xt7cnp1wf80x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cnp1wf80x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1934-05-21  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 21, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 21, 1934 1934 1934-05-21 2013 true xt7cnp1wf80x section xt7cnp1wf80x Best Copy Available














College of


Arts and Sciences

Announces Curricula
in New Field for Next Year


Four Years Work in
New Courses Will Be
Made Possible


Wednesday, May 23
p.m. Military Field Day and R. O. T. C. graduation everclsej,
8toll field.
p.m. University High commencement, University High school
Sunday, May 17
p.m. Baccalaureate procession forms on plaza between Physics and Mining building and on drive leading to the Administration building.
p.m. Baccalaureate sermon, "The Pen of a Man," the Reverend Robert Whitfield Miles, First Presbyterian church, Lexington.
p.m. Band concert, University band, amphitheatre of MemReception


English, foreign languages, physical
science, biological science, physical
education, and military science, and
In addition he may elect certain
credits from the field of sociology,
economics, political science, history,
and psychology. During the third
and fourth years, the student will
elect a minimum of 48 credits in the
fields of financial administration,
public management, public recording, public welfare, public works administration, foreign service, and
public safety administration. The
remaining credits may be elected
from any field that the student deCertain definite
sires to select.
courses have been selected in each
of the seven branches of public ser
vice suggested above. The expecta
tion is that the University, through
such a program, may better prepare
students who expect to make some
form of public service their life's

In addition to preparing students
to enter various fields of public service after graduation, the public
service program, as outlined by the

committee of the faculty, recognizes
the need of offering facilities to provide more adequate training for
those already In the public service.
To this end it is hoped that It will
be- possible to inaugurate a series of
short courses or institutes lasting
for a week, ten days, or two weeks,
at which various groups of officials
in the states, cities, and counties
may come together and discuss their
common problems. When and if it
is feasible, at least two of such Institutes will be held during the regular academic year and as many as
are demanded during the summer
In setting up this program, the
University is seeking to render more
complete service to the state and to
There has
its local
been a feeling for sometime that the
public services of the Commonwealth should receive more attention, and the University is taking the
lead In supplying this need.

Students interested in training
themselves for any branch of the
public service should talk the matter

over with Dean Boyd or any member
of the Committee on Public Service
course appointed by the President.
The committee is composed of Professor Montgomery of the sociology
department. Professor Asher of the
psychology department. Doctor Carter of the College of Commerce, and
Doctor Manning of the political
science department.


9:30 a.m. ' Commencemnet procession forms on plaza between Physics and Mining buildings and on Drive leading to Administration building.
10:00 am. Commencement address Doctor Arthur Morgan, Pres.
ident of Antioch college, Yellow Springs, Ohio.
guests, friends, alumni, and faculty of the
12:30 p.m. Luncheon
University, at University Commons, McVey hall.
3:00 p.m. Dedication of Patterson statue, the Honorable A. O.
Stanley, speaker.

Whoops M' Dear Sulzer Pops Of f
About Sumpin'
The German Club All Proceeds Will Go to

Has a

Oh, Why Not Read the


24-- A

Yes Sir, Right On the
Front Page, Too.


Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Bigge will be
hosts to the German club of the
University at a picnic which will be
evening, May 29.
given Tuesday
This event will mark the close of
a successful year for the club.
This organization. In the year
that it has existed, has sponsored
many interesting activities, among
them films on scenic attractions in
central European countries, quaint
customs still prevalent among German speaking peoples, and educational faculties offered in Germany
and Austria. In keeping with the
position of music in Germany, the
club has offered, from time to time,
Instrumental and vocal programs.
The club has presented as speak
era Mr. Paul K. Whitaker, instruc
tor in German; Dr. Harry Lee

Elmer (The Great) Sulzer, direc
tor of the publicity bureau and of
the WHAS University radio studios,
announces that anyone wanting
spare radio parts for making of
amateur sets to apply at the public!'
ty department. All proceeds from
this sale will go toward establishing
radio listening centers in remote
sections of Kentucky.
Such listening posts have already
been established at Versailles,
Frankfort (two), Middlesboro, Louisville, and Georgetown.
It is probable that three more will
be established in other remote sections of the state this summer, with
definite arrangements having been
made for the establishment of such
posts at Nicholasville, Shelbyville,
and Hustonvllle.

Darn Dutch
Doin' Durndest

Franklin, former United States
consul in Berlin; Prof. Blaine W. Fun, Frolic
Schick, assistant professor of Romance Laneuaees: Miss Louise Sorry We Gotta
Willson. critic teacher in the Unl' Charge
vorsit.v Training School: Dr. Hen'
ry Beaumont, assistant professor of
(well, at least 99
Psychology; and. Mr.
per cent Fatherland) front
Hord Travel
manager of Frank
Other activities were an yard party is slated, and will be
informal tea given in honor of first held, without a doubt, at
year German students, ana a uer- - this sultry afternoon on the hard-bakrrunnng im wuiwa
man Dlav.
snow covered lawn right beDr. A. E. iBlKKe. head of the Ger hind
man department of the Uiversity, ExperimentDairy building on the Ag
is faculty advisor of tne ciud.
For freshman, sophomores, Juniors, and warped-legge- d
title holders,
dancing and food will be 30 cents
and 20 cents respectfully submitted,
or a third page out of a second-rat- e
catalogue, two saturated penBE
cil points, the answer to an exam
question in physics, and a
"G" strings.
Take vour
A Lot of Journalism Students cherce.
Officers for the current year will
Gonna Go Swimming
not be elected. They could be tho:
etc. ?????
they gist do not choose to run this
About Next Saturday
time. Can't say as I blames 'em
provide the last chance for
senior and lower class men to get
together while they are happy, and
also to get In the swim, an
picnic will be held at
assorted hours at Boonesboro, SatBy EDSHAN
urday afternoon, May 26. SwimWith
final gasp
ming, beach fights, beach pajamers, and the the Jingle of "Peter Pan,"
of "Tinker Bell,"
baseball, etc., will be the order of at 10:45H o'clock last Saturday
night, the Jughole theater completthe day.
la ed a most resourceful season, having
Every student In Journalism
invited, providing he or she can the patronesses of the giant theater
find the necessary means of loco- crying for mercy In their seats at
motion. Seebe Anna, chef par ex- every performance of the six plays
Drug store, butchered during the season.
cellence at Bradley's
corner Main and Walnut (Ashland
The past season has been the most
560) will provide lunches
for all successful enjoyed by the theater
who cannot roll their own at 25 under the production of Frank Fool
cents per box. Be sure to go to the er, who has been In charge of the
Drug store and get your vittles un Jughole for the last six years. Much
let you want to fry your own eggs. of the success must be attributed to
L(lttle) CruUiher, who
You can purchase drinks there or G(reat)
swung the hammer on all the sets
there's the river.
Phone Seebe before nine o'clock used during the season. His greatSuturday morning and he will re est mess was seen in "Animal Kingserve your lunch for you. Cousin dom," when he contrived a twinging
Niel and Uncle Vic will be official set tliut would not awing until Mrs.
chaperones, assisted by other mem L. C. Kobinaon, business meater for
bers of the journalism faculty. the theater, tang "Swing Low, Sweet
tiring your date we dare you I


five-thir- ty





Dean Jones has announced that
all students who went to Frankfort
yesterday with the student and faculty group are automatically excused
from all classes that they missed.
University Committee

of 240 will

have an important meeting in the
Faculty Club room of McVey hall
at 7 p. m. Thursday. Important.
Theta Sigma Phi will hold pledging services at 4 p. m. Wednesday in
the Women's building. All pledges
and actives please be present.
All organizations on the campus
owing bills to The 1934 Kentucklun
must pay them at once. Failure to
make payment will be cause for re-

porting the organizations to the
Dean of Men's oflice and they will
be declared delinquent and will be
refused pledging and Initiation privilege next year.
There will not be a meeting
Omicron Delta Kappa today as
on Page Six)



Well, They Finally Voted
On That Sales Tax Thing
There Was a Lot of People
Down There at Frankfort to
See the Fight

Memorial Fund
Drive Begun
Movement Is Started to
Build Memorial in Honor of
Late Dean of Engineering
The first step In a movement to
raise funds for the building of a
memorial to the late F. Paul Ander
son, for 46 years dean of the Engineering college, was made by a
group of the dean's close friends in
an informal meeting Thursday at
the Phoenix hotel.
A committee was formed by the
group to write to friends of the dean
all over the nation advising them of
the movement and asking their
opinion on it. Acting Dean W. E.
Freeman of the College of Engineering was elected chairman of the
committee and Prof. H. C. Curtis of
the College of Agriculture, secretary-treasure- r.
The group will meet again
in the near future to make further

Announcers Want
Announcers Who
Can Announce

cant entirely or partially self-su- p
porting, (2) Has he or is he receiving
help from the school In the way of
scholarship or student loans, (3)
What are his home responsibilities?
Any other pertinent information of
this type would be helpful.
If your institution wishes to

Tryouts for radio announcers for
the University Extension studios of
station WHAS for this summer will
be held In the radio studios Wednesday and Thursday at 1 :30 p. m. each.
All students who will be here this
summer are requested to report to
recommend candidates, kindly re- Ralph Johnson or to Bromo Sulzer
turn these blanks to me at your at the studio if they think that they
earliest convenience. We will com- can announce over the raddio.
According to the guys who made
municate directly with the individuals we may wish to consider for this announcement, announcers who
live In Lexington are preferred, but
Your cooperation will be greatly anyone may try out for the work If
he wants to. Here's a chance for
the folks back home to hear your
Very truly yours,
voice over the raddio that is, if you
Tennessee Valley Authority,
make good. And then you will get
writeup in your home town paper,
Any junior students who are In
any, about "Local boy makes good"
terested In this work are asked to
see Dean Jones as soon as possible, or something.
as only six applications will be
accepted from this Institution.
Receive New Honors





number of undergrad
uate students of colleges and univer
sitles of the United States will be
employed as laborers by the Ten
A limited


Friday, Jane

If our headlines look different, if our sentences contain split
Infinitives, if our news stories are written as things actually happened, If our society writer records actual occurrences, and our reporters write what they see Instead of what they are told to write,
then do not be disconcerted and think The Kernel has gone to
the dogs.
It la this way: for four years we have had a book of rules; for
four years we have had a style sheet; for four years we have had
advice, and plenty of It; for four years we have not strayed from
the straight and narrow path. Now, for the first time In these
four years, yet, for the first time In history, we are going to obey
that impulse to write things as they should be written. We are
even writing society paragraphs as things actually occurred.
Those eternally intriguing headlines that had to be counted
out to the nth degree; the lead paragraph that always had to tell
the whole story and not make the reader wait until the proper
time for a climax; that deliberate falsehood that made a raving
beauty out of a homely bride, or the acme of perfection out of the
person who won the honor prize. At last we
have broken the restraining rein this Issue Is as it should be I
Our apology.

McVey Receives Letter from
C. L. Richey, Director of
Personnel Dep't

nessee Valley Authority on two proj
ects of that organization this sum
mer, according to a letter received
by Doctor McVey from C. L. Richey,
employment director of the person
net division.
Doctor McVey forwarded the letter
to Dean T. T. Jones who will have
charge of selecting the candidates.
Accompanying the letter were six
application blanks, which will be the
quota allowed the University.
The letter received follows:
My dear Dr. McVey:
"It Is our plan to employ a limited
number of undergraduates this sum
mer to work as laborers at Norris
and Wheeler Dams and at other
locations where the Authority is
active. They will be selected from
many colleges and universities and
accordingly only a very few can be
considered from the number who
apply. Selection will be made from
the best qualified candidates recom
mended by all institutions invited
to participate; a quota plan will not
be followed.
We plan to select undergraduates
preferably juniors, who have demon
strated qualities of leadership and
social vision, who are In need of
work, and whose scholastic standing
is above average. It will be understood that their employment will be
terminated before the fall term con
venes. As their duties are likely to
include-heav- y
labor, it is essential
that they be of strong physique.
Earnings will be from 37 M to 45
cents per hour and the work week
varies from 33 to 40 hours.
W are enclosing a few app!lca- tion blanks which should be com
pleted by the candidates you may
wish to select for our consideration.
It would be of considerable assistance to us in making our selection
if you would supplement these ap
plications with your comments on
the following points: (1) Is appli

f Its the Last

Thing You Do,
Read This
Flash, bulletin, etc. Frosh goelo- gists took field trip on week-en- d
May 19 and 20 on the way up and
on the top of Natural Bridge, leaving in the morning and arriving
later In the same morning, which in
itself is quite a record.
The students stood around and
looked at the bridge and wondered
all about it. One of the more talkative members of the party summed up the concensus of opinion
saying, "Some bridge," 'Bout a
hunderd looked on.
Might do the same next year
Then again, might not.
Nothing much happened.
know how those trips are.

Two UK Graduates
Two University graduates recently have been honored for outstanding work in their respective fields.
Miss Willy King was elected a state
director of the Kentucky Society
for Crippled Children, at a meeting of the society held In Louisville, and Miss Esther Oreenfleld,
promising young artist, will present
an exhibition of her works this
week at the Students' and Artists'
club in Paris, France, according to
word received here last week.
Miss King Is president of the
Lexington Altrusa club, and was
publicity director of the Lexington
Junior League's crippled children's
drive, sponsored in Lexington.
Miss Greenfield, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Greenfield, Versailles road, was awarded a scholarship for study in Paris.

Jughole Closes 34 Dramatic Season

The opening play of the Euclid
avenue hangout was "When Ladles
Meet," which of course they never
do, as there are only two ladles in
Kentucky, and both of them were in
jail during the production. The following play, the production staff of
the Jughole tried to make a lady out
out of moonlight, calling the play,
"Mrs. Moonlight."
The next attempt put on by the
theater was a Oreek farce, written
recently by Sophocles, an old restaurant owner, and wat called "Oedipus
Rex," as a polite title, and many
other things In private. The next
flop wat "What the Gulls Knew."
and like the players, knew nothing,
but no one cared.
Then came the pinnacle of success
for the giant theater' productions,
"Animal Kingdom," which gave the
idea for the last play. "Peter Pan."
"Animal Kingdom," waa an unusual
name to give to such a show because



uate Students

for graduating class, parents and guests, by



Tennessee Valley Authority
Will Hire Some Undergrad-

Tuesday, May 29
10:30 ajn. Meeting of Board of Trustees.
Wednesday, May 30
9:00 p.m. Senior ball, Men's gymnasium.
Thursday, May 31
3:30 a.m. Breakfast for the graduating class, given by President
and Mrs. McVey, Maxwell Place.
9:00 -- 10:30 a.m. Registration of alumni, Administration building.
11:00 a.m. Meeting of the Alumni association on the lawn, Maxwell Place.
12:30 p.m. Class luncheon.
3:30 p.m. Memorial service for members of the faculty and students who have died during 1933-34:30 p.m. President and Mrs. McVey at home to alumni and
guests of the graduating class, Maxwell Place.
7:00 p.m. University of Kentucky alumni banquet, Lafayette




Faculty club.

The College of Arts and Sciences
announces the inauguration of curricula in Public Service, starting the
Courses offirst semester, 1934-3fered in the various colleges have
been arranged so as to a fiord the
student an opportunity to take work
leading toward a degree with a
major in Public Service. In addition
to these curricula, it is planned to
Institutes lasting for
a week, ten days, or two weeks, at
Intervals throughout the year. These
institutes are intended to give practical instruction to persons already
employed in certain branches of the
Public Service of the state and its
subordinate units.
The regular academic curricula
leading to the degree of Bachelor of
Arts with a major in Public Service
will constitute four-yeThe program will be divided into
During the
two major divisions.
first and second years the student
expected to meet all lower
will be
division college requirements In


TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1934


orial hall.
5:00 p.m.






there was not even a mouse in the


"Peter Pan," which should have
been called "Animal Kingdom," on
account of the number of animals in
it, was a tickling success, made so by

of the mean

old crocodile, who was always chasing the tweet little pirate captain,
played by George White Fix lan, nemesis of all English students, and
scaring him out of his over-siz- e
boou. "Peter Pan," the twlttingest
twitter that ever twitted, played by
Frank Twlllis, the Jughole
seemed to have ants and
never seems to be able to hold still.
However, the play if over and now
Mr. Twlllis can go back to the wide
open spaces and jump as he pleases.
Hoping that we see more of the
Jughole next season, we wish the
promising actors and actresses much
suoceat In their home town socials
this summer.

The House of Representatives,
yesterday morning in the
Senate chamber, did something
about the general sales tax bill, advocated for the past 80 years by
somebody, by a vote of 186 for the
bill and 2 agin it.
As a result of this momentous
vote, all University classes will be
dismissed for the next 8 years and
approximately 34 of the 35 buildings
on the campus will be dynamited as
an economy measure, leaving the
tool house of the buildings and
grounds department.
The vote was taken before a packmeeting

ed house, who came expecting to see
Sally Rand but she was unable to
appear. As a result of the huge
crowd, many of the visitors on the
floor voted heartily for the measure
and a good many senators made
speeches for It, but an emergency
was declared to exist by the speaker
and the votes were counted legal.
Thousands of people milled in and
out of the capitol during the day.
A feature of the morning program
was a parade through the downtown
section to the capitol, led by the
band interspersed by
farmers and retail merchants. Large
delegations from all parts of the
state attended, but approximately
5,000 of them ran off the hill while
entering the city and fell into the
state penitentiary grounds, where
they are being held for disturbing
the peace.
Our own representative, Elmer X.
Burp, made the following statement
regarding the outcome of the legislation when Interview last night (Elmer, not the legislation) by a Kernel

reporter: "$('!;'V3...?.:fr


Various delegations of retail
merchants cried till their hearts
nearly broke. After that there was
no use crying. When the vote was
announced they had to be carried
out on stretchers. Four contractors
were used also.
In a commotion by Representative
Oscar Zilch of Stix county, the legislature adjourned, after several
heated speeches, leaving the ladles
to their wine and cigars. Action on
a bill to be introduced taxing pigs'
feet, frog's legs, and sand and gravel,
Is expected tomorrow, when the legislature will meet to adjourn to meet
again to adjourn to meet again to
adjourn and so ad infinitum until
all the state's money is used and the
Commonwealth will be dissolved,
thereby solving all financial and
political problems.



Governor Rubv Laffonn and
Major General Rowlev
Will Visit UK
Awards Will Be Made During
Annual Program on
Stoll Field
The boom nf rinotMn mM, u
official governor's salute, announcing the arrival of Rnv,mn
La Toon at Stoll field tomorrow at
2 p. m., will be the signal for the
start of what la expected In he the
greatest R.O.T.C. Field Day ever
held at the University.
General invitsttinns hn fwen
broadcast to all corner of the stat
for the exercises which will Include
a review of the entire regiment, 900
strong; company and individual
competitive drills; exhibition drill by
Pershing Rifles; award of prizes, end
me administering of oath of office
to graduates. The concluding number of aDDroximatelv
military events will be the parade
in honor of the Reserve Officers'
Association of Kentucky.
Alhert T Tir.nl,,
of Columbus, Ohio, Commanding
uenerai or tne Firth Corps Area, will
be a distinguished miest. at. the
clses. General Bowley returned to





me unitea

states recently from
Hawaii Where he commanded the
Hawaiian division, said to be the
only fully organized division in the
unitea states peace time army. Relinquishing command of the Hawaiian department. General Bowlev
made a three months' tour of the
Orient and arrived at his headquar
ters at ran Hayes last month.
Company "C" Pershinir Rifles th
crack drill unit of the Fifth Corps
Area, composed of 60 cadets and a
full complement of cadet officers,
will act as an Escort of Honor for
Governor Laffoon when' he enters
Stoll field at the east gate on Rose
street. He will be met by Major B.
E. Brewer, commandant of cadets.
The Governor will Inspect the company, and after the inspection the
Pershing Rifles unit will reform.
Then preceded by the - University
band, the national and regimental
colors, the company will escort the
Auvancea course K.o.T.C. having

Immediately the Governor and his
party is seated, the cadet regiment.
900 strong, led by the "Best Band
in Dixie," will march In the field at
the west entrance and pass In review in honor of the President of the
institution and distinguished guests
to begin the afternoon's exercises.
During the afternoon the following awards are to be made: Rotary
Club Trophy, to be awarded to C. W.
Kaufman of Nicholasville, the graduating member of the Second Year
Advanced course ROM having
been selected by the secret vote of
tne Advanced Course students as
excelling In reauirementji of
Phoenix Hotel Cup, to be awarded
to Ralph S. Edwards of Walton, the
member of the First Year Advanced
Course R.O.T.C. having the highest
average in academic work and mili
tary science ror tne school year


tn he award.
ed to William J. Honhorst, of New
port, the member of the Second Year
Avancedd Course R.O.T.C. having
the highest standine in all of his
University work.
Lafayette Hotel Cup, to be awarded to Oscar P. Reuter, Louisville, the
member of the First Year Advanced
Course R.O.T.C. having the highest
average in military science for the
school year 1933-3(Continued on Page Six)
R.O.A. Field Glasses,



Illustrations for the senior edition
were planned and executed at sunrise by non other than the artist,
Palnta Picture. Owing to the ex- Clara Margaret Fort Is
treme censorship exercised by the Recipient of a Ring
managing editor of this rag, the With "K" on it
sketches were omitted from the ofFor the first time in three years
ficial publication, and will not be on
display at The Kernel office, Art the Women's Athletic association is
or Museum.
presenting a "K" ring to a girt se
lected by the four "powers," Deans
Hianaing and Holmes, Mrs. Server,
and Miss Averlll, as outstanding In
Mortar Bored, senior women's scholarship, leadership, and activi
honorary for grinds who will persist ties.
In trying to join various and sundry
The winner of the award is Clara
organizations,, will assemble at 4 Margaret Fort, president for the last
bells, in the Women's building (small two years of the ambitious athlete.
edition of a Student Union building)
Other W.A.A. awards which have
for the purpose of completing roubeen made are numerals to Betty
tine business for the year.
Earle, Martha Fugett, Marguerite
Goodfrlend, Mary Lou Hume, Helen
Jones, Evelyn Marrs, Eleanor Sned-eke- r,
Margaret Warren, Mary Gunn
Webb, and Dorothy Whitworth. Hel
en Jones received the WAA. pin
All seniors who have not
awarded anually to the girl earning
paid their three dollars cash
the most points during the year.
deposit for the cap and gown
Palleiia Campbell won the archery
to be used in graduation extournament and the engraved arrow.
so as soon as
ercises, must do
(Too bad she didn't get a bow with
possible at the Business ofthe arrow.)
fice. If payment is made, a
Finals in the tennis doubles tourreceipt from the office must
nament must be played off by
be presented at the Book
Wednesday in order that the winner
store. No checks will be accan be decided upon by next fall.
cepted. This depoblt will be
The tournament has only been going
returned upon turning In of
on for the past month so not much
the cap and gowns at the
headway has been made, but just
Book store.
give these women time they'll fin
ish the thing yet

� Best Copy

Tage Two

Joe Rupert, New Football
Captain for Next 1 ear,
Is Shot on Campus
Wildcat Cannonball Gets a
Nasty Wound Yesterday
Afternoon; "Ouch," says Joe





A Syracuse university professor
has developed a new method of UP
teaching foreign languages and he
uses a device called the "auctor"
which he developed.


War Ends as Lee Gives
Up to Grant; Civil
War Ends



Starting Wednesday





Starting Thursday


ivil War Ends as Lee Gives
Up to Grant; Civil

War Ends

(Kernel War Correspondent)
Th Civil War ended todav with
the surrender of General Robert E.
Lee and the Confederate army, tnus
giving the victory to the Union
rnmmnndeH hv General U. 8.
Grant. The United States and the
world in general Is rejoicing over the
conclusion of this terrific struggle,
which has occasioned so much suffering. The armies went unfed for
days at a time; tne uonieaeraie
forces have had to wear rags; and
ths Northern armv is said to have
been fighting in Union suits. But
now all this is at an ena.
Tn malrlncr A ftt&.tfmpnt for the
press. General Lee said that the
Union army had been flies in his
soup. He may protest the decision

return encasement.
General Grant, on the other hand,
stated that he hated the soutnern
army to pieces because he would
feari mnre men left had they
not murdered so many to death.
President Lincoln said that he was
glad that the Union naa neen preserved so Washington would not
have been the father of twins.
(Editor's Note) Reporter Puddles-wortas usual, is a bit late with his


Purpose of Military
Lullaby Explained




Starling Tbunday





Now Playing


Starting Thursday



Tuesday, May 21, 1?



A Runch of Men with Horns
Will Try to Make Some

Music for a Dance


Now Playing



Pokers Frat To
Hold Something

Joe Rupert, recently elected football captain for the 1934 football
season, was shot yesterday afternoon on the University campus.
The tranedy occurred while the SCABORATORY
Cattlettsburg Cannonball, as he Is
known among his teammates, sports
writers, and other enemies, was Tutting Room to Re
standing qulety talking to one of Furnished for Heinz
the faculty about football plans for and 57 Other Varieties
next year.
Police at first though the shoot- of Profs
ing was the result of campus poliThe Department of Health and
tics, but they soon found out difHygiene, which occupies the entire
No. 1 floor of Neville's hall and con
All classes will be dismissed Sun-laaccording to University rum sists of the Suspensary and various
ors, In honor of the person who shot equipment and Junk for the purpose
of trying to treat and research, has
our Joe.
In order to Miow their apprecia- gathered together in one large pile
tion for the work the Cannonball (called a laboratory), all apparatus
has done the school by his mistakes used in bacteriology work. Yes, work,
on the gridiron, his classmates will hey-heThe scaboratory which is
not send him
check to pay his under the Jurisdiction of Doctor
expenses home.
Hamilton (to you) has accommodaThe Kernel, at the Instigation of tions for making vaccines and comthe students as they would not have pounding crude drugs for the Susdared to print anything laudatory pensory. Experiments in the growth
about the young man without his of bigger and better bacteria for
consent, desires to say that they disease purposes and first basal
are pleased to state that he is do- metabolism are also tinkered with
ing nicely In his school work.
by Doctor Hamilton.
After many hours of research In
The work of the department is
the University library, located on heavily laden on the shoulders of
the campus, a Kernel reporter Doctors Chambers (not rooms), Pin-nfound that Rupert had only receiv(not cents), Hamilton (not
ed a tuberculosis shot.
Alex.), and Hughes (not Turkey),
with the assistance of Professor
Heinz (57), Instructor in class work.
The throwing together of the new
Fifty very delicious. Individual laboratory was for the purpose of
steaks, some salt and peper, bread more room for the doctors so that
and butter sandwiches, pickles, ice they might brush up on their putcold tea, Dixie cups, potato salad ting during the dull hours and also
with onions, a spoon, tomatoes were for the purpose of adding accommoon the menu of a steak supper which dations for a reception hall. (Some
the sophomore commlssidn enjoyed times used as a lounging quarters).
last night in the Engineering rock
old laboratory will be used for
garden. On tlhe program for the