xt7cnp1wdt4k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cnp1wdt4k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1951-toc. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1951-toc. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1951-toc. 1951 1951-toc. 2011 true xt7cnp1wdt4k section xt7cnp1wdt4k 

    U N I V E R S I T Y    O F  K E N T U C K Y


                    VOLUME I

          Meeting of' the Executive Committee
                   January 19, 1951

A.   Minutes Approved................................ 1
B.   Comptroller's Report............................. 1
C.   Comptroller to Endorse Kentucky Library Staff
          Bonds......1..............................     1
D.   Mr. Palmore Appointed to Council on Higher
          Public Education ........................... 2
E.   Purchases Approved..............................    2
F.   Construction of Greenhouse Authorized...........    3
G.   Construction of Brooder House Authorized.           3
H. Budget Change.... 3
I.   Trespass Cases at Robinson Forest Referred to
          Attorney Ceneral.........................      4
J.   Fees in Farm Economics Courses Withdrawn.           5
K.   Agreement with Alpha Delta Pi Approved.              5
L.   Agreement between Kentucky Geological Survey and
          the Tennessee Valley Authority Authorized.,    9
M.   Agreement with U.S. Department of State for Re-
          Education of German Journalists Approved...    9
N.   Leave of Professor James W. Martin Approved.      11
O.   Mrs. Ruthe Henderson's Request for Sick Leave...     11
P.   Gifts
          From Paul G. and Georgia Blazer ............ 11
          From Grayson Foundation ....................   12
          From American Potash Institute............     12
          Yrom Mr. P. A. B. Widener, III .12
          From Dr. W. W. Jennings ..................... 13
          From Mr. Louis Ware..                        13
          From Mr. J. R. Watkins..................... 13
          From Kentucky Utilities Company    ..........1.
          From Ashland Oil & Refining Company........    15
          From Kaufman-Straue ........................ 16


           From Mr. Harry Schacter ................ 16
           From the Breckinridge Chapter of the
           American Association of Social Workers. 16
Q.   Appointments and Other Staff Changes......... 16
R.   Luncheon.................................... 24
S.   Adjournment................................ 24

          Meeting of the Executive Committee
                   February 17, 1951

A.   Minutes Approved............................. 25
B.   Comptroller's Report .......................... 25
C.   Budget Changes.............................. 25
D.   Transfer of Parking Fines..                   26
E.   Surplus Machines Authorized Sold    .      .... 27
F.   Exchange of Boar Approved ..... 28
G.   Sabbatical Leave Interpreted................. 29
H.   Policy Governing Termination of Employment
          Leave.....                               30
I.   Policy Governing Maternity Leave ........... 30
J.   Foreign Student Scholarships Approved .32
K.   Resolution on Death of Saxe D. Averitt.       32
L.   Gifts..................................... 33
          From Mr. Robert C. McDowell, President
          of the McDowell Company, Cleveland,Ohio,3
          From Kentucky Finance Company   .     .... 34
          From Virginia Dare Extract Company...... 35
M.   Sale of Campus Book Store and Kentucky Kernel
          Securities .35
N.   Correction of Minutes of November 17, 1950... 35
0.   Appointments and Other Staff Changes ........ 36
P.   Adjournment .........    ...................... 46

           Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                   April 3, 1951

A.   Approval of Minutes......................... 47
B.   Comptroller's Report .............
C.   Nomination of Dean of the College of Agricul-
          ture and Home Economics and Director of
          the Experiment Station ................. 61
D.   Resolution in Appreciation of Dean Thomas
          Cooper.....*.........*............ ... 73
E.   Report on Reating System at the William S.
          Taylor Education Building, and Steel
          Shelving for the Library Annex .......... 73
F.   Additional Appropriation for Brooder House... 74


G.   Appropriation for Journal of Southern
          History...............................     74
H.   Cooperative Agreement with the Office of
          Foreign Agricultural Relations ......... 75
I.   Agreement between the University of Kentucky
          Geological Survey and the Kentucky
          Agricultural and Industrial Development
          Board......;..... ..*-**v-v-@@--.**.* 77
J.   Permission to Burn Bonds.................... 79
K.   Quarters for U. S. Geological Survey and
          Others..................*..............    80
L.   Scholarships for Persons Desiring to Pursue
          a Course in Veterinary Science.......    81
M.   Honorary Degrees Authorized        .    .     81
N.   Report of the Committee on Foreign Students.     81
0.   Gifts
          From Time Finance Company, Louisville.. 82
          From Mr. Herschel Weil .................   82
P.   Change of Occupation for Dr. Charles McChord. 82
Q.   Injury to Dan Welch......................... 84
R.   Injury to Miss Zelma Monroe....          ,    85
S.   Resolution on Death of Garla Lo     n   g....       85
T.   Settlement of Annie Dillard Estate.........      86
U.   Purchase of House at 268 College View....     87
V.   Agreement between Division of Forestry of the
          Department of Conservation, and the
          University of Kentucky................     87
W.   Storage of Kentucky Methodist Conference
          Historical Library .....................    89
X.   Appreciation Expressed to Basket Ball Team
          and Coach for Winning the N.C.A.A......     90
Y.   Appointments and Other Staftf Changes ........ 91
Z.   Recess for Luncheon.......................       100
A-1. Social Security Program for the University
          Discusses........... e.......e...v.      100
A-2. Adjournment...........   ........             100

          Meeting of the Executive Committee
                     May 18, 1951

A.   Minutes Approved........................      101
B.   Report of Comptroller....................        101
C.   Budget Changes ..........  ................. 101
D.   Transfer of Hal Price Headley Fund Securities 101
E.   Agricultural and Industrial Development
          Board Contract Approved..............       102


F.  Purchase of House and Lot Authorized.............     103
G.   Request of Kappa Alpha Fraternity Denied...........     103
H.   1939 Class Funds Transferred ....................... 10
I.   Out-of-State Travel Appropriation Increased........     l0
J.   Recess for Luncheon...............................      104
K.   H. D. Palmore Appointed Director of Kentucky
          Research Foundation ... 104
L.   Policy on Recording Performances of Students on
          Campus........................................ 105
M.   Comptroller Authorized to Indorse Check.....         107
N.   Radio and Music Scholarships ....................... 107
0.   Foreign Scholarships Approved ...................... 107
P.   Outside Work for Doctor Thompson ...................    108
Q.   Gifts
          From Solvay Process Division of the Allied
          Chemical & Dye Corporation, Nitrogen Section.     108
          From The Filson Club....                        109
          From Mr. Guy A. Huguelet, Lexington, Ky .....      109
          From Mr. R. B. Horine, Nicholasville, K     y      110
          From Shift and Company, Chicago, Illinois.....     110
          From Distillers Feed Research Council, Inc....     110
          From Mr. James Liston........................      111
          From Fayetter County Chapter of the Kentucky
          Society for Crippled Children................     112
          From Woman's Auxiliary to the Kentucky State
          Medical Society........................... 113
          From Anonymous Donor..                          113
R.   Patterson Will........,.113
S.   Application for Loan from Federal Government
          Authorized........................ 113
T.   Appointments and Other Staff Changes ............... 114
U.   Adjournment ................   c  .......124

           Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                     June 1, 1951

A.   Approval of Minutes...........................       125
B.   Report of the Comptroller ..........    ...          125
C.  Approval of the Budget for 1951-52.................     139
D.   Establishment of School of Journalism..0......,,.,,.    146
S.   Candidates for Degrees Submitted ..............e,, 147
F.  University Accepts Social Security...............     162
G.   Department of Public Relations Unifed ............. 164


H.  Stock Pavilion Authorized........................      165
I. Football Practice Field .166
J.  Appointment of Associate Directors of the Experiment
         Station and College of Agriculture and Home
         Economics.                                        167
K.  Dairy Products Building Named.167
L.  Dean Frank J. Welch Approved as Director of Coopera-
         tive Extension Service .........................    168
M.  Professor R. R. Pickett to Do Outside Work .169
N.  Property at 250 College View Avenue Purchased.         169
0.  Suit on Patterson Will Authorized.                     170
P.  Comptroller Authorized to Lease Crane..............    170
A.  Injury to Dan Welch..............................      171
R.  Gifts
         From the Lexington Herald-Leader, Lexington ...     171
         From Kentucky Society for Crippled Children...    17?
         From Mr. Harry Schacter, Louisville ............    172
         From Lexington Council of Jewish Women.........     172
         From Kentucky Federation of Women's Clubs ......    172
S.  Change-of-Work for Dean Cooper ......................    173
T.  Change-of-Work for Dr. Charles McChord ..............     173
U.  Leave of Absence for Dean Stahr ........               174
V.  Honorary Degrees Authorized............                174
W.  Appointments and Other Staff Changes ................    177
X.  Adjournment .........................................    200

           Meeting of the Executive Committee
                      July 21, 1951

A.  Approval of Minutes.................................      201
Bb  Report of the Comptroller..........................       201
C.  Purchases Made by the Comptroller's Office Approved.      201
D.  Budget Changes ......................................     202
E.  Change in Zoning on South Limestone Discussed......       202
F.  Rental Rates in Men's Residence Halls Revised......       203
G.  Invoice, Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Study Ap-
         proved.......         .      .       ... 203
H.  Southern Railway System Track Extension ..............    204
I.  Annuity for Miss Marie Nottnagel ....................     204
J.  Department of Air Science Created................,.       205
K.  Candidates for Degrees ..............................     205
L.  Women's and Men's Residence Halls and Science Build-
         ing Authorized........................     ....,  213


M.  Gifts
         From Kentucky Distillers' Association........        214
         From Kentucky Brewers Association...    .........   214
         From Mr. P. A. B. Widener, III .................     214
         From Colonel James H. Graham ...................     215
         From R. R. Dawson Bridge Company   .    .........215
         From Dr. D. R. Warehime ........................     215
         From V. V. Cooke Foundation, Inc ...............     215
         From Mr. Frank Zoringer     .      .............. 216
         From Kentucky Broadcasters Association........       216
         From Kentucky Highway Contractors Association..      216
         From Gardner-Denver Company of QZuincey, Ill....     216
         From American Society of Refrigerating Engi-
         neers         .          .. 217
         From Executor of the Fannie L. Jones Estate....      217
         From Republic Steel Corporation    .    ......... 217
         From Mr. Francis W. Edgerton    .     ........... 217
N.  Injury to Dan Welch .................................      218
0.  Leaves of Absence Granted........................
         Dr. Hollis Summers ..........................        218
         Mr. Clifford Amyx............   .2....            Z18
         Dr. Carl B. Cone      ................            218
P.  Dr. Richard L. Tuthill Employed as Registrar.......        218
Qu. Policy Governing Candidates for Office     .    ......... 219
R.  Easement to Louisville Gas and Electric Company...         222
S.  Report on Athletics...................                 222
T.  Appointments and Other Staff Changes ..................    223
U.  Adjournment...................... *                    239





                        VOLUME II

             Meeting of the Board of Trustecs
                   September 18, 1951

A.  Minutes Approved .....................,.,......        1
B. Report of the Comptroller....................       .. 1
C.  Investment of Funds of the College of Pharmacy....     13
D.  Proposed Budget for the Biennium 1951-53 .......... 13
E.  Dormitory Revenue Bonds and Coupons Burned.         15
F.  State Property and Building Commission Authorize
         Issuance of Revenue Bonds for Buildings......    16
G.  Cooperative Agreement with the Kentucky Division
         of Forestry .................................. 17
H.  Revised Agreement for Metallic Telephone Circuit
         at Robinson Forest..................           17
I.  Restricted Fund Budgets Approved................       18
J.  Property at 242 College View Avenue Purchased.      18
K.  Kentucky Alumni Association Budget Increased
         $900.00 ...............                        19
L.  Policies and Payment Rates Covering Extension
         Teachers Approved.........................        19
M.  Rules Governing the Broadcasting of Events    .      22
N.  Rental of Certain Facilities of the Covington
         Y.Ihi.C.A........     ..                .        25
0.  Resolution on Death of Professor Frank Murray..      27
P.  Resolution on Death of Judge Harry F. Walters       .  28
Q. Dean Elvis J. Stahr, Jr., Given Leave of Absence..    29
R.  Injury to Tom Bailey            ..... , 29
S.  Injury to Clarence West........................ 30
T.  Injury to C. V. Hicks...........................     31
U.  Gifts
         From Anonymous Donor..................... 32
         From Mr. J. Stephen Watkins ..................    32
         From Mr. Guy A. Huguelet .....................    32
         From Solvay Process Division of the Allied
         Chemical & Dye Corporation ..................    32
         From Jefferson County Farm Bureau ............    33


         Prom Kentucky Artificial Breeding Asso-
         ciation                                ..... 33
         From The Kroger Company...................        34
         From The Junior League of Lexington, Ky., Inc. 34
         From The Fish and Game Division of Kentucky..     35
         From Colonel Owen R. Meredith...............      35
         From Grayson Foundation    .     ... 36
         From Sears-Roebuck Foundation...    .          36
         From National Associption of Thoroughbred
         Breeders....................................     36
         From Mr. G. A. Heuser, President of the
         Henry Vogt Machine Company..................     36
         From Mr. Alexander Bonnyman.................      37
         From The Simpson County Farm Bureau.........      37
         From Mr. R. R. Dawson ........................    37
         From Mr. A. E. Foster......................       38
         From Harlan Mining Institute   .    .38
         From Ralph E. Mills Foundation      .    .     38
         From Louisville Board of Insurance Agents....     38
         From Mason County Farm Bureau     .....        39
         From South-East Coal Company       .     .     39
         From Kentucky Association of Insurance Agents     39
         From Mr. Harry 0. Wyse .......................    40
         From The Plantmix Asphalt Industry of Ky....      40
         From Mr. Hershel Weil..........4.............     40
V.  Appointments and Other Staff Changes     .............  41
W.  Adjournment  and  Luncheon     ..........................  56

            Meeting of the Executive Committee
                    October 20, 1951

A.  Minutes Aporoved ..................................     57
B.  Report of the Comptroller .      ........................ 57
C.  Approval of State Requisitions ....................     57
D.  Budget Changes ....................................     58
E.  "Your University" Brochure Ordered Printed....... 59
F.  Report on Cooperstovn Grocery Store.           .    59
G.  Budget for Experiment Station Revised      .   .    60
H.  Appropriation to Increase Program of Research at
         Western Kentucky Sub-station Authorized......      61
I.  Preliminary Plans for Hog Barn Authorized    .  .   62
J.  Travel Budget for Doctor Tapp.               .      62
K.  Sale of Machines by College of Engineering
         Authorized ...................................     62
L.  Endorsement of Checks Authorized ..................     63


M. Free Fees for Latvian Family.63
N.  Calculator Reported Lost....................       63
0.  Contract between the University and City Board of
         Education..................................       64
P.  Barracks on   Rose Street Authorized Razed*.64
Q.  Contract with Covington City Board of Education.    6LL
R.  Summer Workshop at Monterrey, Mexico, Approved...,      64
S.  Injury to Dan Welch...6..........................       67
T.  Injury to James F. Walker ......................... 67
U.  Injury to Viva Sloan ..............................     67
V.  Injury to John M. Jackson .........................     68
W. NEPA Funds to Remain with Kentucky Research
         Foundation.................................       69
X.  Dr. Edward Tuthill to Continue on Staff ...........     71
Y.  Outside Work -- Mr. Sulzer; Mr. Farris; Doctor
         Calvin.....................................       71
Z.  Mrs. Alberta N. Coleman Employed ..................     72
A-l.Leave of Absence for Mr. Bart Peak       .    .     73
B-1.Plans and Specifications, Agricultural Engineer-
         ing Building, Approved......e 73
C-l.Davson Springs Park Buildings         .      .      73
         From Various Donors -- Contributions to
         Black Shank Tobacco Project .................    74
         From American Poultry and Hatchery Federation      76
         From Distillers Feed Research Council, Inc...      76
         From Opekasit Foundation of Hamilton, Ohio...      77
         From The Union Light, Heat & Power Company...      77
         From Mre. Fred A, Crossman ...................    77
         From Dr. George F. Doyle .....................    79
         From Mr. Harry W. Schacter ...................    79
         From Reynolds Metals Company .................    80
E-l.Resolution on Death of Dr. Lynn K. Wood ...........      80
F-l.Appointments and Other Staff Changes      .   .     81
G-l.Adjournment....               ....................  92

            Meeting of the Executive Committee
                     November 23, 1951

A. Approval of Minutes.                       .         93
B.  Report of the Comptroller .        ........................ 93
C.  Budget Changes....................................      93
D.  Governemnt Security Agreement Authorized..........      94
E.  Military Uniform Deposit ..........................     94
F.  Provisions of Annie Dillard Will Approved .........      95
G. Luncheon..95
H.  Activities App opriation for Northern Extension
         Center................                         95
I.  Gunras Arnold Klipsons to Pay InState Fee.          96
J.  Gifts
         From Grayson Foundation          .      .      96
         From Various Donors to Black Shank Tobacco
         Progr    am....................................,  96


         From Mrs. J. J. Goodwin..........d...........     97
         From Colonel James H. Graham ................     97
         From Panhellenic Association ...............    99
         From Ashland Oil & Refining Company..........     99
K.  Employment of Mrs. Robert G. Beavers Approved.    . 100
L. Injury to Jesse Bond .                                101
M.  Leave of Absence for Mr. E. J. Kilpatrick     .      101
N. Agreement between Cincinnati, New Orleans and
         Texas Pacific Railway Company and University
         of Kentucky..........                           102
0.  Surplus Property Authorized Sold.                    102
P. Request to Televise Kentucky-Tennessee Football
         Game Denied.........                            102
Q,  Appointments and Other Staff Changes 8.         ..,, 103
R.  Data on Cost of Buildings and Lands ............... 109
S.  Adjournment......................................    109

            Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                    December 18, 1951

A.  Approval of Minutes ...........................     .   ill
B. Report of the Comptroller .ill
C.  Cafeteria and Residence Hall Prices Increased.....     123
D.  Budget Changes..................................        124
E. Organization and Administration of Athletics at
         the University.......................           124
F.  The Kentucky Kernel-Journal Building Named.....      128
G.  Interest in the University ..................... ..    129
H. University Stock Wine Many Awards at International
         Live Stock Exposition     .      .              130
I.  Medical Education..............................      131
J. Summary of a Survey of State-Supported Higher Ed-
         ucation in Kentucky.....      ..O               136
K.  Report of Executor and Trustee, Patterson Estate..      143
L.  Greenhouse Authorized Constructed ....., 143
M.  Use of Memorial Coliseum,.........................      143
N. Salary Adjustment, Agriculture College and Exten-
         sion Division, Approved...................      144
0.  Lose of Sculpture Piece Reported    .    .           144
P.  Removal of Abandoned Cars......_..............       144
Q.  Gifts
         From Sprague & Henwood, Inc...............      145
         From Various Donors to Black Shank Tobacco
         Project--Contributions to Program..........    145
         From Aubrey & Company     .      .............. 146
         From Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wlliams.                 146
         From Kentucky-31 Fescue Association ..........    146
         From Kentucky Chain Stores Council...........      146


         From Mr. Guy A. Huguelet..                    147
R. ResolutiOn on Death of David Howard Peak.   .       147
S.  Injury to A. P. Rose..............................       148
T. Report of Election of Alumni for Board Member       148
U.  Report on Davson Springs Property.................       150
V.  Appointments and Other Staff Changes .    .........150
W.  Adjournment        ......................          154