xt7cjs9h4n67 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cjs9h4n67/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1947 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 18, 1947 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 18, 1947 1947 1947 2012 true xt7cjs9h4n67 section xt7cjs9h4n67 V2 ¤€ A·»   V {     E V"_·   · Vv  ig · — V I E ‘ >`  ‘ E   V V ' ‘ V  V   ?’1T} ‘,V‘ ‘    ··‘.   z   fir   * ‘. »4` *-   E
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 Y '   A
/   It IS (I p)`(T’Il('g(’. HH o[1[J<11I11111!)‘. 24_ 1g12_ AND MARCH 3I ig3g_
, . ., 0 · · , .. , Of KENTUCKY ALUMNUS published quar-
. I Omcm Organ Oi the Aiumiii Asscgiinliog and also (L 1¢.S])011.s1}11]1I) {11 {l.S.$NlIl(. ieriy at Lexingmm Kentucky im. Nuvembeh
. ‘ ol the University of Kentuc y DU iS P , ., · , . , · ._ 1947, State of Kentucky, County of Fayette,
1 quarterly on the campus or the Unlvegsity, tit I/M jnrsulc my of H1: AII1111111 ,-11 Before me, BI notary pubiig in and for me A
4 I·€Xi¤8¢0¤- $¤bS¤l‘iP*i°¤ to ¤°¤‘m€m H'? _$- . .‘ ' ‘ , - , , , _ State and county aforesaid, personally ap-
I   Membership 1'rype A1 in line Association Mill/I/1011 (ll Il Yl)I7(. 111}1(11 [lll 1111.111 peared Helm GI KIIIBI who having been duly
 I ‘“°1“d°s S“bs°'ipt'°" °° °h° A°m"“S' 1111:rs/11[1 is I/10 hzg/ws! 111 I[l1’ I11.s— f;`IQ{’;h‘;°f_;"S;2id'i‘;°;h§ng*‘;hS?§§§;°:IB‘;I':I%ei"§§
‘*—"?""" `E ""VAJV 7 A . , , . . ‘- ‘ * ‘. `. the KENTUCKY ALUMNUS and that the fol-  
Entered as Second Class Matter at the POSt I",) of HH (n·g(UII`(llIOH` F/H" I" loiylxig ls, to thet lzest 0; heir tlgnowledge and
Ip L r_, 1 1 I Ky_, May 22, 1929, under   ‘ . ·. .   - . — . be ie , a true s a emen o e owners lp,
gieiiitauf ]&’;;`:§_I°3? 18,IgI I.}'I([( Il(( nf till I111.S.$IUH(ll)‘ will It of Tlginsgemint Iatruihif afdaIiyIgape;IIth€I ch_IIII_
__w, ,__,,, K. . .. - - a onp, e o., o e a oresai pu ica ion or
  I H `4[umnl UHIUI `$f”H" lm)! of the date shown in the above caption, required
- I ` - - —· — ~ I II' by the Act of August 24, 1912, as amended by
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE a·}11t}1 was a11a11g111gI [O1 Illlllll 1 me Act of Much 3I 1933 embodied In section
1,,.1;.,,- Mins, president-.1=nst National Bank ]n·1o1·11y for {(1111111111 111·l11»1.<. .11111111 gif. $2;;; ¥Ii=iw5III;¤;iIIIl;I:*s1]iI¤tIjI5;;1§- printed ¤¤
Y Bld ., Lexington, Ky. . ‘ . ' ° · ·
E Mrs. gohn N. Browning. Vice-President-Edge- urlzwr a[11111111 /111:11* dom? 111111/1 I0 1- Thu the ¤¤m¤S Mid ¤gdl'€S5€$ ddbtlie Sch
mum Rd_I Maysviim Ky_ I II II I   _ publisher, editor, managing e ltor, an usi-
Helen G, King, Executive Secretary-89 H¤mD· lII(Ik(! [IHS [Jl 1011/)* 1(’(I[]}‘ (I /11 IUI- ¤€;$ b¥E¤I:*¤§€l'i>J M`} II I K I Ic AI I I
mn coun Lexiiigmin KYI _ _I u I s_er. niiers y o en uc y umm  
James s. snropshlre, Treasurer—Royaster [ago. I s111(‘1·1‘<·]y /10_/10 I/ml I/11.s Association. Lexlngign.   I_ I K
Road, 11.12. No. 4, Lexington, Ky. . .   , . . Editor. Helen G-I nz. emns ¤¤·_ v· _
B_ A sh1v..1y.u_x, Athletic nep:. vrenn cx- /H`li’II('g`l’ 1·r11111·s wz!/1 11 11 f1·r·I111g Ioysnegns Editer- G- Lee M¤<>¤¤¤¤» BMS- ,1,, ,,,,
i 1948) · · ~ _ · ’ ·' _ . .
G§yr§uguelet—Barrow Road, Lexington 4Term of 1`('S/)ll1I.¥I[)1[IY\1 [UHF/I1 (I [lll? [,111- §uslne;s;ig\:gr..11JIIelen G,tK11‘]iE.IileX1;1I§It0l1.LKy. krltlwll il
i S ima) I   · I sso. or: argueri e c aug in, ex- II
Seiigttfx? Wm. Blanton-Paris, Kentucky ¢’1`erm 1’{’l.\I/A'. 1ngtoniIhKIy.th I I I M I A I III LO} .1lty I
expires 1949} P] . - . - I I] . .I· .] . ‘ I] ·. : .“ °K°“;*°"k ‘s·L Fm? ss°°‘“ *0*;; . ii-Ovcd .
G. Lee McClain--Bardstown, Kentucky 1_Term LIIAL 1(’a( 11 a1 H ( 111 11.s University of en uc y, ex ng on jnon-stoe I i rl
` expires 1949) _ _ - , I corporation). Officers are: LeRoy Miles, Pres:- [IIC _ _
Dr, George Wilson——200 N. Upper, Lexington ISSIU? !"NI!`('1`}IH7g lh`. l)UH01’(l}l.S dent, Lexington, Ky, IMrs_ John N, Browning €X€(.l
_ I.i.ei.m expires 1950, I I II I _. Vice-President, Maysville. Ky.; Helen G. King, versity OI
John RI Buii°ck_603 Dixie Terminal Bldgq [111([§r’l 1(’{]1H5[. By (!1l11[)!l|I.YOII Egcec. ?cy., Lexlr;gt)o£ig:§IyI.;I&7}ames S. Shrop— I
· i 950, , . s nre. reasurer, e , . i I ,·
Cmchmatl {Term exp ms 1 11'1[]1 UIIIUT SHINE ('Ol]l’g`(?.S, {IIC UHl· 3. That the known bondholders, mortgage {On will
» -35 2 s v ll · Rd., L uis- - . _ _ and other security holders owning or holding (`1l]ll{[[1 ui
1 G:g11;r(g?::§o: qgrusgegga 3 as 0 Y'("`$[[Y 'if I\(WtN(`k'l‘ INN 11111 f('7('(I 1 per cent or more of total amount ol bonds, I_ I
. K _ B d { T - ' . · ' I mortgages, or other securities are: None. 11 [lc C0.
* H·I£;°]m°’°_Fr”"kf°r°’ Y ° (mr ° ms n·1·Il bzulgerlwzsc 111 I/11* jms!. Pm- Hsien G_K1ngI IIIIICI
__ j B0 d { T - _ · _ - _ Exec. Secretary . ·
T·tgéIC“u" F""kf°rt’ Ky ( 81 ° ms ]I(l{}S 2110 (1111 play a [Jail 111 S}10¤1’Iiig Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th TI
Chauncey Forgey—Ashla.nd Daily Independent, , _ _ I I ·_ day of September, 1947 16 Pl
Ashland (immediate past president) lh"! adcqlmte SUP/Jmt 1111 N11. L nl I I Jane J. Nichols IIIIIIIJIISI I
Marguerite McLaughlin-226 E. Maxwell St., _,II,I.SII I IS (III III_II,$IIIII,III for ]\·I,II_ 1My commission expires Aug, 6, 1951) - 1 .
Lexington lllfe member, honoraryl _ ‘ ) ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ T-—--——A—-—-  anim and
"‘“°°“‘ Sl’“‘"“°’°‘”°1 S°°“°“ R°“°‘ Q"` lurlw not an (’Y[)L'}IS(? . .
ginnati 16, omo ··4·1 class representative. A I )¤I _ dI   ` _ ably 1111·r1:11s4¢ boi/1 for 111¢1111fc1‘1a111‘1· . *P<>¤50Y¢d
°”°"*"Y’ 11 tus c I[l0)l uw are rr 101‘l111<1 . . · .. ·. I-
VE MEMBERS . I °’ and 0/)(f7`(lY1()7I and for 1·11]2ztaI mae '·"*€d WU
APP0IN'1`}III_I_III [I, you on 11 sc}10[r11‘S}11/P [WW d€’i'(’l‘ III), :111r—Henders¤n. Ky. Omg fl da d I " I U ` U . 1111/I1l)’» and $*17,370.8IY fm` Q(Z7l('l`(l[ C`
Curtis F. Park-}-Iarrodsburg. Ky. ]I(. able IO Nike I)III· /)]III-(1 II]I)IIQ-_iIdI. I ~ I .li)l)l`OV€(l
Marsha" B*““°$—B°*”·"°" Da’“· KY- I I . . I. . ` U/)(’I`(l[I()}1Ill (fx/)(?IIS(' for I/1c nm! IIIIIIIII IIII
11/1(*1‘ (1.11111111 a.Ss111’1a1r111.$ 111 11‘l1» , . ‘ * ~ ·
CLUB PRESIDENTS . . I . / . Iwo years. ii~}11l1r I/mszr 5111115 .w·1·112 · mi`, IIE
Boyd County—Tom Phipps-Catlettsburc. Ky. 1110l111;{ [/11.9 [)]l(l.S(' uf I 1111‘1r’1’.11I)1 ' . . I · 1 LU
came-e11 county-G. H. Pedley—Princeton. Ky. , “ _ . ](l1`g°l* 111 !`0ll1])fl7`1S01l U1 Hit? ( NI' l{1·$ciii~(-ii I
Christian G¤¤nty—Jesse Keith—H¤vkinsvil1e. hfc IL']II(']I we hawé 111*gI‘Ic1·/wl 111 . , _ _
Kentucky ` l"(’l`.S`I[)’ 5 7Il0(](f.S[ 1`I’{]ll('X/5 Of I)!/ll'! I [i(,ii_
I ‘ Daviess County-Milton Yunker——H0lland Bldg., I]l!’ /)(l.SI. I. _ ._ I . I _ I I I
Owensboro. Ky. _ I ]1*g1.\]aI111r¢ y(f(l’).S`, I/11* /11110 1111 101111 . While III
Grayson County—Tilford Haycraft—Leitch- )Oll1` ()]T1('C1'.$ (HU] I]l!’ 1lI!’1lI[HTl.S . I _ I
I neld, Ky. , , _ 111/11:11 //m];1eo]1I1r 11] ]\(')l[I[Ll{)7 11111.1/ mic,. in IIN
,Henderson County—Hen1·y A. Taylor—Hender· Hf HIC ('X(f(’HlI7'(’ 101111111//('(’ will (IU . . .   I I
son. xy, _ , r1¢aI1;c that 1Is siatv IIIIIY/(€l.llt)’, 111 xulnnnllstml
’ JefIerson—Sam Manly. III-——1009 Ky. Home [/l('11' [HCS! If) 1'('/)1`('Sl’H[ '\‘f)II. rl) . I I I I I I . _
Life Bldg__ Lguisvillg Ky, “ _{1l1I('I1011 (l1I([ gran', 11lII.St hair; 11 , |lll[[CC wllll
Logan County—Gra.nville Clark—Russellville, [/1(lZ {’1I({, TUC shall 7l’!’l(`0IH(T l‘UII1` _ ' II _ II,»iI I
Kentucky I _ I_ I · bur/gat ar/(¢q11al1· Io I/11* ez 11111- 1 1e kei)
. McCracken County—B n LeRoy—l502 Broad- Il! 7'I('(’ \’(JIl1` Sll”<’(?5 HHISI, {UH. Y11IIl' . - 1 ,· I I
wayv Paducah Ky' E [ J "' 1i7Z{_5yn I [HHN!] 7I('(f([.§ 1)] l]1(r _§[(1/1*, . Ul I\(-lllllfls
Muhlenberg County- Russell O’Neal—Green- LUIIS 1'II!' 1116 (' ` .` ` .. I _ . · _  nah . ,
ville, Ky. _ I __ P _   I I I`/ue 11[11111111 of l/10 U11w(f1`5!Y)’ . _ mont)
Nelson County——Bemis Samuels—Bardstown, LP. RUl AlU·}‘~5· VNU ( Nl _ · llllps and [ii
· Kentucky - /1a1·11· 1111 11Il1]m1·t1111111· I0 /11* Of 11* » IIIII
Warren County—J. Preston Chcrry—Bowllng `   . ' · o "—`| )' ‘c11(
Grfen. Ky. Z'f[]Il(([}[(f a.$.s‘1.s‘fa11(‘(· I0 I/11* (lil?/777* ~ IICIIIIIIIEII I
Cinc nnatl 1Greater•—R. H. Hlllenmeyer— • . . . _— ' (P
1517 Cgrew Tower, Cincinnati, Ohio   S     I-$`I7'(l[H)n 777 IIN? MPX! HUG n10”H]5` 1 1|([\·C (-(nun]
Chicago, Ill.-Ben Ragland—228 N. LaSalle St., · I · I _ I · I , , . . . - i
Chicago. 111. U [if 11 [ht? I~<11111"`f"“· {O be - · · 3% ·; Preston Cherry. ’2l). was elected pres-   .
5;;; l*'l"“'“ us the U“"'cr“[}i· el l‘€m“°klv  L; idcnt ol the Bowling Green chapter of ·
rim] Loyalty Fund. was established andyap- fw   »/ I   _ the Uui`_€I_Siq_ Of Kentucky Almmli .
toeli l”"’V€d at [hc Rclncmbcl mectmg Ot A; 4·»     ” Association at its annual dinner meet- `
`fxiét the executive committee ol the Uni-   ‘t·‘     mg July 29 at the Helm hm€l·  
gis; versity ·ol` Kentucky )AlumniuAssoc·ia—   —  yl A  ._  R Joe Covmgmnf .47y was named vice I
me [l‘”l· with John R‘ huHO€k‘ 28* (’m` A    I i _  ··i president and Mrs. james A. New- '
3:25 (`l`l`lIl2l[1 1l[[OI`ll€} 2lll(l (:‘lC(i[l\`C lllCllll)€l`   '·x:  Hun] (Rlltll -I—l_;u“nl€L   S€(_l_€Uu_)r I
` (ll [llC (`()llllllll[€L’. (IS (`ll2lll`lll2l|l (ll llle L   _ und u_€uSuI_€l_· I
$·Q· E l““d·     { Talks were made bv Miss Helen ·
mh The purpose ol the program is to ii- I King. Lexington. executive secretary  
ESD establish scholarships for worthy stu- =   ol` the. Alumni Association; judge .
_ dents and to promote other alumni- L'- Robert Coleman. `2-l, outgoing presi- ·
.,,-,» sp0l1SOY€€l [>1`0j€<`i$· All fU11dS {O bli dent. who presided. and Mr. Cherry.  
my raised will be used only for charitable Cm.m.S “_m_€_ mid I-or Miss King Mrs. I
_ il1l(l €(lllC2l[l()ll?ll l)lll`l)0S€S lll COIlll€(`[l()ll s `yiuinul l§i"g.· Lexiuglon; Airs.     ,
{UH \\'llll [ll€ Ulll\`€l`Slv[}'. illlel. (lCC()l`(llllg` lll Cl.;‘}.‘ Airs. N()l.l.is   Airs. Frank '
{ml the recommendations ol Mr, Bullock s JOHN R_ BULLOCK ¤2g_ dmgymm, MClmn_ Mm RU). B' Momiugsum Mrs.  
WI "’""“‘“°"· "'h‘°l‘ "'i"° ‘{""l‘l"l""j’l?` _ Lois Roach. (Jliarlotte. N. C.; Tom -
M, —lPl)T0‘€'(l ll} lllcu fl ullmyl Cfeulmf and V tln;ou;.;li general ystoriesy lll yll1€ Rhea   Russellville. guests. and the  
I"’*‘“l· du l““d” l"'“°d “'H "“m°d'" lyl·.N`l L*(.ly\ ALL-MI\l.¤5. Ihe lirst lollowmg membersol the local chapter,
fill] "mly be turned mimi [0 the Kemmikli aim ol the committee is the creation ol Judge (j()]€ni;in_ Mi; (jhclyy-_ M1-_ C0`-.  
ll" y Research Foundation for administra- atIGMOHCu]l_eXPcm€ nhumliS(.lm]m—_ mgUm_ Mrs. Ncwmzmy Miss Helen _
ll"'. . [lou- ship ol [rom $600 to $800 Il year lol` il Powell. Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Cannon. '
NW While lnnds collected will be turned l`om·-year term. This in itsell would Mr. and Mrs. l)an Metzler _]r.. Mrs. E.
if-ll river to the Research Foundation lor require the earmarking each )‘€i¤1` ol B. Stansbury, Mrs. \\'. H. Nicholls.
IU xitlininistration. the alumni fund com- lroni $2.500 to $25.()O(). and it would be Mi~s_ Thelmn ];m—(|_ Miss _A_m|m—SOn_ A
e 41 yi ‘ mittee will request that all such moneys the aim ol` the committee. at all times. Miss Sarah Leegair Miss Marie Pon-. V
~(-ii.   will be kept separate as the University to have sullicient moneys in the fund ell, Miss Kathleeii \'nnt·t;-_ Fynnk Me]. l
V til Kentucky Loyalty l·`und and that to assure the animal giving ol- ill l€¤'€"" f°u°“’i“g his STad·
_ Executive committee members chos-   e_-‘-‘-       t·’‘i ii-itieh. then weiit te Male High as i “
·   en were: Homer Baker, joe Creason, teacher and assistant football coach
A ’40, Reed- Miller, ’26, Mrs- WVilliam sam Manly III, ’33 where he was employed from 1927 to  g t.? 
(Connie Richmond) Boston, ’41, and 1931. From there he went to Manual  
Grover Creech, ’20, The group also The group voted to charge $2.00 High School in Louisville, serving in M ML
named Mr. Manly to represent the local dues and asked all members to the same capacity from 1932 to 1937. - Farme
Louisville body on the executive com- join the national association. Since In 1938 he was named head football Tm
mittee of theinational association. that meeting a total of 125 have paid coach at Kentucky and remained here A (ics, to mm
Following the business meeting the their dues in the Louisville club and until 1944. im€nd€m_
film of the Kentucky-Michigan State two meetings of the executive commit- He holds the M.A. degree from thc [hc md of
game last fall was shown. Present for tee have been held, one on May 29 in University of Louisville, the LL.B. j_ Winston
y the meeting was Helen G. King, execu· the form of a luncheon at the French from the jefferson School of Law, and V M_
‘ tive secretary of the general association Village, and the other on july 29 at obtained the Ph.D. degree from Duke F
who made a brief falk, as did Grover the home of the secretary-treasurer. University last june, where he was K recdo
Creech. immediate past president of At the first meeting of the executive clccted to Phi Beta Kappa. ‘ GlV€]`I Q
l the Louisville group. committee the group agreed to call the Doctor Kirwan is married to the I. \/,h_gi1 ,
l V Last April a smaller group of Louis- organization the Louisville Alumni of former Elizabeth Heil of Louisville, (yl`m.€1_Si[yc
l ville alumni had met with Miss King the University of Kentucky and the Mild they have two $0115, D€HHiS, 13- A  ,Ml.mU_ 1-ml
( at a luncheon meeting at the Brown following committee chairmen and co- and Brit. 9. Q (hc Mgdal (
I hotel to form the nucleus of the larger chairmen were named: membership:   -  mmlv in U
organization. At that time jack Green, Margaret Cantrill, ’42, and Lindsay committee it was proposed to have it _ j.~,,u.Cg HE
Ex. ’24, presided at the business meet- McMahon, 'S4. Entertaimnent, joyce dance Sept. 12 at the Louisville Boat ly (ju hm Jl
. ing and Homer Baker was elected tem- Oldham, 112, and K. A. Barker, ’38. Club. The group planned to Sell ·  Civmim ]_
porary chairman. Also appointed to Ticket committee; 1—1omer Baker, Ex. chances on a pair of season tickets t0 ll _(mlI\,siS SCC.
help in the reorganization were: Sam `2tl, and C. Hunter Green, ’27. Rules Kentucky home football games at this  ` mh' Mr I
, Manly, Garner \·Villey, '30, and jim committee:   A. Dishman. Ex. ’l9, and dance, as well as two box seats to the  If |m."K_(I mem
Pence, ’42. committee on consitution: Lee Huber, `-ll. Publicity: joe Crea- Georgia game.   tion with ir
George Hillen '32, Mrs. jackson and son. '4(I. Honorary membership: Tom It was agreed at this meeting that V thc cncmy f1
Eldon DuRand, ’32, one committee on Ballantine, `25. and jere Beam, Ex ’22. Zlllllnlli ill C0lll1ti€S Sl11`1`0Ul1di11g Louis-   l!»j_3_·· HCCOH
nominations; and jim May, ’29,   H. Program: Eldon DuRancl. '?l2, and ville be invited to join the Louisville   itconipziniccl
Callaway, ’3l,   M. Kane, ’33, and Helen Horlacher, ’4l. Telephone; jane Club. The €X€CUti\'€ g1`0\1P 3150 Voted   3;,-_ p,.O(.u.
Reed Miller, ’26, the other committee \\'igginton. @15 and Mary Kemp, '42. to 111CCt the last Tuesday of every  · tlllicc of Sci
on nominations. .-\t the july meeting ol the executive other month. _  Htlopiiient in
I   liination at
g r` ~» .    · , .
 -4%   A ( V _  V QI

W • •  
l IOIH€COII11Hg SEL NOV     1lZl'1 I €f1l]€SS€€ ;
A , Alumni Party To Be
an · ‘ Held At Lafayette
YS¤   if __ r’’‘·' n l{entucky's traditional grid rivals,
he     A I the University of Tennessee Volun-
ma A   I   ‘   ‘ teers. will furnish the meat for Coach
f   j*  . ¤  l , "‘gA-   . v A   A ’ Paul "Bear" ]$ryant’s victory-hungry
'lm   *   V   A- 2   A   ,   \\’ildcats at the annual homecomin
ll _ ‘   n.  { M     '   l,t.,;§1.Q,. ‘  F,  ,,:V  __  i , festivities Saturday afternoon, Novem-
uS` ft ·_     L_ if  _- a'i { T 2    ‘     A A      V·-/   ,’  ~  ber 22 at two p. ni. on Stoll Field. ‘
gll V.       . »   ··’v ~ - M     friday night, preceding the football
m` é `     , .—   , A     game, many social and house gl‘0l1pS
Ot- I _     —;`·· _  ,  W on the campus will entertain return-
of   . 1      , " s¤;;é , _ _ _ , ·
d . _ t   . mg alumni at informal parties. Ken- _
nd   i ‘     Lucky Epsilon of Sigma Alpha Epsilon ,
FI " ` A ’         has notified the Alumni Office that a ·
C _ Q       , banquet for their returning alumni
h ‘ l       » “i A I will be held at the Lafayette Hotel on I
  _ A       , _A A   Nov. 21, Saturday night Zeta Beta Tau .
lag `   l` ` V ,..,               W,) will entertain with a dance, ·
Ch `  g .’`    _       $i__A 5,- r On Saturday morning the annual  
"     ““ `   A A A · . `   ·—·- “`      l,,;;,, judging of house decorations will be
[O     " t  ll [Y ‘¤ - i ,‘'‘   = 2 ii   .. `  held and Suliy Circle will offer cups  
Ml l      '“i°°* 2  `   to ale groups presenting the most et- -
in . . ·
. . fective decorations. _
av. Farmer, Engineer, Teacher; Railroaders At Heart . .
. . . . . . , . On Saturday night, following the ·
all — These three alumni found time, before the begmnmg of reunion fest1v1- 0 I HC the E\€Cumc Committee Of the .
. . . . , :1 , .· *
?T€_ . ties, to steal off on an idyllic Jaunt 1nto tl1e Kentucky mountains. WV1t.h the super- O . . . . ·
_ ‘ _ , _ Alumni Association will be host to all _
mtendent of the L & N Railroad, they entramed on a special coach and rode to .
, _ , _ _ returning graduates and fonner stu- ·
llc the end of the line for a two-day rest and 1)1CIl11`€-I8l(1Ilg trip. From left to right: . ,
_ _ , _ , , dents, at a get-together party 1n the .
-B· j. Winston Coleman, ]r., 20; Neal Trimble McKee, 03, and L. E. Nollau, 04. ballroom Of the Lafayette Hotel An .
nd   ' ·
ke E I d 1 h k d orchestra has been engaged for danc- .
ms FI`€€dOII`l M€dZIl Is “_i§ SU? [ir 1l° bm P gm SSWOT F mg. It is the thought of the executive .·
Give J V Proctor mm we mis?.) 0 A Ome ecumty committee that there should be one, `
H • • and with the Eighth Air Force Head- A) _Al 1, f _ . I · .
he V \·"·¤·`1 P ·> ·t r ’30 aduate of the uarters The information he leaned (umd P dce O1 alumm [O gather, {0 _ `
1   —l_' Ubi uf O ’ ’ gr _ (l “ ' g lowing the game, and with this in .
€= University of kentucky College of Engr- there was then transferred t0 the P&— mind the`, have arrzmged this Party ,
I3, V neering from Lexington, was awarded cific theater and applied to japanese f _
. _ _ Alumni headquarters will be estab-
· the Medal of Freedom by Gen. Curtis targets. _ A _ A
~ I . . . . A lished in the lobbies of the Lafayette,
.  rmav in ceremonies at the Army Air The Uk giaduate returned from _ 7 _
a A . __ ‘ , . . Phoenix and kentuckian hotels on the _
· hates Headquarters, \/Vashmgton, Guam in September 1945 and estab- , [th
. . · e · >·. . =
mf i I). C.. last january. lished the Proctor—Inge1s Engineers, mOmm° 0 C hmm _
ell -  Cimiml member Of the Operations _\SSO(.mmd m Lexmgmn l1CS1ClC1lK and Mrs. Donoxan will {
tf) lnalysis Section, Headquarters, Twen-   (Tllmrmm alllllllliasuldfntst faclflty and I
115 =  lieth Air Force, Mr. Proctor "per- UK MAN CREDITED FOR lwmcmls ef lll? U““`c1`S“l' at thfilr home
he runat ma~amr—10nS service in Conner- WORK ON JET ENGINE *""""‘lal’_ "“°"}‘°°"’ f°H°""“g Phe
j  lion with military operations against \~\’ilgus S. Broffitt, ’38, formerly of glmm with their mmm] homecoming
'ft   the enemy from january to September Lexington, now attached to the Allison mh
us` Q lll-15," according to the citation which Division of the General Motors Corp., `*`”"—"`” T" `T
llc  ‘° J¤<<‘H‘
1 1,o1nsw1te College of 1)t1an1uiey, tickets for three years truer tv the  .  ~· ·iiiiii_iiOu
and the response or these men has 1946 season- The seevad tnivray »·»__   _’`` _     iiimiiics,
. ..._ _ · · »      s ` ' °
been enthusiastic and immediate. great) wd-? S6! for Pdtddlp ftlunini- ·   _ ,Ll::   s s1 Ciiiiimci
tvlany of them have already paid lt· is unfortunate that tVIcLean     W goiii Pics
enmuit dues, e large group has stadium. built in thennddle1920’s ,s   sidcdand
when Out [gig mgmbgg·ships) and and, at that time, much too large   T 'Q8, new i;
i many hmm Nwdg Substantial Con- for the demand for seats, should **5     'és i11Lu1·111·e(
i lyggmijgns {U fhg Loyalty Fund_ have been outgrown before the gg! :_ _ N ’ i1111·0d11(:e(l
Their appreciation of the privi— little when it will be possible to Cl¥*$S€Sll
lege extended to them, and their bttild additions to the concrete G  ii’j"$¥ \896,
i i whole·hr·arted cooperation should ·¥lf¢'tflJ· Bill Stwlt is the [Hel, and   wqydfldd
pmt: an inspiration to graduates the University, ualiantly trying to _ •\·~N·*   |im;·ld¤d l
of the other ro[{,·o·r,·_$· of the Uni- accomodate atl who wish to attend,   hir H; i'
— ‘ . , . · , .-P , :111c t
__i,..‘ri [HIS) Ln [/fg (;"Lg)·rgyLC I » [Lr)·C]L(I_ygd lil. (AUIUIICI li.(l\\'1ll`ll   \(Illllg`, .i   1
1(Mtl}. 5 y ‘ _ _ 4 (ir _ __ _ _ _ i ,,i puh) Ali
_ iicw Sicci [lima,/icii iii Iuka (.iii.(, l1.h.(..l:.. IJTO. b1:1ll 1;11g111oc1· lor 1he   mcvcr lim!
ALUMNI TICKET of me OUm_flOw· l·.lc1‘c111h A11: l·111‘:1ssv 111 \\':1sl1111g1o11 to l'C(`(‘|\'C 1I1c‘ »
» It 1th the rejuvenation of [sen- the tot of occupying seats in these imi(m’i.m liu M M i. ii i O i - |1111t- ·t in 1
, . " ‘ ` ‘ ( .' ‘,X(`C CII 1`( (El` · _
_ tue/ay football last fall, brought steel bleachers, and, while they are ni. Sw Bmisil ii.mim_i_ (i(_(__l_cc Oi i_i(m_ ». mg me U,
about by an able young coaching not as desirable as stadium seats, imiiv Mciiibcioiihc siiiiiiiy l)ii_isi0ii Y Nhrrc 111:111
  stat] and a greatly improved team, they have made it possible for ev- mii[i.i.i.Cd 'iiiiim him bi, His Miiicim   ‘*'i‘"<‘$ Hllcm
the demand for season tickets to ery paid-up alumnus who applied [hc King or Ellgmmli [U,. ,“c,.ii61-im], Q **¤ree<1<><¢
home contests grew to the point clttfittg the allltttni pfiofity p€t`iOll scrvcic rendered :1L thc S()\lll]Cl`l] Base i iiu(ih_Cl()rSY d
that your Alumni Association be- to obtain tickets to home games. SC(`ll0ll, Co1111111111i¢·:11io11s Zone. Lum- _  iiiimlcut H
i came concerned with the possibil— No alumnus regrets the current pczm Theatre 0[ O[)Cl`2l[l()l}S, U. S. iiill `imuwl
t . . . . _ _.)_ . _ _ _.   AISS 2
1 ity that the demand for tickets sttuation more than does the Alum- *\**“Y· fer 1’°*m»U¤S fllmmmg sf "  im Sxuim
. . .... ,' . ,, · Q I `Z `]`l€(
i would be so general, that many ni Association. It is an exigency “°_Ot’S Plan md} ‘i‘{°l’€*d“°“ Of [hc  5_ iiiiiiwiou b
paid—up alumni would be denied of the times, and we hope that, Bmtllslh gl-ciltly t‘*“‘l‘“"‘“g movement   mm md ic
I . . . . . . ,1 ' ‘
the pnvitege vf seeing Kentucky although many of us will sit in to me S(§ETiT;__;_____ L  i¤11l1eis1—oo€1
play on Stoll Field this year. Be- the bleac/1er seats, all of us will U K, B d et   Yl`\1‘() Ofthc
· cause of this very real anxiety, your accept the assignment in the spirit Continuelisfro; gage 2  4}; ‘"`*'*`}’ flegrec.
Association appealed to the Ath- in which it was designed—that of lisiiinir a detailed Ouiimc Of i,i_i,i_  ties. Mr, H
_ lctic Committee for priorities for providing, in an emergeney, for idem°DOn0Uan,S budagi i_Cqii(,ii  A "'i*¤·]1`., ’20,
' , t, . · ·   i   ,» , . ‘ . . . '° .  13, Bmglrn ,
alumni on tontevfootbalt games those men and