xt7crj48sh3v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48sh3v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-02-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 09, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 09, 1977 1977 1977-02-09 2020 true xt7crj48sh3v section xt7crj48sh3v Publications boarg.

ends Kentuckian

Assisted Managing Edhor

The Kentuckian Magazine is
dead—at least for die moment.
Ironically, the fad thatsome need a
post-mortern explanahon of what
the Kenhrckian was is part of the
story of why the magazine died.

Student Publications Adviser
Nancy Green said the magazine was
“terminated for the remainder of
the year after the Board of Student
Publications accepted the
resignations of the coeditors on Jan.

But the resignations are really
only the latest in a series of
problems which have plagued the
Kentuckian for five years

After a long history as the official
UK yearbook the Kentuckian was
faced in 1971 with the loss of its chief
source of revenue after the 1970
publicatim d the “Black Book,” the
first yearbook to be denied
recognition as an official University

Senior fee once funded yearbook

Until that time, the Kentuckian
had a guaranteed number of sub-
scriptions (about 2,000) because all
senia's paid a fee upon graduation
which included the purchase price of
a yearbook whether they wanted one
or not.

The Black Book had broken from
the traditional yearbook format and
contained numerous photographic
and literary protests against the
Vietnam war, including a large
group of photograpls depicting the
Spring 1970 campus disturbances.

After the Black Book, the ad-
ministratim withdrew the senior
fees and the Kentuckian was forced
to generate its own subscriptions,
although it did and still receives
$114110 annually from the Univer-

As student interest in the yearbook
dwindled, so did subscriptions and in
the fall if 1975 the Board of Student
Publications voted to establish the
Kentuckian Magazine as an ex-
perimental project.

Accu'ding to CoEditor Mindy
Fetterman, that’s when things
really began crumbling. “Last
year’s fiasco was critical. We lost a
lot (i support,” die said.

Last year's budget not met

Last year was the first attempt to
produce the magazine. Four regular
issues and a special senior yearbook
issue were planned. But only four
magazines were printed and the

Kentuckian failed to meet its budget
by several thousand dollars.

According to Green, this was
because of mismanagement and a
loss of Sad interest. “What hap-
penedlad year was that there was a
group of interested students, but
they fell almg the wayside because
of poor management. They missed
deadlines and lost support in the
public .view,” she said.

But Greg Hofelich, last year’s
editor, said the problems he en-
countered in running the Kentuckian
were caused by a myriad of
University red tape and a lack of
sympathy fa‘ his efforts.

“The board last year was a rub-
ber-stamp board,” Hofelich said. He
noted that since it (the board)
usually couldn‘t get a quorum,
Green’s approved recommendations
were gaierany just accepted when
they did meet.

Hofelich also rejected the hu-
plica tion that he was responsible for

the budget overruns and noted that

all of his actions had to be approved
by‘ the student publications adviser.

“I never authorized any printing, I
just delivered the pages. Everything
I did had to be signed by Nancy and
approved by the board," Hofelich
said. “i asked her for so much help
and she never would give it.”

Publications board shows interest

Journalism professor Robert
Omdorff, who is serving his first
year on the board, said he thinks its
members are now interested,
although he admits it may be a little

“The board has been able to
establish qua‘um at all its meetings
this year and I understand that in
itself '5 an improvement over last
year,” Omdorff said.

Omdorff said he thinks the board
is in favor of recommending a new
format for the magazine next year
which was proposed at the
December meeting of the board as a
possiblity for this semester.

Tabloid may be proposed

The plan would make the Ken-
tuckian a tabloid magazine in much
the same format as “Rolling Stone.”
It would be published several times
each semester, be distributed free to
the students and have a circulation
of approximately 18,000.

The board will meet next Wed-
nesday to formulate a recom-
mendation to President Otis
Singletary on the future of the
Kentuckian, but Omdorff said he is

concemed about how the University
will view the recommendation.

“The operating budget may not be
large enough to accommodate us I
hope the University doesn’t look on
this as a trial and error proposal,"
Omdorff said.

Roger Loewen, assistant professor
of journalism and yearbook adviser
at Western Kentucky University,
said yesterday in a telephone in-
terview that his staff still relies
heavily on University funds.

“We receive roughly $55,000 in
funds which enables us to publish
about 8,5(1) yearbooks,” Loewen

The board is abo preparing a
survey of students, faculty and staff
to determine whether there is an
interest in a student publication and
what type is favored. Orndorff said
he expects the results should be
available early next week, before
the board meets on Wednesday.

VOLLXVIII, Number 104
Wednesday, February 9, 1977

Last day of vacation

It‘s back to school today

for these three
skateboarders as Fayette County schools are
scheduled to reopen. There‘s been a month of
recess from too much snow and too little natural

an independent student n

4““ Wehm

gas. (‘lockwise from the bottom are John DelBello.
15. John l’icklesim er. M. and Todd Henry. 14. If you
can hangthc turns. Commonwealth Stadium ramps
are a great spot for concrete surfing.

Kerr) of

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Singletary complied with probe

This s the second article in a four-
part series examin'mg the one-year
period that the University was
subjected to an NCAA investigation.
This article by Editorial Editor
Walter Hixson is based on in-
terviews with NCAA and University

in the spring of 1976, when it was a
certainty that the University
athletic program would be in-
vestigated by the NCAA, President
Otis A. Singletary felt compelled to
establish a UK position, or plan of

It was no easy chore.

Basically, he could chose to
cooperate (as the NCAA, of course,
urged); take an adversary stance;
or play it by ear.

Other university presidents who’d
weathered NCAA investigations
urged Singletary to adopt the ad-
versary pos'tion. “They‘re out to get
you," many of them said. ”Make
them build their own case; don’t let
them in the door."

Fortunately, Singletary had other
advisers, men who knew better. Like
W. L. Matthews, 3 UK law professor
who also is on the five-member
NCAA infractions committee that
decides the fate of schools under

Matthews did not sit with the
NCAA canmittees that handled the
University's case. But he did sit with
Singletary. He urged the president
to accept the “cooperative prin-

During the one-year investigation,

Alien beings invade Liberty, Ky.

claim they
were abducted
by a UFO

last year

Wire Editor

This story includes Associated
Press accounts and material
compiled by Phil Rutledge.

“They pulled my eyes out. i mean
they drew them right out of my head
and laid them over my cheeks,”
Mona Stafford confessed under

Stafford, Mary Lou'se Smith and
Mary Thomas of Liberty, Ky., claim
to be the victims of a bizarre kid-
napirg by aliens that, they say, will
haunt them the rest of their lives.

All three women gave details of
their experience under hypnosis and
passed a police lie detector test with

"no indications of deception."

"The pain was so bad. They
poured sanething over me and when
they paid it off, it came away like
tape, the they were mskhg a mold
it me,” anith, urlier hypnosis, told

Dr. Leo Sprinkle of the University of

What follows is their story of an
abductim by alien beings.

The night of Jan 6, ms began as a

normal night for the three wanenf

Smith situated they ride with her
to the Redwoods restaurant in
Stanford for a late dinner and to
sketch a painting on the wal in the

restaurant, as the three are amateur

Huge. disc-shaped object

The women started home at 11:15
pm. and were about one mile south
of Stanford on the Hustonville Road
when they say they saw a huge disc-
shaped object, metallic gray with a
white glowing dome.

Yellow lights lined the edge of the
UFO with a row of red lights un-
derneath. A bluish beam of light
issued from the bottom.

Stafford, who was sitting in the
middle of the front seat, saw the
UFO first as it fellf mm the sky “like
a plane that was going to crash."

The three women were not the
only people who saw the UFO that
January night. Mr. Rogers (not his
real name), a farmer who lives on
the Htstonville Road, and his wife
were washing dishes at about 11:30
when Mrs. Rogers looked out her
kitchen window ani saw a huge
object glide above their house,
through their backyard and out over
a valley.

She screamed and her husband
looked and saw the UFO. too. They
said it was silent as it moved. They
estimated its size to be as wide as
the wing span of a commercial jet.

Sudderly. at tree-top level, it
leveled off and crossed the road in
front of them. The craft banked
steeply to its right and aga'n crossed
the road, hovering to their right as
the women approached.

The car went out of control

The UFO moved across the road
and directly above the car. Smith
saw a blue light in her rear-view
mirror and thought it was a state
trooper. But there was no car. She
tried to speed up but the car went out
of her control. The auto swerved
back and forth across the highway.

Smith said the speedometer
needle was touching 85 miles per
hour, even though she had her foot
off the gas pedal. Also. they felt the
back of the car bouncing as though it
were gang over a series of speed

Then, they lost consciousness.

The next thing the women
remember is seeing the streetiights
just before Hustonvilie—eight miles
from where they first saw the UFO.
They drove home quietly, thinking
about what had happened.

When they arrived at Thomas‘
trailer, it was 1:25 am. The drive
from the restaurant to the trailer
takes approximately 45 minutes.
They had lost one hour and 25

Descriptions wen-identical
The women became scared and
went to a ne'ghbor‘s trailer. They
decided to go into separate rooms
and draw what they had seen. Their
pictures of the UFO were identical.
Continued on back page



(iene l.. Samsel, of Dames and Moore, a firm hired by
the state to evaluate conditions at the Maxey Flats nuclear
dumping grounds and determine the cost of maintenance,
told a special advisory committee yesterday “there could
be quite a bit of subsurface flow“ from the giant trenches
where radioactive materials are buried. But we do not know
whether subsurface flow carries contamination with it."

Singletary and his chief in-
vestigator, law professor Robert
Lawson, sought the advice of this
man who has served three years
with the NCAA and has been the
University‘s representative to the
Southeastern Conference and UK
Athletics Board member since 1962.

Lawson and Matthews are like
roommates; they are next door
neighbors on the first floor of the UK

Law Building. They are close per-
sonally and professionally. They
talked many times about NCAA
procedures and operations.
Matthews’ knowledge of the NCAA
aided Singletary and his in-
vestigators throughout the ordeal.
He even provided in detail the
physical surroundings of the con-
ference room where UK and the

Continued on page 3





The Department of Health. Education and Welfare
lifted its moratorium on two flu vaccines yesterday. The
department recommended that the elderly and people with
chronic illnesses get a shot that could protect them from
both the swine flu and the A-Victoria strain. The action also
allows the use of another vaccine intended to protect
against the milder B-iiong Kong flu. The moratorium
remains in effect, however, for the swine flu-only vaccine
that was widely promoted for all Americans before


Spanish Premier Adolfo Suarez and the ministers of his
cabinet are considering legalizing the long-outlawed
Communist party, as well as establishing diplomatic
relations with the Soviet Union. government sources said
yesterday. Relations between Madrid and Moscow have
been broken since the Spanish civil war of the 1930s.

Black guerrillas burned and looted offices of a second
Christian mission, Rhodesian government officials said
yesterday. No casualties were reported in the raid on
Nyashanu mission, 125 miles southeast of Salisbury near
the Mozambique border. The attackers took about $5.400
and burned a mission workshop and office.

The ice man goeth

Warmer weather and sunny skies might let us see the
good earth again. The high today will be in the low to mid
40‘s. Clear and warmer tonight with a low in the upper 20’s.
Tomorrow will be clear and warm, the high near 50.

(‘ompiled from Associated Press
and National Weather Bureau dispatches








Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University'

(in "I“

Illeetet Mar
Walter litur-

editorials 8’ CW rmrrs

twaue-mmumummw. lee-Ito.
Mall-I'm with lone. shone-(mm Letters eel-eta


Adam M I‘m Gen I“ In In.
It. Int-er 3..
M a W N lulled.
Steve lulu» cam hum
Illh Strum Stewart Doom
"“3“ locum u «a...
"m 0'” J‘- Home mun x5?”

tour-eh- Id“ no, “Nanette“-



U. 5. Forest Service
faces hard decision

Despite the severe whipping she has been
giving out lately, Mother Nature is continuing to
be ignored by some coal operators in Eastern


The controversy centers around a 4,800 acre
section of the Daniel Boone National Forest near
Somerset. The land, designated two years ago by
Congress as the Beaver Creek Wilderness Area,
now seems to be in danger of being invaded by a

coal company.

Supposedly, the designation as a wilderness
area is even more sacred than that of a national
forest. A national forest, by law, can sustain a
small measure of human interference, such as
the building of a road. In a wilderness area,
however, there can be no such interference.

The Beaver Creek Wilderness Area is
reportedly starting to show positive signs

If the Forest Service agrees to pay for the
mineral rights to the land, it could be faced with
an expenditure which has been unofficially

estimated at anywhere from $500,000 to $5



If this is the route taken, the money may have
to be pulled out of such other important
programs as land acquisition in the Red River

The third alternative would be to simply

resulting from the absence of man. The days of area.

that kind of blooming are numbered, however.

As it turns out, the Greenwood Mining Co.
owrs the mineral rights to the land and has
asked the Forest Service for permission to begin
prospecting operations there. The company also
would like to build a road through the area in
order to reach coal reserves beyond the


The wilderness area designation will ef-
fectively prevent the company from prospecting
and building the road without permission, but the
US. Forest Service is now faced with some very

heavy decision making.

Three alternatives are apparent in the
situation. The Forest Serice can ignore the coal
company and try to preserve the area. Or, it
could try to come up with the money to pay for
the mineral rights. Finally, it could declassify

the land as a wilderness area.

Each option, of course, carries with it a certain
liability. If the Forest Service ignores the
company, then it could be compelled legally to

declassify the land as a wilderness area. This,
however, would set what could turn out to be a
bad precedent. There is a possibility that the
declassification could cause a dispute with
national in mplications.

When the alternatives are reviewed, it appears
that the first and second have one thing in
common: salvation of the land as a wilderness

Admittedly, the possible expenditures in-
volved could present a problem, but at present
there has been no confirmation of what those
expenditures could entail. And it would not be
illogical to assume that the land would be ad-
versely affected by prospecting operations.

Of course, some questions must be posed

concerning the issue of why this confrontation is

just now occurring. Congress finalized the
designation in January, 1975.

It can be assumed that the committee, which
made the recommendation, was aware of the

diverse interests involved via an environmental

taken place.

impact study. If the conflicts were known, then
something should have been done at the outset to
assure that such a confrontation would not have

But that is in the past. Congress has taken its

action. There are only about 15 wilderness areas

compensate the company for loss of the land use. areas.



The Jan. 26 issue of the Kentucky
Kernel mysteriously wandered into
Jefferson County last weekend.
Since I. as a U of L student. feel that
you strange students (occupying
space in that even stranger place
called Lexington) are totally ignor-
ant fools. I read this copy expecting
a good laugh.

To my surprise. I discovered a
genius, honest to god genius, right
there on your own Kernel staff.

For the benefit of the UK faculty.

who, I am sure, see only thousands
of students with [Q’s of 3 or less
(don‘t forget, this is a University of
Louisville student speaking), I will
disclose the name of this brain
among beast: Joe Kemp, sports
editor of the Kentucky Kernel.

He had the intelligence to break
out of that old “UK mightier than
thou“ attitude by calling for a
basketball showdown between your
Cats and our Cards in his comment-
ary. It also took guts, obviously
more than Cliff Hagan or Joe Hall


in the eastern part of the United States. It would
be a shame if Kentucky went down in history as
the beginning of the end of these wilderness


Mayoral candidate Martin
disputes Kernel reporting


If I had read of myself for the first
time in Friday's Kernel article, I
would likely have rejected myself as
a political dolt. For the sake.
therefore. of my own peace of mind



knowing that I am not a dolt. I would
like to set the record duly straight.

Generally. the main battle I will
be taking on in the mayoral race will
be the insatiable desire of the press
to find the aberrations of each
candidate and fairly running them
into the ground.

Two such things that the press has
chosen to emphasize in me are my
age and my “idealistic" proposals



As long as these fools (Hagan and
Hall) are in charge, the Common-
wealth of Kentucky will never get to
see the classic showdown between
our two powerhouses or the continu-
ance of a tremendous rivalry, which
could make the annual UCLA-Notre
Dame match-up look like Transy
and Bellarmine.

Oh well, it‘s nice to dream. It will
probably never happen in our life-
times, but at least U of L can thank
Joe Kemp for actually doing what
has been considered unthinkable of a
UK student: recognizing that the

Red Ragin' Cardinals know how to
play basketball.

You tried, Joe. but probably didn't
do any good; although, as a consola-
tion, you gained this U of L student's
respect. '

By the way, your Kernel was
excellent. Perhaps all UK people
aren’t as bad as we U of L people
think, but, God, would I love to see
us BEAT you. Here’s hoping we‘ll
live to see each other play.

Jimmy Thomas
C of I. freshman

for returning a portion of the
government to typical people.

I guess I am guilty on the last
count of taking Paine, Jefferson, et
al., too seriously in this age of
cynics’ delight. It is far more
advantageous to be part of the usual
stock that seeks elected position as
you are taken in stride by the media.

They are so accustomed to the
“silver spoon” theory of candidacy
that they rarely question the profes-
sional politicians about any real
qualifications. They just take them
for granted.

My suggestion of a shortened
work—week was merely a notation of
a popular proposal. I think it would
be appropriate for industry, but I
question its application to govern-
ment and do not support it at this

The key to implementing such an
idea would hardly be to take it out of
the “damn profits" of industry. but
through tax incentives on the part of
the Federal government.

My campaign will not be hamper—
ed in the slightest by the proposed
$90,000 limit. But the political sys-
tem and the quality of government is
affected detrimentally by the pre-
sence of massive amounts of money.

The question I keep asking is,
what favors do the donors expect for
their contributions. and how will our
taxes finance the debt? Shall we
build another civic center?

It is not my statement that my
only real exposure is from running
the state McCarthy campaign. It
was state, incidentally, not local as
reported. I have been continually
involved in the political system as a
student and as a participant in the
anti-war efforts and in civil rights

I would be happy to match wits in
a debate of political application with
any of the candidates. It might, in
fact, be more constructive than the
proposals for a debate of local issues
with the usual canned responses.

If voters are sincere in actually
determining the specifics of my
proposals. which could hardly be
described as “radically different,“
they may call me any time at home
and I will be happy to clarify
whatever damage the press may

The same thing applies to the
press as to government; there is no
mystery. Each reporter has a vested
interest in what is printed. I think
most readers are smart enough to
know that.

Perhaps we can question some of
the other candidates now as to their
proposals for traffic, health care,
employment, etc., and really get
down to the core of this whole affair.


This comment was submitted by
Nicolas Martin, a mayoral candi-

‘Roots' creates new symbols for American culture



from Washington


The most significant social pheno
menon of recent days. I think. is not
the weather. not the Fireside Chat.
not the energy bill; it‘s the 12-hour
TV story in prime time to tremen-
dous audiences of ABC's dramatiza-
tion of Alex Haley's “Roots."

With theatrical and calculated
brutality. and with no more qualifi-
cation or shading than a Peking wall
poster, it personalizes the ultimate
sin of racial subjugation in the
United States.

Like it or not. that is the founda—
tion on which present relations are
built. It has given America a new set
of symbols whose importance we
have yet to learn.

The ABC executives exult that
their daring commercial risk caused
I30 million persons to watch all or
part of the eight-part serial, that
36,380,000 homes (45 per cent)
turned it on. and that its final
twohour episode had the biggest
audience in television history.

()ut it came. the dreadful story
which we have spent a century

pushing back into our subconscious
like a shocking childhood incident.
The results only Freud can tell. It’s
good, though, that it's out in the

David Wark Griffith‘s “Birth of a
Nation" (1915), based on Thomas
Dixon‘s popular novel, “The Clans-
man,“ was the first notable Ameri~
can long film.

Here came the Klansmen, like
knights, dressed in long white robes.
pounding on splendid horses over the
hill and just in time. too, for the
stealthy, noaccount, lecherous nig-
ger was creeping up on our heroine
~or maybe already assaulting her.
I‘ve forgotten which. How we

Was this audience reaction in
Mississippi? No, New York. Fifty-
six Negroes were lynched in 1915. In
1919, racial riots shook Washington
and Chicago; in the latter city, white
mobs ranged the ghettos for 13 days
with the National Guard unable to
subdue them.

Returned black soldiers from
overseas. fresh from an equality
they had never before known, were

“uppity. “ The KKK was revivied.
The Grand Wizard had 10 Genii;
each Realm (state) had a Grand
Dragon; there was also a Grand
Titan. assisted by six Furies. And if
you were poor. from a red clay cabin


and couldn’t aspire to be a Cyclops,
you could be a Ghoul. That was
equivalent to a GI.

Now—“Roots" describes the Klan
from the blacks’ viewpoint—and as

-it was; a sleazy bunch of vigilantes

in bedsheets. -

Is “Roots“ fair? No, it isnt.
or how, anyway, can you be fair
about slavery? The important thing
today is the new symbols it creates.
It shows things we had rather forget.

The Washington Star TV preview,
for example. tells how the Master
buys Kunta‘s daughter Kissy “When
she was 16, and raped her as soon as
he brought her home." But is that
the word?

Morally, yes; legally, no; the
blacks had no rights which the
master was bound to respect. There
were local ordinances against cruel-
ty, of course, poorly enforced.
supposed to protect blacks and other

The huge audience watched sick-
ened and spellbound for a week, the
plantation owner with southern
courtesy asking his guest if he would
enjoy the privilege of the slave
quarters, suh, before he retired?
“No," says the guest, equally gra-
cious. “Ah'm tired." How the hearts
of southern mothers were wrung by
the knowledge of the temptations to
which their growing bovs were


The new leader of the Black
Caucus in the House, Rep. Parren
Mitchell tD.-Md. ), told a $10-a-plate
luncheon of middle class black
professionals here last week that he
was so worked up by “Roots" that he
could not endure it after the second

He was glad, he said, emotionally
that no white friend called on him at
just that moment, he could not have
controlled his rage.

“Roots" is almost unrelieved by
humor, weights every scale against
the whites though it throws in a
compassionate white-trash overseer
who would have surprised Simon

“Growth of the American Repub
lic," by Morrison and t‘ommager.
presents another side of plantation
life: “There was no physical repul-
sion from color in the South. White
childen were suckled by black
mammies, and played promiscuous-
ly with the pickaninnies“ . . . the
majority of slaves were adequately
fed, well cared for. and apparently
happy . . . (blacks) “suffered less
than any other class in the South“ in
the suicidal economic system.

But what has this got to do with the
argument? It could be all very
high-toned in a plantation of the

hotter cnrt George Washinr'fnn 'II

the top but a slave at the bottom. It is
a dark shadow on the Declaration of
Independence and on the Constitu-
tion—until amended by the Civil

Congressman Mitchell brings us
down to the present, fresh from
“Roots." He has a new symbol for
anger and militancy. The civil rights
movement seems to have lost me

the Supreme Court. with four
Nixon conservatives. tiptoes away
from liberal decisions of the Warren
court. The Mexican border. every
night, sends up illegal aliens com-
peting for low-wage jobs that blacks
might otherwise hold.

There are five or six million illegal
Mexicans already here, it is be-
lieved. We can build nuclear defens-
es against Russia, but can't seem to
guard the Texas border against the
highest birth rate in the world.

The income gap between blacks
and whites in the United States has
widened; black unemployment is
twice that of whites; for teenages in
ghettos, it is around 50 per cent. Will
there be a stronger reaction to such
disparities in the aftermath of
“Roots“? Very likely.

- Or take foreign affairs. Could the
United States have dropped 500.000
tons of bombs on Cambodia. which
didn‘t even have an anti aircraft


gun, if it had been white? There is a
kind of implicit racism in America‘s
international dealing. There aren’t
many blacks in the State Depart-

It is fascinating to speculate on the
emotional result of “Roots": the
exposure of 130 million people
suddenly to the shocking reality of
American slavery. many of whom
were almost certainly visualizing it
for the first time

It was ‘Uncle Tom's Cabin" in a
week. My feeling is that a jolt like
this has later consequences-r there
are new symbols.

A basic practical question is. when
will blacks be politicized? They
tipped the balance in the I976
election though many didn‘t vote;
they could do it again. Things are

Last week, a new black ambassa-
dor to the United Nations. Andrew
Young, took his oath from a black‘
Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court, Thurgood Marshall. Kunta
Kinte would be pleased.

’fltfl from Washington is a national
column syndicated by The New
Republic, a weekly publication on
politics and the arts. It is written by
78-year-old ltiehard l.ee Stroot. who
N also Washington correspondent
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UK cooperated in search

Continued from page 1
NCAA would meet Nov. 1.

Matthews advice was taken
to heart. Singletary decided
to accept the cooperative
principle as a foundation for
UK’s involvement. The
University would cooperate
fully, helping NCAA in-
vestigators gather in-
formation about UK’s

Singletary and Lawson had
reservations about the
decision. The NCAA wants a
cooperative investigation,
they thought, yet the whole
process is set up as an ad-
versary proceeding.

Their reservations were
well founded.

The NCAA controls the
entire process; it sets the
timing and sits as judge and
jury. An institution has no
choice but to abide by the
established process. An in-
stitution that drops its NCAA
membership is not eligible for
post-seasm competition and
other NCAA-sanctioned

An institution being in-
vestigated by the NCAA has
no “discovery rights” under
NCAA guidelines. The school
is obliged to turn over its
evidence in a cooperative
investigation, yet, unlike a
legal proceeding, the school
has no right to see the
NCAA’s evidence in order to
prepare a defense.

The NCAA has no
provisions for allowing
coaches to be represented by
counsel. In other words, the
NCAA can order the firing of

...urged cooperation

a coach and not allow legal
representation, though the
coach‘s very livelihood is at
stake. Former Kentucky
State coach Lueious Mitchell
discovered this NCAA power.

The contingent of UK in-
vestigators was continually
unable to clearly interpret
regulations in the NCAA

Lawson: “As an instrument
of communication, the NCAA
Manual is a failure.“

Singletary: “It has all the
shortcomings d the worst
university catalog."

Darsie: “l defy anyone to
make a clearcut in-
terpretation on some

And the UK officials were
disturbed by stories they‘d
heard about NCAA in-
vestigators browbeating
students and coaches,
threatening eligibility loss
unless information about
violations was supplied.

It‘s no wonder that

Singletary explored in ad-
vance the possibility of ap
pealing NCAA-imposed
sanctions against the
University. But an appeal
would becarefully considered
after the NCAA ruled. Until
then, Singletary would
cooperate fully with the
NCAA; Lawson, Darsie and
T. Lynn Williamson