xt7crj48sg87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48sg87/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-10-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1973 1973 1973-10-12 2020 true xt7crj48sg87 section xt7crj48sg87 The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 47
Friday, October 12, 1973

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40506






Kernel Staff Writer


under way

Associated Press Writer

Sherman Cooper has been widely men-
tioned as a possible successor to Vice
President Agnew, the Kentucky
Republican State Central Committee has
chosen Sen. Marlow W. Cook as its first
choice to fill the vacancy.

Cook, a Louisville Republican, was the
”definite" choice of about half of the 58
committee members who were contacted
in a telephone poll conducted by party
chairman Charles Coy, a Richmond at-

Former Secretary of the Treasury John
Connally was second and California
Governor Ronald Reagan third.

THE NAMES WERE submitted in a
telegram to national GOP Chairman
George Bush, and Coy reported that
Kentucky Republicans “wanta strong vice
president who would make a great
president. We reject the Democratic
suggestions of a noncandidate for vice

The three names were submitted to the
President along with those from GOP
central committees in all 50 states.

Coy denounced speculation that
someone with no future political
aspirations would be the ideal vice
president and said the Republican party
wants the opposite.

COY SAID BUSH requested three names
and did not make any recommendatiors as
to their political aspirations. He added the

WASHINGTON — President Nixon
believes he has a free hand in choosing a
new vice president and need not confine
himself to selecting a “caretaker" without
1976 presidential ambitions, White House
sources reported Thursday.

They said Nixon hopes to nominate a
successor to Spiro T. Agnew within the
next few days and perhaps by the end of
the week.

The selection process got under way in
earnest Thursday — less than 24 hours
after Agnew resigned as vice president
and pleaded no contest to a tax evasion

UNDER THE 25th Amendment to the
Constitution, ratified in 1967, Nixon’s
nominee must win majority approval from
the Democratic-control led Senate and
House. That provision has prompted some
Congress members to suggest they should
be the President’s partners in naming a
new vice president.

One Nixon associate emphasized the
President feels he can act ”without

The new First Team?


criteria in selecting Cook was that he is of
proper age, has integrity and is competent
in politics.

“We feel we picked someone the
President would want as vice president,
someone strong politically and a possible
candidate in 1976,” he explained.

Countering criticism for not choosing
Cooper, Coy said it is no reflection on the
former senator, but they wanted someone

parameters" of any kind and is seeking a
“strong man" he would regard as well-
qualified to take over the presidency in the
event of Nixon's death or disability.

Deputy White House Press Secretary
Gerald L. Warren was asked if Nixon
would forego choosing a nominee who
might prove a strong contender for the
1976 GOP presidential nomination, a
limitation urged upon the President by
many Democrats in Congress.

“I WOULD NOT limit the President's
options in seeking a successor,” Warren
replied, underscoring the'description of
Nixon’s attitude as described by other

The President‘s distaste for selecting a
caretaker candidate came soon after the
reporting of a strong undercurrent of bi-
partisan opposition to John B. Connally,
who is regarded as a leading potential
contender for the 1976 GOP nomination.
One congressional source made a flat
prediction that a Connally nomination
would be rejected by the Senate.


of strong presidential material and Cooper
doesn‘t fit that requirement.

COOPER’S NAME HAS been mentioned
by members of the news media and
several congressmen as a possible choice
of Nixon’s. The 72-year-old Senator, who
retired last year, was endorsed by Ken-
tucky Democratic Senator Walter Hud-

Continued on Page 16

As described by associates, Nixon‘s
approach to the search for an Agnew
successor would be wholly consistent with
making Connally his final choice. The
former Democratic governor of Texas who
became a Republican in May is the only
man Nixon has twice lauded publicly as
eminently qualified to be president.

NIXON. IN FINDING a replacement for
Agnew, had called on Republican mem-
bers of Congress, governors and state
party officials to submit suggested names
by the end of the day. Lists of potential
candidates were being coordinated by
Nixon’s assistant, Rose Mary Woods.

On Capitol Hill, 165 of the 192 Republican
members of the House and a majority of
GOP senators submitted nominations to
Republican leaders by the 5 pm. deadline.
The names were then sent to the White
House, but they were not made public.

Nearly all of the ISO-member
Republican National Committee also had
telegrammed their choices, GOP Chair-
man George Bush said.


News In Brlet

by. the Associated Prue

0 Senate sets limit

0 Women's group meets
0 Urges Ford to run

0 Delay bill approval
OUK records adequate

ONeed annual sessions

0 Today's weather. . .


0 WASHINGTON — The Senate has
voted to limit to 60 days the use of US.
troops in combat without congressional
approval. The bill passed 75 to 20 and went
to the House. However, President Nixon
has indicated he would veto any bill he
considers an infringement on his powers
as commander-inchief of the armed

0 The Women's Studies Committee held
its first meeting this semester Wednesday
in the Committee‘s new office, the Campus
Women's Center.

“We’re in the process of making a
decision about the Women’s Studies
Program,” said Dr. Suzanne Howard,
chairperson of the Women’s Studies
Committee. The proposal to establish a
degree program in Women's Studies was
turned down last year mainly due to the
lack of existing Women's Studies courses.

0 WASHINGTON -The chairman of the
Democratic National Committee says he
has urged Kentucky Gov. Wendell Ford to
seek the Senate seat now held by
Republican Sen. Marlow Cook.

0 WASHINGTON — Chances for
congressional approval of a strip mining
bill this year are threatened by delays in
committee, Rep. Morris K. Udall, D-Ariz.,
said Thursday.

0 FRANKFORT. Ky. — The legislative
audit committee says the University of
Kentucky is the only state school which
reports adequately on housing and dining

0 FRANKI-‘ORT, Ky. —- House Speaker
Norbert Blume said Thursday the only
permanent solution to legislative dif-
ficulties is passage of a proposed amend-
ment allowing annual sessions.

...nice day for trees

If it‘s sun and blue skies you’re looking
for, forget it. Rain is forecast for both
today and Saturday. Today will be cloudy
and mild with a 40 per cent chance of
thundershowers increasing to 50 per cent
Saturday. Temperatures will reach the
low 805 today dropping to the low 60s
tonight. The high for Saturday will be in
the upper 70$.




Established mi


Steve Swift, Editor in Chief
Jenny Swartl, News Editor
Kaye Coyte, Nancy 0aly.and

Bruce Winges, Copy Editors
Bruce Singleton. Photo Manager



The Kentucky Kernel

ll: Journalism Building, University at Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506.

Mike Clark, Managing Editor
Charles Wolfe, Practicum Manager
Bill Straub. Sports Editor

Carol Cropper, Arts Fditor

John Ellis, Advertising Manager

The Kentucky Kernel is mailed five times weekly during the school year except during
holidays and exam periods, and twice weekly during the summer session.

Published by the Kernel Press inc, l272 Priscilla Lane, Lexington. Kentucky. Begun as
the Cadet in 1894 and published continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since 1915. The

Kernel Press Inc founded l97l. First-class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky. Ad-
vertising published herein is intended to help the reader buy. Any false or misleading





advertising should be reported to the editors.
Editorials represent the opinion of the editors and not the University.


Handicaps persist

Despite some hundred year‘s passage in the course
of human civilization the logic behind Mary Ann
Evans‘ necessity to adopt a male pseudonym-George
Eliot-is still sadly understandable. Evans would still
face handicaps in the task of overcoming anonymity in
a male dominated profession and society.

However, a somewhat less sexist society and
dynamic liberation movement has made it easier for
women to break into fields once open only to men.


The field of arts has been more receptive than
others in permitting women to achieve their full

The Student Center Board, with the cooperation of
people in the women‘s movement, is providing a
showcase for the genius of these women via its
“Women in the Arts Week” which started this week
and will continue through Thursday.

Female performers, including female directed or
produced films will hopefully erase the subconscious
assumptions that women in the arts are confined to the
roles of sex-symbol-type actresses, obliging groupies
or screaming teeny bopper fans.

Another phase of the Women’s Week will feature
women in education and politics, other areas almost
completely void of real female administration until
recent times.

Giving special attention to women’s ac-
complishments is important so that women can get
together and focus collectively on the problems which
have afflicted them for so long. Together, women can
shatter the barriers that prevent the ultimate






You've done it again

Dear Mr. Straub,

Well, you‘ve done it again.

Your foot is not only nestled snugly in-
side your mouth, but this time you‘ve just
about swallowed it.

Where did you learn to write? Any
sportswriter worth his weight in salt will
tell you that you don’t leave yourself as
totally wide open as you have done.

Television replay proved that Bud
Harrelson started the hassle by shooting
off his mouth, and that Pete Rose never
landed a punch.

Rose slid into “Buddy“ trying to break
up the double play. That’s just good
baseball. If Harrelson can’t take it, he
should get out of the game.

During the final game, the Mets‘ P.A.
announcer called the fans “the number
one fans in the country," or words to that

Bunk. They’re rowdies.

They show no courtesy to the opposing
team, or the national television audience

Such pillaging, plus your style of
writing, all adds up to prove that Mets fans
have no class.

Henry Kerlin

Needs subscribers

I am presently compiling a list of those
interested in having the Sunday New York
Times available in Lexington. Any
members of the faculty, staff, or student
body who wish to be included should send
their names and phone numbers to me at
1141 PDT.

[will then contact the N. Y. Times to see
if such an “airlift" plan is feasible.

Jan Kozma
Visiting Asst. Prof. of Italian

Teamster's 'Harvest'

Having read “Harvest the Revolution"


realization of their goals and contributions to society.

These reasons and the necessity for the main-
tenance of sanity for human kind are what the whole

liberation movement is about.

25th Amendment: how to


When the 25th Amendment was
ratified on Feb. 10, 1967, few would have
guessed that within a decade the nation
would be wondering how to apply it. But
history is blessedly full of surprises;
and Congress now has to ponder the
meaning of those bland words in the
Amendment‘s Section 2: “Whenever
there is a vacancy in the office of the
Vice President, the President shall
nominate a Vice President who shall
take office upon confirmation by a
majority vote of both houses of

It is clear that “shall" in the sen-
tence above is to be read as “must,”
not as “may.” For Section 1 says that,
in case of the removal of the President
from office or of his death or resigna-
tion, “the Vice President shall become
President,” and this was obviously not
meant as optional. But Section 2 lays
down no deadlines, so a President can
presumably daily for a time before
obeying the constitutional command to
fill the vacancy. Once he sends his
nomination to the Hill, what is the
responsibility of Congress?

President Nixon has had his own
view of this. During his effort to adorn

which wants to see the game. They feel

that they have to spill out onto the field.
Just because the Mets win the pennant

gives them no right to rape Shea Stadium

as they did.

the Supreme Court with G. Harrold
Carswell, he instructed Senator Saxbe
of Ohio that the President was “the
one person entrusted by the Constitu-
tion with the power of appointment,”
a singular claim repeated twice more
in the course of the letter. The claim
was singular because, had Mr. Nixon
bothered to consult the Constitution,
he would have discovered that this
document says, with customary preci-
sion, that the President “shall nominate
and by and with the Advice and Con-
sent of the Senate, shall appoint” des-
ignated public officers.

The difference between nomination
and appointment was something that
Presidents of the United States before
Mr. Nixon had no particular difficulty
grasping. “1 was only one-half the ap-
pointing power,” Theodore Roosevelt
wrote in his “Autobiography"; ”I nomi-
nated; but the Senate confirmed."
President Nixon, however, clearly
hoped to transform what the Constitu-
tion had intended as a shared power
into what he described to Saxbe as the
exclusive “constitutional responsibil-
ity” of the President, with the Senate
permitted the honor of ratifying the
Presidential choice.

Perhaps Watergate has chastened
Mr. Nixon. But, if so, there has not
been much evidence of this so far. It
therefore seems likely that, since

Mr. Agnew has faded from the scene.

Mr. Nixon will give Congress its
marching orders and try to persuade
the people that the Congressional obli-
gation is to rubber-stamp his nomina-
tion. Still, if the President has the
constitutional duty to nominate a Vice
President, the Congress has an equal
constitutional duty to submit that
nomination to the most scrupulous and
intensive review.

That duty would be considerable at
any time. But it surely becomes more
imperious than ever at the present
time. These are grim days for our na-
tion. The Presidency itself is in crisis.
The land is overflowing with doubt and
mistrust. The great national need is
for unifying acts of statesmanship.
With Mr. Agnew gone, President Nixon
should rise to the occasron and propose
as Vice President a man whose ap-
pointment will reassure the nation
rather than one whose nomination
would only deepen and embitter exist-
ing tensions. If he does not rise to the
occasion, then it surely becomes the
responsibility of Congress to exercise
the power assigned to it by the Con-
stitution and force him to make a na-
tional-unity appointment.

The criterion here is simple and ob-
vious: Congress should vote to confirm
as Vice President only a person who
has made it clear that he will not be a
candidate for President in 1976. A Vice
President who plans to use his office


for the past month or so, it appears to me
as if the Teamsters are doing the picking.

Mark Neil Paster
farmer SC vice president

apply it

as a springboard for the Presidential
nomination would only exacerbate all
the present troubles between the exec-
utive and legislative branches. Mr.
Nixon must, of course, nominate a
Republican. But. there are able Repub-
licans without Presidential ambitions
whose appointment would cheer the
nation and who, if Mr. Nixon himself
should be obliged to go, would inSPire
general confidence as a caretaker Pres-
ident. An excellent example is former
Senator John Sherman Cooper of Ken-

If Congress ever intends to start re-
claiming its constitutional powers, this
would be a good time and place to
begin. And there is reason to suppose
that President Nixon himself, if he
thinks about it for a moment, might be
induced to see certain advantages in
this course. For, if the President should
name as Vice President a man who is
actively seeking the Presidency for
himself, then Congress and the people
may begin to see the new Vice Presi.
dent as a genuine alternative to Mr.
Nixon, and one more argument against
impeachment would fall away.

Arthur Schlesinger Jr. is Sch-
weitzer Professor of
Humanities at the City
University of New York.



a page of opinion from inside and outside the University community


Page Ill

Local restaurants' health ratings fluctuate


Campus-area fast service restaurants,
beset with rising food costs, labor
problems and increased competition, are
also plagued with a never-ending attempt
to please the Food Services Inspection
Division of the Fayette County Health

Health department records indicate that
restaurants in this area are notorious for
fluctuating sanitation ratings. Files show,
at one time or another, an establishment
has a good rating, slips in stature, and then
is forced to revert to the original rating to,
avoid closing.

EACH FACILITY is inspected at least
twice a year by any of seven inspectors in
the Department’s inspection division,
although priority establishments are
checked more often. A “priority”
restaurant serves unusually large num-
bers of persons, serves food which spoils
easily, or has a record of being un-
cooperative with the Department in the

0n initital inspection, if a restaurant’s
facilities, food and employees do not meet
with county and state standards, the
operator or owner is required to make the
necessary corrections before the next
inspection, usually within ten days.

Should these conditions remain after
reinspection, a lower rating, and in some
cases the very lowest rating, is posted.
This, however, is seldom the case, since
most proprietors are concerned with
ratings and make any necessary im-

INSPECTION AND rating tests are not
easy and, as one inspector put it, “they
(restaurants) don‘t get away with
anything,“ indicating an establishment
must be in near-perfect condition to merit
an “A" rating.

An “A“ rating, according to Food
Services regulations, means the firm:

—Has a demerit score of 20 or less;

—Has corrected all six-point violations
within ten days after inspection;

—Has corrected all two and four-point
violations before the next inspection.

“13" ratings are issued to establishments


‘Israel—do you care one way or


Your socalled editorial of Oct. 9. “The
Mideast Crisis", has raised several
questions in my mind. The most important
is what was that editorial trying to prove
anyway? To me it seems filled with con-
tradictions and hazy statements which can
be taken in any number of ways.

Let us examine the editorial to see what
I mean.

TIIE FIRST TWO paragraphs deal with
the fact that people of the Jewish faith are
raising money to help Israel, complete
with figures and statements. Never once
do you do anything but mention this fact. If
you are not saying any thing about it other
than what it exists, why is it written on the
editorial page as an editorial and not as a
news item, which to me itseems to be?

Are you appalled or applauding this
trend? Do you care one way or another?
Did you even consider other groups in this
country, Irish and Greek Americans for
example, doing similar things? Just to
mention a fact does not seem to be what
editorials are for.

—Have a demerit score of more than 20,
but not more than 40;

—Has corrected all six point violations
within 10 days of inspection;

—Has corrected all twooand four-point
violations within 30 days of inspection.

REQUIREMENTS for a “C” grade are
the most lenient, but carry the burden of
closer and more frequent inspection by the
Health Department. Regulations stipulate
that restaurants with “C” grades have:

—Demerit score of more than 40;

——All violations have not been corrected
after receipt of written notice delivered
personally or by registered or certified
mail, to the permit holder or person in


The stipulation also states that
“establishments having a demerit score of
40 or more shall be served written notice to
the holder or person in charge of the
permit specifying the violation, and afford
the holder a reasonable opportunity to
correct same, not to exceed 30 days."

Permit holders or operators failing to
comply with any written notice recieve a
“C" grade.

EXTRA CRITERIA for “A" and “B"
grades state that provisional ratings will
be posted whenever a “A" or “B" grade
establishment exceeds the demerit point
limit. Provisional grades shall remain in
effect until the next inspection, at which
time the grade may be lowered or rein-
stated to the original status.

The Paddock: one of many Lexington
restaurants checked by Health Department

We then come to the next paragraph. In
it you give the Arab viewpoint, talking
about the oil issue. With all the publicity
given this issue, it would be nice for
someone to point out that less than six per
cent of the oil the US. as stated in
the New York Times. uses comes from
these countries. Even if this amount is
doubled due to the energy crisis, and with
the Arab price fixing this seems doubtful,
it would only amount to 12 per cent of our
oil, hardly the great majority everyone
seems to think it is.

TOWARDS THE END of the paragraph
you mention the term “Zionist
Propaganda" in reference to the Israeli
position. Even though this term is in
quotes and is part of a statement from an
anti-Israel group, since you did not
elaborate on it I get the impression that
you are adopting the view that the Israeli
position is nothing more than “Zionist
Propaganda" and should be taken as such
rather than something of any importance.

This view is reaffirmed in the next

paragraph when you write that the Arabs
have taken the first step. the attack of the
Israeli territory. Again no elaboration. Are
you saying that the step was a good one
and more similar steps should follow?
Maybe you‘d follow it with genocide of all
Jewish people. judging from the snide way
you warn the Arabs of American opinion.
How liberal of you to bring in the Nazi
holocaust. making you seem like an
aware student of history.

The remark about Maurice Stans. I
guess to connect the fund raising to the
dishonest tactics used by Stans and others
connected to the Watergate. is so totally
unrelated to the basic questions which
have come up in this "crisis" as to be
completely worthless. Are you saying the
Jewish Appeal collections and others are
corrupt'.’ If so. why don't you say so clearly
without heating around the bush”.

THE FINAL PARAGRAPH ties it all up.
To me it seems nothing more than a
warning to the Arab States- watch out or
the big bad Israelis will get you,

According to Harry Marsh, Health
Department environmental health
director, establishments with “C“ ratings
have shown they simply “don’t want to
cooperate with the Health Department.“

“We offer our help, we give them ex~
tensions, we do the most we can for the
operators within the limits, without en-
dangering the public. If he (the owner) has
a “C" rating. we have gone the route with
him, educated him, and he simply doesn‘t
want to cooperate.“

TIIERE ARE 298 possible demerits in
119 categories on the inspection checklist.
Inspection areas include food supplies,
food protection, health and disease con-
trol, cleanliness, toilet facilities, lighting,
ventilation, and garbage and rubbish
disposal. among others.

Under each of the larger divisions are
more specific categories. Any letdown in a
large category could mean the difference
between an ”A“ rating, a provisional “‘A‘,
or a “B“ rating.

Most inspection areas carry equal
weight. although food protection and
personnel count for more than areas such
as housekeeping and ventilation.

amount of demerits allowed include:

—F00d supplies: possible 28 demerits in
seven divisions;

—Food protection: 56 possible demerits
in 25 subdivisions;

—-Personnel health disease and control:
12 possible demerits in two subdivisions;

—Personnel cleanliness: 12 demerits in
three subdivisions:

—Cleanliness of equipment and utensils:
52 possible demerits in 28 divisions;

~Water supply regulations: 26 demerits
in seven divisions:

—Floors. walls and ceilings: 17 demerits
in 10 categories.

after that used and suggested by the state
health department. although Lexington
requires restaurants to post a rating card
where it is noticeable upon entering.
Marsh explained the Lexington health
department may add to the inspection
sheet. but it cannot omit any of the
categories or areas on the state inspection


This may be an extreme View to take on
the “editorial". but when it is as pointless.
as unclear. and as trivial (espeCially on a
subject of such worldwide importance as
the “crisis" ist. it is the only stand I could
take. In such "editorials" you have to read
in things. and that is what I got from it. It
would he a lot better to come out and make
a pomt instead of beating around the bush
with a bunch of snide insinuations.

Because of my personal feelings. I
disagree with what you seem to be saying.
As a journalist I am appalled by this
"editorial." All it did was say ‘Hey look.
there's a war going on‘ (which you also do
on the tront page). repeat a few worn
cliches. make a few unrelated statements
which I suppose you think are clever. and
take up a lot of space, If you can‘t do any
better. why do you try‘,’


Joel Zahem is a junior
journalism major.




4—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. October 12. 1973

Lexmgton‘s Oldest Restaurant
H9 Scuth Limestone Street, LexingtOn
For Reservation Phone 23) till


Jewish or Non-Jewish



Israel Needs

Your Help TODAY
If It Is To Survive

Send Any Donation To:
Central Kentucky
United Jewish Appeal

c-o Dr. David 'Weksiein
835 Glendover Dr.
Lexington, Ky. 40502


Please! This time give more than
your fair share.













Amount Paid






Renovation of Laferty

All of the anthropology
department has been affected by
the renovation of Laferty Hall,
the red brick, ivy-colored
building between the Whitehall
Classroom Building and the King

There was plenty of room for
improvement in the 36-year-old
building. “The roof was leaking,
the electricity was inadequate,
and it was not air conditioned,”
Department Chairman Lathel
Duffield explained.

BESIDES THE deteriorating
condition of the building, the
anthropology department has
had to cope with the problem of
being split up and housed in
different buildings. In the Office
Tower the department was
spread out over three floors.“l
think everyone is glad to get back
to Laferty Hall,” said Professor
Michael Collins. Interaction is
high in the department, and we
found that impossible in the

The work began in May of 1972.
“Itwas supposed to be completed
last May. As you can see it’s not
yet completed,” Duffield said.
The price tag for the project is
expected to reach $339,186.

To bring it up to state and
federal safety codes the building
was rewired and a rear exit and
fire alarm system was added.

RESTROOMS ON the first floor
and a ramp to the second makes
the building more convenient to
the handicapped.

Faculty offices experienced
general improvements in the way
of fresh paint, air conditioning
and a new lighting system.
Commented Assistant Professor
Wes Jernigan, “If we could just
get our venetian blinds I’d be as
happy as a clown.”


is an electrician who picks a 5-string Banio
Monday thru Saturday

lrom 9 p.m. till
at the


1:00 a.m.

Holiday Inn North

L75 8. Newtown


P.S. The ”New South” are Electricians.
Along with J. D. they make the best
Bluegrass Music in Kentucky.



. Hall nears completion




Aethrepeleglcel research and Independent study will take place
leeeeefthefeereewlabereta'leele recently repented Laf-

erty Hall. (Kernel m M by Idea Hem.)

Three of the four new
laboratories added are used
primarily for classes. By the
addition of work tables and
storage space the rooms are
better equipped for teaching.
“They certainly seem to be
working out very well,” said
Collins. We have our display
material in the rooms where it is
going to be used. It’s not a
matter of dragging it across

THE FOURTH lab is used for
research and independent study
in physical anthropology. It in-
cludes microscopes, a fume hood
for the use of chemicals and a
walk-in freezer for preserving
animal cadavers.

An anthropology museum is


Dave Mason

Spooky Tooth
Grateful Dead

Jackson Browne

329 So. Limestene


“The Joker".
Album of the Week

New Releases Coming Soon:

Elton John (British Import) $6.99
Loggins 8. Messina
Louden Wainwright

Sound 2000

being set up within the front
entrance of Laferty Hall. The
museum will display such ar-
tifacts as ancient drums, spears
and a’ Chinese robe. “The
museum will be available to the
campus at large. We will be
booking high schools and
elementary schools to bring in

their classes," Assistant
Professor Dennis Van Gerven

But the renovation has not been
an unmixed blessing. “Our
greatest disappointment is that in
the renovation we have lost the
space for our graduate students,”
Collins explained. They are'stuck
over in Miller Hall. In a sense this
reduces our ability to interact
with the graduate students."




Yoko Ono
The Band
Neil Young
The Who





 Demo delay over?

Party leaders to call
precinct elections soon

Kernel Staff Writer

Election of new members to the
Fayette County Democratic
Central Executive Committee—
postponed for nearly one year—
will be held shortly after the
November election, according to
Don Webb, temporary committee

The elections were originally
scheduled for December 4, 1972,
but had to be postponed due to a
state legislature requirement
that Fayette County's legislative
district lines be redrawn for
population purposes.

ALTHOUGH THE redistricting
had been completed before the
May primary, Webb said sum—
mer activities and campaigning
for the November election made
it necessary to further postpone
the election.

Webb said Wednesday that his
decision was made after con-
sultation with candidates in the
upcoming election. The general
consensus was that there is not
ample time to hold the precinct
elections as well as campaign for
the general election.

“As far as I am concerned it is
up to the candidates when the
elections are held since they are
the ones doing most of the work. I
assume it will be at the request of
the candidates and office holders
after the November election,
probably in late November or
early December,” Webb ex-

PARTY RULES stipulate that
Democrats in all precincts meet
on a Saturday and elect three
representatives—one male, one
female and one under 30.

All of the precinct officials
meet the following Saturday in
their respective legislative



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districts to choose one person
from each district for the
executive committee.

The original decision to post-
pone the Fayette County election
was made by Democratice Party
State Chairman J .R. Miller, who
appointed an interim committee
to serve until the election