xt7cnp1wh68j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cnp1wh68j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1937 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1937 Vol.8 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, January 1937 Vol.8 No.8 1937 1937 2019 true xt7cnp1wh68j section xt7cnp1wh68j t', 1936;: 3 33
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 Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS January, 1937 Januz
_ %%—E~H~__fi_fi /
, J . . O ‘
odle Gozder Is Elected Presudent As Flood Curtalls Program“ Retl
v " Jodie T. Gozder, publisher of the operative Advertising was opened were reaching alarming heights RESOLUTIONS 5‘ The follo
’ Campbellsville News—Journal, fish— by Chairman Victor R. Portmann, and all who wanted to get out of __ : dress of
erman and hunter, cabinet—maker who stressed the need of a market the city had better leave at once. Your resolutions committee her, president
, and authority on antiques, and host survey and rate book for Kentucky According, it was Voted to curtail to report: The 011
‘ par excellence, was elected presi— newspapers and explained and ex— the convention by postponing the The deep regret and immeasur.‘ of the K
:7 , dent of the Kentucky Press Asso— hibited two types of such books as Saturday addresses until the mid— able sense of 1055 of this group i for 1936
- ciation at the closing meeting at published by other state associa— summer meeting and that all un— the passing fl-om this associatlr and legal
'f _ the Brown Hotel, Louisville, Friday, ticns. He also stressed the need of finished business, reports of com— during the year of John J. Bath The 0
January 22. He was elevated to honesty and exactness in circula— mittees, and election of officers life member, Rolling Fork Echi Kentucky
' that important office from vice— tion figures and rates that should would take place at the banquet. New Haven; H. B. Smith, Richu present t
» president by aclamation. be included in the proposed rate Some editors immediately left for mond Pantagraph; M. 0311111“, resentatli
J. LaMarr Bradley, Enterprisetbook. their homes, but the majority Shelbyville; and Robert MooreFul... terests 0:
Providence, was elected vice—presi— Joe T. Lovett, Ledger and Times, waited for the “eats.” ton Daily Leadet ' The ST
. dent after serving one year as Murray, gave his report as chair—‘ The Louisville Board of Trade That the association express it the DUblli
' chairman of the executive commit~ man of the advertising committee were hosts at the excellent banquet, gratitude for and sincere apprecia. papers ar.
. tee. J. Curtis Alcock, Messenger, and told of the preliminary work followed by a floor show. The tion of the courtesieg shown us b: tucky t0‘
; Danville, was reelected socretary— that had been done to procure an closing session was then held with the Courier—Journal and the Louis concernec
: treasurer for his twenty—sixth con— advertising agent for the Kentucky the report by the resolutions com— ville Times, the Brown Hotel, Th»: that now
secutive term. Thomas R. Under— i newspapers whose duty would be to mittee and election of officers. Fri— Louisville Board of Trade, the ladies. Vance pr
_' wood, Herald, Leington, was elected E contact Kentucky manufacturies day afternoon, the ladies were en— Of the entertainment committa. getting P
. as chairman of the executive com— ! and industrial plants for advertis— l tertained at bridge and rummy in ‘ the members of the program com-l Everythln
mittee. Iing in the state papers. Every edi— ‘ the Louis XVI room. mittee and to Barry Bingham, put publishers
- The mid—winter meeting of the tor present took part in the dis— As many editors who were able lisher, of the Courier_JOu1~na1 and, Wm have
Kentucky Press association at the cussion that followed and the asso— left early the next morning forlTimes, and to felicitate Mr. th tunity, at
Brown hotel. Louisville. scheduled ciation voted to place the matter in home. Many were flood—bound, 95"ham upon the glad event of thii that 90 D‘
for January 21, 22. 23 will long be the hands of the executive com— pecially the “boys” from the wes— day in the birth of a daughter. W of the no.
remembered by the sixty editors mittee for future action and also tern part of the state. Communica— deem it fitting to say that, in vhf“ money in
who registered Thursday evening 0r ‘ voted approval for the work done i tion with Louisville has been cut of the unusually trying condition: that DEI‘IC
Friday morning. When these edi—‘by the advertising committee. Sev—i off and we anxiously wait news under which all of these agencies Era'of A3
tors, many accompanied by their i eral editors present signed con— i that the editors arrived home safe— and individuals labored, this meet- Ninetee
: families, left home Thursday morn— ‘ tracts for participatiOn in the ad— I 1y. Sufficient to say, many editors ing has been more successful than" laid thef
ing, they little anticipated the dif— vertising plan after Secretary Al— have first hand knowledge of the could have been expected, and re iness yea]
ficulty in getting to Louisville. The cock had announced that over sixty worse flood disaster that has ever thank them most cordially. Your 2
Ohio river was on rampage, but editors had previously signed. The occurred. Your committee wishes to com- the adv:
. heretofore the flood had not caused Press will carry a complete report -—-—— mend the legislative committee to; standards
, serious menace to travelers or to of this project in an early issue. ‘ The first official action of Presi— its efficiency and accomplishment tucky PI
that city itself. Train and bus The editors adjourned to the dent Gozder was the appointment for the association during the 1am been sens
'_ schedules were delayed and auto Pendennis Club Where they were of the standing committees: year. We feel this progress has advancem
‘. traffic was rerouted, causing many guests of the Louisville Courier— Executive: Gracean M. Pcdley, meant a great deal to us all, the busm
of the editors to arrive much later Journal at the annual luncheon. Herald, Eddyvillc; Vance Armen— Also highly commendable hm hm _1§ re.
than they had anticipated. How— Editor Tom Wallace presided and trout, Courier—Journal, Louisville; been the work of the advertising’ condition
ever, a. good number registered introduced the guests at the headchlph Creal, Herald, Hodgenville; committee which has made, wefeél. publishers
early and enjoyed the bounteous table with appropriate and hum~ ‘ Vernon Richardson. Advocate, Dan— and excellent start upon a. program‘ has been
buffet luncheon luncheon as guests orous remarks. ville; J. Gilmore Nunn, Herald, which will be to the very material ei‘shlp oi
of the Brown hotel in the roof The afternoon session was opened Lexington; Joe Costello, Democrat, advantage of every member wliO‘ Iriain prol
. garden. by George A. Saas, classified ed— Cynthiana; Robert L. Kincaid, cooperates. tlhg steac
Seventeen days of continuous Vertising manager, Indianapolis News, Middlesboro; James T. Nor— We wish to especially thank Mr.’ the advai
rain failed to dampen the spiritstews , who gave an interesting and ris, Independent, Ashland; Vicmr'Geo. A Saas of the Indianapoli‘ course 0f
of the editors when the meeting illuminating address on classified R. Portmann, Kentucky Press, Lax—JNews for his instructive and 31th In only
was opened Friday morning by advertising. He answered many ington; and Martin Dyche, Echo, tertaining address and to Mr. Ken” militant:
President Crawford. Invocation was questions fired at him by the inter— London. neth White for his lucid and heir' mm DI‘lC
pronuounced by the Rev. Dr. Peter ested editors present. His address Legislative: Thomas R Under— ful explanation of the Social Se The news
H. Pleune, Highland Presbyterian will be published in the Press. wood, Herald, Lexington, Chair— curity measure. ._ glegisl
Church. In the absence of Mayor Harold A. Browning, Williams— man; Warren Fisher, Mercury, Car— We desire to express the regiei' G Ou W]
Neville Miller, on “flood duty”, the burg, gave a report on the annual ‘ lisle; Lawrence W. Hager, Messen— of this body of the illness of our teneralzt
address of welcome was delivered meeting of the National Editorial‘ger, Owensboro; George A. Japhn’lhonored member Enoch Grehan. 310115.93-
by Vance Armentrout, Louisville association in Maine the past sum— Jr., Commonwealth, Somerset; and‘head of journalism University of- Committtei
, Courier—Journal, chairman of the mer. He then explained how he had Francis W. Burke, Mountain Eagle, Kentucky and to wish for him3 135650013410.
9 program committee, who graciously made his hobby of photography Whitesburg. Speedy recovery. a Slim: 2‘
, turned over the keys of the city profitable from the standpoint of Advertising: Robert L. Kincaid, Your committee believes it speaks 1"thins .
and said, “While I am turning over procuring pictures for his paper News, Middlesboro, Ch airm an; for all present when it exprsses flit- Lay 0111
these keys to you for the front and in commercial photography. Thomas T. Wilson, Log Cabin, preciation of their parts on the‘ tion regs;
door, I cannot guarantee that the He showed many prints of his work Cynthiana; Shelton Saufley, Regis— ‘ program of every person who par und oth
back door will not be closed,” His in “illustrating" his address. He, ter, Richmond; W. L. Dawson, Old— tioipated We feel this has beenfl Under (
words were prophetic. Executive also responded to many questions. ham Era, La Grange; and A. S. more than usually informative and ald 2132:1001
chairman, J. Lamarr Bradley, re- Kenneth White, member of the Walthen, Kentucky Standard, beneficial meeting despite extremt' Support (
, sponded for the association in his puhhc Accountant firm of Yeager Bardstown. _ 1y trying circumstances and cor. Carlisle l
usual witty style. [and White, Louisville, gave an ad— Newspaper Exhibit: Victor R: Port— ditions and that this is due, in of the C
1 In his annual address, the retir— dress on the Social Security Act, mann, Kentucky Press, Lexington, large measure to those who had, Enquirer
1 ing president, John L. Crawford, and was “put on the spot” with Chairman; S. B. Goodman, Central'active part in the program. , Somerset,
1 Corbin, outlined the work 0f the rapid fire questions by the editors Record Lancaster; and Flem Smith. Eh . . 0“,. Br .
. . . . . . cpec1ally do we Wish to C . owning
: past year, giVing spec1al emphaSis on the various phases of the act as N6WS, Georgetown. end 0 r out oin' resident Johll pliblican
‘= to the excellent work of the legisla— pertained to the community news— '—'—-——: 11:1 Crawlford hi higs gevotion to thi- the KPA
} tive committee in their success in papers. His answers, together with The Mayfield Messenger found duties of his office and for thfi‘tant laws
, passing two bills through the leg— an all—inclusive and tabulated Christmas advertising easiest to clarity and instructive force of hi5 utr books
islature: the bill respecting press pamphlet on the Act, did much to sell in years Scores of firms and annual address And finally. to One of
confidences, and the bill which es— clear the perplexing problems that , individuals were good for season’s C ti Al ock our alwa s depend? privileged
tablished conditional privilege con— had mystified the publishers. His greetings including ministers, hos— :1: Sande efficient seciyetary our I" newSpapei
’ cerning filed documents in court address and solutions presented pitals, undertakers, the post office, :‘h k t' t dl ’ , formation
-, records. He concluded by outlining were the high—lights of the ses— churches and banks. The fire de— an S go uns m e y. 'td lawyer ar
.1 the needs and program for the as— sion. partinent wanted an ad but the Respectfully Smelte' The 0th
sociation for the future. His address President Crawford th en an— fire chief injured his foot the night A, S, THOMPSON ed last yi
' 1 is published in another column. nounced that Louisville authorities before and was unable to get the ROBERT KINCAID islative rs
A round table discussion on Co— had informed him that flood waters copy to the paper on time. I G. M. PEDLEY

 _ . . . . than] I
J' J .
E Page Three ‘ ’.
V, 1937 January, 1937 . THE KENTUCKY PR SS II . I
'—_—_-— M J v;:
x f . . Jky Press association in better con— I‘ 553 ‘ ,
- ' ' P sudent Rewews Work OF Past Year elllell leeelly elem before he i ll ,
9 ram Retll’l "9 re IJts history. But thereIare still many , ,3 ; J ‘
.3 The following is the text of the ad— and legitimate Inest—under certain for the Court oIfIAppeals Wis pig: tilégg; $21-$33. Ipéitliriegi; nigngZIaa J :2
\JS i dress of John L. Crawford retiring necessary restrictions, of course. ed abnd hsIubmititied to t e close guarding of the present laws I, J .I
' ‘ resident: . IThese twoiaws “.6 the founda— mem ers 1p. to see that they are not repealed ; . .
nittee hag: p h outstanding accomplishment ticn for a Bill of Rights for Ken— The results speak for themselves. or made ineffective. At the same I 1 .
. .I thlfe Kentucky Press association tucky newspapermen. We should Allover the state, the fiscal courts, time, there remains much to be I II ~.
immeasur,‘ 0 . 1935 is found in its legislative cherish them as a man holds dear which had been Withholding pub— done in the way of enforcement of i I. If
s EI‘OUDii- ii» i -al program the wife of his bosom. At the same lication of the financial statements the present publicity laws. There J I
associate: andh eg outstanding need of the time, we should use their powers on the authority of the Attorney should be some central point of en— I I
1 J- Bani" Tte k Press association at the judiciously, in order that we may General, began to release them to forcement which would relieve the I I .
Fork Echo Ken n: time is for a full time rep— not become over rjealous and bring the publishers and the result was a local pubiisher of having to fight I J _
Jith’ Rich" presertlative to look after the in— down the wrath of the powers that legitimate piece of business. with his fiscal court over such mat— ‘I JJ
O’SullivanI reseIJI of its members. be On our heads and make them Other accomplishments of the ters. I understand that Indiana has , .
Vloore,li‘u1.. tEI'Plt‘alsieS greatest opportunity facing to regret the confidence they have Kentucky Press association for the an ideal set—up in this respect, but Ii I III
.. the publishers of the smaller news— placed in us. . past year are negligible. To be surte, have not Investigated it. This could I .II
express .m apers and the job printers in Ken— Of almost equal importance was we had a splendid year in the ma — be done at little cost and might , IIIIIII
a appl‘ecm— gucky today—insofar as money is the blocking of a. proposal to undo ter of fellowship. This summer give the legislative committee some— .I I III .
own us h; erned—is embodied, in the fact much that has been accomplished meeting at Danville was oneIof the thing upon which to work in the I I'Il’I-I
the Louis COHIC now is the logical time to ad— in the way of a legislative program outstanding social events in the future. 3,". IJII
Hotel, Th; that e prices of all the revenue— for the publishers and printers of history of the association. Even the There should be a closer unity of I III IJ1
J’ the ladies verging products of the print shop. the state. There are always those weather was in our favor. The leg— the papers of the association. Not JJ
committee,I. iierything else is advancing. If the who want to repeal all publicity islative research work ofIVic IPort— that it is necessary to become on «I III IJJ
grain com— publishers do not follow suit, they laws and place the taxpayers in mann’s group_at the UniverSity ofI inter—locking corporation. But we , IIlI II
:ham, put. will have let slip a golden oppor— the dark as to the fiscal affairsIof Kentucky, while not yet ready for should stick closer together in mat— I III III
iurnal and tunity and they will be classed in their government. The past session publication, promises to be out— ters of policy. Wages, working hours, , II, JI
Mr. Bing-I that 9’0 percent of the business men of the Assembly was no exception. standing in the life of the associa— professional practices, prices—these I III JI
nt Of thiw of the nation who were not making Certain laws were proposed;but,due tion. That Will come later. But a are but a few of the things that ; III. II J
ightei‘. W" money in 1929, despite the fact that to the aid of friends we had in the . good start has been made. should find us working as a unit I JIII J: I
at, in vieI-r that period is known as the Golden lawmaking body, these bills were So much for the history of the on. Of course different local cun— III‘II I
condition; Era of American business. never in any danger of passage. It past. . ditions will cause variations, but I: JJJ J ‘:
e Iagenoei Nineteen hundred thirty—six has is well, though, to express our ap— Let us look for a few minutes to these could be considered. I .II IJI
thls meet . laid the foundation for a great bus— preciation of these friends who the future. . At the beginning of this talk I ,- II. III;
’SSful that: iness year in 1937. fought so valiantly for us and for A short time ago I stated that stated that the publishers were fac— J J 'I JII
d’ and “IE Your association has witnessed the taXpayerS- Jthe outstanding need 0f the KEEIF ing’ a great opportunity, in a busi— 5 Eli?
ly- the advancemnet of newspaper The Paducah newspapers are due . tuckyI Press association was f0i a mess way, this year. I IIIIIIII
S to com- etandards during 1936. The Ken— a fuls-ome expression of thanks from full time representative to look aft— I referred to this matter of ad— I , II-II I
lmitteefct tucky Press association has not the other publishers of Kentucky er the interestsIof the membership. vancing the price of job work, ad— J i
pummel“S been sensational in its part in this for the splendid way in which they . In making tnisIstatement I real— vertising and subscriptions to meet I IIILIIII
g the last: advancement. General pick—up in tested the financial statement act. ized I was treading on dangerous the increased cost of production. J ’ III J
)lg'ress hi‘ the business over the state and na— The Kentucky Press association ground. . . The man who does not raise his III ,II
.s all tion is responsible for this splendid had a committee working on this The matter of employing a field prices this year to conform to the I . IIIIIIJII
dable ha condition in Which the country matter, following the astonsihing‘ representative has been brought up advance in all other lines of busi— I IIIIIIIII
advertising publishers find themselves today. It ruling of the Attorney General to many times in this association, and ness for the pleasure he gets out of J , JIIJIrIIi
dawefeéi- has been an easyyear for the lead— the effect that the county budget as many times vetoed. . it and. for the good he can do his IIJI I
a. program ership of your association. The law repealed and made void the But that does not conv1nce mi fellowman—and the harm he can ,I I III II
y material main problem has been one of “sit— financial statement act. that we F10 not need some cenItra heap upon his competitor. i { I‘J‘IJ .
mber whee ting steady in the bOat“ and letting This committee had obtained the organization With which to fight Never was there a more legiti— I .I J .II ‘J
, the advancement follow a natural services of Attorney Clifford Smith. our battles. . . . . mate excuse for advancing prcies to I I ,II. II
thank MJ'. course of action. One of the most notable contribu—I This is espeCially true in this age the point where he can operate with I J II II
idianapolt In only one field have we been tions to the membership of the I of group efforts. If we doInot hang a profit. Never was the demand to I IIIIII I1
3 and en», militant. In 0,1113; field can we “point Kentucky Press association in I1935 together, we follow the age—old ax— do this more compelling and un— , I
Mr. Keir with pride” to the betterment of was the resume of the publicity 10m of hanging separately. . equivocal. I II .III .
and help the newspaper clan in Kentucky: I laws of Kentucky which Mr. Smith Take, for example the cooperative As a matter of fact if we do I I . . :
Social St The legislative fieldI prepared and which the Secretary effort to secure additional edver— not advance our prices, we admit I I i I
I" You will recall that when the printed and mailed out to the mem— tiSing, which the Kentucky Press: by this act we do not have the . IIJ . I
the regiei General Assembly began its deliber— bership. This document was a. mas— assoc1ation is now consideringI I business ability to conduct a news— I III I I
355 Of our ations early in 1936 the legislative terpiece in concise statement of we doInot work together Iin this Job, paper plant or we say to the pub— I II II I
i Grehat committee of the Kentucky Press the laws. then it is a failure before we have 110 that we have been profiteering I I ?1« I
iversity or association Sponsored two bills that Mr. Smith was employed to carry started. . . h t off the people all during the de— . III 3
for him3 became laws, and waged a battle a test ease up to the Court of Ap— thThe 02:1; {1225011219 11865302311311; pression—and we know this is not I“ ;
' ‘ 0 one law al— eals. 9 pr g , true. J I ’
S 16 speaks :SSégsbnufiieresItziilie books. p In the meantime, the Paducah as planned 1,“ the announcement; Of So I say to you, if you have not JJ 1
:prsses all Largely due to the aggressive ac— papers ran into trouble over the the Advertismg Committee; recom— already done so, to raise the price III I I I
:s on the tion of the Legislative committee, publication of the financial state— mendation which I submi ed in :31, of your advertising space, to ad— III . I
who par- under the able leadership of Tom merit. With the memory still freSh bulletin a few weeks ago is founI vanc e the cost of the job printing I III . I
laS bee“ Underwood of the Lexington Her— of a, tragic event in the life of the in the lack of COODeratIOD amolng output to the customer, and to JP; I
native anuI aid and by the loyal and unstined comunity over the failure of offi— the publishers. WeI deCided ttIJII 1detail move the cost of your subscriptions I III , I
3 extreme” support of Warren Fisher of the J cials to make public the condition action on this pioposal 1151 i th (t up a notch. I III I I
and COI}‘- Carlisle Mercury, Lawrence Hager of the county’s financial affairs 9. mid—Winter meeting, in or eIr1 t at If you don’t, old High Wages, ad— I .I
.5 due, 11] of the Owensboro Messenger and few years ago, the militant Paducah the group could decid? WIIa b1 Vancing costs of stock, social se— 1 ,I I
who We EHQuirer, George Joplin, Jr., of the Sun—Democrat instituted action in wants to do. But this IWifl the: curity and a thousand and one oth— III . 1' I
ram. ‘ Somerset Comonwealth, Harold the McCracken Circuit Court to brought out In anOtheJI‘ Dalfiot b» er items will swallow you, and some . II I
to 001“? Browning of the Williamsburg Re— force the publication of the finan— program and does no nee 0 e keener business man will be soon I , , I
gent Johll publican and the lay members of cia] statement if theIcounty. Suc— discussed here. tates now have flew sitting in your editorial chair and I I
.ion to thE- the KPA by the score, two impor— cessful in the Circuit Court, the Twenty—one S K t k needs to draping his hoofs over the corner ,3‘ . i,
:1 for thPI‘tant laws were placed on the stat— Paducah paper carried the case to Jepresentatives. enIuc y h the of the desk where now you repose ;; , IJ
fhis utr- books of K t k 1 t a. t of A eals and obtained J01n that milltant group. W e ”1 wrestling customers and fighting I: I
"me 0 en uc y as ye r the Cour ppI do or not depends upon . ,l
"inally. to One of them is the law making a favorable deCiSion there, . we ever b If Ou want to put in your spare moments between _l I .
5 dependu privileged the information of the Mr. Smith, realizing that this was you as mem ers. y ssociation production in the back shop. . I II
=tary, our/e newspaper reporter, just as the in— just what the newspaper publishers more money into your Ia.f e1 th t Incidentally, this is an “election I I
' , formation of the doctor and. the of Kentucky wanted, briefed the and get better retuins,h et a_ Year,’,’ and you can and should II I
- a IaWYel' are privileged. decision of the higher court and 3’09 can do 1“? batter J an. 0 ap close the books of 1937 With a nice ,3
vbmltte' The . - ' he s ecial commit— pomt a COInmlttee to 100k mi“) the nest e on the right side of the it , ,
SON ed 1 tether major press law enact— submltted It to tt k pPress associa matter of a field representative. gg ‘ J ' '
l as year makes cour and 1e — , of the Ken uc y _ ‘ . . , _ . - 1 I I ;
$3M) islative records availablet as legil Egg This statement and quotation This good yeai finds the Kentuc (Continued on Page Six I II

 Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS January, 1937 Jan
W‘fi ,—
' was known and liked by thousands Bell editors, 41; Morehead 1nd
in his section of the state. pendent, William J. Sample and' Sai
. ;fie The second oldest member of the George M. Calveit, editors and
f 1, a, ' Kentucky Press association, he es— publishers, 4; Bardstown Standardg. It 's
I. "gs = zit 3% tablished in 1886 the newspaper A. S. Wathen, president, 37; Let' t i
’ i which he published occasionally anon Enterprise, Oliver Kelly. edii tha .
for fun until 1889, when it became tor and publisher, 52. assccla
I a weekly. The Owenton News—Herald, p111}? 51%;?ng
i. ‘ Official Publication Of The Kentucky Press Association 00133:; hlen “158185216 Yalslfgslirviilciflgl] itifi‘igd bftls LgéthE'yefighme’ recent}; Kentuc
.' l fl—W nine children of Dr. J. J. Barry and The Mount Sterling sentinat at he}
' ‘ VICTOR R'PORTMANN-H--'----"-"~‘Ed”°r Mrs. Barry. He was educated in Democrat, Ratliff H. Lane, eritoi.‘ Judlglnl
. -—-———— St. Catherine’s Porachial School, manager, began its 7lst year 01 56: W‘
Printed On The Kernel Press, Department Of Journalism. New Haven, and began his career publication on December 23. . ltham
H UniVerSitY Of KenWCkY: LCXington as a traveling passenger agent for Edition number one of its lath W1 6,
——-—-————~———— the Old Ohio and Mississippi Rail— year was published by the 1mm. 233:63
PREss ASSOCIATION OFFICERS road, now the B. and 0. Railroad. Times, Robert Barker, editor and and pl
* ‘ ._ President News-Journal, Cam bellsville He was never married and as a ublisher, on December 25, .
I gé‘ligllgargtigggdley Vice-President Enterprise, Pliovidevnfie member of the Catholic church p ,;. _,_ .1. Jobhth
.' J; Cums Al°°°k - 59mm” Messenge" Dan” 5 served three terms on the board of NEW PAPER AT PLEASUREVILH sue ,.
‘ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE supreme directors of the Young —— 112911 g3;
. Eigttlfif'flit?123$itiit‘titétulifeifi‘tu‘ifli‘.‘"fiifiisfifii‘iettit‘n 129.2133 3:533: Men‘s Institute- He also dld exten— The Pleasurevflie News .Was er: quest,”
. News, Hodgenville; Vernon Richardson, Advocate, Danville; J. Gilmore Nunn, SlVe work In tracmg the Lincoln tabllShed January 2 With SO! In C
. Herald, Lexington; Joe Costello, Democrat, Cynthiana; Robert L. Kincaid, News, family in Kentucky. Schulman as editor, assisted bl,-
. Middlesboro; James T. Norris, Independent, Ashland; Victor R. Portmann, Ken— ,, ,., . _ . -_ many 12
tucky Press, Lexington; Martin Dyche, Echo, London; Robert L. Elkin, Lancaster, ' ' ' ' ' M155 Maly Elizabeth Newman a: ifin p
, Honorary. PEDLEY IN NEW JOB news editor, and J. C. Roberts a. story"
LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE -——— assistant. Mr. Schulman joined lite c '-
Thomas R. Underwood, Herald, Lexington, Chairman; Warren Fisher, Mercury, The Press joins the Fourth ES— staff Of the Louisville Courier- Eli???
Carlisle; Lawrence W. Hager, Messenger, Owensboro; George A.'Joplin J11, Com— tate in congratulating Gracean M. Journal eight years ago as a 1,9, ton MC
monwealth, Somerset, FranCIsyM. Burke, Mountain Eagle, Whitesburg. Pedley On his appointment as state porter, working at night and at—l‘ Close a)
. . ADxnnTismc COMMITTEE . ‘ publicity director. His headquarters tending the University of Louisvilli‘ his war
sisalsear;iii.an.ragisiil’isiirssv.3.“if%:.$.~.rsi§i:;.is32?it: Wm be in Frankfort. Much of n. School of Law during- the day- ii. that. ;
Grange; A: s. Wathen, Kentucky Standard, Bardstown. ' efforts will be devoted toward edit— er being admitted to the bar, he turned
_ NEWSPAPER EXHIBIT COMMITTEE mg and building up the Kentucky practiced law for some tlme _"1*— right a
' Victor R. Portmann, Kentucky Press, Lexington, Chairman; S. B. Goodman, Cen- Progress magazme. We knOW that LOWSVIHB bUt gaVe Up hls pram“ use, bur
tral Record. Lancaster; Flem Smith, News, Georgetown. the work will be well and faithfully to devote his entire time to a, newspal
’ done. journalistic career. He has held ones, a:
—————__— the positions of assistant state ei- clasifiec
—————-—~— HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! itor and of Indiana editor of the ders wi
’ - - i i _ —— Courier—Journal. sub'ect
' . {’P'Kv 3131;112:1351 fiiide thgulsfyatlficafiouéueili— Among the many newspapers He was” educated to be arabbi.‘ of Jadvr
._‘ MEMBER {m Democrat was forced to suspend throughout the state enjoying even taking biblical courses inthi and the
W publication. There is not much birthdays during the past month Presbyterian Theological Seminary. place fc
that can be said in the face of such were: The New Castle Local, E‘ He says that he knows he cannot paper.
K ‘ TUCKY PRES calamity but the editors of these Russel McClure, editor—manager, make a financial success Of a news' In thi
. newspapers can be assured of every 57;.the Georgetown News, Elem D~ paper in that town, bUt wants 10, small t]
ASSOCIATION assistance needed on call from Smith, publisher, 51; the Williams— be of service to his community. He perhaps
orumzzo JANUARY. ”69 itheir fellow editors. town News, Robert L. Westover, ed— has also opened a law office. 3 in large
. l itor, 31; the Paris Kentuckian—Cit— A unique part of his paper is“ needs a
. —"‘———_I THE FUTURE izen, A. S. Thompson, editor and “fudge box” in the upper right, and the
WORK WELL DONE! l owner, 131; the Cynthiana Log hand corner of the first page» In’ There
'—’“ i In his valedictory address Presi— Cabin, ,J‘ T; WhSOh' editor, 4‘2; the this Mr. Schulman prints the latest» itY, for
To our retiring president, JOhnldent Crawford stressed the future Lg'limhfldgl Eai‘etst'? Ig'éedPrHutgheS, snot news Wit}? ahrubber stamp.» column,
L. Crawford, we can only say,| needs and i0 ram hat shoul e e ior—pu iS er, ; e ES 0115- The Press wis es im success 111‘ section
“Thanks! Well done.” The officers ' impressed 5pm? the teditors ofdtfie burg Times, C. '3 Latta, Editor, 11; his undertaking and congratulates fur sale
have accomplished much the past state. These points included the the New Haven EChO, D. E. Wago-n— Pleasureville on his enterprise. livestoek
year and the association is in bet~ raising of standards of the news— 81“ EditOI‘ and publisher, 51; the * ’ f" every n
ter shapey in every way) than ever ] papers of the state in regard t0 Pineville Courier, 'Fred 91138011., edl— FLEMING PAPER SOLD business
before. And the future looks br1ght. , wages, certification and truthful_ tor, 14, the Corbin Daily Tribune, William E. Hacker, editor of the umn, eti
* * Iness in circulation, and higher liv- JOhh L; Crawford, editor and Man— Fleming Gazette for the past 11, {n thf
OUR NEW PRESIDENT lable rates in subscription prices, ager, 33’ the NIChOIaSVIh? Journel, years, has announced that he has natural
— iadvertising, and jOb work. Mr. Mrs. 'M' A McCarty, editor, 64' sold his half—interest in the weekll ment, 3
It has always been just Jodie toiCrawford warned that these were SalyerSVllle Independent, Albert independent news