xt7cjs9h5180 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cjs9h5180/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1934-05-18  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 18, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 18, 1934 1934 1934-05-18 2013 true xt7cjs9h5180 section xt7cjs9h5180 Best Copy Available













Ph.I. (IXptig)

Program to Re Held at 2 p.m.,
Moll field; (Jen. Rowley
to Re Guest

Commissions, Cups Will Be
Awarded; Final Parade
Is Slated
When Field Day is conducted next
Wednesday by the University R.O.
T.C. regiment, military will hold
sway before probably the largeFt
crowd to ever witness the exercises
on the Kentucky campus.
Extensive plans have been made
to have a
dance at the meet which will start
2 p. m. on Stoll field.
Special invitations have been sent
to the parents of all the cadets of
the regiment, to members of the
state legislature, and to delegates
attending the Reserve Officers association convention which will be
held in Lexington on that day.
Pres. Frank L. McVey also has
Issued a general Invitation to the
public to attend the exercises, which
will consist of competitive drills, a
demonstration drill by Company
"C" Pershing Rifles; the awarding
of prizes for scholastic and military
work during the year, the awarding
of commissions and a final parade
and review.
MaJ.-GeAlbert J. Bowley, of
Columbus, Ohio, who is commanding general of the Fifth Corps Area,
comprising Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio
and West Virginia, will be the distinguished guest at the exercises.
Accompanied by his
Lieut. WlUiston B. Palmer, General Bowley will arrive In Lexington
May 22. He will motor to Frankfort
the following morning and will call
on Gov. Ruby Laffoon, after which
he will return to Lexington In time
for the military exercises.
General Bowley returned to the
United States recently from Hawaii
where he commanded the Hawaiian
division, said to be the only fully
organized division In the United
States peace time army. Relinquishing command of the Hawaiian department. General Bowley made a



three months' tour of the Orient
and arrived at his headquarters at
Fort Hayes last month. He relieved
MaJ.-GeVan Horn Moseley, who
assumed command of the Fourth
Corps Area with headquarters at
Fort McPherson, Atlanta, Ga.
Four seniors In the Reserve Off!
cers' Training Corps who will be
graduated with honors are James C.
Bishop, cadet colonel of the regiment; Charles W. Kaufman, lieutenant colonel; Ralph O. Edwards,
staff captain, and Evan E. Settle Jr.
Honor certificates are limited each
year to not more than five per cent
of the graduating class. The class
this year is composed of 80 cadets.
One of the most sought after
awards to be presented that day will
be the Rotary Club Trophy, which
will be awarded to the graduating
member of the second year advann.

ced course, Reserve Officers' Training Corps, who Is elected by secret
(Continued on Page Four)

Students working on CWA are requested to bring stamped,
envelopes to the office of the
dean of men In order that their
May checks may be mailed to them.
May 28 will be the last date any
student can check his hours on the
Students who wish the
CWA to be continued next fall may
aid In this matter by signing the
petition In the dean's office.

The editors of The Kentuckian
wish to announce that copies of
The Kentuckian will not be available to members of the senior class
until Tuesday of next week. The
Kentuckian staff finds It necessary
to sell all available annuals that it
is able to procure from the bindery
this week.
Bids for the senior ball this year
are being distributed through the
University post office. Each senior
will get one date and two stag bids
and the Juniors will receive one date
bid and one stag.
The dance will be held from 9 till
1, Wednesday, May 30, In the Alumni gymnasium.

Few political questions or problems
Europe have received
of post-Wsuch extensive discussion as what is
generally referred to as the Polish
Oerman propaganda in
this connection was Intensely active
until February of this year when a
German-Polisagreement was made
to end hostile propaganda formerly
embittering relations between the
two countries.
When Poland was restored as an
Independent state In 1918, number
13 of President Wilson's Fourteen
Points provided for that country's
access to the sea through territory
indisputably Polish. On this basts,
what is now popularly referred to as
the Polish Corridor was transferred
from Germany to Poland, whereby
the province of East Prussia became
separated from the Reich.
East Prussia, however, had been
separated from Germany proper for
hundreds of years before Frederick
the Great forcibly took from Poland
what is now approximately the Cor
ridor In the First Polish Partition
of 1772. American historical experts
at the Peace Conference such as
Professors Lord and Hasklns were
of the opinion therefore, that restor
ing the Corridor to Poland was
simply an act of elemental Justice.



this number 421,033 or 42.5 per cent
were German, the remaining 57.5 per
cent being Slavic.
In other words, notwithstanding
domination of this territory for 138
(Continued on Page Four)

SUMMER SCHOOL Sigma Xi Functions
Slated Saturday

Faculty Includes 150 Regular
Members of Teaching
Staff and Seven


The faculty of the University
summer school will be composed of
150 faculty members of the regular teaching staff and seven visiting Instructors, according to Dr. J.
E. Adams, head of the Summer
Session department. A
program has been scheduled in
each' college and a thoroughly qualified faculty has been engaged.
The following visiting faculty
members will teach:
Miss Althea Currin, Cleveland,
Ohio, will instruct library science
courses the first term. Miss Currin Is connected with library science work at Glendale High school
in Cleveland. She received her
training from Simmons university
and Western Reserve university.
Miss Margaret East, director of
public health nursing, State Board
of Health, Louisville, will be a special lecturer In the school for nurses
the first term. Miss East has been
connected with the Public Health
school since its inauguration three
years ago.
Miss Flossie Foster, Denton, Texas, will be an instructor in library
science the first and second terms.
Miss Foster Is assistant professor of
library science at Texas State college for Women and received her
training at Columbia university.
Mr. John W. Kelly, director of
the bureau of public health education In Louisville, will assist Mr.
Niel Plummer in his feature writThis
ing course In Journalism.
course is designed especially for
nurses In the Public Health School.
Miss Henrllu Ivey, Valdosta,
Georgia, will teach the first and
second grades of the Elementary
Training school this summer. Miss
Ivey has had wide experience teaching In the Peabody Demonstration
school, Peabody college, and assisting In the first grade of Lincoln
school. Teachers' college, Columbia
Dr. Edward J. Murray, director
of Julius Marks Sanatorium, will
be a special lecturer In the Public
Health school the first term this
Miss Elma Rood, assistant director of public health education,
State Board of Health, Louisville,
will conduct several courses on
community health education In the
Public Health school.

Annual Election
Held by Strollers

Banquet, Initiation and Election to Be Held at
Kentucky chapter of Sigma XI
will hold its annual banquet. Initiatory services, and election of officers at 6:30 o'clock Saturday at
the University Commons.
Four active and six associate
members will be Inducted following
the banquet. Active members will
be John Jacob Owen, Joe Frank
Freeman, and Ruth Everett Boy-deAssociate members to be taken in will be K. C. McCartt, William Lary Webb, James Pyles, Ernest Hogge, Hobert J. Austin, and
H. Phillip Orem.
The principal speaker at the banquet will be- Dr. Fay Cooper Cole,
chairman of the department of anthropology, University of Chicago,
an archaeologist and anthropologist who enjoys a national reputa
tion. His subject will be "The Coming of Man."
Doctor Cole Is a graduate of the
University of Southern California
and has studied at the Universities
of Chicago, Berlin, and Columbia.
He is curator of Malayan ethnology
of the Field Museum of Natural
History, was a member of several
to the
archaeological expeditions
Amelrcan Southwest, was leader of
two expeditions among the pagan
tribes of the Philippines, and was
leader of the Field Museum expedition to the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, and Borneo. Doctor
Cole spoke at the University several years ago.



FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1934

From Reviewer
The Kentuckian Is here and it
was worth waiting for. With Its
attractive color scheme of green and
suver, its entirely original theme,
and a group of exceptionally fine
pictures, tne 1934 yearbook Is one
that long will be remembered and
appreciated by those who know and
love Kentucky.
The theme, a Kentucky horse
race, has been worked Into the general plan of the yearbook to ennance the items which naturally
appear In an annual. Division pages.
designed by William Frazer, and
printed silver on green pebbled
paper, Illustrations emblematic of
the sport of kings and adapted to
the special section of the yearbook
which follows.
are done by Johnny Craddock in his
own inimitable style.
In the feature section are full- page photographs of the Kentuckian
beauty queen and her six attendants
and also a group picture of the
court of beauty. Annotated snapshots of campus personalities enliven the pages of the annual. Likewise, the snappy commentations on
sororities, printed In the last section
of the book, provide an unusual and
interesting ending.
Throughout the book, a top green
border featuring tiny horses and
Jockeys, provide continuity from one
green suede cloth cover to the other.

'Peter Pan' Will
Offer Saturday
Afternoon Show
Reduced Prices for Children's
Performance Will


A special children's matinee per
formance of the current Guignol
play, "Peter Pan," will be presented

this Saturday afternoon at the little I
theater, according to Director Frank
Prices will be reduced for the
performance and the office already
has received calls for many reserva
tions for that date.
The play, with Frank Willis and
Mary Dantzler in the leading roles,
opened last Monday night and will
continue through Saturday night
The cast of 27 persons is
with the exception of George White
Fithian, who plays Captain Hook
and Leroy Miles, as Mr. Darling.
G. L. Crutcher Is directing the stage
work for the production and Clarence Moore the lighting effects.
Director Fowler also announced
the next play of the season, "The
Importance of Being Earnest," by
Oscar Wilde, which will play the
week of July 2. The cast of the
play probably will consist of members of the summer dramatic class
offered by Mr. Fowler, supplemented
with local talent.


The Southern Student's conference, under the auspices of the student Y.M.C.A. and student Y.W.C.A.
will be held at Blue Ridge, North
Carolina, from June 8 to 18. Delegates from colleges In ten southern
states will attend.
For many years there have been
delegates from the University of
Kentucky. Last year James Miner,
Henry Spragens, Joe Relster. and
Bart Peak attended the men's conference. Sarah Whittinghlll, Mildred Holmes, Hazel Nollau, Mary
Cairolyn Terrell, Rebecca Dudley,
and Augusta Roberts attended the
women's conference. This year, Augusta Roberts and Bart Peak, Y.M.



secretaries and

William Bryant and Sarah Whit
tinghlll, association presidents, will


Miss Winifred Wygal, Raymond P.
Kirby Puge, and Doctor



The spring Initiation of Lambda
chapter of Sigma PI Sigma, national honorary physics fraternity,
was held at 4 p. m. Thursday in
the Physics building, followed by
an initiation dinner at the Tea Cup

Recent lntlates are Anna B. Gordon, J. E. Beebold, O. C. Moss, O.
B. Cunningham, and J. P. Stewart.




Dr. and Mrs. McVey to Fete
Seniors with Breakfast at
Maxwell Place

degrees, are invited by President and Mrs. McVey to
breakfast at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, May 31, at Maxwell place
on the campus. It Is hoped
that all graduates of 1934 will
be present for the senior


Dr. Charles Turck, Former
Governor, Delivers

The commencement



Bart Peak, secretary of the Y.M.
the Lexington Rotary

C.A. and of

visitors Welcomed to Make
Inspection of College;
Works to Be



Mil-war- d,



material testing department, and
the blue print and civil drafting
rooms. From this building they will
be taken through the rock gardens
and the Johnson solar laboratory,
and then to the cast iron foundry,
which will be in operation



Major B. E. Brewer An until 3:30 p. m. Atwillp.startthe
nounces Names of Seniors experiments for the benefit of the
Report at Fort Knox for visitors.
An added attraction this year will
Duty this Summer

non-ferro- us

be the bust of Dean Anderson, executed shortly before his death by
Augustus Donfred H. Build. This
bust will be on display in the study
room of Mechanical hall.
Flowers from the Johnson solar
laboratories will be given the visitors as souvenirs.



graduating class, as


nounced yesterday bv Dr. M. V.
Llgon, chairman of the committee of
commencement arrangements, will
open officially with the baccalaureate sermon at 3 p. m. Sunday,
May 27, in Memorial hall.
Dr. Arthur Earnest Morgan, president of Antioch college. Yellow
Springs, Ohio, and Chairman of the
Tennessee Valley Authority, will be
the commencement speaker, Friday,


tour of the shops, classrooms
and laboratories of the Engineering
college and Inspection of student
work will feature the 25th annual
of Engineers' Day,
founded by the late Dean F. Paul
Anderson to be held today from 1:30
to 4:30 p. m. at the college.
All students in the College of Engineering will be excused today after
the fourth hour in celebration of
the day.
Registration of visitors will begin
at 1:30 p. m. in Mechanical hall,
and guides, who will be senior engineering students, will be assigned
to various groups for the Inspection
trips throughout the plant. The
electrical and mechanical laborator
ies will be the first stop on
for the International convention From there the groups will the
25 to 29. Following this conJune
to the heating and ventilating and
vention Mr. Peak will call an execu- material testing laboratories, and to
tive conference for his district at the Wendt Forge shop. From the
which the meeting place of the dis- forge shop, they will be taken to
trict conference for 1935 will be the mining laboratory to view the
casting department and the metalo- Accompanying Mr. Peak to the graphic labortary. Special exhibiLouisville meeting were Mrs. Peak tions of leveling and transit work
and their two children, and Mr. and will be given by students during the
Mrs. Thomson Bryant, John C. afternoon behind Mechanical hall.
Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Will R.
The Civil Engineering building
Leon Frankel, and Mr. and will be the next point of Inspection.
Mrs. S. A. Glass.
Here the visitors will see a model
cement plant in operation, the road


Program Opens with Bacca
laureate Service Sunday,
May 27

All members of the graduating classes, including candidates for the baccalaureate
degrees and for the advanced


club, was elected without opposlton,
governor of the Kentucky district of
Rotary International, last Wednesday at the two-da- y
meeting of the
Kentucky district held at Louisville.
The newly elected governor has
been secretary of the local Rotary
club for the last five years. In this
capacity and as Y.M.C.A. secretary
at the University, he has been iden
tified prominently with boys' work
and other altruistic enterprises in
Mr. Peak came to the University
as a student In 1913 and was graduated with the degree of B.A., four
years later. In 1930, he obtained
his LL.B. degree in the College of
Law. He was born in Bedford, and
his parents now live in LaGrange.
At the final session of the Rotary
meeting In Louisville, the discussion
program was focused upon the ad
dress of Dr. Charles J. Turck, presi
dent of Centre college', a former
district governor of rotary. He dis
cussed the "Rotary and the New
Owensboro, Frankfort and Central
City presented invitations to enter
tain the 1935 conference.
Upon his return from Louisville
Wednesday night, Mr. Peak said
that he would attend the international assembly of Rotary in Detroit
on June 20 and would remain there


Dr. A. E. Morgan to Speak
At U. K. Commencement


Names of senior cadet officers of
the University ROTC regiment who
have been ordered to Fort Knox
this summer by President Roosevelt and the War department for
two weeks training were announced
recently by Major B. E. Brewer.
The men, who will receive the
rank of second lieutenant on ar
riving at the camp, will report from
their respective home towns on
June 17 and leave camp in time to
be home on June 30. They will
Be stand relieved from active duty on

Southern Students' Confer- Citizenship Award Will
Made at Field Day
ence to Be Held at Blue
Ridge, N. C, June
Colleges to Send Delegates
of Nicholas-villW.



Racehorse Theme Prevails
U. K. Man Elected Governor
Throughout U. K.
of Rolary InterYearbook

TO ATTEND MEET Kaufman Selected
Winner of Trophy

The tentative list of those planning to go la as follows: Betty Dim-ocAnna Jene Blackburn, Mary
W. T. Bishop Succeeds James Chick, Martha Fugett, Frances Kerr,
Rebecca Dudley, and Mary Carolyn
Fahey as Dramatic
Terrell; Holmes Ellis, Mark
Group Head
James Stephens, Jack Carty,
At the regular meeting of Strol- and Leslie Scott.
The daily program will Include
lers, student dramatic organization,
Wednesday, May 16, the annual seminars, discussion groups, leadelection of officers was held. The recreation hours. Outstanding will
following students were elected: W. ers from throughout the south are
Among these
T. Bishop, president; Charles Cox, lead the program.

Senior engineers - faculty dinner
H. V. Bastin, busiwill be held at 6:30 o'clock Friday
night, May 25, at the Phoenix hotel. ness manager, and Elizabeth Jones,
All engineering seniors see Donald secretary.
The candidates were selected by
McCammon Immediately.
a nominating committee consisting
All SuKy members desiring to at- of Lalla Rookh Uoodsoii James
tend the picnic Sunday will meet In Fahey, Wllford Graves, and Cass
Robinson, faculty adviser of the
front of the Alumni gym at 11 a. m. group;
and were voted on by the
council will other members of the organization.
Mr. Bishop, the newly elected
meet at 0 o'clock Monday at the
president, served as business manA TO house.
ager of Strollers last year. He Is
Other schools attending the meet president of PI Kappa Alpha social
with several world record holders fraternity, and Is a member of
representing them are: Louisiana Lances, Scabbard and Blade, and
Lamp and Cross.
(Continued on Page Pour)
Inter-fraternl- ty

On account of national pride
chiefly, the Germans have never become reconciled to the separation of
East Prussia from the Reich proper.
They feel this lessens their prestige.
Systematic, Intensive propaganda in
the press, radio, theater, cinema, and
elsewhere aroused such hatred in
Germany against Poland from 1930
until the first of this year, that at
times an armed conflict between the
two countries appeared Imminent,
Polish historical claims to the
Corridor are so strong that the Ger
mans usually Ignore this phase of
the argument or offer very weak
They oppose with
more energy Polish ethnic rights to
this territory, although Polish claims
in this regard are substantiated by
the last
German census
made in 1910 for the area now com
prising the Corridor.
The Corridor proper, Pomorze as
it has always been called in Polish
or West Prussia as the Germans
named the province when they seiz
ed it In 1772, had a total population
of 990,145 In the year 1910, according
to the official German census. Of



The Kentuckian BART PEAK WINS
Receives Praise HONOR AT MEET

Extensive Review Given
Polish Corridor Problems



W J.


The speaker for the baccalaureate
services will be Rev. Robert Whitfield Miles, pastor of the First Pres- - .
byterian church, Lexington, who will
speak on "The Pen of a Man." The
baccalaureate procession will form
p. m. on the Plaza between
the Physics and Mining buildings,
and on the drive leading to the
Administration building. Immediately following the services, a band
concert will be given by the University band in the amphitheater of
Memorial hall, after which time the
members of the graduation class,
their parents and guests will be
entertained by the Faculty club.
A breakfast in honor of the graduating class, and a memorial service
for members of the faculty and students who have died during 1933-3- 4
will be the principal features of the
program Thursday, May 31. The
annual breakfast, given by Pres. and
Mrs. Frank L. McVey, will be given
at 8:30 a. m., at Maxwell place.
The memorial service will be conducted by Prof. E. F. Farquhar, at
3:30 p. m. In Memorial hall. Other
events of the day will Include registration of the alumni, from 9 till
10:30 a. m. in the Administration
building, followed by the annual
meeting of the Alumni association
at 11 a. m. on the lawn of Maxwell
place. The board of trustees ci '
University will meet at 10:30 a r
and the dp.y's program will be !..'.
with the annual Alumni barqi.H t
7 p. m. at the Lafayette hotel.
Services will be preceded by .e
commencement procession which""
will form on the drive leading to
the Administration building. After
the commencement
exercises, a
luncheon for guests, friends, alumni,
faculty of the University will be
held in the University Commons.
The closing event of the commencement program will be the
dedication of the Patterson statue
at 3 p. m. on the lawn behind the
Administration building. Honorable
A. O. Stanley, former governor of
Kentucky, and later U. S. senator,
will give the dedicatory address.


Annual Garden Day

Third Annual Sing, Sponsored
by O.D.K. and Cwens, Held
Tuesday in Memorial Hall;
Ten Organizations Compete
Visitors Welcomed to Make
Tour of Botanical
Kappa Delta sorority and Delta
Tau Delta fraternity were the winthe
ners Of th third Int.rfmtwi(tu

To Be Celebrated

tne tatter date.
Following are the names of
cadets who are to report:
The annual Garden Day exercises
336th Infantry, Carroll M. Ball,
Elkhart. Ind.; 399 Infantry. Letch will be held on the University cam
Ensenior in the Mechanical
er E. Asher, Pineville; Arthur An- pus today. An extensive program
gineering college, a cadet lieutenant ton, Demossville;
Duard E. Bay less, has been planned for visitors.
of Concord;
colonel In the R.O.T.C. regiment
Visitors are welcome to visit these
Crittenden D. Blair,
University, has been selected for
gardens at any time, but everyone
William E.
Rotary Club Citi- Joe L. Campbell. Butler, Lexington: is especially Invited on Garden Day
the award of the
Carlisle; Bernard
zenship Trophy.
B. Collins, Lexington;
Lucien H. to walk through and observe the
trophy is awarded to the Congleton, Lexington; G. L. Crutch
good work thalt is accomplished
graduating member of the second er, Lexington.
through the cooperation and inter
year advanced military course who
est of the garden committee.
Paul F. Cullen. Maysville: Flet
is selected by the secret vote of the cher W. Donaldson, Paris; Fred C.
The Kentucky Botanical garden,
advanced course students as excell- Dye, Newport; Hamilton B. Greenlocated to the rear of White hall,
ing In the requirements of good up, Frankfort: James F. Hardwick, has been extended during the past
William J. Honhorst. year; and many plants, flowers, and
The award will be made at Field Newport; William A. Jacobs, Cum- trees have been added to it, as well
Day exercises to be held on Stoll berland; Charles
W. Kaufman, as the otner lour gardens on tne
field, Wednesday, May 23, by a rep- Nicholasville; Ralph O. Kercheval, campus.
resentative of the local Rotary club, Salt Lick; Bert W. McDowell. Nich
The Garden Day is In charge of
the donor of the trophy.
olasville; John A. Rice, Lexington; the Botanic Garden Joint commit
Cadet Kaufman Is a member of George T. Skinner, Lexington; tee, composed of Prof. N. R. Elliott,
Tau Beta PI, honorary engineering Charles H. Talbot, Somerset: Gro- - chairman; Miss Mary Didlake, secfraternity; Scabbard and Blade, ver C. Thompson Jr., Lexington; retary and treasurer; Prof. W. D.
senior honorary military society; Harry S. Traynor, Lexington.
Valleau, Prof. F. T. McFarland,
Omicron Delta Kappa, campus leadEmmett D. Whipple, Paris; Stew Prof. Albert J. Olney, Dr. H. Harof the art E. White, Versailles; James E. mon, and Mr. Maury Crutcher, toers' organization; president
local branch of the American So- Wilder. Corbin: Luke C. Woolrldgo, gether with a committee from the
ciety of Engineers, and Captain of Lexington; 400th Infantry, James Garden club of Lexington composed
the Pershing Rifles, the Fifth Corps C. Bishop, Murray: John L. Coo-be- of Mrs. Spencer Brooker, Mrs. EdArea champions for three successive
Paducah; William E. Cowley, ward Clark, Mrs. J. F. Van Deren,
Vine Grove; Hugh H. Dearing, Miss Carrie Hathaway, and Miss
Ew-In- g;


Mary Robinson.
Owensboro; Mack M. Jones, Buffa
lo; Harvey W. Mattingly,
Bards- town; William F. Peterson, Murray; SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS
Stephen S. Boaper, Henderson;
James P. Stewart, Rome, and Wil
liam D. Thompson, Springfield.
Sigma Delta Chi, international
Lamp and Cross, senior men's
honorary Journalistic fraternity, has
honorary organization,, held election
the scholarship honor
of officers Tuesday night in Capt.
awards and the scholarship keys for
Clyde Grady's room In the Armory.
the present year to Harry Edward
The following men were elected
Watts, Wesley E. Carter and Harold
to hold office for next year: Hunt
KapCaptain "Doug" Parrish, A. O. 3. Money, according to an anThomas, Louisville, member of
presiFields, Coach "Bernie" Shlvely and nouncement
made yesterday
pa Sigma social fraternity,
dent; Jack Faunce, New York, Tri- Coach Wynne left last night to at- Prof. Victor R. Portmann, faculty
William Cun-dlf- l, tend the second annual Southeastadviser.
ern conference track meet being
These awards are made each year
Somerset, Independent, treasCampbell, Middlesboro, held In Birmingham, Alabama, to- by the fraternity, to the highest ten
urer; George
day and Saturday. Parrish, will par per cent of the graduating seniors
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, scribe.
Retiring officers of the organiza- ticipate In the high and low hurdles In Journalism. Harry E. Watts was
graduated at the end of the first
tion are: James C. Bishop, presi- while Fields will run the mile.
Coach Wynne will attend a meet- semester, while Wesley E. Carter
dent; J. Frank Adams,
Ralph Edwards, scribe and ing of the coaches In the South and Harold 8. Money will both be
graduated In June.
eastern conference,

Officers Elected To
Lamp and Cross

Parrish and Fields
Attend Track Meet

Intersorority Sing, sponsored Joint- iy oy vsweiis ana u micron
Kappa, which was held Tuesday
night In Memorial hall. Second
places were awarded to Alpha Gamma Delta and Alpha Sigma Phi.
The groups taking part in the
contest were required to sing one
verse of one of their fraternity, or
sorority songs and one verse of the
"Alma Mater." Kappa Delta chose
as Its selection "Hail, Kappa Ucl-taand Delta Tau Delta sang

"Delta Shelter."

Other sororities and fraternities
competing in the contest were Alpha Delta Theta, Alpha XI Delta,
Chi Omega, Delta Zeta, Zeta Tau
Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi and Triangle.
Prof. R. D. Mclntyre acted as the
master of ceremonies. Cups were
presented to the winners by Mary
Gunn Webb, president of Cwens,
and Gordon E. Burns, president of
OmicVn Delta Kappa. Miss Dorothy Walker and William Conley
comprised the committee In charge
of the arrangements.

Installation of W.A.A. officers will
be held at 4 p.m. Monday afternoon
In the reading room of Boyd hall.
At this time awards for participation in sports throughout the year
also will be made.
Gills who are planning to attend
the W.A.A. camp on May 19 and 20
will leave from Patterson hall tomorrow. Swimming, canoeing and
tennis will be the features of the
camp. Any girls wi&hing to go are
asked to notify Miss Averlll immediately and must furnish their own
The tennis ladder tournament has

been called off because of insufficient time to finish before exams.
The doubles tournament Is continuing and matches must be played off
before May 23.

� Best Cop



Tage Two

might serve as a memorial to him
and his work.
In the college Rive of
their time to make the day success
and it is certain that the Little
Tage Doctor Fnnkhouwr!
Dean, in his new world, feels keen
From The Kernel classified ads:
appreciation for them and the fac"FOUND A green alligator man's
ulty members today.
raincoat in McVey hall."

The Kentucky Kernel



National Colltt Press Association
Kentucky IntareoUeilaU Press Association
Lexlnftan Board el Commerce
Dumber of the MJor Colitis
rrpreaented bf A. t. Morris HIM
Co., 1M B. 43nd St., Mtw York City; 1JJ
W. Madison St., Chtcao; 1004 2nd An,
Status; 120 Mapla At., Los Anfelss; Call
Bldf., San Francisco.



2 0O a Year.
Entered at
Lexington, Kjr., Poatofflcs As Second
Class Mall Matter





Managing Editor



Ellisbfth Baute

Jack Wild
James Bersot

John W. Potter

Ben F. Taylor



Jane M. Hamilton
Mart Carolyn Terrell
Jack Wild
Literary Editor
Xll t.
. Society editor
Aut. Society Editor


Frances Bufth
Lucy Jean Anderson
Virginia Bosworth
Mary Chick
Charlotte CofTman
Feature Editor
Mary A. Brend
Howard Cleveland
Mary Rees Land
Dr. H. L. Franklin
Eleanor Richardson William Carrell
Netei Editor

Tom B. Atkins
Leo Spence


Virginia Robinson
Dav Salyer

Isabel Preston
Delia Holt
Walter Rlddell
Earl Bourgeois
T. 1. Ropka
Frank Borrles
Bill Huston
Carl Boom
Betty Pennington
Miriam Rosen
Catherine Jones
James Anderson
Margaret Cllnkscales Dorothy Nichols
Anne Phelps
Morton Collins
Morton Potter
John Dsrnall
Wallace Brlgga
William Prans
Roy Hogg
Thelma Goodrich
Lola Ooblln
Ruth Ralston

Sportt Editor
James D. Stephens
Morman Oarllnf
Max Lancaster
Jack Ooodykoontt
James Anderson
Charles Dunn
fisilneil Manaaer
Advertiiint Manaaer
Dav DlSord
Assistant Business Manager



Circulation Manager

Happier days may be ahead for
. those emerging from campuses this
s;.ryy Editors of eight out of nine
ollegp newspapers expressed opin- w i u recent. Literary Digest poll
that th. on l.v)'. for the 1934 grad-iu- :j
. ng brighter, while
only one pessimistic editor felt that
conditions were not at all rosy.
Basis for this optimism is placed
in the fact that there is a general
business pickup, coupled with a tendency of business organizations to
choose for their personnel men
trained In universities. States, municipalities, and private corporations
are selecting educated young men
and women for positions in their organizations leading to responsibili
ties, positions demanding those
particular capabilities and aptitu