xt7cjs9h772t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cjs9h772t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1932-12-12  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 12, 1932 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 12, 1932 1932 1932-12-12 2021 true xt7cjs9h772t section xt7cjs9h772t   

December 12, 1932

The University Senate met in Room 111, McVey Hall, Monday December 12
with President McVey presidinga

The minutes of November 21 were approved as read.

The following reports of standing committees were read and ordered included
in the minutes:

Committee on Publication of Monographs

”As stated in previous reports to the Senate, the function of the
Committee on the Publication of Monographs is to examine, and recommend
for publication if found worthy, manuscripts which do not receive direct
sanction from colleges, bureaus or other sections of the University

So far this year the Committee has passed upon one manuscripto It

was submitted by Professors Webb and Funkhouser and constitutes an
archaeological survey of the State of Kentucky. The Survey locates by
counties all known prehistoric sites in the state and discusses the
geographic distribution of various cultures that prevailed in prehistoric
times» Maps and illustrations form a large part of the Study. The
manuscript itself contains QlS typewritten pageSe

Early in the year the Chairman of the COmmittee conferred with the
President concerning the policy the University would pursue this year
with respect to the publication of manuscript8e It was his view that
every effort possible shOuld be made to pay salaries and meet all

other necessary operating expenses. This meant that the University would
probably not undertake to publish manuscripts this year.

Professor Webb Was informed as to this policy, but it was his wish that
the Committee pass upon the merit of the study, so that it may be
yublished as soon as funds are available. This committee was glad to
give its approval because it is known that the work of Professors Webb
and Funkhouser has received wide recognition»

The President estimates that the cost of publishing the Archaeological
Survey will be around $2,000. This probably does not include the cost

0f the paper which the University receives without charge from the State»
At any rate this manuscript Will lie in status 332 for the present bee
Cause the University is suffering from financial arteriOESCIerosis-


It should be added that not only is the University interested in
conserving its own fund for the purpose of meeting bare operating
expenses, but that it has an obligation to t*e state as a whole to do
its part in cutting public expenditures during the worst depression
this country has ever experiencede In other words the University at :his
time is obligated to take into account not only the cost of publication
directly chargeable against its own revenues, but also the cost of the



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Minutes of the


paper which is paid ont of “*Her state TGVEflHQSa The time Will soon é
come, it is to be hopeda when the publication of manuscripts as Worthy ‘
as this one can be financed. T
~ 0
Resyeetfully eutmitted N
E« F« Farqnher T
A, Go McFarlan t
George Roberts ,
w. an Webb ‘ 3’4,
Edward Wieet (Chairman) w :1

Committee on Studen: Social Affairs

”In accord with the rules of the University, the general control an&
arrangement of student social life is one of the functions of the
Student Councils (men’s and women’s} which have power to act under
the rules passed by the Student Councils and Faculty Committee and
approved by the University Senate.

1» b
3 3

Under the rules originally passed by the Student Councils and the
Faculty Committee, and approveé by the University Senate, the time
fixed for social activities of every kind was Saturdaf afternoone or
evenings or the eveninee before legal holidays” The exceptions to
this rule were: the senior balls and the panahellenic which came on
Friday evenings«

§§£i§l_§alendarz {
A Calendar ehowing time and place of all dances ané entertainments shall

be made by the gocial Committee of the Men’e and Women‘s Student Councils

before Thanksgiving and submitted thri the Dean of Men and the Dean of

Women to the genate for ratificatione An up—tpmdate copy ehaii be kePt

in the office of the Dean of Men and Dean of Womene

figport of Entertainment Committee

After the éanoe or entertainment9 the chairman of the committee shall
present to the “ean of Men and Dean of Women a written report of same on
a form furnished for the purpose« This renort shall include an expense
account. which shall be forwarded to the auditing committee.


 Minutes of the University Senate a Dec. 21r 1932

The Faculty Committee on Social Affairs has cooperated with the Student
Committees and we believe there has been much improvement in the conduct
of our social affairs 6 with the exception of the PaneHellenic last year¢
No date has been assigned yet for the PanaHellenic this year.

The Alumni dance, of course; is not on the student"s program, and is
therefore not for this 00mmitteee

Eadification 2g Rules

Last year, the following modification of the social rules was made on
petition of the students, and the results have been satisfactory.

l» waoh social fraternity may give one ”Guestndance" each year
(1°35, a formal and informal in alternate years.)

2» Each social fraternity may give one ”Housewdance” each
semester (lee.9 a dance in the fraternity house) to be
limited in attendance to members of chapter, pledges and
girl friendSo

The social committee has ruled that an organization may have
two din er rdances a semester, beginning at 6:30 and lasting
until 9:30 pom, instead of one house dance” if desired.

3. Each woman's social organization may give one teamdance and one
formal dance in alternate VearSo The guests at the teamdance
must not exceed one hundred and fifty»

Requests for dates must be made on blanks that may be obtained
from the office of the Dean of Men and Dean of Women.

Respectfully submitted

C. R” Melcher, Chairman
A. Ja Olney

Sarah G. Blending

Eda M. Giles

B. E! Brewer



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