Newman ('enter lecture ti- Rica during the summer of 1984 in '4" ington from multiple head and face . VI . ,.-.‘ '
tled "l' S Nicaraguan Policy on order to understand the Nicaraguan injuries he sustained in a motorcy- 4“” 5‘ ' ' '.-,"«' , '».". .'-
'l‘l'ial.‘ delivered before more than revolution in the context of condi- ANDRl“ Rl5'|)l\(' cleacCidentSaturdayevening ‘ ' 5 rI ‘."' _5' . I
too people. the international Journal tlons in other nations in the region ‘ ‘ ' Hess was pronounced brain dead 'w55 M* I- '. -. i " . I5 ;I5 .
lst said the Reagan administration Skeptical about the conditions he march from a hoot: rallj. at t‘enti'al after doctors took him off life-sup . ‘ ' I' '0 1V} '. . " ': '. --
has used"Ramlxi-style"policies might find at first. Reding said he Park to the trial .li:cli is scheduled port systems Within hours. trans- .I '1 . '5, ~ 'i;.'., '5 5.‘ '. .5 »‘

l'siiig such documents and inter soon discoxered that Nicaragua's to begin at l p n; plant team doctors took the heart ' “5.; . :V m , 52!.“ . ' ,' -'

' national treaties as the ('onstitution government favored the poor and Ginny Daley. 2i member of “ater- liver. kidneys and corneas for pa- 5 “us, 5; "' ‘fl' ' ' ' x “$5.. I‘ ' "
- and the [mud Nations (‘harter to that the Reagan administration was fall. an all'lllllI‘. group which trains tients awaiting them around the ‘ 5 .. . - “3-“?- . ”5&9 ' 5. ’ , 'I,' I. - ‘~.‘
’ make his point. Redlng blasted Rea- "continually supporting cruelty. tor- for peaceful. non 5. lolent action. is country 1-,. {.15 .5. {Fl-‘9' -' "_' 39;,»51', ‘5‘5"'.5.;:." ‘5 .' 5 . -. . .f .I
7 can. saying that the timed suites ture and death" in providing aid to one of the foul on tinitl today The) According to Janet Boggess. house fir-2:5 a” .2., .’ " r ._ “t“‘gw I???“ ' ' 5_ 5' - '."-
current Nicaraguan policy "is a the contras. rebels Opposed to the are on trial for tllsoderly conduct manager at Humana. the heart went §._I§‘...I.‘~:§I, " I ‘5', . ._ .. Iég 5 ‘.
complete and blatant \'l()lall()n of all Sandinista government. and will present their case before a to a medical team from the t'niver- - “ '5’:,o'.'- " -1‘ ‘ “7 ""fi “ 5- N? g. 5 . . 5 L '. '
international laws " "Reagan doesn't give a hoot about six-iiieintn-i'yiii'y sity of Alabama at Birmingham and ‘ ' * 5 ~ ' . Q _ .7" 'I‘E‘j'a, 3“ {ea- .‘- ; 5. 5.
"We are the one country that has what the whole rest of the clylllzed "\Ve want 't» 2.55 .5 precedent and the liver went to the I'nlversity of ,_ ”5' ) i a .s“ Q .5 "”' at”? m . '. 2' I' .
had the most influence in 5citing up world thinks about the Nicaraguan become .i part =it tln- permanent re» “lSCUltSll'l at Madison The kidneys - .' '5' I ”5?.17‘. . Irate-55"“ gr 5 5 '23. . ‘-I' - . I
these treaties which supposedly pro- activity ' cord w hlch states wi- want no part in and corneas taken out by teams “nevi"; . . » ' 3 r5 . 5i. is 5'5 f‘vw-n 5;-.- .I I 'If f.
lt‘t‘l us against aggression. and yet Rethng also is in Lettington to tesv sending tit-J i=5 Ylii' y'llllll'th. she fromt'Kwillbe usedmlexington AIHIMIG . ‘ -' :.
we are the first ill violating them as My at the trla1 of four peace actlv said “no ll--5l.v L we hope to ill .5 .. .‘ . . . _-
lil.it.5intly as possible lsts who were arrested June 13 in a form and with .«M the public and "He had requested that his organs 5'.‘ . . ' :
”l‘o Iiiiilge others in tiursoh'os is sit-in at the office of Rep Larry Hopkins all: 'z. stop the terror be donated prior to the accident. POU' ”985 c "u'smg senior is pic‘o'ed New- :50"; - 5; 5 - ' ._ ' .5" I _
iiiipm'ialisiii mentality] he said Hopkins Rs‘ith District to protest which the l \ .5 'llltl-il'llllL‘l l hayc said Jeff Y .lobe. president of Hi; the UK ’eom Hess cop'om :f ‘be team 055.1 53 wt 5. . ,' .' ' '.
'\\e should not only be fair to Nlca5 his \ote in favor of sending additio- all the faith at" 'i-iiw that Rediiig Sigma Kappa fraternity ‘lle did :3 Sigma KODLC frdierriiiy died Monday LC,“ ,. U. 95 II .1 . . 5 ~ ,’ : 5.
iiigila. but we have to look at our- iial aid to the contras A group will will ” set-stutik. :5.i.-- 55 weekend '7‘15'51'Cy.l0 ocoden‘ 5 .' '- y - ' ‘
Area building - .. ~555l - -.
g, .5 gency assns s a u s u ents

Drowdes place ’ : . ' . - : . 5 - . 2
. 55A“ ~ 2 . s nmfic Academic Support Serv lC€S offers beginner’s classes. tc :5 ' 5 .- - ~

... \ 5- _..W ‘“ ”WW‘N“ \s\&“..: " . .5 H.‘ T.\Hl1|l\ 5“ \RK“ “5“ 'l'liest ‘\'td\\t‘\ .\hl\'ll meiotic "MW?“ 1 ‘ - “ '5‘5' “ '* " .. "Z "
' ° s“5';\“\‘ . § \ 1‘ “\T §§f tontrlbuting \Vrlter the; are iioiz-cretli' tourses ..i'i \‘ian I » .I 5 ’ I
K011101118 HOUS€ "N“: ._ 5's. ' “y N t“ s;- #1553“ iioii-tllienteiiiiig ltyars said i-'.- .; .. p-i;.......5 _. . 5- _~
- 3‘51“». ““1 5 . ' ““1: “““§*.:\ “V" if} The composition of I'K's student ('heniistl'jt Mr I. owards .inti i-ii' . :. 1i..'» - ' 5. »» ' .5I. -.
Offers qLuet refuge '““..-.:'5‘5:':. \ “ . ~ “ “Z“, I“: .s. '“ population is changing no longer 'l'est 'l'aklng workshop are st ltt't. i5, . -. . . .i». -' '. ' 5 . .'
' . _I “5" I...» \\\\ ’i“‘§“‘“f°“‘“ 4“" does the younger sect solely hold the tilet‘. tIo meet in the t".i'l'l‘.ng\ or lif'. -\;v’ii . .-._ 2...; 1.: - 5 . j. '. _

5 '3’ ,.- s. .‘_ .5 .I. I .;.__~\\‘. seed. . “~N §k 5. «IA, -§‘o~~m \;"'5 ['01 ’n.\ \“fur'IIl; lll‘tl'nlilfl.\ {(5 "c't'tllllllllkld’t‘ sltltit‘E/s _l' IIII, I I .‘ . 5.- . .I

l.\ “laINlJ'IY \“IJJ‘TR $““%KM m “'3‘”: shack?" ”" ' 'I . w; “. t . ‘f'r'l‘ortltl‘if, '1‘ <'-Y*5¢!t iLII. at“. (tip... iI5i.. ‘Iv.,iI.._\ A. W \.IL.,.I1UH. ..i I. 5.”. 4.1.“; ”It“. II ,5 .. . , . I , 'I . I.
staff writer . .5 '“r'ssr ix: 5.51m... _.., I fig; 5 iI tor of me Academw Supp”. 56,. ..I,._I...,,5I mum I . .
' ““ *3} '. ' ices. 28 percent of l'K's student port p-II, .,. "l'\ who WW ,,. 3,, .. .,.II 5. .5 I .«i . -- ‘ 5 - I . -

Many students “nd that attempt . 5 t l .‘ .- 1' ' Wit; 1 Ulation is over the age ot 2:3. only a ' ..' EX“ “'h-li . ..' '.“"'."',.““" . d".- '..'“" i ' " .' ‘
ing to study in a noisy dormitory ' " “‘ f 1' “4' -""' " ' few steps behind the nationwide 1n "" “PM“ “ ' '5“ ““l'lt' p't'.“'“"'.'. "k" “'5" "' ".' Ll" ' ' 5 . " " ' " .
room oi an oyercrowded library can 35 a -5 =' "we. I el'age of 5;; percent :ly""“.'""".' '4'“ "h“ "ew'm‘r‘l‘ 'x “.d_\"""‘ I ”1"“ ' . ' ' . 5 '
be .is difficult as ”)"hfl to get .2 55. .155. “ 2* .: ..5 II .5I III II ~ir l .5aiIziz.I\ .stlllilis aInii .-\t'd’l(‘llllt sup ll.:'t~ugii ti.» '5! 5. .. 55.5 . . . 5 I . '.
through t‘t‘nll‘ulllt‘d add-drop in It)» . .5." .5 N. .: .. . .. Q5 l The department of Acadetll'c \tli‘, port .‘t‘r\l\I't‘\ .iiIil lwI prmidell t are .o-al‘l. .lIl)4Jt."I .i-tl:.:»I5- i . .‘ I; .'
than an hour ' ' 55' port Services w hioh began six years “3:" .h“ '3'“ "1H,: '0' “m'm'm' . at.“ “m“ "i “fl" “rm“ '.', " " ' . '- ' " " '5 " '

Th" Kolnonla llouse. located L” “2 ago. offers mam programs for'adill? “I; I) Ii'I'H 2'." p "I' “UNA-“H 'h' "Um “I'm“ I'HNL'W'W'I”: . . .' " - i ' . . 5 ' "
Rose St . offers an alternative to this . "..' students to help' them ease into col 1. Lil-“ff? ”“3 ngrj‘IYh ““f “I“ ht‘ltj ”I’m“: Id’l‘lI‘I‘ll'l’J" ’ ‘ . .~ 1.
5ittenlrustratlng “WNW” w“ "° lege life again. or start for the first '1' “"3”” "'L-"'.“.'. “‘d'l“. 'hll'm'm‘ “ “I" ii" I'“"I"'_'" Hf ' 'I ' I . 5 5

Since IL: construction In 1961 by 1; time ”Athlltl oi'. i.i.rinsonHatl deililt pu'sil. s w... - ~-~I . 5 .' . . II
the \\estminster Foundation of the \ I I I y (I I ) 'll'fl'nlpt:;l)l'tlf't"“t"':' ”5’”? :5 .. ' I‘5I . ‘

5., . - . , 5 . ' ’ 5‘- 5'iemlc su or. . ’Hl es dst a ' -5'-"-» "WM ’ ~ ’ -‘ ..
:{"“."'“","'m (hurth. the loninonla .. . , t And those adults “'Sh'ng to tls!:'l“l)ul0.\ a ltx'g'l)l.eiciilgttiil directo Murray .icatleriilc 555 . - -. 5' ' ' .

”ll-‘1' hd> pr()\t(l(‘d 5‘” atmosphere 5 .. . . .. 5. .. g»... u . change careers can find help at the l . . _ I II . . I l h i5 t I. . i _ ,
condlic‘lye to serious study The I I I Academic Support Services through 1'} of day care serIylchs l-oi .nIore .Io InstIiI.IIiiIssisII.I.IIi i. .i .5. II . II I,,I II .
rules are simple Talking and music _3" \ ”Discover" ._ a computerized test iIrtt-tirriiiIitltin contact Liz “olfori at (r. )()l a. _.i. . '. I ‘i .I II
are not allowed ‘55 ‘i .5 issued bv the American (‘ollege Test 3" ""” ' .. " f'. ' 1 ', '.

'l'he Komonia House is open to all 5 if 5 .. 5 5 . program' in order to dlscover where 5\“ ngr-UW 5”" 3”" 35 5 .' -,' .'; . '
”Udell” from 3 8 m ‘0 midnight 55 It». 55;. .. gm. e ”I“; °‘ 55% « '“ '5 hidden career talents might lie The Evening and Weekend t‘ollege adding m“! "ml“”\""*‘ “"' V ' ' Z .. 'tI"
Sunday through Thursday Th“ 3» t T; . " '5'" “5“ s". ' may be the answer for adults who help adults "m" “N "' ""1" " , ' .' ,- 5' 5. '
study area. located on the second ' g .2: 5k \- "' 5' (me such program that is helpful opt lor college credit These courses “we'll" “'3' "TT‘ "‘ ""' ' ' ' ‘ .’ rm. .' -’..j" ',
floor. includes a spacmus lounge for ‘ 5‘ . I to adults 25 years and older is' a follow the same syllabus as regular place for mu.“ "..“H “"1 ' v ' J 5‘ ' f" - .
general research and two smaller number of noncredit support t'niyerslty classes but are offered at “OHM“ “t l h ”5““ "' ' ~ .A ' " 55
“WW “tr L’IOUP study rht‘ general ' '5‘ . courses. These classes are deSlgned times suitable for adults who have' "

. study lounge contains enough tables - ”for people who haven‘t started and fulew iobs. Byars 53m Many For more lnlttrynnfliil -,5 .I . , .» 2 .'5
and chairs to accommodate 36 ’ realize they need an educatton.’ adults can take arlyantage of the off- lt‘ support \(Irht't's, -. «5 'tt _5 ~ 5. I » , ‘ I t'I .‘ '
l‘Wl’h’ _ _ Byars said. These classes. because campus courses. some of which are ”5"”-”""5"”337 ‘5'”5” —' ’ - ’ ‘ . -.

Paul Mansell. director of Komonia .. ..I 5 .2 1. s It . . ‘5 ‘ 5 ’ , .

. House. said the lounge is "the ideal 5. .. § . i 333;; I I ' w - . -. i
place for the student who seeks a , . ’-' ‘... ‘ T da Ia t d a t l l d .I- . -I . .5 .II .
quiet. peaceful atmosphere in which ---- ' O y S y 0 Increase c ass 03 - .' .’ " '
tostudy that is free of distraction “ ' . ’I t-

The two group stlidy rooms are “Noummmson .. .. staff reports proved by the college Students who students who drop .i il.i-~s E - , ,« ' '. _. 5‘
large enough for 12 people and are make class section changes must ceive a partial retun: '2: let '
available through reservation or. if Network Today is the last day for students also remember to drop the first sec (.ict 21.5hesalti ' ‘ ~ ‘
empty. by chance. to add classes tion they were asSlg'ned Sept ll is the last -‘.a\ ' 5 pin "5 c . - ' _ - '

. If . . Add-drop slips and class tickets Today also is the deadline for stu- lstration and housing has .i .1 ~ 5 . -. - . '5 .
However. the Kmnonla House has Donme Wo e‘ on accoummg 'reShmm' p‘khes ’0 M'ke must be submitted to the student's dents to otftCiatly withdraw from the cancellation ' . . -' ' ."

more ‘0 “ff" than 5" qmet SIUdy Ford. on entom0logy "95mm?" 0' Hoggln field yes'erdoy college dean's office. said Margey l'niyersity or reduce their course Students haye .llil.. \ri' .5 ' ' - .
area. The second floor also contains afternoon. McQuilkin of the registrar's office load and receive a refund of 80 per- drop a class without it ..piitnr '2». ' . ,
a chapel for private prayer Students will receive a copy of the cent Students who drop from full- their record or to change .5 . . -5

“The chapel offers the student an adddi'op slip if the change is ap- time to part-time status or part-time lng option for a coursc . ‘ ' ». I
opportunity to pray and find peace ' '
in his heart when he takes a break Th r—_———~"—t ' "
fiom studying. Mansellsald e ry 00k INSIDE i ' . '

.5\ lounge on the ground floor 5 . -
complete with fireplace. Ping-Pong ' a ' a ' - . . ~ ' 5 '
duo and machines. piano and a This year s fraternity rush successful despite lack of alcohol, members say .5 ton-W "55 "5555 '55555 l .
colorful fish tank display is set - “mm“ ”‘c “’p mm“ '” "W "5““ . .
aside for relaxation and socializing Bvl.()l'lSSTRAL'B ——————-———-—————-—————— competitive than those in the past. I“ ."a' 3ch ‘0'“? m "“ "““‘ '

('ontrlbulingWriter “ . . said Gene Fitch. president of Pi :mm'smfi “gainxshmniklmcop t

“The lounge is a warm. comfort- The dry days allow the fraternities and the Kappa Alpha "The rushees are ”met“- We
able area where students can relax Drv rush. fadi as a cam s - 5 - 9 looking around and fraternities are I . .
and get to know one another." Man- issue' and slowly bngcoming an ugli- rUShee“ [0 bekome better acqua'nted' YOU re fighting for the mp "U'Ch RUSK" he :nr:?e‘$‘lh‘lht' :h'r'n'i'rinj“d“:e'ii"u"'ii'0'
sellsald tution, was a success this year. ableto remember rushees’ names better and Said .m [Jaimium ‘,.‘.T.,','",“

according tofraternity members. , 5» Because of the increased comp?" ”0 ,3 . " DI“I_.R“(‘;"“"‘f ‘ . "

An escort service for female stu- But Mike Palm. associate dean of more about thcm. tion. fraternities have empltI)Iyed 59V “Nfl'm ' ‘ "“m ‘
dents who must travel to their resi- students. said there w re three dr' 5 ‘r w eral different methocb ofrus I .
dences or cars during the night is rush violations filed foe,- fraterniti; Ph' Gar“ C e ' Jeff Jobe. president of Phi Sigma .w'm' a“ ””0"" “I" " .”‘“ "'0

I . . . . , iKappa Tau preSIdent » 5 ~ med me ice: of the Student Attivitics Beard
available. The house also Will begin that were allegedly servmg alcohol Kappa. said his fraternity I0 I“ students in I \u'h “IIII m 5m.
using security control from 8pm. to torushees ___. "open door policy“ by posting all at III: Univerfi'tlv “F‘: l‘l I ‘W
closing time on Sept. 15- Palm declined to name the frater- rush when it was instituted in the rushees to look more thoroughly It the frat prices and its‘ policies “We med 5' ‘ “ ‘“ ‘ “

nitios until the Interfraternity Coun- fall of 1983. members say it has its helps tnsheesl make a better had all our doors to the rooms open

The KOlmhla House W‘" M” an cil judicial review board hears the advantages. choice. and it helps the fraternities so the rishees could see the house.

open house party at 7 pm today to violations. If convicted. the fraterni- Phi Kappa Tau president Gary makeabetter choice." he said

welcome UK students back to the ties could face a fine of up to $20 per (‘rew said "The dry days allow the Although there have been some Alpha Tau Omega also used a new

campus Free "Pf”?ShmemS Will be member for the previous semester's fraternities and the rushees to be- drastic changes in rush. the rushees approach this year Rush Chairman

served roster and the loss of [PC voting come better acquainted. You're able have remained the same, Palm said. Jeff Morrison said his fraternity Tod: 'll be I I .

rights. to remember nishees' names better but the type of crowd has changed. participated in the summer 8dV|Stt¥ y "" "m“Iy c (““15 “"h “
The Koinonia ”OHS“ 3'50 serves 35 Dry rush runs from noon Sunday and more about them. The weekend ”The crowds are different since wet conference by having a table during flidwfienli'cmnce ngmrshowcty

the headquarters for several cam» through noon Friday my, week. dur- sort of acts as a tenSion release. It's nah. Today most students attending the activity fair. I ‘ Im‘waIWbe '33 35 I”

W5 organizations. The Korean “'5' ing which time fraternities are not a time to celebrate with the new fraternity rush are there to rush and Over all, the number of nshm 3h?" ‘ “‘h mm ' ' .IE‘WI‘m

byterian Church holtt regular serv~ allowed to serve alcohol or have it in pledges and the friends you haven‘t not jut attend parties as in past increased this year Fraternities had ‘1: 3:": “705 T "r‘ '" “"1:

ices in the chapel. and the TOP. their home. Friday and Saturday seen allsummer." years.“ Palm said higher fraternity anywhere "0m ‘00 ‘0 225 “men“ :mui can warmth“ w'

(Nentymeor plusl student organi- night are “wet" and fraternities Jodi Hanks. ll-‘C rush chairman grade point averages astsprins can come through the houses each night. cm; of mi: ,hm;.how:'?:§

zation and HUB Coffee House meet havemprtiaI and a member of Delta Tau Delta beattributied todryrush. Pledge classes vary from it to 40. mwinm'owws '

regularly in "’9 recreation lounge. Although fraternitia opposed dry fraternity. said. “Dry rush allows This year‘s nah also was more withanaverageofzs. '

r i O l

 Z-KEMYKERNEL WM” W4, 1'“ ________.__________—__———————————-————-—-————————
Arts Editor
Assistant Art: Editor
‘ Fright’ successfully combines vampire genres
' . . . . . . _—_———-———— - . ._ , .-. - Charlie battle the vampire after ConSidering the slew of cheap. rot-
. ‘1‘ “1““ “”‘LH‘ «21; 1'?“ ‘s . * Q ’ ' tirstfightinghisownfears. ten rip—offs that have stained the
. Nu” “m” .1 ~ "2‘ . t “3", 5 ’ I Perhaps the best performance of theater screens recently. it‘s re-
' . 1" ’l --' ” - ; 5E . all comes from the evil vampire trashing to see a pleasant horror
. . I. There s more than one waIv to REVIEW . 1i ‘ g? '. FK . hi lf. Sarandon ("Dog Day Af- flick that advances the vampire
. SUCK the “00d "0'“ 4* ‘lrgm- d5 ”‘9 ~11 ‘ ‘ ~ ° - 5t ' ' - ‘ ~ ternoon.“ "The Osterman Week- genre with an intelligent script. ex-
. . . hlleI‘} ot the fili vampire demon . Q . ,. . ; t I end") makes a wonderful Count. cellent acti and a measure of orig.
. . v“ . 1‘ .- n8
‘ ' " ' “Rita‘s”! etk' Prince of Darkness # y: ’. . ‘- '5; «3’s who is by turns dark and sensual. inality. And considering the film‘s
' . . ‘ a" r" r ' 3 l . " .. ‘ . - ‘ ' ' ‘ hetic Sa- ded onclusion "F‘right
. .., . , .. . _ . ., 'lL unt M. . I -. . . 3 terrifying. satirical and pat . openen c . ,
_ , . . in the 192.. silent iilm \0sferatu ton in his p0rtraI_\aIl of theIeHIIFO t 7/ ,II, 3. II 4- It randon seems to be havjng a lot of Night: Pal-[11“maybejustas good.
. was a terrifying rat-like monster Dracula in this summer s Ugh % - , “ , fun with this role as does every '
slinking around his shadow} castle. Night," a surprising!) good little a; - .. a“? I. I Other 1-50“ involve'dmthemm . uFri m “gm“ IS plow-"g at
l ‘ while Bela Lugosi and Christopher thriller that isnt afraid to poke tun ' . . 5‘ ,II II p9 . . . IIg . I .- _I , .
- " ' . - . g Also worth mentioning are Doro— Che‘\\ Chase Tum Cintmus
. . . ' Lee emploIved more human el at the vampire mIvIth r ’ . th Fielding who la 5 Charlie's up- RatedR
' . ements for the tanged villain in their \‘eweomer \Killiam Hagsdale . I . y . , p y d .
.' . . . . . ,. - , ., .. . . teena er . . a * tight. divorced mother. an new-
. , versions otthebdt man pldi‘ the!” “WWI” d g - ”'1’ comer Jonathon Stark who plav's
'~ I , " ”(News it “as Frank [Ange-Ha who dis-covers ”Tel “1’ 99“de ’ . " am * ' . Sarandon‘s human guardian Thev
. ’ l' l who first introduced the seductive neighbor is a vampire Naturally. "ij have taken two basically unspecta- BeS-Type ‘
. I; 3 l .' I side of the t‘ount in the M479 tilni everyone thinks he s nuts laventual- IIII -- .. .. cular roles and turned them into a
. . - ' . ‘ "Dracula In this treatment oi the l} he managers to induce his girlt- ' ”Ow-j .. 1". cou le of memorable su rting -
‘ r_ ' Bram Stoker‘s creation. Dracula s riend AmIv Amanda Bearsev. weird I; . W I- . . “I“ chagacterizations . ppo 237-6525
" l '- ' sensualit) ignited the screen trans- friend Evil lid Stephen txeoffreys‘I . "-..~ » M d__ M; -"' The movie does not succeed m
y “ I .- ' . . forming the loathesome nt‘t‘k'hlllllg and T\' Ilitinster-mOVlC host Peter __,_ __.,..,_.-. , mwmmcod-OIC ver' wav however The overem-
. to an actot raw sexualit} Vincent Rtkltl} MCDOWB“ to help alum-untrue“ ehasls on' .special effects detracts ., I .,,_ . ,., I I ...-.,.
.‘ . . II : In the same year. George Hamil- him do battle with the evil vampire Sinister Amanda Beorse bores hertongs in "Fright Night" thriller. from the overall tone 8; does the
, ' V‘ ' ' ton developed the Dracula character and his friend protector Bl“) (“0le (1 graphic nature of man\' 6f the glay. ’ PREPARE FOR
' ‘Ii . , ‘ ‘_ -. t th sarcati' ’I.we \t First-time director Tom 0 ati I . . _ , . , '..~ II ‘ -
" _ . . T 1[~E‘irrsllerltllle ‘ 81):):pit; liltiiilig the instills a welcome sense of freshness fearing creatureof-thevnight lr‘dth- lievable as theIirritating nerd [2th ing:- IThIe.‘ {EVE lmli’rerlsi . from 3 WINTER EXAMS
Vi ‘ . ' .l ' tiloodsucker for laughs Hamilton s in the tinieworn premise The intel- tion. . . lad. whose rendition of a blood-suck» tec :10? T “IPSIh .I ”l: ft‘elthI', kd
,. 1 ' _ cultured good looks and some man ligent script. also h} Holland. takes Good acting by all involved also er is wellworththe ticket price. 311:0 amc'tas hewot . “l'ul . d 0:1:
“ v . ' ‘ ner made for a verI\ sensual \ani gentle. tunlming bites at the entire keeps this; ”10"19 alto"? average Hodd' \l'Do . ll ”Pl net of th fl 0u%h l hat ar “Tm sttng 't . d: NOT Too EARLY
, I ' . I‘ pire not to mention one with wit \ampire m}th while maintaining the Stephen Geoffrey's ‘ Hem?“ 1191," .. l. I‘ L “Ia . . . a e oor or w seems an e erni 'l To ENROLL
‘ . l . t‘hris Sarandon eomhines el suspense of the story Holland also l’s'V may be the best "weirdo in Apes > is his own immitable self as stroys the good-natured mood of the
I f ' ements of both Langella and Hamil sticks close to the garlic cross sun» movie; today. He never seems unbe- a spineless T‘ show h°5t who helps entire movte. GRE
; ‘ ‘ . , ‘- . o o ' ‘ ’ ' ’ Register now for Dec.
’ . ' Spielberg llltS sma screen Wl mazmg ones exam
- " _ .. .. . . MAT
‘ ' ' _ ~ . , - “ ‘ 4 ~ - - ‘ - . ' “ ‘hcock has It 5 like gomg back to their roots 6
’ . . -' ~ "I did it because stewn called Low . Spielberg also has writttn tors \B( s Alfred Mittn .. I I II . .
. ' .' filsfilfltldlllrtls? me. said Peter thams ' 2011i" . episodes and directed for the series hired Richard Pearce i It/ountry IIi. AndIhe says he 5 getting (deSHf'rtO‘lll Register now for wtnter
~ . , . s. a .. “Item“ U, spielherg. who has cre Eastwood is not the onlIv actor to Michael Crichton WVtIestworld i starsthO feelIaffeIchémI Olt 1f ‘ exam
' I - I . I l tl\ AVGl-‘Ll-b The lath-8o sea ated ’ Amazing Stories" tor NBC JOln Spielberg‘s TV crew Burt He} and ‘thn Milius w'rhe Wind and the (-IoIck $1355; “$36: wan 0 par-
. . ' ' , son max not tiring a second Golden “He told me 'l'd reall} like you to nolds is scheduled to direct a seg- ”on. i . . titipa em re a LSAT
- ' Age of Television but there is hope do this I‘m such an admirer of his. ment of “Amazmg stories. as well "1 he anthological formats of some Register now for Dec.
7 I ' . for improvement when these figures almost to the point of being awe as an "Alfred Hitchcock episode. of the new shows is conductv'e to at: IIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIWIIIW .. II . exam
' ' ' are directing series s‘teven Spiel struck. that l couldn't refuse He is‘ another new series tracting these directors. sald (hrls I% GENERAL ClNEMA .
‘ ' ' berg t‘lint Eastwood \K‘dliani trIving to make a difference in tele» Timothy Hutton. the Acadcm) t‘rowe. executive producer of Al- “an" NTE
I " l-‘riedkin Hurt Hevnolds rind .\li vision tr_\inE to make it better. and Award winner from “Urdinan Peo lied Hitchcock. “what appeals to uth “Angiis'sflows A . d
. chaelt'richton . Ileel he should besupported “ pie" who wasIrecentlIv in “The tell them is the chance to put their all” . I $2.50 BEFOREbRM. Has rrlve
” Movie directors who normallv con and the snowman. will direct stamp on a smaller film. Natura I). .I . .
. ‘- work on $20 million productions chers who have answered Spiel- an episode from a sItorv idea he suh we cant pay them what the) Ire . I TuRFlAID MA“- : CALL NOW on
' ' I have lateh been turning out T\' \Cg' berg's call t‘lint Eastwood. Martin mitted ”Grandpa 5 (.host “‘11 “Ot‘lh Bl" they en]0_\' making a P‘C' unmm In “in mm mum - ...-. I ”I... ‘ our CPA program
’ . ‘ ' I ments on .ssooooo budgets and five- Scorsese "Taxi Driver . Paul Har- mark Hutton's directorial debut out ture in five days. - -I“'1tIlI‘°‘I‘t Ibeing TEEIVIOUIPG)
. I ' ' ' I (luv schedules Monev isn t the rea tel “Eating Raoul. ‘ Lust in the side the music video held Hutttm d. lll view 0f the "“105. d? ItI 9) a “3)5 ,m3mu7mtm
. » - son the\ are paid normal salaries Dust . Hob ('lark "Porkvs" . rected the tars hit music video. arein major productions . Wining "at": n ‘H
‘ ~ l I for television Irvin Kershner "The Empire "Drive " . .. observes Lrowe: ‘ Many 0f theIdl- 01305:th ,
K' V Then whv are big "l’ll'les working strikes Back.” "Never Sav Never “Amaztng Stories 15 “0‘ [he ”“1." rectors we re hiring feng' returning _ . a . m N
I . .i . . . . . - __ . . _ . . , . 5; i -. ~ - careers. ’ .
» ' - . for the smallscreen" Again and ~l0'dh Darling Pm“ new 59”?“ to attract k mm (mm [0 the earl) days 0 Ir . Q FAYE'TE M‘l-l - EDUCA‘novuL
-, ’ . mmousvnututw (mum m-un CW up
. . mum: LMWDEADM
‘ t N ° ht’ L tt f t l t l
' ' 1:6 5557:6101!)
' I a e lg e erman SpOO romo es en 1 S 3 CALL DAVS.EVENINGS&WEEKENDS
h . t t lk b0 t th simmmmi '
‘ ’ . . . - , ,, u - '. - , As Letterman spoke. viewers were t er were gomg 0 a a u e 1.1) 3:15;]; 739* M .
. l-AHMINtiTUN wash Al ii teatuit him ill a 4.>s€t0nd spot 0“ I . . I . . I I m PhnSune 15
you re out to persuade the American the show treated to a montage of still photos. lentil industr} more seriousl) and ST. ELMO'S FIR! IR) 213‘ "We Rd
‘ ll . tieat more 19mm W“ take "The hm “me I heard ”I" he progressing trom a bowl of lentil then call me up to talk about it. zm‘m7mtm -
‘ p”) K ‘ " ' . -» . .. - . . s to ' familv to an American said Nelson who later changed his . - » .. Ph. 2755419 Lu. KY
all the exposure vou can get. Own it said. 1 though. lllu}ltt it made too sOUP~ d .- I - W , I W, _ IIWIIII
' David Letterman makes fun of vour muchot ajokeout 0‘ ll ' flag displayed next (0 a copy 0f the mind. V
prom“ ' During the lentil spot. Letterman Declaration 0f Independence i all “When you‘re as low on the totem ———————————————-————
‘ That's what lentil farmer Bruce read from a magazme article in aCCOmPahli‘d b)’ soaring Damo“C pole as lentils. you'veIgot to start seeagood movie, afoGREAT price!
» Nelson did when producers of NBt‘s which Nelson complained that the “111510 somewhere. {Nelson said. “What we Beginning tonight a, the Worsham Theater
‘ I » Late Night with David Letterman ' lentil industr} could not afford a need nIow 15 to get on the Today pr0~
_ called Honda) in >21} the} wanted to promotional campaign "The way I understood it was that gram. 7230 T H E $1 admluion
, '. r A____ ,,__._,___ ,_,,_,4‘ v A,fi,'", # _, 7, _“__,, / 1N! NIH AAIA\¥CLU. up i
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Wllllo NI."
John Jury ,
Assam!" Spom Edna?
HO] Tl'. [ft I
Coaches rave over freshman trio from Jefferson County .~ . . - ‘
. . ' _ ‘ ”g t as»... ' , ' ' .
By JOHN Jl I“ garnered most of the attention from "Mike is going to he a big plus for ' .- \ “1 “sass.“ -. V . ,. - .
Assistant Sports Editor the media. And according to their us with the physlt'ill ability and the 4* £- k, ‘ . ‘
high school football coach. this attitude he has.‘ Glaser said "He . _fig an a}: is? x ' .‘
Good things always come in newly found publicity shouldn't af— wantsto he the best' * . K} ' ,' ' ‘i '_ .,_ ‘
threes, And in th' , year‘s freshman fectthe young men, Head coach Jerry "t‘laiborne told W. .7? ‘s , ,' 4" -
football crop. there is a trio of re- “Now that they're in college. 1 me during Derby \t'eek that he ' " T .. ' ‘i ,7 '._ '. ‘
cruits that coaches expect nothing think their maturity is gaing to take hopes Mike ends up being a type "51‘: gs‘fi‘ v- ‘ ' 5‘ '.— 75
butgoodthingst‘rom. over now." said Roger Gruneisen. that is ati awesome ioiee. Gruner ‘“' ' ’ ' _I '5 - '-
Mike Pfeifer. Carwell Gardner the former Trinity head coach sen said . .1 _ " ‘ . ' ‘5 ‘ " \ ’. C 4 _,' ,"
and Andy Murray have become the "They realize they won't be the The 6-2 Gardner w ho tied wide re ,5 _ , - '_ - . w ’ .. . "n if , ‘ .
most talked-about freshmen of the stars anymore. They‘ll understand ceiy'er Dee smith as the fastest ‘_ » ', ' t' ' § += " {. -'
1985 t'K football team And rightly that any pre-season exposure just freshman during preseason work 4e, :7; IV '1 a», ' .. 11 "fa-'1‘." I
so All three were