xt7crj48qg4v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48qg4v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-04-12  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1946 1946 1946-04-12 2013 true xt7crj48qg4v section xt7crj48qg4v L2

Activity Point System
Subject Of Page-On- e



Story And Editorial

Kentucky Kernel

H.F. Willkie
To Speak
At Convo

'White Pilgrim' -- Horlon
Tnlm C,,n,ln.r
ami ouiiunj
Audience To Hear


The mixed chorus of the University will present a program of sacred
music in Memorial hall Sunday at
four o'clock, under the direction of
Lewis Henry Horton. This is the
annual appearance of the combined
Men's and Women's Glee clubs, of
which Mr. Horton and Miss Mildred
Sinclair Lewis are directors.
The first half of the program will
be "The White Pilgrim," a cantata
based on folk hymns and white
spirituals of Eastern Kentucky by
Mr. Horton and the Rev. Buell H.








Page Eight

FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1916

Dr. Lyle K. Henry, University
personnel manager, has received instructions concerning such questions as withdrawing from school
and transferring from one school to
another for all veterans enrolled
H. Fred Willkie. Louisville indus-trali- st under Public Laws 16 and 346.
and chairman of the Postwar
The regulations, which were reAdvisory Planning Commission of leased by Dr. A. B. Crawford, VetKentucky, will discuss "Reconver-sic- n erans Administration Training Officer, follow:
of Citizenship" at the
Circular No. 38. February 14,
to be held 1946, Veterans Administration, Parconvocation
Thursday at 11 a.m. in Memorial agraph 2. states that "A veteran
hall under the sponsorship of the once entered into training under
Public Law 16 will be expected to
Student Government Association.
continue through to completion of
Charles Gardner, Louisville, out- his training program without Alter
going president cf the Student ruption in so far as it is possible to
Government Association will pre- do so." Circular No. 38 further
side at the convocation, and will states that
When a veteran under Public Law
introduce the new officers consisting
16 discontinues his training to enter
of the president, vice president and employment or to
take a vacation
ten members of the governing board during a period when training is
of the association who are scheduloffered, his training will be intered for election on April 17. Presi- rupted and his status will be trainand a
dent Donovan will deliver the ing interrupted volition.' notation
If dur- charge to the new officers and 'Claimant's
governing board, which group will be j rP(i,lr(lH v,,
wn,i0nHhi decre.
formally installed in office by Wen-da- ll
he cannot be reentered into train'
DeMarcus during the convo lng
under Public Law 16.
cation program.
When training is interrupted by
The Speaker
the closing of school for the sumMr. Willkie is vice president in mer or if by reason of sickness or
charge of production for the Joseph other good reasons, the veteran's
E. Seagram and Sons, Inc., at Louis- training will be placed in the status
ville, and is a leader in industrial, of training interrupted with the
scientific and civic affairs. . He is notation 'Authorized by V.A.' If
affiliated with numerous organiza- during this period, the veteran's
tions and civic groups, is first vice rating is reduced to less than penpresident of the Committee for sionable degree, he will not lose
Kentucky, member of the Kentucky his educational benefits under Pub- branch of the English Speaking lie Law 16. If a veteran withdraws
Union, member of the Filson His-- ! from school without notifying the
torical Society, member of the board VA, and if he desires to reenter
of trustees of the Indiana University training within a reasonable period,
Foundation, from which school he he may apply for
was graduated; member of the training and due consideration will
speakers bureau of the League of be given to his application and if
Women Voters; Kentucky
Farm the reasons given have sufficient
Bureau Federation; president of merit, he may be permitted to reenter training under Public Law 16
the Louisville Area,
Center; director of the Louisville even though he has lost his pension
Board of Trade and chairman of during the period of



SGA Assembly Will Consider

Public Law 16 Veterans
Regulations Clarified
ing institutions of the importance
of cooperating fully with the
with respect to the question of
withdrawals of veterans from training under Public Law 16.
when a veteran who is in training under Public Law 346 withdraws
or abandons training without notifying the training institution or
the VA., or if the training institu
tion has been notified but fails to
report the information promptly to
the V.A., overpayment to the vet
eran usually results. To avoid complications that arise from overpayment, all trainees under Public Law
346 should be urged to report to the
V.A. their intentions of withdrawal
prior to the date or immediately
following the date of withdrawal,

Activity Point System Monday


SGA Officers
To Be Installed

Sacred Music




Mixed Chorus To Present

Baseball, Track, Tenniis
Schedules Announced

SGA Election

Plan To Limit Number Of Activities
Per Person Will Highlight Meeting

To Be Held

Pat Burnett

Kernel News Editor

Arts and
Howard Stephenson,
Sciences junior from Mt. Sterling.
and Harold Phillips, Arts and Sciences sophomore frcm Central City,
have been selected by the Consti-

The Student Activities file, a system for rationing student activity
on the University campus, will be
considered at a meeting of the Student Government Association to be
held at S p.m. Monday In the Union
A special student activities committee, headed by Dick Lowe, has
been working for two quarters on
plans for the proposed Activities
File system. The motion for investigation of possibilities for such a
system by the Student Government
Association was passed during the
1945 spring quarter, when SGA was
under the leadership of Clay Salyer.
Salyer left the University in December and Charles Gardner succeeded him. No definite action was
taken by the committee until the
winter quarter; at the last SGA
meeting before the end of the quarter, the report of the committee was
submitted to the assembly.
If the plan of the committee is
adopted, a Student Activities point
board, composed of two SGA members elected by the assembly; one
male student chosen by Dean T. T.
Jones, one woman student chosen
by Dean Sarah B. Holmes, and two
faculty advisers would govern the
number of student activities.
(A story showing student opinion
of the Activities File system will be
found on page 3 of The Kernel.)
Under the proposed system, each
student would be allotted 12 points,
and a secretary would be employed
to keep records of student activities.
Points would be determined by the
committee. The full report of the
committee follows:
"The committee for investigating
the possibility of organizing a Stu
dent Activities Point system on the
University of Kentucky campus is
presenting the following report
"Realizing that the purpose of
this organization shall be to regu
late and limit the participation of


member. 1 point; Phi Beta, president, 4 points; officer, 2 points;
Clubs and societies: Alma Magna
Mater, American Society of Civil
Engineers. Art Club, Ateneo Caste- llaneo. Bacteriological Society. Baptist Student Council, Business Education Club, Cosmopolitan Club, Cub
Club, Dutch Lunch Club, German
Club, Home Ecomonlcs Club, La
Cercle Francais, Methodist Youth
Fellowship, Newman Club, Outing
Club, Phalanx Fraternity. Philosophy Club, Pitkin Club. Pryor Pre- Medical Society, Secretarial Club.
Tau Sigma. H Club, president. 3
points; officer. 2 points; member. 1
and Women's Athletic Association, president. 4 points;
officer, 3 points; member. 2 points.
Women's Panhellenic Association.
Interfraternity Council. Independent Party Council, YMCA. YWCA,
president. 5 points; officer. 3 points:
member, 1 point Radio staff: head
engineer. 4 points; engineer.
points; head announcer, 4 points;
staff announcer, 2 points; announcer, 1 point. Women's Glee Club,
member, 2 points. Activities Board,
chairman. 3 points; member. 2
Social sororities and fraternities:
president 5 point; secretary and
treasurer, 4 points; pledge trainer,
4 points; social chairman. 3 points;

tutionalist and Independent parties
as a candidate for president of the
Student Government Association.
Kazee. Kentucky folk lorist. Mr.
Mary Keith Dosker, ConstitutionHorton has a wide reputation as a
and give reasons therefor. The im- alists and Arts and Sciences sophocomposer and as an arranger of
portance of this matter should be
more from Louisville, will oppose
folk music.
communicated to all veterans in
junior from Win- The second half of the program
Jack May, pre-latraining under Public Law 346 and Chester, for
will be Mendelssohn's "Come Let
to I institutions which train such
Us Sing."
Phillips, an Independent, served
Soloists will be students in the
$t has become rather a common with the Army Air Corps as a first
William O. Laslie
Music department. Mrs. Lela W.
practice for veterans in training lieutenant and is chairman of the
Cullis. instructor of organ in the
under Public Law 346 to change Veterans' Club steering committee.
Music department and University
institutions and oftentimes to Stephenision. Constitutionalists'
convocation organist, will be at the
change educational objectives with choice, is president of the Phalanx
console of the Memorial hall
out prior knowledge or approval of Fraternity, member of the YMCA
reguThis program will close the
the V.A. The regulations are very cabinet, and past president of Pi
lar Sunday afternoon musicale
definite concerning the questions of Kappa Alpha social fraternity.
series of the season. Other programs
O. Laslie, commerce
May, a Marine Corps veteran, is
transfer and changing of educa
to be presented before the close of junior frcm West Point, was elected
tional objectives. A request for a a member of the executive commit
the spring quarter by musical or- president of SuKy Circle, student
change of course or change of in- tee of the Independent party. Dos
ganizations of the Music depart- pep organization,
at a meeting this.
stitutions must be "Made in writing ker, Constitutionalist, is a member
ment will be announced later.
by the veteran himself setting forth of the SGA, secretary of the YWCA
week. Betty Joe Harris, arts and
The White Pilgrim Part I, The sciences freshman from Lexington,
full information concerning
the and Pitkin club, and a member of
Pilgrimage Begins: The Pilgrim's
proposed change, including the rea Cwens and Alpha Lambda Delta.
Farewell, men's chorus and baritone was elected vice
sons for desiring to make it; or if
Laslie, a veteran, is treasurer of
Voting will be held April 17, In
solo; Canaan, baritone solo and
oy the educational or training in the Student Union building from
rush chairman, 3 points; historian
Sigma Nu fraternity. Miss Harris,
mixed chorus.
stitutions, including the reasons for 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Gwen Pace chairand editor. 2 points; member, 1
who is a University cheer leader, is
Part II. The Pilgrim as Evangelpoint
the recommendation."
a member of Chi Omega sorority.
man of the election committee of
ist: Dialogue, baritone and tenor
and service orAdministrative
The written request must be made the SGA will be in charge of the
Other officers elected were Betty
soli; O Turn Ye, alto solo and
to the V. A. and approval obtained voting.
Rhoads, Alpha Gamma Delta,
mixed chorus; Dialogue (continued). Ree
manager. 5
before any request for a Suppletreasurer;
Candidates for assembly represenbaritone and tenor soli; Eternity, Lexington,
points; junior manager, 4 points;
mental Certicate of Eligibility and tatives are:
(con Whitehouse, Independent, Lexingwomen's chorus; Dialogue
member track, base ban. basketball,
Entitlement will be made to the
Arts and Sciences college:
tinued), tenor and baritone duet; ton, assistant treasurer; Charlotte
Registration and Research Section.
football teams. 5 points; cheerKnapp, Kappa Alpha Theta, LexDuncan, ConstituTom
There Is Power In Jesus' Blood
training tionalist (unopposed) ; upperc
When a veteran
leader. 3 points; assistant 3 points.
ington, secretary; Ellen Wood, Inbaritone and tenor soli with mixed
Debate and oratory groups. House
under Public Law 346 in the same
dependent, Lexington, tryout manElizabeth Cary, Constituchorus.
institution, this fact should be tionalist;
Presidents' Council, Student Bar
ager; C. E. Martin, Sigma Phi Epsi-loSarah Smith, IndepenPart III, Death of the Pilgrim:
noted on Form 178.
Association: president 3 points; ofRumscy, assistant tryout mandent; lowerclasswomen, Mary
See the Stars Begin to Fall, barificer, 2 points; member. 1 point
Bryant and Shirley Carmich-ae- l.
tone solo and mixed chorus; Been
business manager, 4
Constitutionalists; Ruby Jesse
the State Fair committee; member training.
a Long Time Trav'ling, baritone
junior staff member. 4
and Mary Virginia Averitt. IndepenIt is important, therefore, for the
solo and mixed chorus; The Gospel Alpha Xi
of the executive committee of the
points: member. 3 points.
Seniors who entered the Unidents; lowerclassman, Virgil Pryor.
Ship, string ensemble; Evensong,
Louisville Committee on Foreign veteran who is in training under
Kernel: eanor, 7 points; Business
acversity the spring quarter and
$2,088.79 To Fund
16, to notify the V.A. of
Constitutionalist; Harold Friedly all students in
manager, 6 points; managing editor.
mixed quartet; The Whit Pilgrim,
Relations; member of the board of Public Law
who expect to complete requiretivities so that more persona may S points: assistant business manatraining
Jr.. Independent.
soprano solo and mixed chorus; By A check for $2,088.79 was present the Louisville Community Chest; any Intentions to abandon
college: upperclass-woma- n. have a chance to participate and so ger. 3 points; staff editors. 3 points;
the Grace of God We'll Meet, finale ed .Wednesday night to Bernie A. president of the board of directors and to explain fully the reasons ments for graduation at the
close of the spring or summer
Sue Ann Bradford, Con- that a few individuals are not over- reporter, 1 point; news editor, 4
therefor. This should be deoe prior
mixed chorus.
Shively, representing the Universof the Louisville Philharmonic solrom quarter, and who have not at stitutionalist; Edwina Abraham, burdened, we make the following points.
ity Athletic Association, by Mrs. ciety; chairman of the utilities sub- - to the date" of withdrawal should
a previous tine made applica-tio- n Independent.
Kentuckian: editor, 7 points ; ma if-R. F.' Watts, alumna of Alpha XI
of the Mayor's Legisla training. Similar Institution In which
Guignol Cast Chosen Delta sorority; The check reprc- - j tive Committee of City Louis-- be given to the.
'1. That the number of activities aging editor,
for degrees, are requested
Engineering college: lowerclasspoints; assistant busthe
training. Veterans to do so-- on Monday, April 15. man. Lewis Hart, Jr., Constitution in which a student of the Univer- iness manager. 5 points; basinet
seated, naif the proceeds from the J villc; gold certificate member ot he. is pursuing his
For 150th
summer This applies also to graduate alist; Dillard Hlllman, Independent sity may engage be governed by a manager, 6 points; associate editor,
not plan to attend
Spring Carnival.
the National Association for" the who do should notify both the inPoint board. 4 points; staff member, 2 points.
students who expect to complete
college: upperclass- - Student Activities
Mr. Wallace N. Briggs, director
A letter accompanying the check Advancement
or Colored People; school
requirements for graduate deCertain points are to be accredited
stitution and the VA. of this lact
woman, Angela Meisch. Constitu
Student Government Association:
of the Guignol theater, announced for the Athletic Association ex- and member of the Women's Action
grees. Alt applications should be
prior to withdrawal so that detertionalist; Joan Scott, Independent. for activities according to a table president S points; officer, 3 points:
yesterday the cast for the forth pressed gratitude for cooperation of Committee speakers bureau, besides
filed in room 16 of the Adminattached.
mination can be made as to whether
representative, 2 points.
many others.
all persons concerned.
coming play, "Three's a Family"
"2. That 12 points will be the
istration building.'
the notation on the Form 1907a
Lee Traube, ConstitutionStudent Union Board: president.
the little theater's 150th play.
Friday, May 10, is the last day
maximum a student may carry.
own voliHolds Patents
should read 'Claimant's
7 points; officer, S points; member.
alist; Helen Burke, Independent.
on which application may be
"3. That the Student Activities 4
cast is as follows: Sam Whit-ake- r, 17 Women Named
Mr. Willkie holds some 16 patents tion" or 'Authority by 'V.A.' Trainpoints; service committee member.
Graduate school: Joseph Meers,
made for graduation in June.
board be composed of two
Larry Snedeker; Erma
May Queen Nominees on diverse subjects, ranging indus- ing officers and others shouldtraining No student will be considered Constitutionalist; Wesley Pritchard, Point chosen from the Student 2 SuKy: president, 5 points; oT-e- i.
Charlotte Corn; Adelaide,
all veterans who are in
articles of manufacture to
Government Association, one male 3 points: member, 2 points; t: . --out,
for graduation who has not filed
Alice Dean; Kitty Mitchell, Sue Ann
Candidates for the May Queen,
processes, and is affiliated with
an application. Candidates for
student chosen by Dean Jones, one 1 point
Turlcy; Archie Whi taker, John who will preside over a parade at trial
the American Academy of Political Helen
woman student chosen by Dean
the bachelor's degree will be
Lawrence Todnem
Renfro; Hazel Whitaker, Ridgely annual May Day exercises sponsored
University choristers, member. 2
charged a graduation fee of
Holmes, and two faculty advisers.
Park: Frances Whitaker. Ren ice by SuKy circle, were announced and Social Science; the American
band: drum
YM-- Y W
Association for the Advancement of Elected YW Head
"4. Any student on probation is major, 4 points:
$9.00. This will cover the rental
man. James yesUrday by CorneU clarke SuKy
librarian, 3 points;
Science; the American Institute of
- nrsjHPnt
only membership in an orof cap and gown, diploma fee,
As the second program in the allowed
miichcu, ivay irDiuer,
member. 3 points. University orHutchcraft. arts and
Chemical Engineers; American In
cus; another maid, Mary Mulligan;
chestra, member, 3 points.
series The World
Its Future be- ganization."
The women chosen cn the basis stitute of Political Science: is a sciences junior from Paris , was the Kentuckian. and senior dues.
The points as designated by the Women's Administrative Council:
Candidates for advanced dea girl, Bettie Tuttle; Dr Bartell, cf leadership, activities.pcrsonality,
ing presented by the University committee are as follows:
chosen president of the YWCA for
fellow in the Andhra Research Unigrees will be charged a fee of
Edmund Mills, and Marian Frank- scholarship
chairman, 4 points; treasurer. 2
and attractiveness
YWCA and YMCA at the Tuesday
(International Faculty) ; the coming year in the election held
Honor societies: Alpha Lambda
$15.00, which will cover the
lin, Betty Harris Russell.
were picked by a committee com- member of the industries committee Tuesday.
night meetings in the Union Build- Delta, Beta Gamma Sigma. Kappa points; member. 1 point. Kampus
She succeeds Betty
above with the exception of the
Kousins member, I point.
The play, which is scheduled to posed of Miss Jane Haselden, Mrs. of the
senior in arts and
Associated Industry of Ken- Fleischman.
Kentuckian and in addition, the ing, Mr. Lawrence Todnem will tell ueua ct, uraer oi me uiu,
run for a week, will open May 6th. Sarah B. Holmes, Dean L. J.
of his experiences , in China and Beta Kappa; president, 3 points; I
tucky; member of the executive sciences, frcm Lexington.
cost of the hood to be presented
Admission mill be 60 cents for stuDr. A. J. Lawrence, Mrs.
India previous to and through the officer, 2 points; member, 1 point
Other officers elected were Ann
the candidate. Graduation fees
dents and one dollar for all others. Dorothy Evans, Miss Irma Poole, committee of the Kentucky and Biggerstaff, Lexington,
years of war.
Maryland Distillers Association, a
Leadership societies: Cwens, presare payable not later than MonMiss Bess Harvard, and Miss Mar- - charter member of the Kentucky
Mary Keith Dosker, Louisville,
day, June 3.
began his ident, 3 points; officer. 2 points;
garet Storey.
YMCA career at Dakota Wesleyan Mortar Board and Omicron Delta
chapter. Society for the Advance- secretary; and Frances Wilhoytc,
Leo M. Chamberlain
An election will be held at a later ment of Management, and is listed treasurer. They will replace Clau-din- e
University where for two years he Kappa, president, 5 points; officer,
Dean of the University
date to narrow the field to nine in "Who's Important in Business,"
was president of. the YM Cabinet. 3 points; member, 2 points.
Gibson, Mary Bennett
and Registrar
women. Every student will be "Who's Who
Recognition societies: Chi Delta
The meeting will be held at 7 pjn.
and Joan Scott,
in America," and "The
eligible to vote. From these nine Southerners."
Phi and Phi Upsilon Omicron, presin the Y Lounge.
under Public Law 16 and the train- women who remain in the competiident, 4 points; officer. 2 points:
By Lacy Thomas
tion, the committee will choose the
member, 1 point; Phi Mu Epsilon
May Queen. The other eight women
and Theta Sigma Phi. president, 3 COMING OF SPRING MEAN TO
SGA . . . will meet at 5 pm. Mon- will be attendants. The queen and
points; officer, 2 points; member, 1
day in the Union building to con- her court will be presented in the
Joan Scott Agriculture, junior:
Alpha Chi
Activities File parade May 11.
Professional societies:
sider the proposed
team and get them ready for college do the plans include provisions for' We haven't seen the plans for the Sigma and Phi Delta Kappa, presi- In spring it's the outdoor life for
By O. C. Halyard, Jr.
system. All students urged to attend.
Women chosen as candidates in
me and
new field house, but we're reasonOnly members of the assembly may clude the following:
Spring spcrts are here. Sure, but competition. It's not fair to either indoor practice in these sports?
dent, 3 points; officer, 2 points; astronomy! what a time to study
The Athletic Department says ably certain that adequate provisKitty Crapster, arts and sciences they'll be gene before, you know it. the players or the coaches as it does
James W. Isert Jr., A AS, freshHome Economics club . . . will meet junior. Winchester: Sue Ann Brad- - The season on Spring sports was not give them a chance to do their sure we're taking care of these ions could be made for indoor prac
man: In the spring a young man's
at 7:30 p.m. Monday in room 203 of iford commerce junior, Lexington; short enough on the semester sys-tl- ie best, and it certainly isn't fair to sports, and they are in a way. But tice of the spring sports at little New
fancy lightly turns to thoughts
Home Ec building.
Nancy O'Rear, arts and sciences tern, bu on the new quarter system the spectators who pay to see practicing tennis on a hardwood additional cost A cost that would Now
she's been thinking of all wuiter.
open house at seniori Versailles; Julie Landrum, it's even shorter. The end of this sports that should rival professional court and then playing on a clay be repaid many imes by the mere
will hold
. . . Hubba. Hubba.
203 East Fourth street from 3 to arts and sciences senior, Lexington; quarter, which is the first part of play as does college football and court is a lot different, and just consolation that Kentucky ranked Music
Lois White. AiS, junior: Every6 pm. Saturday.
passing a baseball around inside among the top few in all sports.
new albums of classical thing but school!
June or about seven weeks from basketball.
Frances Street, arts and sciences
I'niversity for Life program . . . will senior Cadiz: Marv Fox Clarke. now. winds ud baseball, tennis,
Since it is impractical to try to helps a little, but still leaves a lot
All that would be necessary to recordinffs have been added recent
Il in 1 1 Mft m m M
present Dr. H. H. Downing on Sd- - commerce senior, Maysville; V ! v.. tralr anI nrvlf ac far AS COlleCTCS revise the rules and hold competi- such as batting and sliding, etc., to fulfill this dream is an addition on ly to the Carnegie music library in ;freshman.
mt old thing-get- ting
p.m. Sun- Lou Witherspocn, arts and sciences are concerned.
ence and Religion" at 6
tive sports beyond the first of June, be worked on after they get outside. the field house maybe along one the music room of the Union build- a nice cozy apartment for me and
day at Central Christian church.
La wrenceburg ; Angela' Ordinarily, these sports would just and since it is hardly possible that There is considerable difference in side, made of corrugated siding if in, according to Mrs. Lewis H. Mills, the little woman! Notify box 2137.
Alpha Gamma Delta . . . will hold Meisch, agriculture and home eco- -; be
we'll have weather suitable for running around a gym floor and a nothing else, to protect an area of Carnegie record librarian.
getting into full swing about
Marjerie Sulser, Engineering, Junopen house this afternoon for Delta nomics junior, Sanford, Fla.; Sue
practice earlier than April 1, it looks cinder track, and yon can't practice ground from the weather. The dirt
New albums are:
that time of the summer, but
ior: It always makes me sleepy.
Tau Delta and Triangle fraternities.
"Transfigured Night" Arnold
arts and sciences sophomore, cording to an intercollegiate rule, as if there isn't much that can be broad jumping, high Jumping, shot floor could easily have a tennis
Patch Woolfolk. Agriculture, senGerman club . . . will meet at 4 p.m. Frankfort; Doris Smith, arts and no competitive sporting activities done to help the situation. .How- putt pole vaulting, etc. on a hard court or two built in. a section Schonberg, by the St. Louis Sym- - ior:
It's the time when this Ken- Wednesday in room 302, Miller hall,
sciences senicr, Lexington; Elizabeth can take place during the summer ever, a number of colleges and uni wood floor. As far as golf practice leveled off for infield practice and phony Orchestra: "Symphony No. tucky blue grass turns green.
rtii tpsilon Omicron . . . luncheon Alien x nomas Kuster, aris ana quarters. AUo manv scnoois are versities have taken steps to un- - inside is concerned, there Is practi- sliding practice, pits built in for 7 In C. Major," Jan Sibelius, by the Jean Ritchie. A&S. senior: In
meeting at 12:30 Saturday in the
Orchestra of New spring I don't think I go to sleep.
sciences senior, Paris; Nancy Cath- - on the semester system and take prove their spring sports. Among cally nothing that can be done on a jumping and pole vaulting, and area Philharmonic
Home Ec building.
hardwood floor.
erine Taylor, arts and sciences summer vacations. Altogether, even them is the University of
for shot putt and discus throwing, York, conducted by Sir Thomas Joe W. Daugherty. A AS. junior:
First Methodist . . . Vespers at
green built in so Beecham; "Sonata in B Minor. It makes mc want to be out doors
Hardinsburg; Gwen- - counting ih
arlv snrinr we had nati. a big contender of Kentucky's
As longs as we've started a re- and even have a
5:30 p.m. are followed by supper.
baseball, tennis, track and golf.
by Valdimir
program will feature a speaker dolyn Pace, arts and sciences senior, this year, it only leaves two months
juvenated athletic program at the that the golfers could have a head Franz Liszt, performed Transflgura-b- e as much as possible not alone
Tavares, Fla.; Sally Branch, arts at the most for the coaches to hold
though! It's the first spring I've
start on their putting. AU this could Horowitz: "Death and
The University of Cincinnati has University
to be announced. George Yankee
in football, why not step
Strauss. Leopold seen since '41.
provisions in their field house to just
combined inside In a not too tion," Richard
is president of the young people's and sciences sophemore. Hunting- - tryouts, organize a team, have prac-toa little bit further and make it
Peggy ..Ellis, ..AJLS. sophomore:
W. Va.; Helen Davis, agricul- - tice, and play a full schedule,
large area and be ready for use at Stokowski and the Philharmonic
hold indoor practice for all of these a rejuvenated
athletic program for
New York,
Spring makes me want to lay
Christ Episcopal . . . evensong at ture and home economics senior, Two months would be sufficient sports starting as early in the year all sports. As long as we have plans any time lrregardless of the weather Orchestra of
Fantasia." Frani around and day dream.
Paris; Mary Helmick Meade, arts time to play the schedules, if the as they so desire. They have clay to put
5:30. dinner at 6. A movie depictKentucky on the sports outside. With the swimming pool
Jane Allene Wolf. Education, junEurope and sciences senior Covington, and games were billed so that all four tennis courts built in under the pages across the country in foot- already p!anned the Wildcats would
ing conditions in starving
Grand Orchestra Phllharmoni- - ior: Ah! Herrington Lake.
Anne Biggerstaff. agriculture and teams weren't playing at home at stands at yery little additional cost.
will be shown at 7 o'clock.
-ball to equal our basketball claims, have a better chance in all sports. q(Je de
Marie Lewis. A AS. sophomore:
Metropolitan Revi-Ye- s,
However, such a Kentucky is going to build an
Hillrl rroun
a Dartv will be heme economics junior, Lexington. thi om
why not climb to the top n.vais Enrico Caruso: "Trio No. 1, Books! Or so my mother tells me!
let's really climb the ladder and get
held at the Adath Israel temple Louise Jewett. ai ts and sciences short period does not furnish ample elaborate field house Just as soon
Joe Vet: Flimsy blouses.
(Continued on Page Five)
all sporting activities;
tomorrow night, beginning at 7:30. junior, Cynthiana.
Itime for the coaches to make up a as the materials can be gotten, but on top in all sports.

SuKy Elects
Bill Laslie







Inter-Americ- an

Hil-lea- ry

Graduation Data





extra-curricul- ar





Hutchcraf t







Let's Take TIME

OUT To Think





Cincin-sophomor- e,





� Best Copy Avaname

The Kernel Editorial Pages



Dick Lowe
Dora Lee Robertson
Casey Goman
Tom Duncan

Kanroek rulercolleglata Preaa Asaoelatloa
Lexington Board of Commerca
Kentucky Presa Association
National Editorial Asaoctatloa

Marilyn Mitchell
HUGH Collett
James Wyatt
O. C.


JANE Hamersley

National Advertising Semce,lBC.
MaotaoM Ava.
Ma aaeixte imcm




M One Qamrter





The sun's gone dim, and
The moon's turned black;
For I loved him, and
He didn't love back.
Dorothy Parker

Advertising Solicitors


AU ugnea arttciea ana cotamne era Co Oa Conner
cottitoaa of the writers themtelvet, and to not aecewarUy
refect th opinion of The Kernel.

One Tear


Why Ration Activities?

If this column gets to look like
Elbert Hubbard's Scrapbook, don't
say we didn't warn you! Lately,
we've been walking around with our
statistics we haven't seen, and in defense of the eyes open and, therefore, we've
veterans both as a group and, for the most part, discovered countless amazing things.
of those things is: Other Peo- as individuals.
pie write poe