xt7cnp1wh86g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cnp1wh86g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-11-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1977 1977 1977-11-10 2020 true xt7cnp1wh86g section xt7cnp1wh86g  

. . 2.}

Volume LXIX, Number 60
Thursday, November 10, 1977




l'niversity of Kentucky
|.e\ington, Kentucky


UK area voting results
reflect candidate choices

Kernel Staff Writer

An analysis of the ballots cast in
Monday’s election shows the voters
in the precincts adjacent to the UK
campus to be, with one important
exception, of much the same opinion
as are the voters throughout the
entire county.

The precincts bordering UK lie in
the third, fourth, and fifth Urban
County Council districts. The
precincts in the third district are
College View, Merino Street, and
Lawrence Street. The Clifton


news analysis

Avenue, Rodes Addition and Kirwan
and Blanding towers precincts are in
the fourth district. The precincts
bordering the campus in the fifth
district are Ashland Avenue,
Woodland Avenue and Hollywood

Suprisingly, both mayoral can-
didates collected the same number
of votes in these precincts—963. Jim
Amato carried four precincts; Joe
Graves won five. The margin
separating the two candidates was


10 votes or fewer in all except the
Merino and Ashland precincts.
Graves led Amato by 36 votes in the
Ashland precinct, while Amato
swept Merino by 10242.

Interestingly, the one precinct
composed entirely of students, in the
high-rises, supported Amato by a
close margin, 68-66.

The voters in the border precincts
agreed with the voters in the rest of
the city in their choices for the at-
large council seats. The top three
vote-getters were Donald Blevins,
Ann Ross and Jim Todd. Edgar
Wallace finished fourth in the area.

In contrast to the city as a whole
however, Blevins was the third-
place candidate in the area. Eleven
votes seperated Blevins and Wallace
in these precincts, with Blevins
getting 636 votes and Wallace
recieving 625. Ann Ross recieved the
largest number of ballots, getting
the support of 753 voters. Todd got
748 votes.

With the exception of Lawrence,
all the border precincts supported
the winners in the individual council
races. Ann Gabbard and Mary
Mangione, an incumbent, carried
the precincts in the fourth and fifth

districts, respectively, by at least
two-tonne margins.

Joe Jasper defeated incumbent
Bill Bingham in the College View,
Merino and Lawrence precincts by
187-173. Lawrence, however, sup—
ported Bingham, giving him 59 votes
to Jasper’s 49. Jasper was the
original Urban County councilman
from the third district, but was
unseated by Bingham in the 1975

In the third district race, Jasper
made an issue of Bingham‘s actions
in the South Hill parking lot con-
troversy. Jasper alleged that
Bingham hadn't given adequate
support to the South Hill residents.
In the Merino precinct, which en-
compasses the South Hill neigh-
borhood, Jasper was the winner with
59 votes. Bingham had the support of
46 people.

The voter turn-out Monday
followed the normal patterns of
Lexington elections. Voter par-
ticipation was lowest in the
precincts closest to downtown:
Merino, Lawrence, and College
View. The precincts closest to the
affluent east end areas, Ashland and
Hollywood, had the highest par-

Animal science course
provides meat discounts

Kernel Staff Writer

Buying food, especially meat, at a
reduced cost is the dream of many
shoppers. For some, UK can help the
dream come true.

The Meats and Meats Processing
class (Animal Science 304) teaches
students to identify various parts of
livestock, grade cuts of meat for
retail sale and helps them learn the
livestock industry. The course also
offers a working knowledge of
slaughtering and butchering cattle,
hogs, mutton and veal.

Because the class deals with large
quantities of meat, and the cost of
meat is relatively high, the
department tries to recoup some of
the loss by selling the butchered
meat. Here is where savings for
shoppers comes in.

For a price slightly above whole-
sale, anyone can call the animal
science department and get a side or
quarter of beef, pork or mutton
already cut, wrapped and frozen. (A
side of beef at Kroger currently is 89
cents per pound. However, it can be
bought for 69 cents per pound when
on special, as it has been for the past
three months.)

The only problem is that seldom
does the department sell anything in
less than large quantity and the
supply of meat fluctuates with the
class’s butchering schedule.

Dr. James D. Kemp, food sciences
professor, said the class is not
structured to promote retail sale,
although in the past it did conduct a
regular retail sales outlet. Rather,
the class is designed to provide
learning experience for students
who want to work with meat.

Graham offers advice

Alum pursues success

Kernel Staff Writer

Rubye Graham is certainly one
UK graduate who has accomplished
things. A 1949 journalism graduate,
she now owns her own publicity
firm, Rubye Graham and Co., in
New York City.

Graham visited her alma mater
Monday, advising an adgertising
class on how to make it in the
business world. “Do a job the best
you can and it will lead to something
better," she told the class. “You
must be willing to work that much
harder than the next person."

Graham has practiced what she

preaches. When she graduated from
UK, she knew that she wanted to go
into fashion. So she wrote what she
calls “a hell of a good resume," and
set up appointments with stores in
New York, choosing their names
from the telephone book.

She got her first job as a buyer.
Then she worked for two advertising
agencies and at the second one, she
married her boss and retired.

“But,” Graham said, “I can’t sit
still for 10 minutes, so I answered an
ad for a fashion editor. I got the job
at the Philidelphia Inquirer. It was
during a time when fashion was

She had to hold parties in

The livestock used in the class
comes mostly from UK farms and
experimental stations. The livestock
is usually the end result of a testing
or feeding program. If the class
needs additional animals to work on,
they are bought wholesale from the
regular market.

Kemp said it is good quality meat
and all slaughtering is done under
constant USDA inspection.

Because the class studies only one
animal at a time, supply of one type
of meat is not constant. (Currently
the class is butchering cattle, which
means beef will be in the freezers
waiting for sale. A few weeks ago,
the class slaughtered sheep and
before that, hogs.)

Kemp said that students can call
the animal science lab to find out
what kind of meat the class is

(‘ontinued on back page

Philidelphia, just to get people
dressed up and fashion conscious.

When the paper was sold, her
reputation after 14 years at the
Inquirer producedan immediate job
offer. Graham was named chief
editor of Seventeen magazine, a job
she quit as soon as her 18-month
contract expired.

“I thought that it would be
challenging, but I had no knowledge
of teen-age girls,” she said.

“The problem with magazines is
that they are supported largely by
the beauty industry. And magazine
schedules are so unreal. We had to
photograph a year or two in ad-

(‘ontinued on page 3

an independent student newspaper I


Mock execution

Some Iranian students, who prefer to remain
anonymous for fear of repurcussion, staged a mock
execution in the free speech area of the Student Center

—Hl'clty I nigart

yesterday. The students are protesting the upcoming
fish of the Shah of Iran.




KENTI't'KY'S 37.000 (1);“. MINERS WILI. work in
greater safety but smaller mines may have money problems
under the mine-safety law signed yesterday by President
Carter, officials said.

The coal-mine regulations, including mandatory safety
training, will apply to other types of mines as well.

The requirements will apply to surface as well as deep
miners, who already have mandatory training in Kentucky
under state mine-safety laws.

When he signed the bill into law, Carter said 113 miners
died and 7,000 were disabled in the United States last year.

The new law, he said, “goes far forward in protecting not
only the miners in the coal fields...but also miners who
produce metals other than coal."

turned up 26,334 current or recent federal workers on welfare
rolls, HEW Secretary Joseph Califano Jr., announced

They made up 1.4 percent of the 1.8 million federal workers
whose names were checked by computer against records of
8.2 million welfare recipients in 20 states and the District of
Columbia. There are 2.7 million federal workers and 11.2
million persons in the Aid to Families with Dependent
Children program.

Califano said many federal workers with large families
and low~paying jobs may be entitled to the benefits. He said
he does not think federal workers are “more fraud~prone
than any other group of citizens."

But he said the government must get its own house in order
first as it seeks to eradicate fraud and abuse in welfare

process in the history of US. Roman Catholicism, the
church‘s bishops next week are expected to approve new
guidelines for teaching the faith.

The 254-page National Catechetical Directory, five years in
the making, is the first of its kind to he developed by the
American church.

It offers norms and recommendations for religious
education of “all Catholics in the United States in our times,"
from childhood through adult life, says the project director,
Msgr Wilfrid Paradis of Washington, DC.


.\.\'I‘IIO.\\' Kllll'l'SIS. HHNI) INNtN'ENT BY reason of
insanity last month in the kidnapping of an Indianapolis
mortgage executive. was ordered hospitalized for
psychiatric therapy yesterday by a judge who said he was
dangerous and mentally incompetent.

\larion ('ounty Superior (‘ourt Judge Michael Dugan or-
dered the Indiana Department of Mental Health to institute
civil commitment proceedings for Kiritsis within 10 days.

Kritsis. 45. will he held in jail until then.


.\ (it"I‘SY 26-\'E.\R-()I.D Fulfill-Ill PARIS actress and
model was swept off her sloop in a storm but saved herself
and is well on her way to becoming the first woman to cir-
cumnavigate the world solo via blustery (‘ape Horn.

Brigitte ()udry sailed into Sydney harbor this week. nearly
halfway toward her goal. She set off in January from the
French Mediterranean port of Sete, near Marseilles, leaving
behind her husband and a tyear-old daughter.

Since then she has steered her 34-foot sloop, the Gea, 20,000
miles through the doldrums and storms of the South Atlantic

and across the Indian Ocean, where she was swept over-

|SR.\ ELI \\'.‘\Ili’l..\NES STREAKEI) ACROSS the
southern Lebanese border early yesterday, pounding
Palestinian strongholds in rcprisal for guerrilla rocket at<
tacks that killed three Israelis this week. Lebanese officials
said the Israeli foray killed 63 persons and wounded 82.

lsracli's deputy defense minister, at a funeral for one of the
Israeli victims. said the guerrillas "will pay the full price for
their actions," that ”Jewish blood is not for the taking," and
vowed “never to give the murders any rest."

Abu Jihad, a Palestinian guerrilla commander supervising
rescue operations in the nearly flattened town of Azzieh, six
miles north of the bordder, said, "not a single gurerrilla has
been killed and most of the casualties are women and


'I‘()I).\\’ “ILI. BE t'l.()l'I)Y, WINDY AND cooler with a
chance of showers becoming mixed with snow flurries by
early evening. Temperatures lowering to the low to mid 405
during the day and lows in the low 305 at night.


Sales decrease expected from anti-porn ordinance

Kernel Staff Writer

Although they haven’t been in-
formed of the specifics of the anti-
pornography resolution recently
passed by the Urban County Council,
managers of campus services and
nearby businesses are considering
what the ordinance means to them.

University officials said that they
have not yet decided what method
will be utilized in following the
resolution. These local businessmen
contacted predict either no change
in operations or a decrease in sales.

The ordinance was passed
unanimously by the council in a
meeting held last 'I‘hil'sday. Its

direct focus is persons under 18. The
new ordinance forbids persons
knowingly to sell to minors or
publicly display explicit sexual
material in print or on film, “unless
such material has artistic, literary,
historical, scientific, medical,
educational or other similar social
value for adults and access to such
material is limited to adults."

Because the ordinance is directed
toward minors only, only a small
segment of the UK student
population will be affected, at least
as far as actual sales go.

The ordinance became effective
immediately but it will not be ac-
tively enforced until Nov. 21, ac-
cording to Assistant Chief Frank

Fryman, of the Lexingttm-Fayette
Co. police. The extra 18 days allow
time for local businesses to be in-
formed of the ordinance’s
guidelines. (Penalties for violation
will be a fine of $100 to $1,000, im-
prisonment from 30 days to 12
months, or both.)

Fryman said yesterday that police
presently are “not sure of the
vehicle” to be used to distribute
information regarding the ordinance
to businesses. However, he said,
they probably will be informed by
the Chamber of Commerce or
wholesale distributors of
publications and films and through
the local news media.

While businessmen are waiting to


be informed, they are conjecturing
as to what material will be affected
and how presentation of that
material will be altered. Playboy,
Penthouse and Hustler are men-
tioned in their lists of prohibited
publications. X-rated films,
naturally, compose the other topic of

One businessman has already
taken action to cover magazines that
will probably be deemed por-
nographic, while another expects
that he will no longer sell such
magazines. Three local movie
theatres (including the Student
Center Cinema) predict that the new
ordinance will have no effect on
their operations.

Apparently, the only place on
campus where “pornographic"
magazines are sold is the Student
Center Sweet Shop. Dave Warehime.
assistant director for Student Center
business, said Student Center
directors are awaiting an official
University decision regarding
what's to be done with the

T. Lynn Williamson, assistant
dean of students, said that, because
University officials have received no
information about the ordinance, no
decision has been made. He said he
is seeking a copy of the resolution or
information about it from the
Lexington legal counsel office. He
said he hopes for a decision “within

a few days” after receiving in-

As for the opinion of Student
Center Cinema personnel, Sharon
Kimbel, program adviser for the
Cinema Committee, said, "We don't
anticipate any problems. We‘ve not
scheduled any X-rated films."

Kimbel said that the cinema oc-
casionally does offer R-rated
movies, but she suggested that the
films will be acceptable because
they are shown widely in the com
munity before reaching the Student
Center screen.

Enforcement of the resolution on
the UK campus will be left up to
Lexington-Fayette Co. police

t'ontinued on back page


‘ editorials 8: comments

News Editor

mar-hello! (\lel Photographer (‘opy Editors
an. nulls-ac Stun» Durham am Kim
Judith Elsrtun
about. "its: Ansel-u Editor ‘ Editor Ly nu Funk
luck Gabriel Marie Mitchell David Hibbltu my yum
Phil Rutledlo
mun-i Editor Sun MM Arts Editor
Jo. mm, William Palate Mnas (‘lark




Nailing collection companies for fun

NEW YORK— She was where she
belonged, on a picket line. her hair
blowing into her face, her hands
moving as she called out the slogan
of the striking poverty law workers:

“Same struggle. same fight;

Clients' rights, workers‘ rights.“

She is 28 and she is a lawyer now,
Karen Berger is. maybe the most
courtwise consumer affairs attorney
in the nation.

A while back. she delivered a
compelling lecture to a Senate
committee in Washington about
commercial crimes against the
poor. Recently, fighting for herself
on a picket line, she walked the same
path that brought her here She is
out of the civil rights and antiwar
and women's movement demon-
stations and, as she was pointing
out. it has been so long since she has
seen anybody go into the streets for
a legitimate reason that the whole
thing. the bullhorns and signs and
shouting, was a pleasure.

“I think the women and the poor
have given up, they don’t even
protest anymore," she was saying.
”Maybe we‘ll set an example for

Jeffersn said that we had to renew
our faith every 20 years. The times
now are so much faster. The years
slap up against each other.
Therefore, we should demand of the
Karen Bergers that they hit the
streets at least every couple of years
in order to keep sharp their mean
glorious trade of fighting for the

The strike is against the Com-
munity Action for Legal Services,
for whom Karen Berger works as a
senior attorney. It is the last best
part of the old Office of Economic
Opportunity, but it is now has its
people working at intolerable wages

and conditions. So Karen Berger
was thinking about ways to fight her
own bosses.

“The chairman of our board is a
lawyer from someplace on Wall
Street, Arthur Norman Field. I’m
going to look up his address and send
over some of my clients, six welfare
women, so he can represent them
while I’m out on strike."

The young woman knows how to
fight. There was a disturbed Rich-
mond Hill, Queens, housewife who
came to her one day with something
a New Jersey collection company
called a “presummons.” It was an
official~looking document with a
notary public seal. The woman was
sick after receiving it. Berger went
after the collection company for
sending a fradulent paper. She
murdered their money claim. Then
she got on a bus and rode to the state
capitol at Trenton and had the
notary public’s license revoked.

"Most of my clients now are white
construction workers who are out to
work,” she was saying. “They’re not
deadbeats. If they were, nobody
would be able to find them. Those
are men who bought things on credit
while they were working and then
the jobs disappeared and they can’t
pay. So they're being harassed by
collection agencies. What a won-
derful economy our country has. The
big companies are enthralled and
the bricklayers get the gas shut off.

“When I represent thi so people, I
have two strikes against me. One,
I‘m a woman. Two, I’m working for
the poor. First, they’re surprised
that I don’t come in wearing a T-
shirt with no bra and have my
papers flying all around.

“Then, when you start a consumer
defense, people go crazy. Most
judges don’t want to hear anything

about truth in lending. They just
want to know if the client signed the
contract. The problem is that most
consumer laws on the books never
have been enforced, so there are no
cases you can cite. All they want to
know is, ‘Did the person sign?’

“The idea always is that the poor
buy stupid. They’ve been in a fire.
They’ve got to buy beds for the kids.
They have no insurance from the
fire and they can’t get any credit in a
decent place.


“So they go in these crummy
stores and they're given enormous
contracts that nobody can read.
Then they are sold a 3600 bed that is
held together by staples. It falls
apart immediately, and if they don’t
keep up the payments, they get
harassed. In court, somebody says,
‘Did they sign?‘ That’s when I go

Her idea of success in life is to nail
a collection company in New York
that works for banks and calls
people on the phone to report deaths
and major accidents.

A carpenter in South Ozone Park,
Carmine Fanelli, one day received a
phone call from a woman who said
she was Mrs. Henderson and that
she was a nurse at St. Clare’s
hospital in Manhattan. Mrs. Hen-
derson said that Fanelli’s wife and 8-
month—old daughter had just been in
a severe auto accident and were in
critical condition.

The woman said that she needed
some information for the hospital’s
admissions office. First, she asked
for the blood type. Then the woman
took down information on Fanelli’s

jobs and assets.

Fanelli hung up and raced from
Queens to the hospital in Manhattan.
When he got there, the people at St.
Clare‘s said that there were no auto
accident victims in the hospital at
the moment and that there also was
no nurse named Henderson.

“St. Clare‘s says it has been used
zillions of times like this. Roosevelt
Hospital gets it too," Berger was
saying. “I‘ve been trying to get the
collection company that I think is
doing it. It’s one on Broadway. But
it’s hard to prove whose voice was on
the phone.

“I guess the only way to do it is to
have somebody go into the collection
office wearing a wire and have the
people there threaten him to his

The picket line was around the
poverty law organization’s
headquarters at Broadway and
Worth Street. She walked through
the start of the morning, calling out,
“What do we want? Contract! When
do we want it? Now! ” Then she took
off the sign and went into a place
called Kelly‘s for coffee.

Kelly’s is a place with a steam
table and a bar five times longer
than the steam table. In certain
areas, the Irish are most brilliant at
arranging priorities.

Berger was comfortable in the
place. At one time she could be found
on the visiting line at the Long Kesh
prison camp outside of Belfast, in
Northern Ireland. Now she is
engaged to an assistant district
attorney in Manhattan, Joseph V.

“Are you going to give all this up
someday?“ she was asked.

“I might have two or three
children,” she said. “There’s
nothing wrong with having kids, as

long as you’re doing it because you
want to, and not because your
husband makes you. Or your mother
tells you to. I‘ll have children. That
doesn’t mean I'll have to give this
up. But raising children is the
hardest occupation of all.

“If there's one thing I can’t stand,
it‘s when the husband comes from
work and he starts saying what
great things he has done all day and
the housewife says, ‘Well, I didn’t do
anything at all today except stay
home with the kids.’ She ought to be
kicked. She did more than he did.”

She has been working in poverty
law for five years now. She was
asked if she thinks anything on the
bottom has changed in that time.

“The poor girls want to have
babies,” she said. “They want to
have something of their own and the
only way to get it is to have a baby.
Then they go on ADC and get an
apartment of their own, set up their
own household, go out and buy some
of this crummy furnitiure on credit.
They think that's cool. Get pregnant.
Fourteen, IS-yearsoid. They get
pregnant and all their friends
become jealous.

“They‘re stuck home in crowded
places, with nothing of their own,
and most of the time they have to
take care of a baby brother or sister,
anyway, so they figure, as long as l
have to watch a baby, then I might
as well watch my own and I can get
something for it. Get welfare and
live in my own apartment.

“Their aspirations go no further.
These girls are not stupid. They see
that the guys are not getting any
jobs. So what chance are they going
to have?”

She looked up at the clock, “I’ve
got to go back and picket,” she said.

She walked out and stood across the
street from her picket line and
watched it.

“Isn‘t it wonderful?“ she said.
“It's organized and has some spirit.

This is what everybody is supposed
to do."

“Are you always going to stay
with people who are broke, or would
you ever try to place with a carpet?"
she was asked.

“Go to someplace like Wall
Street? Or a prosecutor’s office?
Never. What‘s good about what I’m
doing now is that we're always right.
And you know me, I like to be right.
How do I know I‘m right? After you
see the sales contracts these people
bring in a $550 vacuum cleaner that
blows out at the end of the first day.
then you’ll see why we’re always

“Besides, I learned when l was
young how to live without much
money. My father plays trumpet in
Broadway musicals. When he’d go to
the first big rehearsal, when they’d
put the show together, the music and
the stars. and run it through, all the
musicians would sit there with rolls
of dimes in their pockets. At the first
break, if it was turning out to be a
dad show, all the musicians would
run to the phones, looking for jobs.
My father always would call home
and say. ‘Get out the spaghetti.’ It’s
the same with me When I heard we
were on strike, I said to myself, ‘Get
out the spaghetti” and after that I
went into the closet for comfortable.
shoes for the picket line."

She walked across the street and
put a sandwich sign over her good
purple suit and started walking and
chanting again. This is one who
never will stop.

to) I977 by JIMMY BRESLIN.

Carter should advocate human rights for Iranians

This commentary was submitted by
the Iranian Student Association.

The welcome orchestrated for the
Shah by the US. State Department
raises some real questions about the
nature of the Carter ad-
ministration’s commitment to
human rights.

Is the Carter administration
concerned about the human rights of
the millions of political prisoners in
South Korea, Chile, Iran. Indonesia,
South Africa, Columbia. etc., or is it

'Them changes

only concerned with the rights of a

Handful of Soviet dissident writers?

in short is Carter really concerned
about human rights or is he just
trying to score a few debating points
against the United States’ super-
power rival, the Soviet Union?

A brief glance at the kind of
human rights that exist in Iran
leaves no doubt about the answers to
these questions.

in the countryside peasants have
been moved out of their villages and
are forced into larger ”control

villages” where they are surrounded
by army units. The peasants are
forced to carry ID cards and cannot
leave the village without military

A recent article in the London
Times vividly describes some of the
methods of torture employed by the
Shah’s secret police (SAVAK)
against Iran’s more than 100,000
political prisoners.

To begin with there are the more
“subtle” methods designed to
weaken the prisoners’ resistance.



Prisoners “are given inadequate

food, refused medical attention.
harassed, etc.

The Times said more advanced
methods of torture, include,
“sustained flogging of the soles of
the feet, extraction of fingers and toe
nails, electric shock treatment to
sexual organs and the thrusting of a
broking bottle into the anusof
prisoners suspended by their wrists
from a beam.”

It is also reported that a favorite

((‘olumnist‘s note: The abscence
of this column from Its regular slot
in Tuesday's paper obviously didn't
cause any great outpouring of
disappointment and anguish, so no
excuse is offered.)

Dropouts, lonely lovers,
greeks...all “people I’ve met,"
people who’ve made good copy,
people youVe enjoyed reading
about(It says here). But you know
them all yourselves...they’re most
certainly people you've met as well.

We need to meet someone new,
someone out of our sphere of
association. We need to meet people
we don‘t understand and can't

Eileen Combs (not her real name;
I‘m not sure she‘d like this column
stuff) is a senior at Betsy Layne
High School in Betsy Layne, Ken-
tucky. That she has been making
“straight A’s" all her school life is
not interesting in itself. Every
school has its share of bookish, hard-
working types.

What I find extremely interesting
is that Eileen is not exactly a
bookish type...consider her other

She won all but one of the Betsy
Layne Band's ‘awards of excellence'
for which she was eligible last year.
She is considered a promising
musician (she plays clarinet) and
has won ratings of ‘excellent’ in solo,

duet and ensemble competition at
the state level.

She is, for the second year, the
captain of the Betsy Layne
cheerleading squad. She is, to be
sure, a fox...she is in excellent
physical condition, the kind of young

. woman that young men are quick tow

method of SAVAK agents is to force
a victim to watch his or her closest
relatives being tortured.

The existence of these conditions
in Iran has been documented many
times since 1953 by Amnesty In-
ternational, the International
League for Human Rights, the In-
ternational Commission of Jurists

and the American National Lawyers

The real human rights tradition of
the American people is found in

... 'All-American girl' not what he

be around when she wants to dance
and just as quick to avoid when she
wants to play basketball.

She makes her own clothes...not
cute, homey clothes, though...with
her mother’s help she makes
stunning dresses for dances and
social occasions, fashionable outfits
for school, intricate costumes for
halloween and things like “Sadie
Hawkins" dances.

I had the oppurtunity to meet this

woman last spring when I traveled


i “it
- Charles

3 main

to her school with Spectre (for whom
I work as sound man and general
equipment mover under the im-
portant-sounding title of “roadie”)
for a school dance, and again last
Monday under the same cir-

Her presence at these functions
was conspicuous. She is, on top of all
her other distinctions, the “queen
bee." Basketball players vie for her
attention when she stops in to watch
practice...the scth toughs strut a
little harder and talk a little louder
when she walks by...other girls talk
about her wherever she is—some
bad, some good, all envious.

There were girls somewhat like
Eileen at my high school, but she
isn’t a lot like any one of them; she's
a lot like all of them combined.

The most striking thing about this
woman, though, is her in-
dependence. She is no "women's





struggles like that against the
Vietnam War. The Iranian Student
Asociation hopes that progressive

Americans on the occasion of the
Shah‘s visit to the US. will show this
spirit once again.

We will be protesting the Shah‘s
US. visit in a downtown demon-
stration 11:30 this morning in front
of the courthouse. All concerned
people are invited to attend this



libber," but she is very quick to‘
point out “I can do it myself." She isi
strong-willed and assertive, and!
very much on the ball. i

The point to this lengthy in-;
troduction is this: while I admirei
this young woman immensely, I‘
don’t like her one bit—not even one
little tiny bit. and I feel guilty. .

The source of my guilt is not hard;
to pinpoint. I‘ve been reading too;
many Carol Dussere commentaries,
too many ERA pamphlets. I;
recognize and even toss about suchi
concepts as “double standard of‘
sexuality.” i

Steeped as I am in cavalierly
“chauvanism,” I just can’t accept
that women don‘t like being “treated
like ladies" anymore...l in-
stinctively open doors, light two
cigarettes, order two drinks, unlock
the passenger doors of cars first: Ii
just can't help it. And when I get1
dirty looks for doing all this stuff, I
get confused.

On top of all this, strong-minded,
assertive women still make me
uncomfortable...l can‘t even muster
a little healthy lust in their presence}
That is not to say I run from them,i
they just put me off balance.

That‘s why I don’t like Eileen?
Combs. I cannot abandon the
”chivalrous" attitude which I havej
developed toward women, and thel
fact that some people resent iti
makes me resent them. I
I know I‘m not the Lone Ranger onl
this point; Ive heard other menl
bitching about it, too. What we need,
I think, is a neo-Emily Post type to;
rewrite the book of etiquette. Or
perhaps we need to learn to do
without etiquette altogether.




, ......»M"







“vOIs'W-Ahva-MwmA'-v’;vM,wnn .. .. . .


Jeanne Wehnes

Chair-man of the bored

George Dcmic, journalism freshman, finds a registration at a megaversity. Advanced
suitable spot to study the various parapher- registration continues on through next week,
nalia necessary to go through advanced ending on Friday.

Ex-senator denies receiving
illegal campaign contributions

Former state Sen. Tom Ward
(D-Versailles), reportedly
said yesterday that an
alleged offer of illegal con-
tributions was not actually an
offer of