xt7cjs9h7222 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cjs9h7222/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-03-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1975 1975 1975-03-28 2020 true xt7cjs9h7222 section xt7cjs9h7222 KENTUCKY


an independent student newspaper

Vol. LXVI No. 134
Friday. March ’9, 1975

21 University of Kentucky

Lexington. Ky. 40506



Kernel st." photo by Chuck Combos


Ilall stage.

In a recent practice session. a tuba player in I'K's brass
ensemble harmonizes with his fellow music enthusiasts on the

Police apprehend Saxe:
arrest won't affect five

Managing Editor

A fugitive on the EBI's “Ten
Vlost Wanted" list who suppcxs—
edly lived in Lexington last
summer and fall was arrested
Thursday night in Philadelphia.

Susan Edith Saxe, wanted in
connection with a 1970 Boston
bank robbery, was apprehended
by a Philadelphia policeman as
she walked down the street.
according to the Associated
Press. Saxe‘s capture was
announced in Washington Thurs-
day night by FBI director (‘lar
ence Kelley

S \XE. 26. .-\.\'I) Katherine Ann
Power were sought in connection
with the robbery in which a
policeman was killed Three men
who supposedly assisted in the
robbery. which netted $26.1“),
were captured within one week
following the incident, Power is
still wanted by the FBI,

A Lexington federal grand Jury
has been investigating the possi-
bility that Saxe and Power lived
here last summer and fall Five
persons who were subpoenaed to
testify before the grand jury were
found gudty of contempt of court
for refusing to answer the grand
jury‘s questions and are current»
I} serving jail sentences

Deborah Ilands. a sixth witness
who was originally found guilty
and Jailed. was released from

custody two weeks ago and

testified before the grand jury
last week.

THE WITNESSES' attorney,
UK law professor Robert Sedler.
said Thursday night he could not
assess the effect Saxe's capture
would have on the local case.

US. Atty. Eugene Siler, the
federal prosecutor, said the dev-
elopment would have no immed-
iate effect on the grand jury's

“There is still the possibility
that she was harbored around
here." Siler said. He said a
decision on whether the subpoenn
aes would remain in effect can
not he made until both fugitives
are captured and interviewed.

that Saxe was caught by a police
officer who recognized her from
photographs and a description
reissued Thursday by the FBI.
According to the wire service, a
large number of flyers containing
information about Saxe were
reissued in Philadelphia because
the FBI “had reason to believe"
she was in the area.

An FBI spokesman was quoted
as saying the federal agency had
traced her travels to the city.
Saxe was using an identification
in the name of Ailene A. Hellman
and was positively identified by
the FBI on the basis of her
fingerprints. She was alone at
the time, unarmed and offered no

Freshman year groups
exchange ideas, Opinions


Assistant Managing Editor

A Titi'lllt‘lnifl‘r commission stu-
dying the freshman year heard
progress reports from its task
group chairmen and exchanged
information iii a meeting Wed

The purpose of the Advisory
(‘ommission on the Freshman
Year, which was created in
January, is to improve the over-
all experience of new students.

'I‘IIE (‘OMMISSIOK cochair-
ed by Vice President for Student

Affairs Dr. Robert Zumwinkle
and Vice President for Academic
Affairs Dr. Lewis Cochran. is
composed of four task groups
that study four aspects of the
freshman year
The four areas the commission
is studying are: student recruit
ment and pre—admissions con;
tact; summer advising confer-
ences and orientation programs;
academic offerings and instruc-
tion: and, the University climate
in general.
Zumwinkle and Cochran start
(‘ontinued on page 7



McCullers hears sfudenfs' gripes

Ombudsman's office-a busy place

and the Search

By MIKE (‘l'NNINfillAM
Kernel Staff Writer

Spring midterms have passed, the end of the
school year is rapidly approaching. and the
academic (IIIIl)Ll(iI‘IlaIis once again

Peak periods in the office coincide with
midterms. finals and the beginning of new
terms. said Dr Levis l) Met'ullers. academic

office IS

"THE Ill'SIEST TIME w as when the students
returned in January." said Mct‘ullers, an
accounting professor whose oneryear term as
ombudsman expires in June. “At one time I had
16 active files plus the carryover from last
semester. It took until the end of February to
clear up the backlog “

The academic ombudsman is charged with
consideration of student grievances against
faculty and administrative personnel.

He investigates the student‘s complaint.
talking to all parties to the dispute, and attempts
to arbitrate a solution.

NOMINATIONS FOR THE ombudsman post
are submitted by students, faculty and adminis
trators to a Senate (‘ouncil search committee.

Nominees must be tenured faculty members
and meet other criteria the University Senate

sympathy for
resolute commitment to justice and department



such as

“THE JOB IS Sl’I’I’IMs‘EI) to be partvtime, but
it‘s far more than that in terms of infringement

on your time." he said.

“It takes so much time it's very difficult to do

research and writing." he explained

AFTER St‘RI‘IENINfi THE nominees, a list of

eligible candidates is submitted to the Senate
('oiincil. a Student Senate committee and
President ()tis Singletary.

From those candidates approved by all three
bodies. the search committee recommends no
more than three to Singletary, who makes the

Mc(‘ullers who was offered the job after an
interview with Singletary said he became
ombudsman because he believes in the impor»
tance and usefulness of the position.

"I THINK IN any large institution there is
always difficulty in maintaining communica»
tion." he explained. “There‘s difficulty just in
knowing where to turn for help in solving a
problem. It‘s important to have a position easily
recognized as a place to appeal for help.“

By providing a place where students can
complain about unfair and incompetent treat-

Dr. Levis D. McCuIIers. academic ombudsman.
devotes a full-time day to his part-time
arbitrator job.

meiit from faculty and administrators, the
ombudsman “eliminates a good deal of frustra-
tion for the student," he said.

McCullers has handled 175 to 200 cases in his
nine months as ombudsman.

“I think I‘ve been to every college in the
University. with the exception of the College of
Medicine." he said.

(‘ontinued on page 16




