xt7cnp1wdw2h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cnp1wdw2h/data/mets.xml Wildcat News Company 1978 Volume 3 -- Number 13 athletic publications  English Wildcat News Company Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Cats' Pause UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1978-1979) coaches Hall, Joe B. players Anderson, Dwight Macy, Kyle Stephens, Tim UK vs. West Texas A&M University (1978) UK vs. University of Kansas (1978) University of Kentucky Football (1978) Curci, Fran statistics schedules Cats' Pause Combs, Oscar The Cats' Pause,  9-Dec-78 text The Cats' Pause,  9-Dec-78 1978 1978 2012 true xt7cnp1wdw2h section xt7cnp1wdw2h Margaret I
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|CAR L. COMBS............................Editor & Publ
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fJ  , n=VDirector of Photography TERRENE TUCKERSP?S Hbby C'UmniS'
DONNA COMBS ..........'///////////////xirculati^icS
Published Weekly: Sept. 16-May 26 Monthly: June, July, August
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Subscription Price - $14.50 per year for minimum of 36 issues in USA,
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The Cats' Pause is not affiliated, neither directly nor indirectly, with the University of Kentucky or the U.K. Athletics Association.
Williams And Cowans
Odea* A. (fanfo
(Continued From Page 3)
long way to go," continued Shidler, "we're not going to be any slouch." Shidler said fans shouldn't expect another NCAA championship this season because we don't have the talent but "it would be great if it somehow happened, wouldn't it? Hummmmm! . . . Of UK's tenth place ranking last week, Hall responded to reporters, "It's definitely too high." . .  .  . Athletics director Cliff Hagan revealed at the Committee of 101 Basketball Kick-Off last week that UK will have to defend its new basketball dorm at the annual NCAA meetings in San Francisco next month. Reportedly, legislation is being sought to outlaw the basketball dorm on college campuses. It'll be interesting if some NCAA members try to outlaw the athletic dorm concept or just the specialized team dorm which would be a direct slap at UK . . . And speaking about the UK dorm, we're told that a petition has been mailed to many NCAA schools suggesting a class action suit against UK over the basketball dorm. The letter allegedly contained accusations so cruel and vulgar that they cannot be published here. Reportedly, a coaching friend of Joe B. Hall mailed the UK coach a copy so Hall would be aware of it. Who said dirty tricks are an exclusive product of Washington?   .   .  . This Saturday's Kansas game will be beamed by television back to Kansas City according to Cliff Hagan and will be shown on live television here in Kentucky on the UK Network. A
couple of other interesting notes for our out-of-state readers. The UKIT will be televised back to Syracuse and the Vanderbilt game on February 7 from Nashville will be televised over Home Box Office around the country . . . Former UK star Tommy Kron was the master of ceremonies for the Committee of 101 kick-off last week and he attributes UK's success to: 1. Tradition, 2. coaching staff, 3. facilities, 4. Winning philosophy as a way of life in Kentucky and 5. The caliber of players recruited by Kentucky. Kron, by the way, operates a Cliff Hagan's
Ribeye Steak House in Louisville . . . The Committee of 101, the powerful booster's club of UK basketball, was formed back in 1966 when 101 fans sent a telegram to Rupp's Runts. The club was formed by coach Adolph Rupp's blessings and it's been a vocal point of UKbasketball ever since ... A 50th birthday cake was presented to Joe Hall at the group's kick-off dinner . . . Some fans suggested the new three man officiating crew resembles a three ring circus of zebras more than anything else. The three officials whistled a record 75 personal fouls in
the LaSalle game, bettering the old mark of 71 set with Auburn February 27, 1954.,UK had 37 and Auburn 34. Saturday night, UK was tagged with 32 and LaSalle with 43.
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Cats9 Pause Publisher
Cats Exciting, But Kansas May Be Too Good
Psst! Don't tell anybody, but those Kentucky Wildcats are absolutely going to drive their fans up the wall this season. If you don't believe me, then ask any of the 23,000 fans at Rupp Arena Saturday night or the thousands of others who watched the game on television.
They're going to lose their share of games this season, but oh, what a magnificent forty minute effort on defense. Efforts like the one against LaSalle and the Wildcats will definitely win some games they're not supposed to.
Coach Joe B. Hall was still in a daze the following day after the Wildcats responded with the 110 percent effort. "I don't know whether LaSalle was that bad or we're that good," said a puzzled Hall, "but, gosh, I saw a lot of good things out there."
That, he did.
Just a few of the surprises:
* UK's freshmen "Terrific Trio" combined for 34 points and 13 rebounds while hitting 11 of 21 from the field, and this was on opening night before the usual 23,000 faithful.
* Sophomore Freddie Cowan taking charge early, scoring 17 points and hauling down eight rebounds to lead UK in both categories.
* The super defensive play of junior La Von Williams and the always-heady floor leadership of junior guard Kyle Macy.
By the time you read this, the West Texas State game will also be reported elsewhere in this issue and the Cats will be preparing for highly ranked Kansas Saturday night at Rupp Arena.
In all probability, Kansas will be ranked high in the top five when Ted Owens brings his Jayhawks to Lexington. Leading the way will be sophomore guard sensation Darnell Valentine, senior 7-1 senior center Paul Mokeski and 6-1 Wilmore Fowler.
Valentine is on several pre-season Ail-American lists and should be a No. 1 challenge to the UK defense just as Mokeski will be. The Jayhawk center is probably the most improved player on the club and the 250 pound giant was terrific in the stretch run last season.
The big unknowns on the Kansas team are a trio of rookies recruited by Owens in what many term one of the best recruiting sweeps in the country. Expected to see plenty of action are Tony Guy, David Magley and Mark Snow, all prep All-Americans a year ago.
Of course, Kansas is still smarting from a four game losing streak at the hands of Kentucky, dating back to 1973 when the Jayhawks defeated UK
71-63 in Lawrence. Other than that loss, Kentucky has been victorious in the other nine meetings.
Kentucky will enter the game with a perfect 2-0 slate, but the Wildcats' opposition will be the toughest they will face until the Notre Dame battle late this month.
A week ago, no one figured Kentucky to have a chance against the tough Jayhawks. Now, many are over optimistic. As we said earlier, this will be a season of peaks and valleys, especially with the UK personnel so young.
Kansas probably will win a close one this week, but Kentucky won't be embarrassed because there's so much determination by the players to avoid such.
Kansas by three.
* * *
Why did Kentucky surprise so many people, including the coaching staff, with its play against LaSalle?
Two reasons according to my two cents. One, the UK players have heard so much about how this Kentucky team can lose twelve to fifteen games, _ they are determined to prove they actually have more talent than most people think.
The second reason is even more logical. Hall's staff recruited a bumper crop of freshmen in Clarence Tillman, Chuck Verderber and Dwight Anderson. All have the tools to play and play early.
Verderber, winner of the first sixth man award, is the new ''Charlie Hustle" in the hearts of Big Blue fans after the LaSalle game. Tillman has that silky-smooth shooting touch that will destroy many an opponent over the next four years and Anderson undoubtedly will become the most exciting player in UK history before he leaves the Lexington campus.
With those credentials, the trio has served notice to the veterans that they're here to play and play now. The veterans got the message early in fall practice and the end result is an exciting team from player No. 1 to No. 12.
Again, there'll be some losses (maybe more than any of us would like to imagine) but it won't be from lack of determination. Those Cats take the
NCAA championship trail seriously.
* * *
'On the football scene, UK coach Fran Curci brought in a big group of prepsters for the weekend, treated them to the UK-LaSalle game and then met privately with them Sunday in his office, pointing out the good Kentucky life.
It was his last opportunity to show
off the UK campus to recruits as today (December 9) is the signing date for the SEC letter of intent. Most likely, several in-state signees will be announced prior to tonight's game with Kansas.
The conference letter prohibits an athlete from attending another school in the SEC, but the all-important national letter of intent isn't signed until mid-February.
The SEC letter also prevents an athlete from attending any school in the Alantic Coast Conference because schools in the two leagues honor the other league's letter.
The latest dope out of the UK camp is that Kentucky should come out of the recruidng season with: a very good punter, some excellent linemen, and possibly a very, very good quarterback from Florida. Those are just a few of the highlights because those close to the staff feel this might be Curci's best
recruiting year. Time will tell.
* * *
Louisville sports columnist Earl Cox wrote last week that UK football is down and about out. While Earl is a very close friend of ours, we beg his pardon to differ. We must remember he was the one who assured everyone that UK has flunked its test in Louisville recruiting last year about this time, only to have UK sign prized pupils Jim Campbell, Shawn Donigan and Jeff Fletcher.
UK has some problems to correct. That's easy to point out after a 4-6-1 year. And there'll probably be a couple or three changes on Curci's staff before next fall, especially since we spotted former UK coach Jon Mirilov-ich on campus last week. Jon was on the UK staff until two years ago when he accepted an assistant's job at North Carolina State.
The rumor windmill was full of talk about Jon's return last season, but it could be much more than talk this time around.
* * *
ERA 1, UK 0. That's the way the score stands in the Wildcats' locker room after the season opener Saturday night with LaSalle.
Prior to the game, UK sports information passed out a sheet to reporters detailing a new policy for conducting post game interviews with players.
No longer will reporters be permitted in the locker rooms after a game. The players will attend a post game press conference with Hall and reporters will interview the players at that time.
The reason?
It's the only apparent way to head
off a confrontation with a female reporter who might otheiwise want to interview a player while he heads to or from the shower, ala the New York Yankees of last season.
Officials said the decision was reached in a meeting by UK athletics director Cliff Hagan and head coach Joe B. Hall.
The situation places a hardship on
both the  players  and the media
because players now have to wait
another thirty minutes before they can
shower. Reporters' valuable deadline
time is sometimes crowded or missed
if a player should leave the room
before he finishes with an interview
with another player.
* * *
HITS AND MISSES      .   . The
UK-LaSalle game was beamed back to the city of Brotherly Love Saturday night and according to one UK fan, the announcers were anything but objective. Of course, one must remember this is the city of the great "recruiting war" over Clarence Tillman. A few months ago we spoke of the great story of Tillman and that we'd pass it along. Here it is. A few years ago, the great Philadelphia media did a No. 1 job on Kentucky when Hall was recruiting a kid by the name of Dave Batton (signed with Notre Dame) and some feel it was the media's hatchet job on UK which turned Batton away. Then, ditto last year when UK made its interest in Tillman known. Article after article appeared in Philly on how bad Kentucky is, how vicious the fans are and how Kentucky is not a fun place to play. One article even took pot cracks at UK's staff and facilities. Nonetheless, Tillman decided to come to Bluegrass Country. After leaving the Big Five Country, one LaSalle official said it was appanent that Tillman was going to leave the Philly area all the time. No wonder! ... A special treat for Clarence Tillman Saturday night was wnen his father journeyed down from Philly to watch his son play in his first collegiate game as a Wildcat. "Yeah, I was a little nervous, knowing the game was being televised back home," said Tillman. And at the same time, all those Big Five schools were probably moaning of the loss of another great Philly prepster . . . Junior Jay Shidler is one of those who subscribe to the theory that the freshmen have contributed to the team's overall desire to play harder. "Nobody is assured of a starting job this year," said Shidler after the LaSalle game, "and I think that's good." "We can play, but we've got a
(Continued On Page 2) AG
47 YR.
Big Bad Bear Hunting For Smilin Joe
College football closed out the regular season campaign and basketball got in full swing during one of the busiest weekends on the season.
Nothing much has changed in football as Bear Bryant's Crimson Tide clinched the conference championship and Sugar Bowl bid with a 34-16 win over Auburn.
"Sugar Bowl, Sugar Bowl," chants were heard from the Alabama locker room after the game. "Penn State, We Can't Wait; Penn State, We Can't Wait."
The Tide will meet Joe Paterno's number one ranked Nittany Lions January 1 in a showdown for the national championship.
Against Auburn, Alabama's main man was quarterback Jeff Rutledge, who broke Joe Namath's school record for career touchdown passes. Rutledge threw two to Bruce Bolton and one to Rick Neal and tied the single game touchdown pass mark as well as the
Since 1955
Wholesale & Retail Special Summer Prices
one season record of 13 shared by Namath and Harry Gilmer.
His scoring tosses enabled Alabama to gain its seventh Southeastern Conference title in eight years.
It wasn't a happy going away for Florida Coach Doug Dickey, fired a week ago, as Miami crushed a collapsing Gator team 22-21.
The Gators jumped out ot a 14-0 lead and were threatening again on the Miami 18 in the first quarter. Suddenly it turned from a rout to a wake.
Fullback Terry Williams fumbled and the team lost it's momentum. The Hurricanes rallied to outscore Florida 22-7 the rest of the way behind three field goals by Dan Miller.
Georgia made a gallant comeback in defeating Georgia Tech 29-28 in one of the most exciting games on the college circuit this year.
Tech cashed in on two fumble recoveries, a recovery of an onside kick and a pass interference call in the end zone to run up a 20-0 lead.
Georgia sophomore Anthony Arnold caught a 42 yard touchdown pass and then ran for the two point conversion with only 2:24 remaining to cap off the comeback by the 11th ranked Bulldogs in the nationally televised game. Arnold caught the pass on a fourth down desperation pass from freshman quarterback Buck Belue at the Tech 20 and raced to the end zone untouched.
In the Tennessee matchup, the Volunteers routed the Commodores 41-15 at Nashville in Vandy coach Fred Panacoast's last game.
Junior quarterback Jimmy Streater ran for two touchdowns and set a Tennessee season offense record. The victory gave Tennessee a 5-5-1 record under second year Coach Johnny Majors. Vandy ended 2-9 for the third consecutive season.
On the roundball court, Alabama didn't fare so well as the Tide lost for the second time out of the gate, this one a 99-84 thrashing at the hands of homestanding Michigan.
Forward Mike McGee and center Phil Hubbard combined for 51 points as the eighth ranked Wolverines outscored Bama 14-6 at the beginning of the second half to break open a close game.
McGee hit 11 of 19 shots for 27 points. Reserve forward Alan Hardy scored 20 and Hubbard collected 24 points and 15 rebounds. Alabama's Reggie King was held to 11 points.
Florida raised their record to 2-1 by defeating the University of North Carolina-Wilmington 66-51. Florida broke open a nip and tuck game midway through the second half.
Malcolm Cesare led Florida with 20 points and seven rebounds. Mike Milligan added 14.
Center Ricky Brown hit for 24 points
to lead Mississippi State to a 90-68 victory over Auburn-Montgomery. The 6-10 Brown pumped in 11 first half points and grabbed nine rebounds for the game as State ran its record to 2-0.
Tennessee traveled to Louisville and the highly ranked Doctors of Dunk proved too much, defeating the Volunteers of Coach Don Devoe 82-61.
Louisville used a blend of freshmen and veterans to build a quick 29-14 lead and never looked back. Junior forward Bobby Turner led the Cards with 18 points. Freshman Scooter McCray added 17 and junior sensation Darrell Griffith 16.
Reggie Johnson led the Vols with 19 points, followed by Chuck Threeths with 15 and 6-10 Kevin Nash with ten. Louisville is 3-1 with the win and Tennessee 1-1.
SEC Football Statistics
	RUSHING		- Top	Ten		
.Player & School	.G	Att .	Yds	Avg	Aver.	TD
McClendon, Ga.	10	26U	1239	k.T	123.9	11
Cribbs, Aub.	9	221	1087	h.9.	120.8	lb
Alexander, LSU	10	262	1118	k.3	111.8	13
Mordica, Vandy	10	152	939	6.2	93.9	8
Nathan, Ala.	10	105	752	7.2	75.2	. 6
Jones, M.St.	11	130	687	5.3	62.5	10
Perry, Miss.	11	ll+8	673	k.5	61.2	3
Gajan, LSU	10	126	586	b.l	58.6	1
Williams,Miss,	11	137	627	h.6	57.0	3
Jackson, Ala.	10	96	53U	5.6	53.1*	2
Streater, Tenn.	10	135	521	3.9	52.1	8
			Yds	Aver	Cght	
Player & School	GCgt		Gnd	Gain	PrGm	TD
McDole, M.St.	11	1+8	1035	21.6	U.h	7
Wilson, Ky.	11	1+3	727	16.9	3.9	k
Cox, Vandy	10	39	627	16.1	3.9	 2
Collinsworth,Fla.	10	36	712	19.8	3.6	7
Harper, Tenn.	9	31	356	11.8	3.k	1
Scott, Ga.	10	29	1*3!+	15.0	2.9	2
Quintela, LSU	10	29	3*t0	11.7	2.9	1
Stephens, Fla.	9	25	It'17	17-9'	2.8	3
Williams, Miss.	11	30	232	I?.!	2.7	1
Carson, LSU	10	27	568	21.-0	2.7	2
Moore, Tenn.	10	25	U36	ITvfc	2.5	2
Pugh, Ala.	10	20	1+1+6	22.3	2.0	1
Player & School
Marler, M.St. Streater, Tenn. Brantley, Fla. Woodley, LSU Heflin, Vandy Pyburn, Ga. Rutledge, Ala Trotman, Aub. Garner, Miss. McCrimmon, Ky. Coleman, Miss. Fourcade, Miss.
G	Att	Cmp	Int	Pet,	Ycls
11	287	163	17	.566	21+22
10	iSif	93	10	.505	1255
10	160	83	11	.519	133 3
10	1U5	77	6	.531	973
10	153	75	11	.1+90	976
10	126	69	it	.5**8	862
10	119	60	9	.50k	90h
10	103	hi	9	.1*56	700
11	79	51	2	.61+6	512
9	106	35	11	.330	752
9	69	33	1	.1*78	bbQ
11	86	36	1+	.1)19	1+1+1
		Rush	Pass	Ttl	Game
Player & School	G	Yds	Yds	Yds	Aver.
Marler, M.St.	11	-31	21+22	2391	217.lt
Streater, Tenn.	10	521	1255	1776	177 .b
Woodley, LSU	10	336	973	1311	131.1
Brantley, Fla.	10	7	1303	1310	131.0
McClendon, Ga.	10	1239	33	1272	127.2
Cribbs, Aub.	9	1087	5b	lll+l	126.8
Heflin, Vandy	10	2l+3	976	1219	121.9
Alexander, LSU	10	1118	0	1118	111.8
Rutledge, Ala.	10	12l+	90li	1028	102.8
Chris Gettelfinger Leads The Charge
Talk up the Wildcats
Now you can talk up the Cats on the college model of Bell's Exeter* phone. Emblazoned with a University of Kentucky Wildcat on its blue faceplate, the phone is an ideal gift for school-spirited students, alumni, and dyed-in-the-wool UK fans served by South Central Bell
The Exeter phone is also available with faceplates featuring any of six other Kentucky colleges. All with genuine Bell quality built right in.
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^Trademark of AT&T Company ^'Housings are sold with a six-month limited warranty, a copy of which is available free of charge from the telephone business office. Design Line phones are available to one- and two-party customers only. The college phone is available in rotary or Touch-Tone dial.
South Central Bell
Letters To The Editor
Mail All Letters To: VIEWPOINT, The Cats'  Pause, Box 7297, Lexington, Ky. 40502
Remembers NCAA
Dear Sir:
Enclosed is my check for an added year to the Cats' Pause. Present subscription expires Vol. 3, #36. Last year I had a "minor" heart problem which ended up with a three bypass open heart surgery. The night of the UK-Duke play-off is well remembered because I was rushed to the Methodist Hospital emergency room -- no television, so I drove the nurses craxy getting me reports on the game. The Cats won -- so did I. Later my good friend Bob Swope of Lexington, an avid UK sports fan, sent me some copies of the Cats' Pause. So I subscribed. Although I attend home football games, it really isn't necessary for I can hear Bob Swope's roar aove the crowd all the way to Indianapolis.
Regarding the football dorm, I have a suggestion -- "The Cats' Pause" start an escrow fund, publish the names of contributors -- not amounts. And publish the total amount week to week. Such a fund may not build a dorm -- but then it may. At least it should move spirits of others.
Best regards, Wilgus Broffitt Indianapolis, Indiana
Wildcat Fanatic
UK basketball in particular), that is, of course, sorely lacking up here. Could you please inform me of exactly what your paper encompasses and what the subscription rates are?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely, Billy Hrick Banff, Alberta,
Anderson Fan
Dear Sir:
Please renew my subscription for another year. Your publication is just super and is a must for every serious UK sports fan.
I'm enclosing a picture I took of Dwight Anderson for you to use if you care to. It was taken during the Dayton-Midwest-All-Star vs. Russia Junior National Game this past summer. All Kentucky basketball fans are going to be in for a treat when they see him play for the Big Blue. His inside moves and jumping ability are unbelievable as demonstrated in the picture against the Russian "giants".
Thanks, again, for your fine publication
Sincerely, Phillip O. Davis Fairborn, Ohio
roughly enjoyed reading the most informative news source about the Big Blue sports during the past two years. The Atlanta papers don't give us much on UK sports. I think Coach Curci and Coach Hall are doing a splendid job. I was privileged to meet Coach Curci this summer while driving through Lexington. What I don't like to read is the rumors that Florida may try to lure him away from Kentucky. That would be horrible. I hope the athletic board and alumni association are listening.
Keep up the good work with TCP. I believe this publication is partly responsible to the great success we are having at L!K. Enclosed is my check for another year of TCP.
Sincerely, Roland Butler Lithonia, Georgia
Cover To Cover
Dear Sir:
Our whole family enjoys reading the Cats' Pause. I especially enjoy reading all the letters to the editor and about our basketball team.
Dear Sir:
I am interested in subscribing to your publication. Although I have never been anywhere near the state of Kentucky, I have been a Wildcat fanatic for several years.
I understand your publication could provide me with much of the detail (on
Heavens Forbid
Dear Sir:
I almost made a most serious mistake!
My subscription is nearly expired to TCP. Heavens forbid! I have tho-
(fiat ifhat/ie (tfihn while c(tdilUi<' 3n.
^u/a^i and
4907 s.
HWY. 27 KY. 4250:
My husband reads it from cover to cover the dav it arrives.
Keep up the good work. If I haven't sent you enough for the two year subscription, please let me know.
Yours truly, Lillian Wheeler Louisville
Down Thru The Years
(Continued From Page 14) TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO
* UK is second only to Indiana in the first Associated Press college basketball poll. The Cats received 52 first place votes, four more than Indiana's 48, but placed second in the balloting.
* Frank Ramsey's 27 points sparked Kentucky to an 81-66 win over Xavier. Fifty-six fouls marred the game, but the Wildcats managed to get their second win of the season without a loss.
* Kentucky rolled again as they ripped Wake Forest 101-69. Cliff Hagan and Frank Ramsey led the Cats with 18 and 16 points respectively.
Jay Shidler On The Move PAGE 7   THE CATS'  PAUSE, DECEMBER 5,
Joe B. Hall
1976- 77Won 26, Lost 4
COACH: Joe B. Hall
CAPTAINS: Larry Johnson and Merion Haskins
Nov. 22   Marat'n Oil (EXH)t (Nl)    110 93
Nov. 27   Wisconsin (H)     72 64
Dec.    2   Texas Christian        (H)   103 53
Dec.    6   Indiana (A)     66 51
Dec.  11    Kansas (H)     90 63
Dec.  13   South Carolina        (A)     98 67
Dec.  17   Bowling Green 77 59
Dec.  18    Utah 68 70
Dec. 30   Notre Dame (N2)    102 78
Jan.    3   Georgia (H)     64* 59
Jan.    8   Vanderbilt (A)     64 62
Jan.   12    Tennessee (H)     67* 71
Jan.   15   Auburn (A)     75 68
Jan.   17   Florida (A)     73 71
Jan.  22   Louisiana State        (H)     87 72
Jan.  24   Mississippi (H)    100 73
Jan.  29   Alabama (A)     87 85
Jan.  31    Mississippi State      (A)     92 85
Feb.    5   Vanderbilt (H)    113 73
Feb.    7   Florida State (N2)     97 57
Feb.   12   Auburn (H)     89 82
Feb.   14   Florida (H)   104 78
Feb.   19   Louisiana State        (A)     90 76
Feb.  21    Mississippi (A)     81 69
Feb.  26   Alabama (H)     85 70
Feb.  28   Mississippi State      (H)     77 64
Mar.    5   Tennessee (A)     79 81
Mar.   7   Georgia (A)     72 54
SEC Co-Champions '  *MCAA TOURNAMENT East Regional (Philadelphia, Pa., and College Park, Md.)
Mar. 12   Princeton (N3)     72 58
Mar. 17   VMI (N4)     93 78
Mar. 19    North Carolina       (N4)     72 79
2509 2070
t ExhibitionNot counted in won-lost record.
(Nl) Memorial Coliseum; (N2) Louisville, Ky.;
(N3) Philadelphia, Pa.; (N4) College Park, Md.
1977- 78Won 30, Lost 2
COACH: Joe B. Hall
CAPTAINS: Jack Givens and Rick Robey
Nov. II    Russia (EXH)t (N)    109 75
Nov. 26   S.Methodist (H)    110 86
Dec.   5   Indiana (H)     78 64
Dec. 10   Kansas (A)     73 66
Dec. 12   South Carolina (H)     84 65
Dec. 16   Portland State 114 88
Dec. 17   St. John's 102 72
Dec. 23    lona (H)    104 65
Dec. 31    Notre Dame (N2)     73 68
Jan.   2   Vanderbilt (H)     72 59
Jan.   7   Florida (A)     86 67
Jan.   9   Auburn (A)    101 77
Jan. 14   Louisiana State        (H)     96 76
Jan. 16   Mississippi (H)     76 56
Jan. 21    Mississippi State       (A)     75 65
Jan. 23    Alabama (A)     62 78
Jan. 30   Georgia (H)     90 73
Feb.   4   Florida (H)     88 61
Feb.   6   Auburn (H)    104 81
Feb. 11    Louisiana State (A)     94* 95
Feb. 13   Mississippi .(A)     64 52
Feb. 15   Tennessee (H)     90 77
Feb. 18   Mississippi State       (H)     58 56
Feb. 20   Alabama (H)     97 84
Feb. 25   Tennessee (A)     68 57
Feb. 27   Georgia (A)     78 67
Mar.  4   Nevada Las Vegas     (H)     92 70
Mar.  6   Vanderbilt (A)     78 68
SEC CHAMPIONS NCAA TOURNAMENT Mideast Regional (Knoxville, Tenn., and Dayton, Ohio)
Mar. 1 I    Florida State (N3)     85 76
Mar. 16   Miami (Ohio) (N4)     91 69
Mar. 18   Michigan State       (N4)     52 49
Mar. 25   Arkansas (N5)     64 59
Mar. "27   Duke (N5)     94 88
2693 2234
National Collegiate Champions tor Fifth Time
$ ExhibitionNot counted in won-lost record.
(Nl) Memorial Coliseum; (N2) Louisville, Ky.; (N3) Knoxville, Tenn.; (N4) Dayton, Ohio, and (N5) St. Louis, Mo.
1978 JAPAN EXHIBITION TOUR (All Games vs. Japan National TeamNot Counted in Won-Lost Record)
June 13   At Tokyo .................... 104 71
June 15   At Niigata .................. 102 89
June 18   At Nagoya .................. 97 59
June 19   At Osaka .................... 87 82
June 20   At Fukuoka ................ 88 61
June 22   At Nagasaki ................ 122 79
June 24   At Tokyo .................... 105 57
1978-79 WILDCAT COACHING STAFFFrom left, Dick Parsons, Coach Joe B. Hall, Leonard Hamilton and Joe Dean.
Player G-St
COURTS........ ...........2-0
KENTUCKY TOTALS........... 5
OPPONENT TOTALS........... 5
Min.	Fg-Fga	Pet.	Ft-Fta	Pet.	Reb-Ave.		A	Pf-D	Pts.	Ave.	TO
160	44-77	57.1	13-19	68.4	37-	7.4	8	18-1	101	20.2	8
148	22-31	71.0	16-20	80.0	34-	6.8	7	11-1	60	12.0	14
104	22-37	59.5	13-15	86.7	22-	4.4	4	13-1	57	11.4	13
182	16-34	47.1	18-22	81.8	9-	1.8	22	9-0	50	10.0	11
110	15-31	48.4	15-18	83.3	24-	6.0	9	16-0	45	9.0	6
132	17-32	53.1	5- 8	62.5	2-	0.1	13	12-0	39	7.8	g
72	6-14	42.9	0- 1		4-	0.8	13	12-0	12	2.4	7
31	4- 9	44.4	0- 0		6-	1.5	0	6-0	8	2.0	1
37	3- 6	50.0	2- 2	100.0	10-	2.0	1	7-0	8	1.6	6
10	1-  1 :	100.0	0- 0		0-	0.0	1	3-0	2	0.5	3
6	1- 4	25.0	0-0		3-	1.5	0	2-0	2	1.0	2
" 2	1-'1	100.0	0- 0		1-	0.5	-TJ-	1-0	2	1.0	- 0
4	0- 0		0- 0		2-	0.7	1	1-0	0		2
1	0- 0		0- 0		0-	0.0	0	0-0	0		0
							Team Rebounds			3	
1000	152-277	54.9	82-105	78.1	157-31.4		79	111-3	386	77.2	82
1000	132-263	50.2	77-104	74.0	135-27.0		61	102-7	341	68.2	82
Date		Opponent	Site-Attendance	KY	Opp.	Individual Highs Points and Rebounds
Mar.	11	Florida State	Knoxville -12,700	85	76	Claytor16, Phillips 6
Mar.	16	Miami (0.)	Dayton -13,458	91	69	Phillips 24, Givens 9
Mar.	18	Michigan State	Dayton -13,458	52	49	Macy 18, Phillips 8
Mar.	25	Arkansas	St. Louis -18,721	64	59	Givens 23, Givens 9
Mar.	27	Duke	St. Louis -18,721	94	88	Givens 41, Robey 11
705 498 PAG
Kyle Macy Turns Comedian For Fiesty Young Wildcats
When Kentucky took the floor in their 109-77 season opening win over LaSalle, the Rupp Arena announcer reminded the frenzied crowd that Kentucky was the defending national champion. The team burst through a banner with 1978 National Champions written on it.
Kentucky guard Kyle Macy, only one of two returning regulars from last year's team, thought it strange.
"When we took the floor, they said 'Defending National Champs'," said the ice-veined Macy. "I looked around and it was a whole new team. It was kind of funn