xt7crj48sd0f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48sd0f/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2002-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 2002 text GLSO News, November 2002 2002 2002-11 2019 true xt7crj48sd0f section xt7crj48sd0f l
¢;-»-- / “Y E
ammo NEWS +
“ WflON
‘ Deduction. Kemuctv/ November 2002
A publication 0F the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service OrganiZation E
Volume 17 Number 11 E
With a focus on stigma and discrimina- 2003 CALENDER
tion, World AIDS Day 2002 will encourage The Imperial Court Of Kentucky WI“ ‘
people to break the silence and the barri- launch its Working Girls 20.03 calendar With
ers to effective HIV/AIDS prevention and a reception and show at The Bar 0" Wed.
care. Please join AIDS Volunteers, Inc. NOV 6, starting at 8 Pm-- Following the 3110- ‘
and the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington cess 0f last year’s Femrne FataIe calendar,
AIDS Ministry for these activities. Working Girls features Empress XXI Nicole E
On Sunday, Dec 1, at 3pm, "Belinda", Diamond. Emperor XXI OMS Kean and mem- E
an Appalshop documentary about Belinda bers of their lines of descent in a variety of
Mason will be shown at the downtown traditional and non-traditional occupations. E
Public Library theater. Funny, down-to- Images crafted by photographer Nash E
earth, and -never se|f_pitying’ Belinda Werner include Natalie Gaye as a French E
speaks of our need for a collective maid, Cammie Deitn'ch as a doctor, Chelsea 2
response to AIDS which is not crippled by Pearl as a glamorous pinup style mechanic
racism, homophobia, fear or ignorance and many others. The celebration WI“ begin E
Following the film, we will have a panel With a complimentary buffet by Chef Sam E
presentation, discussion and reception. Sears. Performers featured in the calendar E
Later that evening there will be an ecu- WI" be on hand '0 autograph copies- The E
menical worship service in Remembrance Working Girls show WI" begin at 9330- E
and Hope for persons with AIDS, their Tickets for the show are $5 or free with E
family and friends, and for all those who purchase Of a calendar. Calendars are $14 E
have been affected by HIV. The service with proceeds benefiting Moveable Feast. E
will begin at 5:30 pm at the Woodland Working Girls 2003 will be available at Posh ,
Christian Church, 530 East High St. Salon & Spa or by calling Moveable Feast E
A candlelight processional and vigil will at 252‘2867- ...continued 0” page 2
take place immediately following the serv- gmo E
ice, at approximately 6:30 pm. The vigil E sponsor Of the month E E
will be held at the Pavilion in Woodland ::
Park. For those not attending the Worship _: E E
Service, there will be another staging area ; Dem“ Hensky E E
for a processional at Common Grounds E: 5
Coffeehouse, 343 East High Street, begin- E Insurance E E
ning at 5:30. I: h E
There is additional information on page i 7573 flwgofluofl: £1 E E
18. If you have any questions, please con- ; 276-3244 ,7 E
tact AVOL at (859) 225-3000. : g

 , .1 Nash Werner, who has done a wonderful job on this
, 3»: .133: // GAY and calender, has been a photographer since the early
”in" LESBIAN 19903 . He is self-taught and works side by side with the
YWCE developer to produce images that reflect the same
F WHON depth and energy originally observed through his cam-
WW. Kemucxy era lens. blash has lived and practiced hlS art In Oahu,
San Francrsco, and Kentucky. He captures hlS percep-
TGL so NEWS tions in both black and white and color film. 5
Volume 17 Issue 11 Volunteers Recognlzed :
published monthly by The Volunteer Awards Banquet held in October was
The Lexington Gay well attended and enjoyed. (It got the vote for the best S
Lesbian banquet food yet.) It is always great to meet some peo- S
Service Organization ple who have not attended before including some I
389 Waller Ave. straight supporters. Tom Collins did a great job as MC- f
thanks, Torn. We thank SisterSound and The Men’s <
Editors Chorus for providing wonderful entertainment. (
Mary Crone John Ridener Michael Thompson, winner of last year’s Wasson <
Award, presented the 2002 Wasson Award to Stephen <
Board Members Foster, aka Natalie Gaye who as been a source of I
Terry Mullins, President inspiration and progressive change in Lexington for the 5
Jerry Neff, Vice President last decade. As Empress XV and XX, Natalie was at (
Sharon Howard, Treasurer the forefront of fundraising efforts amounting to over E
Mary Crone, Editor $75,000. Stephen’s reputation for integrity, fairness and 5
John Ridener, Secretary compassion distinguish him as a remarkable leader in
Thomas Collins our community. Congratulations, Stephen. I
Cary Sudduth Jamie McDaniel and David Cupps were also nominat— '
Tom Collins ed for this award. Jamie is the coordinator of Soulforce, E
B'" Chand'f” and an adult advisor for the teen Gay Straight Alliance. l
Sarah Martln He has engaged in dialogue with conservative Baptist 5
Lee Noble Ministers and willingly gone to jail when involved in non- i
violent Soulforce direct actions.
GLSO Annual Dues 8‘ David Cupps has has worked diligently for our com-
Newsletter. munity in many areas. He served as the President of
lndIVIdual ' $15 the Board of AVOL, Treasurer of Kentucky Fairness and \
Couple ' $25 an active member of the Bluegrass chapter, and an (
active member of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church. (
Opinionsexpressed in the GLSO’NeWS Jerry Neff, \fice President of GLSO, presented the (
2:311): fecggsifitu $3332? gznéflgg Rainbow Community Service Award to the Imperial |
Board. Submissions are welcome and Court Of Kentucky. They are the first group to win this |
Eligsrfiévzivtfiigfiilegi fit/‘3'“: award a second time. The past year has been one of ,
the right to reject submissions or record breaking activity, resulting in over $43,000 raised 5
advertisements for local charities. AVOL and SisterSound were also 5
nominated for this award.
continued on page 4 (
WW .

 is I i
.. Community :News
1' Dress and Gender Alliance pm. All proceeds will go toward providing !
3: The next meeting of the Lexington Dress a hot and nourishing Thanksgivmg Day i
& Gender Alliance (LexDGA) will be meal to those liVIng With HIV/AIDS. Come i
Saturday Nov. 2 at 8 pm. Please email and enjoy a wonderfui show as we come i
LexDGA@aol.com or call (859)433-8388 “ether? ‘3 fam'W '" the true 39"“ 0f 1
for the location. Thanksgivmg! i
as The LexDGA is a peer social support ‘
st group which meets monthly to discuss how Moveable Feast
0- gender affects our lives, to help members Moveable Feast will need some extra help
ie network with others who have similar inter- . . . .
3- ests, and to assist members with the diffi- w'th meal preparation and delivery m the
is culties they face in navigating this bi-gen- upcoming holiday season. They are quCK- i
dered world. We are open to cross- ly approaching 100'000 meals sewed’ the i
. benefits to hundreds of people IIVIng wrth i
’" ereeee'e’ transgendered fe'ke’ drag “nee” HIV/AIDS is immeasurable If you can drive 3
in drag queens, transsexuals, effeminate a car, even for just one or two evenings, i
Of men, masculine weme'?’ androgynous per- you can help change a life. Call 252-2867. i
1e sons, persons born intersexed, gender i
at queer and gender questioning individuals,
er as well as supportive friends, family, and SISTAHS IN THE LIFE i
ld significant others. Sistahs In The Life is a support group i
in As always, meetings are free and you for Black Lesbians and Bi-sexual women. i
may dress in any way you fee| comfortable. Join US for provocative discussions about i
it- The group founders do not offer counseling our “V95 and experiences. We meet at 7
e, and the LexDGA is not a therapy group. pm every first Tuesday at the Pride Center. 1
3. Meetings are generally on the 1st For information, call Joan at 859 539—2657 :
st Saturdays of each month and are not a dat— or email Jweslie@aol.com. i
n- ing service. i
Men Of All Colors Together 1
n- Thanksgrvmg Benefit Kentucky Men of all Colors Together
0f It's the time of year when we sit down (MACT) isa ohapterofthe National Association i
'd with our families, friends and significant of Black and White Men Together. These are i
in others to give thanks. It is also a time for gay multiracial organizations which foster i
giving. Tiffany & Company invites every- supportive environments where friendships i
'9 one to Crossings, Wed. NOV. 20, for our and partnerships can be celebrated free of 1
f“ Moveable Feast Thanksgiving Show. racial and cultural barriers. '
'5 Entertainers for the evening are: Tiffany This group is reorganizing in Lexington. i
Of Andrews, Mescha, Val E. Sheridan, Miss For more information see the web page at
id Sheena, Clarissa Cumberland and Rayna mactky,com, email us at mactky@aol.com,
‘0 Starr. telephone 859 351-4453 Jon, or write to i
We are asking for a $5 donation at the MACT KY, PO Box 910596, Lexington, Ky. i
1 door and the show will begin promptly at 10 40591—0596, ..continued on page 4 i

 Volunteers Honored from page 2 Lexington Men's Chorus
Seven organizations gave Volunteer of "You're Home For The Holidays"
the Year Awards. SisterSound awarded On Saturday, Dec 7th, at 7 pm at St.
Beth Hartman for her work in design and Michael's Episcopal Church, LMC will
for establishing their web site WWW-QGOCI' present its annual holiday concert with a
ties.com/sistersound/. _ special salute to Rosemary Clooney. The
ThejoeLIiIiervcgir'Id p::8?r:::|itr?: aELerigg concert will be held in the church's sanctu-
worked diligently on all those details that ary Wh,ICh has a 2e0+ capaCIty and great
are important to keep any organization acoustics. There Will beia reception follow-
going. ing the concert that Will be full of good
Moveable Feast, which depends on 200 cheer for all LMC supporters. Directions
hours a week from dedicated volunteers, WI" be printed next month.
gave its volunteer of the year award to Kelli Tickets: $15 for "“3 concert or take
Considine. She had some interesting advantage Of one Of our season ticket
things to say about working emotions into packages: $25 1-Standard Holiday ticket
the food as she cooked. and 1-Standard Pride ticket.
Integrity, a new and growing support Or: $301-Standard Holiday ticket
group meeting at St Michael’s Episcopal and 1-VIP Pride ticket
Church, presented its award to David LMC's Pride Concert 2003 will be held at
Hance. The Imperial Court honored theLexingtonOperal-louse in June.
Donny ROYCE. Emperor XX, for his SUC— For tickets: call 269-9739 (Voice Mail
Gees in helping the court raise over after 5:30pm), FAX 859-266-9396, web site
$45,000 last year. _ www.lmcky.org, email friends@lmcky.org
GLSO gave two volunteer awards this or write Lex Men's Chorus PO. Box 1913.
year. With the broad programming we pro- Lex KY 40588-1913 lVlake checks oi
vide we depend on a large number of vol- ’ ' _ .
unteers to keep us going. Davina Warner money orders payable to .LeXington Men S
was chosen for her work to keep the pride Chorus. Tickets also available from LMC
Center open on Saturday and her leader— members. We accept AMEX: Discover,
ship in offering many activities at the cen- MasterCard or VISA (please call in credit
ter. Homer Tracy was honored for his work card orders, limit 4 ticket orders per card).
in directing many plays for ActOut Call John Hawks at 859-269—9739 if you
Jim Dickerson presented the Bluegrass wish to become a "Friend of The Chorus"
Fairness award to Cindy Downey who has or to make a tax-deductible donation.
organized and “manned” infor-
mation booths at a variety 0f ' '
Lexington functions including I 5 I .11} e g 'I ' CHERS
the 4th of July celebration. s, ‘ ~5- 1 , =
AVOL director Cathy Cox We). .I affixmisingl'franspoflation
presented Scott Ackerman «effigy WHMWIMMI
with their Fundraiser of the 'Iwmfldmt “by 3.11.0.
Year award. Scott’s creativity .4 e 121:, '; I4, .. ““4”“ _
AIDS Walk for Life tremen- flee; calltssgu73~7202 I
dously successful. f I To" Free .14877B32-8958
GLSO page 4 .

 Debra Hensley Insurance
2: Where diversity, faimess, and respect are valued
W: For All Your Insurance Needs F

e: W islyin g you and ‘
if; your filmily a ‘
E . _ 7 Happy
2;? . . .1 , denksgiving ;
. 1513 Nicholasville Rd.
1 Lexington, Ky, 40503
" Near UK !
859 276-3244 3
L l

 P1006 “MGR News
g 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3 #
GAMES NIGHT free to bring snacks and soft drinks. Who
knows, you may find someone to share a

Our games nights have been a lot of bag of popcorn with.
fun. We've found some trivia buffs and
card sharks in our community, but most of Pride Gallery
all, we've had a great time meeting new The Pride Gallery is actively seeking
people. A" you need '8 a sense Of adven- artists interested in showing their work at
ture and a deSIre to play some games. the Pride Center. To discuss the possibili-
Jom us for our next games night, Friday, ties, please contact Thomas Collins at 859
Nove_mbe' 22 at. 7 P” 'f YO” have_ 8 225—0094 or the Pride Center at 859 253-
favorite game, bring It; you may find a km- 3233. All artisans welcome. If you don't
dred spirit or two. Feel free to bring soft have enough work for a complete show,
dunks and mumhles to Share‘ 1““ come and but would still like to use the venue to dis-
hang om and have fim' play and sell, we can pair you up with

another artist Twenty percent of the pro-
LESBIAN VIDEO NIGHT ceeds from sold artwork will go to the Pride

Join us Friday, November 8 at 7:00 pm. Center.
as we continue our examination of films
featuring lesbian teens. After two-months Pride Center Library
of lesbian teen angst, we turn to comedy Highlights; Humor
with "But I'm A Cheerleader.“ This 1999 byjane Minder
comedy stars Natasha Lyonne as Megan,

a popular cheer leader, who is sent off to "i like nonsense, it wakes

the homosexual rehabilitation camp ”True Up the brain cells." Dr. Seuss
Directions" after an intervention by family Have ya' had a good laugh lately? Do
and friends in'which she is given the signs you remember the last time something
she Is, a lesbian: Ishes a vegetarian, she "queer" struck you as hilarious? If not, get
doesnt like kissmg her boyfriend, and yourself over to the Pride Center Library
she’s gota poster ofa Melissa Etheridge in and yuck it up with some of these books
her bedroom. and videos:

True Directions is a pink and blue camp
of gender stereotypes under the fascist Complete Dykes to Watch Out For, Volume
leadership of Cathy Mon'arty and camp One. Alison Bechdel. (HQ75-6-U5B391 C737)
counselor RuPaul Charles, who is simply Do What I Say: Ms. Behavior‘s Guide to
hilarious teaching gay boys how to be real Gay & Lesbian Etiquette [Audio book].
men. While at camp, Megan finds her tnie Meryl Cohn. (AUDIO BOOK Do)
self with the help of the rebellious and
secure lesbian Graham, played by Clea Kate Clinton: The Queen of Comedy
Duval (Girl Interrupted). (\fideocassette). (VIDEO Kate)

This outrageous comedy is rated R' Little Book of Neuroses: Ongoing Trials
So, join us at the Pride Center for an From My Queer Life. Michael Thomas Ford.
evening of laughs and conversation. Feel (PN 6231 .H57 F677) ..con tinue d page 8
GLSO Page 6 '

 ,ho "‘3..THE lmPERlAL CeURT er: KENTUCKY 3
3 a 7 "7 "3 ‘5' ‘ :2 r: 1" :1- _ i” .v ~: " is 1: ‘ -t ‘. :' V :5, ‘
lng We}. - ' £51.;
)ili- _ 5 ” 1
53- f8 5 7 f f I ' . ' £3
_ w _ g... > , Q - ea"
is . i“ fifitei“; .." .. .. 1%, i
a -. ‘ 5 ”i ' “ flint , ‘ Vii : 5
DO if] V. I , 8:71“ W; rifiwaégréfi IV Wig? i.
3 Calendar Premier Party at The Bar Complex %
:7: .5. ‘_ 224 East Main Street, Lexmgton, KY
to «a Nov‘ember 6, 2002 eff; ‘
1k]. A“ . Reception, Signing, Sales begin at 8 pm. j i
:3; Show featuring calendar models at 9:30 p.m. e: j
rdY . » Free aduussron Wltl’l $514 purchase of calendar i
,1 ; Onlme orders at wwwfeastlexorg or call 859.252.2867 j ,. ‘
— GLSO Page 7 i

 Misadventures of Tim McPick. Daniel Reli .OUS Grou S
Curzon. (F Curz M678) g1 P
Oranges are Not the Only Fruit. Jeanette Integrity HleifpfigthY group for
Winterson. (F Wint063) Episcopalians and friends, meets at St.
Out Loud & Laughing: A Collection of Gay Michael’s Episcopal Church at 2025
& Lesbian Humor. Charles Flowers, ed. Bellefonte. Our next monthly meeting is
(PN 6231.H57098 093) Sunday, Nov. 11th from 4:00PM to
The Ritz. [Videocassette] (VIDEO Ritz) 5:30PM. The topic for discussmn is
"Coming Out to God" and "Internal
Unofficial Gay Manual: Living the Lifestyle Homophobia." |f you have questions, do
or at Least Appearing TO- Kevm DILaI'O- not hesitate to contact the Rectors, David
(HQ 76-3-U5 D55) Boyd or Sandy Stone at 859-277-7511 or
Who Cares If It's a Choice: Snappy email Jbintegrity@aol.com.
Answers to 101 Nosy, lntrusive...Questions
About Lesbians and Gay Men. Ellen Mann/Pagan
Orleans. (PN 4374-075 W628) A Wiccan/Pagan Study Group has
. begun to meet at the Pride Center. If you
Who knew being q'ueer COUId be so much are interested in discussing your spiritual
fun? SO check em 0"“ and wake up a few beliefs with other pagans, please call lggie
brain cells Wh'le you re at 't' The Pride at 859492-9904. Ameeting date and time
Center Library is located at 389 Waller will be set soon. Let us share the love of
Avenue, Suite 100 and is open Monday— the Goddess and God. Blessed Be!
Saturday, 10-3. Stop by for a laugh. ..continued on page 10
Real Estate Service With
‘5?it 1
Scott Ackerman m
Mobile: 859-338-8483 ENTHUSIASM
Voice Mail: 859-294-2055 8 _ L _ t
Office: 859-269-7331 e”'"9 3"” °"
E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com A" of Central Kentucky
Call me With all your Real Estate Needs
GLSO Page 8

F o i
. * The Lexmgton Men’s Chorus i
: Presents
g *‘ “You’re Home For The *- i
1 L Holidays”...With Special *_ i

1 * Salute To Rosemary Clooney *

Saturday, December 7 7:00p

‘ *- St. Michael’s Episcopal Church 4* y
2 2025 Bellefonte Drive, Lexington*
i ********************************* 1
* This Holiday Concert 2002 Ticket $15.00 Q_R * '
f Purchase Season Ticket Packages:
(A)$25.00=l-Standard Holiday 2002 & l-Standard Pride 2003
0 (B)$30.00=l-Standard Holiday 2002 & l-VlP Pride 2003 1
(Pride Concert 2003 at Lexington Opera House. June 2003/Date TBA) i
* To Place Ticket Order(s).. .CALL 859-269-9739 * l
(Weekdays 8:30a-5z30p with Voice Mail afier 5:30p); i
FAX 859-266-9396; VISIT LMC’s Web Site at:
www.lmcky.org ; E-MAIL at: friends@lrncky.org ;
* Q]; See/Talk to Any LMC Member * f
- “ s
Checks or Money orders‘made payable to:
Lexington Men’s Chorus
AMEX, Discover, MasterCard or VISA Accepted. . .
* Please Call-In Credit Card Orders/Limit 4 Ticket Orders Per Credit Card 4 j
*Directions To St. Michael’s: Take Nicholasville Road
i to Zandale Drive, Make 3 LEFT onto Zandale to the L 1
‘ 4-Way Stop, Turn RIGHT to 2025 Bellefonte Drive 1
* “We’re Here, We’re Singing”...Happy Holidays *- |
_ GLSO Page 9
-AA,;,._ . 7 WWW Ij

 Jubilee Fellowship Dlgmty

Jubilee Fellowship is meeting at the Dignity Will be meeting the st and
Pride Center on most Thursday nights at 3rd Sundays of each month. They will
7pm. The second Thursday of each month no longer be meeting at the Pride
we meet at the Pride Center and then go Center. Call Don for information and
elsewhere. If you have any questions call for location at 299—4458.

264-7006 or cwbm121893@aol.com.
Trembling Before G—d
Unltarlan Universalist Church On Thursday, November 7, Trembling

The Unitarian Universalist Church wel- Before G—d will be shown at the Central
comes visitors any time. There are now Public Library Theater at 6:30 PM and
two services every Sunday, at 9:30 and again at 8:30 PM. Though there is no
11:15. On Nov. 3, the worship service are charge, admission to the film is by
entitled “All Saints and All Souls.” and will advanced reservation only. Call Temple
explore our connections with those who Adath Israel at 269-2979 to reserve your
have come and gone before us. free seats.

The choir will sing during the second Trembling Before G-d is an unprece-
service, and there will be guitar and dul- dented feature documentary that shatters
cimer music in the early service. There will assumptions about faith, sexuality, and reli-
be a first Sunday lunch after the second gious fundamentalism. Built around inti-
services on this Sunday starting about mately told personal stories of Hasidic and
12:20. For more information about UU Orthodox Jews who are gay and lesbian, .
Church check the web at www.uucl.org. the film portrays a group of people who

face a profound dilemma—how to reconcile

Women? Sfirituality Gray? their passionate love of Judaism and the

Divine with the biblical prohibitions that are .

The Woman’s Spirituality Group Of the interpreted by the more Orthodox branches '
Unitarian Universalist Church is a social of the Jewish faith to mean that homosexu-
support group in which we learn about and ality is forbidden.
celebrate the sacred female energy within Many of the individuals featured have
the universe and within our selves. We been rejected by their religious community
meet about every two weeks on Friday and their pain is raw. Yet with irony, humor,
nights. Our November meetings will be and resilience, they love, struggle, and
Fridays NOV 1 and NOV 15- We meet at debate with a thousands-year old tradition.
6:30 for potluck and at 7:15 fora program. Ultimately, they are forced to question how
Come at either time. they can pursue truth and faith in their lives.

On the 1st at the home of Mary Crone This film is co-sponsored by Temple
we plan a Samheim ritual in honor Of our Adath Israel, Sr. Chai, Lexington Havurah,
female ancestors. Bring a picture or an Hadassah, and University of Kentucky
item belonging to your ancestor or another Women Studies and Judaic Studies
female role model for the altar. We also Departments.
hope to have a bonfire, weather permitting.

Call for directions or more information 266-
GLSO page 10

 GLSO News Sponsors 2002
Richardson Wsion Center...................................278-4201
‘ 1757 Alexandria Dr.. Gardenside ‘
7 Scott Ackerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . .(voice) 294:2055
(mobile) 338-8483
‘ For all your real estate needs
% SisterSound”i........i.i.......n.......243-0243
Diverse music for all women
ITheCreativeTeam 494-1832 1
-77 Dan Rogers & Teresa Wagoner l
‘ Imperial Court of Kentucky . . . . i . . . . . . . i . . . . .252-3014
‘ ‘ A Charity Organization ]
TheBarCompIex.........................255-1551 ;
5 224 East Main Street
Unitarian Universalist Church i . . . . . . . . . . i . i .223—1448
L , Seeking a Diverse Congregation
' Debra Hensley Insurance . i . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Road 4
WindyKnollFarm.........................299a7410 }
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding j
Lexington Men’s Chorus . . . i i i . . . . i . . . . . . . . .255-1974 3
Rehearsal every Sunday
, 7 7 H l
i ‘ Prudential Securities, David Cupps i . . . . . i . . . .243-5033 1
Specializing in the investment needs of LGBT’s and their families 1
PegasusTraveI 253-1644 1
Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO
_______._”""r j " 7 ...:;;;,,_,,_________—_i.____i’r ' ” 7 W 6605;; 111 ‘

 Ca" “”6“" ' November 2002
Directory for Location.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
I - '
P rl d e C e nte r Ot- L u c k . 6:30 pm Women’s Pride Center Open 10-3
. . Spirituality 8 pm LDGA (call for place)
- - Call Pride enter for (Mavsroue
Tha ks rvrn . Da WWW
v , m e n u it e m 5 (Call for place)
0 ' EN TO . LL '
_ _ g
3 4 5 6 7 - 8 9 ,
9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7 pm P-FLAG Berea 7 pm Sistah’s 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Lesbian Movie Night Pnde Center Open 10'3
Worship Service Public Library-Berea Pride Center Pride Center Pride Center Pride Center '
1-3 pm Imperial Court 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA _ 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
Pride Center 8 pm AA Step Study (Call for place) (Call for place)
6 pm SisterSound (Call for place) 8 pm Calendar Launch
(Call for Place) Party - The Bar
7 pm Dignity - Pride Center 9 pm Rainbow Bowling ,
Southland Lanes
10 11 12 13 . 15 16
9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7 pm Scrapbook Workshop 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 6:30 pm Women Pride Center Open 10-3
Worship Service Pride Center Pride Center Spirituality .
5:30 Men's Chorus 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA '
Rehearsal, St Michaels (Call for place) (Call 'for place) (Call for place) ' * '
6 pm Imperial Court 9 pm Rainbow Bowling
Pride Center , Southland Lanes
6 pm SisterSound ' '
(Call for Place) ' ‘ .
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7 pm GLSO Board Meeting 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gaymes Night Pride Center Open 10-3
Worship Service Pride Center ' Pride Center Pride Center Pride Center _
5:30 Men's Chorus 8 pm AA Step Study , 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA * 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ‘
, Rehearsal, St Michaels (Call for place) . (Call for place) (Call for place)
6 pm SisterSound 9 pm Rainbow Bowling * '
(Call for Place) Southland Lanes
6:30 pm Men of All Colors 10 pm Tiffany &.Co.
Pride Center Crossings ,
7 pm Dignity (Call for Place)
' 24 25 26 , 27 _ _ 28 , , 29 _ 30
9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Farmess 7 pm Discussron Group 2 pm Thanksgivrng Pot— 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA . Pnde Center Open 10-3
Worship Service 8 pm AA Step Study Pride Center Pride Center Luck Pride Center (Call for place) '
5:30 Men’s Choms (Call for place) 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA OPEN TO ALL
Rehearsal, St Michaels . (Call for place) ‘ (Call Pride Center for menu) ‘
6 pm Imperial Court 9 pm Rainbow Bowling -
Pride Center Southland Lanes '
6 pm SisterSound - "
(Call for Place) ,
———————_.....w_._...______________________ W
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 GLBT HISTORY camp survivors. The West German gov- ‘
pan 1; Rosawmkel Pink ernment agreed to this group's demands in
mangle 1982, 30 years after compensation had E
by 77mm allim been granted to other persecuted group. f 7 ,
The universal symbol of Gay Pride, the pan 2; Book Bummgs
Pink Triangle was originally a badge by my] W
designed by Nazi concentration camp offi- . . . . 7 1
cials to designate men incarcerated as Another Interesting Intersection 0f ; ‘
homosexuals. A threeasided cloth badge GLBT HlStOW and the Holocaust was the ;
sewn to the left shoulder and right trouser first Nazi book bummng 0" May 5 1933- , ,
leg of uniforms, the pink triangle or German students from the Berlin School of ,
Rosawinkel was part of an eight-color cod- Physical Education attacked and demol- ,
ing system; yellow for Jews, brown for gyp- ished the Institute Of Sexual Science, one
sites, violet for Jehovah's Witnesses, red for 0f the fii‘St SChO‘lalily groups to study homo- r
political prisoners, blue for emigres, green sexuality. The students hung a bust of the ,,
forcfiminaIS, and bbckfor "anfisoafal" detainees founder of the institute and burned twelve
The color pink was chosen for male thousand bOOk‘S that day. ,
homosexuals as a sign of effeminacy. Prior This undoubtedly intentional choice of ‘ n
to the pink triangle, homosexual men were buming DOOKS that were connected to the
identified by a black dot on their armband, study Of homosexuality as the starting '
or a yellow band with an A, for Arschficken point for more wide spread buming seems
Although sex between women was not to have served ..coni‘inued on next
against the law in Nazi Germany, many '65- a ,
bians were incarcerated as socialists (red Kentucky Bluegrass Fairness
triangles), antisocial "perverts" and "prosti- Bluegrass Chapter
tutes" (black triangles), and along with large .‘ 1
numbers of gay men, as Jews (two yellow , i fifth ‘
triangles to make a Star of David). f‘! " “a
In the 1970's lesbians and gay men fir L, ,2 a ’ fl . tfifi ,
, began wearing pink triangles as a symbol of 7" 7 3 fl:% /
pride and solidanty in the face of oppres— 4 ‘1'". ‘ is ‘m ,
snon. For example, In 1975, the emblem W _ ~* _ .
was used b a "coalition of conscience" Falmess works Withlegmiators and other ‘
y _‘ , _ ‘ ‘ _ , decision-makers to ensure equal treatment
study group WIthln the New York GIVII of LGBT people in the Bluegrass and
Liberties Union to stress opposition to big- around the state, Contact us to help in the ,
otry while fighting for municipal civil rights tight and to stay informed on important
legislation. Starting in 1986, AIDS activists Issues- , my
plastered New York City with stickers with - SUPPORT BLUEGRT'ESSFAIMS”"
pink triangles and the caption "Silence = The BEE‘EGRASS , ,,
Deana ACT up adopted bolt the symbol .mssmced‘ FA'RQ‘EE 55
and the slogan in 1987. Poaox 22032 1* . - , ;
‘ After the war, Rosawinke-I became the fi§§§§t§33§Y No More, No Less I
name Of a German group that campaigned Cali: (859) 296-78121Msit wwwbluegtassfaimessorg
to get compensation for gay concentration 7 , ,7 ,, , , , , ‘
Wago,,.w . ,,,._,_.____________. _

 - the Nazis well and the practice spread. come in the following years.
I Four days later, the Nazi German Student Note: Our lives are beginning to be
I Association set up more bonfires, this time reflected in school text books. This infor-
to burn books by Jewish and other 'unde— mation is from Facing Histom and
sirable" authors. Qurselves, the Holocaust and Human
Of all the events that took place in Behavior 3 curriculum resource book that
Germany in 1933, it was these book bum- is now being used in some public schools
ings that drew that most reactions from in our area. The questions for students to
f people in Europe and America. Helen consider includes: Why do you think
’ Keller wrote a letter to the organizers say- books about homosexuality were targeted
' ing in part: "History has taught you noth- for the first book burning? Thanks goes to
f ing if you think you can kill ideas. You can The Humanitarium: Center for Culture &
' burn my books and the books of the best Diversity for bringing this to Lexington.
’ minds in Europe, but the ideas in them T. “1‘ ”MR“ W a; Y
. have seeped through.a mllllon channels f gag/g 35%
' and Will continue to qurcken other mlnds. . “"35 w» .
3 A quotation from the German Jewish ”1:; Qffipqtfii—flififl
poet Heinrich Heine that referred to book %Q)62L1fi5 { 15% {32?}
f burnings in the nineteenth century was W gm: _ ' .'_
3 often used in editorials and conversations . M? i. ' ' j
3 of that time. “Where they burn books, they “3" i .- ‘
a will soon burn peOp|e_" But even those ”[41:33” . . . f, f
who quoted Heine, did not conceive of the 35:53.. “I tMcarsr ,_1
- horrors of the “final solution” that were to Effig
Healing. Sea} Myofascral Release
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GLSO Page 15

1 . David Gilinsky, founder of QVacations, by JefiJOHCS 3
IS offering to make a finanCIal contribution
‘ to the Pride Center of $50 per person for Based upon my personal experience C
every individual who comes to him through with these candidates, voting records, and C
our referral and actually travels with surveys on GLBT issues, here are my per-
QVacations. Information on Qvacation sonal endorsements. I do not represent
services can be accessed at www.qvaca- any QFOUP or organization in making these
tions.com. David has also sent us a letter bUt act 50'3” as a private citizen:
us en
__ , ’ , US House, 6th District: Mark Galley (Lib)
Gilinsky offered high-end travel serwces
for 15 years and his company was (me 0‘ KY Senate 12th District: Derrick Hord (D) c'
the first to develop ec0-tours in the mid KY Senate 22nd District: Tom Buford d‘