xt7cnp1wf81h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cnp1wf81h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1951-11-09  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  9, 1951 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  9, 1951 1951 1951-11-09 2013 true xt7cnp1wf81h section xt7cnp1wf81h Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Kernel


Kyian Queen To Be Crowned SGA Petition Ready
For Student Approval
At Dance Tomorrow Night
Dean Holmes Gives
Girls On Campus
Late Permission


Ken-lu- ct

iun fiance, sponsored by Lamp
and Cross. Saturday night in the
SUn Ballroom. The queen will re
enr of t!e live finalists chosen Monday night in Memo inl Hall.
Tlic finalists are Barbara Bald? in.
Delta Delta Delta: Barbara Musser,
Alpha Delta Pi; Sue Newell. Kappa

Alpha Theta ; Rosemary Tully. Kappa Delta: and Jean Whit worth.
Dillard House.
The judges for the contest Monday
night were introduced by Don Armstrong, editor of the Kentuckian.
They we:e Miss Juanita Hall of
Stewart's Department Store, Louisville; Gil Kincsbury, public relations
director at WLW, Cincinnati; and
Abe Marcus, professional photographer for the American Photographic Institute of New York.. Judging was based on beauty, poise, and
naturalness. Also introduced was
Miss Madge Barnett. the 1951 Kentuckian Queen. Dave Bere, business
editor of the Kentuckian, was master
of ceremonies. Barbara Weesner was
Candidates for the Kentuckian
Queen and their sponsors included
Barbara Baldwin, Delta Delta Delta :
Catherine Campbell, ZeU Tau Alpha;
Mary Lou Carrol, Independent; Jane
Daussman. Alpha Gamma Delta;
Fayetta Elswick, Hamilton House;
Alice Fa it. McDowell House; Betty
Carol Fryman, Kappa Kappa Gam
Josephine Fug ate. Maxwelton
Court; Jane Johnson, Alpha Xi
Delta; Madeline MacMillan, Delta
Zeta; Myrna Montgomery, Boyd
Hall; Doris Morgan. Independent;
Barbara Musser. Alpha Delta Pi;
Sue Newell. Kappa Alpha Theta;
Ingrid Palmgrcn. Independent; Carmen Pigue, Chi Omega; Sonia Stone,
Tau Alpha Pi; Rosemary Tully,
Kappa Delta; and Jean Whitworth,
Dillard House.
The Kentuckian dance will begin
at 8:30 pjn. Saturday night. Johnny
Heaton's Blue and White orchestra
will play until 12:30 p.m. Tickets for
the dance are $150 lor couples or
Late permission for sorority and
dormitory girls has been granted by
Dean Holmes.
The queen and her four attendants
will be presented during the intermission. Jack Ballantine, president
of Lamp and Cross, senior men's
leadership honorary, will crown the
queen and present her with a trophy.
The dance will be formal, but it
Is requested that there be no flowers.

Federal Job
Given Today
All students interested in government jobs will have an opportunity
to discuss civilian employment with
representatives of federal agencies
fiom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today. Interviews will be held in Room 234, Anderson Hall, College of Engineering.
Today's personal interviews are the
second part of a two-da- y
Job Opportunities Conference sponsored by the Colleges of Arts and
Sciences, Commerce, Engineering,
and Law. The program yesterday
featured a discussion of placement
in civilian positions by Captain C.
E. Gray of Civilian Personnel at a
pcncral meeting in the Law College



PLANNING 1 HE WSSF CAMPAIGN to be launched Monday, Norm
Copeland, publicity chairman, "Skippy" Vouman and Jim Perry,
6f the drive, worfc out last minute details. "Don't pass
is this year's slogan.
the buck give


$2500 WSSF Drive
Opens Here Monday
give it"
"Don't pass the buck
is next week's motto for UK stu-

dents and faculty.
With a goal set at $2500, the World
Student Service Fund will open its
annual drive for aid to foreign students Monday. Last year the committee raised a little over, $1500
toward a goal of $2000.
During the week, WSSF members
will solicit students in the dormitories, while pledge cards will be
sent to fraternity and sorority
suuciiaiion ai nail'
time of the George Washington University football game Saturday, Nov.
17. will climax the drive.
Progress toward the goal will be
indicated by painting bricks of a
"little red schoolhouse" to be con
structed between White Hall and the
Administration Building.

anti-gambli- ng

lege of Commerce.

Ten points are included In the
ratings. They are preparation for
",u",uu"" class meetings, presentation of sub- U
ject matter, ability to interest stu"Therefore we do hereby pledge dents, scholarship, stimulation of
critical and independent thinking,
We will not bet on parlay tolerance
and liberality, attitude to
raids, nor will we participate in any ward students, personal appearance,
Torm of gambling on athletic conpersonal peculiarities, and grading
gests; and .
2) We will actively oppose all
Space is also provided on the
such illegal wagering."
President Bob Smith told as- sheets for remarks which students
sembly members that gambling was might think would be constructive
not so prevalent last week as it had or helpful to the Instructor.
Instructors in other colleges will
been in the past.
"Either the federal tax or the be rated as soon as ratings are fincoming election day has cut down ished in the College of Commerce,
some on parlay cards, although some Bass said.
were still being distributed," Smith
Pres. H. L. Donovan approved the
SGA budget this week, according to
Publicizing of the resolution will representative Jess Gardner, and it
begin at once. Copies will be dlstrib- - is now in effect.

Afternoon Concert
To Include Works
Of Richard Wagner

No Kyian Pictures

Taken After Today

Twenty percent of the total donations will be given to the two exchange students here on campus.
The committee voted to send another five percent to the Japanese
International Christian University.
The remainder will go into the
national WSSF overseas fund. Aid
provided foreign students by this
fund includes medical and dental
care, maintenance of rest centers
hostels, educational
and self-hesupplies gucn M
laboratory equipment, etc., and
emergency food and clothing.
A committee of representatives of
major campus organizations spon
sors WSSF.
of the
drive are Marilyn "Skippy" Youman
and Jim Perry.

More than 1,000 Kentucky Baptist fo:d. housing; Dwane Thomas and
college students are expected to at- Martha Carter, information; Ben
tend the state-wid- e
BSU Convention McPherson and Matthew Franck,
which begins tonight in Memorial ushers; Beverly Claxton, properties;
and Layne Fleming and Bill HumRegistration will begin at 3 o'clock phreys, transportation.
this afternoon at the Baptist Stu- Beginning the week of Nov. 12, the

dent Center. The keynote message
tonight at 7:25 in Memorial Hall
will be brought by William Hall
Preston, of Nashville, Tenn. The
Georgetown BSU choir will provide
the music at the program.
Dr. H. C. Chiles, Murray, will de- liver a talk on "Falling in Love In-- j
telligently" at the Saturday morn-- i
ing session at the Porter Memorial
Baptist Church. Simultaneous con- -j
fcrenees will be led by visiting youth
The local BSU will hold open
house for the Convention delegates
between 3:30 and 5:00 p.m. at the
Baptist Student Center. Campus
tours will also be conducted for the
guests Saturday after-- i

noonday devotional periods each
day at the Baptist Student Center
will feature a member of the faculty
as guest speaker.
The speakers will be Miss Mackie
Rasdall. Monday; Dean Sarah B.
Holmes. Tuesday; Miss Joy McCuddy,
Wednesday; Dr. Vernon Mussleman,
Thursday; and Mr. Earl Holloway,

chemists, mathematicians, psycholo
gists, metallurgists, electronic scientists, and engineers for scientific
research in their respective fields.

CBS To Broadcast


Kentucky-Tulan- e
game at
Orleans tomorrow will be
broadcast nationally as part of the
Columbia Broadcasting
football roundup.
The program begins at 1:30 p.m.




Passed Monday
John Proffitt. president of the
Young Men's Christian Association,
said this week that the YMCA Advisory Board and its Cabinet had moved to support the
resolution passed by the Student
Government Association.
At meetings of the two YMCA
bodies, resolutions were passed commending the SGA for the action
which it has taken against gambanti-gambli-


Jo Ann Anderson
To Be Featured
In Floor Show

In a statement released after the
meeting, Proffitt said, "At this time
when organized gambling is making
such terrible inroads upon the moral
fibre of our nation, we feel that it is
highly significant when an
group such as SGA takes a
firm stand against this decaying
"We do not believe that anyone
can be sympathetic with the crimi- nal group which brought about the
degradation of three of the University's finest athletes.
"The fact that these boys would
succumb to the lure of money of- lered them ty sucn persons gives us
for concern about our own
of values.
"On behalf of the student and fac- ulty members of the YMCA Board
and Cabinet. I wish to urge the
cioninar ft thA RCIA rpsilnfinn and
tne gtrM enforcement of anti-- ;

Future Teachers of America will
sponsor an informal dance tonight
p.m. In the Student Union
Ballroom. The dance Is open to all
Intermission will feature a floor
show, led by Miss Jo Ann Anderson.
Afterwards, Mr. and Miss FTA,
Harry Banks and Mary Lewis, will
be presented.
Tickets at $130 a couple or $1.00
stag may be purchased in the Student Union Ticket Booth or at the
dance. Tables will be set up and refreshments served.
Rutherford White and his "Gloom
Chasers" will furnish the music.
This dance is one of several ac- tivities sponsored by FTA in
,rt f
servance of American Education
Dr. Lyman Ginger,
Week, Nov. 6.
The YMCA shall support the SGA
Director of the University Schools, in any move it takes along this line."
will speak at an assembly program
for all College of Education students
Wednesday at 10 a.m. Education students may be excused from classes
at that hour.




Open season on UK men starts
That's the opening date
for Sadie Hawkins week
the time
when the girls do the asking and
the paying for one week.
Originally, Sadie Hawkins Day
appeared in the Li'l Abner comic
strip. It was created to give the
bachelor eirls of TVipnnich mi an.
nual chance, no holds barred, at the
eligible Dogpatch men. In a manner of speaking, the men ran for
their lives.
Here at UK, most people seem to
feel that the girls are attractive
enougn to obtain men in a more
normal way. The loewl obsrVpnce
of the custom serves to give the
girls a chance to do their own choos-- ;
ing. sort of declare their preference.
Then too. it gives the
male purse a usually
Climax of the week's activities
w ill be the annual Sadie Hawkins
race and dance Saturday. Keys,
sophomore men's honorary, sponsors
Saturday morning, any eligible
men wno haven't been caught
j,lg the week are to line up on intra-senmural field for the race. Thev will
be given a head start, and then the
WOmen will be turned loose.
This is one track meet that really





Prof. E. B. Penrod will act as
toastmaster for a banquet to be held
tonight in the Gold Room of the
Lafayette Hotel.
Clyde Coburn, Pi Lambda's president, and L. M. Chamberlain, vice
president of the University, will
welcome the delegates at the banquet.
The guest speaker will be Robert
manager of commercial
services of Kentucky Utilities. His
topic is to be "America and Americanism."
Pi Tau Sigma originated hi 1915 at
the Universities of Illinois and Wisconsin, where two mechanical engineering honoraries were formed
independent of each other. A coalition folowed in 1916, and now the
t'roup numbers 57 chapters over thp
entire country.

4-- H






has a purpose. If a pirl can catch
her man and drag him over the
finLsh line, she gets to keep him.
Li ;e its Dogpatch model, the race
is a no holds barred event. The
adage, "All's fair in love and war"
gers practical application.
The Sadie Hawkins dance Satur-d- y
night in the Ballroom of the SUB
ends the week of female prerogative.
Johnny Heaton's Blue and White
will play from 8 p.m. till 12 p.m.
Tickets are $1, couple or stag. Traditionally, girls ask boys and buy the
Dress for the dance is to be informal, in fact, Dogpatch style is
pieferred. No tables will be reserved,
so it's first come, first served.
Dunns? intermission, a typical
Daisy Mae and Li'l Abner will be
chosen by popular vote of the dance
goers. Each sorority and dormitory
will have two candidates for Daisy
Mae and each fraternity will have
one candidate for Li'l Abner. The
winners will be awarded trophies.
Despite the low ticket price. Keys
usually makes enough money to
sponsor a campus project. Last year.
thev bought a scoring machine for
the fencing team. Announcement of
this year s project will be made in
the spring.








"V' WV.






. ;f.':i



Included in the program will be
Schumann's Symphony No. 4 in D.
minor. Op. 120. by the Cleveland Orchestra. Following intermission, the
remainder of the program will
s:st of works composed by Richard
The orchestra will play the Overture .to "Tannhauser." and Mis
Traubel will conclude the concert
with her interpretation of the Immolation Scene from "The Twilight
of the Gods."
Sans T
Miss Traubel. a dramatic soprano,
is the first American-bor- n
artist to
sing two favorite Wagnerian roles,
Brunhilde ar d Isolde, at the Metropolitan. She made her Metropolitan
debut in 1939. in Wagner's "Die
Prior to her operatic and concert
career. Miss Traubel first received
vocal training as a choir soloist in
her native city of St. Louis. Mo.
During a visit to St. Louis. Walter
Damrosch heard Miss Traubel's
voice and wrote a special part for
her into his opera. The Man Without a Country." This opera was produced at the Metropolitan in 1936.
Following her appearance in the
Damrosch opera. Miss Traubel went
into radio, then retired for a year of
study. In 1939 she received recognition after a recital at New York's
Town Hall. Shortly afterwards she
made her debut at the Metropolitan.
Since her opening performance,
the Wagnerian soprano has received
recognition from musical organizations throughout the country. The
Associated Press, in its poll of editors, selected her "the woman of the
year in music" for two successive
Nw Touring Nation
Joining Miss Traubel for the concert will be the Cleveland Orchestra,
new in its thirty-fourseason. The
orchestra is continuing its tours
throughout this section of the country under the baton of George SzelL
its musical director and conductor
since 1946.
The orchestra, composed of 100
musicians, has a winter season of 30
weeks in which 151 concerts are
given. In addition to the concert
tours, Sunday afternoon "Twilight"
concerts and children's concerts are
presented in Cleveland.
During the summer "Pops" concerts are given under the direction
of the associate conductor, Rudolph
Ring wall. In 1941 the orchestra
on Page 4)

Being Offered
Bv Stanford

To Be Held
Next Friday




the George Washington football
game at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at
Memorial Coliseum.
Cheers will be judged on three
points. Originality will count 50
percent, presentation 20 percent,
and response 30 percent.
A trophy will be presented to
the winning fraternity, sorority,
or residence unit by Dave Bere,
Suky president.

A three-wee- k
Institute for International Farmers will be held at the
University beginning Monday. Dean
L. J. Horlacher of the College
Agriculture and Home
announced this week.
Attending the Institute will be 25
farmers from Denmark,
France, and the Netherlands, who
have been here during the summer
working on farms throughout the
country under the sponsorship of
the State Department. During their
three weeks here the young farmers
will attend regular University classes
and make several field trips to local
farms for practical experience. One
of the trips will be to Louisville for
Baby Beef Show on Wed- the
itxilau AllI Thn.n
The purpose of the institute Is to
give the farmers of Europe ideas of
how we farm here, and teach them
new methods of farming and the
use of new farm machinery. This
is also part of the European good
will program of the State Depart- ment.
On Dec. 1, at the conclusion of
the institute, the trainees will leave
for Washington where they will embark for their home countries.
A committee composed of E. J.
Kirkpatrick. chairman and Assistant State Agent, Dean Horlacher.
and Prof. Ralph Ramsey of the Department of Rural Sociology is in
charge of plans for the Institute.


Suky, student pep organization,
will sponsor a Cheer Contest for


Speaks At BSC Convention


qualifies physicists,

Open Season On Men
Is About To Begin

For Resolution

FTA To Give
All Student
Dance Tonight

Conducts Cleveland Orchestra

Next Week, She Pays

SGA Commended


Foreign Students
To Enter Classes

Engineers Convention
In Progress At UK
The national convention of Pi Tau
Sigma, national mechanical engi-- ;
neering honor society, started yes-- j
terday at the University, and will
continue through Saturday. This is
the finjt Ume the convention has
h ld h
Registration for the convention
was conducted all day yesterday, and
there was an informal tour of the
campus in the morning. In the af- ternoon, the delegates were conduct- ed on a tour of the Bluegrass area.
A smoker was presented in the eve-- ;
ning and master of ceremonies
Richard Tomey introduced the var-- 1
ious entertainers.
Today's business and committee
meetings, which are being held In
Memorial Hall, will be followed by a
luncheon for the dele"ntes nt the


Farm Group
Will Attend
UK Institute



Move Upheld

business manager
for the Kentuckian, has announced
that today is the last day that annual pictures will be taken. He
also asked students who have
had their pictures taken to
return the proofs to Room 210 of
the Journalism Building.





Metropolitan Dramatic Soprano


Cheer Contest


During the afternoon Dr. E. N.
Wilkinson, of Lexington, will give t
talk on "What Kentucky Baptists Ex- pect of Their Students." Following
his message, an election of state officers will be held.
Dr. J. W. Marshall, president of
Wayland College, Plainview. Texas,
will speai at the Saturday night
services and on Sunday morning at
the closing session. The musical
part of the program Saturday night
will be furnished by the UK BSU
University students responsible for
planning the convention are Evelyn
Williams and Evelyn Evans, registra-scienc- c.
Dons Amis and Nancy


Helen Traubel. Metropolitan Opera soprano, will appear with the
Cleveland Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of George Szell. in
a concert at 3 o'clock Sunday after-rioo- n
at Memorial Coliseum. This
will be the first afternoon concert
ever given In the series.
The orchestra will open the program with the Overture to "Euryan-the,- "
by Carl von Weber. Miss Traubel will sing Two Songs of Clarchen
from the Incidental Music to
Goethe's "Egmont," Op. 84. by Beet-


BSU State Convention
Begins Here Tonight

Federal written examinations will
be given in Lexington early in December at the Federal Building. Applications must be filed by Nov. 13.
Three examinations will be scheduled. The Junior Management Assistant Examination is designed for
nnnnnc with harlrnrntinri in nilhlic
or business administration,
government, economics,
relations, industrial man- engineering,
sociology, psychology, anthropology,
geography, or history who are interested in, and have aptitude for ad- ministrative work.
Persons who become eligible under
the Junior Professional Assistant
Examination are selected primarily
for positions in research in the fields
of bacteriology, economics, geog- raphy, geophysics, social science,
analyses, and statistics.



Cleveland Orchestra,
Metropolitan Soprano
Will Appear Sunday






Kentuckian Queen will

rr"wiud at the annual


to fraternities, sororities, residence halls, and later to classes.
Members expressed the intention of
giving every student an opportunity
to pledge his support to the
Under the direction of SGA representative Jerry Bass, the teacher
ratings began this week in the Col-

The Student Government Association Monday night adopted a resolution condemning gambling on athletic contests. The resolution will be
circulated to members of the stu-lebody for signatures.
The resolution:
"We, the undersigned, students of
ho University of Kentucky, recog- -i
e the detrimental effect gambling
?as on intercollegiate athletics. We
urther realize that such gambling


The Food Research Institute,
Stanford University, is now accepts.
ing applications for research
Students who qualify may
ecodo research in agricultural
nomics leading to the degree of
DKtor of Philosophy.
Two or three research assistant-ship- s
are available for the academic
year 1952-5Annual stipends range
from $1500 to $2000. according to
qualifications of appointees.
The Institute's program of study
emphasises preparation for a career
of research in such institutions as
the Food and Agriculture Organiza- i'h..ii by Bruce c.rjhaiu tion of the United Natioas. the
United States Department of Agri
culture, and corresponding organiJEAN HAKDUK'K. 101 llomei o'liin,- - Quri'ii. admires the trophy her
zations in foreign countries.
sorority. Alpha Gamma Delta, won for its house display. The trophy
In general, the program emphafor the best display in the fraternity division was won by Sigma Phi
sizes the investigation of the eco--i
Epsilon. Delta Zeta and Kappa Sigma were runners up.
nomic aspects of food and agricul
ture, both national and international.
Research assistantships will be
awarded to applications giving evi- dence of high scholarship aptitude
objectives, adeand
quately prepared, ordinarily to the
extent of a year of graduate study
acted as judges lor in economics or agricultural eco-tBefore u crowd of 30.000 persons, Courier-Journqueen contest.
Jean Hardwick. Alpha Gamma DelThe winners in the decoration
Applications must reach the In- ta, was crowned 1951 Homecoming
of the contest were Alpha Gamma Delta in
later than Feb. 15, 1952.
Queen during the half-tim- e
tiie women's division and Sigma Phi inu should W addressed to Dr.
Kentucky-Miafootball game.
Kpsiloii in ihe men's division. Tin l
O. Junes. Fot-Research InstiMiss Helen Kintf, alumni secretary: Bernie Shively. UK nthletir di- themes were "Moan Over
tute. Stanford Un:vers.iv. Stanford.
(Continued on Page 4
rector; and Larry Boeck of the



J: v




The annual Fall Festival of the
College of Agriculture and Home
Economics next Friday will feature
crowning of the festival's king and
Candidates for queen are Mary
Black. Martha Townsend. Pat Lancaster. Fayetta Elswick. June Robin- son, and Sue Hobgood;
for king.

Bruce pierce Tony Cocan0ugher.
Mevers, and C.
Dale stanl H

The fesUval was tne theme of
Tuesda-- S
A(?ricuiUire and Home
Economics convocation. Dean L. J.

Horlacher onened the meeting with
a talk, labeling the Fall Festival one
of the important functions of the
year in the Agriculture College.
Block and Bridle, national animal
husbandry group, will sponsor the
event jn cooperation with the Dairy,
and Home
Poultry, Horticulture.
Economics Clubs; Alpha Zeta, men's
agriculture honorary; and Phi
Omicron, women's home economics honorary.


Hardwick Crowned
Homecoming Queen






� oesi uopy MvauaDie


The Students Speak

Today's Youth-G- oing

Writer Says That Others Also Deserved
Recognition And Credit At

of ivprints from masaziiws reach tho Kerstraight to the waste-baske- t,
nel office. The majority of tin-imost of the remainder no on file for reference. Once in a great
while one is of such interest to students that it is used at once.
We received such a reprint tmliy.



vvk iloons

The source, a bit unusual Uv an almost philosophic article on
today's youth, was Time inag.iin.e. The article was entitled
simply: The Youime'r C. Deration." The content would merit
reading by every I'niversity stmt nt.
Attempts at the analy.ation of the youth of today and yesterday are made often. For the nvtst part they are superficial, not
reallv seeing the real issues. "The Younger Generation" is no such
article. It deals with the subject in a realistic and thorough
"Perhaps more than any of its predecessors, this generation
wants a good secure job . . . youth's ambitions have shrunk.
Few youngsters txlay want to mine diamonds in South Africa,
ranch in Paraguay, climb Mount Everest, find a cure for cancer,
sail around tle world, or build an industrial empire. Some would
like to own a small independent business, but most want a good
job with a big firm . . ."
Dominant Characteristic Security Consciousness
Tims Time outlines what is probably the dominant characteristic of today's youth security consciousness. Of course, it wasn't
reallv necessary to have Time tell us, we see it every day . . .
and hear it in the halls, and bull sessions:
"These humanities courses are all right for some people teachers, say but how is it to help me a physics major get. a job?"
"This army career idea looks good to ine. Get the right job
and with that retirement plan they got, you're in."
Time gives several probable reasons for this desire for security:
tlie lack of new worlds to conquer, the war, the effect of the depression, and the like. These may well lx the reasons, but they
aren't too valid. The worlds to conquer are still there, but youth
no longer looks for them. The war and depression hit just as
hard at those who were security conscious before them.
Can Vc Traduce Any Real Leaders?
Can a generation w ith such an outlook produce real leaders?
Time's answer, a quote from a 26 year old promotion manager:
"Sure I'd like to do something on my own, but I want to get
well fixed first make plenty of money and then maybe start some
Quite a bit different from the answer you. probably would have
gotten from the "Flaming Youth" of F. Scott Fitzgerald's era.
Sure, that generation was radical and scatterbrained; they took,
np the cross of wild causes and crusades; they made mistakes and
plenty of them. Hut they did something as individuals.
A couple of characteristics of today's youth might seem an im
provement. . . . The younger generation seems to drink less.
"There is nothing glorious or inglorious any more about getting
As a whole it is more
it is less showy alxiut sex.
sober and conservative, (.than its parents were) . . . considering
that its parents gave the younger generation few standards, few
ideals, and an education increasingly specialized . . . youth's
morals have turned out far better than anyone has a right to hope."



Today's Youth Has No Heroes
of the overall conserva-tivenes- s
But, perhaps this is only a
of our age, foralong with these are listed "stodgy intel- lectualism" and the following characteristic which, after the past
few weeks, hits rather hard here at UK: "Present day youth has
no living heroes and few villains. Said a professor of sociology:
"Ve spend all our time debunking. . . . We've even done it in
the snorts world. Kids today have to go all the way back to Babe
Ruth to find a hero."
Maylie the debunking isn't even necessary today. Athletes
who could lie heroes take care of that themselves pretty often.
And so we see youth today a rather colorless creature, searching for religion without finding it, mature in the sense that it no
longer looks or strives for the "great tomorrow" of twenty years
ago, and yet not cynical because it never really expected anything
in the first place.
Somehow we kinda yearn for the "Roaring Twenties" when
along with all the wilclness and childishness there was at least


Ah for the spring semester!

Columnist Believes
Play Is Worth Seeing
By Marilyn Kilgcr
comics page this week concerned
Well, it's almost too late now, but with current events on campus.
I want to say this much, anyway. Sadie Hawkins Day is at hand, and
The Guignol's presentation of "The the "LiT Abner" strip does not allow
Glass Menagerie" should have been a single reader to take the signifipatronized by the entire student cance of the event too lightly. Girls
and boys cannot forget, for a
body. Oh, not because the Gutenol
is a part of UK. Not because fellow minute, that next week offers an op-

students are taking part. The play portunity for female aggression.
should have been seen because it is However, Al Capp's publicity has
overlooked one fact: that individual
The Lexington public has realized advances should be culminated at
the quality it can expect. It has the Saturday night Sadie Hawkins
turned out in force it always does. Dance, sponsored by Keys, which is
student function. The most
The "general public" could tell you an all-othat a ticket to Guignol is one to important tie-u- p with Sadie Hawkartistry, and enjoyment, and just ins Day is this: participation at UK
pride in a local enterprise. I'd like gives tangible evidence of our
to know how many students have
backed up these facts with attendance.
"Almost" too late leaves a chance
To Give
you can still catch the Friday or
Saturday night performance.

Tau Sigma

Program At

Thanks to the Daughters of the
Confederacy, a symbol of our southern heritage can now be found in
Prazee Hall. The organization presented a portrait of John Hunt Morgan, painted by Mrs. Laura Spurr
Welch, to the University. The painting was accepted at a service held
Thursday, Oct. 25, by Dr. T. D. Clark,
head of the history department. At
the program the Kappa Alpha Band
played "Dixie"; the artist gave a
history of the picture; Bacon Moore,
Kappa Alpha, reviewed the life of
Morgan, Confederate officer in the
Civil War. The picture was unveiled,
and now hangs in the History Department, as a reminder of the man
who led the Kentucky regimental
guard for the Confederacy.

Tau Sigma will entertain all members of Student Union committees
with a program of dancing in the
Music Room of the SUB at 7 p.m.
on Nov. 29.

J. W. Martin Heads
Commerce Honorary

Prof. James w. Martin has been
elected president of Beta Gamma
Sigma, commerce honor society.
Other officers named are Joe Logan Massie, vice president, and Prof.
There is certainly one item on the Herman Ellis, secretary-treasure- r.

examinations in foreign
languages are being given at UK
again this year.
As far as I can see there is no
advantage or reason for such tests.
Why should students who have taken
a language course and passed it be
made to take an extra test before
getting credit for the course?
Only, six hours of a foreign language are required by the College of
Arts and Sciences, but to get credit
for these six hours, the student must

dent snirit, but blames the band for
not cooperMting with them when all
they have to do is ask for assistance.
When Suky members had to pay
part of thoir way to Florida and the
band went expenses paid, Suky let
it be known that the band did not
earn its trip to Florida. The Marching One Hundred mpmbers did not
tnke this lightly as they must practice long. har;l hours in all kinds of
weather while Suky has an easy job
in comuarison.
I believe, first of all, that The
Marching One Hundred should be
kept an active organization the year
round instead of disbanding after
the football season and. secondly, by
having parades and pep rallies before basketball and football games
with cheerleaders, band, and Suky
Andrew Wallace Jr.

Dear Editor:
It seems as if Suky and the band
can't get together at the football
games. Suky competes with the band
by having its card
at half-tim- e
tricks at the same time the band
is marching down the field trying
to put on a good show.
The band practices long hours in
all kinds of weather and then
marches in the freezing cold while
Suky sits in its section with plenty
of coats, etc., hoias up colored cards
and tries to stenl the show.
If Suky could work with the band
show and in the
in the half-tim- e
yells, it seems to me the school
spirit could be improved. And if the