xt7cnp1whf42 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cnp1whf42/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1941-01-31  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 31, 1941 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 31, 1941 1941 1941-01-31 2020 true xt7cnp1whf42 section xt7cnp1whf42 7
I l
minutes Of the Universitr Senate ~ Januarv l", lQ l ‘(i
J ‘ ,

wing recommendation from the CniVersitv Council was nresented to i

”The Council recommends to the Senate that the President be " H
Defense Council to determine the activities in which the Univer-
sity may nrooerly be engaged in connection with national defense.”

urged to annoint a Senate committee, to be known as a University

The Senate sonroved this recommendation with an amendment oroviding that EVW
the COmmittee be composed of seven members, to be annointed by the Presi-
dent of the University. V :

President Cooner announced to the Senate that the Commencement Exercises mW
would be held on February 3, at 3 o’clock, with President Raymond A.

Kent, of the University of Louisville as the sneaker. He also announced , d“
the Baccalaureate ServiCAs, scheduled for four o'clock on Sunday, Febru‘


ary 4, with Dr. JeSSe Herrmann, Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, ,.
as tie speaker. l





The University Senate met in snecisl session in the Assembly Room of
Lafferty Hall Friday, January 31. 1941. President Cooner oresided.


The following named nersons who have comnleted all reouirements
\_) 9
recommended to the Board of Trustees for the degrees indicated:

, were



‘ I



.1: 11% 293169 93° 3:19.121?! 93? £115

Edwin Josenh David ' John Bell Lovett

Arthur Johnston Dotson John Moody McFarland ‘4 ,
Peter Alexander Gragis Jean Eucker Mahan l“
Minta Anne Hockaday Jack Maxwell Ramos I
Nancye Lester Kidwell Anita Elizabeth Ware 4 ‘
Charles Allen Larnard, Jr. :3;

Candi ates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science





Harry Clayton Denham GeneVH May Smith

Arthur Henry Drucker Norman Nilhoit Staker .
Marguerite GeneVa Ford William Harris White #I J
Buckner fioodford Hamilton Charles Byrd Nilliams r” «f



















.. 7 MW. .1 . - ll ~(
erute? of the Hm;vers;17 Seance ~ J"nu.vx 3L, lye}
'jwnjidabg for tue jegree of ‘C‘PLCL ln lnogsc‘la:
lll’l_1 \z'lllJ/‘Y Lriflij'rl-CT, AF”
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:l vadL 1n» tn: a? of Ar”: 1n
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5‘ , d fill?) an killer: 1 .3 .‘J<"»"Y'
. - ‘ . «x w v - ' I _;‘ f‘ ‘ ” » 1:3. ‘ ' ,. 7?, Xv ~.' W -
Cfinildntes f0? cue g=ur e of Eecnelov a; Jelence 1n MdQlCul leChmblOfiE
‘ ~ *‘ 3 "\ 1"».13 ,. ..~.- a be Y, a,” - +3,“
BOI%‘\€“JQWZD"S Lm:nn IvJeel u nr lull l1 Ede-
q,unl,, n9 . lufi
L.‘ \).L)JL1IL J'C U .3 :1 \1 THL ./ \,.4 J Fla-HE
" ‘ ' ‘ ' " 7“ 1 r‘ «’3 1‘, " f‘ N S J"? '\ .
CqLdlaetes tor tne Degr o: iaenelor al aeience 1n ARTLCULtLIG
" “ ' " T “ '1 3‘1 ‘ " _' ‘
hverein J Jeers, Jr. Kelly LUHAlDrJJW Jale .





Jenn Wart Qlaln Roberz Eileen Heuann 'a
“' ’0 *figm [ ” 2.;qa P .-V H 14m

Henry Elmus brandon, Jr. gaxrence Laniis ’

Harry hoormmr Loyd ,‘uric lvereLL fiumnnrey L
m ,

Cmer A Bryant i'ouie William Tarker

Terry Lee Cnmnbell A

Daniel Johnssn Cultun O


le J:igne Jeaée
Tavner Dunlan, Jr. F ”1A Allen Pogers, Jr.
u L Elmore ElWer Newtcn Feyster
Franklin Marx Foster William AlVie slafii~30n
Challee Emmett Griffy

Sendidmte for the Degree of B chelor o:
...__.,l. —.—-——.’ _ - v .w..r—~ “‘7 "H8... ~ 7.» ~—.—— A - _. -u a...“ .







Cazdi_de teg for the Degree 95 Bachelor of T i






Jilliam Granville Goblin John Frede 1-ick Johnston
Edwa,fi Rex Collinsworth Raymond Wallace Pember


raul liolnh Johnson




ngjiuafi g for “g* Der e. of Bachelor of Science ‘



r e
JealaniCKl qulgeegieg



Fred Jacob Fischer, Jr. Robert David Nickerson
Harley Edward Huddle








CnnlidaLe for the Deflree of Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering
Wm..-“ A..._ ___.._ _.. -_._.‘_.. ._.-_ .__.,~__.._.-_-,-V __.__._ __,________._.._ __.___. .__,.__..., M




i‘hoz‘ims‘; salms quhartt











Candlg§}§: £"I_Eh¢ Degree of Bachelor of Laws






Kenwid Perkins meilton Paul Hoore Runyon
James Wheeler Lambert31obert Cole men C~



EdWard E Oliver Ehurma 1n Chain Tefan
Arthur Blyth Rouse, Jr. Marvin TvIa ur ice Tincher





Minutes Of the University Senate m January d1,

- 7 'v‘l 1", -: T" Avyr’u . m- \_ yr
0 1:34 J: * oCAiILL



Candijates for the Degree of Bachelor f

Betty Rhine Artz
Inez Conley

William Bailey

Robin Pauline Fain


Candidates or

Clifford Banister Amos
John Faris Camnbell
John Pichard Clark

Mary Rose Crook

Candidates for the Degree


Roscoe Paris Ballou

Evermont Van Dorsey

Thomas Grouse
Harriet Alberta Estes
John Aitken

.Harry Lusk Holtzclaw


Leslie lyall Kingsbury
John Morgan Young

Candidates for the Degree of Master


Morris Fishbein

James Charles Humphries

Francisco Marchan


Candidate for the Epgreg 3: Master oi S ie
James Telford Duncan

Candidates for 393 Degree of Master of Sci


f Ma s t




Elizabeth Lee

1. A: “v
11“ a L J!

Lawrence Eugene

William Crosby Steele
Margueritte Tignor

Mildred Geraldine Wesley

Sc' nge in Commerce

Guy Kenneth Fritzlan

Chester Conen Raeuchle
William Daniel Edgar Sergent
Mary Crtel Sheehan

er 9£_é1££

Kathryn Ramsey Lyon
Lewis Henderson Mills
Ethel Downing Nave
Harry Dimmitt Perkins
James Alvin Roe
Foyster Allen Sharne
Josephine Warren Tunis

2: §9§2§2§
Jack Brown Mohney

Arley Lavern TriDp

C: in Pub232AB§§l£s


ence in Agriculture


Frederick William Atkinson
Charles Manly Aull
Albert Irvin Eads

Candidate for 232 Degree 2§_Civil

David Miller Pettus
Robert William Rudd

Clinton Lear Tucker



James Francis Stigers








































J. '“7‘,,1_ ;',_ 1'11. .~. 13' TF‘I'I
lulanue (1);. u.’.‘{;3 WELT/t, 1‘81 By ,€-1( L313 "' ngihhflfu', Jl, _j1l;

Cand1dates for the Degree of Master of Arts in Education

' .‘ ‘ BI. ‘ *‘ Rio fill“. Olsen "'7‘


lease ‘aCKebu 19.:rKe11‘leer 1 am 11 ..
Elirabeth lane? Garnett IELQ Cromwell 1356

Harry Winfred McClintock Stcr we’aLl JecKson Stover
Helen Frances Markwell Ho ger Ke ureth Haters

gobert Henry Mosby







Candi ate e3 for tr e Deere f Master of Sciegce in Eaucctlon
James Mitchell Boles Hugh Leonard vai<
Candida es for the De eqree 07 Doctor f Philosonhy
Jane Haselden Thomas Edison Monullin
’44» a4 w
Febllary 10, 1941 3
’The Univer tv Senate met in the Assembly 30 m of Laffetty Tall Monday:

Bebruwry 10,1941. Presiden Coooer oresided.

(- ,

The minutes 01 January 13 and 31 were read and antrGVed.


Che follow:_:: co.mitteeq Urovided for at the January 11 meeting of the

Senate We1e :‘mnounced: “A
I w

l. A seven member council to investigate ac»

University may nrcoerlv engage in connection witl the de

airman; Dean Al
EVans; ant Professors E. Z. Palmer, C. S. Grouse, Geo
E. Adams, and Alberta ”1157n Server.

orogram. The members are Professor W. S. Hebb, Ch

co mmitlee to nlan activities for women students in connection
1 efen se nro mr m. The members er Mrs. Sarah 81 Holmes, Chairman;
Jr. J. 8. Chambers, Alice Mkrrison, Col. How .rd Donnelly, Profeesor

J. W. May, and Miss Kat :leen Shedd.

J. COmmiLtee on Senedule of Classes: Colleze of Commerce, Profes*
College of L,w, Professor N. L. Roberts; College of
‘ ro

? or «urlcr Seav; College of A rlcultore, feesor l.
11’ . l . ~ . ‘ ‘ " "‘ '
u. “Ollnkber, C llege o: E‘ngineering, Professor u. V. Terrell; College of
J , V _ a : A ~ . : '1
arts an :cl noes. Professors Adolnh Blgge, Amrv Vandenoo or A. C. Vcfiar lan


end Horris Scnerago.