xt7cjs9h6z19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cjs9h6z19/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1997-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 1997 text GLSO News, May 1997 1997 1997-05 2019 true xt7cjs9h6z19 section xt7cjs9h6z19 a publication of May 'I 997 .
BELIEVE tN MUSIC TO SHOW AWARD WlNN'NG Peter: pitaleO@ukcc.uky.edu ;
SisterSound, the Lexington Woman’s l
Chorus, will treat you to afresh look at music The Lexington chapter of P-FLag will The Royal Sovereign Court of All l
while applauding the camaraderie of being have its final meeting of the spring on Kentucky and Ebony Male are kicking off the
women in their “Believe in the Music" concert. Tiresday May 13th at 7:30 at the Chapel Hill Gay and Lesbian Season’s festivities by taking l
The concert, at 7:30 pm. May 17th and Presbyterian Church (comer of Tates Creek the community “Over The RainboW’ with the 1
again at2:30 pm. May 18th at the Park United Rd. and Armstrong Mill). This group is first annual Pride Prom ‘97.
Methodist Church (comer of Clay and High) open to all parents, friends, and family Scheduled for Sunday, May 18, at Club ‘;
focuses upon the emergence of women. The members of lesbigaytrans individuals (who Madriavelli, 135 West Main St, this dance will "
music of the concert recognizes who we are as are also, of course, welcome to attend). be an opportunity for our friends and I
women with songs from our heritage, At this meeting we plan to show one neighbors to celebrate diversity and promote ,
“Appalachian Round”; songs ofour ties to the or both of the films “All God‘s Children” human rights while havingamagical evening
earth, “In Time of Silver Rain”; songs ofour and ”Straight from the Heart.” These together.
. love, “ANighu‘ngale Sangin Berkeley Square”; excellent half hour. documentaries show Come casual or formal; dress as you i
and songs of our loss of love, “Letting Go.” parents from various religious backgrounds would for your dream prom. A Prom King and
“Singing is the ‘undersong’ of women’s who came to accept and even to celebrate Prom Queen will be chosen. A photographer
lives," says Nancy Ward, director of their children's sexual orientation. Thanks will be available to capture your special
SisterSound. “It allows each of us to attend to to GLSO for lending us these films. moment.
our own needs and to join in an inner These films were made in response to Pn‘de Prom ‘97 will run from 8:00 pm. .
community of support and love.” SisterSound the right—wing hate film “Equal Rights, until midnight. Ticketsin advance are$5.00 'I
and the music of this concert exemplify this Special Rights.” Even if you personally forasingle, $8.00 acouple. $7.00 and $1000
concept. have no difficulty with your religious at the door. For tickets and more information ‘
SisterSound has organized a small beliefs, these films are a treat to watch and calljohn at (606) 389—7081.
ensemble which will premiere at this concert. are highly recommended.
Their music has been either written or P—Flag of Lexington has been having
arranged by members of the chorus. Also some difficulty remaining organized since
featured will be the Spirit Drummers, who will Rev. Ruth Fiscella left for California. To
perform as a group in addition to joining the start up again in the fall we need some new sponsor 0' the
chorus on “Change of Heart.” Beprepared for officers. We are looking for anyone M I,"
asurprise aswell! Sometimes even the choms interested in supporting the work for on
does not know what may happen! understanding of lesbigaytrans people. .
Tickets may be purchased at Kismet Although P—Flag was originally Dr. RI‘IICII'CISOII, 0D
(John’s Running Shop former location), formed by and for parents, it has expanded
Sqecial Media, or from any chorus member. to include anyinterested individuals. Come
Advanced ticketszAdults $4, Child $3. Tickets to this meeting or call Perry _.._.___..__..__.._

 MWWMH Out On Video home with me!"
€g&w by Davina Warner . . Ask your. local video store to order your
it; A couple of outstanding queer films are favorite queer Videos, or more of themrfthey are
,Lfigwfi scheduled for video release later this month--— always out. If we rent them, they will stock
avg: Stonewall, the story of a fictional character who them.
6* participates in the pivotal gay uprising of the
3 1960‘s, and Beautiful Wing, a critically """'""""""'"""
acclaimed gay love story. Blockbuster Video MISS GAY LEXINGTON
Wma , (Richmond Rd. and Saron Dr.) and Video Hits JAMIE H AYRE AKA TRACY TAYLOR
(Tates Creek Rd.) are planning to have both Interview by Terry Mullins
titles on the shelf by the end of the month. Cut
Comer will get Beautg'ful Ming in June.
But while you’re waiting for these films, Q: When did you decide to become Miss Gay
th e g I3—O—N E W S check out the just released Set 1! Off. This film Lexington (MGL)?
Published Monthly by the stars Jada Pinkett, Queen Latifah, Vivica A. Fox A: Its been an ongoing process for about three
Lexington Gay/Lesbian and Kimberly Elise as four women who become years. I’ve been preparing myself, planning for
Services Organization outraged by asystem that keeps them down and it, entering the contest. Not placrng the first
tum to cnme as their way out. The films time, first runner-up the second and won the
PO‘ B°X 1 M7] female bonding and social commentary add a third. The third time’s the charm, Because 1
Lexington, KY 40575 powerful dimension to what could have easily feel like if your not ready, its not your time.
become a “four chicks rob bank" movie.
Editor: There is plenty of drama, action and Q: What’s involved in holding the title of MGL?
Peter Taylor violence, but the highlight is Queen Latifah as
the very butch Cleo. Althoughlwas dismayed to A: Representing your community (Lex-Fayette
Layout E ditor‘ see Cleo’s friends turn their heads in disgust' Co), other female impersonators, and former
. , ' when she first losses her girlfriend (you'll be MGL‘s. But one of the best things is thatl am
Charlie Perkins spared the movie audience‘s “Yuck"), I liked the asked to help a lot for charity I have lost friends
_ angry, wild, unapologetic, tough, brave, loyal and have friends suffering. Getting to do my
9'50 Annual Dues and and very sexual portrayal ofalesbian. part to help makes all the sore feet and late
NeWSlet‘fer: $15 Queen (“I only play a lesbian in the nights worth while, and just warms your heart.
movies") Latifah delivers a convincing, multi-
Dues and NeWSleh‘er for dimensional character as do the other women. Q: How do you identify yourselfin terms of your
Couples: $20 These women aren't perfect, and they don’t sexuality?
pretend to be. Perhaps, more than anything, A: A gay male. A SINGLE gay male.
that’s what sets this movie off for me--the
views or opiniom expresed inthe Gtso News are realness of the characters. They are not cold- Q: How would you address yourself to the
those 0‘ ‘he “”105 and ‘1?!“ “9°55le Ielmem blooded criminals. but insecure women who are ignorance of those that believe that because you
“me (Sm .GITSO Emmi °f mam . , trying to take control of their lives. do drag you are a transsexual person?
ubmmrom are welcome. All submrsrons
become the property of GLSO and must indicate full In another recent Video abou" women
name and addres of the author. Thestattreaervesthe controlling theirlives,The FirstWives Club, look A: I would tell them to just spend some time
Tight“) Edit SWIM)“ and “dim "m Plfbl'Bhing for lesbian comedian Iea DeLaria’s cameo. with me. They‘ll see that I’m not. Ienjoy being
3:22:25 3‘ we“ as the "gm m ”fem my When the first wives visit a lesbian bar, DeLaria a boy and I also enjoy being Tracy Taylor. It’s
Placement of advertising in (3130 News denotes Steals the scene 35 an adoring fan 0f GOIdie an escape.
neither a person’s sexual orientation nor a busineas’ Hawn’s insecure “older" actress, Elise. Hawn Q: Is becoming MGL an experience you have
mmeWmemw and DeLaria hit the dance floor until Bette shared with your family?
Midler drags Hawn away yelling “She‘s going
GLSO page 2 conlmued on page 7

 . . " "I; 4,. ..‘. .3.) "it .,. ,. ,1 _‘ .,. 3.. .‘ .5. 3.... .. . “.7,
C 0 MM UNIT ,Y N t; we?
~ . ~ §§< .
PRIDE PLANNING Sunday, May 11th at the Unitarian KY BOYZ
WASSON AWARD Universalist Church of Iexington (UUCL)
immediately following the service (app. The American Boyz is a support and
12:30 pm.). We’ll enjoy a potluck lunch at social group for all kinds of people who were
The next Pride planning meeting will the picnic tables outside, so please bring a assigned female gender atbirth, but who feel
he held at the downtown public library on dish to share. If you forget to bring a dish, that is not an accurate or complete exprelsion
Monday May 19th, at 7:00 pm. We will join us anyway. There willheplenty of food of who they are. Our membership includes
continue with pride planning and most to share. If you have the money, you can butches, tomboys, masculine females, drag
importantly discuss the Wasson Award. contribute a dollar or two since we are now kings, female fags, f2m crossdressers, f2m
It has been suggested that we give a buyinga main dish in advance to insurewe transsexuals, bigenders, transmen, passing
yearly award to a community group that have enough. women, transgenderists,. intersexuals, and .
has contributed to the lesbigaytrans The UU service at 10:45 on May 11th, other gender variant people on the f2m 3
community, aswell asto an individual. We will be in honor of Beltane, the ancient continuum, and our significant others,
need to discuss the pros and cons of this fertility festival of Spring. An excellent friends, family, and allies. l
idea, what criteria we would use in choice for Mother’s Day, which will also be We are open to anyone who is interested g
determining a winner, and so forth. celebrated, if not in the traditional fashion. in the concept of gender who is supportive of
If you have any opinions on this During the potluck we will be thepurpose of the group. Information on Ky-
matter, come and share them with us. discussing our Pride Service and an adult Boyz is available at: KY Boyz, PO. Box 118,
Wasson nominations can be sent to the forum on “Queer Awareness," both to be New Haven, Ky. 40051. We may also be
GLSO PO. Box. 11471, Lex. 40575 Pride held in June. For more information about reached online atALPJHAVAMP @aol.com..
planning meetings are open to all interested Interweave or the Unitarian Church, please
community members. call Davina at 245-5301. NEW HIV SUPPORT GROUP
BLUEGRASS RAINBOW ROUND If you have been to traditional AIDS
Up The GLSO Board has an election every support groups and left feeling there was
year inJune for half the board positions (5). something lacking you will probably want to j
. We are now looking for people interested in check out this group. :
Even asyou read this, the GLSO Pride running for the Board. We ask for a This is a group for discussing topics ;
pamphlets are being delivered to, or are in commitment from each member to attend beyond aches, pains, and meds. We hope to i
fact waiting for you at the local bookstores, one monthly meeting and to choose one or focus on emotional and spiritual needs. Since
. businesses, and bars. You can also find a two additional responsibilities such as we are new at this, the floor is open for
I list of Pride Events in this issue of the GLSO attending networking meetings, assisting discussion of whatever is on your mind ‘-
News. A complete schedule will be printed with the newsletter, etc. We still have only regarding the HIV challenged person. ‘
in the June issue. two lesbians on the board, Where are you? This group is not limited to those that
3 If you did not get information to the You may want to come to a board have HIV, but is open to anyone who is
, Pride Committee in time for the pamphlet, meeting to see how we operate (and what touched by the virus. If you have some issues
; it is possible to still be listed in the GLSO fun we have). Board meetings are always that you have not had addressed anywhere .
NewsJune advertising. Call Mary Crone open and can be found listed on the else, come checkusout. Moetingsareheldon
e (266-5904) or Bill (255-5469) Do it now! calender. Our next meeting is at the MCC the second Thursday of the month at 7pm at ;
building on May 14th at 7pm. If you want 387 Waller Ave. For additional information ,
INTERWEAVE more information about serving on the you can call 299-4458. .
' Board call Duane at 271—1407. :
Please join us for our next luncheon continued on Page 4
GLSO News Page 3 .

 continued fiom page3
We are also looking for businesses to you want more information about the.
ASK US donate merchandise and gift certificates for Foothills Echo chapter contact John Cutn'ght
As you may know, GLSO is listed with raffle prizes. Proceeds will benefitthe picnic at 606—623-5765 or Marta Miranda at 606-
ASK US as a resource for people who call that fund, as in previous years. If you make a 986—2470.
service. We receive several calls a month from donation, your business will be recognized
Ask Us, giving us the number ofsorneone who at the picnic and in the GLSO News. QUEER FRIENDLY BUSINESSES
wants information or help from the gay Contact Davina at 245-5301 to make
community. donation, to reserve vendor space, or for There are a number of queer friendly
Ask Us would gladly refer people to other more information. business in and around Lexington, many of
queer organizations. If you have person themwell known, but others lessso. The Pink
willing to be called by Ask Us and willing to RAPE CRISIS CENTER Pages that has been published for the last five
retum phone calls, call Ask Us at 255-2374 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED years, will not have a ‘97 edition unless some
and talk it over with them. Their number will individuals or a group steps forward soon.
be listed in our directory from now on. The Lexington Rape Crisis Center is in In order to encourage the success of new
need of volunteers. All volunteers are given queer owned or queer friendly businesses,
WORKING CLASS extensive training, free of charge, to provide GLSO News is open topublishing short articles
KITCHEN them with the information and skills to staff about your establishment. of course, we
PRIDE EVENT the Center’s 24-hour hotline. Volunteers would also like you to advertise with us. Give
answer the hotline in their homes. Shift usacall or send in an article to our PO. Box.
choice is flexible. Here are two new businesses that you may
Working Class Kitchen is planning a Upon successful completion of training, wantto check out.
reading on Sunday, June 8th at Alfalfa’s volunteers will answer the crisis line, provide
Restaurant from 6 to 9 pm. There will be a support for victims and their loved ones, meet HERBS PLUS
$6 cover that will include coffee, tea, and immediate victims at local hospitals, support ALTERNATIVE HEALING
dessert. We are looking for people who victims at court, and provide referrals for
would like to read their work, poetry or follow—up services.
prose. For more information, please call The next training program is as follows: Are you sick and tired of being sick and
Kelly at 277-6168. May 16, Friday 5:308:30pm. tired? Come and see the professional staff at
May 17, Saturday 8:30-4:30 pm. HERBS PLUS, 112 S. Main St., downtown
PRIDE PICNIC May 19-20-2](M0.T11.W€d.) 6:008:50 pm. Nicholasville. We carry Nature Sunshine
ATTENTION VENDORS May 27-28 (mWed) 6:00—8:30 pm. Products—-—The number one company in the
All volunteers mustbe at least21 and a nation! We have herbs, vitamins, minerals,
six month commitment is required. For more homeopathics, and oils. There is a certified
Lexington’s Annual Pride Picnic, information, call Teresa at253-2615. massage therapist, and an advanced
scheduled for Sunday, June 15th from noon iridologist on staff for all your needs, The
to 5pm, attracts a large number of MADISON COUNTY owner is an herbalist and nutritionalist with
lesbigaytrans people from our community. GAY PRIDE EVENTS 22 years experience in the health field. Free
This yearwewillbereturning to the country nutritional counseling is offered with gift
to picnic at Windy Knoll Farm. We have The Foothills Echo for Fairness chapter certificates available.
some great entertainment lined up and we of the Kentucky Fairness Alliance will be Do you have health concerns including
expect a good turn out. sponsoring Gay Pride events during June 19 high blood pressure, diabetes, Chronic Fatigue
If you’ve been looking for a place to 21 in the Madison Co. area. These events will Syndrome, weight control, stress, low energy,
sell your art, crafts, or business wares, includeaninterfaithservice,anartsalon, and hyperactive children, etc.,etc...justto name a
consider reserving a vendor space at this aLBGT Pn‘de picnic. few??? We can help you naturally with drug
year’s picnic. Vendor spaces are free this More information about this pride FREE treatment and therapy. HERBS PLUS is
year, but you will need to bring your own weekend will be included in the June open Tiresday through Saturday from 11am_
tables or displays. newsletter. If you want to get involved or if until 5:30pm.. Appointments can be made
GLSO NEWS PAGE 4 Continuedon page 10

i 't réoumf
‘ l
Saturday, May 17 , 1997 7:30 pm.
Sunday, May 18, 1997 2:30 pm.
”Park United Methodist Church
Corner ofJ‘Iigh and Clay
fldmission: fidult $6.00 advance sale Child $3.00 advance sale
$7 .00 at the door $4.00 at the door
Tickets.- Sqecial Media, Kismet or Chorus members

 “Elli,E‘E‘iiE‘EJ'E’i’IEiiE iiji‘l’i'il‘iii Eli“ ii” iii“ " EEEEI‘EEE‘EEE. iiil ‘Ej‘"i‘i‘l‘iEiitEEEiEllifi’lEii‘JEli IJill‘i'l‘ “”11 {i J . . . . . , EE- .. . , . , . .. . .
JJEEEE : 'J EEEEEE'E l . ~11 EEEJEI. “‘ " ; ‘ "“ " E mpm New Mom-
EEEE E‘E: EEEEJ' EEEli-‘LEEE TEEEEE EEIIEEEEEEJviEiifiEEEEEEE‘EE E‘Eiiiii‘i - El. EEEE'EEE iii” Eli 11:11 i' E ‘E‘ E‘E iii?‘ Eli's! "IEEJ 1::in r11: ESE 123‘- Men’s Chorus Practice Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum)
iEEi‘iiii’ El 111' ,E EEJJE i (cm. BOW»
EE‘" EEEEEE EE'i E E EEE ":1 ii ‘E 1 EEE " 3E ' J? E E‘E ‘EEEE J it w- J r i in J J J ‘i ii Em; .. E J l. :{E 7:30 pm
EEEEEEEEE E. E ,IEE...,:5EEEEEE J t: r: mi ii UK LAMBDA <23: UK -
- 1 i it, 1“" "E‘JEE 1:, llii‘ti'E'tl‘ti iii ., 11E“: 2" i ' 1‘," 11E; 1.1!. ‘. i. “1:, , -\
Elli iiii'iEiliJliiiii: 'IJEJEL-Jl: E. "El i 1.. ii iii HEEL. "E iiEl JiiiiiE ElEiEEIiEEiiHJiiEI : ‘i ii,E Elli. Jill Elli
’E'" i ' -' ii' "'I {Hi ii. vi EEE.“ l i‘nr‘W ‘ ""11 .=E ‘1 '= 3:: 1;:--;1 iI'ii‘ 1' r'r‘ in" m 'n y VJ” 'ii .i '==:. IE" it” 'ii’“|- «'i- q ,1 ‘EEEE :Hv' E ”I
'E-EE YJJ-‘EJJEEEEJELEM-'1». El Mir .EEEEE. Jl ii‘iii i.,..:i.J-Eni. 12’ EEEJ ll 11:1: iiif' fE=II..,EiJ=Ei. if E Ei‘EE E: E. .J EEE‘J lit: '1‘}! EJEEE. E' EiEi ELEE E M
10:45 am. 7:30 pm. 7:00 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm: 92(1) am.
Unitarian Universalist Pride Center Task Force Coming out Support Frontrunners (Woodland Men’s Chorus Practice Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum) BESI‘AUBANT
Church 8:00 PM. Group (MCC Suite) Park) (Central Baptist Church)
11:30 am. AA Step Study 7:30 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:30 pm. .
Metropolitan Communtiy P—Fiag (Chapel Hill HiV/AiDS Support Group UK LAMBDA (231 UK 5 I mmest‘.“
Church Presbyterian Church) 8:00 pm. Student Center) 5 7 S. e
7:00 pm. 8:30 pm. Gay/Lesbian AA .
Ebony Male Rainbow Bowling League 8:00 pm. mm“! KY
7:00 pm: Dignity (MCC Bail Room Dancing ,,
Su'rte) (Club 141) 2.) 3-00 I 4
i "i E :EE ”El E E "E EEE "iii EE ffmlu'ing the
10:45 am. 7: 15 pm. 7:00 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 92(1) am.
Unitarian Universalist GLSO Board Meeting Coming out Support Frontrunners (Woodland Men’s Choms Practice 7:30 pm. Frontrunners (Arboretum) Fmous Alfalfa
Church (MCC Suite) Group (MCC Suite) Park) (Central Baptist Church) Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm.
11:30 am. 8:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:30 pm, SisterSound Concert
Metropol'rian Community AA Step Study PeFiag (Chapel Hill HIV/AIDS Support Group UK LAMBDA (231 UK weekend Brlmch:
Church Presbyterian Church) 8:00 pm. Student Center)
12:30 pm. 8:30 pm. Gay/Lesbian AA .
interweave Potluck Rainbow Bowling League 8:00 pm. servmg blueberry
(U.U. Church) Bail Room Dancing
‘C'Ub ‘4" buckwheat pancakes,
J1EE EE 1 :E .L;;E‘.12E' E: E ' 3 eggs henediet amok]
10:45 am. 7:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 am,
Unitarian Universalist Ch. Pride Month Planning Coming Out Support Frontrunners (Woodland Men’s Chorus Practice Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum) ’
11:30 am. Downtown Public Library Group (MCC Suite) Park) (Central Baptist Church) WHSII onielettw’ goumle‘
Metropolitan Community 8:00 pm. 8:30 pm. HIV/AIDS Support Group 7:30 pm.
Church AA Step Study Rainbow Bowling League 8:00 pm. UK LAMBDA (231 UK desserts, aIId muCh “lore...
2:30 pm. Gay/Lesbian AA Student Center)
SisterSound Concert 9150 NEWS DEADL/NE 8:00 pm.
7:00 pm. ALSO SUBM/fADD/T/ONS, Line & Partner Dancing
Dignity (MCC Suite) (1,130,475; AND (Club 141)
8:00 pm. \ CORRECT/0N5 FO/P JUNE All 0‘ our breads and
Pride Prom NEWSLEITE/e , ,
273—5345 desserts are baked dally Ill
“TE- ififi. “E EEE' E ' E “E. EE J: EgEE E0 "Lil“‘E
.th E.” mu m .E "iii... 11:. ...i .Jilj: ...J ME ...Jii E. k-
. .. III' I . II
10:45 am. 8:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 am. 0 “he .
Unitarian Universalist AA Step Study Coming Out Support Frontrunners (W. Park) Men’s Chorus Practice Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum) .
Church Group (MCC Suite) 6:00 pm. (Central Baptist Church)
11:30 am, 8:30 pm. HIV/AIDS Support Group 7:30 pm. '
Metropolitan Community Rainbow Bowling League 8:00 pm. UK LAMBDA (231 UK
Church Gay/Lesbian AA Student Center) F R E E E V E N I N G
8:00 pm, 8:00 pm.
Open Dancing (Club 141) Bluegrass Colts members
9:00 pm. PARKING.
B.C. non—members

 _ . continued from page 2
R e I at I O n s h I p Has it changed your relationship with your
A: No, because my mother and my family just friends or their attitudes toward you?
I s S u e s ? found out thatI am gay about six months ago A: Well, with my friends nothing has changed.
and it is just a matter of protecting them. I With acquaintanoes it has actually helped.
. . love my faintly and I love my mother but I'm more out going, more ofasocialite.
10’” sometimes when it comes to family you just A: Are you planning on pursuing any other
a group fer lesbian couples have to protect them. Notbetween what‘s right titles?
f . II and what’s wrong but maybe just for the A: Yes,Iamplanningon pursuing othertitles.
ocusmg on WC "355 betterment of their health. One of the reasons I started doing dragwas not
to work inside a bar every weekend, be a
. . . 7
starting ml d- Ju n Q Q. Where are you from. regular somewhere and be thereforever. I love
. A: Eastern Kentucky. the pageants, pageant season is my time in
meeting weekly for 10 weeks g What part? drag. Come pageant season, look out! One of
P 3 C118; colugng6MancfieSleTa 1 these days, I want to be in a Miss Gay USA. or
opu a ton , , coun y w1 e; 01 y . . .
COHCECCI limits 1,200. It felt like one sometimes. MISS' lGay Amnca pageant...and wm’ 0f
Laura Drew MSW comm
_ . _ ' ' Q: How about at work, has it affected you Q: Immediate goal?
Licensed CIInIcaI Socral Worker professionally? A: Is yo run for Bluegrass Entertainer of the
(606) 2 76.2685 A: No, all my co-workers know what I do and Year.
they support me and they love it; actually, they Q: What would you say to other lesbigay's that
436 West Second St. ‘
. help me a lot. We go shopping together and so never come around to see a drag show to make
Lextngton, KY 40507 . 7
'ndividual appointments available forth. We have a lot of fun. them understand what you are dorng.
I Q: How about your personal relationships. A: Itisan artform...the artof female illusion.
Eonflldenuajweforleemdummup’.” ‘E’ a} COPIES OF THE NEWS TO RECEIVE BULK MAIL RATES,
"123R:iflii’f’a‘nZiifii‘lflfiiéfliZ§$fi"p’h'5‘?“ (\fi 150 or THESE HAVE TO BE INSIDE LEXINGTON. WE
llcensed cllnlcal psychologist - woodford '
:0vaoversameskenwcky-rumav V .1 NOW HAVE ABOUT 180 SUBSCRIBERS. You CAN
n-drew Sheck-tur-mln - 606.873.8896
NameIs) _____________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP __________________________________________
SIS Membership and Newsletter
520 Couple Membership and Newsletter
I am (we are) including a donation of $3 or more. Please add the above nameis) to the OUT AND PROUD
sponsorship page in October, I997.
I do not wish for my name to be added to the Community Mailing List used exclusively by and for Kentucky
Gay/ Lesbian organizations.
GLSO News page 7

 F <7/ ”F PRIDE F
F uneg \} '97 thE%£.1:- -. une
' - x a ,
ti ._. Bluegrass R2111] 1) 0w Round - Up t
F R.I.S.C.: Sun. June lst. Coronation @ Front Runners: Sat. June 14th. 9am @ F
3 The Radisson-6pm. U. K. Arboretum. 93-;
f} A.V.O.L.: Fri. June 6th Friend to Lexington Men's Chorus: Pride .gt
Friend Appreciation, Club 141 & The Concert @ Art's Place—Sat. June 14th. at
F Bar Complex. 9—11pm $5 cover. 6 & 8pm.
F Unitarian Universalist Church: Sun. Pride Picnic: Sun. June 15th @ Windy F
F june 8th. Pride Service-10:45am. Knoll Farm noon - 4pm. F
g Working Class Kitchen: Sun. June 8th Dignity: Pride Pot Luck & Mass Fri. 2:},
ti @ Alfalfa's $6 cover. 6pm—8pm. June 13th @ Don's 6pm. "
% Lifemaps: Mon. June 9th & Mon.16th Solstice Celebration: Fri. June 20th @ F
§ $10 cover. 7—9pm Unitarian Church 7—9pm. ”
. F
% Turn About: @ The Bar Complex BAR NIGHT: Sat. june 21 tel
, Wedjune 11th. 8:30pm. ti
F Lexington's Metropolitan ‘?
{if Queer Awareness: Unitarian Adult Community Church: Pride Service 3
.3 Forum. Wed. june 11th. 7—9pm. Sun. June 22nd. 11:30am f
F Throughbred Invitational Bowling Volunteer Awards Banquet: g
F Tournament: Southland Bowling Sun. June 22nd. 5pm @ The Hilton in t
3 Lanes-weekend of June 13, 14, & 15th. Lexington Green. in;
3 ' ”Lexinfil 'nn's. [’13] [)E' '97 Schedule of Est-Ills a;
“it‘s“ iii: F F? F? F? Fifi“ Fa FF FF 435 F? F F FFFF“ ”Z" ‘9?th 3“” FF F? f it "F'- gs};
GLSO New: page 8

 Contmuedfrompage 4 ANTI'GAY VIOLENCE incidens are reports of on—going problems.
for other times. HERBS PLUS can be These seventeen involve both violence, threat
reached at (606) 881—9022 for answers to Accordingto several recent studies, hate of violence, and discrimination and involve
any questions you may have. violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and twenty-nine individual types of offenses. Thus,

transgndered people increased nationally. A one caller reported on—going harassment, pets
THE WATERING HOLE survey by the National Coalition of Anti- poisoned, threatstohis and his partner‘s lives,
Violence Program (NCAVP) found that hate and refusal of police to assist.
‘What is a ‘Great Good Place? According to crimes against gay people increzsed six per Here are some profiles of anti—gay
Ray Oldenburg (author of the book by the cent nationally, with sharp rises in Virginia( violence and discrimination reported to
same name), it is an informal meeting plane 206%), Cleveland (64%), and Lcs Angeles ( Kentucky Fairness Alliance. Many thanks to
where citizens can gather, put aside the 55%). Some cities experiencedawline, such Maria Price for providing this much needed
wncems of work and home, and hang out asPhoenix (60%),and San Francisco (5%). documentation and reporting. The
simply for the pleasures of good company and In the Bay Area, however, attacks against individuals names are withheld for their
lively conversation"...maldng acontribution to transgendered people more than doubled and privacy
thenellbeingofindividualsandtothefabric 40 percent of the perpetrators were law Boone County,KY (reported in April,
of our society. officials. 1996)-—-A gay disables gay, white male who
One of the Great Good Places in our The report also notes that attacks in lives in a nrral area has been repeatedly
community, The Wamg Hole can be found 1996 were more violent and carsed more threatened by his neighbors at the end of his
at 147 N. Limestone St. It’s central downtown serious injuries than in 1995, with the most lane. They told hisAfiican American lover that
location makes this intimate, quiet and wsual common weapons shifting from hurled they are with the Klan and once stopped his
neighborhood pub an ideal spot to gather objects to bats and clubs. Another study, carontheroad and told him, “getoutofthe
before dinner or dancing or after the play. conducted by the San Diego City and County car and we’ll bash your brains in." He was
A little cleaner and brighter (and a lot Hate Crimes Registry, revealed that all hate able to speed away The victims Advocate
lesssmokey),thepub featuressparidingwaters crimes in that county are on the rise, worker told the man not to call the police
and ice cold beers to go with pool, darts, increasing 47 percent. For more information anymore, because“Theyaresickof him." He
pinball, Karaoke, and refreshing conversation. contact Jeffrey Montgomery (Triangle had called them only three times in the past
Try fire Wan Hole. Spring hours are Foundation) at (315) 537-3523. eleven years.
from 7pm until 1am ....clcsed on Sundays. See Locally, GLSO began gathering hate Sebree, KY A woman who was being
you there! crinim/disaimination reports in 1993. recruited for a job in the city of Henderson was
__———-—— Interestingly, 1993 saw the highest number of accused by awcman at a ccrnpeting company
MR. SMH'HIS reported incidents. The wordinator of the who also waned the job of being a lesbian.
project, HfJones speculates that the number When the job was reclassified from temp to full
Mr Smith's Coffee House is located in of incidents hasn’t declined so much as that time, she was not offered the job.

Georgetown at 146 S. Broadway andwell worth the victirrs aren‘t reporting the; most usually Whitley County, KY A man who had

the trip. You can take Georgetown Rd out of don’t worked as a substitute teacher while

lexington and that will become Broadway The most common type of incidenthere completing his certification, was hired at the
when you enter Georgetown. in Kentucky involves harassment or Whitley Co. High School upon finishing. Six

Mr. Smiths has an atmosphere that threats...often by phone or even E-Mail. As far days later, the Superintendent met with him,
celebratesdiversityandisopeneverydayof the as other categories, the most commonly and fired him, telling him “You;’re and
week. There is live misic on Thurs. thnr Sun. reported besirks threats involve threats by endangerment to children" and “Parents

Evenings. Wishing Chair will be playing at police and public offidals. don’t want you in the classroom.” The

8:00 pm. on Sat. May 3rd. and 17th. 'il‘acy In 1996 there were seventeen plus Kentucky Education Msociaticn said they

Walker will be playing rhythm and Blues on separate incidents reported to GLSO, would not get involved.

Sat May 10. lexington Fairness, KFA, and Jelf Jones via

Lambdanet. “Plus" because some of the

GLSO News Page 10

CR0§SIflgI§, AfimAN’S BAR, INCLUDING THE RACK .............233-7266