xt7cjs9h720w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cjs9h720w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-12-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1974 1974 1974-12-09 2020 true xt7cjs9h720w section xt7cjs9h720w \ol. LXVl No. 84
Monday Dmember 9.1974



an in(lep—9ndent student newspaper

Conference outlines
cable TV benefits

Kernel Staff Writer

Speakers at Saturday's cable ’l‘\' con-
ference indicated to participants that
cable ’I‘\' could have many benefits for
several societal institutions in the future.

\bout titiparticipants were told by Susan
(il't‘t'll. the ('able
television Information (enter. that
is going to affect our society more than
commercial brmidcasting We may not
feel this impact for live. It) or perhaps I?)

regional director of

years "

tiltI-ll‘l‘s SKID "the technology is there
but political and economical problems are
what is holding cable up." She said now is
the time to examine controversial
problems concerning the cable TV issue
By the time the political issues are solved.

she said. there may be an improvement in

Rescission item
tops Senate list

By I.\'.\ Il.\(‘Kl-J|t
Kernel Stall W t ilei
.\ petition to rescind ltecoinmendation
five of the l\rislov Iteport and a report on
the separation of promotion and tenure
\'.lll be the main agenda items for today‘s
l iiivei'sity Senate meeting
\ proposal concerning the audit policy
and a non functional definition change in

and supportive electives will be the

ItI'ZSt‘ISSltH of Itecomnn'ndation
I'nivcrsity senators..1l7
faculty and II .‘iiithropology
department members who complained the
recommendation had the ramifications of
moving tenure decismns from the
department level to the president's office

l"i\e stemmed from a petition of
proximately to


(‘omplaints include the concern that
wording changes in the revised Itecomr
mcndation I’ive altered the original
guideline toneof the recommendation to a
more definitive standards approach.

(‘ontinued on page It;

the economy to allow cable to saturate the

David I’enniman.a representative of the
Battelle Memorial Institute. cited several
benefits of two-way cable

"'I‘here w ill be a time when you will be
able to receive a medical examination
right in your own home via cable. Our
daily routine may be significantly altered
by this type of informational system." he
sa id

I'li\.\l.\l.\\ S.\ID two way cable could
have allowed him to participate in the
program from ('olumbis. Uhio Other
products of two way cable. he said. were
data processing procedures. impulse
buying and public opinion polling.

"(tar whole political system could be
altered by cable." l’cnnnnan said. “There
would be a more representable survey of
public opinion Iteferendums could be
voted on right in your borne '

George 'I‘ressel. director of training at
Battelle. explained the public access
channel of cable 'I‘\’ lie said that persons
wishing to produce a program for the
benefit of the public would be able to use
facilities provided by a cable station.
"’I‘lII-Z (NHL IS not access to broad-
casting facilities but rather access to the
audience The communication pipeline
must be operated as a 'common carrier~
with access available to program
producers of all types ”

.lohn Hunter. a repre of the
I‘ederal t'ommumcation t'ommission‘s
tl-‘t't'i cable bureau. explained several of
the l‘t't‘s national concerns involving
cable 'I‘\' He said the H ’t'w ill keep a close
watch on cable but it doesn't advocate
any type of

sen ative

stringent regulations on
communication medium

(‘onceming city ownership of a cable
system. Hunter said “the I“(‘(‘doesn't take
a stand on municipal ownerships This
question should be left up to the individual
municipalities (‘onference participatns
from Lexington found this segment of the
program beneficial as the city' is now
examining the cable issue.

Ill 'V'l‘rllt 'l'l)l.l) the audience that Cities
may collect revenues from a cable system

('ontinued on page 6


21 University of Kentucky

Lexington. Ky. 40506

Kernel statt photo by Ed Gerald.

Hard at work

Alan Prestigiacomo. a sophomore archi-
tecture student. adds a few final touches to

At mini-convention

his project for an architectural design

Democrats adoPt charter

Associate Editor

KANSAS (‘IT\'. Moe'l‘he 1974 Demo-
cratic midterm conference produced a
charter this weekend which. according to
(‘hairman Robert Strauss. will please 95
per cent of the party.

Strauss spoke before a press conference
immediately after the 2,038 delegates
resoundingly approved the 12-point char<
ter in a voice vote

But the spirits of good feeling surround
mg the convention's outcome was not

THE ('(iMI’IttHIISI‘I arranged by party
leaders on the section dealing with full
participation. Article 10. may have alien-
ated some of the conservative factions of
the party.

The final version was hammered out in
last-minute negotiations between the
party‘s governors. the women's caucus
and black delegates. some of whom
threatened to walk out if certain concesA
sions were not made

Minutes before the final vote was taken
on Article 10. Rep Bella Abzug. tI)-N‘i'.>

urged support for the compromise in an
impromtu rally held on a lower level of the
Convention Center.

SEVERAL Hl’NDRED Cheering sup-
porters voiced approval during the rally
and later responded by endorsing Article
10 on the convention floor.

Some union leaders and southern dele-
gates wanied during the debate that the
provisions of Article 10 will mean disaster
for the party in 1976.

The compromise version deletes
language which would have left the burden
of proof and delegate selection
discrimination challenges up to the
challenging party. As approved. Article to
bans mandantory quotas but requires
state parties to assure full participation of
women. youth and minorities.

Fven t‘hicago \Iay'or Richard Daley
atcepttd Article It) When Illinois Sen
t ccil l’aitce. a Daley supporter. said they
would accept the article for the sake of
party unity. the delegates went wild,

('l\'|l. Itlt. HTS leader lesse Jackson
rushedovei to shake Daley shand. a clear
sign that the bitter divisions of 1972 had
been appreciably healed.

(‘ontinued on page 6

Buckley amendment confuses administrators

By W \Iil.\' IIIXUN
Kernel Staff Writer

lilnt‘l‘Sll) administrators are confused
over what to do with student records and
given in confidence
Buckley amend

recoin mendations
before of the



The Buckley amendment. submitted by
Sen. .laines Buckley. (‘N Y. provides
student access to I'nivcrsity records that

were formerly confidential

.\ .\I.\.ltilt problem in the bill regards

what to do with records and recom-

mendations which were given before the
bill took effect Sept 21 .\lost I'mversity
officials keeping those records in


Gerald Ilill.director of student affairs in
the t‘ollege of Dentistry. said his office is
not releasing records submitted before
Sept. 2] “We‘re filling out requests tfor
students to see recordst and hoping to get
a clarification on it in 45 days “ The bill
provides ~15 days for schools to respond to


Roger Iiambson of student services in
the Med (‘enter said his office has received
four or five requests and is “concerned

about what to do with confidential


I.|“.(il*.ltl£. director of student
said records in his office have
always been open How ever. he said
biggest problem is that officials of the
cannot arbitrarily release
another l'niversity member
w ithout a written request telling what they

.lI'Iltll \'

I ' ii iv ersit y
records to

need and why ”

As a result of the Buckley amendment
I,egere his office can no longer
release records the telephone
"Before we could give information on the

(l\ (‘l‘

phone by asking the person‘s name. how

many hours he has. what high school he
went to and specific information only that
person would know

“t'ntil something is changed we won‘t be
able to fill transcripts as fast as we have
been." Legere went on "It iust doesn't
allow us to provide the services we‘ve been
p"tl\‘l(lllll.l "
liftil’ltl'i S \ID. because of the
amendment. honorary organizations were
liming trouble getting information on
students being considered for mem-
bership He said the amendment has
caused a need for more time. paperwork
and filing

('ontinued on page S



Editorinchiet, Linda Caines lea'utes canto:
Managing editor. Ron Mitchell ‘-" a .. ".
Assoriate editor, Nancy Daly spoits editm
Editonal page editor, Dan Crutcher

K‘hotog raphy cmtov

L an y Mead

. y

.i on Manon-

Ecl Geiatd

Editonals iepu sent the cptnions ol the editors



Student Senate ocquiesces on gay dance

We have at least once this year
decried the meagre attendance at
Student Senate meetings. We are now
forced to rescind those words.

After the last meeting. in which a
near-record 3:2 senators showed up to
rescind Student Government tSGit
sponsorship of the gay dance. we can
only hope that all the latent partici-
patory democrats will crawl back to
their darkened abodes where they can
do the L'niversity student body no
further harm.

The most obvious question. which
undoubtedly has a great many stu~
dents scratching their heads in bewil—
derment. is: How can the Student

Senate. in the course of one meeting.
vote to support the (lay (‘oalition in its
recognition efforts and to rescind
sponsorship of a dance given by the
same organization'.’ There are obvi-
ously some fine lines being drawn.
which the layman may find hard to

For instance. there is the “philo-
sophical" argument. It holds that St}
is not in the recognition business
—that kind of thing is better left to
administrators. But have we not
already seen what the administrators
think of recognizing a gay group as a
student organization”? Such philoso-

Nicholas Von Hoffman

As Sears, Roebuck & Co. goes, so goes the nation

phy conveniently overlooks the speci
fic facts of the situation

There is also the “practical” ar-
gument which voices the fear that SH
will be left holding the bag if any
destruction results from the dance
That is a legitimate concern. although
there is no reason to believe that any
violence would occur. A reasonable
solution would have been to insist on
the usual security arrangements for
such events. Rescinding sponsorship
for the dance for such reasons
amounts to an extreme overreaction
to an improbable possibility.

The other frequently given ration

ale for revoking SH sponsorship is
that t'iiiversity administrators would
not take kindly to S(l‘s sponsoring the
dance The repercussions would sup—
posedly harm the desired rapport
between S(i and the administration.

possibly jeopardizmg other. more
worthy programs But are these other
tif such actually exist)

really worth using the (iay (‘oalifion
as the leverage to pry them loose'.’
There is nothing wrong with main-
taining a good rapport with adiiiiiiis—

ti'.itors. but it should not be main»
tamed at the expense of students”
interests Such rapport is better

known as acquiescence



By Vlt'll()l..\S \'().\' ll()FF.\l.\.\'

\.\.'»\Slll\'(;1‘()\' — People with
sweet teeth «or is it people with
sweet toothes‘.’ ‘t. anyway. people
who prefer not having any ivory
in their mouths to giving up soda
pop and candy bars are furious
over the price of their favorite
commodity. Hearings have been
held in Washington on the subject
and. if Henry Kissinger hasn‘t
told us that the high price of
sugar will decay Western
(‘ivilization as we know it. there
are others willing to declare that
the American consumer is en—
titled. by right of birth and
citizenship. to pour the stuff down
his mouth or his gas tank at a
reasonable price.

Nevertheless the price climbs.
but there is hope in sight. (if late
the television news programs
have been quoting various
private and public experts to the
effect that no leveling off is in
prospect. Such announcements
almost always mean that the
reveise will happen. Hence it is
safe to assume that the sugar
buymg panic. both by the bag at
the supermarket and by futures
contract in the commodity
market. is about to top out and
that the price will soon crash.
Let's hope it takes down with it a
lot of the piggy wutzes who‘ve
bogged it up these past few
months. and then let's forget the

W MILE \\ l‘I'Vl‘I been
mesmerized by the high cost of
pastries. matters have been
going badly in the tilt-story. $150
million-plus black tower in
Chicago where Sears. Roebuck &
(‘0. domiciles itself. Last week
there must have been much
gloom in upper reaches of that
phallic symbol of corporate
pride. The New York Stock
Exchange temporarily
suspended trading in Sears stock,
when our nation's largest retailer
announced a 29 per cent drop in
its eamings. The company is still
a very. very long way from being
in trouble. but, because of its size
and dominant position. a look at
its difficulties tells us something
about our own and the economy‘s
in general.

Seats is an unwilling par~
ticipant ut the nationally shared
sense of forebodying. The con»
yiction is around that times are
going to get harder. so that even
people who still have some
money aren't spending it and.
when they do. they reveal the
kind of future they anticipate.
That's why companies like Sears
and Montgomery Ward tfor more
on this see the December
"Fortune”l are doing a huge
business in food canning supplies.
freezers. homegardening
equipment and Franklin stoves

Wheth or those buying these items‘

do so because they‘re trying to
save money. or because they
foresee such awful social
disruptions they‘re reaching for a
degree of isolated independence.
is impossible to say. Either way.

though. it's obvious they're
Another sign of people‘s

assessment of their prospects if
the large volume of business that
Sears is doing in bunk beds. Since
the birth rate has pancaked
faster than the Wall Street
averages. this can only mean that
more and more adults are
doubling up rather than going out

and renting or buying living
Bl'T ’l'lltl mood and the

shrinking purchasing power of

Sears' customers isn't the only
difficulty this enormous cor~
poration must content with.

There‘s the problem of debt. By
the end of last year Sears” charge
account customers owed it a
mere 34.? billion. That in and of
itself wouldn‘t be destructive if
the company could sit back and
collect the interest accruing from
all those revolving charge ac-
counts. It can't. Scars. in its turn.
has to go out and borrow the
money to cover what its
customers owe it; and even
though you may think Sears has
been ripping you off. actually the
credit it's been extending you has
been ruinous to the company In
the four months ending with
October. the interest on the
money Sears has borrowed to pay
customcrs' charge ac~
counts has run just shy of $107

for its

million. That kind of dough can
wipe out an awful lot of profit
The Sears response has ranged
from a minimal amount of price
cutting within narrow limits.
they're locked into their prices
to dumping unwanted inventory
The company is. for instance.
disposing of $6 million worth of
shoes it ordered but no longer
thinks it can sell That will cost
Sears $2 million. and. while it
may have some small good ef?
fect. it won't meet the basic
problem of buyers, retailers.
manufacturers and bankers all
being loaned out and borrowed

Pretty soon How stittteltotly is

going to have to pay somebody
else. but that's not happening
with mstallment debt defaults

running higher than .it any time
in the last 24 years .\o wonder,
when you that.
counting mortgage payments. at
least 17 per cent of eyerylxtdy s
after tax income
off consumer debts

cotisltlct‘ not

ts going to pay

\o Iiol It't‘ thi-
will try to force enough money

goy ernmi-izt

into the sy stem to keep us all
problems can be accommodated

afloat certainly, Sears

and you hear more and more talk

.ilitilll iiishmg i1o\erniiieiit loans

to the sort ot manufacturers who

supply Seals but whether money

(tin ltt'L‘illlt'll to Scars custotiicrs
t.ist enough ts more probleiitatic
l :itoi'tunatcly . though success of
'tzts kind

\mct- proy nlmg ey my body

‘\ ll lii'iiiLt its tiwtt litttl

my uh t iiiei’gi-ncy money will only


nth-inn; flit toices which put
seats ‘it, fit: titck li.tL‘ lit the first

lhttt t tli'stmtt however. lt‘s not
.til young mm. the tube tiiii
t‘l tllltlill\ is ’tm lllE Hi [It

\icholas \oii Hoffman is .t
toluiniiist Ioi lying l't'tlllllt‘s

Si iidii .itc








Letters to the editor

Senate's decision ‘inhumane'

'I‘hursday night's decision by
the Student Senate to rescind an
earlier affirmative action to
sponsor a (iay ('oalifion dance
w as but one more example of the
of heterosexist society.
(tnce again. the issue of basic
human rights was trampled by
the insidious forces of mindless
middle-Aiiierican politicos,


The vote by Student Senate to
deity sponsorship of a gay dance
on has confirmed my
Ioiigwnurtured belief that human
rights are only deemed to be of


scnousconccrn in two stlltttlltins
to politicians. and I here include
the aspiring politicians in Student
Senate. issues concerning human
rights must come in the form of
large y oter lit-tore .‘I
willingness is shown to push for
legislative justice. to the piihlic
at laige, an awakening to the
need for a guarantee of human
rights for oppressed peoples
comes about only out of a sense of
fear. tea r that the group
tliscriiiiinated against will
retaliate through violent acts to
their person or property



this country
and. still. Student Senate found ll
inure important to consider such

Hay s .ll't‘ most oppressed

minority in today

ielatiyely lt'l\ ial concerns as the
thirat of impaired relations with
the min ersity ailiiiiiiistr.’ition and
the local community, Afraid to
set a precedent. they opted for

the continued inhumane treat
Inent of ,\ii.erica's last discn
franchised group

Terry L. Lloyd

l'K graduate


Opinions irom inside and outsnde the UanL‘VSI'Y community






Gay dance: Liabilities outweigh assets

it} .l|.\l ll.\ltl<.\l,S(iN
('.l.lf\\ S'l'l’l'll

It is with regret that we have noted the
taulty reporting oi the Kernel on our
\iewpoints concerning the (Bay (‘oalition
dance issue and our alleged use of a (ireek
coalition to oppose the dance. in an effort
to clarify our position and set the record
straight. we otter these contentions.

't'he tirst idea worthy oi dismissal is the
conception oi a (ireek coalition or voting
block the Kernel has persistently
i'eierred to the tact that we are (ireeks in
its reports ot our actions. as it being (ireek
one anti-gay and the
proponent ot a particular political
ideology ln point oi tact. neither is true
\\ e an- botli proud oi and enriched by our
association with Greek-letter
organi/ations but on this issue tand all
others taken beiore the Student Senate! we
acted in our roles as student senators and

actually made

itotltlttg else

\l'lt II- I( \I.I.\ . 'I‘Ill'l Kernel reported
last l- t May that there was “a coalition oi
tireek senators banded together" and
mentioned the that lit oi the '31
senators lll iavor oi rescission were (ireek
lit the same article It was redundantly
reported that tttt per cent oi the rescinding
splittsttrsltil) was (ireek 'l‘he imagination
ot a (itt‘t‘k coalition is merely the personal
pt't‘jlltltt'i‘ oi the article's author and or
sottt't't's and should not be purported as


tact in l! ont page "new s" items The place
tor such opinions is the comment page
i urthei ttit'ttlil)lllt1 the great majority oi
rescission \ oters as (lreeks is analogous to
identity mg the same lliitjttt‘tt} as students
with hairstyles that cmer at least part oi
then Both groups ttlreeks and
students with partially ear-cm'ering hairv
st)lcs are oi the same apolitical nature
\lei.tioning (il‘t't‘lx in connection with 86


matters tomplicates those matters. and

mm e importantly distracts attention

irom the issue at stake

l1 ;
‘he tii‘optreil gay daiti e be clearly :sl.tl(‘(l

.it--o ttecessat‘} that our position on

ant sort-most it should be
‘lt‘t ~ food that we support the etinrt; oi ’he
may oltlt liiiilt

Yhel itl\ ei‘sity and the community. and we


toahtioii tor i'ecorr'ho;

Do Greeks

It} \IIKl-I Il.\.\l.\lr2lt
(tn the lace oi it. the actions of the
Student Senate with regard to the gay
students dance seem contradictory. While

affirm the right of each individual to the
sexual behavior of his choice.

However. we believe the dance as an 50‘
sponsored function is wrong irom both a
philosophical and pragmatic standpoint.

I’llIl.(DSUI’IIK‘ALLY. it is not the
responsibility or the right oi Student
Government to recognize student groups
ty sponsoring a dance. we would have in
effect [)(‘l‘itti‘mt'd duties that are not ours to
pertorm and granted a social sanction to a
small segment of students. neither of
which is logical action.

l’ragmatically, and perhaps more
importantly. the dance creates additional
problems Since the (iay ('oalition is
unrecognized by the l'niversity. Student
Government would have to sign all con-
tracts and accept all responsibility for the
dance Any damages to property and
people would make $0 liable. Realizing
the fact that all students could attend the
dance because each student is a member
oi 8(5. we believe that the possibility of
\iolent contlict [such as that at a similar
tunction at the l'niversity oi Louisvillel is
a reatone, Any suits or damages resulting
trom such conilict would come directly to
sit. and nocollaterat the (tay (‘oalition has
ottered could cover the expense such
damages and suits suggest Further. an
open dance oi this sort would lessen the
etiect the gays themselves desire

The statement by Mr. .lunkin at our Nov.
31 meeting that gays could iind no other
place to have this dance was proved a
fabrication by Senator Stith. Applying
their funds to reserving one of the three
places the senator found and is willing to
assist them in reserving would allow the
(iay (‘oalition to have their dance in the
situation they desire. Disappointingly. Mr.
.tunkiii had misrepresented the iacts and
yet his credibility move toward a Nixonian
nature before a Student Senate whose help

vowing to uphold the rights of all students.
the tprimarily (ireekt senators scuttled
the dance plans and instead urged the

administration to recognize the


Philippe Wt win I nu







he sought. Such prevarications add to the
problems of aiding his organization.

stilt'tileRlLY. we must consider SG's
relationship with the administration.
While all senators represent students and
not administrators. there are times when
a good rapport with the administration is a
necessary mechanism tor effective action
tor the students of the L'niversity. ()ur
discussions with administrators convinced
us that sponsorship of the dance would
bring significant harm to administrative
relations (‘oupling this with the preceding
reasons. we believe that the liabilities
incurred by sponsorship greatly outweigh
the assets to be accrued by SG and its

Summarily. we recognize that the
solution to the problem is recognition of


(‘oalition as a legitimate student
organization with all due privileges.

Whether this truly assuaged the con-
sciences ot the senators who voted down
the dance is debatable. They know that the
administration is not going to budge on
their behest. especially when it was the
administration whom they were serving
by voting down the dance.

UNI“. ()l'PISTlON raised by these
maneuvers is why are the Greek
senators so solidly behind the ad—

ministration on these issues‘.‘ Why were
they unable to tight the administration in
its irrational stance on gay activities on
campus" Why were the non-Greek
senators seemingly more independent of
and less intimidated by the ad

.\pparently the administration has more

bargaining pow er w ith the (Ireek senators

Win" llaw they got something on the
it'.ttti't':il!4‘s .i'td sororities" \‘e there
i t ,; .- :tilt s \‘.i‘t(|. .tl'

t""" '- “‘1 ‘lt".e‘t‘.i|i\ it 'ttttt‘l

the (lay (‘oalition. and we endorse such
action by the University. We see no change
tor recognition by St; sponsorship oi a gay
dance. particularly when such a dance can
be held under more optimal conditions
elsewhere. We also believe the
philosophical questions raised by the issue
are answered in the negative. We will
continue to serve our constituency in the
best. sincerest way possible. We hope
those senators who walked out on the last
meeting will return to do the same.


.liin llarralson and (ilenn Stith are

Student Seiiatoi‘s-at-lai‘ge.


ance to a different drummer?

'l‘he traternities and sororities have
visibility and as organizations are more
susceptible to the imposition of certain
kinds of sanctions. The vulnerability of
these organizations to administrative
pressures is unfortunate. But why have
they turned the gay students' interests into
the pawns in this struggle.

l Willi!) suggest that the Student
Senate set up a committee to investigate
the relationship between the ad-
ministration and fraternities and
sororities to see how they are being
coerced by the administration into
representing the administration rather
than the students. If rules need changing.
let the Greek interests come to the senate
to help change them, Perhaps then the
tireek oriented senators will be able to
represent their consciences and reason
rather than supporting the Nixon 'f unble
'hink oi the .idiniitistratior









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news briefs



Gas company completes
repairs on damaged lines

l‘ltI‘IS'l‘ttNSIll'ltti i.-\I’i The Kentucky West \‘iiginia (ias
to completed repairs Sunday on gas lines damaged by three
explosions Friday night and one Saturday night

R T. Daniels. acting personnel director said the blasts caused no
injuries or interruptions ot gas service to residential customers in


the company’s ltiscounty area

DANIELS St”) the pipes were blown up by vandals. “Every one
so tar has been done with an explosive device ”

But neither the company nor State Police have reported any
evidence linking the explosions to the current strike against
Kentucky West Virginia Gas

Flagpole sitter sets mark

.\l'til‘!~"l‘.\, (Ra i.-\I" Flagpole sitter Rick Weeks, who lived
through a daughter‘s suicide and a tornado atop a 33 foot pole, has
come down after setting a new world record of 273 days

“It's been a long nine months," his wile said Saturday ot' the
publicity stunt tor an Augusta shopping mall “I'm glad it 's over "

BANDS I’I,.\\ I-Zl) when a crane removed Weeks' 3,iiiiii-pound
camper l'i'om atop the pole The ll yearold disc >]tt('k('_\'.5 first word
was that he wanted a vacation “to learn how to live in a house
again "

Since the stunt began March ll. \leeks sui'y ncd a tornado, heard
ot the suicide ot his daughter. Terrie ltebecca. iii. and another
daughter's marriage

Solzhenitsyn meets Graham

STttt‘Kltttl..\I. Sweden ,M). .‘\le\ander Solzhenitsyn. here to
l'ormaly accept the .\obel l’ri/e tor Literature awarded tour years
ago. met Sunday “1”] :\Illt'l‘l(‘.’tll mangelist llilly (iraham

Graham said he and the exiled Sm iet writer tlt\('ll.\\(‘tl the

tor a religious awakening throughout the world "

' need

“Sttl.lllk\l'l‘.\'\'\ II \.\ the kind ol intellect and moral courage
that the world so desparately needs toil.i\ lll‘ g! .isp ot both lll\liil‘\
and theology is aina/ing ' tirahaii. said

\‘oizlienitsyn l‘i‘lllM‘tl to leaxe the Soy iet I won to act ept his pi ill
at the time it was awarded tearing he would no' be permitted to

return He was deported liist l"ctirii.iry

Turk leader issues warning

\‘It‘itsl \. 'l'iii‘krsli
lienktash warned Sunday lllill l‘ypv‘iis
partition" il .\I'(‘lllll.\ltilll .\laka:‘m~
imposed by 'l‘urki -'ii inxa li‘l'~

('yprus “~l’v minority leader ltan!
"will be heading toward
l'l‘lll\"~ 7.. 'w ogiii/i' changes

He made it clear lll it .i polifii qil settlement cannot be negotiated
unless Makarios who inzide a tritiinpliar.‘ return on Satiiiday Iroiii
live nltllllll\ in (‘.\ilt‘ stops thinking ot liiimell an president ol all the

('ypriots and realizes that lie


t‘t'p'i-serls only tlti

DICNKT‘lSll Itll) \UT (isk .\l.'ik.irios to resign llll' pl't'\llll't"'\
But he indicated that a solution could be achieved more easily it
Makarios announced
church "

“He would have made history, good history.‘
new smen

Library sets holiday hours

The Margaret l King Lilx‘ary will be keeping regular hours
during tinals week, with an abbrevrated schedule planned tor
t'lirislmas break

During December, the library will be closed on Sundays ll)ec 3‘.’
and 39». on (‘liristmas hay and on Dec 28, It will be open lromtl
am to.) pin on Dec. 21 :ltiand ill (in llec “ill. 24. 26 and '27. library
hours will be loam. to l p m.

The first two weeks olJanuary. the hours w Ill be 8 am to :3 pm
on weekda ysand to a m to4 p m. on Saturdays. The library will he
closedonSundays Itegularhours willresumi-Jan 1:3.

"Now, my people, I am going back to nay

l)enktash told



The Kentucky Kernel. lid Journalism Building. Univers-ty ot Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky, 40506. is mailed live times weekly during the school veer
except during holidays and exam periods, and twice weekly during the summer
session. Third-class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky, nosn.

Published by the Kernel Press, Inc lounded in t9?! Begun as the Cadet in 1894
and published continuously as the Kentucky Kernel since 1915

Advertising published herein is intended to help the reader buy. Any “'38 0"
misleading advertismg should be reported to the editors


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Engineering college gets
EPA air pollution grant

Kernel Staff Writer

I'K‘s (‘ollege of Engineering has received a
federal grant from the US. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA! for $53000. The grant
will he used to educate MS. degrees in air
pollution control.

The program falls under the department of
chemical engineering and is headed by Dr.
Robert Grieves, department chairman. Grieves
has been lll charge of the program since its
beginning seven year