xt7crj48qs9r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48qs9r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1986-06-13 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 13, 1986, no. 480 text The Green Bean, June 13, 1986, no. 480 1986 1986-06-13 2014 true xt7crj48qs9r section xt7crj48qs9r I .
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No. 480 » Iona 1%, IEEE
June 1Q John Baxtlxtt, 1E20~1903I Editor *§
I Baxt1€th‘s  (1i&B;¤
Juno 1% Univao 1, the wor1d*s f’rsL commoewigh
oomputoy, unvoiled in Uhiladalphin in y%§1¤
June 15 Edvgpd Gygjgi I8&35IQ@? Nwrwéglah ,ompos@rI
June 15 Magna GEEKE awalad in 1215I ~
June 18 First Am@y;c4w ..·· womgn er spqoo, ;E1i* NVEV Ride} In
June 21 Jo&n Paul Saxtro, 190E~1v&0; FRIRE; yi
  June 26—Ju1y 2 Amaxicuu Ljbxmxw ];b®C1QilUH L ,Ga1
Comf&xomco, Now ioyi, NYI
June 27 H&1e¤ Ea11ax_ IR£0—l9§&G
June 27  R&t;x&momt paxxy i»; fxmnomz R&11@j gmo. I
Viviom Ha11I “ I
June 28 A Wor1d Wax I EQQEYULQQ ami Endgww gym; »1aE¢g =·»
June 23, 19]4~Ju®£ QE; 19;%H
Naxk Green Beam issuo; FIiGxy, Jan; Q? 7$£$.`
Do¤@1in@ for inolugionv Fx1&ay igze ·=*· A0  @r;@
Production Staff: Ed1tox, Eoyzv Myw*wwE Yj €“f: ;-In2 I 4.‘‘ ;;_
Printer, Cocil Mad1son¤

 - Q. 1 ._._ V
Although it's been a month since the last gg, not tz much
has happened. Such are the wonders of summer. June l marred the
_ dedication of the Logan English Collection. The third floor or
King North has been rearranged. Government Publications is ·
awaiting its upcoming inspection. The next exciting event; for
those can afford it (or those who can“t but are going anyway} in
the ALA convention in New York City. I'll send a postcard.
. was ‘
c The next scheduled fire alarm test for M. I. King North ana
South is Wednesday, July 2. It is not necessary to evacuate the
building. ,
From a recent BRS Bulletin, No; 2, 198%, p. S: _
. The OCLC Gateway Service is now open. Through this
service those OCLC members who are also BRS users can `
access over 100 BRS databases from their GCLC
dedicated~line terminals. Using one terminal yoi ·.c» have
access to the 13 million holdings symbols in the online
Union Catalog, while the Gateway provides a lowmcost
telecommunications link to the ERS system. The OCLC
» EASI Reference database, available on BRS since
September 1985. proviees subject access to a V
significant portion of the QCLC an Line Union Ua;alcg. ·‘·.
If after performing a subject search or BRS, you want
to obtain holdings information in the CCLC Un Line
Union Catalog, you can do so quickly rrom your ocnc
dedicatedeline terminal.
Gina Douglas ..... ... ...... .. .... Central Serials Records
Allison Anderson;. ....... .-.....Government Fohlications
Ron Dial ........... , ..Rerioeicalsxwooagapersjoroxotem-
Kim Hnight........ .... Government Fnhlications A
Frances nelley’ .... ,....Cclleetion revelopment
El1Q£l1¥.*=·li*.Y.]¤·ff‘.f rf  
A retirement party tor Frances aelgey one Fi ‘-.— ian £-il mz?-
be held on June 27 at 2:00 p.m. Everyrne ‘.·. is jnwitec to the
reception, which will be held in the Solarium {fye:i-i
Mary Spencer will remain in onarge or .l.· inria eso? gy li .‘e. ray;
for the 1986/87 academic year,

 .,. 2  
Derby Raffle Winner - Sonja Eads (Cataloging) won the mint
i julep cup at the recent LSO Derby Raffle. The Raffle and took
Sale were also profitable for LSO. More than $100 from the
proceeds will go into the LSO Treasury.
The ACTS Executive Committee announces that there w€1T 3. in
ACTS General Assembly in the Peal Gallery on June Q4. h; =*
speaker will be Bruce Miller of the University eenefitz
Committee. An update on ACTS activities will begin the g;:$ram
at 8:45. Mr. Miller's presentation will follow at 9:53.
At last! Something for nothing. The College of Library &
Information Science is trying to get rid of 10 sets of the 8th
edition Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). For more
info call Charles Howell at 257-8854 before June 20, 1986. There
are available to UK departments only.
The UK Health Plan Advisory Committee meets four times a
year to discuss the needs and problems of the UKHP. Rob Aken,
representative for the library system, invites you to inform him
of any questions, concerns or needs you have concerning the plan,
regardless of whether or not you're a member. The executive
committee will be negotiating a new contract with Blue Cross/Blue
Shield in July, so Rob is particularly interested in hearing from
you concerning new benefits you would like to see. Call him at
257-1631 or 257-2831. (Submitted by Rob Aken).
The new SPEC Kit is in the Reference Department. It is
entitled "Microcomputer Software Policies in ARL Libraries."
This SPEC Kit discusses copyright, selection, funding,
cataloging, facilities, services, oomputing facilities and
The Area Committee for the 1986/87 academic gear includes;
Joseph A. Bryant, Chairperson
Dean P. Currier
J. Philip Noffsinger
Michael Harris
William Marshall .
Gail Kennedy (Alternate)

l The new University Studies Program needs a director
Chancellor Gallaher is seeking applications and/or nominations
for the search committee. The committee will be chaired by Dr.
Connie A. Bridge. Submit your nominations or applications to Dr.
Bridge, College of Education, 166 Taylor Education Building,
I. 00017. Please respond by June 13, 1986.
Automated Circulation: An Examination_gf_Choices. Edited by
Joseph R. Matthews and Kevin Hegarty. Chicago: American
Library Association, 1984. (Proceedings of a preconference
sponsored by the Circulation Services Section, Library
Administration & Management Association, July 8-9, 1982,
Philadelphia.) Call no. Z712.A88 1984. Contents include:
The Economics of Library Automation; Types of Automated
Systems; Specifications and Contract Negotiations; _
Microcomputer-based Alternatives; and Site Preparation,
Requirements and System Maintenance.
Building Library Collections Arthur Curley and Dorothy
Broderick. Sixth edition. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow
Press, Inc., 1985. Call no. Z687.C87 1985. Contents
include: Why Libraries Exist; Studying the Library's
Community; Variations by Type of Library; Censorship 8
;‘ Selection; and weeding, Storage & Preservation.
Continuing Education fg; thg Library Information Professions;
William G. Asp, et al. Hamden, CT: Library Professional
Publications, 1985. Call no 2668. C739 1985. Qgntents
include: Some Historical Antecedents of Continuing Library
Education; Toward a Learning Community; Continuing Education
and Library Associations; and Library Schools and Continuing
Distributed Computing and th; Electrogig Library: Micros gg
Superminis. Audrey N. Grosch. White Plains, NY: Knowledge
Industry Publications, Inc., 1985. Call number Zo7G.9 .G?58
1985. Contents include: State of the Art of Distributed
Systems in Libraries; System Trends and Issues; Hardware ap;
System Software Developments; and Systems and Software for
‘ Specific Applications.
Information Management ang Organizational Change. Edina; bg
Heather Taylor. London: Aslib, 1985. Call no. HD3u.3b
.I54 1981. Contents include: Co-ordination of information
Activities within a large organization; Managemsnt
Implications of Adopting New Technology in Information; Tra
Training, Qualifications and Development of information
Managers; and Information Management and the Gutsid; uw; ,..;· 1.

Information, Organization and Power: Effective Management ip the
-1 Knowledge Society. Dale E. Zand. New York: McGrar Hill
Book Company, 1985. Call no. HD 30.3 .Z36. Contents
include: The Management of Knowledge, From Knowledge to
Action; Trust and the Decision Process; Marketing Management
_ Behavior; Change and Staff Rationality; and Stability and
Libraries ip the Age gf Automation: A Reader for the ‘
Professional Librarian. white Plains, NY: Knowledge
Industry Publications, Inc., 1986. Call no. Z678.9 .L5115
1986. Contents include: Hardware Basics; Software Basics;
The Purpose of Data Conversion; and what is an Online
The Library Book. Theodor Schuchat. Seattle: Madrona
Publishers, 1985. Call no. Z733 .B142 S38 1985. Contents .
include: Mr. Carnegie and Mr. Pratt; What's a Librarian to
Do?; Where the Books are; Service with a Smile; and the
Electron and the Book.
Professional Opportunities
Please note that the complete descriptions of these
positions are kept in the Reference Department.
Records Manager. University of Alabama. Salary: $17,900~
$24,500. Deadline: June 30, 1986.
Reference Librarian for Humanities. The University of Alabama at
Birmingham. Salary: $18,000—$19,600. Deadline: None given.
Head, Bibliographic Records Department, Arizona State
University/Tempe, Arizona. Salary: From $30,000. Deadline:
July 15, 1986.
Conservator. Arizona State University, Tempe Arizona. Salary:
$26,500 minimum. Deadline: July 15, 1986.
Corporate Services Librarian. Arizona State University, Tempe,
Arizona. Salary: $20,000-$30,000. Deadline: July 15, 1986.
Curator of Photographs. Arizona State University, Tempe, AR.
Salry: $18,000., Salary: $18,000 minimum. Deadline: July 15,
Government Documents Reference Librarian/Arizona Local &
Intergovernmental Documents Specialist. Arizona State
University. Salary: $18,000. Deadline: July 15, 1986.

Japanese Language Catalog Librarian/Area Specialist. Arizona
, State University. Salary: $18,000. Deadline: July 1*, 1986.
Microcomputer Specialist/Local Database Librarian. Arizona State
University. Salary: $18,000. Deadline: July 15, 1986.
hi Music Catalog Librarian. Arizona State University. Salary:
’ $18,000. Deadline: July 15, 1986.
Reference Librarian/Coordinator of Information Services. Arizona _
State University. Salary: $18,000 minimum. Deadline: July 15,
Science Reference Librarian/Subject Specialist for Life Sciences
and Agriculture. Arizona State University. Salary: $18,000
minimum. Deadline: July 15, 1986.
Slavic Catalog Librarian/Area Specialist. Arizona State i gg
University. Salary: $18,000 minimumn. Deadline: July 15,
Chief Librarian, Serials Department. Stanford University
Libraries. Salary: $31,300-$46,300. Deadline: Aug. 8, 1986.
{ Conservation Administrative Intern. Stanford University
Libraries. Salary: $25,000-$32,000. Deadline: July 15, 1986.
Assistant Head, Manuscripts Division. University of California
at Berkeley. Salary: $22,872—$30,696. Deadline: July 15,
_ Associate Director for the Health Sciences Library. Howard
University. Salary: $38,309. Deadline: October. 1, 1986.
Humanities Bibliographer. University of Florida. Salary;
$25,165. Deadline: June 30, 1986.
Member Services Coordinator. SOLINET. Salary: $18,000 minimum.
Deadline: None given.
Assistant Director for Collection Development. University of
Georgia. Salary: $40,000. Deadline: July 21, 1986.

 L-—-———~—————»~-=»: - ;- H .  Y~  .,
Curriculum Materials Librarian. University of Georgia. Salary:
. $17,200. Deadline: August 15, 1986.
Map Cataloger. University of Georgia. Salary: $17,200.
Deadline: July 14, 1986.
Assistant Humanities Librarian. Southern Illinois University at
Carbondale. Salary: $17,900. Deadline: July 1, 1986.
Map and Assistant Science Librarian. Southern Illinois
University. Salary: $19,000. Deadline: None given.
Acquisitions Librarian. Indiana State University. Salary:
$3250 for 6 months. Deadline: July 1, 1986.
Librarian, Science (temporary). Indiana State University.
Salary: $3250 for 6 months. Deadline: June 30, 1986.
Assistant Management and Economics Librarian. Purdue University.
Salary: $18,000 minimum. Deadline: September 1, 1986.
Division Director, KDLA, Public Records Program. Salary:
$32,916 minimum. Deadline: August 1, 1986.
Division Director: KDLA, State Library Services Division.
Salary: $32,916 minimum. Deadline: August 1, 1986.
Assistant Head of Technical Services and Head of Acquisitions.
University of Kentucky. Salary: $25,000 minimum. Deadline:
June 15, 1986.
Humanities Bibliographer, Collection Development. University of
Kentucky. Salary: $16,500. Deadline: June 15, 1986.
Assistant to University Librarian. University of Louisville.
Salary: $20,000+. Deadline: July 8, 1986.,
Director, Office of Library Systems. University of LGUlSVilL&.
Salary: $31,000. Deadline: July 21, 1986.
· Research Specialist. University of Kentucky, College of
Agriculture. Salary: None given. Deadline: None given.

L Cataloger. University of Massachusetts. Salary: $27,0aU.
Deadline: June 30, 1986.
Ibero-American Bibliographer. University of Minnesota. Salary:
$22,000 minimum. Deadline: July 30, 1986.
Principal Cataloger. University of Nebraska. Salary: $17,500
minimum. Deadline: July 15, 1986.
E Naw Jsasrr
i Librarian, Institute of Jazz Studies. Rutgers University. `
Salary: $25,907 minimum. Deadline: August 1, 1986.
T Naw YoRK
{ Reference Librarian for Instructional Services. New York
Q University. Salary: $23,000 minimum. Deadline: June 30, 1986.
· Reference Librarian for Music. New York University. Salary:
s , $23,000 minimum. Deadline: June 30, 1986.
i . . .. , . . .
Reference Librarian for World History. New Yorx University.
Salary: $23,000 minimum. Deadline: June 30, 1986.
i Associate University Librarian for Public Services. Syracuse
§ University. Salary: Commensurate with experience. Deadline: A
2 June 20, 1986.
2 Catalog Librarian. Syracuse University. Salary: Commensurata
with qualifications. Deadline: June 20, 1986.
Q Science Librarian. Syracuse University. Salary: Commensurate
g with qualifications. Deadline: June 20, 1986.
Director, Music Library. Duke University. Salary: $28,000.
, Deadline: June 15, 1986.
. g Head, Bibliographic Searching, Acquisitions Department.
§ University of North Carolina. Salary: $18,000. Deadline:
g August 1, 1986.

 .. 8 ..  
Half—time Monograph Cataloger, Rare Book Collection. University i
g of North Carolina. Salary: $10,000 minimum. Deadline: June §
15, 1986. §
Head, Physical Sciences Division. Oklahoma State University.
A Salary: $27,600 minimum. Deadline: July 15, 1986.
Head, Social Sciences Division. Oklahoma State University. `
` Salary: $27,600 minimum. Salary: July 15, 1986.
western History Collections Librarian. University of Oklahoma.
Salary: $17,000. Deadline: July 1, 1986.
Head Librarian. Pennsylvania State University, Behrend College A
Campus. Salary: Dependent on qualifications. Deadline: July
15, 1986.
» Social Science Reference Librarian. Pennsylvania State
University. Salary: $20,000 minimum. Deadline: June 30, 1986.
a Public Services Librarian. Vanderbilt University. Salary:
$18,000 minimum. Deadline: None given.
1 Documents Librarian. Abilene Christian University. Salary:
None given. Deadline: None given.
Media Librarian. Abilene Christian University. Salary: None
_ given. Deadline: None given.
1 Catalog Librarian. Abilene Christian University. Salary: None
  given. Deadline: None given.
1 Cataloger, Original Cataloging Department. Texas A & M
{ University. Salary: $16,500. Deadline: July 7, 1986.
y Head, Automated Systems Department. Virginia Commonwealth
i University. Salary: $31,000 minimum. Deadline: June 10, 1586,
{ or until suitable applicant is found.
i Science Cataloger. University of washington. Salary: $17,700
i minimum. Deadline: July 18, 1986.
