xt7crj48qs60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48qs60/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1979-09-14 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 14, 1979, no. 291 text The Green Bean, September 14, 1979, no. 291 1979 1979-09-14 2014 true xt7crj48qs60 section xt7crj48qs60 2_5 Jvgli/rz . .V__,, ]_ ._... t, ..`,., ,., . .4 _ . .. ..4W . .,.· .
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September 14 Gallery Series: A Baroque Recital-—violin/
harpsichord 12:00 to 1:00, Gallery, King
Library North.
September ll UK art museum moving sale, 10 AM - 8 PM daily
through September 16, University Art Gallery, Old
_ Fine Arts Building, °Rose Street. Original drawings
and prints, posters, picture frames, exhibition cat-
alogs, objets d'att, framed art reproductions, priced
from 50 cents to $150. For benefit of University Art
- Musem Purchase Fund.
September 15 A Football, UK vs. Miami (Ohio), 1:30 PM, Commonwealth
September 17 Seminar on the theory of living systems, "Is There a .
Theory of Living Systems?" by Joseph Engelberg,
`physiology and biophysics, 7:00 - 9:00 PM, Room 137,
Chemistry and Physics Building.
September 18 Guy Davenport reading from his own works in the
Gallery, King Library North, 8:00 PM.
September 20 Civilization film series: great Thgw, 7:00 — 8:30 PM,
Classroom Building, Room 118. Free.
King North "Dev1ls in the Chapel" (Student printing from eleven
~ teaching presses, including King Library Press under
Gay Reading-—David Farrell, Director)
King South Posters all around
Contributors : Alison Arnold, David Farrell, Faith Harders, Elizabeth Howard,
Terry warth (editor), Paul Willis.

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ggpur THE LIBRARIES ` ‘ U     I ’     _· I i Q;¥j;i·f{i~.$¥`;   `‘’’  
The Saturday library hours of the Biological*Sciences7Library will be changed
from 8:00 AM -- 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM -— 5¤O0·PM. »This change will become ,
effective September 15, 1979_ Y ~.. R,M , ,VI_
The following five people have joined the professional staff this month:
Yvonne Chandler, who has a B.A. from Clark College and an MLS from Atlanta
University, has joined the Reference Department. While in library school,
Yvonne worked as an intern in the Coca Cola Buisness Information Center.
Catherine High has joined the Reference Department on a temporary appointment
to provide coverage for the Business Library. Cathy has a B.A. from Carson-
Newman College and her MSLS from the University of Tennessee. 'Prior to coming
to Lexington, Cathy worked for three years as a reference librarian at the Memphis-
Shelby County Public Library.
Cheryl Nyberg is the new circulation librarian at Law. Cheryl has a B.A. in·`
English and an MLS from the University of Illinois where she worked in the law
library and in general circulation.
Maureen O'Brien is the new Photographic Archives assistant. She has a B.A.
from the University of Massachusetts and a library degree from Simmons College.
In addition to her cataloging and circulation experience at the University of
San Francisco, Maureen has worked with manuscripts and photographs in the
special collections area of MIT. i A " I
Ebba Jo Sexton, who has worked both in our cataloging department and Music
Library, has returned to take the temporary vacancy of music cataloger. Ebba
Jo has both her Bachelor of Music Education and her MLS from Kentucky.
Toni Powell, Agriculture Library,is replacing Rhoda Channing as—a member of the
University Senate.
The Library Committee of the Senate is composed of the following members:
Philip J. Noffsinger, ’8l, Chairman Student:
Wayne Wiegand, '8l _ p' _ Steve Goldstein `
Jane S. Peters, '8l _ »
J. R, Jones, '82 .
· William J. Marshall, *82 Ex Officio:
Doyle E. Peaslee, '82 _ Paul Willis ‘
John Scarborough, '82
Eugenie C. Scott, °82

Six UK faculty members will read their prose, poetry and translations in a new
series on Tuesday evenings in the Gallery, King Library North. The programs begin ·
at 8 PM and will be on 18 September, 9 and 30 October, 13 November, and 4 December.
In the first program, 18 September, Guy Davenport, professor of English, will read ·
from his recent collection of stories, Dg_Vinci's Bicycle (John Hopkins, 1979), and U
other works. _
The following program, 9 October, presents Elizabeth Libbey, a poet and new member of
the faculty of the expanding creative writing program at the University. A prominent
Kentucky writer, Gurney Norman, will read on 30 October. His most recent collec-
tion of stories, Kinfolks, is set in Kentucky. Another Kentuckian, Jane Gentry Vance,
will read her poetry on 13 November. Joining Ms. Vance on the 13 November program
will be Charles Rowell, editor of Callaloo and Acting Dean of Undergraduate Studies.
The final program in the series will be a reading by poet Barry Spacks, visiting
professor of creative writing from MIT.
The series is sponsored by the University of Kentucky Libraries and the Department
of English. The public is welcome; admission is free. `
Application forms for the 1980 Summer Faculty Research Fellowships are now available
in the Office of the Graduate Dean, 359 Patterson Tower. Completed applications
should be returned on or before November 15, 1979. Information about the fellow-
ships, particularly eligibility criteria, is available in the publication Research
Su ort for Members of the Universit of Kentuck Facult . "
Date: Friday, October 5, 1979
Time: Registration: 8:30 AM — 9:00 AM ’
Workshopz- 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 1
Place: Room MN 342 University of Kentucky Medical Center V
Tuition: $35 per person. V
Workshop Leader : Susan Gaffield ·
To register, or for additional information phone the Rational Behavior Therapy
Center at 233-6009. _ _
If your own performance of a job looks perfect to you, it isn't because you have
done a perfect job, it's only because you have imperfect standards. /f
—-J. Quigley Wagestaffe (fl. 1799+1899)
VACANCIES . l 0 0 ’
Clerical Assistant 016 (one fu1l—time; one half—time) — Microfilm Center. U
If interested, see Faith Harders. . J

 -4- `”\
Social Sciences Librarian (Head, Social Sciences Department), Colorado State
University Libraries. Salary $15,100 assistant professor or $17,700 associate
professor. Application deadline September 28, 1979.
Dean of Library Services, Indiana State University. Salary commensurate with
qualifications and experience. Competitive. Application deadline November 5, 1979.