xt7crj48sf3r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48sf3r/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1968 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1968 Vol.34 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, May 1968 Vol.34 No.5 1968 1968 2019 true xt7crj48sf3r section xt7crj48sf3r , - I "5. ,
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, to lion. t let thi: Sulmmerhgo by Without trying at least one .good promouon recreation, travelmg, lightweight clothing, and generally everything that is
Presseilr:l your (Ea melrc (iamts :3 :11 blg sales Idea. Included In this Kentucky fun. Unfortunately, many newspapers are inclined to slow down in their
. , S s promo on ca en ar w c you may find helpful. , sales efforts during these months, when in reality, there is a goldmine await-
, 0 u n u u n v u n ‘ A V
. ‘ ummer Is a time when people are on the _ go . They re Interested In mg anyone Wltl'l a httle lmtlat1ve.
I Read between VAC K I TV
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Wm M“ ' _ _ Q‘G w Assn: AND LIABILITIES m In ml, .wnma m
WWW- as“ an "I: “smmwzw SAVE YOUR BREATH!
‘26 S "“ “‘3‘ GIVE YOUR MESSAGfi YO OUI 9500
. ”b“ $93 _ SAVE ALL THIS WEEK
W «5:94) ... —20 WORDS—
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V THE BARGAINS WERE NF, :3::§"_:',‘,'.'“mo so, ’1? is JQZOQ .‘k CALL , l r WRITE , . . COME IN
, “manual ’0 Q _
Thai Massage Sponsond a, Following Amos Buxinnun$——__:— 32:23:. fa’” . oz”)? "”d [1' . J” 9 .. - ANT AD DEPARTMENT
, 4 mm. “xi-W :zwz'mr' mm.“ "°""°“‘“ "I-(Ie‘r “(9,” 0"» ' II- A .c‘ dIlAINERD DAILY DISPATCH
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i: Swellel no longer . . . (ool ll now VIII. ' J20, ’ 4%%;6v%’ What MeIts Faster ’ 5 We sN $83.8 \\ ,2 g a = E: L; in: :K .
Home All (ondilloner and a low-cosI bnduel “ago {ff 0‘47ng II \o\‘2 . “(8.“ Qt} “ < g 1 g: :E g _=
_ orientated loan from us. “4"qu 06‘ ’64, Than A snow Bu \“‘\\§ {5‘3 ' = m E “o :5 g Q 2:
= I mm ¢> - on \\ - .. : . = 2 '
_,- ‘ "595,0 ~16; In July, QLQ‘SRIQ} 00‘s M < b E EL} t. :3. 5
p: ‘ .ATIUNAL ‘°'""°' Cage 1; ' QNR’ 59a" c My H E 2 £5; 5 § §
, mu Ana ‘~._ v -. (o 0 s "“ ,
Ir. a -A N K 0‘ 022:3; 9 Your vocatlon money when you don’t have W“ IN,” w |d Like a 5 : EELEl’?
3 mA STINGS a well-planned Suvlngs Program PM: new “9 swig: Mr. Moth “I | on u E: 2.”:
1-“ "'32:;:;::t.::::;':r;:o;;:;"" tomawuvawnolevervlwheckf esca- , To Make A 6f h s g 5 fig:
next yeoI’s vocation Your Winte' C 0' e h E S :3 E—

 I .. . * , ' ~ " " " -, ' r . _ , -' z. ,‘ w ""‘T""""t-*3~*""'"'V“-""“ estaneawew.:“W‘jzimmtejgvnrws’goe
_ Page 2, The Kentucky Press, May, 1968 ‘ - _ t K , r, 9‘.
' THE KENTUCKY PRESS . . ' . _ , .._;»:;a;3 *
Official Publication ‘ A d , ' ' . '
_ Kentucky Press Association, Inc. wor o , I _ , QUICKIES , , his.
203 W. 2nd. St. » . .1 . f”
Lexington, Ky. 40507 . ' ’ - ) ,,.’:1s;,‘
4 Printed By hi£2.?::s““:;:ti;hon almost as harshly. Financial in- The Somerset Commonwealth- ’2‘; ' ' , - J'
Voice of St. Matthews, Inc. . stitutions, newspapers, landlords, Journal has joined the growing list ' , -~: -
St. Matthews, Ky. 40297. About three years ago I heard insurance companies and pur- of Kentuckydailies whichhave’con- E , C0
A-J- V|9hW30,JT-.Ed|t0f a convention speaker representing veyors of services were sharply verted to the offset method of 77,9; PL,
Florida Garusori, Asst. Editor ' a council of retail merchants in criticized. printing; A new offset press was {1‘ . be.
L Kentucky “one?“ Commerce another state tell of sitting in on That was just a little more than installed in the'Somerset plant ° " .
Newspaper Association Managers a conference Of community Aetion tWO Years ago When the Speaker in Mayo ' . I I ~ ' i. ,
International Newspaper Promotion Association Program staff people in Washing- was speaking. What is the picture The following Kentu'cky neWSpa— ,3 ). ' _
aener Business Bureau ton. The conference was called by today and where is this so-called permen have received recognition ,, , ” ,
Kemcky P'ess “swish”. IHC- the Office of Economic Opportunity “consumer protection” program? for outstanding, contributions to , 1,1? 1 .
Howard Ogles, President for the purpose of stimulating local Using glamour promotion, pov... their communities and':their’pro- .v 15",} _ A
George M. Wilson, Vice President anti-poverty officials to initiate erty, ignorance, need andundesir- . fession: Carroll'Fisher, national “ I '
A-J-VlehmaniJruSquMgr.-Trs. programs for consumer education. able business tactics as spring— . advertising manager forthe Lex- - -- '
Executlve Co'jnmlttee_ . These were the impressions he boards for- getting attention and . ington Herald-Leader, merchang. . x _ ~
James T- tjIC>_rrIs,Jr-.Challrirnan,(hltnth Dist-l got from that conference: interest, a national—wide Consu-J dising award from the Head—Hil- ,, '
William Nelson(F|rstD-ist;) (1) Liberals, in and out of our mer Federation of' America drive , leary-Hawkins Food Brokerage (a '.
iigcfizlyirgggrfiac'fl: 3:55;: government are determined that is underway with the blessings CompahY; Bert Berrone, Sports ~ ‘- '
Ben E Boone 9'“ (Fourth dist) consumers be educated to distrust of the federal government. Our editor, Bowling Green DailyNew's, ,» , co
Clayton Rolindwmh Dim- busmess people as predators in- government has i18 agencies and Western Kentucky University s: ., .
ThomasM Bud . “*3
busmess legislation. Other bus- forced to finance the seeds of _ _ <<.7,:;:j~+g_;1"
to blame the young people __ the iness semen“; were dealt with h i d 'i 9 Harlan Dally Enterprlse - - item)» ' L ti
12-year-old who gets a $15-a— W . . g.
month allowance for doing nothing, _ ‘ , l 1 h d e tc
3:563:38 iii 133635635; they W amusemmonweamim 3W“ valets ey ay ,3 h.
the “hippies”. . , the 284333}; ' America’s love affair with the » P‘
olds who feel they would rather . ' internal combustion engine has, :: i : -
be on “relief” than to accept a A SBHSIhle course on [In control moved fromthe highway to the—ssgtgggfu. 7??
job that pays less than $15,000 ' driveway. _ 3 ., .,. _ a
a year. Don’t blame them. Blame ' , From a $62-milllon annual 'V°1*._i§1.477}f}."t"4 ' a
the parents, and, yes, even the _ _ , _ , , , ume five years ago, the,P0W9.I‘uI’,S§fi;;§WV .) g
grandparents. We taught them Gun control legislation is another over the ownership and operation mower industry has roared toaiojggu 1' . 1‘
these things. one of. those subjects it seems 0f motor vehicles? . hefty $234 million estimated for”g ’ -'_ C
Most __ and I hope I am not 1mposs1ble to discuss dispassion- Forget the Cl‘lmlhal- The fact IS, 1968. ' ,1 ' __*i"tl
talking about the majority of Amer- ately. guns may indeed kill people. Center of all this are riding 5' 7' n
icans __ have forgotten the word To some, 10086 gun C0ht1‘01 laws At least one psychological study mowers and lawn and garden trac- 1 , ) n
“no”. It’s easier to hand a young— are solely responsrble for, and has shown that, in tense emotion— tors, which are expected to ac,» leg * 0
ster $2.00 to go to a movie than stiff gun control laws are the ‘ a1 situations, such as anargument, ‘ count for a third of the indus-ftgea3; 1 ,J
to argue about it. only cure for, _the problem of the mere presence or accessi- tI'YS sales thlS year -- some ., n
' So then money has to be one of Violence in America: bility of a weapon like a gun 900,000 units -— while manuface ’ I
, the things wrong. And money start— To others, restrictions over the heightens aggressive feelings,The turers compete'in a horsepower!5}"?Eiiie , .
ed getting “easy" during World purchase and ownership 0f guns trigger, in a very real way, pulls options and styling race thatWOuldj‘ ; 71
_ War II. is the first step toward disarming the finger. do Detroit proud. - lg‘ 3 1
And now money is getting even the American citizenry, whiCh is It is this which is perhaps the , Standard equipment for new trac- 3». _ ‘ _‘
easier to get __ one way or an- the last step before theutake- strongest argument for gun con- tors includes three—speed trans-,végggggii ' ,‘
. other __ for the average person. over of America. by them. trol legislation. missions, wide oval tires, park—,1;g—;r~;§i§% .'
so, I blame money, too. _ If a man under the influence of ing brakes, fuel gauges and, 0h' i 1 4
Time was when you had to work .There would seem to be a solu— anger could not run down to the many models, electric starters: are ' ’ ‘
__ and work hard __ for a buck. tion somewhere betWeen the ab- store and buy a gun at once, if Horsepower has inched up from ,,,‘:;§.&s..“-I , t
No more. There are even 4—day solutely free and unfettered sale he had to fill out an affidavit or four 01' five a few years ago to) u "
weeks for certain people. of dangerous weapons and the con— go through a waiting period of seven to 12 today. ' * s t
So 1 say it all started 25 years _ fiscation of all that exist in the a few days, lives might be saved. That’s only the beginning. The: .‘i
. ago, and “it” has grown in “pop— country. There would seem to be If a mental defective or an under- new suburban status symbols Gane.‘ T ’-
‘ ularity.” enough collective wisdom among age youth could not send forarifle be decked out with headlights,f’,,i:,~§j;"ijg; .
With “it” has grown lawlessness the 535 members of the U.S. Con- through the mail, lives might be weather cabs, automatic shifts, fl
and disobedience of authority. JUSt gress to write a law which would saved. whitewall tires, chrome hub caps, 1:" - .,
how proud do you think you'd be protect the rights of law—abiding If a, panicky homeowner had to’ wide—track axles, h’lLIIti-instruj " ’
if you Were a policeman and could sportsmen and gun buffs while go through a little red tape be; mented C0ht1'01 panels, cigarette "f; ‘7,
give very little information on 3 making it a bit more difficult for fore buying a gun to defend his lighters and even high—fidelity ra-
crime to a reporter __ or any those who should not have guns house against “them,” lives might dios. Nearly 50 attachments are,,}i‘.;f.;,;
American __ for fear of losing to obtain guns. be saved. ' available -- hydraulically oPer’fiiSUi _ .
your job? Thanks to the recent Let it be granted immediately Even if onlyonelifecouldbe saved ated, Of course -- ranging from. x '
' Reardon Report, that’s just what’s that laws mean little to thelaw- because someone who might have mowers and. snow throwers to g
happening. , breaker. The man who needs. a bought a gun didn’t bother because _ ,spreaders, seeders, Sprayers and ”r -
The recent tragedy in Los An- gun for an evil purpose will find he didn’t care to go through the sweepers, _ if. i. .
geles, you might say, was the re- a gun. But this no more argues legal rigamarole, and thereby an Surpris1ngly, nearly as many a
sult of one“nut.” But those“nuts” against putting controls on guns accident that might have happen- home garden tractor owners live 5:1 a '
» are all over the country, than the high incidence of burg- ed didn't happen, surely the sports- in the Cities as ‘ih the suburbs _,.§v . ,~
I hope and pray that this “first laries argues against putting locks men of America would be-willing -- 2,3 per cent to 26 per-Cent.) is: ,
25 years” is not the start of a on doors. - to, put up with one more annoy- Wthh goes to prove once again
pattern for our Country that will It is time to cease the weary ing inconvenience in this crowded that YOU can take the boy out Of, ‘
' end up as it did for another great refrain thatnglms don’tkill PeOPle' world Where no one’s “rights” the country, ’but ' " ' Or, as “9‘
and powerful country __ the Roman people kill people.” Neither do extend very faroany more without long as there S aspatch of grass 3“ '- . ,
,5... Empire, I have fears and concerns. automobiles kill people. Should we bumping up against somebody to mow, gIVe a man some horse-7 e, u
we’re heading that way. then do away with all controls else’s. , power he can l‘lde- . o,

 V ” ‘wtmwwemwwéwfierfia. woe—«tr» wean-z- meme“ .. -4. unflai.
_ ,4 t". p ,_ , - p - . 4 . , _ . . ~ , May, 1968, The Kentucky Press, Page 3 _ j;
- I- '» I‘ - - Vu’...» , , ' -
I ‘ . Newport" Advmtttns to e. . ‘ e;
~ . ' i tit:gégigi:igégézéiégégégégiié'E312;2EgEgé.é.5;.;§5§:;=§;§5ig:§g§géa.3.*ééiiéisiéiééé:;::2§s:i§izii%::§5éi ;
,4; -. A A i‘ 2 - I
, C L E N D R W the _ JeCtS off guard. Or, introduce a
. - 4 _- EXVS‘S‘SZmaIEJZZI °""“°’ gimmick What kind of gimmick?
, JULY: Vacation and travel time .g: s Workshop Services We", take the lineup shop» that
- - .:- Hot weather promotion - g ‘ horror to end an horrors. Maybe ..
4. C°mmunity Clearance sales -- “it ., ‘ . the women’s Club is Planning a '
. 1 - PLUS the special events listed Y.°hr editorialtproducts IS com- Card Perth Instead of the side-hy- ‘
'- hem-t , , a Fused 0ftw0basichuildihah1°°ke- side lineup, Stand them one he- ‘
- ‘ gulvhcfierance Sales 'n%:3 and pictures. hind the Other and let the Chet in r
' > , .- res pSoda Bath Season e est news and feature stor- ' front hold Up an ace of s Ia'de ,
:1: :- Nat‘ I ' ‘ - . , p . S' .
T » . _. N532; fig’tbgzgen'z’gflf‘h ., e 195 m the world won’t make Your Shoot slightly to'one side so the “ .3.
1. 4 ‘Picnic Time is‘PickIe Time ~ - Paper a winner in overall execl- ace looms up- in front, with the
, , Sam? 5.5353" Begins ( ) lengeb unless they are accompa- women visible ‘ behind it. That’s '
omInIon ay, anada, 1-Mon. 5 '3'5‘3. Die 00d h .' ' ’ 1’ ‘1 I
., INDEPENDENCE DAY (4-Thurs.) ..Wi23:55?=":§§Eé=éif15§5" You 3hear ap ptpgreéphylis well. ' a gimmick. Simple, isn t it? I
LIE." 4 Let's Play Tennis Week (6-13) I .. . O 0 ta tOday 01" say the ledge Officers are. ‘
. _ National Cherry Fe stival (843) , £1513, about givmg readers better pho- planning to equip a youth center.
\_ . 'glattigwallg Pet (VI/3f; (1?-16) v, - tos, but then you look at the ex- Group them in a semicircle \~ ‘
- 3. ' as | e a . ~ . - . - . . -
. .. , :5 . St.8within: DayIIIg-Mon.) , a _ changes (and maybe even your around some athletic equipment. ,
. Joseph Lee Day (26%” p. , own paper) and you still see the Another- gimmick — and it’s so
. NATIONAL FARMSAFETYWEEK , . . same old deadly stuff-the same easy. '
5‘5" , _ 'COMING Maugha- _ ' ~ 5 five or six women’s club members Other possibilities for variation
"of: . ‘ BACK-toSCHo-OLPROMOTIONSI 1 ROBERT M“ SHAW gadgrdsgel'omcers or Boy SCOUt are: Emphasize one figure; dis—
_ , med up in a row, staring _
August.FurnIture Sales Cont d t 5
9:; . August Fur Sales . ’ . at the camera‘ dig—___.—
. 3.7, . _ fugém VII/hit? Bed(dingSaIes Now, I ask you, are these rows .
. t's owing ime August) . of faces looking at the birdie the
, Nat'I Greeting Card Week (4—10)» t ‘ ' ' '
:7, _ Nationalsmne Week (540) Robert M Shaw named most 1nterest1ng thing in “your
V_J-Day’19¢5”4‘WedJ . , community every week? Well, I a "mu ups Press ‘
II:I_atIlonfl AVIaaonlDay HEB—Mon.) , don’t think so. And I have a hunch ’
5;}: me eague ordSeries I you don’t either
:1 begins (20-Tues.) ' N t l N p p . - A . . d
1:3. ’- (LABOR DAY,Sept.2, Monday) as a IIIIIa 3W3 a er g‘hti things you’ve got to do, first ssoauhon "es
,7 . JULY SALES TIPS ‘ _ o a 1, is find a way to make those
:7: ‘ . ‘ week Chan-man routine pictures more 1nteres- - Alabama Press Association, by a
» :7. ._ JULYasclearance time - many mg.’ Then, above and beyond that, VOte 0f the memberShipi Will in—
} it ..commun1t1es stage carnival-type you ve also got to go out and dig crease association dues for news— .
5, , promotions such as Krazy Days, Robert M. Shaw, Manager of the up something ' different in the papers effective Januar 1 1969
_ . . . . Y ,. .
Sidewalk Sales, RidikuIOus Days, anesota Newspaper Associat1on,» way 0f news and feature photos For weeklies, the annual dues
; ‘ Moonlight Madness and others. will direct the National News- that are going to reach out and start at $55;00 per year for news-
, H _ Mp‘ch 'July adyertising stresses paper Week Promotion this year. grab your readers. papers of 1,000 circulation .and
. i _the keep cool theme especially Dates for this year s observance First, let 3 get away from those under and go up to $125.00 peryear” '
: ._ _.=‘ retail stores, theaters, cafes. -_ are October 6-12. October 12th cliche shots - the lineup, the hand— for papers of over 5,000'circula—
i .‘ . Ah- conditioning equipment for will be Newspaper Boy Day. shake, the check presentation, tiOn.‘ I ' '
_ . 3 I”? , home, office, store and factory Mr. Shaw, a former Manager of the gavel—passing and the procla— For dailies, dues start at $60.00
3 is in peak demand now. _ Sales Washington Newspaper Publishers mation-signing. Nobody except per year for those with a circu- .v
7 _. ,4 9f outdoor furniture are July pro- Association, is currently a mem- the participants is really going lation of 5,000 and under and in-
‘ ,5 ‘motions. _ Its top-of-the-season ber of the Board of Directors of to linger more than about two crease in 5 steps to $420.00 per
i . . for ice cream, beverages, many Newspaper Association Managers, seconds over such dull pictures. year for papers with over 30,000
.. .1 toiletries, photo equipment and the annual sponsors of National Try a candid shot With the sub— circulation. »
. hdeveloping services, ice. - Suc- NeWSpaper Week. Mr. Shaw has 4' A:
. _. , cessful merchandising. requires selected as a theme for this year's 1'!
. (s: 1 4. . clearing slow-movers and odd lots National‘ Newspaper Week Pro- . ,=
_ , ‘ I ‘Z of 'Summer goods HOW. _ It’s a pmotion Newspapers, Newspapers I
a! g,.huartimexfor» launderers and dry‘ . . . The Independent Medium}? , ’ . “4}
t ' retardeanersas hOt days play havoc Pr°rri°t1°n kits ‘0 aSSiSt PUb' ' . I
t. Egz'ififl'thFth'fzeummerv clothing. -'Now is the ushers in the Observance 01‘ Nav Wh t h
n;,n,eytime to, push' outdoors painting, tional Newspaper Week will be ' a appens ' . ‘ '_ t
goofingf finsulatiogsil moderniza- 3:133 Eaten newspapers in the - l . j I. C “I
Q 1 on .70 omes es an man news~ ' W ell a tale "7
*1 dods and 1’ u ding repair papers abroad in mid-Se ytembe - S p S I I
.g ' h ' se‘rlv ces. f Rfimerhlber, for the October 6 12 b p I, . I I
too, t e annua appea to ave ome. ' ° servance. ' - '
. heftiggbaepflsemedand..- Nggsggitgiwerigaidinfi ra 111 8 amps
1 JULY 4th is an annual outing for to Robert M' Shaw, Manager, Min- Read this _nevvs release from I
- t; :: , emost families and brings with it nMeskpitla gliwspaper Association,616 NewYork UmVCrSItY ' I I
f f ‘ , alm‘oat numberless needs...foods Stgeet 13/332331? fifth Sixth - . '
”.5; , and beverages, picnic supplies, Zi Code 55402 P ’ nnesota, “gnaw; . as when a supermarket .
’ ‘ gasoline and motor services,f1sh- p ‘ ” ens to food Ptlc drop hug“ well
. ing and other sports equi Mr. Shaw solicits the assistance What happ t2 Does a Stamp
f; p pment, f , d . trading stampS- .
: r camping supplies. Some communin fndiailtil' ilntereste organizationS, dropihe consumer? - no of New York
._ :5" ties ,stagecooperative celebrations ' v ua S and firms in this Oh“ for ublished in theftnnlisinds that stores
e 5;: mostly for entertainment. Many servance.“ 1 A S.tucI: IIIJom—nal of Katalin-tiny neighborhoods
' ‘ newspapers run cooperative pages Wivefiltyed stamps in two large)t the reductions ,
"« f; j on patriotic themes as well as for . STAMPS . (ONHAIM ' thatgggogfit prices initialle 1.
: ii ’ July ~4th merchandise needs. Re- ‘ .4 m 1 t maintained' -' U iversitY'S I
‘- t ' - b’ hi h f NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING SERVICE ' were no nnsylvanla n .
; ,rmem er g way sa ety ads di— . ”W n a,“ _ “mum Wmmwm f F E. Brown of P6 C meme baSed hls ,
p t: , - rected to holiday motorists. . , ‘ “554,051 of Finance and Zr 80 items each-
FARM SAFETY WEEK: In many 3““ “' L°'°”° Whariigions on 39 price chews w“ discovered:
.( , farming communities, this event - F" :"MW" L‘"'°. com may areas. Pt°fess°§182gneral price '
. - .. is a major July promotion. Ad- ' m "n" "'th I“ both; the stem? ‘9’?“ on-tlefmonth period." _
, .- vertising by individuals and groups . "the leigzcdisappeated Within a m ts in I
Cite the appalling number 0f fatal EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING le - stores reacted to cho prices We
- ‘5, and crippling accidents on farms, FE A _ C°mpetmg Some actually ”duct m s sonnetitors "
:1; ‘ and point out ways to correct con- 7 TURES diffrerenttxgysstore that eliminatefic: Sigrere‘nce to »
53;, ditions leading to avoidable acci-. FOR WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS tha“ dldt allow a sianiti‘ca“t p” I
' f: , .. . dents. The department of agricul- DETAILS ON REQUEST-4 ' w°uld “0 Brown round- riod in 1966.
, _' ture, farm organizations, insur- NO OBLIGATION we“ up, d or the 12-month SW” ‘36-,“ all. the '
" ance companies and others cooper- C . & S BY?” g“ the two areas had résigumer Price
,-'. ~ ‘ ' ate to drive safety message home - ommumty uburbun' 1‘00“ prices lnbout as much as the o'ty for “him ‘t
- to farmers Most newspapershave Press SeI'VIce sthdy St°res a - the most similar Cl d t
‘ I ‘" ' ” - for f00d 1“ 'Brown discovere - .f‘
, : already received copy suggested I00 I565i Mil“. Frankfort. KY- 40601 . Index were data. meessm ~ situations. ;
5; ~; on this event from one or more Telephone 502-223-1621 there 1 ded that in stehp_dr°pglgiiume
. . of the above mentioned sources. Franho F D d he.°°“§yutne dropper to m-Cfeszsueeze, re5t°tati°n ,
- j VACATION-TIME: Many em— . "‘ ' ”_9e°“' “the‘fiifimy will brine a ”Malia with different .
t ' ployees . “two ’weeks With pay” Ed|t°r3t PubIIsher Sign} the? prices, and a new CV . ‘
_‘ is . (or otherwise) are set for July. Mogfiions." data for the ,5
This means a wholesale movement pr fessor pointed out that1f pricing 1'
. : ' from lcity and town to the country' ' . The pro . d by on-srte she of Labor :3:-
, 4 , a P n M‘ ‘ were obtame . b the Bureau - 'ts ‘~
. g, , ... beaches ... mountains ... lakes withryur-OIEIEEET StUdy med by women trained I: in connection With 1 2,
I. ‘, .m resorts. Motoring is America’s “Mn... "« estimated perftirstics to do similar wor t
, ’ “way-to—go” and this calls for (3:29 335? 33:11:33uaessifirvice Sta may Price Index- . ' l'Shed by :1"
, t f, , .17., gIe Consu . u 15 pub 1 t ”4
. .5 advertising on automotive products We: source of selling values. ' "Journal Of Retailing of Retail Managemen . 4
u h . and services. Getting ready to go \ Ilgif Easy-jo-read formaI;_ 4:2: University '5 Immune
I 1.1;: : , means extra advertising for many \ . ,. ii SIEEIIIZ'INIIEEiejfand New 0 , _ , -,_:'..'-t153;:iiiliii'I-IEI'Q':I_:I.V-'_I{'.‘5IEIIIIIIEEIIIIZ “X
I: lines of business including sports i revised as costs change, I , 3W I
~ .and outdoor apparel and accesso- wm ,od, - ' ' t GREEN ‘..
y for — bo-DAY FREE TRIAL q :9 ' . ' S'rAMPs "
~ ries, luggage, camping equipment, The Sperm b Hum/””30” COMM”) Smce1896 i -‘3
1,. _ sun glasses, “in-the-sun” COS_ , PORTE PUBLISHING COMPANY §
. , metlcs, cameras and films, bath- 952 E. ZIsf 50,, Salt Lake CIfy, Utah was _
* ing needs and many other items. , I-
’ 4: . I7»:- ‘15:?iff‘TETu—jmfrWv—Fre—r—ewrfi—xn;«—.—*.~~——e,—~,—e—eufi-fi.f_rm_;______._ih,..._i.._L-.._,_._h_,_w,_-,,_,_________ _ _fiqnfig

 Page 4, The Kentucky Press, May, 1938 ' ,. . - , : ' ‘
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{it‘s ,.: ,:. if is 2- t '~ - .'4':'2::2-::=:'.1':1':::5E33:13:5555255352533'535353"$233233512251535}:<2..3%?EE25E5I533E5253535EEEEE5E:3:25E-23EIIIStE5EiiE5E5i1?EE=53I5I323E?:5i5{42552225535155}??? l:
‘ xi Washington. D. C. - Illinois week- editor of the Somerset (KY0 Com- S
i, ly newspaper publisher, Verle V. monwealth-Journal. was reelected n
gt Kramer. was elected President of to the Board- A new board mem- « E
, t the stationglégNggspaper :ssoeia- bet is ghillin veg 0132131511335; g
i tion or - at t e ssocm- son, exe u l e l e r 8 en . ‘
~" ,, tton's 83rd Annual Convention held general magager of) 1Ellleott eity tl
. in Los Angeles May 15-19. «mm Strom erg Pu ications, no. t:
' Kramer had previously served as Kramer, in addition to publishing f:
it“ NNA vice prelsidentbimd succeegs his hgrinetocwn niewspaper - tEIeiGhb_ ‘ n
John H. Bidd e, pu isher of t e son ty our er — co-pu 3 es t
" . Huntingdon (Pa-i Daily 1??“ as fieven .035? centrgi Igimls week- ' . d
., ~ = the head of NNA. Kramer a serv- es Wit is son avl . y
' . 7 ’ l .. ' tors for seven years. all of the Offices through Presi- ta
= , age p Other NNA officers include Jack deney in the Illinois Press Assn" ‘ h
' :' Lough, publisher of the Albion and has been named “Editor of e
' " ,1 --31:3;.57» " Cornwell, publisher of the Murray Shamber of Committee 0;! which or b
’ _. indigent 239:“; .. (Utah) Eagle who Was reelected e is a past Pres ent. e is a 11
‘ ‘ , .. "" i,'Ii;-:;,,;;,§;,;Lgit; 73:12; treasurer. director of American Newspaper ' n
' " ‘- 1-1:? 53'” » Retiring NNA President Biddle Representatives: Inc- ' I
1‘ ;’ replaces Walter Bc Potter, pub- Kramer attended the University 1‘.
_.:;§ii;i"i'>"g:}§:,.“,;i';;: ' 252.355:2.1;";,;;;..:‘_.jii,fi_; lisher of the Culpeper (Va.) Star- of Missouri. He is married to the 7 t
.- .. = .. _ ' . Exponent as Chairman of the Board former Sybil Mershon of Buckner. ~ in
, - .51"?.,:-:::;Et:..=? 5:: ,_ of Directors George Joelln Illt' MO- 15
-. g? " y , ‘ 1
g , ”s v
‘ e
ews gan er 1
- c
. . u c
__ S
at of er oose ,, e
. Q, 0
Editors Note: Here is a tid-bit Below are samples -— some of g
from the Pennsylvania Newspaper which might be improved upon -— j
Publishers Association Publica- some of which might be better . E
tion. Hope you enjoy