xt7cnp1wdv8g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cnp1wdv8g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1941 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 12, 1941 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 12, 1941 1941 1941 2012 true xt7cnp1wdv8g section xt7cnp1wdv8g I ·V °'
KGI’l{ZUCIw@HHH. t K tl k *
 , i     Pswtasicssaieccsenszzas 22;%:;   ~¢ ~~· UM 1·{¢»· S ~»   I ~ <·1··· ii &‘;"?§€3?$ a§’the°%§$e¥Si?§“”A§§ to hi
 . i 1; % iszs, under me aet of March  18*19. ' W<<'u Nw m*F*`!)‘ Of "*’I"`i”’i”£ it we vm. much hope GOv€1·pOr HT
  2; =g     {Or me 1¤·m·{i: of me aczizw mann Y d t f the Umvép _
    E3 E G. Lee ivrccmn .»...». , ».......».e»»........»...».. Editor 1,(.,·_, 0; (,,,,» .11.,,,,..; .1.e_m(~mnd¤. JPh“S°“· gm ue ° ° 4; tion
  ; g 5 MurgueriteMcLaugh11n .... Managing Editor H _] O I H I m,__1,m H )_ sity and past president of the · _t
. , 5; : Helen Kms .~»...»........»»......... Associate Editor " ‘Zf “ _' ’" ' ' ` " ‘ [ alumni association wm {-md a way HSI
r‘ 3     Mrs. Ethel Rix ....o.........., Business Manager [Jrecmte il. _ ’f_. d Pr ident light
i·     i OFFICERS on ASSOCIATION G [PU Mltclam to h€}P his good mm _ GS
 ’ i     ‘&2e£J?eeEt}l‘§f§¤·‘tia; *‘‘‘i‘‘‘‘»’ it azeiiiiiiiii   *···   D°“`E"L` eS°”€Kshe$$`$ $“$X`S$$i$$e?; vm:
 · i'   .? G. Lee McClain   ........r.   .....i.... Secretary Alumni ·“1$50(`iaYi07¥ Ken uc you e t I Of 01
    §   Helen King ...--~ -..·-.Y·.»...».— Acting Trensurer Kemucklan would be proud 0 See celek
i     { EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ""' lt 1¤ — · · among We Very wp the
i §   » »_ wiiiiamsxv. iaiamzen   D. Palmore “. . . SO LIMITED ranking State universities of ttlie f
 ` %   Jl Bernie “’°Y °“is C°" 99 Nation, It cannot be in that ca e- or
 ¤ Q   4     Eenis glegiir FOR SERVICE BOYY without adequats fgniz to hire hom
1  E; Z [ Louis Hillenmeyer Grover Creech President H L Donovan Of the the best instructors, 0 ui p1`Op€I` ahm
e 2 {   Marshall Barnes H. C. Robinson ' ` ’ . . . . · t
e g ·‘ M .Ed d sir we University of Kentucky, who has phyS1C¤l f¤C1l1t1€S and €¤u1P{¤€¤ .,
"     d   (Q`- Zégigngéggséf spent a good many years administer- and tto rngintaxi ank educational GWA
  _'   Dy; George H_ wu D ing public schools in Kentucky from Plan Wh1G W1 Tau ¤T¤0¤€ 0
_ [ Z     a one-room country school to the best. iloxi
    Q   State's largest educational institu- True, Kentuckians always have dem
 T Q § tion, told his board of trustees, and achieved greatly in the face of com
E § ALUMNI the i>¢¤p1€ of Kentucky Mist week hardships end handicaps; but this and
*   _ via the public prints, "I have never is no reason they could not make ed I
  E   PARTICIPATION administered an institution where stil] greater places for themselves Um,
j    § _ The magnincent expansion pm- the budget was so limited for the in "Fame’s eternal camping ground" yom
 ·_ t g gram ree the university. as Olltllfléd Serices expected <>f the i¤Su¤¤u<>¤·" ir educational edvantaeesztere bet- fom
- `_      by President Donovan; the prepar- UAH? Y}E0“;?nI€§€rfgJc%;;;m;\;110;;§; teiéh h b many mal im SO t
I ‘ ; ation for the celebration of the 50th mv YS Y em ave een ' of k
 ii     anniversary, or Golden Jubilee, of the new president- Wh? probably D1`0V€m€u@S in K€¤tu0kY’S €du€`i‘~· 1;uti(
i_ { liv footba,11 on the campus; and the has b€€11 shocked at uudmg out the tional system in recent years. More haw
 '     many other items that are of in- imm•=·>¤Suv of his task and the m' €S1i>€¤iaUY. W6 thi¤}u¤k*a¤S an Over the Siam thus to 611 places where the living Ulu
F g   in the d€vg]0pm€nt of the Associgf know their university never has been wage is far better than is the pay ents
' § E tion by urging other members who SiV€¤ m0¤€Y enough D1`0D€1`lY to of many white-collar workers. mar
Q     M9 Bligibkf to YDUOW Y0u1` €X9.mDl8. perform the huge task expected Of One-room shacks are fast fading a OY
‘ L i_ Each Of you is to be congratulated it. For 50 years many of those good from the Scene in Kentucky and ture
L  *   upon having become an active par- °iPiZ€“S Wm °°“°“}‘ ““"“$"’1""’S splendid consolidated seneeis line me;
E 2   ticipant in the affairs of the Univer- with basic 5hQ1`t¤0m}¤SS of K€¤· every road in the Sham ?“_
    g sity through your active membership tucky haw Si?1‘1V€¤,i1¤ good times But these things, admirable tho “?gr
It     in the Alumni ASS°°iati°n because and in bad’ to Ohm? more money they are, do not excuse the State of thm
i E ' by S0 d°mg You have Shown com for the State Umvers ty' Kentucky for gross neglect of her tak
“   i clusively mt (mw Y°m` interest but It bcgmsl to ?§°p€gr Fhét mKD; largest educational instiution -— a am;
 ° § Y also your belief and conviction that Donovan C OSB r en ° °v‘ B8 neglect which is Widely r€c0g¤ized_
· ; h A1 · As · t- Johnson and able worker in the _ _ SDG!
‘ l i t E umm Soma mn can perform Kentucky field of education since Openly adm1tt°d'"a“d an t°° he sup]
Q   ; aeiggxyservice in behalf of our Uni- his youth, may be just the mgm who ?;e11;tgym;§;or;€lFli;l;x;1;0r2he Legis- cy 4
i can focus attention of and lead a ‘ a F
V i   MWJEEEV5Esp%$$;b§ii€ie§°$2“i%et°%i wmpeign amg that ment °f §’;°‘
 ’ _ g . our citizenry who will, brooking no HWAY BACK WHEN,. 6
 . A   Q ggglgfmgn   2iiVK,$ntu$l;yt ximg denial, push forward toward the goal _ _ _ _ t€U_
· E in behalf { th tm]. a uf a °“ which will establish the University The Alumni office is startme ye.
  O B wars Y pwgmm of Kentucky on a plane commensur- 3 me to b€ known as “W9~Y Buck WF
` An cxceucnt example of what can ate with the State's glorious history When," which will b€ an GSSQYV gmc
; i be fiom IS that Of the Gmatef and the accomplishments of her sons ment of letters and communica- Yea]
h   Lmusvme Clubywhich is doing Such and daughters throughout 150 years tions from each of you, it is bud
; t 9·¤_¤dm1Y¤bl€ D1€¤€ of Work in Dub- of unmatched leadership in the na- hoped, telling the most interest- Fm
‘   i licizing our University through its timys development; ing facts, happenings, experien- __
`   Club activities- The °i°fi¤€YS and the It is sheer folly to expect Ken- ces, or what-have-you, relating 7
or  E j m€mb€¥’S of this club are to be QOH- tuckians, because of a noble heri- to the days when you were a coli?
L #2  k gratulated upon the V€I’Y fine D1€G€ tage, to be able to compete with the student here in the campus. Sit W "
 —i-   Q Of work that they are dome. It is best educated brains dr the other mgm down and start writing a em
 ‘ Q  -_ hoped that many m01’€ Such Clubs 47 states unless their educational letter to us wherein you can let Gill?
 · .  ;— will be organized throughout Ken- opportunities are at least something your memories run rampant. S U?
  ;   tucky within the next few months. like as good. ‘ agm
ea  '   2
A Q  .... Ji,      *2  V; `—-`en i

_ j   1 
O ' B
2 _ ,42 U' K' Dlamond Igtaltifgrintgnggifsbe aaci;1;ua2te1;;Ih0S;§dT  
S· •IU.bIl€€ YGBP, The new pouse to be requested by (Continued from Page 1) R 2
_n the admmlstration may be regarded . (K t k )_1906_
· P 'd en 1 crt b num which J' Wh"'? Guyn °n uc y -——-
E; p Says res] ent as a g era u 11 y lu g, ,08.
Y? wmtld mt °“1y P“’“de mr a gym' Prentiss Dougiass (Mich.)-1911.
* In a recent interview, President nasmm with a basketbalt Hom when John J. Winn 00l» and Should also be up-honoring all the University of    i
SBE celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of conigrugted so that tim footbag tea? Kentucky men now in service. The 1/  
t0D · · cou ave Space or prac we m s eaker will be President Donovan.  
the the U¤1Vc1`S1tY. and a11<>f our plans inclement weather. It would also SSO On the program will be the a iii Aj iiiii
me- for the year will point to a grand serve as a me place for ROTC ae- ..BESt Band in Dixie,. and the Pep  y   
qire homecoming and reunion of all tivities, and the state basketball Shing Rifle Company of the UK 4
>D€i` alumni in June. Poumaglent   ;;d€n“&i1;f$“;2 ROTC, the top drill unit in this -  --· -  I
nt ii · m suc a s area.
IB At the request Ot Lee Mcclalm large enough to take care of all com -d nt and M1.S_ Dongvgn wm
mal our secretary I outlined brreiiy my . . , Presi e _
me you my hopes, for the University fol- who Wlstled to be admitted A build` have an Open h°“S€ and a recepmmt
· · 1; i; ci mg of this type would be of enormous for all students, friends and alumni
ave mwmg Ty °’°p°1§m°2`h it pri} ` Value m the University amd ¤> we at Mama pm arm the game.
1 of dent la; gpflsgiittgwmoie lgggcmizs entire state, either directly or icdl- And on Saturday night the an-
t . come _ e , ' rectly, "This is one of the more urg- al Alumni dance Wm be held in
mils and mm Mr; It/icclam his tccotg °“*’ needs °f the U¤iV€rS“Y· other 3; Bluegrass mom of me student
nf B Bd ,m€ Ph? pnwfge °f Kéacmi .€ buildings which thc U¤iV€Y§itY Umm, banding. Miss Margie Mc- 4
B ves Umversitys prob cms an ¤€€ S_m needs include a fine arts building, Laughlin president gf the Lexing— 3
mi Y°“r °a’€· SO that Y°“_’“a¥tb€ mt; a. building for the College of Ccm- ton Alumni Club win be in charac-
be - formed about your U¤1Vc1`S1 Y· EU merge, an addition to the present Tickets Wm be $1 per couple or Stag-
_ SO that YOU may be m the p°$1'qn library, a museum an a1`ChW€$ Alumni headquarters Will `¤€ in
lm- of tmowmg much about your msmr bui1dmg· and d°rmit°I`i€S fm mm the Lafayette Hotel. A registration
mcg- mmm whe? yOu’ asloyal %1umm' and Women table however will also be set up
More have occasion to mllltaté in her _ · ith Phoenix
Ecmt fav,-m Legislative Support Expected in the lobby 0 6 - Alumni
ng   University Is Cooperative Enterprise Wgglovggzerbgivgzgg,SY0L1;rgi;';1tkiggz THOMPSON meet-
Lumty "I have told thc faculty Qnd $21* immediate needs are, and what it RETURNS T0 U. OF K, rogram
S and dent body that my ¤0¤C€PU0¤ *1- a hopes and expects to receive this (Continued from Page 1) of thc
University is that it is a coopera ive f th G eral Assembly' hi
Engg; enterprise, a partnership in which $$51 xg h€?p’ 531,- gggpgrgtiqn, wasn’t playing for one of the tg; E; tu;
` many people h0Id Sh9~I`¢?$Z it IS not your enthusiasm for the U1'1iVcI`SitY» Sch°°1S*_h€ fmgd In .by plagmgl OI, _ iluué
. a one-man show, but it is an adven- when you have an Opportunity to an Ind1anap0l1S ¤Ft1U€¥`Y Ba j k
fading ture in cooperation, in which many discuss its needs with the people any other outfit that could use a 3 Parli
y all men and women, students, teachers of the State, it is Om. hope that most good player, _ d_d not .arsha
S me and alumni, are Workingttogether of these things will matcfializc- HIS °°3‘chu;g ips géagglg hz had
f · 1 th tually deem U - · earn him a 1V€1 o pt of
it **0 ~$$r¤t? H0? the? $<;‘*S· We   théhigsyztrrezngiglzgidt?1?tdis;e;ti§1¥1 ¤¤   other ¢¤2¤1¤ym¤¤t- Thee   that
mm of th€r€f°r€’ asking Bach Of you to thi; is weakness and while you Wei"? 110 lucrat1ve P1`0f€$S*°m’“ ienefits
of hc? take an interest in this enterprise ma not always agree with an of leagues then; collcgc _f00tb?#u_ had nphasis
1 - H and to assume your Sharc of !`€· Ouryideas I want you to know that not become the big busmess It is to- Jf SBP
»gnized. sponsibility for its success. "Pub1ic what W; have planned has been day. In fact, Jackieys Salary fe),. hls Alumni
’° I"' Suppm usually °°m‘°’S t° that agen` done with honesty and smcemv, mst year of coaching was a railroad miver-
Legisl °y Or institution that can present keeping our one common interest ticket from Purdue to Lexington. Hy fm.
a united front and a reasonable always in mind the purpose which When Jackie became too old to ith his
program' adequately mt€rprBt€d` to the University ,as such, must ful- compcte in this yclmg manys g;m°· .
the P9°pl€» th€"€f°"°· I wm try to U ` Y ‘t ds to have he settled in Edinburgh, Ind. wlere _ `
’ tau y°u* as briefly as possibm what ggirflzfan Igggrswgmgi? every stu- he ran a resort. One year the river fg; sid
arting W6 hope and €XD€Ct for the future}; dent teacher and alumnus, working flooded him out and he opienidha  mdmg
·B k UWB hope to Obtgm an Increase. t th for the common cause we F’1`3V€1 Pit 011 h1S Pi`0D€!`W W lc Q . _
tssglft- amount for °p°mtmg expenses mls l'g$)(;`€S;II;1t, before we can attain still runs. _ lthdugf
ica- yawn when We present our proposed those oals toward which we aim. Jackie does not stack up Physically 1ar ·
mit is budget to the General AsS°‘“'°1y‘ We arg working for something much of course, with the Kentuckytlialf- $2*:2;;;
- . · th of us, therefore, we backs of today. He has a S]lgh_ }mP S
Egxsrg- Field House Urgent Need · gaéiggve   ggy full measure of de- which he acquired fmm a lcg mlm?
1 ting "The University budget w11l also votionl in his gravel pm But his fm; arid of the
B a' contain a request for a field house, _ _ his spirit are stm there and it will `€mb€r_
were it . . · t _ qt ls my hope that you will come , ,
us Sit which 1S a crying need, for a prf; t EQ me Whenever you Visit the be his iire and spirit that have we not
’ ' Ent there is 110 3udit',OI`i`UI`I'1 on € 0 S _ tl tched Over   av century     i
mng a campus large enough to hold the campus, and that YOU will always S }`€ _1 t _ e
. . ‘- 111 accompany the W1 dca s in ruty by
°‘“‘ "’* St¤¤<=¤i bm ¤¤ me Wm me ‘g"" ‘“°d“"E,,‘2§§??“ °" y°‘“   Zim. thrusts mma vaadatm. ,,, ,,.,,,,
mm agricultural meetings, sports events, encc an a · Ahmm

 I n  ‘ » »°»      `     ···- ··‘ · ~·>  _       · — ··‘v .., `- ·· — `~·   ·~* —i~-·    ~. _,_ .4 e ‘ `
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     { - ·   r...;...;7-7.rA#l-—·»—~- Z!
    l     E1l° ’ 2 H d Al °  
 l g     E. Cronley 10tt, 0 , ea s umm
»· _; E I
. 2 gp »   _ _,_M_“a# -n,_ooooooooMe..o . Moon W
l· —.
    Y     Oiflc€rS· I¤St&ll€d» jOL
 ‘.` E     R€P0I`tS Made At    
 V * » A., =:1E¤E¤E¤i=E=E=E¤E¤E¤  yr?c5=inE=§¢§:€¤EcEci:5¤Er5:2¤&¢E¢%=E=E=E=E=E=E¤E¤E¤E¤;- *3:-:,  . .;§:i:;:=·*· ,; " ‘ ‘ *‘*¤-2;EgE;£5E;€rE;
 X éo        :-L   Jllllé M€€tlUg   ’ Al ‘’’;‘‘ E *¤¥¥%: Ina]
 N . g A · iéiéiéiéiiiiiiéiiiif;:€%§T    W  ·~= ¤·=s.;=;..» `
 {         Dr. E. ¤1·¤mey Elm, L¤>¤¤g¤¤¤»   . ;  ,.::     » PY€l
  in ·F 9   1¤v¤L 1¤¤g-time member Of the     l ‘· . r
 ; ; ll     __·_·` 3   executive ¤<>mm¤¤¤€ ¤f ¤¤·<-> U¤iv¤1·-     D§$Q’?‘
 .n § i?     my Of K¤¤*¤¤¤*€1‘S insmuvd   =·¤¤ivc¤·¤
 ‘ i é     e.-i   wc: Miss Mmgueme Mcmughm   .-.,‘,r   will be I
 i         *03. vice president: L. K. Frankel,   Invitn
 l §       *00 and Dr- George H· WMM. ’04v   be me
é F. N   m¤m¤<=rs ¤f we executive ¤¤mm¤-   learning
on   · I »e`i   we fm a pwd 0f thm yew-   Swrativl
i     The ass¤<>i¤¤i¤¤ welcomed as new     mg edu
5 é 3 E   nrcsidem ¤f the University of Ken-   ·—-’   ably m
 ·. = ;   . Lucky one of its own members, Dr. ‘‘‘=    —·‘’` Bducatox
2 § §   D'· E· C"’“'°" E“‘°“ Herman Lee Donovan, class or 1914,   A Plans
E   V V.   and received and accepted the re- ? _ _ lunghgg]
 L § ol ·f mm From President of POS; 31;;*; S;¤rj;g;1¤¤;1;;§aS¤l‘€;~ MEiH?‘f§¥° ?X?€iil‘1¥‘i‘}“ow oo g;;¤¤¤L
 ‘ i ‘ i · ' · , S , C HIBC - QUE
 · Q   Alumnl Asscclatmn ing of the executive committee was D00Y»01‘ Elliott ECW his D-D-S· d€· Weathex
.  ‘ .—   October 1, 1941 held at which timg six names were gree from the Louisville College of mom, W
V     Q Alumni and Friends: recommended to the Board of Tyus- Dentistry in 1905, and has been a The E
 »i_ § 5 , The year or 1941 has been a tees to be voted on by the member- P¤`¤¤¤¤i¤€ dentist in L€><¤¤gt¤¤ rangeme
A g   ’ history making year for the Um- ship of the association for elec- Since his €*`¤dum°¤· ehanma
 I i g ` versity or Kentucky, It has been tion to the Board of Trustees as He has served as president of the lm DK
 ;     a time when we havg Wglcgmgd alumni member, me term or Louis Lexington Kiwanis Club, has held DI, Sm
; { to the emu or President one of Hillenmeyer having expired. Tho all Omces Mm t€¤9h€1‘ t0 d€¤°°¤ Jaynes ¤
L { g our members, 3 graduate of our following names were recommended m the Calvary B8D®1St church, has Richard
; ; instituigigry Under his admim- by the executive committee my the been alumnus secretary of Pi Kappa B Holm
· B ¢ » Smmon We feel that the Um- vote ot the association: J. Donald Alpha. representative in the nation- ‘ ‘
5  F   versity will move forward m all Dinning, Louisville; Herndon J. al body of Odd Fellows. and is a
 · Q   lines of endeavor and in ms bc- Evans, Pineville: Louis Hillenmeyer, m€‘mb€1` of UW $@3% and ¤¤ti<>¤¤1  
§   half the Association soucus and Lexingwnr Joe T. Lovett. Mumv. d€¤t1 aS$°<>i¤°i°¤S- `
I l   expects the support; gf gl] hey H. D. Palmore. FI‘a¤kfO1't, and G. ———&*··*‘_‘—·  
 ° ~ z friends and alumni, M. Pedley, Princeton.
 ` e g Our objective my 1941-42 is At that meetimz a committee was LOUISVILLE ALUMNI Seve
 5   3 twofold. First than we will double also appointed by President Elliott HAVE ACTIVE CLUB To I
l  g 1 the membership Of our Alumni to make plans for the homecoming _ _ _
A-  E _ Association, and Second that We celebration October IL during the · The activities of the Gyeater Lou- Seven
  l Wm fully Support our President, v2mde,·bi1t_K€ntuckv football gam€_ 1sv11le Alumni Qlub, wlth Grover pus lll .
i l · DL Donovan, and his plans fm. The committee consists Of D12 G_ Creech as p1·es1·dent, included a the Dix
 i   3 a greater University. To reach Davis Buckner, Bernie A, smvelv w€ek—end of de11gmiu1' events my mm It
{ _ l this goal it is necessary that We and Doctor Euiotth the V.P.I. game, .The high hghtt of in 1941
  ‘ have the cooperation gf every The new president of the Alumni C°m`S€» Was mf? VlCt01`Y of thé W1ld· c1asseS,
=’ ’ p alumnush old Student, and Alum- Association is a native of Lexington, cats 0V€r‘ the Gobblers to the tune special 1
~ { m¤1ub_ and both his son, Dr. Richard G. of 37-14- On Friday night before masses, .
 L   g DR,_ E_ CRONLEY ELLIOTT Elliott, and his daughter. Dorothy W6 €3m€ the Louisville alumni occasion
 ‘   l Pregq UK Alumni Asggciatign Love, are alumni or the University. Smup and Students Of the U¤iV€1‘Sit>’ Kirby if
 . ` i _ Mrs. Elliott, wnue not an alumna, gathered for ¤ pep rally at Li¤¢¤1¤ Hillenm
9 has given freely of her time to the P¤1`k· The "B¤st Band in Dixie" Mahan
i 1941 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE work or me association for many was there and on parade. At 10·3<>· to an U.
  _ S€pt.27—V. P. I. ................ Louisville years, and has been 3 cgntributjng 'S2.tU.1‘d2,y I1'\O1`I'll1'1g P1'€Sid€Dl'. Blld and ,08
·   ` O¤'¤· 4-W. 86 L· ...... Lexington, Va. factor to the success of many alum- M1`S· Donovan 1`€G€iV€d alumni The 1.}
V   g Oct.11-—Vanderbilt ............ Lexington ni festivities. f1‘0m Louisville 3¤d 0¥h€Y Paws Of · #82 ·83·»
 , & (Homecoming) While 3 student at me University Kentucky and at 11:30 the old- Emil ,1;),
 ._ s 0ct.18—Xavier ................ Cincinnati Doctor Elliott played football, bas- fashioned "K<-zntucky Breakf¤vS¥" plan Wa
g S Oct.25—West Va. ............ Lexington ketball and baseball, was chairman was served to about 250 alumni in carried
'_ ·-_, Nov. 1-—A1abama ............ Tuscaloosa of the committee which obtained the Ballroom of the Brown Hotel- .
= · _Q Nov. 8—Georgia Tech. ...... Atlanta permission for the students to dance On Saturday night the Blue and umol? O
i ¤  " Nov.15—S0uthwestern .... Lexington on the campus, and was a, member White Orchestra played for a· d9.1F0€ WEEE m
__    * Nov. 22-Tennessee ............ Lexington of Pl Kappa, Alpha Social fraternity. in the Brown Hotel Ballroom. §g_¤$k§;
  .   Sity’$ pl
.t ~. V- ·
[__! JN};   Tg.