xt7cnp1wf79n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cnp1wf79n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1934-09-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 14, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 14, 1934 1934 1934-09-14 2013 true xt7cnp1wf79n section xt7cnp1wf79n L

Best Copy Available





Pres. McVey Greets Students
At First General Assembly
of the Various Colleges
Were Presented at






Jman Has Reen Chosen


the Next Convocation Speaker


that the faculty and




i.operate, Dr. Frank I
of the University,
.i i student to the University
t ."
first convocation of the
d at 10 a. m. Thursday In
'- !tl..
hall. Preceding his ad-- I.
Robert W. Miles pro
! the Invocation.
tut to a near capacity audi- rf students, Doctor McVey
Mt', i that "the University
f ;i.
ed as a study school and as
e to work, and the
vio brag about never hav- d the library or attended
Ion are refugees from In-- U
( .;
, Inted out that the obliga--- .:
he students is to take ad-- 4
of the facilities of the
obligation of
t w .nd that thestudy subjects
ilty Is to
presenting, and to
iey are
V r'
knowledge of good man-:.- -:


Must Leave











irof Board;

Mary Helzer,
Hellenic; Sara Trustees Report that Fdur
.! uU
r.tull, president of Y. W. C.
Faculty Members Granted
Hunt, president of the
Leave of Absence; Four
ii.wnicy Council; John F.
of the Kernel;
Others Were Retired
Coffman, editor of the
f r,v,i.i.t i.in; William Bryan, presi-ci- rt
Eleven new appointments to the
ot- Jie Y. M. C. A.
staff of the University were made
l"c'.. ! dward F. Asher, instructor at a meeting of the executive comr,
logy, and representative of mittee of the Board of Trustees
i i P-- .r
: Kappa, honorary organi-:- '.
on July 17. Four members of the
'1' .i t promote scholarship, pre-.- staff were granted leaves of abr.tt; j n set of books to Pauline sence effective this year, and four
7;u'-n;xa, Taylorsville, In recog-- ti others were retired having reached
her scholarship achieve-rr-enthe compulsory retirement age.
airing her freshman year.
The appointments, two of which
. Ion of this award Is one are temporary, include:
of 'v.'i; uinu of the organization,
John V. Alcott, appointed inbeing to offer member-r- i; structor in art for the year 1934-3- 5
to 'tudents in the senior class
because of the leave of absence
r)t!t huve standings of 2.5 or above. granted Miss Jean Lowry. Mr. AlDoctoik.iing the presentation,'.
cott holds a Ph. D. degree from the
tor Kr''.-- introduced Mr. Hlckock, University of Wisconsin.
(. j
tive of the national coun- i pi
Amos H. Eblen, appointed in:I ft sJety campaign,
who urged structor in law for the year 1934-3- 5,
.4uoe.t to "use good manners in
because of the leave of absence
tra f.'ir.' He emphasized the fact granted Prof. Forrest Black who is
nit U ere would not have' been working on a federal project in
fatalities due to automobile Washington. Mr. Eblen is a grada in the United States dur-- i uate of the University of Missouri
.; t
last year if more people had and has taught in the University of
l such mottos as "Stop, look, Missouri Law school for two years.
i. ii'. 1; ten, or you'll
be missing,"
O. Tilson,
i Hi " thy risk a life to save a nursery inspector
in the Depart.".Unit "'
ment of Entomology and Botany.
f'h text convocation will be held He Is a graduate of Berea college
Cs u
18. at which time Doctor ana has attended two summer ses.k
;!-sions at the University.
of New York will speak.
George M. Harris was aDDointed
assistant in the department of
markets and rural finance. Mr.
Harris received a master of Arts
degree from Iowa State college In















Niel Plummer was appointed full
time instructor in the department

of Journalism.
has taught In
several years,
of arts degree

Mr. Plummer,


the department for
received a master
from the University

in 1932.
Prof. Louis Clifton, acting didepartments who are
the research project rector of University extension dethe FERA will meet partment, was reappointed. Other
today in Room 111, appointments made in the department of university extension were
Dr. Marguerite Tyler, Owensboro,
s and a general meeting of Instructor In chemistry; J. b.
nu interested in dramatics Holtzclaw, Instructor In political
ield at the Cuignol theater, science; Miss Elma Rood,' State
J 5 p. m. Friday. Places are Board of Health, instructor In hygiene.
i for those Interested In
stage craft, and research K. Salyer was appointed
assistant In President

tads of
ed In
aul'ic; ed by
p. m.
at i: .










(J. e


ration of automobiles

xl; ment

Ki t




j ''e




i. ii '



. i.

M v. ,
ui. T


of parking; spaces for
nembers will be held in the
the dean of men on Wed- Sept. 19. Thursday and
Sept 20 and 21, registra- be held for students.

students who have not
heir physical examinations
report to the dispensary In
hall today between 1:30 and
.. to be examined
at that

uUents who have not received
Kt oiflce boxes may do so by
at the University post office
jasement of McVey hall.
igton Chapter, Order of De- will hold its first fall meeting
p. m. at the Masonic tcmplo
Dtlnued on Pae Seevtn)


W. R. .Sutherland was appointed
assistant-professof public speaking.
Those granted leaves of absence
Miss Jean Lowry, of the department of art, who Is resuming work
on a Ph. D. degree at Columbia university.

Prof- - J- - W. Martin, director of
the bureau of business
James E. Wilkins, instructor in en.
gmeermg, ana Earl Mavhew. cuuntv
agent in Knox county.
ine lour who were retired were:
Dr. J. T. C. Noe, who has been
assigned the Anthology of Kentucky writers and extension
tag; Dr. F. E. Tuttle, who was
to research work in the
chemistry department; Dr. J. M.
Davis, assigned to obtain the biographies of members of the board
of Trustees; Dr. C. A. Zembrod,
assigned to the study of idioms.



Pan-hellen- ic




Effectively; Jobe and
Nevers Go Well

rushing rules for HEAD COACH CHET WYNNE Has
made a triumphal march of coaching at various schools... Came to
Kentucky from an unusually successful session at Auburn... Kentucky looks to him to bring them
out of the football wilderness.


sororities has not been changed, and
pledging will be held on Saturday
night, September 22, at Memorial
Fraternities will have a week to
turn the names of their pledges into
the office of the dean of men, so that
the men will be officially pledged.
After a man has been pledged to one
fraternity, he is not allowed to withdraw his pledgeship unless he gives
a satisfactory reason to the dean of
men and to the fraternity officials.
Fraternity presidents are urged to
turn these cards in as soon as
possible to Dean T. T. Jones.
Sororities must turn in their bids
to the office of the dean of women
no later than noon, Saturday, September 22. Bids will be distributed
at 8 o'clock that night at Memorial
Dean Jones, at a meeting of the
council last week,
announced that the rule which prohibited fraternity men enrolling
at the University this semester until
they had settled old bills owed the
fraternities, had proved a great success, bringing many hundreds of
dollars to the fraternities.
The dean of men announced that
men who were working on FERA, or
who applied for a Job, could not be
pledged to a fraternity. Dean Jones
pointed out that if a man could
pledge a fraternity, his financial
status was not one that demanded
help from the government to put
him through scliool
During the meeting of the fra
ternity representatives, the financial
status of the organizations was discussed.
The annual
at 8 p. m. Wednesday at Patterson
opened rushing.
Date days,
informal meetings of the girls at the
sorority houses, have been set for
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of
next week, from 4 to 6 p, m. During
the last several days, teas have been
held at the various sorority houses
for the entertainment of freshman
(Continued on Page Ten)
Inter-fraterni- ty




Because of the temporary change
made In the fraternity rushing rules
last year, the Greek organizations
win be allowed to pledge men after
6 o'clock tomorrow night, Instead of
waiting until the seventh day of
classes, as was formerly the rule.


,! "if


Spirit Runs High Among
Players; No Injuries Reported to Date

Dean Jones Terms Prohibit
ing Enrollment of Debtors
a Great Success




Latest Enrollment Figure
Indicates 2,555 Students
This Marks an Increase
.115 Over Last Year's
4th Day Total


Record of
Dean of Men's








Still Hold Good

The Federal Emergency Relief Ad
ministration will furnish work for
186 students of the University thin
semester. A meeting was held yes
terday afternoon at Memorial hall
under the direction of Dean T. T.
Jones, and the students were assignJ
ed to jobs on the campus.
All of the students who were assigned Jobs yesterday are requested
to leave their names and the Jobs to
which they were assigned at the
office of the dean of men today.
Dean Jones, in trying to avoid having any of the students working on
the wrong Job, due to the confusion
which attended a meeting at Me
morial hall, deemed this move wise.
A warning that each worker will
be allowed only half time, which is
25 hours, this first month, because
the work is beginning in the middle
administration of the month, was Issued by Dean
and careful
.." ti. .(ratty affairs.
Jones, who urged that every worker
to I welcome you in your try to get In
his alloted time.
" ' rest, in the Interest of the
Any student who finds that he will
Cci-- r. ..i. wealth of Kentucky, and In
of the University of not be able to get in this tune, or is
report to the Dean
K iLuv:'," said Doctor McVey in sick, is asked to some man on
of Men, so that
j'oi'ov 'ng his address Doctor Mc-- j. working list may get the chance to
r e sented Dean P. P. Boyd, make the other time.
Last year many of the workers did
ff'.'u '. c: the college of Arts and
j ?. j ; Dean college ofP.Agricul- -, not awork all of their hours out, and
result, a surplus was turned
or. il
of the
ture xan W. S. Freeman, acting back to the government, which is
.1 or
he college of Engineering; financing the FERA.
A. l vans, dean of the college
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser,
f Its
Ti i f.. the graduate school; Dean
mes, dean of men;
i. i.
Blanding. dean of wom- -,
In v Carolyn, Terrell, president
U. K,
ui Wc isn's Self Government as-.- .'
ion. Marjorie Wiest, president


Football Coach WYNNE'S





Frats May Pledge Men Early;
Old Sorority Regulations







It at







Ol. XXV.


Little Theater
Opens Season
On October 15
Pot" Is Slated
As Its Initial

'The" Watched

"The Watched Pot," by Soke", to
be presented on October 15, will
open the seventh season of the
Oulgnol theater. Six plays, all of
different types, will be presented
by the dramatic organization this
The Guignol theater, known as

the "Little Theater," has the reputation of being the best "little-theatin the South. Six plays are
given annually, and all are well attended by University students and
faculty, as well as town people.
This year, it inaugurated a new
policy. Every registered student
was given
cutM containing six
coupons. Each coupon entitles the
to a ticket when accomstudent
panied by 40 cents.
This year's staff on productions
include Frank Fowler, director;

Mrs. Lolo Robinson, business manager; Mildred Schaffner, costumes;
Edna Brumagen, who replaced Virginia Boyd as property manager;
Malcolm Shotwcll will replace O.
L. Crutcher as stage manager, and
Wallace Difford, electrician, replacing Clarence Moore.
A Guignol key is awarded to students who work in five out of the
six plays in one year. This work
may be done on the stage, in properties, on advertisements, on costumes, or by taking part in the
actual play.
Lslie County Is Site of Tryouts will be held for students
who are Interested in stage work
Latest Listening
this afternoon. The theater is open
for Inspection of students at any
Installation and inspection of five time.
new University radio listening cen- onSeason tickets already have
ters in Leslie county were the object six sale. These tickets are good for
performances, and all of them
of a trip to that section of Kentucky may be used for one performance
by Harris M. Sullivan, technician at
if the holder desires. The price
the University radio studios, and El- will be the same.
mer Q. Sulzer, supervisor of the University listening center system.
Three of these centers recently have
been Installed, and the other two
were ojects of Inspection by the University representatives.
The new centers have been established at Cutshln, pry Hill, and
Stinnett. Those which were inspected are located at Wooton and Hyden.
The Leslie county installations bring First Term Draws 1,178 to
University; Graduates Tothe total number of listening centers
to 19. These are located In Leslie,
tal 157; 57 Advance DeKnott, Letcher, Johnson, Floyd,
grees Are Conferred
Breathitt, and Owsley counties.
The radio system has been financStatistics show that a total of
ed entirely by gifts from Lexington
clubs and by individuals. Radio sets, 1,878 students enrolled in the two
which have been given to the Unisessions of the University Summer
versity studio, have been sent to school, conducted this summer unremote sections of Kentucky where der the direction of Dr. Jesse E.
radio sets are a rare luxury.
Adams of the College of Education.
Of this number 1,178 were in atDOME IS REPAIRED
tendance the first term of the
secM. J. Crutcher, superintendent of school, while 700 attended the
buildings and grounds at the Uni- ond term. The first term ran from
versity, directed repair work on the June 11 to July 16 and the second
to August 18.
dome of Memorial hall during the term from summer commencement
month of July. Under his super- of The fifth
the University was held August
vision the workmen of the Univer17 at 4 p. m. in Memorial hall, with
sity repaired and painted the entire
InvoDr. Jesse Adams presiding.
cation was pronounced by Dr. A. W.
Every male senior at tlie Uni- Fortune of the Central Introduced
versity of California must undergo church. The
was Dr. William
two weeks of football training; one by Doctor Adams,
president of Oakland
week in the line and one In the CityDearlng,
college, Oakland City, Ind. He
spoke on "The School and the
Community." A total of 157 graduates were presented degrees by
Dean W. S. Taylor of the College
of Education as
the University. Fifty-seve- n
Freshmen are requested to
advanced degrees.
report to the dispensary towith
A series of convocations
day to have the results of
prominent speakers from all over
their tubercular test deterwas held during the sesthe nation
mined. Only 62 percent of
sion, three In the first and two In
the boys and 83 percent of
the second term. The largest atthe girls have reported. It Is
tended convocation was during the
unpuitant that the remainder
second term when Mrs. Franklin D.
report at once.
Roosevelt, wild of the President of
4 the United States, spoke.

Kentucky's 1934 grid machine is
fast rounding Into shape and even
after such a short period of practice Kentucky's edition of King
Football presents a vastly different
appearance from any team which
represented Kentucky in the past.
The smoothness and precision of

the shift together with the fast
break and timing is much more
impressive than the sluggish and

almost obsolete systems that were
used here in the past. Spirit Is
running high among the players

and no injuries mar the team to
Joe Rupert developed an infected
knee which kept him off the field
for a few days but was back in
uniform Wednesday afternoon.
A light scrimmage was held Wed
nesday afternoon and the few spec
tators who were allowed to witness
the workout at close range were
decidedly impressed with the way
the team succeeded in completing
passes and going down under punts.
Johnson and McCool did all the
punting and at no time did the
receiver gain. Time and again no
less than seven men bottled up the
ball carrier and brought him down.
Teams in the past have always
gained against Kentucky in receiving punts and after witnessing the
practice it seems that the Wildcats
will be safe in that department of
the game.
Jobe and Nevers did especially
well in going down the field. As a
matter of fact there was no way
of distinguishing the ends from the
rest of the linemen in the matter
of seeing who got down the field
The passing game proved highly
tricky and potent. "Able" Ayers
and Johnson starred In that department and both look almost as
Phillips of
good at short passing-a- s
Georgia Tech.
The squad is down to about 30
players but their quality is unusattempts
ually good.
at blocking and intercepting is no
longer seen. Players who Indulged
in that type of football have been

gradually eliminated until now
there are no more of them on the


There are enough good players
on the field to turn out two crack
(Continued on Page Ten)


Five New UK Radio

Centers Installed







Per Capita

Boosted by State
Increase Per Pupil Is Raised
from $6 to $11.60 Over
Last Year
An announcement from the office
of James H. Richmond, superin
tendent of public instruction, at

Frankfort last July 18 set the per
capita for schools in Kentucky at
tll.60. This per capita means that
the state will distribute among the
school districts this year $11.60 per
pupil as against $6 during the last

fiscal year.
he Increased per capita distribu
tion, which already has begun, was
made possible by the passage In the
recent special session of the legis
lature of the 3 percent gross re
ceipts tax law, indorsed by the
school forces last year provided It
v as coupled with an income tax.
The income tax was rejected by the
senate despite pleas of Gov. Ruby
Laffoon and Superintendent Richmond.
Increased state support of the
public school will make possible
substantial increases in mlnumum
salaries of teachers In rural districts, which in some districts
slumped to a level of $30 a month
In 1933-3School teachers hailed
the new appropriation as making
possible longer school terms and
equalizing educational opportunities
In Kentucky.
The new per capita was figured
on the basis of a state school census of 722.000 for 1934-3- 5 as compared with a census of 720,000 In
the last year. Under the new educational code, enacted by the 1934
the entire state per
capita and one-ha- lf
of the local
goes to payment of teach

Candidates Report'
ed for Initial Warmup
on Stoll Field

Sixty-fiv- e


Complete Total Expected to
Reach About 2,800



Late registration figures obtained
from the office of the Registrar at
An initial squad of about 65 the close of the day yesterday In
freshmen hopefuls reported on 8toll dicated that a total of 2J555 freshfield yesterday afternoon for the men and upperclftssmen have reg
istered. Yesterday was the fourth
first official practice session of the day
of registration. Figures at th
will be swelled
season. This number
end of the foorth day of registraconsiderably in a few days when tion; loft-fashowed 2540 students
more equipment will be rraijitblf to'! reKtered, making an increase this
year pi jis m iat;
ine canaiaai.es.
The number- - C freshmen regisThe first workout was mainly .de tered cdu'.d not be determined until
voted to setting up exercises', and filing of. classification cards has
work on fundamentals. . The back been fomrleted, but 703 registered
fleld men were given otl opportun Monday and at least 200 more are
ity to become acquainted with tnc,
was estimated last
new shift; while the linemen '.vere night that It total registration at
putting time on the rudiments of the close of the period September
blocking and tackling.
Coaches 24 would reach 2.800 students. The
Shively and Prlbble instructed the final registration total last year
line aspirants, with Coach Frank was 2,468, which would make an
Mosely, former Alabama star, aid- increase of 332 over the last years
ing the backs.
While it Is too early to pick out
The period of registration will
any particular men as certain close Monday, September 24, and
starters, there are a number of a late registration fee will be
boys who have compiled fairly good charged beginning today. Septem
records In high school. These will ber 17. will be the last date for
be striving to continue at the same making changes In registration or
pace at the University. According in schedule without payment of
to the coaches, the reputation fees. Monday, September 24, will
founded in high school means be the last day a student may ennothing to them and the boys will ter an organized class, and the
have to make the squad on their last date on which a subject may
showing within the next few weeks be dropped without a grade by peron Stoll field.
mission of the dean.
Among the candidates are Red
Enrollment in the two sessions of
Craig and six other members of the University Summer school the
Ashland's great team of last season; last summer totaled 1,878, showing
Billy McEvoy, former Erlanger high an Increase of 137 students over the
quarterback and sprint man; Red 1933 session.
Sympson of Birmingham, Alabama,
along with three or four other Alabama players; Billy Jones, son of
the Holmes High coach; Nick Lutz
of Russell high, nad Homer Nicholas of Ashland.
Owing to a Southeastern conference regulation, the frosh schedule
Is limited to but two games. One
Take-of- f
of these, the Tennessee frosh enon Century of Procounter on November 10, is already
gress to Hold Forth at 8
arranged, and the other opponent
O'clock in Armory;
will probably be a freshman team
to Sponsor Event
from Eastern, Louisville, Georgetown, or possibly K.M.I. The TenOrganized as a take-o- ff
on the
nessee game will be played at Lexington and the other is as yet un- Century of Progress exposition, the
frolic sponsored
by the Y.M. and Y.W.C.A.
open at 8 o'clock tonight in the
Armory building.
This party, which is a tradition
on the University campus, has
evolved from the original idea of a



Library to Start

New Collection
Of Photographs

country fair.
The chairmen of arrangements
The library of the University for the event this year are Mildred
under the direction of Miss Margaret Holmes and Lee Gaither. Tickets
I. King, librarian, has started a are in the charge of James Stephens and may be obtained free at
collection of autographed pictures of
the doors of the gymnasium.
the famous authors of Kentucky.
Features of the Century of Renucleus of the collection of gress and the chairmen in charge
photographs are Mrs. Eleanor Mer-cel- of them are Crystal Reading by
Kelly, Cale Young Rice, and Mrs. Minnie Doyle, Helen Farmer;
Mrs. Alice Hegan Rice all of Louis- Odditorlum, Henry Spragens;
Museum, Virginia Murrell; Photogville. In addition to these photographs, the library sometime ago rapher, Jack Carty; Fishpond, the
was presented with a photograph of University Woman's club; "Buldg-ln- "
Village, Anna Jean Blackburn;
Vachel Lindsay by his first cousin,
Paris Alleys, Donald Reister; MedEudora Smith of Frankfort.
In addition to the photographs ical Building, Julian Cox; Sleight of
received Alexander Bonnyman of Hand by Mr. A. L. Henry, Allen
Bettle Boyd
Knoxvllle, Tenn., a former student Brown; "Welcome,"
of the University, presented the li and Red Davis; Planetarium, Ruth
brary with 13 copies of Baedeker's Averitt; Food, Charlotte Coffman
and Bill Bryan; publicity, Leslie
Guide Books, and Mrs. Lillle
graduate of the University Scott.
Other members of committees
in the class of 1894 gave five old
maps of Kentucky and a copy of the who assisted are Frances Kerr,
Betty Earle, Martha Fugett, Colliar
Lexington Diary, dated 1906-'0Hall, Mark Marlowe, John Sprag-e- n,
Betty Moffett, Bob Trigg, Billy
Two Officers Added Hund, Patricia Parks, Woodrow



To Military


Capt. Scudder and Capt. Trip-leReplace Capt. Grady
and Lieut. Rees


Two new appointments to the
military staff of the University
were announced by the military
The apdepartment yesterday.
pointments were made necessary
by the transfer of three members
of the staff last spring and sum-

Capt. Irvine C. Scudder, formerly
connected with the 10th Infantry at
Fort Tromas, Ky., was appointed
to replace Lieutenant James Rees,
who was transferred last spring to
Panama. Capt. Austin Trlplett,
formerly of Fort Sam Houston, Texas, will replace Capt. Clyde Grady,

transferred last year to Infantry
duty In Tientsin, China. No suc
cessor was appointed for Warrant
Officer George Knight, who left
at Columbus,
JOURNALISM HONOR Ohio.June for duty the activities of
Direction of
Company C, Pershing Rifles, which
Victor R. Poitman, assistant proWarrant Officer
fessor of Jouranlism, has been ap- organizationsupervised, will be
Knight formerly
pointed on the schools of Journalism taken up by Captain Scudder.
committee of the National Editorial
The department also announced
association, according to a letter re- the final selection of men for the
ceived by Mr. Portmann recently advanced military corp. and a list
from Harry B. Ruthledge, managing-diof those selected will be published
of the National Edi- in a later edition of The Kernel.
torial association.
Others wlfo were appointed on this
In Santo Tomas University, Ma
committee, which met In Chicago in nila, students from Journalism
August, were Walter H. Crun, H. Z. classes are required to edit and
Mitchell, H. M. Woods and Charles print a daily newspaper as a re-

ers' salaries until a minimum stand
ard of $75 a month is reached.

L. Allen.



quisite for graduation.

Coots, Lillian Holmes, Harold Dyer,
Dave Sullivan, Naunerle Calhoun,
Marvin Bunger, and Gordon Gaith.

Business Manager
Will Be Appointed
Plans for the 1935 Kentuckian will
be formulated during the coming
week, according to Cameron Cofl-maeditor. During this time a
business manager will be appointed
to fill the vacancy made by the Illness of James Bersot, and an editorial staff will also be named.
The appointment of a business
staff will follow the naming of the
business head.
It is requested that all persons
interested in editorial work on the
yearbook give their name and address to the editor sometime next

Every member of The Kernel staff is requested to attend a meeting to be held at
2 p. m. this afternoon In
Room 50, McVey halL Also,
anyone wislung to try out for
reporting or other work on
The Kernel is asked to be
present. This meeting will be
brief, but it is important I
Editor-in-Chi- ef


Miss Helen Branaley, Winchester,
W. Martin, Maysville.
Miss Virginia Bingham to Mr.
Robert E. Featherston, Lexington.
Miss Margaret Alexander, Lexington, to Mr. Vernon A. Meyer, Nashville.
Miss Caroline Qulgley to Mr. J.
Barbour Russell, Jr., Maysville.
Miss Marguerite Madlgan, St.
Louis, to Mr. W. T. Fowler, Jr., Lexington.
Summer Weddings
Miss Blanche Staton, Greenville,
The summer vacation months
brought the usual marriage an- N. C, to Mr. Gayle Hamon, LexingAmong those of In- ton.
Miss Muriel Wlss, New Jersey, to
terest to the University campus were
Mr. Tom Baker.
the following:
Miss Jeanette Sparks, Russell, to
Miss Louise Loving, Lexington, to
Mr. Paul Nickell, Lexington.
Mr. Charles W. Wilhoit, Moreland.
Miss Dorothy Jordan to Mr. ClarSilhouette Tea
ence A. Woollum, Lexington,
Miss Elizabeth Simpson, Versailles
Delta Delta Delta will entertain
to Mr. Charles Lee Westray, Spring this afternoon at the chapter house
Hope, N. C.
on Linden Walk with a silhouette
Miss Emma Jane Stevens, Vertea In honor of new girls at the Unisailles, to Mr. Wilburn Bland Walk- versity.
er, Lexington.
A color scheme of black and white
Miss Yvonne Sylvester, Lexington, will be carried out In the decorations,
to Mr. John Harold Hill, Russell.
refreshments, and frocks of the hosMiss Anna Ruth Prater, Bloom- tesses. Guests will be received by
ing ton, to Mr. John 8. Kennoy, Win- Miss Louise Johnson, president of
the chapter: Miss Hoover, houseMiss Marjorie Ammerman, Lex- mother: and Mrs. Paul McBrayer,
ington, to Mr. Walter Reld McKee, Miss Anna May Lewis, and Mrs.
Jr.. Mt. Sterling.
Henry Vance, former presidents of
Miss Mary Whltlock FinneU,
the chapter.
Fla., to Mr. Isaac Clinton
Dlsher, Maysllck.
Delta 7, eta Tea
Miss Hilda Elolse Bush, WinchesAlpha Zeta of Delta Zeta will
ter, to Mr. Nichols Winn
entertain this afternoon with a tea
at their new chapter house at 659
Elizabeth Johnson, South Limestone in honor of girls
Miss Louise
Cynthiana, to Mr. James William who have entered the University this
McMahan, Bedford.
Miss Laura Shelby, Danville, to
In the receiving line will be Mrs.
Mr. John Merrill Frazer, also of Jouett, housemother; Miss Mildred.
Lewis, alumnae adviser; Miss VirMiss Jane Campbell to Mr. Cecil ginia Murrell, president, and Miss
W. Combs. Lexington.
Edith Woodburn,
Miss Ruth Leet to Mr. Johnnie D.
Garden flowers will be used for
Dickens. Lexington.
decorations and music of piano and
Miss Margaret Smith, Maplewood, violin will be furnished by members
N. J., to Mr. Andrew Ward Clark. of the sorority.
Ices and cakes In
the sorority colors will be served.
Miss Hazel Boone, Lexington, to
guests will be
About seventy-fiv- e
Mr. P. J. Conkwright, Jr., Norman, received.
Miss Ann Elizabeth Smith, Corbin,
Steak Fry
to Mr. Harold Heath Greaves, CorSigma Alpha Epsilon entertained
a steak fry at 6 o'clock Tuesday
Miss Ruth B. Stewart, Ambridge, with
Grimes Mill. The guests
Pa., to Mr. Alex Montgomery, Jr., were at
seventy-fiv- e
freshmen who
have entered the University this fall
Miss Pollena Campbell to Mr. Rob.
ert Jerome Edwards, Lexington.
Delta Tau Delta Dance
Miss Margaret Louise Rogers,
Delta Tau Delta entertained with
Frankfort, to Mr. William R. Fera dance from 9 to 12 p. m. Wedguson, La Center.
Miss Myra Dee Rice to Mr. Clifford nesday at the home of Mr. James
Shropshire on the Walnut Hill pike.
Amyx. Lexington.
Lanterns were used as decoraMiss Joan Enoch, Mt. Sterling, to tions and ices and cakes were servMr. Curtis Led ford, Lancaster.
ed. Music was furnished by the
Miss Voncille A. Brenton, to Mr. Kentucky Colonels, and the actives
John W. Pennel, Panama City, Fla. and pledges were assisted in the reMiss Maxine Lewis, Lexington, to ceiving of the guests by the alumMr. Sam Perrine. Maysville.
Miss Mary Lynn Hudson, to Mr.
Russell Lutes, Covington.
Engagement Announced
Miss Lucille Stokeley, Lexington,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Braun
to Mr. Harold E. McKinney, Coving- have announced the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Marcella C.
Miss Ruth McCarthy, Chicago, to Braun, to Mr. Raymond M. Voll.
Mr. Ferdinand Wieman,
Mr. Voll was graduated from the
Miss Katherlne Graves to Mr. College of Engineering of the UniLexington.
versity and la a member of Sigma
Kenneth R. Andrews.
Miss Martha Golden to Mr. Rob- Phi Epsilon social fraternity. The
wedding will take place October 6,
ert Oliver Cropper,
Miss Virginia Baker to Mr. Marlon 1934.
College Night
Pittman. Perryville.
The YWCA and YMCA will sponMiss Gertrude Williams, Lexingsor the annual "College Night" toton, Mr. Edwin Mllllken, Louisville.
Miss Kay Pllmmer. Bay Ridge, night at 8 p.m. at the Armory. The
program will be a take off on the
N. Y to Mr. Joseph