xt7cnp1wh694 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cnp1wh694/data/mets.xml Illinois Illinois Historical Records Survey United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects National Archives (U.S.) 1941 iv, 65 l.; 28 cm. UK. holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number  FW 4.14:F 317/ser.11/12 books English Chicago: Illinois Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Illinois Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Veterans Administration -- Archives -- Illinois United States. Department of Labor -- Archives Archives -- Illinois -- Catalogs Labor and laboring classes -- Illinois Unemployed -- Illinois Naturalization -- Illinois Illinois -- History -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series XI, no.12, the Department of Labor, Illinois text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series XI, no.12, the Department of Labor, Illinois 1941 1941 2019 true xt7cnp1wh694 section xt7cnp1wh694 E qinmigmi];1g1;ngwg OF FEDE " ’

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iii: Prepared by
The Survey of Federal Archives f?“
i; Division of Professional and Service Projects _ .
i Work Projects Administration “ % A 4:);
it? The National ArchiVes A? ,,
;:-I Cooperating Sponsor \II 1 '1


1%] N0. 12. ILLINOIS
. i
‘4‘) Chicago, Illinois

I 5E The Illinois Historical Records Survey Project
- 1941

t 3;, I

i“ ‘

Historical Records Survey Projects
“haw Philip M. Hamer, Assistant Director
Thomas R. Hall, State Supervisor
. y 5
1 Research and Records Section
1 Harvey E. Becknell, National Director
I Willard N. Hogan, State Chief
1 Division of Professional and Service Projects
6 Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
4 Mary Gillette Moon, Chief Regional Supervisor
, Evelyn 5. Byron, State Director

~ 1

' Howard 0. Hunter, Commissioner
George Field, Regional Director
Howard S. Drew, State Administrator
5 ' t

 5 iii

5 .


A The InVWW is one of the products

? of the was; of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a_nation-
wide project of the works Progress Administration from January 1, 1936 to
June 30, 1937, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the
Historical Records Survey, also Operating as a nation—wide project of the
Wbrks Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of
that Administration and of the work Projects Administration.

The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series 1
consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments,
and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of Federal
archives in the States. Succeeding series contain the detailed information
secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series nflfih
her being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Depart—

‘ ment of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within each
series No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and records
of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the

‘ inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabet—

. ieal order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that

1 for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc. 4

For each local office information regarding each series, or units of re—
lated records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive dates
("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured),

1 general description of informational content, description of the system of

f filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use,

? form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear

I footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records

- (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other identifying
information, and finally, the number of the Form 588A on which this informap
tion was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was ab— -
stracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives.
When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which has not
been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is given by

5 use of the reference "See addenda."

, In Illinois the work of the Survey was under the direction of Dr. Russell

9 H. Anderson, with Mr. William E. Austin who‘resigned in April 1957 as his
assistant, from its inception until June 30, 1937. The project has become a
part of the Historical Records Survey in Illinois with Mr. Howard E. Golgan

‘ as State Director until June 1989 when he was succeeded by Mr. Royal S. van

i do Wbestyne. In November 1940 Mr. Thomas R. Hall became State Supervisor of

; d the Survey. The present Sponsor of the Survey is the Honorable Dwight H.

’ Green, Governor of Illinois. This inventory of the records of the Department

' of Labor in Illinois was prepared in the Chicago Office of the Illinois His—

. torical Records Survey Project by Eugene Kendrick, Editor of the Federal

§ records section of the Archives Division, the activities of which are direetw

é ed by Herbert R. Rifkind, State Editor. The inventory was edited by Mr.

; Martin P. Claussen, Associate Editoruwritcr in the Office of the Director of

g Research and Publications in The National Archiv . ,

: "NM/ii .~ /

i . Thomas R. Hall

' [ State Supervisor

! ChicagO, Illinois Historical Records Survey

} May 10- 1941 in Illinois


Chicago, District Director's Office 2
Belviderc, NRS, Boone County Office................................ 10
Benton, NRS, Franklin County Office................................ 11
Bloomington, ISES, McLean County Office............................ 12
Cairo, NRS, District 12 Office..................................... 15
‘ Champaign, NRS, Champaign County Office............................ 18
Chicago, 1538 Branch Offices....................................... 18
Calumet Branch Office......................................... 19
Central Labor Office.......................................... 20
‘ Clearance Office.............................................. 22
Commercial Office............................................. 23
Industrial Office............................................. 25
f North Side Branch Office...................................... 26
‘ Service Branch Office 27
South Parkway Branch Office................................... 28
Stockyards Branch Office...................................... 29
NRS, State Roemployment Director's Office........................ 30
f Vbterans' Placement Bureau....................................... 32
Cicero, ISES, District Manager's Office.. ......................... 33
Decatur, ISES, MaeonCounty Office 35
East St. Louis, ISES, District Manager's Office.................... 36
. Freeport,NRS,District10ffice................................... 38 »
Golconda, NBS, Hardin and Pope Counties Office..................... 39
Harrisburg, ISES, Saline County Office............................. 40
Jacksonville, NRS, District 7 Office............................... 41
Joncsboro, NRS, Union County Office................................ 43
= Marion, NRS, Williamson County Office.............................. 44
Matteon, NBS, District 6 0ffiee.................................... 45
Metropolis, NRS, Massac County Office.............................. 46
Mounds, NBS, Pulaski County Office................................. 47
‘ Murphysboro, NRS, JaCkson County Office............................ 48
Oak Bank, ISES, Manager's Office................................... 49
Oregon, NRS, Ogle County Office... ................................ 5O
. Pekin, NRS, Tazewell County Office................................. 51
Taylorville, NRS, District 8 Office................................ 52
_ Vandaliaylms, Bond and Fayette Counties Office.................... 53
Vienna, NRS, Johnson County Office................................. 54
; Wbodstock, ISES, McHenry County Office............................. 55
CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX................................................... 58
1 Publications of The Illinois Historical Records Survey................ 64
f .


Post Office Bldg., 433 W. Van Buren St.
This office for District 10 was established August 10, 1933, due to
the consolidation of the Bureaus of Immigration and Naturalization by .
Executive Order 6166, June 10, 1933, under authority conferred upon the
‘ President by Congress in the Act of March 3, 1933. The Bureau of Immi—
gration was established in 1891, and in 1906 it was transferred to the
Department of Commerce and Labor. Since 1913 it has been under the
Jurisdiction of the Department of Labor. The Bureau of Naturalization
was established by act of Congress on June 29, 1906. It operated under
the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice, District Attorney's of—
fice, from 1906 to 1909, and under the Department of Commerce and Labor
from 1909 to 1913, when jurisdiction was transferred to the Department
of Labor, under which it now operates. The Bureau of_Immigration has
been located at the following addresses: 1906 a June 1908,_Federal
Building, Clark and Adams Sts.: July 1908 — June 1913, Continental Com-
mercial National Bank Building, 72 IL Adams St.: July 1913 ~ 1917, .
Newborry Building, 845 S. thash five.: 1917 — 1925, Pontiac Building,
' Harrison and Dearborn Sts.: 1925 — July 20, 1932, Transportation Build-
ing, 608 S. Dearborn St.: July 21, 1938 - June 28, 1933, Manhattan .
' Building. 431 S. Dearborn St. and since that date at the present
quarters. The Bureau of Naturalization has been located at the follow;
ing addressesi 1906 - April 1, 1934. Federal Building. Clark and Adams
Sts.: April 16, 1934 to date, at present quarters. Due to lack of
office space, the naturalization examiners of the Bureau occupied quar-
ters in the Transportation Building, 608 S. Dearborn St. from September
1925 to April 1935.
The Immigration and Naturalization Service is concerned with all ‘
phases of the work incident to the enforcement of the immigration,
Chinese exclusion, and naturalization laws, and the regulations there—
under. To carry out this work the organization is divided into two
main units, the Central Office, washington, D. 0.. and the Field Service.
= District 10 of the Immigration and Naturalization Service comprises the
; northeastern part of Indiana, the eastern half of Wisconsin and Iowa,
, and the'northern half of Illinois. Sub-offices are maintained in
Freeport, Danville, and Peoria, Ills: Hammond, Ind.: Dubuque, Cedar
Rapids, Ottumwa, and Davenport, Iowa. various periodic reports are
transmitted to Central Office. Records are in good condition.

 Immigration and Naturalization Service, Chicago 3

1. CHINESE IMMIGRATION INVESTIGAEIONS, l906 to date. Closed and pend-
ing investigations of Chinese aliens who have violated immigration laws.
showing laborer’s return certificate, permit, warrant of arrest, personal
history statement, report of hearing, bond conditioned for delivery of an
alien, preliminary statement, and related correspondence. Filed numerical-
ly. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 90 ft., in 44 drawers of
steel filing cases. Vault in R. 719. (8510)

2. INDEX FILE, 1906 to date.' Pending or closed Chinese immigration
investigation cases conducted by district headquarters or its sub—offices,.
showing name and address of alien, aliases, file number, description of

, investigation, disposition, and date. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, offi~
eial.) 5 x 8 cards, 24 ft., in 6 drawers of card cabinets. Vault in R. 719.
(8509) .

3. NATURALIZATION INVESTIGATIONS, 1906 to date. Records of closed
miscellaneous investigations of naturalization cases. in event of criminal
proseeutions, lost papers, naturalization law violations, changes of rosi-
dGnCO. and other data: also applications, petitions, court records, and
correspondence. Filed numerically. (Weekly, official.) 10 x 15 folders,
95 ft., in 50 drerers of steel filing cases.v R. 719. (8513)

4. PETITIONS, 1906 to date. Forms 2208, 2215A and 2214A, records of
petitioners who have received final papers and whose cases are closed,
showing application for certificate of arrival and preliminary form for a
declaration of intention, petition for citizenship and naturaliZation, cer-
tificate of arrival, invalidated first papers, valid first and second
papers, results_of preliminary examinations, and related correspondence.
Filed alphabetically and numerically. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 10 X 15
folders, 590 ft., in 294 drawers of steel filing cases. R. 719. (8516)

5. LEANE OF ABSENCE RECORDS, 1908 to date. Forms 536 and 540. showing

' previous absence, time to be granted, signatures of applicant, officer in
charge and district director, and related corrOSpondenco. 'Pertains to all
employees within district. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.)

10 x 15 folders, 6 ft., in‘3 drawers of steel filing eases. R. 701. (8521)

6. GENERAL CARD INDEX, 1910 to date. Pending and closed applications,'
for each naturalization and immigration case, petitions, and investigations,
showing name and address of applicant, number and date of receipt, disposi~
tion of ease, date, and file number. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, offi—
cial.) 3 x 5 cards, 630 ft., in 264 drawers of steel filing cases. R. 719.
(8523) . .

7. IMMIGRArIONS, 1910 to date. Forms 8.01, 553, 607 and 617. Invest-
igations conducted by district headquarters, showing warrant of arrest for
violation of immigration law, personal history statement used for obtaining

passport, report of hearing, bond conditioned for delivery of an alien,
preliminary statement, and related corresPondonce. 'Filed numerically. In;
dexed. (Daily, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 820 ft., in 377 steel and wooden
drawers of filing cases. R. 719 and stororoom. (8511, 8512)

 Immigration and Naturalization Service, Chicago 4

586, copies of completed reports covering statistics on naturalization,
showing number of investigations conducted, date, name of court, number
and location, petitioners and witnesses examined at preliminary hearings,
court hearings, recommendations made, declarations, certificates, court
records examined, cancelations and reasons, and results of prosecutions;
also final action on petitions taken by courts, applications pending and
receiVed during month, and number of declarations and petitions filed in
State and Federal courts within district. Filed chronologically and
numerically. (Older records, annually; recent records, daily, official.)
8 X 12 loose—leaf book and 10 x 15 folders, 3 ft., in drawers of steel
filing case. R. 701. (8282. 8283. 8290)

9. NATURALIZATION PAPERS FORWARDED,'1923 to date. Form 2208, pro-
pared and submitted nonthly'to this office by Clerk of Court, showing
name of court, county, city, State, date, petition number, name, sex,
and approximate date of final hearing. Enclosed for transmission to
Central Office are duplicate naturalization pnpers. Filed alphabetical—
1y. (Daily, official.) 10 x 3.5 folders, 32 ft... in 16 drawers of wooden
filing cases. R. 701. (8292)

10. REPORTS OF HEARINGS, 1923 to date. Form 159, report of each
hearing in open courts within district, showing court number, title.
place, date, name of judge, clerk, examiner, total number of admissions
according to nativity, dismissals and reason, and continuances. Filed
numerically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 4 ft.. in 2 drawers
of steel filing eases. R. 701. (8291)

11. COURT ORDERS, June 28, 1926 to date. Forms 2351, 2352 and 2353,
list of petitioners having appeared in person at final hearing held in
Open court, admitted to citizenship and plea granted for change of name, '

' showing date, number, name, district, and division of court, name of
petitioner, change of name, signatures of designated examiner and judge:
also list of naturalization petitions recommended to be denied, showing
petitions number, name of petitioner, and reason for denial, and list
of petitions recommended to be continued and reason. Filed alphabetic-
ally and numerically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 loose—leaf books (8),

, and 10 x 15 folders, 4 ft. 6 in., in 4 drawers of steel filing cases.
R. 701. (8289)

date. Forms 2356 and 2357, showing date of hearings, court number,
recommendations on petitions heard, approved or disapproved by court,
name of judge, petitions and witnesses examined, tentative recommenda-
tionscnd totals. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5
cards, 4 ft. 6 in., in 3 drawers of steel card cabinets. R. 701.

(8285, 8277)

13. RXPEHDITURES AUTHORIZED, July 1927 to date. Forms 598D, 589E
and 598E, monthly cepies, submitted to Central Office, showing amounts
allotted, authorized by the department and officer in charge, net

 Immigration and Naturalization SerVice, Chicago 5
amounts of adjustments, and charged against allotment, the name of payee,
character of service, estimated annual charge. amount previously vouch—
ered and the balance: also request number, name of traveler, and initial
point destination and cost, coal, water, ice, electric current, etc.
Filed chronologically. (Older.records, never: recent records, daily,
official.) 10 x 15 folders, 2 ft. 7 in., in drawers of steel filing cases.
R. 701 and storeroom. (8506, 8508, 8494)

14. FINANCIAL INSTRUCTIONS, 1927 to date. Issued by Central Office,
relating'to accounting procedure, financial reports, contracts, leases,
Vouchers, pay rolls, leaves, overtime bills, etc. Filed by subject.
(weekly, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 8 in., in drawer of steel filing
case. n. 701. (8281)

to date. Form 680, showing name of vessel, port, date, initial port,
and list of aliens, names, length of service, position in ships' company,
whether paid off or discharged, age, sex, race, nationality, height, .
weight, steamship line, owner, and name of immigration inspector. Filed
chronologically. (Monthly, official.) 20 x 24 loose—leaf books, 1 ft.,
on wooden shelf. Vault in R. V19. (8514)

16.4 RETURN PERMIT RECEIPTS, 1927 to date. Issued to aliens by this
office, shoeing date permit was delivered to alien leaving United States,
case number, and signature of applicant. Filed alphabetically. (Daily,
official.) 5 x 8 cards, 65 ft., in 42 drawers of steel filing cases.
Vault in R. 719. (8524)

17. MOTOR VEHICLE EXPENSE REPORTS, July 1927 to date. Form 600,
copies prepared by employees using motor vehicles for official travel,
showing date of purchase, location, make and model, motor number, ,

‘ quantity and cost of fuel and lubricants purchased, garage rent, cost
of repairs, and accessories, total cost of upkeep, and mileage. Filed
» chronologically. (Older records, never; recent records, daily, official.)
9 x 12 and 10 x 15 folders and bundles, 1 ft. 1 in., in drawers of steel
‘ filing case and in wooden box. R. 701 and storcroom. (8495, 8496, 8507)

July 1927 to date. Form 1034 and 10180, copies of vouchers issued by
Accounting Section for maintenance of district headquarters and its
sub—offices, showing purchases and services as garage, telephone, tele~
graph, jails, meals, photographs and passports of aliens, gas and oil,
interpreters, typewriter and automobile repairs, nurse supplies, and
related correspondence. Filed chronologically and by subject. (Older

. records, never: recent records, daily, official.) 9 x 12 and 10 x 15
folders and bundles, 4 ft. 6 in., in drawers of steel filing cases and
in wooden box. R. 701 and storeroom. (8497. 8498. 8499)
19; PAX ROLLS FOR PERSONAL SERVICES, 1928'to date. Forms 10133 and
10130, copies of pay rolls showing pay period, name, number, grade and
; salary rate of employee, gross amount earned, deductions, net amount
paid and remarks. Filed chronologically. (Older records, never: recent
‘ records, weekly, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 2 ft. 9 in., in drawers of
; steel filing cases. R. 701 and storeroom. (8318. 8819, 8320)

 Immigration and Naturalization Service, Chicago 6

20. TRAVEL VOUCHERS, 1928 to date. Forms 1012, 10120 and 1012D, copies
of public vouchers for reimbursement of travel and other expenses including
per diem, statement of travel by motor vehicle, and receipts for cash and
for traveling done by employees. Filed alphabetically and chronologically.
(Older records, never; recent records, daily, official.) 10 x 15 folders,

* 4 ft. 5 in., in drawer of steel filing cases. R. 701 and storeroom. (8315,
8316, 8317)

21. REPORTS OF NATURALIZATION EXAMINER, Jan. 1929 to date. Form 2308,
record of investigations made of petitioners and witnesses, hearings con—
ducted, number of admittances, denials, continuances, correspondence, and
other data, showing date, whore employed, mail and telegraph address, work
done, and signature of naturalization examiner. Filed chronologically.
(Older records, monthly: recent records, daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards and
10 x 15 folders, 10 ft., in 8 drawers of wooden filing case and card cab-
inets. R. 701. (8284, 8286) .

22. CERTIFICATES 0F ARRIVAL, July 1929 to date. Form 2213A, applicants
awaiting eligibility for application of second papers, showing certificate
of arrival, invalidated first papers, copy of notice to file first papers,
results of preliminary examination, application for certificate of arrival
and declaration of intention. Filed numerically. Indexed. (Daily, offi—
cial.) 10 x 15 folders, 248 ft., in 124 drawers of wooden filing cases.

a. 719. (8517, 8518)

23. MONTHLY EXPENDITURE REPORTS, July 1929 to date. Form 40A and 593,
copies showing classification of eXpenditures for each month, district,
month, entry date, payee, remarks, payment of professional services, com—
mercial tranSportation, vehicle hire, travel expenses, pasSports, telegraph
and telephone services, rental, subsistence, repairs, supplies and equip—
ment, and other data. ,Filed chronologically. (Older records, never;

‘ recent records, weekly, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 6 ft., in drawers of '
steel filing cases. R. 701 and storeroom. (8312 -V8314)

Form 569, 57l~l, and 571—2, memorandum copies for overtime services .
rendered by employees on official business, mainly inspection of vessels,
and pertinent correspondence. Filed al habetically. (Older records,
never; recent records, daily,.official.) 9 x 12 and 10 x 15 folders and
bundles, 1 ft. 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case and in wooden box.

a. 701 and storeroom. (8306 - 8308)

25. PERPETUAL INVENTORY RECORD, July 1929'to date.” Record of anon
article of stock on hand, showing item number, article, description,

7 unit, requisition number, date received and issued, and balance. Filed
alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 11 loose-leaf book, 1 in., in
drawer of steel filing case. n. 701. (8275)

26. RECEIPT BOOKS, July 1929 to date. Form 20F, copies issued to

‘ applicants for citizenship, acknowledging receipt of money order in
payment for certificate of arrival, showing receipt number, name and
address of applicant, date, amount, and initials of receiving employee.
Filed numerically. Indexed. (weekly, official.) 9 x 11 vols. (40),

15 ft., on shelf. Vault in R. 719. (8519, 7520)


 Immigration and Naturalizatipn Service, Chicago 7

27. CONTRACT FILE, 1929 to date. Forms 33, 648 and 1036, contracts for
garage service, jails, auto repairs, meals. and photographs of aliens. in—
cluding invitation to bid, acceptance, statement and certificate of award,
and pertinent correspondence. Filed alphabetically. (Older records, never;
recent records, weekly, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 14 in., in 3 drawers
of steel filing case. R. 701 and storeroom. (8305, 8321, 8322)

28. TIME REPORTS, 1929 to date. Forms 613 and 616, copies prepared by
accounting section for each inspector, clerk and guard attached to service
within district, showing statement of official duties, time on duty, sick
leave, leave without pay. and overtime. Filed chronologically. (Older
records, never; recent records, daily, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 6 ft.,
in drawers of steel filing cases. R. 701 and storeroom. (8500u8505)

29. REQUISITIONS FOR SUPPLIES, July 1929 to date. Form 587, 588, 589,
copies submitted semiannually to the commissioner of Immigration and
Naturalization, for supplies, printed stationery, and immigration law
books, including invoices and pertinent correspondence. Filed numerically.

’ (Older records, never: recent records, quarterly, official.) 9 x 12 and
10 x 15 folders and bundles, 1 ft. 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case
and in wooden box. R. 701 and storeroom. (8309-8311)

30. DOCKET LIST OF PETITIONS, May 1930 to date. Form 2355, list for
use of designated examiner or officer at preliminary hearings in various
courts, showing date, number of petitions called for hearing, petitioner's
name, number, recommendations, reasons for denial or continuance, and
signature of designated examiner. Filed chronologically. (Daily, offi~
cial.) 8 x 15 clipped forms, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing cases. R.
701. (8288)

31. ‘RECORD OF ORGANIZATIONS, July 1930 to date. Showing designation,‘ »

‘ address, form number and date, followed by chronological records of forms
delivered. Filed alphabetically. (Weekly, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 6 in.,
in wooden transfer case. R. 701 (8280)

32. PETITIONS DENIED, Mar. 1932 to date. Form FD 1, copies of peti—

' tions denied on ground involving unnorthiness of applicants, showing
court and petition numbers, name of applicant, pertinent facts, 1. 6.
police records, petitioner‘s admission and investigation of this service.
Filed chronologically. (Monthly, official.) 10 x 16 folders, I in., in
drawer of steel filing case. R. 701. (8275)

to date. Showing book and request numbers, date issued, and name of the
traveler. Entered chronologically. (Daily, official.) 6 x 9 notebook,

g in., in drawer of desk. R. 701. (8273) ,

34. RECORD OF ISSUES, July 1933 to date. Record of badges, brief cases,
handcuffs, motor fuel, identification cards, motor fuel tax exemption cer—
tificates, transportation identification cards, uniforms, caps, and in—
signia issued to employees of service, item, date, and to whom issued.
Entered chronologically. (Daily, official.) 6 x 9 notebook, % in., in dodk
drawer. R. 701. (8272)


 Immigration and Naturalization Service, Chicago 8

35. RECORD OF MONEY EXPENDED, July 1933 to date. Showing semimonthly
amounts expended for salaries, transportation, travel, and general expenses '
for each State within district. Entered chronologically. (Constantly,
official.) 6 x 9 notebook, % in., in drawer of desk. R. 701. (8274)

36. REQUESTS FOR FORMS, July 1, 1934 to date. Forms 2213A and 2214A,
receipted copies of requests for forms, desired for use by various civil
bodies, showing number of forms delivered, date, and initials of receiver.
Filed chronologically. (weekly, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 1 ft., in
drawer of steel filing case. R. 701. (8287)

37. 'RRCCRD or CIRCULAR LETTERS, July 1935 to date. Showing title,
subject, description and number, court decision, citation and order re—
ceived at and used by district headquarters. Filed by subject. (Daily,
official.) 3 x 5 cards and 9 x 11 loose-leaf books (2), 5 ft. 5 in., in
2 drawers of wooden filing case and desk. Rs. 719 and 701. (8278, 8279,

1936 to date. Form 593, showing salaries and expenses of employees within
district, date of voucher, name of payee, description of item, authority
number, amount of allotment, debit and credit account. and date entered.
Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 loose—leaf book, 2 in.,
in drawer of desk. R. 701. (8294)

39; GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, July 1, 1935 to date. Files on expendi-
tures, pay rolls, setimates, authorizations, furniture repairs, transportap
tion, travel orders, property, keys, identification cards, badges, uni—
forms, insignia, typewriters, automcbiles, and other subjects. Filed
chronologically and by subject. (Daily, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 1 ft.,
in drawer of steel filing case. R. 701. (8295) . _ '

40. 'INVESTIGATIONS FILE, July 1, 1936 to date. Form 8—01, 617. 607
and 553, records of investigations of immigration.and naturalization law .
violations conducted by district headquarters, showing applications and
petitions, warrant of arrest, personal history statement, report of hearing,
bond conditioned for delivery of an alien, preliminary statement, and per—
tinent correspondence. Filed numerically. Indexed. (Daily, official.)

10 x 15 folders, 155 ft., in 75 steel drawers of filing case. R. 719.

Individual folders of applicants with first papers who have filed a peti—
tion for naturalization and are awaiting examination in open court, showing

- application for certificate of arrival, declaration of intention, petition
for citizenship, naturalization, invalidated first papers, copy of notice
to file first papers, results of examination, valid first papers, and
pertinent correspondence. Filed alphabetically and numerically. Indexed.
(Constantly, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 80 ft., in 40 drawers of stool
filing cases. R. ?19. (8515)

 Immigration and Naturalization Service 9
42. PROPERTY RECORD FILE, July 1, 1936 to date. Form 669,. record of
each typewriter and mimeograph'machine issued to and used by the service,
showing name of article, price, procurement authority, date received,
bill of lading and invoice number, and property return on which taken up
and‘dropped. Filed alphabetically. (Weekly, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 2
ft., in wooden transfer case. a. 701. (8293)



The United States Employment Service was established by the Department
of Labor in 1914 under authority derived from the statutory powers of the
Division of Information of the Bureau of Immigration, where, in 1907, a
public employment system had been established in connection with the immin
gration station at New York. Prior to October 15, 1917 the United States
Employment Service was conducted as a part of the Division of Information
of the Bureau of Immigration. The funds necessary to carry on this work
were taken from the immigration appropriations, and many of the field
officers of the Bureau of Immigration acted in a dual capacity both as
Immigration and Employment officials. The United States Employment Serv;
ice became a separate unit in the Department of Labor on January 3, 1918.

The present United States Employment Service was established by the
Whgner4Peyser Act of June 6, 1933, and began operations on July 1, 1933.

It succeeded a unit of the same name, established in 1918, which functioned
under a different form of organization. At the time the Survey of Federal
Archives was made in Illinois, the United States Employment Service in
setting up and maintaining a national system of employment Operated through
two types of offices - State employment service offices, established in
accordance with the WhgnorAPeyser Act and affiliated by agreement with the
USES, and offices of the National Reemployment Service. The latter was an
emergency agency set up in July 1933 as a division within the USES for the
primary purpose of placing labor on projects financed with public works
and emergency relief funds although it also placed workers in private in—
dustry. The activities of the NBS and of the State Employment offices
were coordinated to prevent overlapping and as the facilities of the latter
‘ were enlarged, the offices and positions of the NRS were turned over to

, them. This transfer had been completed by