xt7crj48sc95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48sc95/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2004-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 2004 text GLSO News, January 2004 2004 2004-01 2019 true xt7crj48sc95 section xt7crj48sc95 .—._~. "I“; GAY arid
m 1e L s o its vvs
Lexlngton. KentUCKY January 2004
. A publication oi: the Lexington Gray and Lesbian Service OrganiZation
Volume 18 Number 11
Thursday, January 29 7:00 pm _ _
Public Library - Conference Room A Stamng as early 8.8 the neXt.l.ssue 0f
GLSO News, we Will be mailing the
The Bluegrass Chapter of the Kentucky newsletter through Direct Response. The
Fairness Alliance will be having its annual newsletter M“ be_ ms'de a folded and
meeting on Thursday, January 29' at the sealed slip cover, Without an envelope. We
Public Library starting at 7. Light refresh- MI continue tb make the information that
ments will be served. The meeting is open is Visible not identifiable to others as gay
to anyone who is interested in the activities lesbian. We W'“ save money by not buying
of the Bluegrass Chapter and is supportive envelopes and the actual postage M” be
of its mission to end discrimination against less. We believe ““5 W'“ offset the CbSt bf
members of the gay, lesbian, bi—sexual and haVlng the mall prep done for ”5' .
transgender community. If for any reason you. do not WISh to
Andrea Hildebran, Executive Director of receive your newsletter this way, please let
the KFA, will speak about the state of the us know. You can call Bill at the office at
General Assembly and discuss the pro- 253'3233' _ _ .
posed legislation to add to the Kentucky We are also m the planning stages W'th
Constitution a provision that would ban Bluegrass Fairness to send out-some'ofthe
same sex marriages. There is an article by bas'b monthly news along W'th Palrness
Andrea on page 16. Other elected leaders information to a much larger mailing list.
will also be present and will speak briefly Dnly about “4 Of the newsletter M“ be
about this proposal as well as the on-going lncluded, bbt enough to let people know
effort to pass a Fairness Bill. about the primary events and Issues in our
New on the agenda of proposed legis- community.
lation is a so-called Safe Schools , ,
Legislation which will expressly ban bully- Sponsor Of the Month
ing behavior in our public schools on the .
basis of sexual orientation or gender iden- KENTUCKY .FA'RNESS ‘
tity. There will alsovbe a discussion of the
latest twists and-turns involving the pro- , ' '
posed domestic partners benefits policy for . ' ‘ ' '
the employees of the Lexington Urban ALLIANCE
County Government. ' .
You will also have an opportunity to BLUEGRASS CHAPTER
elect up to three people to the Steering
Committee. This is an excellent time for see pages 4‘5 & 15—16
...continued on page 2

 you to meet the Steering Committee members and to
». ; 3-1.9. GAY and express your views as to what the Steering
IAN Committee should focus on in the upcoming year. It
of}. g." LESB is also a time for you to support the efforts of the
"E?- SERVICE Steering Committee and to help us lobby the General
W110“! Assembly during its regular session.
Lexington, Kentucm Please mark your calendars and make plans to
join us on Tuesday, January 27 at 7:00, lower level
TGLSO MEWS of the downtown public library. If you need addition-
Volume 19 Issue 1 al information please call us at 859-806-4114.
published monthly by More Fairness news on pages 4-5, & 15-17
The Lexington Gay , ,
Lesbian GLSO needs your Financial Support for
Service Organization our many proiects including:
389 Waller Ave. GSA for Youth ages 15-20 3
Editors The GLSO Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) for Youth
is approaching its third anniversary. We have had l
Mary Crone approximately 55 youth attended at least one of our
~159le Cobern meetings, and a lesser number that have been regu-
Board Members lar attendees. We are now looking for ways to reach
more young people. To help pay for advertrsrng, such
Thomas Collins, President as radio spots and colorful pamphlets, we are in need
Joan Branon, Vice-Pres. of increased financial support.
Clayton Dobson, Treas. Why do we have this group? There are barriers to
' Mary Crone, Editor healthy development for GLBTQ youth. Studies have
Jackie Cobern shown that young people who are questioning their
Tom Collins sexual identity are more at risk for suicide, drug
Sarah Martin abuse, dropping our of school and even pregnancy.
Ginger Moore GLBT and questioning teens need access to a larger
Terry Mullins community that accepts however they choose to
Ben Saylers identify themselves. The GSA seeks to give these
young people access to resources, role models, and
GLSO Annual Dues 8‘ accurate information to enable them to develop into
News'etter' proud healthy adults.
Individual _ $15 And it’s working. We have had group members
Couple _ $25 from all the local high schools including the religious
based schools. The youth have built support sys-
Opinions expressed in the GLSO tems for themselves in many of the local schools and
News are those of the authors and keep in touch via the internet. We are not reaching
don’t necessarily represent those of enough young people, and that is way we are seek-
wglsgiingfgf‘frsegzrn‘jfjfliigfi ing ways to advertise the group. If you know of a
to edit submissions and advertise- place that our pamphlets would be noticed by youth,
ments as we” as the ”9'“ "° relec‘ call mary at 266-5904 or Bill at the Pride Center, 253-
GLSO Page 2

 Community :News
Activities at tlie Tnd'e’ Center . . . . . see yage 6
[More Community News . . . . . . .seeyage 8
UK Support/Maw Group Men's Meet to Date
The UK Counseling & Testing Center There is a new aCtiVitY happending at
‘ is starting a weekly GLBTQ Therapy/ the Pride Center this month. Darnel is
1 Support group in January The purpose of organizing a Men’s event where men who
the group is for or gay, lesbian, bisexual are intersted in meeting other men can
and questioning students to have a safe come together and partICipate m some get
environment to talk about issues related to acquainted activities followed by a dating
their sexual/relational orientation. match tecknique. There are two Meet to
i The group will offer support for dealing Date events planned, one on Tues. Jan. 12
i with issues related to sexual/relational ori- at 6330 and 9” Sat. Jan. 24 at 3 PW-
l entation, and will help members gain insight NO one W'” be asked to 9° °Ut W'th any-
and acceptance. one they do not select and who does not
The group will be led by Anne Edwards, select them. Dates can be as short as 20
. pSyD. and Colby Cohen-Archer, ph'D. minutes. For more info contact Darnel at
Students taking at least 6 credits at LCC or darnel172000@yahoo.com.
UK are eligible. The group will meet Mondays . _
from 1—2 starting in January. Anyone interest— Lexmgton Lyons LeVI/ Leather Club
ed in joining or wanting additional informa- The Lyons will be meeting for brunch at
tion is encouraged to call 257'8701- Mia’s on the last Sunday of each month
which in January is the 25th. The next
Realitg Bgtes business meeting will be on Feb. 9 at 8pm
Reality Bytes is a new Coffee Shop and at the Pride Center. Anyone interested in
Internet Cafe in Georgetown. They are learning more abOUt the CIUb '5 welcome
located on Frazier Court between 84 to attend. The Lyons are proud to bea Pride
Lumber and Wal Mart. if you enjoy a variety Patron Of the GLSO Pride Center.
of specialty coffees, come try .
our cappuccino, espresso, Reality Bytes "a
lattes or fine herb teas. . Q.
Computer buffs can pup 107 Framer Ct, Georgetown v
chaise time to check your email Internet Cafe and Coffee Shop
. Th
or to play games ere are 502 863-6090
computer classes offered as _ _ .
well as repair services Offering Spemalty Coffees: Cappuccmo,
They also plan to show Espresso, Lattes and Fine Herbal Teas ,
GLBT movies on some Sunday
afternoons Call 502 863-5090 Computer Gaming 8: Classes Computer Repair
for information. GLBT Movies Some Sundays 2-6
' GLSO page 3

 Kentucky Fairness: How you can help

The 2004 Ky State Legislature will be meeting in Frankfort, January through
March. They will be considering legislation of importance to the GLBT commu-
nity. In addition to a renewed efforts to pass a state wide Fairness law, we will
need to lobby against efforts that seek to limit our civil rights. Fairness will be pro-
viding information about legislative activity including bills to watch over the next
several weeks. Here are a number of ways you can have your opinion heard in

Errllress your opinion in Writing lolllnr In Frankfort

We encourage everyone to e-mail or The following are the lobby days for dif-
write letters to their Kentucky representa- ferent groups to come to Frankfort and
tives and senators. Handwritten letters are lobby for the Fairness bill and campaign
particularly effective because they receive against any proposal to pass a Constitu-
fewer of them. There are 10 representa- tional amendment banning gay marriages.
tives and 4 senators for Fayette County. We ask that you arrive at the by 9 am.

Straight allies are welcome on any and all

Rep. Joe Barrows (D-56) of these days.
Rep. Carolyn Belcher (D-72)
Rep. Jesse Crenshaw (0-77) All of the lobby days are on Wednesdays.
Rep. Bob Damron (D-39) Family \ Couples lobby day — January 21
Rep. Bill Farmer (R-88) not to be Youth lobby day- February 4

confused with the Lex. city council

member by the same name Transgender lobby day—February 18
Rep. Charlie Hoffman (D-62) Religious Leaders- March 3
Rep. Stan Lee (R-45) .

All lbb d -M M?

Rep. Ruth Ann Palumbo (D-76) '85 0 y ay arc
Rep. Kathy Stein (D-75)
Re . Susan Westrom D-79

p ( ) Make a Phone call
:en. :0: BéfordbtR-ZZ) Another way to register your support
Sen. Am y ase Ier (RS? or disapproval of a bill that is before the
Sen. Elrce Forgy Kerr( ' 2) KY Legislature, is to call the message

6” mesm °°rs°ne (0'13) phone line in Frankfort. 800-372-7181.

If you don't know who your legislators A lrve human being wrll answer the
are, go to www.vote-smart.org. Fill in your call, 35k for your name, address, and
9-digit zip code. If you do not know that phone number. You canlleave messages
zip, there is a way to look it up on the site. for bOth your representative and your sen-
The site will then list your state represen- ator at ”"5 number. However, they can-
tative and senator, as well as your federal not I°°k up your legislators for you. . You
elected officials. For the mailing address must already know who you are leavrngla
of your representative go to message for. Follow the instructions in
www.lrc.state.ky.us ’ the previous column to find their names at

www.vote-smart.org. '
GLSO page 4 ‘

 3;; Bluegrass Fairness
all KENTUCKY FAIRNESS Promoting equality for all people
9?“ regardless of their sexual orientation
In . .
or gender identity

ALLIANCE in sixteen central Kentucky counties.
i: THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 7:00 pm
1. see page 1

' Civil Rights Attorney
To Speak in Lex Feb 13
see page 15

: Please support our work in the Kentucky Legislature
a Lobby in Frankfort
: A Write a Letter Make a Phone Call
: Eeoznzc’ignzzlgesniucky 40522 www.bluegrassfairness.org
1 X' ' www.kentuckyfairness.org
t 8598064“ 14 info@blueg rassfairnessorg

389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3
Monthly taffeclwusc Rag—alum Evan-ti
Local singer-songwriter Lori O'Connor is Dis°u§5i°n Group Every Wed 7
hosting a monthly coffeehouse/open-mic at Open Mic Coffee House...3rd Sat.
the Pride Center. On Saturday, January 17 X h S d
at 7 pm come to the Centerfor some social- ena- T eTh'econ Season
izing and fun entertainment. Gay or gay- Every 'rd Sat 1 ' 4
friendly poets and musicians are invited to Lesbian Video Night
share their works in a supportive and com- Second Friday at 7pm
222:2: 2:122:23; izzfaz'tfiezrfizd
' 4th a rda ' ht
connor@yahoo.com or 619-1717. This is a S tu y mg at 7
Free event.
To schedule evens at the Pride
LESBIAN VIDEO NIGHT Center, call BIII at 253-3233.
On Friday night, Jan 16,at 7 pm we will ,
be showing FOX FIRE staring Angelina YANG' YOUNG ADI/U NIGHT GROUP
Jolie and Jenny Schimizu. Angelina plays Yang is a group for people in their 20’s.
a teen lesbian drifter who becomes YANG stands for Young Adult Night Group.
attached to a group of high school girls They are planning one weeknight discus-
including Schimizu and empowers them to sion and one weekend activity per month.
become more in possession of their lives. The e—mail address for the group is
Schimizu, who in real life is a lesbian LexYANG@aol.com and the web site can
model, and Jolie had an affair during the be found at http://connect.to/LexYANG
making of this movie in the early 90’s, (there is no w in the address).
earning Jolie the reputation of being bi-
sexual. Gaymes Night
.Come join ”5 for this fun movie and Gaymes night continues at the Pride
bringa snack to share. Center on Friday, January 23 at 7 pm.
Bring your favoirte game or play one of
ours. Bring a snack to share.
.. if” “Keep the love you find,

’3'? ‘ 3 Get the love you want.” fife: ).,,, . ,. ,
f _ _, _ by}? mg ems
Jessica Bollin er LCSW 1. ' ‘ . . ,. «

9 W“ M“ mite.
Certified lma oRelai n hi Th r i ..r”‘"“7ié’.wi‘a,. ~~i~ . ., W...
g to s p 9 ap st mg hi? ,1; @355;
couples, family, individual
imagoconnectioncom 859-552-6533 www.ebaystores.com/shadowsofthegoddess 1 ,
GLSO Page 6

 The lmpen a] Court of Kentucky,
, ' Wt with the Imperial Court of Cincinnati
7 present
’3. . ‘ ‘ ‘
‘p' A drag pageant hke you‘ve not seen in many years, contestants tor
5. Miss Big Bone Lick compete for the coveted Jeweled Bone in 4
:h. categories such as Cave. Wear and Creative Bone Licking! Yes,
is Creative Bone Licking!
. A January 17, 2004
' My ' Club 141, Lexington ‘
de W 8:00 Pageant and Show
m. h we; ,1, i i '
of $5 Donation
Interested in competing, contact Empress JD
Vaughn at empressZZkVidftfiiaol.com v A
Look for more information about this event and g !...
. other upcoming fundraisers by Visiting the Imperial
‘ Court of Kentucky online at: 9“”? »
S i
_ GLSO Page 7

 I .
Community News “WSW!"
After a wonderful Christmas Concert,
SisterSound will be beginning to
miss Bis BOMB Lick rehearsales for their May concert on the
The Imperial Court of Ky and the first Sunday in January. The rehearsals
Imperial Court of Cincinnati present Miss are on Sundays at 6 pm at the
Big Bone Lick, a drag pageant unlike any Lansdowne Cumberland Presbyterian
you have ever seen. Contestants compete Church. If you are interested, come join us ‘
for the coveted Jeweled Bone in categories any Sunday. For more info Patti (806-
such as Cave Wear and Creative Bone 0243) or Toine (276-0753), sister-
Licking. sound@hotmail.com.
This fun event will be help on Saturday,
Jan 17 at Club 141 in Lexington. Show Art W“ Planned
starts at 8 pm and a $5 donation is asked Bob Morgan is in the planning stages
at the door. If you are interested in compet- for an art exhibition that will happen June
ing, contact Impress JD Vaughn at of 2004. The title is Gypsies, Tramps, and
empressZZkyjd@aol.com. Thieves / 100 Years of Sailors, Hustlers,
Look for more information about this Drag Queens and Wild Chi/ds in the
event and other upcoming fundraisers by Lexington Underground Art Scene.
visiting httpzl/kentucky.impcourt.org in addition to his own work, he is draw-
ing from the collections of Sweet Evening
40+ Women’s Group Breeze, Henry Faulkner, John Warner,
All lesbian and bi-sexual women over 40 John Ashley, Joanne and Jimmy Gordon.
are invited to attend our regular meetings The show Wi” center on works 0f art-
and social events. We will meet at the painting, drawing and photography that
Pride Center on Sunday, Jan_ 11, at 2 pm, were inspires by these muses'. If you have
then pick a resturant and go out to eat. We any material that ShOU'd be considered
will eat and plan our Jan/Feb activities. please contact 30b Morgan at Gallerie
We will likely be attending the Coffee Sole“. 363 westshort, phone 233-0890-
House at the Pride Center on Jan 17 at 7
pm. Call Ginger at 253-0061 or email lell. ”Pass and [tender Alliance
ggclr@hotmail.com for more information. http://gr0upSyahOO.C0m/group/lexDGA
JB’S glace LexDGA is a peer discussion group for
anyone who transcends gender norms or
Looking for a gathering place in the is questioning their gender identity. This
Danville area? Janet has fixed up a space includes but is not limited to trassexuals,
on her property for lesbians 30 years Old intersexuals, effeminate men, masculine
and up. She has named it JB’s Place in women, drag kings, drag queens, gender
honor Of her partner who passed on queers and gender questioning individu-
recently. als. We will meet the first Saturday of
A social group Wi” be held on October at 8 pm. email for location.
Saturdays at 7. Jb’s Place is at 3159 US. Family and supportive allies who would
Highway 1‘27 SOUth' Danville, Kentucky. If enjoy discussing trans issues are also wel-
you would like more information, contact corned. This is not a therapy group. For
Janet at 859'238'7307- info email kellindel@hotmail.com.
GLSO Page 8

 .cert :31 SPE I “mmmmwrww
"“e " FEA ' G G! , HOP;
{gals . ‘ TURIN WOMEN S ' ' ‘ ‘
the Egg ”1‘9: 3 F?" Ei’ti ni’vfiifa‘fl‘ww we . . V ‘ ‘ S m (if:
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ater- fi’fegéi figfizg
ages F335 1%”
June 7:2“ wt 3),“;Zq\wflt’5f§;iy}fi;3 2 Eat?
‘lerS, 1023 INDUSTRY ROAD I Just OFF, WINCHESTER ROAD _~. 455-8055. ~i
raw- 54"}! 7’11: 7 . 'HOURS:‘-MONDAY'T0 FRID f . 1' ' V -' ' ? £35:
n-n {33‘1” ' SATURDAY 10 00 . . .. AY,' :00'6-00 , ' ~V 3"?»‘3
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3n. ' '
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lave - I ’ KW '
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A “ ‘ ‘
for ‘ E Q
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als, Scott Ackerman E
'1“; Mobile: 859-338-8483 NTHUSIASM
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E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com &
uld All of Central Kentucky
=or Call me With all your Real Estate Needs
——-l ,, , , , . . , - , , . x . u,,:~,a.::uax;M
GLSO Page 9

 Becoming Allies...ln our work on GLBT issues, we have been aided by many straight
allies and allied organizations. GLBT people need to participate in the larger progressive
movement by joining other groups, working for the issue important to our allies, and being
willing to speak up against other forms of discrimination. Here are some events and
organizations we can support. The Jan 18 event is supported by Hate Free Lexington.
Martin luther King Jr. The documentary was shot by two teams
Birthday Celebration of filmmakers, one black, the other white,
Sunday January 18 each focusing separate attention on the
. communitys reactions to the murder from
NCCJ Bluegrass Region and the _ , ,
. . black and White Viewpomts.
UK Student Government AsSOCiation , , , , ,
,, This Video allows Viewers to follow indi-
present Two Towns of Jasper, Hate Free , . ,
.. . ,, . Vidual Citizens of Jaspar as they come to
Zone Initiative. In honor of Martin Luther _ , _
. , . . . terms With the horrible murder and its
Kings birthday, NCCJ and its partners Will . . . . .
. . .. . expliCItly raCist motivation, and to compare
launch its initiative to educate and empow- . . . .
. . pomts of View on key issues such as histo-
er youth and Citizen leaders about hate- . .
. . ry, change, and iustice.
biased crimes. . . .
. . .. .. . . . The audience Will then be introduced to
This initiative Will include a photo exhib- ,
. ,, . ,, . . a panel of local people who have been VIC-
it called Strange FrUit , a VieWing of the _ _ ,
. tims of Hate Crimes. Our goal for this panel
Video, Two Towns of Jasper, and a panel , . , ,
. . . . . is to share the diverse and real people that
discussmn by hatecrime Victims. Hate , ,
. are affected by Hate Crimes. A question
Free Lexmgton, formed when Fred . .
. and answer seSSIon Will conclude the panel
Phelps came to town, is one of the sup- . _
porters of this program. It will be shown at dlSCUSSlOl’l. _
. . Program Supporters include the UK Student
the UK William T Young Library on Sunday . . . . .
_ . Government Assomation, Diversn‘y Films,
the 18, from 4 to 6.30. There is no charge . .
. . . Hate-Free Lexmgton, and the Lexmgton
and there is free parking behind the Young , , ,
. Fayette County Human Rights Commissmn
Library on sundays.
. The photo exhibit called Strange FrUIt Monday, January 19
Will feature a variety of poster-Size photos . . . .
_ , , , , There are many actiVIties planned for the
of Victims of hate crimes. The exhibit, to . .
_ _ _ . annual MLK Day starting With a march at
be shown prior to the film, Will include .
. . . . . 10am through downtown Lexmgton. Gather
African American Victims of lynching, and , . . . .
. . . at 9.30 at the Lexmgton CiVic Center, the
recent Victims of hate crimes such as . .
, CounCII for Peace & Justice and the
Matthew Shepherd and Brandon Tina. . . . . . .
, , Unitarian Universalist Church inVItes GLBT
Each photo Will be accompanied by an people to join them
explanation of the event leading up to the Ronald V. Dellums Will be the keynote
hate crime. . speaker at the program following the march.
"The Two Towns of Jaspar" is a docu-
, . Dellums who served nearly three decades
mentary film created by Marco Williams . .
. . . in the US. House of Representatives, was
and Whitney Dow. The film deals With the . . .
_ _ the first African American elected from a
raCially-motivated murder of James Byrd, . . . . . .
. . . white majority congreSSional district.
who was dragged to his death in 1998 in . . .
J T Since his retirement from Congress,
aspar, exas. Dellums has ...continued on page 17
GLSO page 10


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if; GLSO News Sponsors 2004

nel Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter . . . . . . . 859-806-4114

em Promoting equality for all people

, ErnestoScorsone. 2545766

5:; Attorney at law

Diverse music for all women

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'85 WindyKnoIIFarm ..............................299-7410

‘ 8 Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding



'- Mm

 Call number in
WW Janua
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 3
- - Pride Center Closed Pride Center Open 10 -3
Meeting at the .Pride Center 8 pm LDGA meeting
may be abbreVIated to PC 7:30 pm MACT -see
page 3
Call for Place may be
abbreviated to Call
4 5 9 , . 7 8 _ 9 10
9:15 & 11 am UU Church World 7pm GSA youth ages 15 -20 Pm 351’th In Th9 7 pm Discussion Group Finanace Committee 7 I)!" 1.951) ,‘(m Mow} Pride Center Open
10:30 Mass@$t. Mychal the Martyr (Call for place) Life - Pride Center 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Meeting 7p.m. ‘ Mtg/II. PM“ (J ”m 10-3pm
6 pm SisterSound Rehearsal 8 pm AA Step Study . I
Landsdown Presby Church (Call for place) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
7 pm Dignity Call for place (Call for place)
11 1 2 1 3 14 1 5 1 § , 17
915 & 11 am UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group GLSO News 7i 0 Pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 1031”“
10:3_0 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal (Call for place) Pride Center D dl. (08” for place) 1-4pm m - W
6 SisterSound Rehearsal, Meet To Date 6:30pm. 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ea "‘9
6 Lalndsdowg ”353% Church (Call for place) Season -Prlde Center
pm m eria ou
27:30 foozgorcep 'd C t 7 pm Open Mic Night
pm. + roup n e en er
6pm. Court Meeting at Pride Center
18 19 20 21 23 24
9:15 & 11 am UU Church 7 pm GLSO Board 7pm GSA for youth 7 pm Discussion Group ride Center Open
10:30 Mass, St. Mychal the Martyr Meeting, Pride Center a as 15 _ 20 can for 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 730 pm Gay/Lesbian M 10-3pm
4pm “Two Towns of Jasper. 8 AA St St d 9 (Call for place) . Meet To Date 3pm-at
_ . . ‘ Pm 9P U y lace (Call for place)
Hate Free Zone Initiative. ‘ (Call for place) P P.Center
. UK Young Library
7pm MACT
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
9:15 & 11 am uu Church 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7:30pm. - Fariness 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Bluegrass Pride Center Open
Worship Servrces Pride Center F . A I 10-3pm
10:30 Sunday Mass, 8 pm AA Step Study 8 G /Lesbia AA a'rn_ess "nua
St. Mychal the Martyr (Call for place) pm ay “ Meeting, Downtown
_ (Call for place) . .
6 pm Imperial Court PC Public Library, lower
level, open to all
—__—_—.—_—————_——_—_————— M
' GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 Coming Out King Ahasuerus. But in turn this brave ‘

A Moral Duty for Gays in America woman saved her people from bitter per-
By Jamie McDaniel seCUt'On' ,

In the course of human events, there

I recently read a short, albeit controver— are times when our stand can make the
sial, religious book - one in which the most digerrwenc: Martir; Lilther ng’ Jr. Vel
author declined the opportunity to mention exp ore t att eme PM e ast speech'he 19'
God or even make reference to a higher “(CURE evergive.Il-Il1e imagineijdGod asking Ve
power. This narrative gave the account of h'mfi h7/l’artin, Wh'c age W0” you we to rec
a beautiful young orphan girl who got live "7' _ _ am
involved with a group of women sexual ng then frfcfiéeiiet: to tattehhlts “Ste: Att
partners providing services for one man. ers on a men a Igh rOLl'dg I :0” t cor
And this man happened to be a prominent ghreat pOIdntS m Em: e W0” d6: orateéiln ca:
political leader. t e VlIIOI'l :rs o t atéagte aTnh t :nota I: the
The young woman was befriended by peop e W do OCCUp'e h ' ' dien e “V‘éou the
another man who had a flair for fashion pause an say to tne au rence, Ut_ I sh:
and a mastery of cosmetics. V\fith his wogld not StOp there. " , _ “ pa
help, she received a makeover fit for a Strangely enough, ng continued, | evi

queen. would turn to the Almighty and say, ‘If you
Eventually, the night came for her to W'“ allgw T: to hve JUStéfiw years m the Fri
sleep with this high-ranking official. She Zea?“ ha" 0“ e twentiet century, IW'“ PA
showed up at his bedroom and he became e appy. _ _ . _ he
absolutely infatuated with her - so much so The crowd In Memphis, alive W'th ener— the
that he married her and advanced her into gy, erupted into applause. Certainly none se

a place of political leadership. were contemplating that, by the end of the
But the now-married woman kept a next day, the great crvrl rights leaderwould Cc
closely guarded secret - a fact she could no longer be W'th them. no
work to conceal, but one that was very The course Of history has ”'0‘” reached st;
much tied up with her identity. the first half of the twenty-first century. al

She had a male cousin who also And if you have not looked up, a great

shared her secret. And when a wave of movement is underway for gay Americans
oppression against their community swept to be fully embraced by a socrety that has Cc
across the country, he pleaded with her to largely kept ”5 second-class. W'
come out to her politically powerful hus— For much Of our history, GFBT ne
- band stating she had a duty to not keep Americans have been asked to keep snlent up
silent! in a time such as this about our orientation or gender identity in an
She initially hedged. But ultimately she exchange for acceptance in the larger an

came to a decision. Despite the possibility community. Our SOC'Pfty has asked us _to
of serious repercussion, her secret would he In order to keep a 10b’ maintain family be
be a secret no more. harmony, or membership in a church. Es
You should read this book. Many of To be sure, there are many challenges idr
you probably own it already. It is the book facing gay people who want to live openly. Bl
of Esther and it is found in the Hebrew But I submit to you that it is not an option m

Scriptures. Esther was a closeted Jew for the moral individual to remain in the
who risked much when she “came out” to closet forever. . re
...oontinued on next page m
~ GLSO page 14 __

 CiVil Rights Attorney Massachusetts and a number of other
BETH ROBINSON states including Kentucky have proposed

. To Speak in LOX Feb 15 amendments to their states constitutions

defining marriage as being between one

i In the landmark decision by the man and one woman. Likewise, there has
Vermont Supreme Court in December, been a call for an amendment to the US.

i 1999, gay, lesbian, and bisexual Constitution to do the same. Our own

' Vermonters were given the right to state- Senator Bunning is leading this effort.

' recognized civil unions and the benefits In celebration of National Freedom to
and responsibilities that go along with it. Marry Day (February 12) and Valentine's

t Attorney Beth Robinson served as co- Day (February 14th), Bluegrass Fairness is
council in the Baker v State of Vermont proud to bring Beth Robinson to Lexington

1 case and presented the oral arguments to for a major speaking engagement. Plans

' the Vermont Supreme Court which led are still being solidified, but we hope to

1 them to render its decision. Aften/vards, reach as many people as possible during a

I she led the lobbying effort that led to the three day period including talks at Centre

| passage of the civil union law — the first College and the UK, an educational semi—
ever in the United States. nar on the 14th, and the main event on

1 Ms. Robinson co-founded the Vermont February 13th at UK's Memorial Hall.

a Freedom to Marry Task Force, and led the Mark your calendars now to attend this

I PAC, Vermont Fund for Families, which very special event, help Fairness to spread
helped elect supportive legislators during the word that marriage is for all citizens, and

; the Nov. 2002 elections to reverse the con- help to counteract the proposed damaging

; servative backlash to the civil union law. amendments to our Constitution.

; Recently the Massachusetts Supreme Donations to help defray the cost of this
Court ruled that gays and lesbians could event should be directed to Bluegrass
not be denied the right to marry in that Fairness. If you are interested in sponsoring

1 state and instructed its legislature to draft the event through purchase of an ad in the

t a law allowing GLB marriage. in response program, please contact Jim Dickinson.

3 E

5 Coming Out...cont/nuedfrompage 14 . One example might be a gay teenager,
We Slmply cannot be apathetic to “16109“ without any financial means, whose par-

l' ney. Of young gays and lesbians QrOW'l‘g ents have given a strong impression that

It up ",1 a country that denies them equality they would throw him or her out of the

n and ”T churches that tell them they are S'Ck house if the teenager’s sexual orientation

ir and Sinful. _ . , , was anything other than heterosexual.

0 “Sexual orientation is an aspect of ones Once we have stability in our lives,

y being that can'be concealed. L'ke Queen however, we are called to stand in our
lEsther, who initially concealed her JeWISh truth. As we start the New Year, I ask you

5 identity, we too can decline to live