xt7crj48sg5g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48sg5g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-01-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1971 1971 1971-01-27 2020 true xt7crj48sg5g section xt7crj48sg5g ' B‘ h- “- \VleiS :clmnis in flu {h i« ... l'i.‘ {iiwqmui '1 -‘ » I ‘II.i‘I. ,-
. Assistant Managing Editor gm,“ the program inn“... ,_,. W; ,, ,3» . ’~" .‘ , ,.
. More Money lf )0ch one of those students who helicxcs ll r\})<'tt.tt!'ilis 9,: {I
would take an act of (Iongress for you to recene lump \U'l ”1,. 13,”, ._, ., , .i _.i. .~.. 9" - , .I
a scholarship or loan for college. you may he hopes that iepaxim nt» iv Hln'lt ni- and»? my“: .5 j_'.' I.
closer to the truth than you think. A”; Wi’i’l‘ puma}; “MM n, “Mti m. “Fwd”. ' 5," 'If { .
c) Accordinir to financial aid dirrctm' James M'lfwllfllt‘lt‘Hl limo-m (”start-liking mi n-m». _ ' :.".. .. r
For UK StUdentS. lngle, the National Defense Student Loan pro— “”1 ”an”: “nmnmrm imw mmmpppd 3...],5, . :3"- -.
gram—the bulwark of college student aid—will and lngle my, mu”. (gum. A“. ,,,.,.(g,.;i N, W, (’ .
quietly expire june :30 unless given a rcpricye by ii“. a,” pk”, l)a(l\ (m m i,“ ; I.
Ch k . Y Congress. .1111“ could mean a loss of up to One “’1’ K'hll» },.3 mid is. fl“: pimmmihm ,,i .3‘3'5:
BC One. es $830.00” 1“ IOZIHS l0 UK StUdentS, beginning 1“ IItcaclici' cancellationI (lauses in tin loans wlnt l. j], ,-; ”g:
N the‘fall semester of 1971. ‘ _ enable a student to slop payment of up i». '34; I; ""II I
0 Fortunately. said lngle. Congress is almost percent of ,1 I‘M“ ,l in. mm.” 1}”. “who“ 1,“, {1‘1" ,
Maybe certain to give the defense loan plan a one-year {Mg-1",“, 'l'he (1;th dinudy HM, l K .,.,,;,., 5 .3. 3 23-,
extensron while it draws up new aid programs 553,000 per 3““ in ,,.p33.1m.m\ 1.3-;
for 1972-73. After that. “nothing is certain." lH‘ To complicate matters. lIKIs \Il)Sl. ping: llll .-"_IZ‘.§j ‘ ,-’_. :‘,,' 3;.
Silid- has received only about 5‘83 pt‘ltt‘lll funding it». ‘*"‘””‘°‘L"”"%
(Zould Include Reforms the federal goyerninent during the past year, said VII-5 :5. jI‘.I ,- 'I,I-'I~.I ;
If the extension is granted. it could include lngle. "If we were fortunate enough to in; 3:333. -','I.."" {
_ funded 100 percent. it would go a long we to l {I' ‘ I.‘ “if,
ward meeting our aid needs." be said ‘3 ' j
Total funding isn’t likely for the \Il)bl. pm {i-I’: ..
gram, which is only the biggest part of a coin» -;fl,."~.-"~'; I. if
plcx web of underfinanced federal aid plans ‘, -.
Educational Opportunity (Lrants 5' EOE, and the ,‘i’, =
\Vork-Study Program could also contribute about {1'3 5‘, '- f5 I.
$023,000 to UK financial aid coffers next year. {fit
That figure, along with the $850,000 in NDSL if, " ‘2": f 1'
funds. represents a $70,000 jump over 1969-70 ..'.I.:2I,_’-I_
Wednesday, Jan. 27, 1971 University of Kentucky, Lexington Vol. an, No. 75 213:: e IWIIIIE UIII’IE {m H“ l k “d W"
——'————_——“ Continued on Page 8, Col. '1 ‘h J' ‘7'; ,f *I‘ ._ .,
After ‘Adl‘lstmem’ i . - ,. p 5- —— .5. 3,.
III ~ . , I «Wt I’I- ~ .I1 ‘. I-
' . : '2 . - wow“ . - . .- ~ ,, ,, j» ‘_ _
Ax , m.- ‘* x ‘5?) " ‘ " ' t p -.
Curfew -- = " «5, 5.; 3' I r t? 5
M“ 3?- ,3, ' 5 . , h. ,. ,. 03W”? I II” I I,I II
- ‘1’ 4*. . - -::‘i.--'"':»Ez‘:-’"';h(’-‘=~' 'iieizfifk an.» "' - »
Managing Editor ~ 3 2.?- ‘ -, “i r ,3 I“? I §Z§§*%§§: :II. II _: KI: i
l‘Ireshiuan women this fall will I 'I III " .;xI . I j ’33 \ffigfli’gié: I I‘Ir .I
lia\'c selflrcgulatiug lltml's lIt‘l- i It \ . ,3 » ‘ . _ . .,..'..;..;:: ”3&3- . ,1. ' e 4 :fiifikg’”. ‘ 3» - ‘ ‘1 .~. 3' .
towing lhanksgnmg. according .5 7;». .,_.5; - ' fiM t‘ ' I ~ . 5 ‘. I- ‘-
to lack ll all. dean of students. 3" I m. _ .33,“ Iah .5 , *4? .\ II II . 5 l -‘ .7 :l_,-.)I
According to the n e w l _\ I I" I33», , , . , ' ‘ "fl'i ;I 1%? " 3h ' II 1.", .- "I-f;
adopted plan. freshman women 3 I III-=4 3, ~ . a“ ' I ‘ a... ....,m.,,..mm/ . ‘ . I'
» will have regulated hours until i , /’I 5, ‘ ‘.
lIlianl-(sgiying as a kind of “ad- 1‘ . , _ , _ ' 5’I?I_I' '--I«,.‘I,I::I
justmcntII period, llours duriug I 3x1 ' .» I I , ~ ' I I i i III,
this period will he midnight Sun— 3‘ ‘1 -§ . LII; ' N IiI- II I'..’;’
day through Thursday and 2 r: Ii}? , -. ’I ,3,» “mwmwtt‘; .. ’ I'.’I- 1,,"
am. Friday and Saturday. I" ii .33, M— ,_ .. I 'I' :I
l‘lilt'll succeeding freshman 3“ l ' ”.6 ' A . “‘ ‘I'LII' I 2’ II;
class will be suhlt‘c‘t to the ad- in \VESTBRUOK ((IENTER) i)ls(:l?sst-Zs His UP(:o.\iiN(; TRIAL wiTn \Hm' ni'\_\‘ \T LtsT _\|(,nT‘s sm \ll-l Il\(., I. i
Justment period, if there are no —___..—_____—————————____—_____________________ = - ' ,i . 4
major problems with the new . AI 1.1"} 57f
A tlwar Leader t Q k H ' . ~
A system of no hours for all n O k. pea 61 (j IZII
women of a sophomore classifi— 31.7, IfI "
cation or higher was begun in BY SIV‘SAN‘ CALDER\V00D “”1 th“ “Il‘ll ”f former [IR “'1' draft board last summer. tie a March for Hunger. on Satur~ VI 1::51‘ " -I I.I
January 1970. At that time, a and (h’ht lit." “I(‘Stl’lI””l‘I- “WWII““I' will be tried in Fayette County (lay. April 24 " I-'I"I'III'I-I I
similar system for freshmen was DALE MATTHEWS “'lll f‘lSO speak 0“ campus. Circuit Court Monday. Money raised by the mart-ii I’ . I; II‘ f.
being coisidertldlé N Kernel Staff \Vriters (.(,I:}\':]I:)IIIl)II(I)l::. \\;::1:IIIII;III5L;I*I;:rwIIIII County prosecutor Ii. Lawson “IIIlIl he di;tributed locally as . I.{ 1"“; ‘3
1 0w ‘ " ‘ ‘ I ‘ ’ " . \‘c .:‘ to ‘eIY ' Iec s. fl. ‘ ~ ‘.»'
Dean llfllsssaid the responsi» Stewart .\leacliam. . initiator lcgedly mailing the aluminum §§ISI1$llfllrt$§£tyfhi "hnhthm‘lvhht‘ I II ”I IUI 'ImI t .t .2, . J'I
hility shown by the upperclass- and coordinatorof the tall. Hit-5.9 (“SHINE of an HIIti»})<-rsonnei {1.x 1; .1 , . gt i‘gains "(s — ~ ~ 1 313331,? 1
_ “aslnngton ttlitl\\ill‘ illitl'tfl], \Vlll l)()inl)‘ (‘()n][n()nl\ lUItHVH as .l ”00 S IOItl) Rfitl ”I“ Ll Mllfl- l{(’(. l‘ i] '.l I.‘ .. ~ I'I I : II I ‘I:
Continued on Page 8. Col. 1 he 1-“ Lexington l‘Iel)_ 1 to at— agumun bomb. hf) his 1333mm“ ton papers reported that federal . - .I- i _‘ 9‘,
' authorities found no grounds for 1 H For”? T I .v ». f ‘_ ' _
charges. Common law assault is ‘I . 08‘ S ' I . "
F d C ll . I . defined as any action which [AWN] ’0 sll’rlflf Show ‘ , {3.3“
00 0 eCtlve "COI’pOrateS, threatens another person. pro- i:I-<;i\ Aiii FORCE iiAsi; " {idaj
. . vlifling [that actiocrll is insertition- l‘Ila. (AIM—A “in-(,3 in; an?” 3 \ i 3’.’,.:.;33
a y ma ICIOUS or €5‘ghe 0 m- s )heric tests cont llt'l(‘( ' llt‘S( ax ~ 'I,» 5 '7,
Plans Mld-February Opening timidate. th the Air Force produced a eoi— I f," _ i
, j ' , th oi‘ li 'ht show last night in South ‘ ‘I . .‘j.’ ,I {II
By DALE MATTHEWS t9 serve the Lexington commu- The prelfininary investigation StLlElIGSt mlaztbfiézdtalfinnlghfnmi: mmhhrn Sklt‘S. including LCXlHQ‘ 3 '3 , .’ . 33'.
and mty and' the state of Kentucky into the business aspects of the tee and other Lexington-area ton _. . I.-' , 3, >
TONI HARDILN by making available fOOd at PFC led several board members antiwar groups voted to sponsor All‘ ROTCO spokesmen said sun» {3- 3. 3 . g‘ . .5 .3”
Kernel Staff Writers . wholesale prices plus a 19 per- t0 the Manly Area FOOd CO'OP a speech by Meacham, who is light ionizing puffs of vaporized 3' .5 ,
b0Thie lf’eglples Food Collective cent servrce charge, according to in L°9i§Vme' . , knovm for his opposition to the barium is reSponsible for the ,3: 5.
night fr): théecstt‘ilcielitetceiif; if, manpower“ °f‘“°°'p°'°‘ “WW” 'If“??‘.“?“"° Vietnam war and f°r his civil W‘ W“ p"‘°“’.‘"‘""‘“t ‘ ~
. . . . ' . . According to " ”PU” on the rights and human rights activi- eluding purple and Violet cigar» f. 5 = {
Sign articles of incorporation for The corporation Wlll sell mem- status of the PFC for the board ties gimp“) (40le . ‘ - L
the PFC. If the articles are ap- berships rather than shares to of directors. the visit to the ' The colorful rocket launches , -, . . _‘
proved by the Kentucky Secre- those wishing to use its facilities. Manly (\().op was “most informa- New Mobc Chairman from this Florida panhandle . 3 3 , . _
tary of State the PFC will be An annual fee of $3.60 will en— tive, but equally discouraging." Mcacham serves as national my, a”, t” (mt the upper atmo- ‘ ~ " r _’ ‘ , .
legally able to operate as a cor— title members to purchase food The Manly project received direction of the Peace Educa- sphere for conditions atlectin g 3 . I ~‘ 35
poratlon. at wholesale prices. approximately $4000 from the tion Program 0f the American entry of space vehicles. The fire- .r‘, . ‘ .
Peoples FOOd Collective hopes Idea Tossed Around 0m“? 0f Economic Opportunity Friends Service Committee and worlts were also visible through- -, ' i n ' . f
The idea of a food-co-op had in federal grants. The report is one Of seven chairmen. 0f the out Florida. eastern Louisiana ,w i {I .~ "
WWW been tossed around the campus also States that many 0f the New NIOblllzatlon Sommlttee t0 and southern Alabama. I5 NI.‘~
W h and the Lexington community problems encountered by the End the War m Vietnam. Tuesday night's cloud was the . x , ' ‘_ .
eat er for some time but the establish— Manly CO‘OP have been ‘denh' . , , third in a series of six rocket » . ,I ‘5 ‘
ment 0f the articles of incor- tied and ‘IOUld be avoided. HIS talk herey'tentatively M1] launches begun lan. lit and de- . ‘
Forecast for Lexington and vic- poration is the most concrete de- Also mentioned in the report encompass thf‘ Vietnam prisoner Ln,” 1“ l\.l(l “mum. "’ . . _. _
inity: Cold. Cold. Cold. High velopment to date. was the allegation that "appar- 0f hi" S‘h’ahon and the spring “\\'e.ither must he almolutelx I -' »I
today in the low 20.5. low '0’ if the co~op succeeds, it Will ently some of the independent 3"!“th plans 0f the National ilear for .i launch." the spokes» ', ‘5 II I ‘
night 5 above. high tomorrow in mean a substantial saving for Lexington grocers were con- Coalition Mam“ War, Ractsm man said “Another will he to- - 5 ., \-
the PP?" 20I5- Precipitation Pl’0' those who use it, according to 99m“! that the Opening 0f the and Repressron. mun-ow, weather permitting." 'I I ’ I '
bhb'hhes are. 5 percent today, board member Mike Watharn, People's FOOd Collective might In other business at the SMC Reports of the colored lights I 5 I
:ggemnf tonight and 20percent especially with the present high injure their business. meeting, Karen Byron 0‘ the came from throughout Eastern I‘ ‘ _
' rate. 0‘ mmPloyment and in“ After recelwng the approval campus YWCA ar‘lnounced plans Kentucky and as far west in (h? ' I
W Ration. Continued on Page 7. Col. 1 of that organization to sponsor Sm“, as Louisville. ,» -_
a I n
. a." ‘

 Z—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday. Ian. 27, 197l ___________—_____________._.___——-
M'll R R 123 Sh ° ‘U f ' ’
. “ \Sill\(l'l‘()\ ‘-’\l)l-l’r<‘-\l- by goveniors and local officials. substantial funds are given to and New York would be among in.specifio(lIgeneral areas like
(lent \i\on's plan for sharing \lills listed states he said Would states and localities where there those hit, he said. education. lhey would develop
' , federal revenues with local gov- gain and those he c\pccts to is little or no need. as wellIas to R k {H g I their own programs. All llllt $1
. ernnients 1“ wasteful, unfair to lose under various possible ways those where there is need. oc cc er ‘ upports billion of this $10 billion would
areas ”HM in need and likely to ”f implementing ”u, program. The most likelv effect of sliar— I()ne of the strongest IcanIi- be diverted from present specif
. h"_“’*‘ “”9“" t‘“ hme“ lh‘h' Conclusion iug revenue, he said. would be paignczwlfor {fttt'tfitufillfhar'flthlf ic categorical federal aid pro-
\hlbur l). \llllS, l)-.-\rk.. told llisconclusion' to raise federal taxes. If this Y-0\II. . c .son 0c ( ( (r o . us “”me
. . ._ . , . > ‘ . . . or .
' . , I H“ \lIhhu“ III"? MtI‘lt' f l H , ”If the purpose of revenue were (10“; he Witt available ‘I"' Mills indicated some sympa-
.' ' “I '_ t \ LING?!” ”(t ‘6 (.Htwl: sharing is to meet the needs of formation 5119.935“ that the (1‘s' Mills criticized mainly the thy with the block grant ap-
‘ i. . - It}; ‘lhlt‘ I‘ (full? lionshlliilhhlt our economy today. then reve- tributional 959C“ 0t revenue portion of the Nixon proposal proach. But he also said the
. - lt m t “ l'l I gm?” ”It "3 if one sharing is a POOY “lid WilSte‘ sharing would hurt "‘mt the "r' calling for distribution 0f$5 bil- likelihood of $15-billion federal
. t _ v .H‘m. t‘“‘"t‘mnft‘ pIrongamI. mt”?- fiil means of attaining these ban states Where we hear most lion a year with no strings tied. deficits ”at least should flash a ‘3
I , u Ian IIioIiirI IoI II (Hist; IiInIuII or ends . . . about the need for revenue shar— Nixon suggested also tliat811 caution light for “s to go slow i
i ' a (let‘h N ”‘tll‘hm :1). It t 1|) Iatn. ”L'nder any of the formulas inn. billion more be shared with the with these proposals for giving j
. ' .. t amountei to It. rhh t 0 that have been developed so far. lllinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania stipulation that the states use it away federal revenues." 1
. . ' \mm s State of the Lnion ad-
? I dress, much of which was devot— . .
7 . ed to promoting the idea. M f 1d I I l t l l I S I W thd “7 l
‘ . . ._ In an obvious effort to couii- ans le rges O a . . rOOp l ra a
-. .. ' ‘ I teract pressure on congressmen
, : ' . . WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen- drawal of substantial numbers of 35 a Democratic reply t0 Presi- Mansfield defended the sen—
, '. , «I ate Democratic Leader Mike U.S. troops from Europe. dent Nixon S State Of the Union iority system in Congress, say-
. . . . PASQUALE I Mansfield said Tuesday night He said about half the U.S. message Friday night, but Mans- ing it has “worked remarkably
, - '. . I, the N0. 1 U.S. goal In the neXtI troops should Iw brought back fleld .was question“! about well" over the year-S. Commit-
. , f P I Z Z A ihttioi-lffifisahlzlfiiii hfot" \gstittlhdlrtagt and EuropIean nations should be 3:323:15“ dfitlglljlyath‘eea dpgpppials tee chairmen are chosen on a
. _ . , ‘ ' . . _ ' s ra- _ - - , ,
I . , I. 381 SOUI‘I‘I Lime troops from Europe. :gIchtifdgfi t0 PTOteCt them tion. seniority basis.
, -. . . SPAGHETTI and ”The time has come to work He agreed With Nixon that . . .
. ' ' , ’ harder to get the President to there are too many federal 3 en- However, he said, It might be
. . . MEAT SAUCE NotaRepl - .. - - .g
. , ‘ ,i - . 1 specify a withdrawal schedule , , y . 9195 to!) heavy Wlth admmistra- well to overhaul the system by
,I _' . _ - $ .00 value for troops from all of Indochina The interView was not billed tion and offices." setting age limits for senators. .
, I. , . . . -I -’- SPECIAL —l0ck, stock and barrel," Mans- ,
. . Every Wednesday field said in a broadcast inter- . .
- .- - A ll C P a L d -
' T . _ ' ‘ 75c "We should holdhearings, lay P0 0 rew rac £38 an Eng,
' .- ', . _ out the story and bring the situ-
. 'I , ‘ . I' . ation to the attention of the peo- C K
.. , -. IMPROVE vie. he added. , ape enned B races for Crowd
. ' ' _ ,. . Reporters Interwew
' ‘ . ' Speaking for the Democratic ~ - -
. - . Your Grades party. the Montana senator was CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) The Sunday afternoon launch good tracking data. This Will
, -. , . - — APOHO 1‘ 5 astronauts prac- will enable many reSidents and gveAl and Edgreaterconfidence
. . interviewed by reportersfromfour ticed T f t 'cky land- . ‘d - "
, . , , . VOLUNTEER FOR 3mg; . networks on a national television . uesday 0' a n . tourists from throughout Flori a they can make it, Rossa ex-
‘ . u ‘ ‘ - .. ‘ "‘8 on the moon as POhce and to drive here and retum to their Plained
- ‘. . I - .4 STUDY SKILLS ,. program billed as A Conversav civic officials prepared to han- b h d Hotel and L d' t F Mauro will
= . , Y IMPROVEMENT PROJECT i “0“ “”h the senate Majority die the crush of half a million ase t 6 same ay' Fm mg-t ra-
; ‘ '. I ' 3 Leader.“ . 't ted f S d I. motel rooms in the area are bOOk- require preCiSion flying. As Shep-
- ‘ 1 ' .. -\ (Respond Immediately) 3 1 , , , - , . ., . .. “St ors expec or un ay 5 ed solid. ard and Mitchell approach they ll ‘
. . . 3 ti Tu inttrvicw was broadcast launching . . . -
1 .III . . i. “W mm the \ational Education Astronauts Alan B Shepard In the landing maneuver prac- skim over ridges and hills up ;
f " . . . 3 CO” 258-8659 i Tt‘lt‘HW’“ “t't‘WTk StatlUHS 111“] Jr. Edgar D. Mitchell andStuart ticed Tuesday, he ApolloIl4Icom- to 8’000 . feet hlgh' The tOUCh l
». ~ - . s‘ - i ‘i . .1 ‘ . .. . -. . ’ . mand ship swoops to Within 12 down pomt is in a narrow valley ;
. ,' .. : ,I tapu tor rtltdht over Mutual A, R0053 spent several hours in , rf b f ,- . I . I d h l
. . I ‘. ; OR COME BY .. Radio and NBC. CBS and ABC spaceship simulators, concentrat- miles of the lunar su ace e ore pocked vnth craters an uge .
. I '. _ ' I‘ '- KASTLE HALL 008 s television. ing on a new maneuver intended releasmg the lunar module AH' boulders. . .
. ~. ‘ Mansfield said he will nitro- to steer the lunar module to a tares for Its descent 00" Feb. IS' During two outhde “Cht‘hom
' 7 . ' . WW”""""’“'“ "“'"“'"‘ " duce a resolutiontallingioi with- precise landing in the rough Fra On Apollos 11 and 1" Ithe lunar totaling four to five hours each,
‘I . _ ‘ Mauro highlands. ship separated at a height of i0 the moonmen plan to set up a
. ; _ . Ii As the countdown proceeded miles. nuclear-powered science station l
I ~ = 0 toward plaiuied liftoff at 3:23 Onlow passes over the land- and "“1011 35 4-6 b11110“ years i
I. ' . I .. I I .‘ Ja m S p.m. Sunday. Brevard County ing site we'll Obtain a good look old which might hold clues to 5
_’ , y » ' , eSSIon Sheriff Leigh Wilson predicted at the area and also get some the origin of the moon.
- ‘ ' - ‘ ' ‘ . more than W W visitors would
. . , . . . v _ o _ u " ‘ ““““ -..”,va ‘ -
. Iv «g . -. . ,- E ery Friday Afternoon 3‘00 6'30 converge on the county to watch Filibustpr R e orr’l S’i l()(1
. . j X I . '. . the fiery departure of Apollo 14‘s ' ’/ " '
. -. I .I 'R P A CE SaturnS rocket. .
. l . _ _ ‘ ‘V F ‘ ‘ Heavy traffic is expected. but A S S - A (r ' ‘ 5 l
I state, county and local officials '8 enate “Stalns b ’lell/ i
. . '- i“ I i. 825 EUCLID AVE are used to it, WASHINGTON (AP) _A 1),; over rules at the start of a new i
'. ' .' ' ”If we handled the Apollo 11 partisan. session—opening drive C""i~{”‘55- .
I . _ - . . MUSiC by the Fantastic Eddie Everett Group shot with a million people, then fora Senate rules changeto make Bllt “”Iii“ dl’lk’dl tilkt‘” from f
I ' _ , . . we can handle this one," Wilson it easiertohaltfilibusters suffered Humphrey T‘ “f““g the Senate .
‘ ' .4 " S ecral Jam thls Frida with Duke M i said. a severe setback Tiiesda' at the refused by a 0340 "MC to 5115‘ ’
‘ ' Y 0 son' hi 5 B d bl l 1 f \ p 1 t g tain his position i
. I -. .I _ - 1’ i treit, revar pu ic ian(s 0 'ice resi('t:l sLIimiai‘ds. inEIluIttliiih’ the gttnIci‘nnitt-n; s. .ihont that. II [It
..ritit- mtttriiti .o .1:it'“~'. i‘. e 2n ar- tllllll('\ nu" s r 17* 4““
I - , ' t h s". '2 '7 \ I ( - l ( t 1] ht” ”1 lllll the lllll)ll('.t!lt)lt\ Hi the “vsllmmls “'l) I].
- ' - = . L . -: orI tiid go beyond questions ol L’lt'tll. legal intc
_ I . .. . I ' . ' . I «wiw it\ and politie.ili/.itioii. lt r4.~\t"tl\ the MN.”
., it ~‘.‘ ' * - til\l()l'lt'(l perspective that we .ue \ic- l' S ‘
~ ' ~ * ., -' I‘ I._ ‘ ‘ : k - tuns of. and the irnpiessiye tallousriess “\Sl‘t
r‘ s ‘ ' - 1 V , i ' . ~: *. ' i that permeates a sot iet\. in “hit h the i ’l‘ll
I I I . I I I -. 1' I political. economical and cultural .ip- \ II tr
I I... ‘ i
.' ‘r g .-- paiatlis haye been geared to .1 state of \\ is .
.I I‘ ,-' f l l g l . ‘ _________________________ in Stt
. 7 ‘ ' . I _ :;=. . i I ( cinh
- I _ I _-_..m- NW--- _ .2. » The makers and senders 0] em“.
I I. ' . . w} " I IIIw - . V ‘ , t
. ' . - ‘11 needs Immune out Um! :I (we ()uuru bombs are free \\ .u‘
‘ ' ' . . > {(5 " . ~ ' ' ingtoi
. I .. - these ltrmls of trials are no! {es “ '0 do ”'9" thing. 'i'ht
- . . _- ”2 as“ —————————————
, . rreic phenomena in Learng- a - «Ir “as
i ' - 5"" 5143-. I I,..’_.- “73213-232.
., . - ~ 33' WII'a-‘ow: I . . I ‘.‘v'l‘.l' l
. . .I .‘ . , ': (UH. war for a period ol time now approacn- first n
I I ______________________________ . fl . . mg three decades. the 5(-
. ', I . .. ‘ ' I I . , . . -. .
- . Hus h. tisliilliillt‘tl himselt to work . I5. . I; I! \\liile the county attorneys office is the U
I - _ ._ ' ith tlu‘ \tltt'!l<..tlt l‘ rienils seis ice ( om— ~ . 3 Mew i preparing to prosecute one individual for lsy-lx
I ' '. nutter .t‘Hiakci‘ on .i lull-tune basis .‘it 1 “M" a ..iifl- .I tin: { fMMV= j "1“”ng ShOCk t0 50”]9‘m" i" one in' The
. 7 ' . . . ~ . .- 7 ' ~ fist-5.; " 3.1:.” - »..-- 2‘. r- '
, . . -. - ti...” “.mmmt ”nu-t» m 1) hm. ()hm. II at.” 3%. 222, I y‘ "I stance, we do not see Lawson hing pros- cludeo
. - \Im \11 \\'e.sthrook has 1mm} himself '2 E: vs ff? ,' I: . I3 .ecuting the clerks of the local draft herdin
- . . .. '12:... 323% _ : - is}. .1 . ,. 2 .2
~ ‘, play mg tilt role oi defendant. in another .2... . ’33,. %L 2 - I» f boards {01' ("dCh 0350 Hi shock they cause slang
- , . - . n '- .- 22- .1' “-5-; “-2 ' 2-: " . - 2 ’ . ‘
‘ . ' " Indium] hm] 1-11.“. m Lexington - is E x; ; . .3) I to countless young men in l‘ayette (.oun- to cart
. I . . ‘ -- I lhe reasons for this, and the iuiplica- » x ‘22. 3;: f? g. l.‘~ when they team? the" “0‘1““ t0 Slficatl
-' ‘ '- , '. trons oi it. provide a real insight into report for induction. the ”r
. .' . I . . I I“ . I a 7
- ‘ - ' .‘ the nature ot the increasingly militarized Jd) “ eSthrOOk W} 'l th d f h l . measu
‘ ‘ - ' - .- e sen er 0 a arm ess piece - , ,
- , . . .- socieh ol Aiiieiica, “0 . . , It‘d] 5'
. , , I As a student. IIaIy had been active in hrIook and make a case out of his action. the Movement, than they are for, say, (f if”! It? someone "II I‘mmgfigé 3:6“; trated
’ . ‘ . I I ~I the peate llt()\t'lllt‘llt tor a long time-— After about a week of apparent digging the US. command in Vietnam. UL )I may X . ng‘In it Ip‘filll” tli 1253 0d against
. ‘ ‘ d I '- ‘I much longer than this has been a popular through the Kentlicky statutory law Thirdly. any claims of shock would ‘3”;1 liefirncm 3:52: 1111:: durd Lscndhrs not
. 3 I -I , .. pastime. During this period. he l\t pt up hooks. a charge was discovered that seem rather hollow in light of the fact l'i-‘C ava l mb‘ (to co le in Asian BOO
. , I ‘I -’ ' . ’ , .n: intense level of personal communi- could be used against the “belligerent." that an Selective Service clerk kept the l“. "I; . )Of ) st 1p up”. thiA
' .. . . ' I- .‘ . t.tll()lt with the members of his draft known as cornornri—law assault. opened package on her desk for an hour “attlflnfi’rfr? “f; euleftoto iisle ”19:50” “P
, i ' -. ‘ hoard, concerning the \ iotnam \\ar. and [he essence of "common-law assault" and a half before contacting authorities. H“ 1 “It LS no u '
. . . ‘ . - . selective bervice which makes it pos— is that a potential shock to someone must according to courtroom testimony. Fi- [H 0rd“. to \1“,“. COMM.“ {Ur those
. . . - . sthlIcI. . . I take place. In other words. the ”victims" nally, even the federal authorities, who people who ha“. been maimed or “11“] “The
. . j'- l.ie most recent eyIcntIin llils coiitiIiIui-I- must feel themselves to be endangered. have not been unknown to prosecute by American corinter—iiisrir'gcia-\ efforts Kaufma
' = . j ' .i '4 ii ~-.s i' :iri‘c. \\ icii av iuai et )1‘ -' - V 'r; r; i i ‘ - «I . ".. '. - . .,. . . . .’ . . . ' ’
I . I I It i ottIs If t L :I . i' (I 1)(;(( l\( r thn iIt Irt lllt tim( tli it tht political trials. could see no grounds for m lndo—(hma. m order to show support By
- 2 - {it‘ltiL :i. an and "a i'mn'. ' sac-.i‘ion. s min is e r; * . _ . .' , _, ., . .' 7,. . . , I
’- ‘ 1 " , (I I l t nh tonih l IlI III I 'H l f 1% prutnI r ( I I I Ill-Ilsmtl a («‘5‘ dgdet “(SHVOOL loi' lav. in order to learn about the nature Dis
-. - L'rfl‘.‘ s. .i. '. )r _ - ‘pit H7) -(- ~ 1 - .. . .~ - . I . ‘ . ~
, I , I .i I .tI I t III—iI: I (I ItI it ict intuitIion in tris cast. docs \\hat does all this mean to students oi political trials. 1 suggest that you Hi l i
. - « .‘i ii! I . I; t‘. r\ H ,; tip _ - l i . - 1 , ., s J<.' v . . i 2. - , ‘ ‘ ' i
. II . . I - .I I- \ ‘II- I I« H I I" H . I< t I IHI ntIit eripptIirt tIic c itIugt..I .\sI was dIcscrIlll- at the l lil\t‘l'$llI\'.') hint of all. it means more to the \\esthiook trial. it will he— (ll
‘, .' I . “L "H ”Cw“ . H "V” ”"1““ M" ill”. min) (“51”,; I“ ”5 packainng ”Ml _l-'.‘ “\'4'“tlii':i<>lc is innocent ol ”coin— gin at woo a.ni. .\londa\. l’ehi'uarv lst mm: (()
£21., .. ”WM ‘. \..‘~-.i::. :H;.~.:-‘.~ .1 crtiz. \2. a ..I- i ; - . .. " -- - - ' 5 l ”0”“.
. I_ I .' . . . I I I II ’t I "‘II‘ ‘IPP: ”II 1” . )(I “Whit” '50 al. 3‘” rnon—lim assault. It means that another in ( ircuit (oni't at the l‘a\cttt' ( ount\ workhor
. . -"u t '_r:. ir- 5.!\ .1.:!,H‘\\ ‘. - . > - - . . . . -- .‘
I I . I : ‘ ‘ ” ”H" 3 ” ”m” ‘- mm oi us is being persecuted to the ( onrthouse. r -/
.‘~. '- ' .- orgaiii't
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'.- . .- - -- 2 ‘w-rawrermx. JAN 27. 1