xt7cjs9h4n3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cjs9h4n3g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-08-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August 15, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 15, 1930 1930 1930-08-15 2012 true xt7cjs9h4n3g section xt7cjs9h4n3g m





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AUGUST 15, 19.10

Covers On New
NEW K BOOK TO Progress Magazine
For August Is Out Programs to Be

First Work to


Finished on

The Kernel's Kcllcy Auto

matic Press


Thousand Copies Are
Prepared for Members


of Class of 1934
The "K" Book, or "Freshman
, Bible," Is off the Kernel press, the
first piece of work to be finished on
the new Kclloy Automatic which
was recently installed In the press
room of the newspaper. The "K"
Book Is to be bound In blue and
white leather, and will be approximately the size of that of former
years. Vernon K. Rooks Is editor of
the manual, which will be distributed to the members of the freshman class and to new students at
the University.
Associate editors are Elbert McDonald and Defrosla Rone, and the
business manager for 1930-3- 1
Bryant Jones. The publication contains the pictures of Dr. Frank L.
McVey, Dean C. R. Melcher, Bart
Peak, Morton Walker and Eleanor
Swearlngen, University and Y. W.
and Y. M. C. A. officials. The book
is printed and distributed through
Y. M.
the work and interests of the at the
and the Y. W. organizations
University, v
Greetings to the incoming class
are found on the first page of the
book, followed by explanations of
the marking system, organizations,
traditions, entrance requirements,
and other information indispensable to the freshman.
These little books will make their
first appearance on the campus durfuring Freshman Week and are regisnished free to those students
tering at that time. Two thousand
copies were published.


Stale Park Edition Contains
Beautiful Cuts and Mnny
Unusual Articles

The Aucust edition of the Ken
tucky' Progress magazine Is now out,
featuring the state and proposca
areas for state shrines. This magazine is the official publication of
the Kentucky Progress Commission
and Is edited by C. Frank Dunn.
Many beautiful pictures of the
state's scenic attractions are found
In this copy, as well as interesting
articles on industries and projects
of the state. Little known spots of
beauty and attraction for tourists
arc pictured and described, such as
Shinbone Cliff on the Cumberland
river, and the new national forest
preserve in the Licking area.
Diamond Caverns, near Glasgow
Junction, which is graphically described as a "Fairyland of Formation," is a mccca for turlsts, and
ranldlv becoming nationally famous
The Proeress magazine has done
much to Interest the people of other
states in visiting Kentucky.


Kappa Delta Pi, honorary educa
tion fraternity of the university,
held its second initiation of the
summer Tuesday at the Lafayette
hotel. A banquet in honor of the
newly initiated members followed,
with Dr. J. T. C. Noe presiding.
Dr. W. S. Webb was the speaker
for the dinner, talking on "Pre
historic Culture in Kentucky." His
talk was accompanied by motion
picture slides. Short talks were
given by Prof. McHenry Bnoaas,
and Doctor Blackwell, of Maryland.
Miss Mildred Lewis, state superin
tendent of music, was in charge of
the songs and musical program.
The initiates are Mildred Cleaver,
W. F. Coop, Mrs. Olive Brooks
Doyle, Mrs. Joe Grable, E. F. Hart
ford, Emily Jones, Frieda Kirsch-bauJessie Lee Lair, Alice Lander,
Mabel C. Mitchell, Virginia Moberly,
,Guy C. Nichols, Ray Ross, William

ruuuu, rwuiiuii


and Mrs. Mary V. Smith.
Members present were Alice Wat-kin- s,
Lovelle Forsee, Poebe Worth,
L. C. Sharp, Mrs. Sara Holmes, McHenry Rhoads, B. I. Perry, Mary K.
Duncan, Nelda Waterman,
Tehan, Mary West, D. C. Kemper,
Anna Peck, Elizabeth Campbell,
Marguerite Gilham Arnold. Kather
ine Shivell, Cotton Noe, Mr. Gray
beal, Mr. Gallaway, Joyce Davis, and
Miss Frances Bradley.
Other guests were Dean and Mrs
William Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Black-wel- l,
Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Webb, Miss
Mildred Lewis, Paul Gard, Mrs,
Gard, and M. I. Ligon.

The Kernel had a vacation last
week or what I meant to say was
that the editor had a vacationcapers.
-the old office cut plenty of
makes it a pleasNo women around
ure to put out a paper. Just that
old feeling of freedom the
enjoy the library and smoking
Elmer "Baldy" Gilb, former Uniroom.
versity athlete, who is to be an as
sistant football coach at the Unl
They tell me that the debate last versity this fall, has been signed by
Friday night with Berea knocked the Lexington Eppings, local base
em cold. Can you imagine the hor- ball club which has had a very sue
rified expressions on theirtongue-twiste- rs cessful season. Gilb has been play
when some of the atheist
ing with the Dayton team this sum
banged them with hard mer.
Mr. Helton, one of the
Other University athletes of past
Berea debaters, admitted that "This seasons who have been playing on
dangerous question to bring up the local team this summer are Ken
is a
in Berea." The question wu&, res- Mauser, outfielder, and Johnny Cole,
olved, That science tends to de- who plays infield.
stroy theistlc faith."
Raymond Rhoads, captain of the
Kentucky varsity baseball team last
Now that John Y. Brown, Law spring, who has been on the mound
College graduate, and Dick Carran, for the Eppings all summer, will be
law student, are proud fathers, drum- loaned to the Harrodsburg team for
will have to be some business
the game with them Sunday. He
up in the profession. If law has been showing excellent form all
comcets the business-depressio- n
plex well, it's a long hard winter

Lexington Team


The new "Moonshiner," under the
capable hands of Dick Brewer, is
everyout turning the flashlight on
body, gathering dirt for the pubcopy. This ought to be a good
lication, and we hope it lasts
than some of the colleges. The Unieditions of other
versity can use a good humorous
magazine. There will certainly be
enough material for its enlightening

Survey of Drought
Condition in State
Made by Ag College

This year the freshman girls are
not to be compelled to wear any
class insignia such as the beads,
armbands and whatnot of former
years. The idea was so unsuccessful and repugnant to the fair lasses
that the Women's Administrative
Council took pity on them, and left
them to laugh at their more unSomehow It's
fortunate brothers.
not so hard on the eyes to see the
caps on the aspiring young male
members of the freshman
Figure out your own reasons.

The College of Agriculture is
making a survey of farm conditions
as affected by the drought situation
in Kentucky, and has sent questionnaires to each of the 90 county
agents throughout the state to obtain information providing a relief
for the farmers.
The United States Department of
Agriculture has asked the aid of the
College of Agriculture in combatting the serious problems faced In
the rural districts of the state. The
questionnaires will furnish valuable
Information necessary before any
steps can be taken towards relief
Shortage of water, of pasturage,
and similar conditions are forcing
the farmers to sell their live stock
at low prices and early in tho season. Some few towns in the state
have had to sk aid In securing
water for Inhabitants, as reservoirs
are low. Inoculation for typhoid
fever has been deemed advisable In
many cases where the water supply
Is low, or persons are swimming in
diseased waters.



It won't be long

now till the flood

of blue and white caps invades the
campus for Freshman Week. And
all you upperclassmen are to remember, no rushing during the
week. Believe it or not.

Mr. Robert CundlfT, of New York
City, spent the last two weeks visiting his parents in Irvine, and
friends in Lexington He is a graduate of the College of Engineering
and has a position in New York.

Football Schedule for Season
Civic League Playgrounds'
Henry H. Hill Appointed to
of 1930 to Contain SpecSecond Production Is
Succeed Late Guy Whileial Illustrations
Hig Hit
head as Superintendent

Several thousand copies of programs for each football game arc
being printed on The Kernel's new
Kelly Automatic press, and for the
first time will have special covers
done in from two to four colors by
the latest processes. S. A. Boles,
athletic director of the University,
has had special Illustrations made
for the 1930 program covers.
The programs for the Maryvllle
and Sewanee games will have
covers, with an illustration of
a football player kicking off. The
cover for the Virginia, V. M. I Alabama and Washington & Lee games
will be In four colors, depicting the
Virginia Cavalier, a flying squadron
of planes, a football burst by the
force of the Crimson Tide, and a
picture of the two famous generals
who give Washington & Lee Its
name, according to the teams.
These will be the ofliclal programs
for all University of Kentucky football games played at home, and will
pictures of the
contain line-up- s,
Dr. J. T. C. Noe Presides at players, and information concerning
the University athletics. The cost
Initiation Banquet; Dr. W. will be 25 cents for each copy, the
S. Webb Speaks on Prehis- usual price, and will be sold at the
toric Culture in Kentucky" stadium before each game.

rc.ub.seii. ,

Can you believe it? Too goodcool
be true! What we mean is was kind
weather the Weather Man
enough to bestow, alter the worst
we've ever had to swelter
heat ,v,
woVn cint. sneakinc sus
picion that the downtown mer- had something to do wltn it
resince all the girls have started they
ducing Dad's bankroll because
"haven't a thing to wear." At any
rate, thanks are humbly offered.

Blue Grass Fair to
Open Here Monday
NAMED HEAD OF Receives Praise Large
Attendance Expected
In Four Colors
Many County
CITY EDUCATION As Play Director HecauseArc Called Off Fairs WITH BEREA MEN

Professor and Mrs. Enoch Grehan
at French
Lick Springs. Mrs. Grehan is re
covering from the illness from which
she lias suffered most of the sum-- 1
will spend next week

Frank Davidson, University grad

uatc, won further honors as a dra
OPENING OF SCHOOLS matlc director Tuesday night at the
Woodland Auditorium, where his

Has Had Valuable Experience
Supervising Schools In
Little Rock, Ark.

second production of the Civic
League playgrounds' park minstrels
was shown to an appreciative crowd
of 2500 persons.
Mr. Davidson has been highly
complimented on his direction and
work with the children of the city
in connection with the Civic League
this summer. He has had charge of
the street showers as well as holding the position of story telling at
all the parks, and the direction of
the park dramatics.
One number In the minstrels,
planned and executed by Mr. Davidson, was a novelty dance with
chairs, which clever piece of work
merited much applause from the
While at the University Mr. Davidson was well known in dramatic
circles, being director and president
of Strollers, the dramatics group.
He also wrote and directed the first
musical comedy ever produced at
the University, "Local Color." He
will leave late In September to 'go
to Yale University to follow his
studies under the guidance of Prof.
Baker, famous teacher of dramatics.

Henry H. Hill, head of the department of school administration in
the College of Education, has been
selected to fill the vacancy of city
school superintendent, caused by the
recent death of Guy Whitehead.
His appointment was announced by
R. D. Norwood, president of the city
board of education.
Mr. Hill is a native of Statesville,
N. C, and received both his A. B.
and M. A. degrees at the University
of Virginia. He also received a Ph.
D. degree from Columbia University
recently. He was formerly principal of the junior and senior high
schools at North Little Rock, Ark.,
superintendent of city schools for
seven years at Walnut Ridge, Ark.,
and high school supervisor at Little
The board of education selected
Mr. Hill for the position by a unanimous vote after interviewing a
number of applicants. He plans to
move into his new offices in the
Guaranty Bank building this week
to assume his duties.
Mr. Hill is a Shrlner and a member of Phi Delta Kappa, national
honorary education fraternity. He
has won many friends in his conwith
Attendance Is Required at All nectionaccount the University. an an- Dean of Women Sails In Sep
of the heat,
Functions o n Program ; nouncement has been made that the
tember to Study In School
Girls Will Not Be Compelled Lelngton schools will open Septemof Economics, University of
ber 8, instead of September 2, as
to Wear Class Insignia
London, England
previously expected.
The full program for the 1930
Miss Sarah Gibson Blanding, dean
Freshman Week, instituted at the RECOMMENDATIONS ARE
of women at the University, has
University in 1927, is being planned
been granted a year's leave of abSCHOOLS AT METING sence and will sail in September for
by tne committee on Freshman
Week, which is headed by Dean C.
R. Melcher. Sections are to be diBRUSSELS Shorter school hours,
Miss Blanding will study at Lonless cramming and greater developvided into girls and boys, and subment of individual ability by the don University in the school of
divided into groups of thirty stustay at
in economics there, planning to
dents, according to colleges, Dean encouragement' of
smaller classes, were among the rec- two. one semester, and perhaps
Melcher has announced.
The regulation blue and white ommendations of the twelfth InterDuring the summer Miss Blandcaps, sold by a downtown firm, must national Congress of Secondary Eding has been at her camp for girls
be secured by all freshman men for ucation.
registration in the required courses
The congress reached a conclusion on the Kentucky river near Clay's
of the week,'-- - The women will 'not that in most" secondary .scfiobTs'tlie Ferry; "Camp Holmes, End.assistant dean
Mrs. Sara
pupils are overworked. Unfortunbe required to wear any class
of women, will take Miss Blanding's
this year, as the idea is con- ately, it was recorded, they are the
sidered impractical by Mortar Board brilliant pupils who suffer most place during her absence. Sne is
and the Women's Administrative often, breaking down under the dean of women for the Summer
Session, and has held that position
Council, which bodies are largely in strain of overcharged schedules.
charge of the rules concerning such The present-da- y
of for several years.
Miss Blanding teaches several
matters. The Y. W. C. A., headed children was somewhat severely
by Eleanor Swearingen, president, criticised, and parents were held courses In the department of powill foster the Big Sister movement, somewhat to blame. The children litical science at the University and
assigning each upperclass girl a of rich parents, it was stated, appear feels that study abroad will greatly
freshman "little sister" at the be- to believe everything will come benefit her in experience. She
plans to reassume her duties as dean
ginning of the term.
without any effort on their part.
Members of Mortar Board, womThirty pupils, it was recommend of women in the fall term or 1931.
en's honorary senior society, will act ed, should be the maximum num
as student assistants to the faculty ber in any class, and twenty-foRETURN FROM CAMP
members in charge of girls' groups, hours of instruction a week are sufMrs. Lloyd Averitt, Miss Helen
and the heads of the colleges will ficient. Other school hours should
select men students for the same be devoted to
it was Porter Roberts, and Miss Elizabeth
purpose to serve in a like capacity set forth. Schools should refrain Duncan, who have been In Jackson,
with the freshman men's section. from seeking to control the pupils' Mich., for three weeks, have reNo other upperclassmen are allowed movements outside the school by turned home. They
motored to
on the campus during Freshman imposing obligatory games, it was Michigan to attend the Alpha GamWeek, and rushing is prohibited by voted.
ma Delta national summer camp,
both the men's and women's
Another recommendation was that which is a benefit to the poor chilcouncils.
greater care should be taken to pre- dren of Jackson. They also drove
Official Freshman Week will open vent children unfit for secondary to Windsor, Canada, before returnThursday, September 11, at 9 a. m., education from entering or remain- ing to Lexington.
in Memorial hall, and students will ing in the higher grade schools. It
be assigned to groups at that time, was urged that education should
and section headquarters announctend toward general culture rather
ed. Lectures, informal
than toward amassing knowledge, Students living in Lexington who
ers, trips about the campus, and ex- - the definition of culture bv Edouard are interested in the movement for
amination will follow for the rest i Herrlot. former Premier of France, city manager, are requested to call
of the week. Attendance at Freshbeing, generally adopted "that which at the Herald office to sign the peman Week is absolutely required of remains when all that has been titions for a change in city
all entering freshmen.
learned has been forgotten."





Mr. William Arthur Anderson, a
former member of the University
faculty, and a graduate of the University, who has been taking courses
at Harvard University on a scholarship, will be awarded his scholarship for the coming year. Mrs. Anderson Is now visiting relatives in
A brilliant line of pictures seem llott Nugent, Leila Hyams, Clara
Irvine, Ky.
to be on tap for next week with Blandick, Mary Doran, Francis X
"All Quiet on the Western Front" Bushman, Jr., and James Donlan
meriting the most notice. Do not i are members of the cast. The story
that picture. Smarter folk was written for the screen by El- Miss Anna Welch Hughes, a grad miss you and me say that it s great, nott ana J. c. Nugent and was dl- than
uate of the University, and a mem so it must be,
rected by Sam Wood.
ber of Phi Beta Kappa, and Delta
Zeta fraternities, has resigned her
As Leila Hyams is in the east of
The State, for a change, has
position as history teacher of the
"Sins of the Children," I may as
on its screen
Madison High school to take a Y. notable production "Qaeen High,"
well confess that she's my latest
next week. It Is
W. C. A. secretaryship in
from the highly successful must- - , weakness, watclilng Her In "Way
Out West," an entertaining film,
cat comedy of a few seasons ago,
thoughts of how entrancing pine
staged under the supervision of
trees looked etched against a
USE OF LEISURE TIME Lawrence Schwab and
moonlit sky came to my mind. I
Mandel, the original producers. It
sometimes feu I am becoming
activity is one is easy to see that the drop of
musicals in the public's mind is
using leisure time advanmeans of
gets the pentageously. Happiness first, then the the reason the State
Among the big motion picture
a cast
development of social grace, social ciling. "Queen High" has Ginger I news of the year is the advent of
headed by Stanley Smith,
responsibility, personality and char
mm '"All Onlof nil Mm Watlim Prnnt"
HUgerS, llliuics nuiiici,
acter are the alms of a university so(to the Kentucky tomorrow. This Is
cial program." was the statement of Frank Morgan.
first Universal picture to be
Dean Burrell Bayllss of the uni
versity of Wisconsin recently In ad
"Sins of the Children (M G M) snow'1 in that house in over selling
dressing a group of deans and ad opens at the Strand Sunday and. years. Taken from the best it was
book ?f Erich Remarquee.
from advance reports, it should
visors of women at the summer
prove commendable. The cast is made into a stupendous picture
by Louis Mann, a meaning- - der the direction of Lewis M ies one,
of Hollywood s most brilliant
less name to the screen, but a po-oPROFESSOR ROUSE AWAY
tency on the stage. "Sins of tho young bloods. At first, the produc-Chlldres were jeered for attempting a
is the sort of picture that'
Professor and Mrs. Colvin Rouse
and their baby daughter are spend- Emll Jannlngs made famous on the movie production 01toine wont, only
be the
ing a month's vacation in Leland, silent screen. As the sacrificing and It has turned
iu cunswivmijr ihuuo
Mich. They plan to return in Sep lovable German father whoso chll- - money uiut
throughout me summer
tember in time for the opening of dren are his care and worry from
cradle to maturity, Mann Is said to months. It is now in its sixteenth
' week in New York City. "All Quiet
give a performance that is amazing.
He rinmneH
nnnln. "Sins Oil the Western FrOllt" iS U StOry Of
of the Children" has elements of three German youths who go to
love, then
Professor and Mrs. Gerald Griffin romance, a dash of f.ex, and a de- war, meet hunger, then
in theme, dynamic
have been visiting friends and rela lightful touch of rare comedy in its death. Forceful on Page Three)
makeup. Robert Montgomery, Eltives in Somerset,




Students at the University will
have the opportunity of attending
the Blue Grass Fair In Lexington
this year, which opens Monday and
continues through Saturday at the
grounds on South Broadway.
The racing contests have been
eliminated this year for the first
time, making the fair an exhibition
place of amusements on the fairway, agricultural
products and
needlework. Live stock will be
competitions held.
shown and
An excellent carnival
has been engaged to play for the
entire week and will offer many and
varied attractions.
Season tickets are being sold by
the members of the young matrons
of the Immanuel Baptist church,
and single admissions will be nominal.
Many of the county fairs have
been called off this summer because
of the drought, and large attendance Is expected at the Lexington

Final Details of Program for
Graduation Exercises to Be
Announced Sunday; Classes
Dismissed Friday, Aug. 22

Subject Is: Can Husincss


In Accordance
With Christian Principles



William linker, E. D. Martin,
Hruce Waters Speak for


The last of the series of debates
with Berea College during the second semester of the Summer Session
will be held today at 1:30 o'clock In
the lecture room of McVey hall.
Students arc Invited to attend.
The subject for debate will be,
"Can Business Be Conducted In Accordance with Christian Principles?"
Members of the affirmative side,
speaking for the University, will be
William Baker, E. D. Martin and
Bruce Waters. The Berea team will
be composed of William Wright,
Litton Singleton and Jason Wilson.
At the came time a similar debate
will take place before an economics
class at Berea. The subject has
aroused much interest in students
of economics.
The University team met the
in a split team debate last
Friday night at the Berea Auditorium on the subject, "Resolved,
That Modern Science Tends to Destroy Theistlc Faith."
The affirmative was defended by
Hugh Russell Jackson, of the University; Melvln Wright, of Berea,
and Thomas Clifford Amyx, of the
University. The speakers for the
negative side were Jerome Helton
and Hugh Parton, of Berea, and
Bruce Waters, of the University.
William T. Wright presided, introduced the speakers en masse, and
made the opening and closing remarks of the debate.
The first debate of the day was
held here at 1:30 o'clock, with Hugh
Jackson, Delbert Eagle and Clifford
Amyx taking the affirmative side,
opposing Bruce Waters, Carvi Re-na- u,
and Miss Ada Green. The subject had been discussed twice before by the University debaters,
with Emory University, before
League groups in Decatur and
Atanta, Ga.
Prof. William Sutherland is coach.,
of the University team.

Final plans for the first commencement exercises ever held for
Summer Session students will not
be announced until Sunday, when
the details of the program can be
Seniors are urged not to delay
getting their caps and gowns early
next week at the Campus Book
Store. Senior invitations can also
be secured there, the leather-boun- d
booklets are 50 cents, and the paper-boun- d
25 cents.
There will be no bac6alaureate
service. Dean Taylor has announced,
but full attention will be given to
the morning exercises, Friday, Aug
ust 22, at which Dr. Bromley Oxnam
president of DePauw University will
be the principal speaker.
According to the registrar's office, classes will be dismissed Friday
in honor of the commenement exercises Examinations .will be held
Saturday, August 23, for undergraduates, the seniors having al- ifuuy iitiu men liintis uuriiig ine i
earlier part of the week, according
to schedules.
It is epected that the senior pa
rade, in full regalia of caps and
gowns, will gather on the campus
and march to the exercises in Me Dr. George K. Brady on Next
morial hall Friday morning.
Week's Features With 8th
Approximately 160 students will
of Series of Talks on Modbe graduated, as a few more than
ern Drama
that number have made application
degrees. This total includes 58
applicants for the master's degree.
The eighth of a series of talks on
They are rapidly completing work Modern Drama," will be presented
on their theses, and some have al- - j by Dr. George K. Brady, associate
ready taken the examination.
professor of English at the Unlver- All efforts are being made to make sity, from the remote control studios
the summer school and February Tuesday, August 21, from 2:45 to
commencement exercises as full and 11:00 o'clock through station WHAS
as formal as those held in June.
and Times
iof the Courier-Journ-






TTnivprcitv Qfiiflotif
SpHftllsW TnilirpH





otner features of the

broadcast from the
University studios, including a half-- J
program Wednesday
10 to 10:30 p. m., are
The condition of Elgin W. Sharp. evening from
as f0noVS.
student at the University last
4m,cf in io..! t inn
year, who was seriously injured ini p. m. (a) "4-Club Department
an automobile wreck on the Win- at the Kentucky State Fair," Prof.
chester pike Monday afternoon, was J. W. Whitehouse.
(b) "Cull for
reported by officials at the St. Jos- Greater- Profits," Prof. C. E. Harris,
eph's hospital as slightly improved College of Agriculture.
Tuesday. August 19, 12:45 to 1:00
Mr. Sharp had not regained con- p. m. "How to use Your Voice,"
sciousness until Thursday morning, (No. 3 of a series), Prof. Roy E.
when he spoke a few words to his Jarman, Department of Music.
mother, then lapsed back into a
Wednesday, August 20. 12:45 to 1
p. m. "Korean Lespedeza," Prof.
He is suffering with a skull frac- Ralph Kenney.
"Economic Infor-math- n
ture and internal injuries, and his
for Farmers." Prof. Gordon
condition is etill quite serious. Six Nance, College of Agriculture.
other persons were injured in the
Wednesday, August 20, 10 to 10:30
crash, and two are still In the hos- p. m. University of Kentucky Sapital. They are George Snyder, of lon Orchestra and Soloists. "The
Mt. Sterling, and Grannls Howard, Story of Our Music," No. 11 Rusof Jackson.
They are reported as sian Comuosers.
somewhat improved.
Thursday, August 21, 12:45 to 1:00
In Modern
p. m.
Drama," No. 8, by r. George K.
Brady, associate professor of EngAlthough several auditions in try- lish.
ing out for the position of assistFriday, August 22. 12:45 to 1:00 p.
ant radio announcer at the remote m. "What Farm Folks Are AskUniversity ing." Prof. N. R. Elliott, College of
control station of the
have been made, no one has been Agriculture.
selected to take the place. Anyone
who wishes to have an audition is
requested to see Thomas L. Riley,
head announcer, and director of the
Be Shown
studio in the absence of Prof. Elmer
G. Sulzer.



Last of Visual Aids

Series to
Wednesday Night

Prof. Hugh A. Smith, of the Romance languages department of the
University of Wisconsin, who has
been for the past year director of
the American University union In
Paris, is acting as an official observer for the United States at one
of the League of Nations committee sessions at Geneva. He Is expected to resume his position as
chairman of the department
Spanish and French at the univer
sity in September.

Dean Edward Weist, of the Col
lege of Commerce has returned from
the annual meeting of the Institute
of Public Afiairs at the University
of Virginia, where he spoke on
"Government Aid to Business."

The last of the series of weekly
pictures shown in the program of
the visual aids to education during
the Summer Session will be given
Wednesday. August 20, in Memorial
hall at 7:30 p. m. The picture will
be "Dixie," one whose subject Is
particularly Interesting to the students at the University.
The fourth of the series, "Alexander Hamilton," a three reel picture, was given before a large audience Wednesday night. The sec
ond semester series was all Included
In a single theme, "American
Chronicles," and has been well attended.
Lectures have accompanied somo
of the motion pictures which are
sponsored by the extension department of the College of Education.
Memorial hall Is efficiently equipped
to show these pictures, proving their
worth as educational aids, and as a
practical part of classroom work.




� Best


The Kentucky Kernel


of the Students ot tlip
of Kfntufks1, Lexington


K. I. P. A.

Subscription $1.50 a
Entered nt Lexthfton. Ky
Poitoffle an econd class maM matter


ulty members and other students.
Each group is superintended by a member
of the faculty nnd his or her student assistant.
These student assistants arc chosen carefully
from members of Mortar Board and Omlcron
Delta Kappa, the two senior honorarlcs, so that
the right contact with older and more experienced students Is made
Such careful guidance at such an Important
time pays well and reaps sufficient rewards for
all concerned in the project.

8oclety Editor
iPhones Ashland 6802, UnttersUy 74i
Asstetant Manager
Clarence ttarnes


Ed Conby


Remember when you first received the "K"
Book in its blue and white binding? How you

Thomas Illley

perused the printed pages telling odd bits of
information about the University and its activities? To the freshmnn, this little publication
Is of great Interest and aid while acquainting
themselves with their school during that trying
first semester.
is off
This week the "K" book for 1930-10The Kernel Press, the first piece of work done
on the new Kelley Automatic. It Is an excellent bit of publication, both In form and the
matter It contains. The work that Its editors
have done merits unstinted praise, for they
have contributed much to the Incoming class.
Published by the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W.
C. A. each year It manages to give the new stu
dents a proper and becoming attitude towards
their life at the University, and, Incidentally, to
"wise up" on the inside matters of the campus.
Many a "K" book Is kept as a souvenir through
out college years.

Next week will be the last of the present.
Summer Session, nnd will bring to n close the
most successful of the University's ventures
along such lines. With examinations and the
first of all the summer commencement exercises
on the program for the coming week, our schedules will be full.
We hope that the testing time will find you
all prepared, that it will hold no anxiety and
worry for you. After all, worry cannot help,
so take that time off to do a little
reviewing before the final eamlnatlons.
Graduation in summer school will take on