xt7crj48q295 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7crj48q295/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-11-18  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1930 1930 1930-11-18 2012 true xt7crj48q295 section xt7crj48q295 Best Copy Available P



















18, 1930


FALL FESTIVAL William Klaren
Kentucky Is Victor
Deans Release
Social Calendar JUDGINGPAVILION Electric Iron DEBATING TEAM Over V.M. I. Cadets
William B. Klaren, Lexington, a

Tentative Dates for Dances
Approved by Student Coan-ci- l
and Senate
Program to Continue Through
May 16; Many Organiza-

tions Are Listed

The tentative social calendar for
the entire school year has been released by Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes,
acting dean of women. The dates
for social functions which have been
scheduled on the calendar were
granted to the various campus organizations after being approved by
the Men's Student Council, the University Senate and the Dean of
Each of the organizations listed
on the calendar presented three
dates for consideration. The following tentative social program has
been arranged:
November 29th:
Delta Chi, Phi Delt, K A, Alpha
December 6:
SAE, Phi Sigma Kappa,
Sig, Kappa.
December 19:
Pan Hellenic (formal).

Seek Snapshots
Pictures of University Life
Sought by Kentuckian
Persons having snapshots of uni
versity life are requested to submit
copies of them to Frank Stone, fea
ture section editor of the Kentuckian. As many of these pictures as
can be used will appear in the 1931
Any pictures of campus or uni
versity life are wanted. These may
include athletics, individuals either
separately or in groups (photographs must be recognizable), activities, sorority
and fraternity
groups, campus scenes, and, espec
ially, unusual pictures. Acknowl
edgement for all pictures used will
be made in the Kentuckian.

Walker Resigns as
News Editor to Take
Associate Editorship

Varied Program of Entertainment Is Planned for Participants in Events



Neff Receives Prize
Of Art Association

Work Is Rerun on
New Observatory



Government Patent No. 1780236 on a
iron which he "recently invented.
According to Klaren the iron is
TO ENTER COMPETITION an ordinary nelectric one with a
'compact built-isteam unit that
Girls' Milkimr Conted Folk i eliminates sprinkling clothes which
Ballads and Tap Dancing
operations which are not possible
except with a complicated steam
to Be Features
presser may be done easily and
The annual Fall Festival, sponsor- with little expense with the new
ed by the Block and Bridle Club of Iron. The iron may be used cither
the College of Agriculture, will be with or without the steam unit.
held at 7 o'clock, Friday, Nov. 21,
Klaren said that he had never
Exhibits, livestock judging contests, been connected with a pressing shop
in the livestock pudging pavilion. but had recently done- pressing for
booths, and a program of entertain himself.
Finding the alternate
ment, are to be the high spots of the hand sprinkllnc and Dressing both
.awkward and inefficient he deter- The stock Judging team, compos- -, mined to construct for himself
ed of members of the College of ' an Iron which would eliminate the
Agriculture who will represent the sprinkling process. His experiments
university at the International Live- - along this line led to his Invention,
stock Exposition at Chicago, will be He has received several commu-prese- nt
at the festival, and will take nlcations from business concerns
part in the livestock Judging con-- 1 and law offices in regard to his
i vention and is hopeful of selling the
Each department of the college of patent in the near future. It is be- ntrHpnltiirp will nrenare
a model . neved that there are unlimited pos- booth, the contents of which are not , sibillties for the sale of .the inven- known at the present time. These on u a rename corporation manu-booth- s,
together wih a nominal ad- - factures It for the market
mission fee is the only means the
sponsors have of defraying the expenses of the Festival.
Phi Upsilon Omicron. Alpha Zeta,
and the Block and Bridle Club, will
hold pledging exercises after the
livestock Judging contests.
On the program are mountain Mrs. F. D. Coleman.-Speakfolk ballads, tap dancing, milking
Staff and Crown Chapter on
contest for girls, a crystal gazer, and
National Phases ftf the Orother incidental bits of

Morton Walker has resigned his
position as news editor of The Kernel to become an associate editor
it was announced yesterday. John
Murphy, senior In the College of
Jaaaary 19:
Arts and Sciences, will take Mr.
Sigma Beta XI, Alpha Xi.
Walker's position as news editor.
Jamury 17:
Sigma Nu, Cadet Hop, BSO (for- Mr. Murphy sports been a member of
staff prior to this
The Kernel
February 7:
Mr. Walker has been news editor
Lambda Chi Alpha, Cadet Hop.
for the past year, and has been a
Febraary 14:
ZTA, KD (formal), Alpha Delta valuable member of the staff. As
an associate editor he will assist in
directing the editorial policy of The
Febraary 21:
The following statement has been
sent to members of the university
Kentuckian (formal).
staff, In regard to the festival:
Military Ball (formal).
We wish to call your attention to
Febraary 2S:
the Annual Fall Festival which is to
be held on next Friday night, No
DTD (formal).
vember 21, in the Livestock Judging
March 7:
Pavilion. This Festival is sponsored
Cadet Hop, Strollers (formal).
and directed entirely by the stuMarch 14:
(forCollege of Agriculture
ATO, SAE (formal), Phi Sig
Dr. Morgenstern, Cincinnati, dents the the
faculty advisory commitmal).
WiH Talk on "German His- tee to lend assistance whenever it
Match 2S:
Chi O, (formal), Campus Club
tory" at General Convoca- is needed. No appropriation of any
kind Is made by the unlvesity for
tion in Memorial Hall
this event and it must pay its own
Art 19: Pi (formal),
way. The young men and young
Tau, Beta
T)r. A. P. Moreens tern, a Cincin
who have
li: Hop,
at the womenare working charge of this
nhvslcian. will
hard to
Phi Delt (formal), nati
ineral convocation Friday morning a success and we hope that sake
you wtB
' DZ (formal).
at. in o'clock, in Memorial hall. His
nek thm by at
May 9:
parallel with the present find it BoeMbte toannouncement will
i Cadet Hop.
program of Pan Folitikon, will be tending. Further
through the Kernel ana
May 14:
"Oerman History, a Result of Pe- be made
the Lexington papers during the
Triangle (formal).
culiar Racial and Geographic Con coming week.
Sincerely yours,
On Friday afternoon at the meet
Gertrude Wade. Statle Erikson,
ing of the German Club, Doctor
J. Holmes Martin, L. J. Horlachsix-re- el
unmnutwn will shew a
er, Advisory Committee.
picture of travel in Germany and
will give a short talk in German.
The hour of the club meeting has
been changed from 4
Donations of $500 Are Receiv- o'clock and the place o'clock to 3:30
from McVey
ed in Annual Canpaign for nail to Dicicer mul- e puouc is
Faculty Con- cordially invites! to attend beth the University Student Submits
Financial Aid;
ctafc meeting.
convocation aad the
Best Painting, '
Vrldav evMaimt at 6:30 o'clock.
"Still Life"
More than $500 dollars was se- Doctor Merger astern win be the
cured in cash and pledges by awm-be- rs guest ec robot ai a dinner given at
la accordance with its policy of
International Relations Club
of the university Y. M. O. A. the University Commons.
awarding prizes to the most popular
cabinet in tthe annual drive far
Doctor Mortenetern. a native of exheeit shewn in its student exhibi
funds which closed last week. Thirty-t- Germany, attended the universities tion. The College Art Association
has armewseed that the first prise,
workers took part in the of Koenigsteerg aad Greifswald,
his decree from the latter a Mint aad student membership in
the a oeistlm, has been awarded to
Norman Neff, undergraduate stuRobert Gilmore and Fred Hafer
dent of the university.
collected the largest amount
Neff is a Junior in the college of
brought in by any team,
arts and sciences, and a member of
after three hours work with $41.50.
A. T. O. social fraternity.
He has
studied art in Europe and is now
The team composed of Ruttencutter
largest with Building SkottU Be Fmiekei continuing his studies in painting
and Acosta was second
under Professor Fisk, of the univerin Time for Closes Next
sity art department
The Cabinet was greatly hamperThe Minting which won the prize
canwas "Still Life." This painting was
ed by lack of men to assist in
Work on the observatory shewkl selected from those submitted by
vassing the students, and only one
fourth of the men of the onmpm be finished in time for classes next
dents from the art departments
were reached in the lntUal drive. September according to Mr. Maury of a assaber of large universities.
Bart Peak, secretary of the Y. M.
of Students of the University of KenCrutcAer, superintendent
A., stated that the 32 men who
buildings and grounds. The build- tucky submitted moredepartment,
worked accomplished almost as
than did any other art
much as two times that number did ing will cost approximately H6.0M. six in all.
in the drive last year. Members The building, a thoroughly mod
of the Cabinet will carry en a ern structure, will be set far back
personal campaign during the next on Um
lam in orator to get the The library staff held its regular
few weeks in an eort to reach as
best views of the heaven. There monthly bvslness meeting Friday
many of the students as possible.
reams besides the
3 p. ra, in the catalogThe campaign among members wiH be feur class wiM
be heated by afternoon at
of the university faculty aad staJt main stadto. It
ing room at the library.
amount. gas furnaee to prevent smoke from
added 91170 to .the total
This drive was carried on by mem- obstructiag the view.
An ekht inch telescope, which
bers of the faculty under the directhe university has, not been able to
tion of professor Roy Moreland.
use successfully before, has been remodeled and will be set up in the
obsevatory. A 22 ifoot revolving
dome will form the roof of the
The entire affair will
be run by a tlsae deck arrangement
Vernon D. Rooks, junior in the
Colleen Moore selected a stick of
Arts and Sciences college was electgrease paint, began to apply it to
ed president of the Patterson Literher naive face, and smiled. We reary Society at a meting Thursday
flected that, at one time, the ColWill
night in White halL Mr. Rooks is
leen Moore smile brought millions
active in many associations on the
Is a member of the Almembers of the university of dollars into box offices over the
campus and
faculty will go to Washington, D. C, world.
pha Tau Omega fraternity.
"Of course, the first thing you
Albert Karnes, a Junior in the col- this week, for the purpose of attend- want is to see my eyes," she began.
ing two meetings of national im
lege of Law, was elected
"Regular mindreader," we parriMcVey,
Dr. Frank L.
and Richard Fuller, a fresh- portance.
man in the college of Commerce, Dean Thomas Cooper, and Dr. Har ed."Oh, they all do," she Informed.
rv Best, have been invited by Pres
was elected secretary-treasure- r.
We were forced to admit that, as
ldent Hoover to participate in a
A committee to outline a program
House conference on child so much had been written concernfor the ensuing year was named, White
ing the peculiar fact that one of her
Including Mr. Rooks, Gordon Finley, welfare. annual meeting of the as eyes was blue and the other brown,
the retiring president, Mr. Karnesm soclation of Land Grant Colleges we were a bit curious.
and Dorothy Lilleston. New mem-ho- and Universities will be held in the
Sure enough, that is one publicity
orrpntpH into the society were
captial city at the Wllliard hotel on release founded on truth. From a
Miss Katherine Karnes. The next Nov. 17, 18, and 19. Dean Cooper close inspection we arrived at the
meeting will be held Novemoer a.
of the College of Agriculture, is sec conclusion that even If she had red,
retary and treasurer
the ossocla white, and blue oculars, they would
MISS MICHLAEK WITHDRAWS tlon and will attend of its meetings still be attractive.
"Cindy," the play in which she
with Dr. McVey. assistant Dean L.
Announcement has been made of
J. Horlacher, Mr. T. R. Bryan of the was appearing, was due to close its
tour the next night and
the withdrawal from the beauty Experiment Station, and Miss Static
oontest of Miss Elizabeth Mich Erlckson of the Home Economics the entire company was desirous of
returning to New York. The inten
laer, Lexington, Kentucky.





Mrs. F. D. Coleman,- - Lincoln',
Nebraska, national president
Mortar Board, senior women's honorary fraternity, stopped in Lexington for
visit the past week
end on her return from' Florida. She
arrived Sunday night and was here
until late Monday afternoon, as the
guest of Staff and Crows chapter.
A meeting of the aeUve chapter
was held Sunday nisfes. at whlsh
time Mrs. Colemn spoke, on the national phases of the orgaalsstlrjn.
Following the meeting light refresh
ments were served. May CTwieaian




Delta Delta Delta sorority, of which
she is a member.
Monday, a luncheon was given in
her honor, at Canary Cottage to
which all alumnae were invited, and
at which the faculty advisors of the
chapter were special guests. The afternoon was spent in motoring to
points of Interest near Lexington, as
this was Mrs. Coleman's first visit
to the blue grass. An informal supper at Chimney Corner completed
her activities.
Members of the active chapter
are Mary Virginia Hailey, president:
Nancy Brown Scrugham,
Katherine Phelps, secretary;
Buena C. Mathis, treasurer; Mae
Bryant, editor; Virginia Ellis, social
chairman; Mrs. Lillian Combs
Meachem; Margaret Cundlff. Imo-geYoung, Mary Louise McDowell,
Louisa Bickel, Frances Holliday.

Alpha Delta Sigma
Initiates Ten Men

One Draw and Two Victories
Are Tallied by Kentucky


Meeting With English Will
Be Held at Education
Building Saturday
Four members of the university
team engaged in five debates with
members of the forensic department of Murray state teachers college at Murray and surrounding
towns during the past week.
William Ardery and Hugh R.
Jackson composed one team which
won two and lost one debate. This
team debated against C. T. Routen
and W. B. Jones at Hopklnsville
Friday morning before the student
body of the high school, taking the
negative side of the Question, "Re
solved that the Emergence of the
Woman from the Home Is a Regrettable Feature of Modern Life,"
and winning by a large majority.
Friday afternoon Jackson and Ar
dery again met a Murray team before the student body of Russell-vill- e
high school and again won by
a large majority. Friday morning,
Sidney T. Schell and Richard Weaver met Forest Poge and Clay Cope-lan- d,
also of Murray. Schell and
Weaver debated the affirmative side
of the same question. The decision
rendered by the student body of
Mayfleld high school was a draw.
In the afternoon, Weaver and Schell
lost on the question to the Murray
debaters at Paducah high school.
Saturday evening Jackson and
Ardery speaking on the affirmative
side of the question met the Murray debaters, Pogue and Copeland,
at Murray. The audience decision
was in favor of Murray. The university debaters returned to Lexington early Monday.
Ardery and Jackson are preparing
this week for the international debate with the team from Cambridge,
England, which will be held Saturday evening in the auditorium
of the Training school. According
to debate coach Sutherland, this
meet will close the intramural and
open the intracollegiate debating

Gives Organ Recital
Cincinnati College Graduate
Presents Program at
Memorial Hall

Dr. Sidney C. Durst, noted organist and a former graduate and present director of the Cincinnati College of Music, gave an organ recital
at Vesper services held in Memorial
hall on Sunday afternoon. Dr. Durst
has appeared in recital at the university several times before, having
given the opening one on the university organ about a year ago and
is scheduled to make three more appearances. These will be given during January, February, and March.
The Vesper program was composed entirely of German works and
was as follows:
Prelude and Fugue in A Minor-Ba- ch.

Six Faculty Members
Attend Meeting

Coach Gilb Urges Netters

to Report Promptly


The first call for candidates for
the freshman basketball team will
be Issued the first week In December, according to Coach Elmer
"Baldy" Glib.
Mr. Glib expects about 100 men
to report for practice, but so far as
he knows, there will not be as many
outstanding players this season as
reported last year. Coach Glib also
said he would like for all of those
Interested to report promptly, since
it will be necessary to cut the squad
immediately. Practice will be held
two nights a week until after the
first cut.

Spicer and Kelly Run Wild
to Score AH Four

Before a crowd of approximately

5,000 persons, twelve members of the

University of Kentucky football
squad closed their careers on Stoll
field in a blaze of glory when they
defeated the Flying Squadron of the
Military Institute by the score of 26
to 0. It was the third Virginia team
to be played by the 'Cats this sea
son and the third representative of
the Old Dominion State to go down
in defeat before the onslaught of
the Wildcats. The crowd was the
smallest that has attended a varsity
game in the McLean stadium in
School several years. scorers already in the
van of state
continued to
hold a safe lead when he chalked
In order to protect the new train up 19 additional points to make his
ing school recently erected by the total points scored this year 77.
university, Fire Chief Charles J. Kelly, Kentucky's ace and leading
Henry of the Lexington fire depart- candidate for
ment, submitted an ordinance to the played less than half of the game
city commissioners calling for the but furnished the only near apinstallation of four additional fire proach to a "thriller" when he galhydrants in that section of the loped 44 yards around right end for
the final score of the game. The
According to Chief Henry, the punting of the "Wreck" continued
new training school and the tobacco in top form and gave the 'Cats a
warehouses have caused property decided margin in that department
value to increase tremendously in of the game.
Early in the game "Skipper" Ellis
that section, and necessitated in
stallation of additional equipment. Johnson dashed through tackle for
Before the erection of the new 50 yards and touchdown only to
building that part of the campus have his Jaunt annulled by the refwas a large vacant lot and as such eree due to the holding of a Kentucky lineman. Langhorn and Cap
needed no fire protection.
The ordinance will be acted upon tain Roy Dunn bore the brunt of
at the next meeting of the city com the, attack as well as the defense for
the Cadets. It was through the
missioners, Friday, November 21.
concentrated attack of these two
sterling performers that the Cadets
staged their only bid for a score
when they carried the ball to the
20 yard line only to see the forGO
ward wall of the Big Blue stop their
thrusts toward the goal line.
Tldhs TOVtflrVif'a nra Viarut of a K In
Frances Holliday, W il b u I Whkh. he intercepted a. Cadet mm
'Repre- - more to his surprise than anyone
' Prye, C. R. 'Smith,
furnished another of the few
PHblicatkm at Nation- spectacular plays of the game. The
ai Press Conventions
cats used only straight football to
'defeat the Cadets and at.no time
Frances HolUday. managing edi- - ound lt necessary to call on their
tor, and Coleman Smith, business
reTme gained
manager of The Kernel. wUl leave . Kentucky
Thursday, where
for Pittsburgh
rv r t tvia
they will represent the publication "pieted two out of three passes
at the annual convention of the Na-- 1 fo 5
Mlf. the Ca
--- ivi
tlonal College Press Association. Attt. mtAt
4 out rf
Wilbur rrye, eaitor oi Tne kernel, attempts for a gain of 55 yards.
is Hbvcuuiiuc me micuittwvinn
vention of Sigma Delta Chi, which
Is being held at Columbus, Ohio, COUNCIL
and is the representative of the
Kentucky chapter of the organiza
The convention of the National
Press association will be
held Thursday and Friday, Nov. 21 Students Having Two Years'
and 22, and the Sigma Delta Chi
Course in Any College to
convention, which began yesterday,
Be Exempt from Military
will continue through Wednesday,
Nov. 19. At the conclusion of the
latter convention. Mr. Frye will
Every male student at the univer
leave Columbus for Pittsburgh
where he will attend the sessions of sity will be required to take military
the National College Press conven- science until he has passed a two
years course in one of the colleges
tion as an associate delegate.
The convention committee at on the campus or obtained adequate s
Pittsburgh has arranged a complete excuses for each semester that
not take military science, ac
program of entertainment for the
members of the association which cording to a decision of the Univerincludes tours of the city, luncheons, sity Council at Its meeting last
and dances.
It Is estimated that nearly every This decision is not a new rule one
new interpretation of an old
college and university in the United
represented at tne concerning the military science reStates will be
convention, and it is believed that it quirements. Under the present in
will prove beneficial to college news- terpretation of tne rule any student
is excused from military science
papers throughout the nation.
povldlng he has completed successfully the required work in that department or has been excused from

Fire Chief Asks For
Additional Hydrants

Near Training









Benedictus Reger.
Romanze from the Second Suite
Alpha Delta Sigma, professional
Sketch, Opus 58 No. 4 Schuadvertising fraternity, held initia mann.
Chorale Prelude Brahms.
tion ceremonies at the Lafayette
Chorale Prelude "Jesu hilf slegen"
hotel last Thursday, 'at which 10
Karg-Ele- rt
students were officially made memChorale Prelude "Wachet auf,
Albert J. ruft uns die Stimme" Karg-Ele- rt
bers of the fraternity.
Traeumerle Straus-Gau- l.
Kikel presided at the meeting.
Opus 148)
Agitato (Sonato,
Addresses were given by Prof. Rheinberger.
Enoch Orehan, head of the department of Journalism, Prof. R. D.
of the, College of Commerce,
The regular meeting of Le Cercle
and by James Shropshire, an alumFrancals was held Monday afternus of the university.
noon at Patterson halL Miss Mae
The new members are, Finch Bryant, president, presided at the
Billiard, Chester Jolly, Frank Stone, business meeting, arter wmcn roe
in French Many Students Plan to Enter
Woodrow Burchett, William Long-acr- e, members participated
games, prepared by the entertain-ma- nt
Essay Contest; Conditions
Delroy Root, James Raadel, H.
Miss Manraret
Are Announced
P. Klrkman, Jack Nalrta, and Ben- Horsfield is the faculty adviser of
jamin Kazanjian.
the club.
of American
paintings which has been on disCenter since Noplay at the Art
vember 3, closed Saturday after a
most successful showing. According
to the members of the art department, great interest has been shown
in the collection, and many students
are planning to enter the essay contest sponsored by the College Art
tion is to open the show on Broad- the way in which the other mem Association. The prize will be one
bers of the company, all stage peo of the etchings shown recently.
way in the near future.
"Cindy" opened in Rochester, N. pie, had helped her in her perform
The essays should not be more
Y., and the Colleen admitted that
than 500 words long and should be
"And please say something nice typed on one side of the paper. A
she was "scared stiff" the first
night. She had never appeared be- about Lionel Atwui, me director. letter should be sent with each
Without him, I couldn't have done criticism stating the name, address,
fore an audience.
Stage work is less trying, once you It."
class year, and major subject of the
Colleen opines that the Introduccontestant, as well as tho degree
get started, than Ecreen work, acsound in Hollywood shook to which he aspires. This informacording to the Irish star. On the tion of
movie lot, so much time is spent in Its very foundations. Stars consld-nrt- vi tion should be sent by November
fixed in the 26 to the College Art Association,
focusing the cameras and getting
the other people on the set ready cinematic heavens began to shoot 20 west 58th Street, New York City.
that one Is worn out at the end of with a marked rapidity ana a new
the day. However, on the stage, tvna of actor arrived. A note of re
you come on at tho scheduled time, gret crept into her voice for she was
plainly reminiscing on the "good old
The Rev. John Little, superindo your part and leave.
tendent of the Presbyterian colored
Asked concerning her favorite pic- days" or tne movie capuai.
"Pivo minutes. Miss Moore."
mission in Louisville, will speak on
tures, she agreed with us that "So
stage manager's call must be his work, at 7 o'clock tonight at
Big" was her best, but she declared
a particular fondness for "Sally,' heeded and so, with a dab of powder Patterson hall. Mr. Little was formerly a student at tho Presbyterian
and a hasty nana stroice oi mat
"Irene," and "Lilac Time."
bob, sho was ready for her seminary in Louisville. After grad
Her producers are considering
uation he started the colored mis
"Cindy" for u talkie but she arched entrance.
"Cinmi hvn and thank VOU."
sion In Louisville. Mr. Little's Inter'
a dubious eyebrow as to the outAfter seeing the presentation of est In his work has enabled his
Perhaps she recalled the
public reaction to her two talking "Cinay,' wo preier to remeniwer Institution to grow until lt has be
Colleen Moore as a charming slip of come recognized as a necessity to
tho city.
Colleen voiced an appreciation for a girl not as an actress.

Kernel Dramatic Reviewer Granted
Interview With Famous Screen Star

Vernon Rooks Heads
Literary Organization

Big Blue Wins Championship
of Old Dominion in
Game Saturday

Call for Frosh

Painting Exhibition
at Art Center



Students who transfer to the university from other coHegas will be
excused from military science if
their credits for courses covering at
least two years' requirements are accepted.
If the credits of such a
student meet the requirements for
one year only he must take one
year of military science.
is a misunderstanding
among both faculty and students
regard to Registrar Ezra Gillis,
secretary of the Council. An excuse
from the three hoists' additional
graduation requirement for holiday
absences may be granted only by
the committee of scholarship and
attendance and not by members of
the faculty, Mr. Glllls said.
The meeting was held Friday afternoon in the office of President
McVey. Due to President MoVey's
absence from the city Dean P. B.
Boyd presided.

Alumnus Will Be
Released Thursday
The November "Alumnus," monthpublication of the university
alumni, will appear either Wednesday or Thursday of this week, according to an announcement from
the office of James Shropshire,
editor. It will be tho largest issue
of tho year. A story by Dr. Elizabeth
Farra, class of '16, on her trip
through India, the first of a series
of articles on alumni education, and
a story concerning the new university library will be featured in the

� Best Copy

"Colleges would meet every day. I'd start
them oiT on the first floor at the beginning of
each year. On each floor would be a bar, a
beautiful girl, music, nnd other equipment for
on Tuesday and Friday happiness. The students would move up one
floor every day.
OfllcUl Nfttupnpcr of tlir Students at the Unlvrrslly
of Kentucky, Lexington
"And during leap years we would hold stag
dinners in the basement. Of course I'd change
Subscription $2.00 a year Entered it Lexington, Ky
tho girls from year to year."

The Kentucky Kernel


Tuesday, November 18, 19S0


accept. All connections which coincide will be
The chief virtue of fraternity life seems to
be the foundation of friendship, character, nnd
development which it gives to its members. The
chief evil seems to be the blighting effect of
the heartbreak and envy caused by their
Whether this drawback will be
eliminated without lessening this virtue in the
colleges of the future remains to be seen.

Professors Discuss
European Univ'ties

Kentucky game at Knoxville this
year. In addition it has announced
Its intention of sending three cheer
leaders, Miles Davis, Slade Carr and
J. D. Croft, to uphold Kentucky's
Bill Young and Vernon Chand-- .

lcr will represent Kentucky in the
annual conduction of the "beer keg"

The man who says he under-pe- p.
The University of Kentucky chapstands women is a liar.
ter of the American Association of
University Professors held Its first
session Of thn nirrptit
Thursday pvpnincr in thn n
cation building with Dr. J. B. Miner,
ur. a. vanacnDoscn and Dr. Henry
PostoRlcc n second class mull mutter
Beaumont &H snmltnrs nt thn rvmi.
Ion. The topic of the program was
wusvi vBiions oi European universities," to the development of which
the three sneakers lulHrpssnri
Mnnglng Editor
College fraternities nnd sororities have cstab
Several days ngo the University Senate, remarks. Doctor Miner and Doctor
Assistant Managing Editor
llshcd friendships nnd have given something through the office of the registrar, released for vanaenooscn recently visited leadE, Kruger
ing institutions of the Old
Virginia Dougherty
vibrant nnd priceless to the almost-a-mlllio- n
publication In The Kernel certain rules and reg short business session was World. A
Elaine Ronnell
Morton Walker
also held
boys nnd girls all over the land who belong to illations concerning student absences. These in connection with
the evening
Opp. Courthouse WEST SHORT ST. Phone Ash. 1792
Gertrude Evans them. They have blighted with envy and dis
Edna Smith
rules, which had been adopted by the senate
Virginia Hatcher
Daniel Ooodman
content the college life nnd occasionally the nf earlier In- the semester, were approved by that
News Editor
ter life of part of the
body at its regular meeting, Monday, November
8uc Dlclcerson
Horace Miner
Lawrence Herron
who did not belong. They have taken the inl 11. Among the provisions, one section, 10, reads
SuKy Circle, student pep organization, will hold its weekly meeting
Society Editor tiatlvc in establishing all definite movements of ns follows:
Assistant Society Editor progress in their universities, but nt
at 5 o'clock this afternoon to discuss
the same
Emily Hardin
Polly Reese
"Juniors and seniors whose standing on the
Martha Falconer
program for the week. SuKy is
time have moulded themselves into a segregated work of the previous semester Is 2.4 (credit its
again planning to pay most of the
Sports Editor
The points) shall be extended the same privileges bands expenses to
Sports Editor group that must flaunt false standards.
Elbert McDonald
the Tennessce- Greek letter has succ