xt7cnp1wh67z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cnp1wh67z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1963 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1963 Vol.29 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, June 1963 Vol.29 No.9 1963 1963 2019 true xt7cnp1wh67z section xt7cnp1wh67z ' , f i ii i i“ f
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: Published In the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers . :
Ct" . . ‘ I i Ii
3 1: \HH ‘i‘li‘,l H'H:
Egg»): The Kentucky Press Association recognizes ' i i
the fundamental importance of the implied , ' A i
trust imposed on newspapers and:d§ssemination ;
of public information. It stands for truth, fair- i
new, accuracy, and decency in the presentation 7 ,
of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal- ‘ 1‘
im. It advocates strict ethical standards in its .
advertising column. It opposes the publication 7 .
of propaganda under the guise of news. It af- '1 ‘ -
firm: the obligation of a newspaper to frank, ' .
honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re- . i
Wests equality of opinion and the right of every [ i
individual to participation in the Constitutional i i
guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes ‘ [ ’
in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic, ‘ i-
economic, social, and cultural community de- l I ,
veiopment and progress.
i i
o E
PUbil'co’rion Office: f ~ ’ L , " ’ '1 i :
SChOOi of Journalism ’, ' i , 1 I V l i
UrHversity of Kentucky . , , ,, _ , _ / l f ‘ ‘
mi . . . _ » 9 . i i ,
O ‘3 ~ . _. ialillliiiiiiiiiiiilflli ."iii‘ii iii!" UJHW ; _
( I. i l I h ,1 3" I ' imi'zfl .’ , j .35: i ‘ ‘i‘ 3:?“ I. What; :figl’llflllbgt ”
luhnto buy 5%, ‘ -, . :1 " » \W ;
/ Volume 29, Number 9 Kentucky's Showcase: New Lodge And Facility, Butler I .
State Park, Carrollton H ,i
. . i . w.
. 5 i ‘ .

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I .I I
1‘ I. 3
E1 1 1 ‘
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h 11‘ ‘ e en “c Y Press L A h
:I >‘ i " S We 6 cannot get ~k'
I}? H V I ee t + Other kid 0n thW01 mg papers is just
It I . 0 ume 29 NUmb J b . e streets 100k. all; JUNE
II I I er 9 o s For Klds merit—and sometimes lo k' lng fol. excite.” I
‘II I ., Don’t b‘ 0 mg for t i
I I I K 0”.ch Publication The undersecrem I hiring hImhme the busineSS men Irouble.I
II 1‘ entucky Press Association I Hennings I . r y 0 labor-I John F - They Can’t_ or not
I I 'Ii Kentuck P I , nc. a sees 1n the youth ‘ But I do kn 4‘
+ I II 1 Y ress Servrce Inc PI‘Oblem al . Unemployment - . 0W that a b0 , 1
II ‘I , I‘ Victor R Pom“ Eld - Explosive reIaily critical, One of the most nlg hls Summers earning hisyfiWhO lS spend
‘u ll ' an", itor 500m questio ‘ . _- IS gainin . rSt real
1- l; ‘ Perry J' Ame" Associate Editor ”3" He 1'epol-ts that in fl}; hung the coun' lose—midi gorgethmg that he M11110“?! \N
I‘ ‘ l , Member years millions of teenage next two or three And if he jg (:1 a SIense 0f independeewj ew
III II I Newsp°P€T Managers A . . thrown 0n the 1b . YOungsters will be 01 f ~ Ontmnmg 0n after . WI
51 :1 1 Kentucky cu. I, “°"°"°“ no tr“ - ‘1 01 market with 1itt1 ‘11 o te“ get as good t-v' ' vacahonh’
1-; l " Better BusineamBer °f c°"‘“‘°"e f0 {Enmg and that there will be 6 gr as in SChOOl ldmmg on the ion Twenty—Din
‘I‘ _ ‘ 55 urea , L ' 1. Gm 110 .O s . -
.III II Sustainin M " exmgton trai . Unless they receive add' .1 . I Often WOnder if th I home thls 1n
‘ I i ‘ National Edit 9 I ember lung. ltlonal 012115 know (tnyth' bese 5001a] WCIfare ofl Ideas 31”“ l
I- 1 loria ASSOCidfion —_—-___———. - ( lng a out be ‘ t' I '
‘1II II I ‘ AssOciut M It 15 a Wonder-f - ys. 1 my 1n the]
H 33 Il 3 National News cl e emit" (Editor’s N t - ey in your Ill thlng to rElttle the m SChOOl Opens
I; II I; P Per Promotmn As . . .- I 0 e. We are 1 . pocket that or . I
III II I: _ ”Who" Pllnt thlS edit .- P “Sed to re. self. The you have made Clpants 1n the
HI I Publlcafion Offi E , 011211 by Alexande F I Slimmer I was 13 yowI- l
II II S Ce XCCutlve Edito- S r . lOnes I‘lllhng Weed f ‘ I had a -- 0- the Newsp;
III I U chool of Journalism Jolll‘nal becquSl, ymcuse (NIYI) HCI’ald, Pany qt 50 CS 01' the Vaughan Seed Cg? through the I,
I; l nive 't ’ ‘ e, we z - ' , ‘ ents ‘ c ‘
II h I I & touched up0n a vim 1?? that he had fhe next SUmnfeIfhy‘ Pl'eSSAssociati
III II II : our youth to day ) P10 em concerning a day as W’Iter boy—at 14—1 got 75 Ceni tucky’s School
HI h ——___— .- ..‘ Onas . F- .
l‘I- I Kentucky Press Association | thls WdS Increased to a ,.ewel gang “II ”My 119“”
M I i Fred 1- B“Ikhard Presid t ' nc. 0116 of the th' When 1 Pl'Omised the mplmcely $1 3 def protect; "IGWJ'
’1‘ I 2 > en . lngs th; lo; I ayor I w ' were co ~ _
lizl ll 3' George Jo 1' 1 Cafey County News, Libert ham Stand up is to hqxjt rfnakes my baCk I 1vcvlmy more dynamite The nextOllld n" PI‘Ojects filbclm
III III II pm 11, Vwe_p,efi-dmt Y labor department 0r ‘ f3 ederal 01. state as a $1.25 a day pulp S I summl studv id] c
hl 3 l 1‘ Victor E. Portman scmmnwealth, Somerset fives sound of}? ab $0le Welfare execu_ p‘lpérmfll-in the big mone Aca er at htio' 1: the I
III I .I I Peny ]- Ashle An" ecretary-Manager young peo 1e . Out unemPIOyment of Of high SChOOl at 16—1 . y. nd then, 01 k ns 1p to tl
*E.‘ l 5 5 Fl ‘d y.’ ”mam secwtary—M 1' p JUSt Wt 0f high Sch 1 . for Mr. D- Ian a CountrYWeeld The valu ;
II I I on all. Gamson, Assistant Treaw anager I:ave dropped out of SCho 1 . (if > 01 who Spr' f 111mb, who had to go to H COmmun't eS .
I II t unit,“ . fer or these .I 0 1n t eir teem lugs or his rheumt . (I 13’ me;
1 I II D- I any of Kentucky, Lexington Others, WholraeIIethIe people, more than ally Millions of Americfism- I brought into E
l: l, IStHCt EXecutiVe Committee the books todr1 leSEOHSIble for the IaWS on Same StOl‘y and tell ;t “171:: can tell th the EducatiOn ‘
K I‘ l 1’ glhairman, Maurice K. Henry D 'l WhiCh make ity, . 0th federal and state, labor: hell. pllde. ChllI PrepiIil‘IfltIOn f0]
I“ I " esboro (“WW First w- ('uyNews’ Mid‘ ahYOne to h'~ plaCtlcaHy imPossible f - Before Mr. John F . ‘ acnvmesI “Th‘
Il‘ ; i‘ Lyon Count H ’ ’ 111mm T- Davis “6 youngsters f- 01 labor . ‘Hennmg 01' any othe 1nEon tod .
II I ,I III Stone Mesy erald, Eddyville; Second Larry Years Old. 10m 15 to 20 bl 01 welfare department official gaVe e fly"
I l V‘ Basil ’c seéger'A’gus’ Central City-,Th' d The laws 0n th b ame employment of Am - w‘ us' W m
th II? I :I Lomsvni‘umrgisar, Courier—Journal anti TinZz’ so-callecl child lqbe Ooks today gOVel‘ning 01111 filltomation 01- my 0th encan y Wenth W l . - . ma e 1t - 0 file 11 . - USIne
- I I; I I er, Mercury C li ’ arren R. 01 elthel b1 d 1mPOSsrble 0t Pelmlttedt . 58 m‘
r. II II II Rogett Ad . ’ at 516; Eighth Loui D 1-. g 1n ustry 01. Small b _ If ther . 0 Work to do so 1 for the ne (1
I '1 II I I : arr County News C 1 ’ _ S 6- me youngSters With .( USlnesg t0 ‘ 6 IS anything that is bad] d l] 6 fl
I l I; I James T. Norris ] : Oumbra; Ninth, much ex out gomg throu h m the way of le '1 _ . yueee Tall areas di<
. II I y; St t _ _ ’ r" Independent A hl 961156 and red t g 50 it -. . . gls “1011 111 New York Stat there‘ ‘
. w I ll 0 e at Lar e i S and; l ( . ape that . 15 d 1ef I . I IS need
1? 1 i l Frankfort; Siatiotciaygn furon’ State Journal 1183112111ng up their hands. GmpIOyers 01m Of 0‘“ luvemle Working law: aVailable charl:
‘l {l I 3l Time —T' — . e, ames Lee Cr ’ l a 01‘ laws - .- . * > A
I II III I II Scharlsbgrbmlf’. Corbrn; State-at—Largeawjiird’ to prevent slavedl.iviweleIOllglnally passed Fm kf - * * * Teve 1I(I’0k at the
Ill El ‘, Past Presigentolc: Of St' Matthew; lmrhediatle 1"le from using rezlrlg jlhlatms 0f human held tlh ort Clrcmt Judge Henry Meigsul ‘43.
II i‘I I Bowling Greer; 0 n B. Gaines, Park City News years—in mills and 1 f Lnldren_11 or 12 Board 65 COHStltutiOnality of the 1960 BI Ll_°ndayr Jum
ll‘ 1 II ————.—-_________—_’. h0l11‘s_ They ’ll‘e 1 lot Opel‘atiOnS fOr long \Vit‘hin 66toatUte Which forbids b1llb0211'4 d:xmgt0n Lafa
II I I ‘ r 1 .' . . I
III I; II I K k ened sooietyI ecessity in an enlight_ highways filet of rights-of-way of interstaI themglstrated, V
H I‘ I I entuc . B ‘ ‘ * an turn 'k - '2‘ eflni
. III I I Ce . y Press ServIceI Inc. ut once such laws are on th MassachUSettS PlI es. PIIe citecl a 51ml]: room 11 ng an
III I I orgeBhr/ie. It’Vilsgn, P’eSident in be absolutely Certqi elbOOks you tion was t (:15: In Whlch judrcral sanl kinson sFeIOf net
.II Cinri H e~_ . ‘11 Socia . ‘ exene ~‘ . 7 9'
III I II Landon Wills Fig.5: cram—NewSI Hardinsburg II alts Tnostly Splnsters of bleeding natural scenic b to the preseivanontI lnngur mlng
ll 1 , MchtceéP’efidEnt ‘nd the” male counterpa t Encertam age importqn Gauty—and given the sarr; ties wh‘g, mm C
II ‘1 .. an ' (1‘s ‘ Cec . . I. .
III I Wllllam T. Davis, Second oIillInty News, Calhoun mg CharaCteristics are tl IW ose outstand— waySI Q “I5 plopelty rights along allhlgIlI ChlizGdlch teacli
III Lyon Cou we-Premdent danclruff_W1-H b b 110k glasses and “Th llmmg tW0 authorities, he salfI ti C0mmu]
III I I Victor B. POItmann Sec 2?! Herald, Eddyville mittees dema d? efOre the legislative Com- d e proposition that the display of mi t I:hla] programI
I: l; I g ‘13“? I. Ashley Ass; Stan; 5:31: reasurer Add to thisntlllng additional reStl‘iCtions oor advertising in public places may l the short courSe
- II 1‘ ; - ’, 1‘ a , e ne ' ' rest ‘4‘ ' - . e n =
. III . onda R. Gamson, Ass-Nam Trreyasu havmg to pay SOci l CeSSItIy of the employer and] “He/Cl 111 the interest of taste and lime 00m fed for a I
III . Board Of . rer insurance m k a Security, unemPIOyment K scenic beauty Seems to be affirmedi th Dex PI'OCesI
II 1 Chairman M I Dlrectors hours an (i W a1: out rePorts on Workin - the CouI‘t’s OpiniOl’l” and “Beauty may 11% d: need for thsl
l l“ d0“; Mau’rice K HEYChe’ Sfmtinel'ECho Len 0f the em Ioor mg Papers and the hazard: be queen 13“ She is not an outcast he)“: life:Stand these I
I I 18);? Nil? 0' .Dflfihghagmlhfiew" Middle; tape requiEenl/mint and a dozen Other red the pale 0f promefion 01' “3599“” AME T
: I ngs; , Ogress, en 5’ . Sa ' ‘
x l I if? shezgycafi‘i‘t‘ff %%“fe’»,Hickman;Drl£§R Vantages are not will; he decrdes the ad- lierfne time The Press hopes that some n natisuesdaY~Rob.
010. ’ ebyvflle; Officer; 835- A boy of 15 Year r h the effOl't. the V\I/'1 be granted in some form tolls] SiOn m’ SBl‘ved aII
v Vacation time and Cs W o Wants to WOYk in mot lmtereStS Of tOWns, vacation Spflt’ PressOf the role
-I annot get a job bec e S’ and Other businesses that d0 “13% L ‘ Ed T
i In . ause from th s eader er
II . ; e statute. 39min r explaine
. ‘I ‘ align 0f
. . 118‘

 I I II a
' I I II ’5; I :5
g for excite.I I .I I I I -
”in tfrouble,‘I . newspapers in the teaching of general sci- I -
29 T h E III F tKPA I
. I eac ers nro n lrS Thursday—Graphic presentations were I I I ‘ I
711:, 151 SpendII \ / h graphically presented by Hugh Haynie, I I I I . i .
I ‘ea monq ‘- C A-l- UK Courier-Journal cartoonist. He related his I I I 'I
3 Wlll neve‘ Newspaper S or ourse experiences of pictorial reporting and the I I I -
ldependenctI pitfalls which accompany such a task. I I: I
I. vacahonhr Twenty-nine public school teachers went KPA secretary-manager, discussed the value Friday—Reports on special prijects on I I I , I
gon the IOII home this month with hundreds of new of the weekly press to its community. Which each teacher had been working. I I I I III: .
I ideas about using newspapers more CHGC- Wednesday—J. A. McCauley, School of These projects were designed to be a work- : I I r ‘-
[welfare oliI tively in their teaching programs when Journalism, discussed the specialized inter— ing plan which the teacher could use in her I I I
I- . school opens this Fall. They were parti- ests which readers have in newspapers and teaching program. These reports are being I I I '
ttle the WI cipants in the first short course on the “Use lead into the topic of departmentalization compiled into a booklet to be distributed to I I I I r:
B made onII of the Newspaper in the Classroom” offered of news within the pages of the newspaper. the high schools of Kentucky this Fall. VVil- I I I I:
I had a IOI through the joint efforts of the Kentucky Hugh Morris, Courier-Journal, explained the liam C. Caywood, new School of Journalism I I I I l I' I
1 Seed CO" Press Association and the University of Ken- difference between fact and opinion report- staff member, is editing the booklet. I :I I I ‘ I l
tuCkVIS School of Journalism. ing and how to recognize the two different Twelve of the teachers attending the I I I I I I 3‘) I
got 75 con“ Forty hours of panel discussions, group styles. He asked the group not to blame workshop were sponsored by newspapers I IIIIII I I‘I I , U f
ver gang “I; projects, viewing of special aids and films, the newspaper for what was said during and businesses. These persons and their I IIIII III II . 7,
31y $1 a deI were combined with independent study political campaigns, but to blame those Who sponsors are: Dorothy Cooper, Joan Gillis- : II .II III ‘II'III I I . llil'I
1 “mm “I pr0ject3, and concluded with a concentrated said it. 5. C. VanCuron, Frankfort State pie, Evelyn Livisay, Sally Moore and Arlyn III lI II IIIIII II III I . I .1 3‘ l
next summt study of the press of Kentucky and its re- Journal, reminded the teachers that no one Rippy, all of Lexington and sponsored by II IIIIIIIII I: :II I I I I "
sealer at lationship to the problems of education. but the local newspaper really cares what the Herald-Leader; Doris Harrod, Frankfort I II II IIIII: II II I I I I ‘
\nd then, OI The values and merits of both daily and goes on in any particular community. There- State Journal; Coy Parsley, Bowling Green I I II IIII : II: II II I ’
.untryweeld community newspapers were discussed and fore this is the only medium recording the Daily News; Sally Kinney, Cynthiana I III I I _ II
) go to HI. brought into prospective as a vital part of life and hiStOTY Of that community. Democrat; George Blakey, Wall Street I I IIII I I I III I
can tell Hi the education of the student leading to his Thursday—A tour of the Herald-Leader Newspaper Fund; Reva Chrisman, News- I EI II I‘ I II ' .‘
.. d Chil: preparation for adult life and professional lead many of the teachers to remark about paper Fund; Mildred Kuster, Southern Bell; III I I II :‘ I II . s ;
p11 e. I activities. “The need to know” what is go- the complexity of publishing a paper. Some and Helen Fern, Fleming-Mason FECC. I II III III .I II III . v
.01. any othe ing on today, nationally as well as locally, said they had. no idea so much effort went Teachers attending as part of their regu- I IIIIII: III II III . 13;:
I official “I gave even more emphasis to the need for into the maklng of a seven-cent product. lar summer currlculum and unsponsored I II IIIIIIII IIIII III . It. '
arican youll: using the newspaper. Ed Templin was host for the day. were: Peggy Arnold, Covmgton; Jane But- I II II‘II‘I II III III . I (I
reason thejI Experienced journalists combined their Friday—Robert Rodes, UK School of ler, Lexrngton; Anna Clark, Paris; Helen I I II I‘ I? I I , J
the obstacle knowledge with that of the members of the Diplomacy, related the need for good com- Cooke, Lexrngton; Robert Hall, Campbells- III IIIIIII II I I I II ' : “I
:rs today th SCl10010f Journalism, University educators, munications in the field of international re- V'Ille;.Susan Laverty, Ontario, canafiai Jane II III Ij I I IIII “TI ,
oungstersbt and business men to bring out the full story lations. Ben Reeves, Courier-Journal, said hartln, Cynthrana; Patsy Mastrn, F 0181306; I III II II. ‘I I I III _T:,I :
:to do 50, hr the need for complete communication. the reporting of national and international 23111 OWIIlgS: Dayton; Sandra Purdy, Wick- I II IIIII II I3 II-II : j.
badly ueede In all areas discussed, it was evident that news was the primary responsibility of the lrtfe, Beatrice Raley, Lebanon; Mary Roach, ‘ II III III IIII I t {I
ew York Stat them is need for more and better use of the daily newspaper. Lexmgton; ClaySalyer, Dayton, Ohm; John I II I III III IIII TI .5
working 13“:I available channels of communications. Monday, June 24—Dr. Malcolm Jewell, Strdham, Synthlana; Naoml Stubbs, Lex- II IIIIII:I II“ I IIII . Iii; I
I A 1001‘ at the two weeks program WO‘fld UK Political Science Department, explained mgffimi Charles Tye, Parksv1lle; Decora I II III I IIII I T
. reveal; the formation of public opinion. Ed Wilder, erhams, Lexrngton, and Ted Kuster, Paris. I I: ‘I: III : I IIII _ I l
Ihy hllfliillsli L Monday, June l7—Mrs. La Nelle WoodS, Executive Secretary, Lexington Chamber of “Q“ II I II II : I II ' I; J
3 e : exingtOn Lafa ette unior Hi h School, Commerce, said business men rely heavily I I; : II‘ I ‘III
is billboari demonstrated, with a ngoup of hegr students, on mass communications, and particularly TWO Sales Of Interest ‘ I :I I‘ I III II
yof 111tei5III the meaning and end results of the class— newspapers, in the operation 0f their bUSi' Two important sales of interest to the I II . II : I IIII VIE
titCCIIISImI‘ @0111 use of newspapers. Mrs. Alberta At— nesses. Tommy Preston, Cynthiana Demo- nation’s newspapers were announced: The I 3 III I I II I. II I
judrcral‘sflfll I<1n80n, Fleming County High School, Flem- crat, portrayed graphically the wealth of Stamps-Conhaim-Whitehead mat service I I. I I ‘ I III; III I
'esel'Vanon I Iflngurg, told of the numerous opportuni- information which the community neWS- company has been purchased by SCW, Inc. I II I I‘I II I I II ‘
ven the] :“I tilesfvhich teachers have to apply this spe- paper collects and supplies to its readers. (the initials of the company), headed by I II I‘ I II I II .I
dong al sIagiI ciahzed Communication tool to the educa- Tuesday—Niel Plummer, director of the George A. Bolas, Chicago. Whitehead and I‘I I : I .I III II
1es, hei 01f {Iona} Program, Perry Ashley, Director Of School of Journalism, and La Nelle Woods, Stamps remain With the new company II II II I II I I
splay 0 It the Short course, reminded the educators of said newspapers could be used most effec- which promises many new improvements I I I ‘ I: III 'II
aces mlilne the need for a better understanding 0f the tively in the teaching of English and the for services to newspapers; Don Robinson, - I‘ II ‘ I III II
;te and at Complex process 0f communications and language arts program of the school. owner and publisher of The American Press / I I: I I ;II [v ,I
)e atlifm‘jnI She need for the student to know and un- Wednesday—Dr, Lewis Cochran, UK for the past five years, announced its sale ‘ II I III I: III 7 ’ II
ruty :Ig‘gyon‘ liféstand these processes as they effect hi5 Physics Department, said reporting about as of October 1 to Michael & Ginsberg, .I I ‘ It: IfI
:3? At tb files d science is much more complete than the Wilmette, Ill, ptilishersdbf twr;1 ' trade ‘ I : I II . Ell
that some II nalism leFElObert Th0rp, School of Jour- reporting of science. He explained the ex- :lnagazmels) servm'lg1 e velrrr1 magS €323,133 :2; I I I I I'II
form to heI Sion OI th V9 as moderator on the discus- treme difliculty In transformmg highly tech- ulsflry}.l ” (in WI Hama f ar and will I 1 I . IIII I _
cation SPDI presg_ Ed role and responsibilities of the nical materials into a language which could pu ls er 01‘ a num 5r °h_Ye S a t I ‘I g I I III I I
that do suit“ Leader ex ITemPhn, Lexington Herald- readily be understood by the reading publu}: fipeEfite alconipallymlifimir mung: : 1;: 2 II I II I {I . It:
Seminat’ionzfalned the .daflys part on dis- Mrs. Evelyn Orme, Lafayette Junior Hrg an. e sae o 1:16 d b h P p p , I J I I II ,.
HBWS, Whlle Victor Portmann, SchOOI, gave a demonstration on usmg servrce now con ucte yt e ress. I: III: I . 11' II J,-
I II I I III I: ‘ I :
{If I: If “
, I ‘ II I' II .I , I‘
I II ‘

 1'1 ' «NY-'7'”
.11 1 l ..
1‘: 1 1 ’ .
1 1 1
11.11 1 PAGE TWO ‘
11 1 1 1 . JUNE. l963 .
Mid Sum M ' ‘ JUNE'
'1 - mer t M ' ° ‘
111 1 ee Lxes B usmess With Pleasure ‘ onve
1‘11: ‘ 3 BY PERRY] AsmE ' C
l1 . ' Y
1111 1 11 1 1 1 —Should have a healthy classified ad _ .
11 .11 mg;11):cnid 3170 Kentucky Press Association 110111 sec p11 which the news releases of the 1 ‘ bers of the l
‘ 11 1 1 the Wells an dfamilies turned out to eniOy —Should contain local chain store de- HIS-messes were run. The ads were 5011:“.- gallon; and b
1111 1:1 1 hot 5 11.01111 ed1pr0gram, recreation, and Partment store, supermarket advertising as a SIX months and twelVe months basis '0" RESOLVE}
‘ l ‘ $11 11115 11ne (luring the 94th annual Mid- “- ell as national co-Op ads. ( a net result Of about $3,000 added Wlt‘i gressional De
111 ‘1 ' Shim? Electmg, held at Kentucky Dam 1 {Should have an editorial page '1 Pub llefinue' yeai11 HR. 4794 a
, 1‘ c ar. '1~’ . " ‘ 1" 11 ‘- ’
1111 1 ‘. Highlighti h . 1; er s or editor 5 column. This is evidence ofli ntm D3 Che; LOndon—established 31 we and Fed‘
11 1 i ng t e busrness program Mi- 0 a paper attempting to re d 1 ' C6 supply busmess next (1 ' 1962' and be
1111 11 1 1 chael Reingold, Inel‘chandisin d'~ ’ service perform' _ n1e11 community time 52,1651 mn Th‘ 00r with aful1 ,
11 11 . Old Mister Bost d' _ 1 g 11ector for s k ’ mg Its tradltlonal role as 511 f H‘ ‘ - 1 IS not only increasedth‘ RESOLVEl
111 1 1 1 the grou wh op]. istillei-ies, explained to P0 eSman for law, justice, and right. ‘ e 0 Odce eqmpmeut but helped 11161101 Kentucky Piei
111111 communify ngwsgzpcomptany has Chosen cogilmtumbhave a minimum, and best a 11:: :1: Job printing through the eilons 1‘1 to send copies
‘1: 1 ' 1 1 ‘ ers 0 promote 't5 3 e a sence of, 8 nd' - - . ‘ sman. ‘ t' ' .
11111-1 11 Plgducts. 1 Service boilerplate, y lCated’ pUthlty' Warren Fisher Carlisle Odels - 1 Ololllll; Eight?
.111 11 . . . . . _ . . ’ ‘ _ ‘ nz 12
l] 11 coueizgnal 111?,00gmt10n” by the publisher, Remgold said the company had realized SChOOl Chlldre“ delng the best ghridsmll‘
“11‘l‘ “ 1 th Ii Wlt on target CirculathD, headed more sales by using the community re scenes. These drawings were then 5 Ml
11111 11 1 ex(glalist (21f (tllpahtgles leading to seleCtion, He fling through any other of the mites; loo-1:11 merchants to be used in their ads ‘1 Contest Pri;
li‘ 1i ‘1 ‘ He at 3 ad got more favoi-abl me in. Wathen Bardsto ' l‘ -
1 t . , 1 e . , I WH-placed co F -
11111 11 :i::n;:::]f110m the publisher Since COmpeti— 1 Thomas Waller, Paducah (Kentucky) 15b work in pigeon holes near 1121):: COngtcseiIiotllige‘
,1 a . . c , . . . ‘ '
111 11 11 1 in the fi 1d rgcl companies was not as keen :‘Wyeb Walncd the newsmen present not to 901 Whale local Customers could picku KCHLUCkY Press
11.! 1 1 6 Of community publishi Th. Cxpect a DGI‘SOD W11 1 d Wlthout an 611’! 10 Close race for t]
.1‘ ‘1 ‘1- in turn Re' 1d rig‘ 15’ Hi .. O m W0“ a Political p yee 0f the neWSpap and d 11
11111 1 1 mer h 1 d. 11 n g0 added, helps With local 0 cc to become perfect overnight ” but to needed to handle them. This had cut don Pla 11:1, 3:11 d
1111 1111 C.an Egg as the local publisher, With recognize the fact this was the same In on the time consumed by the news a Wei: presgntrfit
ll: 1‘ fig/1622133131 lnterest in the PrOducts which With the same limitations, as before 3111: PBI‘Sonnel in getting the WOI‘k into the fian. nnal Mld'SUlemr
1' 1 l‘s I t0 Seeathfirifiefi 1“ his I{ripen would check election. Public officials should not be casti— Of the 1consumer. ‘ StaTtli Park, June
1 :1 11 1 Product e ocal retail outlet carried the gated because of small failings but should ILOUISe Hatlnaker, Hazard—finds her ma Won hysllieeplf/lfl
. _ e . - 1 . 7 C ( . _ . e .
11 1 11 1 “0n ta. 1 1 ” theplégsed for the outstanding Work Which blllants 11ke the idea of spec1al editions an1 K. Henry, pLil
1 -1 11 1 “mean Iget Circulation, he continued, h yld 0- The local press, he continued 2[I‘lfpace readlly in these “extras.” 1 Journal ran C1031
11, l’ i ‘1‘ . , 103 areas to match 0 - _ 1 em 0 W ich the C “656“ atlon of the annual Pace with
1 '1 ll ‘ 1 ‘ tnbunon pattem' We COUld support 111:02:11: Thls would help build and groiiiotapprgve‘ pro‘luCllOH awards during the Fridlvsliilll lie 130mm Tfib
l ’1 .11 1 ; good salesmen and il . y for local and t e 9. et- banquet. y ‘ 0w ng Green
1 1 .; the wast - - rem “00‘1““ Wlthout H 5 ate atmosPhere' KP - ‘ Three ‘Veel‘h'e
11111111 1 11111 ” e Clrculation built into larger pa— 1e1 announced that the state Bar As- _ 1 1A Presrdent Fred Bui-khard and Vice among the wee
1111111 1 11 pers. SOClatlon was to give an award to the news- PICSldent George Joplin presided throug‘ Elem, Calhoun,
r til 1 :1 Other points which he sa'd . paper who contributes most to th f ' the buSlneSS SBSSiOHS. pSherl the Gym
ill 1‘ 1 1‘ tant to 1 were ““1301“ llOnest admi ‘t ' . e an- and reston1publishe
ll 1‘ 1‘ large a stuuflelsSflfl promOfiOfl was the tuCky ms ratlon Of Justice in Ken— * * * * Wealth, George J
1: 111 111 amOlln 0 003.1 ne . < “ . - Ceived tI‘ -
11 1i 1 column read thoroughly‘filgsyhtliedlliihlevegy I look foi. the day when the press d Resolution Adopted tral Citylpilgs:
1111 11111 scribers, thereby getting attentiOn to Sltlh- POliticians,” Waller Stated, “can deal “:36 WHEREAS the postal-rate legislnlio1 flosHsmne: Ha'
‘ “ l ‘1 ad; the ad rubbed elbows with local as? Charitamy’ honestly and fairly with pUblic Passed by the 87th Congress, while raisin‘ rencebiilrlorable ‘”
ll 1 l‘ ‘ l smaller ads were found to be effective -5’ Oflimals, I don’t Want a perfect geSta o lates for most users 0f the mails, reduce “aliMrs.gl\/IE‘ E.
l l 11 mg more budget to place more advei Ew- tVile government where every actibn is editi- the rates for publications Of rural elecb‘1 Brray
_ 111 11 1 1 1 ments in that and other areas- and a 1r ise- pletely regulated according to a pattern” ' COoperatives to one-fourth the regul1 Weeklie5163é1;
1‘1 1‘1 1 ‘1 adt‘rate with less advertising Chmpetitiocilwer The final session, a publishers’ idea‘ ex Charges for second-class mail; and ‘ Iii/legean County
. li‘ ‘l .l . AS is indicatei” Reingold stated “‘W Change’ brought 01“ many new and profit: IWHEBEAS all Other users Of mom C‘lld‘gsltE‘A' Ca]
‘1‘1‘1 " 1‘ ‘ ‘i WISh to gdvertise in a newspapel' that is : alike K1635 Which can be used. New ideas flags r1131]y Including newspaperS, must P3; ti°“1)Ha::1o:l<, ((31
-11111 1 1 1 respecte memb . _ fl vance were: iree -pel‘cent increases, startin 3111131 D0 - l
l‘ ‘ ‘1 corned ' e1 0f the COmmunity, Wel- Ceor W' . 1 1963 and g] Call Wlmmer’ an
1.1 1 1 1 lllto the home as a friend in whom I. _ $8 115011, Hardinsburg—sold his a W , 11 Clem
‘ l‘ “ ‘ a Cit-13mm Warm faith and believability is Iltlsltrorl‘l:l1 file to a local lnSuI‘ance company 1 HEREAS the Changes granting 5pm- na11:sslld(2,000_
1'5} 1 1 ; " CO“ ently placed. we as een running for {i . ' 0W "ates to rural electric 000peratives‘vel C ’ em“ > Lava
1'11 1 ,1 so in the warm and frien d1 a 0 Organizations reporters for tl an ings: {fleet and lugs .
. 111 : .1 good, weiiprinted’ weleznigglte of a 11,113,. new, ,.eleases_ This $511122:ng of Now, THEREFORE, BE IT; “31015. “‘1“
. 1111111 paper.” news- plled into a booklet, the cost of which 3:: A P‘E1SOLVED, that the Kentucky Pm. H613: III (3,00
‘ ‘ ll 1 In evaluating an individual neWSpa e (covered by a lOCal dry cleaning firm fo~ SSOC-latlgn’ While recognizing the W1 S°mErsgtS€120n¢
‘11 ‘ 1 he sald his company looked for P r’ “m ad on the baCk Page I. conmbumn 0f the ““31 e‘ewic COOPER teem Clwmin'o‘
'1 - ‘ _ - .. _ - . h I . - - ' . I . l
l 1 Paid. CIICulatiOn 0f at least 1,500 copies .1rEa-fle Bell’ Morganfield—converted the tl-V (135 to film eIBCtrlficatlon’ finds 11119511 “151111301101 Marti:
. 111 ‘ —Mnnmum of six pages witl 50 ' C usslfied page to nine columns Th' c1a addltlonal subsidy an unfalr burden Matthss VI (OE
l ' percent news of the community 1 to 60 aClClitional revenue each year ‘ ls ne’ts (Ether puhlicathHS and taxpayers and be, t0er 813i AI 1' S
1 l . - er -
11 *Should hav h Howard 0 1 . . urther Bath Soman
_ l e P OtOS of local g 65> Flanklm—be a ' CO- N
. eyents, people and mess page, with at least half ogf Itlht:1 bllSI- RESOLVED’ that the secretary Of fl“ FiDailieS: 311;?
.1 5011110 firms with 11mm 1... mice Kentucky Wm 11th 1
11 _1 1 15mg, send 00pies of this resolution to the W1 Tnbujzbmo Daily
‘ 1 ‘t ‘ ‘ 1. ’ John L.
11 1 E 1 l
. 1 1 1

 ! , n1 _ _~‘1—:__~
1 JUNE, 1963 m" 1 »~ ‘W.111¢14fl 111111 1111
11 C t. KENTUCKY PRESS 1 1 1 1 11111411
fie ' onven . ' 1 1 1 ‘1 :11
[on non, H PA ‘ ‘ 1
1 Otes De‘dr :rrllgergln Gleaner & Journal W1 GE THREE 1 I 1 1 '3”
1 1) f K . 3 o asgow . 1 , at _ 1 ‘ 11 1111 {,1
he 10°11 g21101311111c16bie'111110ky Congressiohal DGIe- 1111511131117 Dally Times, Candi fie‘mm Frankart State] 1 1 1 : '.
k , c . . .. 1 . 1 1 1 111111111 1
350M111 1 ultllel City D6151] Class V (Over 12 500) P1 m::::ng1€3r. Weeklies—Pla::;nal, and Mayfield 1 1 1 11 K 1
31531111111 RESOLVED, that the K Gain o y NewS, BOWIin ’ aqua, Park H 921th; chOnd L’lwr : SOmel‘Set Com- 1 1 1 1 1111
’d Y6 111 gressional DelegqtiOn be ‘ISkegtuCky C011- GS. g Green, John B ngalild Herald- I-lonor'lbtlncehaurg NeWS' third 1 1 1 1 1 11111. 1‘1
1 M11 1‘ ( e to . 1 1 - 1 CW5, ‘ > 1 ( e ent' , 1 1 1 1 11111 1
11 H R. 411794, a bill to amend the po 551111212?” News Story1ngwflg Division 5 News 11312113103010?) ofI St. Mattligts McLean 1 1 1
. 1 . s . _ 1 . a ' _ 1 1 : - - _ - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
[shed a1 Ice 'm Fedeml Emp10yes Salary A V bune, second, Middllelis Plaque: Corbin T‘ tltftte JOUrnalg second 13.155 Plaque, Frankfort 1 1 1 . 1 111. 1
1111111111 1962; and be it further ct of grafkfort State Jou11:1110T0HDain News 11111121- d‘lrd, Corbin Times1’H01n dle1:1)oro Daily News. 1 1; 1 1 1
a 1 RES . ar- City D . ; Onorab] ’ 1 , erson Cleane , ora e Menti 1 , 1 1 .1
111181111111 111 KentucELgl-ED, thdt .the Secretary of the Weeklies-P121311: if? and Glasgszefigfn’ enger- Weeklrief—{DcfilrnaL and Mayfieirlll’ 1141;? 1 1 ‘1
M1 1 1y 11ess ASSOClation 21150 is direct d Lean C0. New51o1h11derso1n News; 561101111 11135. Wealth; 5611011111 L11 111(1311ue, Somerset COmmOHV 1 1 1 1
(31101151111 osenc copies of this 1-8501111. e Honorable Me 1.: Vorce Of St M , c— JefierSOntoWn 16111 1enCeburg News. 111 — 1 1 1 1 11
11 1101131; Regional and St'lte P IonAlto the Na” sellville News $131111 Hazard Herald aHchIGKWS; Hazard Herald 9111;511:1111? gonorable Hientlilcid’ 1 1 1 1 1 :1" '1
. . ( l-ess . . 1 ' ‘ OCrat, ’ us- 3 r. O 1 n, 1 1 1‘ 11
P11265111 of the United States. SSOCIatmnS D1313“? Story! DaihesE/[Prliqlizynf/I gaEVang F1011”) Production 131102); Santlnel—EchO, 1 1 1 . .1: _
' .1; ‘. 8WS; 5 ‘ ’ i 1 age; 0n 1 1 1 “31.1
Ehzggn111 * or :1: ~11: gurdoCPark 011505))??in Igankfort State 1061;113:330 geond, Frankflgrrtuhsetsgljlajtlue, Corbin Tribune 1 1 1 :1
‘ . 10“: orb' - . 6W5; Ho ; ity Da‘l ‘ C ournal- ~ 1 1 1 1 1 ;
111111131 11 Contest Prlzes Awarded Enger, 13111;“ 1113331111111)’ gnbune, and 1142:1513?