xt7cnp1wh54n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cnp1wh54n/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2015-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, January 2015 text LinQ magazine, January 2015 2015 2015-01 2019 true xt7cnp1wh54n section xt7cnp1wh54n , ., - M f5 5' 5" H 5,; I - , .- .-
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The thtle Englne That Could...
Ranada provides a list of New Year’s resolutions for
those that want to lose weight and build muscle, but
love food as well.

Meet The GLSO Board ,
LinQ is proud to present the results of the GLSO Board’s
December 4 elections, and allow readers to get to know
more about the members of their GLSO Board.

From Selma to Stonewall... -
In light of recent events, GLSO Board Member Roberto
L. Abreu provides some insight about the extra level . 7 . p
of oppression LGBTQ... people of color face. . V p


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Editor-in—Chief The Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization seeks
Christopher R. Bauer to educate, enhance, and empower the community about
Copy Editor GLBTQQIA issues.
Ann Malcolm
Photographer GLSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors
Brian Hawkins Christopher R. Bauer, President
Calendar Coordinator Theodore Meacham, Vice-President
Chad Hundley Paul Brown, Secretary
Circulation Jacob Boyd, Treasurer
GLSO Board, Chad Hundley, Rebecca Adams Roberto L. Abreu, At Large
Advertising Coordinator Donovan Jefferson, At Large
Daryl Lyons Tuesday G Meadows, At Large
. Todd Ryser—Oatman, At Large
LinQ is published monthly by and for the Lexington Gay and
Lesbian Services Organization members and community. The GLSO Staff
Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization envisions Chad Hundley, Office Manager
a community that accepts and celebrates each individual.
GLSO Pride Center
All LinQ submissions and advertlsements can be made to 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100, Lexington, KY 40504
the editor (editor@glso.org) or to the GLSO Pride Center 859-253—3233, www.glso.org
(859-253-3233). All submissions may be edited for length.
Office hours are:
Like us on Facebook at LinQbyGLSO Tuesday-Friday l p.m.-5 p.m.
Follow us on Twitter at LinQbyGLSO Saturday 11 a.m.—3 p.m.

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a In Oll .. eta
By Helena Handbasket -~
ear it all the time! People say, “it’s the about itfirst, we might not have said Inthose hits home with me personally and now that ‘
Illittle things that count.” We are taught moments, that small act can really create a I have turned 50, it is time for Mamaw to
thatthinis inand toldtobuy smaller, compact huge hurt to someone else. And, more often put on her big girl panties and do the right
cars. They tell us don’t sweat the small stuff than not, it was not an intentional hurt. Then, thing. I recently decided to open a door and “l
and that true greatness consists inbeing great once the “drama” begins, because of either send a text to someone that I have been in
in the little things. I’ve heard that big things pride or stubbomness, we absolutely refiise one of those “bitch fights” with for quite a
come in small packages (although that is not to back down and we dig our high heels in while now. And, guess what? It was received 3
always the case). There is one quote that was the sand and defend ornselves. Is it really with graciousness and appreciation and now «
byAndy Warhol that I am especially fond of. that hard to just swallow that pride and do we are on the way back to rediscovering a
He said “You nwd to let the little things that the right thing? Why is it so diificult to just fiiendship that has been lost for too long— I
would ordinarily bore you suddenly thrill go back to that person and say how much and I am thankful for where we are today
you.” “Don’t be confined to the little fliings you regret that you said or did what offended and where we are headed So, I guess the VI.
you do... the sky should be your limit” is them? We can let something small escalate moral of the story is... pay attention to the
another favorite saying of mine. Even Neil into something that suddenly becomes little things. They really can make a big
Armstrong as he stepped onto the moon for gigantic. And once it is a huge issue, it difference in your own life and in the lives ;
the first time said that it was “One small step seldom remains just between the offender of others. And, when you sufi‘er fiom those ’5
for man, one giant leap for mankind” This and the olfended. Of course there are the moments of not being your “best self’... do
has starting me thinking. So, what about the people around that perpetuate the situation the right thing early on. Don’t let it escalate
big things? Is this just a campaign to make by sticking their noses in where they don’t into something huge. Move on Don’t let the r;
us ignore all of those big things? Sometimes belong. Yes, petty people do love to sit back little firings in life hold you back Forgive, |
big things can bring us great joy (insert your and be entertained by a good drama and then forget, and move on. :3
own naughty joke here). giggle in their amusement by the outcome. As we enter into a new year, I always think ;.
Have you ever thought about how a small Bless their hearts. Now you bring in the about what I’d like to change in my life. =5
act can turn into a big thing and have a huge ingredient called revenge to the mix. All of Some refer to it as a New Year’s resolution.
impact in the life of someone else? Have you a sudden, one comment leads to another and This yearI am going to pay more attention to
I ever said something or done something that then to another and now it becomes a filll on how the little things might afiea myself and F
you wish you hadn’t? This one really hits verbal bitch fight. And remember, neither others. ’
home for me. We can’t be our “best self” all one of the people involved ever wanted this I just need a “little” nap. Uh oh! There I go
of the time. Sometimes in our most human to happen. It just festers up and stands out again.
moments we can say something hmtful out like a pimple on society for everyone to see. (Send comments or suggestions to
of spite or insecurity that, if we had thought As you might be able to tell, this topic HelenahandbasketKY@gmail.com )0 ‘

Imp erral C o u rt 0 f
- = Kentu c k N ews
‘ kentucky y
_, By Christina Puse
‘ appy New Year, everyone! As you sincerely for assisting with making ;_ :U, . .
Hwe all usher in another year, the the holiday bright for every child in need! fig}, :43? lg - "
Imperial Court of Kentucky continues Another thank you goes to everyone who /._ ;-‘.~ ’- 3%,? %
.-‘ fundraisirrg to benefit the local charities assisted with shopping and helping to wrap @91ng 71%;, F33
of Lexington. Now that the holidays have everything that was bought. . j" ’ ‘1‘? f
come and passed, a big THANK YOU goes AVery Fairy Christmas took place Dec. 17 7 5
3 to each and every one of you who were in at The Bar Complex. This event benefited a , . _ ’fi
4 attendance for events in December to make the GLSO Pride Festival. What a tun and for finther updates on this event.Love hard
1.: them possible. Without you, the ICK would fabulous show this one was! Thank you to rock and a good time? Well, stop over
I. not be able to continue its efforts in raising everyone who came outto support the cause. at Crossings Lexington on Wednesday,
charitable firnds for our community. Before On Dec. 19, the ICK traveled back to January 14 for the “Rock and Roll Show!”
_ getting into January’s upcoming events, The Dragon, located in Frankfort, KY. This Your favorite ICK performers will be there
ll here’s a quick recap of those that happened event was entitled, “Draggin at The Dragon: jamming out to some great rock hits and
during the holiday season. Christmas Edition.” This show was a blast having a great time with the community! A11
: The Miss Mary Christmas Pageant was once again. The bar may be small, but every the fun begins at 9:30 pm.
i5 held on December 3 at The Bar Complex. heart in the place made the event that much Sunday, January 25, our Prince and
The legendary title landed in the hands of bigger! Thank you to everyone who came Princess Royale to Reign 33 will be
Countess to Reign 33, Dani Gibson! We’d out to supportthis amazing little show. presenting an event to assist in continuing
like to congratulate her again on her victory! Not slowing down, the ICK has some the ICK’s efforts in raising fiinds for
l AVOL Kids Christmas was one of the fun events coming up for the month of Lexington’s local charities. Please watch
:3 most moving and emotional events of January. Make sure to jot these dates down Facebook for firrther information on fliis
;. Reign 33. AVOL had 58 children in need inyour calendars so that you won’t miss out event as the details become available! You
5 of Christmas gifts, and the ICK was able on the fun! won’t want to miss out on this very exciting
to raise a little over $3000 to make sure OnFriday, January 9, the ICKwillbeover show!
that these youngsters opened a present on at Crossings Lexington to present a “Chili With winter whipping all around us,
F Christmas morning. Again, the ICK would Cook-Ofi!” This get-together will consist of Reign 33 hopes that you are all staying
' like to thank the following sponsors: Mickey individuals bringing in their favorite pots of warm and enjoying the great times being
i”. Salon, Crossings Lexington, quite a few chili to see who makes the best! The winner spent indoors! If you haven’t done so,
individuals Within Lexington’s community of this contest will receive a gift fiom the please join the ICK on Facebook and visit
and of course, the community itself! You current Monarchs, Emperor and Empress www.imperialcourtkentucky.org for further
‘ all are AMAZING and the ICK thanks 33, Tim Logsdon and Christina Puse. Watch information about the organization. 0

By Thesday G Meadows
Closing out of 2014 We Exist - Arcade Fire
3 so many are doing right wondering about a modern day sea and about transgender people. These
Anow, I have been reflecting change. Little did I know that in June, forums help create a larger community
on 2014. It has truly been a “wow” Ms. Cox would appear on the cover and monitor the ongoing struggles
year for the transgender community. of Time Magazine with the headline and needs of transgender people.
There have been a number of high “Transgender Tipping Point.” Indeed,
profile events, from Janet Mock on Ms. Cox has been there for a number Youth Movement
Piers Morgan, CNN’s documentary of firsts. She has been the first openly More and more people are
about Kristin Beck (“Lady Valor”), transgender person on the cover of acknowledging the early experiences
Fallon Fox’s victories in the MMA, Time, first nominated for an Emmy, of transgender and non-gender
Geena Rocero’s Ted Talk, and so one of Time’s most influential people conforming children. Another
many others that have brought the of the year, and Glamour Magazine’s amazing experiencelhadthisyearwas
trans community into the forefront “Woman of the Year.” It seems like interviewing Ella, a 7 year old rural
this year. Along with the explosion of the transgender community’s moment Kentucky girl whose mother has been
trans issues in the media, there have is here and Laverne Cox is the shining a brave advocate for her transition. In
been a few more personal memories example. fact, Ella thought her transition was
from 2014 thatlbelieve Will influence no big deal. Nationally, there was a
me in 2015 and beyond. The Net book called I am Jazz for trans kids
There have been a number of new and its author, Jazz Jennings, was
The Transgender Tipping Point online discussion groups, blogs, and named one of the 25 Most Influential
My personal highlight has been Facebook pages about the transgender Teens by Time Magazine. There was
hearing Laverne Cox when she experience in 2014. The Transgender even an article about trans kids in
came to Lexington to speak at the Violence Tracking Portal launched in Woman’s Day.
University of Kentucky this spring. May 2014 as awayto gather dataabout Entertainment
After her beautiful speech about her violence—from discrimination to Transgender characters have been
experience, I asked her, “When will murder—against transgender people. everywhere this year—movies,
the transgender ‘Rosa Parks’ moment The TransGen Times was launched television, music, and music Videos.
happen?” She discussed the Stonewall late this year by Rachel Rose Luckey I counted 40 films this year that
riots from 1969, even though I was to establish a central hub for news for Continued on next page

 Continued from previous page trans people. There is still much work TransKentucky for their acceptance.
had a transgender character in them to be done on ENDA and fairness Thanks to Zoey and Rayne for
(The Normal Heart is probably the laws (even if bigots deride them as letting me read my essay at the
best-known). Transparent and True “bathroombills.”)Weneedto continue Transgender Day of Remembrance.
Trans on internet television, Laura to come together as a transgender and Much appreciation to my new friends
Jane Grace and Against Me’s album broader LGBTQIA community and that I met during Out: The Play;
Transgender Dysphoria Blues, and ensure that everyone is on the bus I cannot express how much your
Arcade Fire’s music video We Exist. toward progress and equality, and not encouragement and love meant to me,
Although many non-trans people have compromising or throwing anyone a non-actor, during the production. I
been cast in these roles (sometimes under it to make gains for only some. have made so many new friends this
drawing my ire), hopefully more Most importantly, we need to look year.
awareness will bring forth more for solutions to violence against 2014 was a year of progress; may
transgender actors in Hollywood and transgender people. it continue in 2015 until we can all
beyond. be seen and treated as equals in every
Thank You way.
The Future On a personal note, thank you to all You can write me at tmeadow3828@
As much as has been accomplished my friends and family who have been gmai1.com or follow me on twitter at
this year, there still needs to be work by my side through this transitional TuesdayM@trishgigi. Now Tuesday
done to end discrimination toward year. I want to thank the GLSO and is gone with the wind. v
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Around The lerary'
Eon: Dragoneye Reborn, by Alison Goodman
.1, d. C . -,- I .. Dragoneye, warriors serving the cataclysms threaten to crumble the
gm 1. .mzlmuIfvlnlfirmcqunl
r "mm" ' , . twelve dragons who rule the Chinese Empire.
. . 7 1 I zodiac. However, Eon’s true identity Alison Goodman’s writing is
51f, as the girl Eona must be kept secret. action-packed, dramatic, and
-, . Imperial law forbids women to suspenseful. Readers will enjoy a
T . \ ._ become Dragoneyes and enforces story that questions concepts of sex
.“fl_ I , , , yr punishment by death for any who and gender while embarking on a
._;.{ gm. m-‘my‘ 2‘. I ,-
. , __ I try. Eon attempts to navigate the fantasy adventure through Imperial
I i .N treacherous atmosphere of the royal China. Will Eon rise to the rank of
ALISON C(")("JD.\I.\,\’ court with assistance from newfound Dragoneye and become a hero to the
friends Lady Dela, a transwoman Empire, or will his adventures end
By Adam Wheeler . . _ .
who was embraced In her home In dlsaster? Find out for yourself!
Come check out one of our culture but merely tolerated in the V
o n u A A
newest addltrons to the Emplre, and Ryko, the Shadow Man Q 0
Young Adult Fiction section! Follow that serves as Lady Dela’s personal ' WI i"
.. I
the story of the young swordsman guard. To make matters worse, "' w I
. . ‘9‘" "vs-y"
Eon as he contends to become a rampantpoliticalunrestandloomlng ”I I .4. , “W
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The thtle Englne
-- or , r
New Year ’s Resolutions to Live With y/

e time has come for making I’m trying to starve it, so it holds onto fat coach and busts my ass but still brings me
Tilesolutions. .. another year, another like grim death. So, eating more really does back to reality. \Vlthjn 2 weeks I’ve lost 12
good 01’ college try. Countless years I work, depending on what you are eating. I pounds. I will likely hit a lull before I start
start out really well with all the usual am on a 6 small meal a day diet, consisting losing more and more. The muscle building
resolutions... lose weight, eat healthier, of 228 grams of protein, 194 grams of carbs, comes along diligently and slowly as well.
drink less alcohol, save more money, and 51 grams of fats. The carbs are good Days add up to weeks and weeks add up to
and start exercising. Well, like 54% of carbs, like brown rice and sweet potatoes. months. Eventually areal difference will be
Americans, those resolutions are long The diet consists of 6 small meals with 4 or noticed and then you’re addicted. At least
gone within a few months. So, for a while 5 ounces of lean meats 5 times a day. Lean that’s what I hear. I tend to believe her.
my resolution was to be more resolute in meats include salmon, chicken, turkey, and 5.) GET MORE SLEEP — Lack of sleep
not breaking promises to myself... so a once a day a 90/10 cut of beef. Sirloin is contributes to stress. Stress contributes to
resolution to not have a resolution. Being a best for this. The key is to weigh your food weight gain and the inability to lose weight.
woman who loves challenges, I’ve hired a until you get an eye and a feel for it. I like sleep. This should be an easy one.
personal trainer to kick my tail into shape. 2.) PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN — 6.) ALCOHOL—This is a hard one for me.
I shouldn’t have to hire someone to do I’m eating 6 eggs a day, mostly egg whites. I go out less and less as I get older, but when

that, but being challenged for time on most Plain Greek yogurt with blueberries and 2 I do go out... it’s a night to remember. My
days, I eat poorly, if at all. I work hard and tsp of ahnond butter or protein shake takes trainer allows me to cheat once every week
certainly don’t feel like sweating evenmore care of my morning jump-start meal. I’m or two. This is when some vodka comes
whenI get home. I crave ice cream a lot... hungry within an hour or so, proof that into play. Vodka has fewer empty calories
and I admittedly eat like a 12-year-old boy. my metabolism is jump starting and using and sugars than anything else. I mix it with
The intensity and commitment to pay to calories. water or carbonated water instead of juices
get results seemed to be the avenue that fit 3.) CARDIO — I’ve had several surgeries and sodas. It makes me feel better anyway.
my hectic and very busy lifestyle. on my foot, so running and extreme sports I need to work on this one, obviously.

I’llbe40-something this year. . . time for are out of the question. My answer is a I’ve started a food journal that my trainer
achange. So,Ithought I’dtake you with me recumbent bike. Sitting with some music looks over. I haven’t cheated on it yet,
on a journey. I’ll report the progress from and an overview of my day and I’ve put in except once, when I had a very emotional
time to time and it’ll keep me dedicated 30 minutes of a good cardio workout. I’ve day in which onion rings and a milk shake
and honest. Below are some of the tips my never really been an exercise fanatic. There were the only answer. I felt guilty, and
trainer gave me. Tips to help someone who really is a lazy side to me despite how much texted her an hour later. The answer to
wants to lose weight and build muscle, but we work. stress was more exercise, she said. She
someone who loves food as well. 4.) DON’T EXPECT ANYTHING wants before pictures. I haven’t been brave
l.) EAT MORE — Yes, you read that OVERNIGHT —I didn’t get in this shape enough to take those yet.
right. Eat more. I rarely eat so my body’s overnight, I certainly won’t look like my 0
metabolism is on strike. My body feels like trainer overnight, either. She’s a great

LinQ a

Christopher R. Bauer, President
, Christopher moved to Lexington from Miami, Florida, in August 2013 with his husband, fellow
'1 GLSO Board Member Roberto L. Abreu. He graduated from the University of Miami School of
/ i ‘5. ii, Law, and is a corporate attorney. In Florida, Christopher was a facilitator for a county-wide LGBT
f 9? youth group (“True Expressions”), and lobbied at the state capitol for school anti—bullying laws.
’5 While in law school, he headed up the LGBT student group, OUTLaw, in its efforts to put an end
h , to Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and worked with the ACLU to campaign against Florida’s anti—same-sex
k 1 marriage amendment. Christopher served as the 2014 Pride Logistics Chair, and continues in that ._
position for 2015. Christopher joined the GLSO Board in June 2014, and since then has served as l
6’ the LinQ Editor-in-Chief. Christopher was elected GLSO Board President in December 2014. ‘
Paul Brown, Secretary
Paul is a Spanish teacher at Henry Clay High School, where he sponsors the Gay—StraightAlliance. He 5?:
is passionate about education. A long-time LGBT advocate, Paul began his activism with Lexington
Fairness, of which he was Chair from 2006-2008, when they became an independent organization. . i
At the GLSO, Paul served as the 2012 and 2013 Pride Chair. He has given training to different
classes on LGBTQ issues, and has won two community service awards from the Imperial Court \J
of Kentucky. Paul has two cats and defends Mariah Carey vociferously despite her recent vocal '. ~ '
debacles. Paul joined the GLSO Board in October 2011, and has served as the Board Secretary,
and most recently, GLSO Board President for 2013-2014. Paul was elected GLSO Board Secretary
in December 2014 to serve out the remaining year of a vacancy in that position.
, 7 Roberto L. Abreu, At Large
. 4:2; , ‘ Roberto moved to Lexington from Miami, Florida, in August 2013 with his husband, GLSO Board
‘ 5% President Christopher R. Bauer, to pursue a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at UK. In Florida,
, i 2w while working on his Master’s Degree, he worked as a high school science teacher, and with LGBT
' -,5 youth at SunServe. Currently, he is a psycholgy practicum student at the Federal Bureau of Prisons
A '; : fl . and Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women. Roberto is a member of the Psycosocial Research ,
~ h ‘ .' i .1 . ‘ Initiative on Sexual Minorities (PRISM) research team at UK. His research interests include sexual I
- 7; g. . ‘f‘ f; 7. minority youth, with an emphasis on Latina/o LGBT youth and community acceptance. Roberto 1
v ., a l’ " 5 p l‘ i : served as the 2014 Pride Volunteers Chair, and is currently the 2014 Pride Vice-Chair. Roberto joined .
1 | ' i , '1 the GLSO Board in June 2014, and is the facilitator of Entre Nosotros Latino Discussion Group.
Tuesday G Meadows, At Large . _ 7 ,,
Tuesday is a lifelong resident of Kentucky, graduating from Lafayette High School and UK with a .» 9
degree in business administration. Tuesday is a wife, married to Linda, a parent, to daughter Amy, . ' .57 “if
' and grandparent to granddaughters Alex and Rosie. Tuesday is a retired Kroger store manager 5‘ . f:
and an avid runner, logging 21 marathons and 33 half-marathons. She is a tireless advovate for '0 f: . p p. I. r:
the LGBTQ community, and is a writer who, among other LinQ features and submissions, started ‘ . 3,; f, i ,' ‘3“
her own monthly LinQ column on transgender issues in August 2014. Tuesday is a member of the g" "Q: w
steering committee for the GLSO ’s Seasoned Independent People social group, an At—Large member ‘ , .
of the 2015 Pride Committee, and a volunteer for several other local organixations. Tuesday joined 5‘ “R .. . x»: . , :5."
the GLSO Board in November 2014. ‘ " ' “ " " '

Theodore Meacham, Vice-President ‘ , ’ .
I Theo is thrilled to become the Vice-President of the GLSO Board, and is honored to serve as the first ‘ {LL . ‘
f trans gender member of the Executive Committee. Born and raised in Eastern Kentucky, Theo graduated 3' ii; 3:; ' w:
T from MaryBaldwinCollege and spent lOyears workingup and downthe eastern seabordasaprofessional it . .-
. theatre artist. He serves as co—director of Company Q, Lexington’s own queer youth thatre housed at the ill . .- ‘
1 GLSO, and as a member of the Executive Committee of Pride Youth Theatre Alliance. In 2015, Theo 0" I ' it“ i
I and CompanyQ will be hosting the 2015 international Pride Youth Theatre Alliance Conference here in . ' ;-
t , Lexington. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Ann, and his dogs and cats. He is a k a ,3
; ; die-hard Green Bay Packers fan and spends as much time outside as possible. Theo joined the GLSO . I r2.
' Board in August 2014, and was elected GLSO Board Vice-President in December 2014. i if It; ‘
; ' 7' ' 1' Jacob Boyd, Treasurer
A”! I R ' pi Jacob is a lifelong resident ofKentucky, born and raised in Franklin. After graduating high
'4: , school, Jacob moved to Lexington to attend UK, where he earned his Bachleor’s degree
i 2 in in accounting. While attending UK, Jacob worked for American Eagle, originally in the
mall, and then at Hamburg. After completing his degree, Jacob was hired by Ashland, Inc.,
;. K, in their tax department, which is where he has worked for the last two and a half years.
/ i/ \fi He has two dachshunds that are spoiled rotten and hopes to expand soon by adopting a
3/; l J Great Dane. Jacob served as 2013 and 2014 Pride Treasurer, and continues that position
' ' for 2015. Jacob joined the GLSO Board December 2013 and was elected to a two-year
74-1511 term as GLSO Treasurer.
Donovan Jefferson, At Large ”W“
Donovan is a graduate of Bluegrass Community and Technical Collge with a degree in .*
business management and information technology. He is a small business owner and W
‘ manager of Eastern Tech Solution. Donovan started out as the GLSO’s IT consultant in ‘~ I W
February 2011. He has designed and administerd all of the GLSO’s websites, networking,
and e-mail hosting. He has also provided his services to many other GLBTQ-affiliated
I organizations in the greater Lexington area. Donovan has officially served on the Pride ' {5,9
1 Committee for Pride 2012 and Pride 2013, and unofficially served as the IT/Website Chair , it:
for Pride 2014 for many months until a replacement could be found. Donovan joined the ~ ,1 '
GLSO Board in November 2013. '
‘ i " 5' Todd Ryser—Oatman, At Large
‘ I I . . Todd moved to Lexington from Sunnyvale, California, in July 2013 to pursue a Ph.D. in Counseling
, " Psychology at UK. In California, Todd facilitated an LGBT group for teenagers dealing with
j ‘84 issues ranging from coming out to discrimination in school policies. He also worked at a domestic
[ iii . j W violence organization, where one of his primary tasks was to raise awareness about how domestic
2 1 , ' violence impacts the LGBT community and how to advocate for survivors more effectively. His
_ l 31," undergraduate senior honors thesis was about how to lessen prejudice against lesbians and gay
.1 _ ' J 2 men. Todd is a member of the Psychosocial Research Initiative on Sexual Minorities (PRISM)
fa“, 5; .« ’ L3 ' If A! research team at UK. Todd is the 2015 Pride Fundraising Chair and a facilitator for the GLSO’s
j; ‘1 "f 1 3’ Heart-to-Heart group. Todd joined the GLSO Board in October 2014.

From Selma to Stonewall... in
F t L . t =51 -‘
erguson 0 CXIIlg OIl ,5 J
By Roberto L. Abreu _ .‘ ‘F r ‘1 .—r
ver the last weeks, our nation has all, LGBTQ. .. individuals know all of color, experiences regarding race are
Owitnessed the brutal killings of too well the devastating consequences more complex than simply just black/
blackmen atthehands ofpolicemen.As of oppression and the importance of white.
a result of the hard-to-believe decisions speaking up against injustice. 6- Just because people of color do
by grand juries not to indict, exposing With this said, I would like to provide not discuss the impact of racism in their
howthe “justice” system repeatedly fails some guidelines for acknowledging the lives on a daily basis, it doesn’t mean
to protect people of color in this country, extralayer of oppressions that LGBTQ... that their everyday realities as people of ,,
protests have taken place in multiple people of color experience, and ways in color are not shaped by the continuous
cities throughout the United States, which ALL members of the LGBTQ... institution and perpetuation of racism,
including in our very own Lexington. community can be allies to people of especially when it goes unaddressed. "
As I scroll down my news feed on color. 7- Know that while white members
F acebook and engage in conversations 1- Active listening (listen for of the LGBTQ... community have the
with members of the LGBTQ... understanding and not for a way to privilege to tune out the topic of race,
community, I cannot ignore the fact defend your lack of understanding). for LGBTQ. .. people of color, race is a
that many members of our community 2- Don’t apologize for your white part of their identity, and therefore the
have remained silent about the recent privilege, use it to speak with (not for) topic of race is part of their everyday
events that affect our black brothers people of color about issues that affect life.
and sisters. Let’s not forget that there them. Please know that these are just a
are many members of our LGBTQ... 3— Understand how people of color few of the ways in which LGBTQ...
community who are men and women have helped to pave the way for the individuals can serve as allies to people
of color! Therefore, I cannot help LGBTQ... community. of color. As LGBTQ... people of color
but think, “Why are we silent? Have 4- Look around you and see who and white allies, I welcome your input
we forgotten the significa