xt7cjs9h741k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cjs9h741k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-11-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1993 1993 1993-11-15 2020 true xt7cjs9h741k section xt7cjs9h741k  






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Ke ntucky Kernel

NOV 1 5 1993


Eva. xc'vr No.57

Established 1894 .,, .

.,. University eunuch-#9639910".- Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Wnday. November 151353"

Free trade pact still faces opposition

Local NAFTA foes rally downtown;
fewer than 30 turn out for protest


By Erica Patterson
Assistant News Editor


If the North American Free
Trade Agreement passes, business-
es “will leave America like rats
leaving sinking ships," a NAFTA
opponent said yesterday.

The promises and hopes pro-
posed under the pact that would
join the United States, Mexico and
(‘iutada in the largest world trade
agreement are all “pijmlrearnx."
Don Wiggins said.

Wiggins, a member of United
We Stand, America, was one of six
speakers at an anti-NAFTA rally in
Thoroughbred Park. The event,

which attracted fewer than 30 peo-
ple, was sponsored by United We
Stand, a nationwide, nonpartisan or-
ganization founded by former inde-
pendent presidential candidate Ross

Paul O‘Brian, also a member of
United We Stand, said that when he
sees a president lobbying so hard to
get the agreement passed, “there's

something he's not telling the
American people.“
"I want to beliexe my govern-

ment," he said. “1 want to believe
NAFTA will help the United States
and will create more US. jobs."

Rather than being an agreement
to help Americans, NAFTA is

“only an investment plan for busi-
nesses," O'Brian said.

The American people “are gonna
lose" with NAFTA because it will
be harder to find a job, Wiggins
said. The only solution to the prob-
lem is to buy Americamowned and
made products, he said.

Paul Brooks, a city employee and
United We Stand member also said
NAFTA is protection for big busi-
ness. “This thing should be fair and
equal to every part of the world,
(but) it is going to take jobs," he

A war is being waged between
people with the facts about NAFTA
and those who aren‘t so sure about

Carving her own

Student teaches
GED classes,
starts women’s
support group

By Doug Sarotsky
Staff Writer



Sometimes during the course of a
college education. it becomes nec-
essary for a student to carve his or
her own path to secure a place in

Alicia Williams is aware of this.

Williams, 23, an African-
American studies senior, began
working on that path from the time
she stepped on campus.

Her major was not available at
the University until she arrived.

“i knew what i wanted to study
and was able to create my own ma-

‘ ‘.'tiii§iii’.i:;.

. fly/lfl/Wllhr . .





Alicia Williams created her own major, then taught it to others.
She also started the Young Black Female Support Network.

jor,“ Williams said.

Williams also is involved with
Operation Educate, a tutorial ser-

vice offered by U K. The service has
been in operation for several years
and is available to all UK employ-



By Alan Fram
Associated Press

the North American Free Trade
Agreement seem a handful of
votes shy of being able to kill the
pact in Wednesday's House
showdown, leaving President
Clinton with an uphill but
achievable fight to save the deal.
an Associated Press survey has


Clinton’s battle in House achievable

With opponents of the agreement
needing 217 votes to prevail, 204
representatives said they would
vote against the measure or were
likely to do so, the survey found.
The figure included 178 who said
they would vote “no,” and 26 more
who said they were leaning that

Arrayed against them were 176
supporters of NAFTA, which
would phase out tariffs and other re-
strictions on trade among the Unit-
ed States, Mexico and Canada. Of

these, 162 said they would vote
for the agreement and 14 others
said they were likely to do so.

That left 54 undeclared law-
makers and a daunting task for
Clinton and his congressional
allies, who would suffer a major
political setback should the pact
be rejected.

Even if they retain all 14 rep-
resentatives leaning toward the
agreement, they will need the
votes of 42 of the undecideds,

See NAFTA, Back Page



the proposal, said UK student Scott
Hanni, a member of United We

“Nobody really has the facts," he


ees. Its main function is to provide
UK employees with the acaderrtic
skills necessary to pass GED exam-

Williams came in contact with
Operation Educate through the De-
partment of Human Research and
Development, which became inter-
ested in what Williams was team-
ing within a major that she created
by herself.

“T hey needed help with educa-
tion and had the idea of teaching
what I had learned to the students,"
Williams said. “A lot of theses stu-
dents missed out on a good educa-

To instruct students of Operation
Educate in the field of African-
American history, Williams knew
she would have to employ different
methods of teaching.

“I didn‘t want to just lecture
them," she said.

So instead of using a standard
See STUDENT. Back Page

Artists brushing up on residence halls


By Ruth Campbell
Contributing Writer

What's been sweeping
UK's campus for the past two


Local artists have been complet-
ing several works of art campus-
wide to improve the appearance of
the interiors of UK's residence
halls. More than 10 buildings have
been painted so far.

Working through Student Tempo-
rary Employment Placement Ser-
vices, the artists are either students
or graduates of UK. Four currently
are working, including Donna

tit l\t\\


m their defeat of Eli
Carotina, the foetal Widen
may be headedbrth. M
Bowl. Story, Page‘.


Mirth the group's late!
release, the Pet Shop Boys
finally are receiving the
acclaim they deserve. Ravi".
Page 6.

Mostly cloudy today with a
chance of morning showers;



high around 60. _
Mostly cloudy tonight; lov,h,_
the mid-40s 3 _ -
Mostly cloudy tomorr
a 40 percent chance ”"3
high between 50 a



Sports ....... a»...
Diversions .... -’_ ~' ~ *


Back, Kris LaFollette, Mary Robin-
son and Marcy Warner.

Debra Ross, the facility specialist
for the Auxiliary Services. is the
primary organizer of the artuotks.
She said she thought this was a
good idea for residence halls and
dining areas because it makes “the
students feel more comfortable
since this is their home away from

“Students seem to have devel-
oped a sense of pride and owner-
ship in their individual residence
halls,“ Ross said. “We are really ex-
cited about the students‘ response
to the murals. We wanted to im-
prove the interior enviromnent and
make the residence halls a place

where students feel good about
coming home.“

Overall, the student input has
been very positive. After work be-
gan on the Kuwait ll Wellness llall.
requests began coming in from eve-

Improving the interior looks of
these buildings is a full-time job.
Day to day, the artists spend from
six to eight hours doing the graph-
ics in certain campus buildings.

A lot of work goes into this pro-
cess. First, a theme must be devel-
oped. The theme for the building
depends on where the work is being
done, and many of the student‘s
suggestions are considered.

Next. the artists research their

LCC program trying
to assist high schoolers


By Jennifer Wiohor
Staff Writer

More than 40 high school stu-
dents gathered in the Student Cen-
ter on Saturday, preparing to battle
the rain and attend the Fast Caroli-
na-UK football game.

The students are members of
Lexington Conununity College‘s
Upward Bound program. The aca-
demic program. in its second year,
is designed to help high school stu-
dents improve their skills and moti-
vation in order to prepare for col-

The program runs throughout the
school year and includes a six-week
summer program. Eleven high

schools from six surrounding
counties participate.
Vicky Schankula. Upward

Bound‘s director, said, “We hope
we can give them the support and
help they may need."


During the school year the stu-
dents are tutored each week for two
hours at their own high schools.
Schankula said the tutor is a certi-
fied teacher that helps the students
with their areas of weakness.

Also, once a month the students
participate in a Retum Trip, during
which they visit LCC to participate
in workshops and activities.

Saturday was one of these trips.
Students went to the workshops and
then attended the football game.
The UK athletics department pro
vided tickets for the game.

Some students seemed to enjoy
the workshops, whereas others
liked the fun activities.

One student said she enjoys the
entire program.

“it's nice because you get to meet
a lot of different people,‘ Tina
Westfal said.

During the summer program. the

See UPWARD. Back Page

theme. For example, the artists
spent many hours in the library re-
searching ethnic cultures for Jewel
Hall, the residence hall known as
the international intng and Learn-
ing Center.

Some type of anwork is on every
floor there, and project organizers
say response has been fantastic.

The artists must also get the de-
signs approved before actual paint-
ing can begin.

The artists say they have been
impressed by the lack of vandalism
of the artwork.

“We were pleased. We were just
surprised," said Robinson. a fine

See ART, Back Page

said. “The so-called experts haven’t
even read the whole document,"
which is more than 1,000 pages
long, Hanni said.

Hanni said he ms a president

who wasn‘t sure about NAFTA
See RALLY, Back Page




Buell Armory


Big Blue Crush
Bloodmobile Schedule

206 Student Center 10am—6pm.

Kappa Alpha house 1—9p.m.

Kirwin—Blanding Complex Commons 1—9p.rn;
UKH'ospital 9a.m.—4:30p.m.

UK Hospital 9a.m.—4:30p.m.
DickeyHail 9a.m.—4:30p.m.
9a.m.—4:30p.rn. .
(Lunch break 12:30-2p.rn.)




Staff report


The sixth—annual Big Blue
Crush begins today, as UK tries
to win for the second straight

The (‘inxlt is an annual blood
drixe that pits UK fans, faculty,
staff and students against the
University of Tennessee faithful.

UK won last year's contest
with a record 2.350 pints.
against Tennessee's 1.977 pints.

The drive will be held today
through Friday and the winning
school will be announced during
halftime of the UK-UT football
game Saturday at Common-
wealth Stadium.

The first donor site on campus


MARK TUNER/Kernel Graphic-

UK aims to crush
Tennessee in drive

will be in 206 Student Center
fmm 10 am. - 6 pm. today.

ln addition to an alternating
site on campus. donors centers
will be set up in Hazard. Pre-
stonshnrg and Somerset and at
the \lbcr: i (‘htutdler Medical

Donors also may give blood
at Central Kentucky Blood Cen-
ter at 330 Waller Ave. from 9
am. to 9 pm.

Marsha Berry. 3 sp ‘ewom-
an for the blood center, said UK
gives more than 5,000 pints of
blood to the center each year.

Tennessee set a goat =f 2.000
pints this year, so Berry said the
goal for UK will be to beat last
year's total.












UK President Charles Wothington and Rob Warrington, a coordinator at UK Sports Spotle-
ular, talk to the teams before tipoft of a charity game between local TV stations yesterday.



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» w“,U—m “the"




1 “pagan-ax it a»,






.. «a. ,4 nwmaavh,a..vw.~






for Spotlight Jazz indiwdual
shows are on sale at TickefMas-
fer; general public, students, fa-
culty. and administration. CALL

-TlCKETS ON SALE!“ Tickets
for Next Stage Series are on
sale at Ticketmaster, general
public. students faculty, and ad
ministration. CALL 257 5.1:,“
Exhibit W
Singletary Center for the Arts
UK Art Museum, Tuesday-
Sunday 12.00~5:OO p lll CALL

-Exhibit. Russian icons Single-
tary Center for the Arts. UK Art
Museum, Tuesday-Sunday
12:00-5:00 pm, CALL 257-
5716 (thru 12/23)

-Creative Camera Club Compe-
tition and Exhibition: Student

Rasdell Gallery. Gallery Hours
Mon-Fri. 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p m.
CALL 257-8867 (thru 11/30l
Tuesday, 11/16

-FREE MOVIE!!! SAB Foreign
and ClaSSic Films present ms;
mm Student Center.
Center Theater. 7:00 p in
Wednesday, 11/17

~SAB Movie: MaMithuLa
Ease; $2. Student Center, Wors-
ham Theater, 7.30 pm, CALL

-College of Fine Arts presents
UK Guitar Ensemble: Joe Fra-
tianni; director. Singletary Cen-
ter for the Ans. Recital Hall,
8:00 pm, FREE

Thursday,1 1/18

-SAB Movie: Man—Witty)“
Eace ' $2, Student Center.
Worsham Theater, 7:30 pm .
CALL 257-8867

College of Fine Ans presents
UK Orchestra Philip Millet, con-
ductor. Singletary Center for the
Arts. Concert Hall, 8 00 pm.


-SAB Mowe Man Without a
EageSZ Student Center Wors—
ham Theater, 7 30 3t 10 00 p m
CALL 257-8867'

Celebrate 75 Pet! Gallery Se-
ries, King Library North 12 00
noon. FREE

College of Fine Arts presents
Big Band lI UK Jazz Combos;
Orville Hammond. director, Sin-
gletary Center for the Arts. Con-
cert Hall, 8:00 pm , FREE
Saturday, 11/20

-SAB Movie: Mamem
Ease; $2. Student Center, Wors-
ham Theater. 730 & 10:00 pm,
CALL 257-8867

-UK Dance Ensemble Fall Per-
formance: Singletary Center for
the Arts. ReCitaI Hall, 8:00 p m
Sunday, 11/21

—Cnlleoe of Fine Arts presents
FaCulty Recnal Everett McCor-

vey; Tenor. Singletary Center
tor the Arts. Recital Hall, 3:00
pm, FREE

-Master of Fine Arts Thesis Ex-
hibition: Monica d. Church open-
ing reception; Fine Arts Building,
Center for Contemporary Art.
2:00-5:00 pm, FREE

- SAB M0vie: WW
Ease; $2, Student Center, Wors-
ham Theater, 5 00 p m. CALL


RM 118 C8








-UK Women‘s Volleyball vs
Tennessee 7 30 p m

-UK Basketball vs Athletes in
Action-exhibition game 7 30
p m

Saturday, 11/20

-UK Football at Tennessee
2:00 pm.









Monday, 11/15
-UK-UT "Big Blue Crush" Blood

Drive (thru 1117)

Thursday, 11/18

-Career Day sponsored by the
English Department: Patterson
Office Tower 18th floor, 3:30
pm, open to the public, CALL







Monday. 11 15

Catholic Newman Center Daily
Mass Sen/ices 320 Rose Lane.
1210 pm CALL 255-8566
-Aikido Classes Alumni Gym
Loft. 800 p m CALL 269-4305
Tuesday. 11:16

-AM A. Meeting 7 30 p m ,
CALL 258 151:“-

Wednesday. 11 17

-UK Womvy‘e Forum "How the
Family Medical Leave Act Will
Work at UK’ Student Center.
Small Ballroom. 11 45 am -
1:00 p m CALL 257-8608 All
UK staff laCLill‘y, and students
welcome. bring your brown bag

-Holy Communion: St Augus-
tine's Chapel. 12:00 81 5:30
pm. CALL 254-3726

-SAVE Meeting: Student Center,
Rm. 309. 7 00 pm, CALL 223-

Buddhist Studies Group Lec-
ture. Student Center, Rm, 205.
7:00 p m, CALL 258-6559
Student Government Senate

Meetind Classroom Building.
Rm 212. 730 pm.

-Aikido Classes: Alumni Gym
Lolt, 8:00 pm, CALL 269-4305
Fitness and Weight Training
Clinic sponsored by Campus
Recreation: Sign up Rm 145
Seafon Center, Cost is $1 cash.
Seafon Center Conditioning
Rm. 730-10 00 pm . All UK
and LCC students. faculty. staff

Thursday, 11/18

Catholic Newman Center Stu-
dent Night ( CN2). 320 Rose
Lane. 7 30 pm . CALL 255-

Christian Student Fellowship
"Thursday Night Live", corner of
Woodland and Columbia 7 30
p m , CALL 233-0313
Saturday, 11/20

Catholic Newman Center
Weekend Mass Servrmrs 32,;
Rose Lane, 6.00 p m CA1!
255 8566

Sunday, 11/21

Catholic Newman Center
Weekend Mass Servmes .123
Rose Lane. 900 8 11 3C) a m
5008-8'30pm,CAll 255

.Holy Communion St Auqus
line's Chapel, 1030 a m 8. 5 30
pm, CALL 254-3726


Christian Student Fellowship
Sunday Servrce, on the cor-
ner of Woodland and Colum-
bia. 11 00 am, CALL 233-

-Atkzdo Classes Alumni Gym
Loft, 1 00 p in , CALL 269-









Wednesday, 11/17
-Tu rkey Trot entry deadline by
4:00 pm. in Rm, 145 of Seafon-
Center. Gift Certificates will be
awarded to the top male and
female student and faCuIty fin-
ishers. There will also be two
additional gift certificates
awarded by random drawing.
The top finisher in each divi-
sion will receive a T—shin.
CALL 257-6584,
- 3-on-3 basketball 10urnament
entries are due in Rm, 145 of
Seaton Center by 4.00 p m . $
5 per team, all games are held
in the Seaton Center Gymna
sium, play will run front Mon-
day 11/29 through Tuesday 12/
7. CALL 257-6582
Thursday, 11/18

Turkey Trot Race at 4 00 p rn
from the starting line of the par
course located by the UK water
Friday, 11/19

3-on-3 basketball tournament
brackets will be posted at the
Seafon Building,








fly mm , a

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Mfufimmmmwfimu ‘

* m engineérs win regional award
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WUKchaplerahomceivedmincash from the UniquhideCormratlon, which sponmthe
Whmmsenteduawineedng ofpmfesstmalmmhmmdsmdcmchaptersthatmheld

Student oftheUKctherisDellBrenmnomemtSucScheffisduecwrofWomenin
EngineerhguUKandadviser-todiedupm. ’

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mmmmamm (1me Engineers ha hemmed “Best Student We!

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continuum m


Radio channel for disabled celebrates third year
The Central Kentucky Radio Eye,

. Uxmmhmmwhofoundedthekndiolzyc.
~ hdnmbcdmyadsmdmm.mkadiofiyehasmeddmew4mmcdm

disabilities. celehmmd its thirdanniversary Friday withatunchoontohonorthechannel‘s nearlySOvolun-

12. 1990,3Mmomofprehnumwork—hecomiugincor—

intheMargnzetl. King Library. Volun-
outmland other central Kenmcky newspapers be-








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Woman will rent womb
to help pay for doctorate


By Terri Langford
Associated Press


HOUSTON — Above the high-
way buzz of Houston's traffic reads
this billboard:

“Womb for Rent! Educated,
Healthy, Loving, Surrogate Mother

A phone number follows for the
attorney of a woman who says she
got frustrated trying to get clinics to
make arrangements or national
newspapers to take her ad.

The woman, who wants to re-
main anonymous, said she hopes
some prospective parents will call
her lawyer so she can help an infer-
tile couple and also meet some of

The Kernel
kills bugs dead







Monday, November 15


January 3-8, I994

Travel Committee

First day

her own goals, such as using pan of
her fee to complete a doctorate.

“It's the sheer bureaucracy they
have to go through,“ the prospec-
tive surrogate said Saturday.

“She has a good sense of humor,
and the part about ‘womb for rent‘
shows her sense of humor. but the
rest of it is serious," said attorney
Roger Broach.

The woman said she will display
the advertisement — at $750 a day
— for three days.

“They say that if a woman is mo-
tivated by money. then she should
not be considered but why else
would a woman become pregnant if
it weren‘t to satisfy a goal. be it fi—
nancial or anotltcr goal?" she said.

The woman said she had been
considering surrogricy for the last
five years.

Bronch said the woman is seek-
ing more than the average $10,000
that usually goes to surrogates be-
cause of her healthy status and edu-
cational background.

- - She has a master‘s degree in biol-
jlttel‘S? 08y.
But the price is negotiable, the
man 'd.
No sweat! w" 53’

Giving blood is safe
and simple, so let's
beat UTl


She said she met with some pros-
pective couples through agencies
over the last few years but found
that avenue unsuccessful.

The woman, who is married and
has a 12-ycar-old son, said her hus-
band is very supportive of the idea.

“I talked it over with him and he
said, ‘It‘s your body and your
womb and you can do anything you


Student Center, Room 206 “mm" " She said:
10 am. - 6 pm. The Kentucky
Lava W ‘7 U102 I Kernel:
Fm Tuba ~41 My. 1. all Jo...“ Your campus news
Central Kentucky Blood Center .L source
330 Waller Ave. Lexln on KY 276-2534 L '1 '




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Student, 84,
finds new life
in love of music


By Tyrone Benson
Editor in Chief


The room swayed when she
walked — the rhythmic flow of
hips. legs and arms sending waves
of yesterdays throughout her
cramped, three-room apartment.

She moved like a Louis Arm-
strong scat interlude, strained but
purposeful, telling stories about her-
self as she searched her small living
room for the notebook she uses to
pencil down poems and piano com-

Every stroll across the floor was
an obvious effort for this 84-year-
old music student. though she tried
not the appear feeble.

“I‘ve made the mistake of not
asking people who come to inter—
view me for a copy of their work.“
she said. wading through a pile of
papers on her dinner table.

“I'd like to know what kind of
person I am.‘

Fannie Mae Huggins is. most as-
suredly. a survivor.

Like the jazz that she sometimes
performs at recitals around Central
Kentucky, this retired secondary
school music teacher has managed
to transcend the boundaries of tirm
and trauma.

Fate has challenged this stout,
curly-haired woman on every possi-
ble occasion.

A stroke.

A heart attack.

Thyroid cancer.

The death of a beloved husband
of 45 years.

Huggins often tells visitors that
she‘s “on the way out.“ but watch-
ing her make love to the Hamilton
piano situated in a comer of her liv-
ing room. it is clear that she really
doesn't buy it.

Her instructors at the UK School
of Music wouldn‘t let her leave

Huggins. a participant in UK‘s
Donovan Scholars Program for sen-
ior citizens. has been a part-time
student at UK for more than five
years. and in that time she has
amassed a string of As and a chorus
line of fans.

“I'm family to that school." Hug-
gins says proudly. “They call me a
role model. tm. but I don‘t know
what that's all about."

But jazz instructor Ron Pen

A music professor and associate
director of undergraduate studies in
the school. Pen said Huggins has a
charm that attracts people immedi-

“She had this eccentric yet exu-
berant manner about her." Pen said.
retnembering the first time he sight-
ed Huggins in a Fine Arts Building

What especially caught Penn‘s
eye was the walk.

“She‘s got a swagger in her walk.
some indomitable spirit to her walk
that defies all of the hardship that
she‘s gone through." Pen said.

This spirit. this zeal. is what
makes Huggins such an inspiration
to faculty and students in the
school. he said.

“What usually happens as you get
older." Pen said. “is you get more
dogmatic. more sure of yourself.
But (Huggins) only gets more open.
It’s a wonderful reversal of the ag-
ing process."

Huggins. who was one of the first
black teachers to work in the Fay-
ette County school system after
public facilities were ordered to de-
segregate in 1954. admits that at-




UK Donovan Scholar Fannie Mae Huggins gets pointers from music instructor Schuyler Robin-
son during one of Huggins’ visits to campus.


She's got a swagger in
her walk, some
indomitable spirit in her
walk that defies all of
the hardship that she’s
gone through.

— Ron Pen,
School of Music


tending school has contributed
greatly to her longevity and that
sharing her musical skill with oth-
ers gives her a sense of purpose.

“I‘ve learned more from her than
she has from me." Pen said.

It could be that Huggins has a
feel for music. particularly jazz.
that many scholars only dream of.

When she was 5. she began toy-
ing with the family piano in (‘edar
Rapids. Iowa. Soon her father
would introduce her at get-togethers
and have her play.

'Ihere was no sheet music to read
at these perfonnances. Huggins
simply had what she calls zut “ear"
for the pieces that she played.

Since then. her ear for music has
become increasingly eclectic. In
February. she performed at Berea
College. moving from Beethoven to
Count Basie.

“Beethoven's my favorite" classi-
cal artist. shc confessed.

Huggins said she appreciates
Beethoven and Basic for distinct
reasons. When she plays Beetho-
ven‘s Sonata No. 3. Opus 10. for
example. a certain control. an ele~
gance. emerges.

“But let me jazz it up for you."
Huggins said. tuming to her qunil-

As she took hold of the sonata.
the pristine movements of Beetho-
ven burgeoned into a “boogie woo-
gie" ostinato reflective of the big
band era

“When I play jazz." she yelled
over the sonata. “I have more
rhythm. I can move to it."

In jazz. she said after cooling her
fingertips. there is passion.

This marriage of compositional
order and spirituality is the nexus
between European and African-
based music. she said.

Herself a conglomerate of ethnic-
ities —— Huggins' grandmother was
Gennan and her grandfather was
black and American Indian —: she
has come to respect the integration
of cultures and music.

Jazz. the first authentically Amer-
ican music form. is the epitome of
this cultural fusion. However. the
blacks who initiated the assimila-
tion —— Jelly Roll Morton. Fletcher
Henderson. etc. —— had a much
harder time working themselves
into the mainstream than their com—

Huggins recalled the days when
blacks had little choice but to ac-
quiesce to the wishes of whites. no
matter what the circumstances.
though she admitted to once break-
ing with that convention at tremen-
dous personal risk.

It was 1933. Huggins and her
husband. less. were boarding a
crowded Greyhound bus in Hender-
son. Ky.. for a road trip. Fannie
Mae was nine months pregnant and
in no mood to feign humility.

So. as she moved toward the back
of the crowed bus. she asked a
white woman who was guarding the
edge of her seat if she would mind
sharing: all other seats on the bus
were taken.

The woman made it lucid that she
did mind. ignoring Huggins‘ second
and third requests for a seat.

“So I sat on her lap." Huggins
said. half-unhelieving of her youth-

ful audacity. “There I was, out to
here and sitting on this little white
woman's lap. The people on that
bus must have had the time of their
lives laughing.“

Huggins' battles today revolve
around UK — specifically getting
there. Strapped by the financial lim-
itations of monthly Social Security
payments. Huggins rarely can af-
ford a taxi ride to campus; she lives
in a senior citizens apartment com-
plex near downtown. beyond walk-
ing distance.

This semester. Huggins has made
it to only a few classes. but she'll
return soon. she promised.

“I‘m a fighter.“

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Kentucky Kernel, Monday, November 15, 1993 - 3











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4 — Kentucky Kernel, Monday, November 15, 1993



Sloppy game makes Cats Peachy

East Carolina
fumbles late
to give UK win


By Brett Dawson
Staff Writer


The weather was awful, the atten-
dance was pathetic and the playing
conditions were horrendous, but the
UK football team survived a scare
in beating East Carolina 6-3 Satur-
day. and everything turned out rosy
after all.

Better yet. make that Peachy.

Tailback Moe Williams rushed
for 129 yards on 25 carries. and the
Wildcats overcame an injury to
starting quarterback Pookie Jones
as a stellar defensive effort set up a
game winning field goal from
Nicky Nickels.

It wasn't pretty. but it was a win
And a win that all but guaranteed a
bowl bid for the Cats, most likely a
trip to Atlanta for the Peach Bowl
on New Year's Eve.

East Carolina tumcd out to be a
tougher opponent than any of the
Commonwealth Stadium record«
low 34.500 fans expected them to

As late as 1:28 remaining in the
game. it looked as though the Pi-
rates and Wildcats were headed for
a tie that would have forced UK to
knock off sixth—ranked Tennessee
next weekend to earn a bowl bid.

But following a missed field goal
by Nickels. ECU elected not to
hold the ball. and fullback Junior
Smith. who burned the (‘ats all day.
coughed up a fumble that Marty
Moore recovered to set up Nickels‘
perfect 29-yard game winner with



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MUD CAT: UK quarterback Antonio O'Ferral (5) looks to pitch
as tailback Moe Williams (10) gets ready for the ball.

31 seconds showing on the clock.

UK head coach Bill Curry lauded
his team‘s effort, particularly on the
defensive end, despite the sloppy
play all around.

"If you want to achieve anything
in football, then you must win these
type of games,“ Curry said. “When
I saw Fast Carolina. I knew they
were a great football team. They
proved that today."

The Pirates came into the game
with an unimpressive 2-7 record.
but Jones, who left after only four
plays with a sprained ankle, said the
opponent and score don‘t matter
nearly as much as the magical sixth

“It was a great feeling," Jones
said. “You can't ask for anything
more. Whether we beat them 31-7
or 6-3 like we did. I'm just happ