xt7cnp1wh532 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cnp1wh532/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1994-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 1994 text GLSO News, December 1994 1994 1994-12 2019 true xt7cnp1wh532 section xt7cnp1wh532 EEEElllIElli + WEE
COMING OUT: National Gay/Lesbian Crisis Line
Coming out is considered a developmental eenage ay es ian upport
process where individuals become more public (800) 347'TEEN .
regarding their sexual orientation. The process Thurs. - Sun. 7pm-Midnight
can be viewed as moving from a private level to a
more public level. We often begin by coming out FAIRNESS SURVEYS LOCAL ELECTION
to ourselves, as we become accustomed to this, RESULTS: FASTEN YOUR SE ATBELTS!
we come out to other lesbigays and finally, we . . . .
become comfortable enough with our sexual According to Fairness Committee member Linda
identities to come out to non—lesbigays West, this year’s local elections results will not
During the first step, at the private level of benefit the lesbigay community: Here in Fayette
coming out to ourselves, individuals question their mag}: %n|}:_;i‘:‘:s:f 3:: gagsldggeiggig wgrre
own sexual identity and often begin to question Devine were elected 19hr eryf yr new star:
common ideas about sexuality held by family, ’ . . ' e o 0” . .
friends, community, church, government and senators, constituting half of our representation in
society in general. As a result of this questioning, g]? hstt’agicljegirzlatwe aredmembers (i); ”tie 2:32:
a new non-exclusively heterosexual label may be g . . . . 0 eco as oppos g .
accepted or denied. decriminalization of sodomy as well as equal rights
The second stage involves coming out to other for lesbigays. According to MS' West, there are now
lesbigays. Individuals begin to venture out from enough legislative votes stateWIde to put a new
their private world to into the “gay" world sodomy law on the ballot for the 1996 election.
. . . . . ’ This could mean trouble for Kentucky’s lesbians,
searching for support, recreation, SOCIalization, bisexuals and a 5
sex and relationships. . ’ g y ‘ . .
The third step involves coming out to non- Fairness surveyed all the local candidates fortheir
lesbigays This step is considered the most opinions on Lesbigay issues and shared the results
difficult and risky The risks can include the loss in their newsletter, that was mailed to 1700 people.
of basic human needs (i e family friends housing The night before the election, Fairness volunteers
and employment as well 'as the’love belonging called approximately 750 people to remind them to
and the safety these things represent) On the vote. Fairness also volunteered 800 hours from
positive side, this process of moving from the 130.volunteers-in support Of Don T9dd’ who ran
. . . against Tim Philpots one of the areas most vocal
private level to the public level can also include . .
important gains (i e a stronger sense of self opponents of equal rights for gays and lesbians.
positive self image and a sense of authenticity -a Fairness members have already met to plan
continued on page 8 continued on page 4

Published Monthly by the Recently I attended a meeting
Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services Organization Sponsored by the Family Foundation at
RC. Box 11471 which Dr. joseph Nicolosi, a psychiatrist
Lexington, KY 40575 from California whose specialty is “healing
. . . homosexuals”, lectured at some length.
interim Editor. His thesis was that a boy becomes a
Peter Taylor homosexual because of an indifferent
_ father’s failure to establish a masculine
.Layout Ed't_°r,' relationship with his son. Also present
Elizabeth A‘G'H'am were representatives from Crossover
Glso Annual Dues and Newsletter: $15 Ministries, whose purpose is the same as
Dues and Newsletter for Couples: $20 Dr. Nicolosi’s. Untruths were the order of
Newsletter Only: $10 the evening, but it was obvious that a
. . . rather large audience believed all of them.
Views or opinions expressed in the GLSO News are those of l f |. d
the authors and don’t necessarily represent those of the came away . ee lng angry an
GLSO Board of Directors. Submissions are welcome. All frustrated at listening to so much false
submissions become the property of GLSO and must indicate information. i was forcefully gripped anew
full name and address of the author. The staff reserves the b th It f th h t'l't t th
right to edit submissions and ads to meet publishing require- y e enorml y 0 e 05 I I y ou ere'
ments, as well as the right to reject any submissions. We can struggle With some success
Placement of advertising in GLSO News denotes neither a against discrimination in housing ChUFCh
person’s sexual orientation norabusiness’customerpiefeienoe. . . . . . ’ ’
jObS, and homophobic pOlltICIanS, but when
,7 a we face a vast, unyielding wall of cold
’ hostility how do we fight back? I don’t
r” (V ’
GJLSQ LQQKHNQ know how to totally win over this enemy,
FQR EDllTQR but I do hopefully believe that all of the big
liyou are interested in the position, please and little events of our resistance will add
contact Peter 273-5845 or Maiy 266-5904 Up to Strength that Will overcome.
1s A I could have come away feeling too
overwhelmed to continue the fight.
“AND, ON THE OTHER HAND...” Instead, I stealthily placed on their literature
Apart from the fact that Oliver North did NOT table a pile of our attractive lavender P-
get elected, there are also a few advances FLAG brochures and walked away
issuing from the latest elections: d d d f th xt b ttl
A record number of openly gay officials were encourage an rea y or 9 he a e.
elected across the nation. 80 there!
Seventy-five percent of Victory Fund Rev. Ruth Fiscella
Candidates won nationwide. ' _ .
see page IO for details C7161”; P Flag quexmgton

 Lexington Men’s Chorus
* * * presents *
* * * * * * *
A 5th Concert Season Event
. * * * ‘k a: * ‘k *
- * SEEM 3* a
r >l<
. a 3%:
~ it i; 0831
. ThisTime 0 Year
d at
0 Friday, December 16, 1994 ‘
e; and
-- Saturday, December 17, 1994
_y 8 pm.
' Singletary Center for the Arts
For Ticket Information call (606) 257-4929

 from page I
strategies for the 1996 legislative session. If a new
sodomy law is approved and put on the fall election
ballot, it is feared that the situation could be similar
to recent conflicts over lesbigay rights in Oregon
and Colorado. The debate about lesbigay rights in
those states was targeted by national Radical Right
groups who provided money and manpower in the \ - 1 ~. ‘
efforts to stop lesbigay rights. As a result, ., W‘Jmfl‘,
members of the lesbigay community who lived in ‘, ‘ ‘9’, j ‘,
these states became the targets of the . . ‘ . ‘
homophobia generated by the Radical Right which -
led to a marked increase in violence against
lesbigay’s and cost lesbigay businesses hundreds R E S 1- A U R A N 1-
of thousands of dollars in lost business and 557 S L' t
damages. .. Imes one
Lexrngton, KY
P o Tortoise SI Hare lunch
recrous Furs special 10% off in
1 1 -1 1 :30a.m., 1 :30-2p.m.
All Breed Pet Grooming
Experienced Renowned weekend brunch.
servrng blueberry buckwheat
211 9365 pancakes, eggs benedict
- .
arnold, spanish omelettes,
and much more
s": STRONG Ph D Wednesday is International
0 I . o o Night
Licensed Psychologist
Breads and desserts baked ,
(606) 255-4864 daily in our kitchen
Fax (606) 255-5385
119Woodland Ave. Free evenlng parklng.
Lexmgton, KY 40502
GLSO News Page 4


’ For rent: Two-story duplex in quiet suburb off
‘ .0 Richmond Road near Man-O-War. 2bdr with
0 walk-in closets, 1-1/2 baths, livin rm, dinin
g Q
rm, kitchen with appliances, attached garage
- g with opener. Lots of closets and storage.
q o
Happy HOhdayS from GLSO 9% . . Washer/dryer hookup. Call 263-0170
:3ng 3ng b. 3:83.... Egréntmngers ‘ GIVES AND GIVES AND GIVES,
5:3 AIDS Candleli mm... 3 Pm ay 5 18“ : pm Imes q. I
7&2; 2...... .2... R... AA Angel“-Actors’ ‘ SEND A SUBSClQlDTlOl‘l TO GLSO
7:30meK IJimbda 8:00pm "Times Sq. Guild
310011111 HIV/AIDS SPPt-G'P' Angel"-Actors’ Guild ‘1 NEWS IZOD JUST $10! ‘
- V 10 ' I Send a check and the reci ient’s address to: 1!
4 5 6 7 8 9 00 F t ne 3 3} GLSO Nets:
. - - : G /Le b' Al— AIDS/HIV S .G . 7100an Lax-Men's Chorus 2 .. we Hanukah Begins : am "ton run r ‘2 ’
2222.?“ The 2 .. 72222.... °° “
6'00pn1 MCC-Greenlcaf Motel 7.30 m Pride Ctr 8-00Pm GUESS (EKU) WOOdIand Park _ 8:00Pm ”Tints Sq.Angel'- . 8/38ng ;PL‘:I‘(::§aCt 1:15" 7 r r r 7 r r r W 7 7
720013111 Gay/Lesbian AA T p ' 8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/Lesblan Ac1m's’ 6qu 7.30pm Gay/L355” AA . P gda
aSkforce Bowling-Southland AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Sppl.Grp. 8:00pm 'Plerodactyls' @ UK... @ UK (UK Lam )
11 12 13 14 3% Le M ’ Cbo R 1060p Dig 'ty JLQNewsDeadline “‘5';
. , . . . 7 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian Al- AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. f m X. e“ “’5 : I: m a 3... :00am “mum.” presents an independent production of
7 T30pm Stonewall Anon 6:00pm Frontrunners— fig: Egfibda 50"“, 9311:? _ M1212... 1%:009m Me“ Network
6mm 1mm Ct—Club U Ne‘work 8:00pm GUESS (EKU) Woodland Park 3.00,... 'Times Sq.Angel'-A... 8:H-m 'Times ,. el'-A...
6300p... MCC-Greenleaf Motel , 8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian 8:00pm HIV/AIDS swam. \ D (j
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA Bowling-Southland AA 1“. E R iQ D H Y $
1 8 1 9 2O 21 22 23 b. 24 . .
7=3OPm Fairness 7i°Pm Gay/”5““ Al' 33:112.??me 7‘83533251’1525 Efm Gay/Les "m g Chmmm Eve A new play by NICKEY SILVER
.. . ‘-falf’ “0“ :m .. rs~oodlnnd 1stKnck rfmn
7-I;/Iothnmi§r121:1 cua 5 8:00pm GUESS (EKU) 6333. F” 2...... w 8=°°Pm COLTS M‘g- ‘9 t“ y W or 6 Ge
6. MCOGmmmm 'Tafkforce ' 8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS 9:00am Frommnners
71%: Gay/LesbianAA Bowling—Southland Sppt.Grp. two performances
25 27 28 29 30 31 8 pm FrIday 9th December and
. 7.30pm Gay/Lesbian Al-Anon AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7:00pm Lex.Men's Chorus 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian New Year' 3 Eve 8 pm Saturday 1 0th December
Christmas ' ‘ 8:00pm GUESS (EKU) 6:00pm antnmners-Woodla... Rehearsal AA
, 8:45pm Rainbow Bowling-So... 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS SppLGrp. 9.008111 FIOHU'UDDCI'S
. ' Center Theater in the
.00... Mcc.........m.... 0... Student Center
7300Pm Gay/LesbinnAA *_“— 0n UK'S campus
November .994 January .995 . . TICKETS $6
5 M T w T F S S M T w T F S Metropolitan Communlty Church ($5 with student ID)
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , . For advance tickets send a S.A.S.E.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Chrlstmas Eve SeI'VlCC ICIJtlkpaliment gacredit cards) to:
13 14 15 15 17 18 19 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 . am a
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2‘2 23 24 25 26 27 28 . 10.00 pm HEMSQZ 22'3““
27 28 29 30 29 so 31 Glenhaven Room, Greenleaf Inn Léxi'ngton KY 405060025
. - g " ‘ d
The holidays are a great the for a donatlon to GLSO! 21,2233532112‘32U°£Lambda

 from page I
sense of being true to self).

Organizations in the community are made up of Va
individuals going through various stages of th
lesbigay formation; however individuals at one , , , , , 5 bl
stage of identity will tend to dominate the group. In y’ ' ge
this sense, organizations may go through the same ; Laura E Ka Ian
stages as individuals in the process of developing l R,
from private identity to a more public identity. , cc

In the October 4, 1994 Advocate featured an _ _ _ _ pt
article on whether gay and lesbian organizations Llcensed Cllnlcal Socral Worker is
should use the terms “gay" and “lesbian” in their 435 West Second St. pr
titles, or should they only come out at a more Lexington, KY 40507
private level. Many organizations in the past few
decades began with a private, closeted existence, (606) 254'9112 pager (606) 232'0873 5:
meeting as “:secret societies". te

The stage of the “secret society” is analogous to
the coming out to self. Later organizations C
developed on a more public level, but used non- A:
disclosive names such as The American
Association of Physicians for Human Rights or The PQggfiufSltfijl-KI‘GVle ll'lC.

Human Rights Campaign Fund which is analogous / """ f ' ’"f' t”
to coming out to other lesbigays. M‘ 5”" Kfl/F‘E “’7“ ”W”

Are organizations ready to enter the next stage :5 i" I , i . a
of total public visibility by using the terms “gay" 5-7.5 _§?§ "7? i T '25; 3:3: 5: J?“ -5:
and or “lesbian" in their organizational name? If ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' "
so, this is the equivalent to the individual coming (800) 2284337 (606) 263-4337
out to non-lesbigays. Organizations need to be Richmoigigaljlig‘i’ytgfig 40502
viewed as involved in the coming out process also. GLSO DONATION lNlTHgEVl'ERY PURCHASE
Coming out is a process that varies with the
individual or organization and the individual or '
organization can only move so fast. Some organi-
zations may be ready to go public with the name
Gay and Lesbian Service Organization, while
others choose to remain under a “rainbow” code
name. MPH-”L“

Organizations are composed of individuals. All};

When enough of the individuals within an organiza- I.-

tion change, a critical mass forms, and the organi- ‘.7

zation may change and a name change will follow.

It is important to respect the bravery, on all levels SPECtlacalE

of living as a “non-exclusively heterosexual with Pioneers in Alternate-Site Health Care

free choice of gender behavior" in this society. 1510 Newtown Pike, Suite H Phone (606) 25350300
-5. Strong Lexington, Kentucky 40511 Fax (606) 231-1214
GLSO News Page 8 '


The year was 1989. In Germany, the Berlin Wall was being dismantled piece by piece. The Exxon
Valdez was spilling crude oil on Alaskan Shores. In the White House, Ron and Nancy were packing their
things while George and Barbara were unpacking theirs. And in Lexington, a small group of men were
busily preparing for their first concert ~the first concert in Kentucky's history to be performed by an Openly
gay-supportive chorus.

' Today, five years later, the Wall is gone, the oil is gone (at least according to Exxon’s lawyers!), and the

. Reagans and the Bushes are gone, but the Lexington Men’s Chorus continues to endure! The first of
concert of the group’s 1994—95 season, THE STARS SEEM CLOSER THIS TIME OF YEAR will be
performed on Friday, December 16 and Saturday, December 17 at 8:00pm at the Singletary Center. LMC

*I' is performing this year’s winter concert twice to accommodate demand; they have sold out ALL of their
previous performances.

The group is pleased to be performing its first commissioned piece, “A Winter Cycle” written by Brian

3 Throckmorton. Many other classical and popular favorites including “Ave Maria, Pachebel’s Canon in D,
White Christmas” and perennial favorite “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” from the annual
television classic, “Rudolph the Red—Nosed Reindeer" will also be performed.

Tickets for the show are $10 for adults, $5 for children and are available by calling the Singletary
Center box office at (606) 257-4929. LMC is a proud member of the international Gay and Lesbian
Association of Choruses.

Congratulations to Rick and George! PARENTS AND FRIENDS OF
Jeff and Davrd Come and join us any third
Thursday of the month for our
regular meeting at 7:30 pm. at
Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church.
WINDY KNOLL Who are we? P-FLAG of
FARM -; 1, Lexington. At each meeting new
' people appear and we are glad to
505-299-7410 E be of help and support to all who

. We are excited about the next
— ‘ 'NDOOF‘ ARENA BOARD'NG Lessons '" annual convention of P—FLAG to be

'STADIUM JUMP‘NG COURSE IRAITSsGsoNs Oregage held In Indianapolis In 1995. That
- OUTDOOR SAND DRESSAGE ARENA . means some Of US can aflend- We
Jump'”9 are not alone. There are more than
Acreage for Trail Riding 300 chapters of P-Flag internation-
3263 Clevemd Rd. North Jennife:Crossen ally. Why not arrange to visit us at
Lexington‘ Ky_ 40516 Inwwopmincr our meeting? For more Information,

2 ‘ call Ruth at 272-7075.
—' GLSO News Page 9

 ELECTIONS BRING SOME GOOD NEWS —Following in the 1990 footsteps of Roberta
Achtenberg, Harry Britt, and Carole Migden,

WASHINGTON DC _ 10 November 1994 _ openly gay candidates Carole Migden, Susan
Twelve of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund's 17 Leal, and To”: Ammiano hSave allutieen helecéted
openly gay candidates won their races yesterday, a I; a second Lav‘esnder Iweep or t e an
seventy-five percent success rate. According to ranCIsco Board 0 upewisors.

Victo Fund De u Director Kathleen DeBold, the , . .
12wiri¥ners are‘ p ty Adding to the good news in San Fran0isco,
' openly gay candidates Leslie Katz and
—Will Fitzpatrick, Rhode Island State Senate Lawrgnce wong halve W°n e'egt'on to the 83”
—Cal Anderson, Washington State Senate FranCIsco Community College oard.
—Sheila Kuehl, California State Assembly
—Ken Cheuvront, Arizona House of Reps ‘OPen'y 9,33’ U'S' congressman Gerry StUddS'
—Tim Van Zandt, Missouri House of Reps Wisconsm State Assembly member Tammy
—George Eighmey Oregon House of Reps Baldwin, Oregon State Representative Gail
—Cynthia Wooten ’Oregon House of Reps Shibley, and Texas State Representative Glen
—Susan Leal ,San Francisco Board of Maxey all won re-election to the seats they won

Supervisors ’ two years ago with Victory Fund support.
—Tom Ammiano, San Francisco Board of ,

Supervisors —Other openly gay candidates who won
_ Bonnie Dumanis San Diego City Court yesterday included Maine State Senator Dale
—Teri Schwartz, Los Angeles Superior Court McCormick, and Minnesota State
—Tom Chiola, Cook County [IL] Court Representative Karen Clark.

DeBold notes that this 75 percent success rate —New York State Attorney Gel‘e'a' candidate
for openly gay candidates is especially significant Karen Burstein and C?"f°m'a, Secretary Of
in light of the campaigns of gaybaiting that were State candidate Tony Miller,the fir-st openly gay
waged against them by their opponents and main and lesbian to run for major stateWIde
because of the overall conservative swing of the office, IOSt m close races to the” GOP
electorate nationwide. “Each of our candidates opponents. Although Burstein won-more votes
won TWO races last night,” she says, “One against thandefeated three—term Democratic Governor
their opponents; the other against the Radical Mario .Cuomo, the combination of the
Rights distorted image of gay men and lesbians.” Republican sweep and “wow gaybaiting- by

supporters of her opponent pushed the seat jUSt

DeBold believes these election results send a OUt Of her grasp.
clear message that the extremist viewpoints that . _
lead to hate campaigns and gaybaiting are out of [For more information about these races, please
step with mainstream America. “Our openly gay 39mg)“ Kathleen DeBold at (202) 842—8679 /
candidates won because their personal and ictoryf@aol.com]
community values are consistent with those of the G L , .
average American family values like hard work, 1ay2a1nfth :22? til/$031 £5237
res onsibili ,and res ect for others.” . ’

p ty p Washington, DC 20005

Other results of special note for the Gay and 202/842'8679 (phone)

Lesbian Community: 202/289—3863 (fax)
email: Victoryf@aol.com
GLSO News Page 10

' F' 11 h
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t at e wars .
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i x KPC and Medicaid ema COSE I
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5 What A Pharmacy Was MeaniTo Be" 3 EEE Richmond Rd 1
630 E. Main Street- Lexington, Ky. 40508 Fax: (606) 254-7405 '3] "I l E
(606) 233 3110 1-800-213-0901 '

 GLSO Gaglrne2310335
Staffed 8pm-11pm Wednesday. Thursday. Friday and Sunday (Voice Mail Available When Not Staffed)
GLSO Board (Mary).......,...............................266-5904 Asians and Friends, Ohio...................(614) 341—7349
GLSO Discrimination Project (Jeff) .............276-5383 Bluegrass COLTS (Mark) 2337266
GLSO: News & Ads (Mary) ..........................266-5904 Country Dykes (Debbie) (606) 871-7452
Calendar (Jeff) 2765383 Cumberland Cares........................................678-0587
Folding (Lee) 2779365 Diversity Business Coalition .......................281—8444
Layout (Elizabeth) 2757801 Fairness at Lexington HOTLINE..................275-7812
GLSO Gayline Volunteers (Peter) ................273-5845 Fairness of Louisville..........................(502) 893-0788
GLSO Speakers Bureau (Bill) .......................266-9175 Front Runners (Keith) 2546850
GLSO Support Group (Mary)........................266—5904 GBL Veterans, Columbus (Mike) ........(614) 299-7764
(Mike)...........................225-1828 G/LAl-Anon 2771877
G/L Defense Fund................................(502) 589-2896
STUDENT GROUPS Stonewall Network (Ann).....................(502) 839-8417
ACE League: Berea College (Foula) ............986-5669 EIYKAléeLnd/lzihlzy; Egg-:33;
AGLF: NKU (Pat) 5725604 6' '
Alt. Voice: Murray State (Jeff) .............(502) 574-5792 KY Fairness Alliance (Keith).........................266-3934
B-GLAD: Centre College (Mykol)..................238-5332 Kentucky Legislature
GLOBAL: UofL (Ken) (502) 852—3436 Bill Status Line (800) 382—2455
GUESS: EKU (Brian)......................................622—5144 Legislator Message Line------..--.--.-.(800) 372-7181
Lambda: UK (Jufien before 10pm).................272-7232 Meeting Info Line............................(800) 633-9650
Lambda: WKU (Larry) (502) 796-9114 Lesbian Potluck (Esmerelda)........................231~0335
pm Omega Epsilon: MSU (David) .......(502) 733-4729 Lexington Men’s Chorus (Shelby)................231-0090
Louisville Youth Group (502) 635-1302
ANONYMOUS AIDS TESTING Names Project, Lexington (Katie) ................272-2588
. _ P-FLAG (Ruth) 2727075
igisgatrzlzngfounty........................................885 4149 Rainbow Bowling League (Teri) ...................268-8563
- yetteCounty..............................288-2437 .
'Madison County............................................723-7312 TrI-State Gay Rodeo Assn.(F()Terl;y) ””“m'w'ggggggg
au -
Woodford County873 4541 Womynweave (Kathy)...................................271-3484
Dignity [Catholic] (Don) 2994458 AIDS HOTLINIEIDS INFO/SERVICES 231_7545
Episcopal Diocese AIDS Ministry (Steve) ...233-1782 AIDS Volunteers-oi.Leki-nmton.lumWWMN254-2865
GLAD [Disciples of Christ] (Jeff)..................255—4958 AVOL Le aI Referral Pro Siam "WWWWW254-2865
Honesty [Southern BaptiszyEdtfieg ”(502; 637—7309 HIV/AIDSgLegaI Project 9 (502)584—1254
orot y 502 458-5 92
Interweave [Unitarian] (Craig) ......................269-8215 HIV+ Youth Support Group """""'"""""""'254'2865
MCC-Hopkinsville & Horse Cave (502) 897-3821 Kentucky AlDSl-IOTLINE..................,.(502) 564-6539
MCC-L i t R 271440 Partners of HIV /AIDS Support Group
ex-ng'on( ex) 7 (Greg) 2882437
MCC-LoursVIlle (502) 775-6636 Thursday HIV+/AIDS Support Group
MCC-Paducah (502) 441—2307 (KIPWAC - Edwin) 2812100
Pagan Forum (Pat) 268-1640 Saturday HIV+/AIDS Support Group
Quaker FLGC (Connie)..................................276-2554 (AVOL) 2542865
Roman Catholic HIV Ministry (John) ...........231-9955 To Report Hate Crimes:
United States Department of iustice
(800) 457-HATE (4283)
GLSO News Page 12