xt7cfx73xt54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cfx73xt54/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-09-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1971 1971 1971-09-15 2020 true xt7cfx73xt54 section xt7cfx73xt54 0 gr ”‘_’ g: ' '.
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(168 He fundln worrle ‘ f“ ' "'~' ‘ 3
S w ‘ . as. . j.‘ ..
By LINCOLN R. LEWIS. JR. In the first place, the fundleust ain't I J a . ' i“ z" 1 '1 ' ’ . '
ASSlSMHt Managing Editor what they used to be. The economic : t.“ ‘ , JJ. J§ J J i
In Pres‘tdent Otis A. Singletat‘y'S picture of the whole western world is ' ‘: J“:- « . is J. ‘ ~ . I in ‘ . '.
“state 0f the campus” address gray. As for the weight of the 4:- Z . J J “V J, M " , .' J. J
Monday. hC noted the financial Commonwealth‘s own piggy bank. it 13:7“- "JJII. ”J ' if ‘5 i ‘ \‘
prospects for higher education as a dependson who you ask. - “J J J J; r x“ w ' .j. _ J .
whole. and UK specifically, were not . .;:J . .
bright Election year - J J J JJ , J .
However. he emphasilied UK now KSeJcoJrJinlLJ/It 15 :Jin t“lectJioriJJ,\J’ear 1n , __ .Jt ‘ J3 _ {,J .. J"J;. .
has a strong position and there is no enJJuc y. ”-VJ SW “in wt ling t0 , x, M - .J .JJJ _J
reason not to improve the situation guess who the .egislators Will be or “MW e. ', JJ J JJ J
here in the next decade. what emphasis they will put on the J '" ,. " , r J J 4- J’. :-
_____________ state‘s system of higher education. J , ’ m, JJ_ JJ' ‘ ' J J ,J.
Commentary Bart Peak, D-Lexington, and last = . J‘ ; ... I V .
, J 9 J‘ J , w J " J,.-= . J . >J _
—_———_ sessron s Vice-chairman of the House . -a-.JJJ,;_JJ- . J», . .c .. , J
It is, perhaps, a necessary evil to Education Committee. told this -_J.' " 2' -§':“:£ .JJJJJ. . J‘ ‘J
caution the catnpus community the reporter recently, “There is 11 feeling J .g; ' "W J “ ' J,J
“ax man may cometh” in the form of among lQEISIatOTS that higher 3 l . ~ . ‘ ‘ '.. 1..“ ._
budgetary restrictions. education in Kentucky [5 getting a JJ __ J _ is; JJ
As the president admitted, anyone larger CUt PTOPOTUOYVJHJY JtJhan primary % “vim-r ' jJ. JJJJJ. “ J .. .- ,4 ~ J ‘
who is aware of the recent trends in and secondary education. J * - -, ~ ' .wJJ J?- a“ . - " J .
. public support of higher education JPeaJk said heJhones the legislature 81; ‘ JJJJ...JJ;J.JJ. . J__ 53$. ,, ; .J -.
cannot expect the legislature to fork Wlll hQId the 11“? on funds for the """“ ’J J " t” J . 3253 J J. J. .J
over mountains of funds sent with Umversrtv. “t ' Isak;- “ ' J' _ '. j
love. Continued on Page 6, Col. 3 fits “* i ‘ ~- g x .. '.4 - .. I. .1
ZPC forum
Members of the audience at a Zero Population (iroysth forum on .r
birth control surround a ZPG information table after the mectmg. ‘
tRelated story on page threeJ (Staff photos by Bill (‘raigl ,'-. ~ .}
-"-- ‘I ' "-"-—-—-' "-—"‘ I I .
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use it: promises . _
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Independent newspaper published by students at the universrty of kentucky By DALE MATTHEWS terms 0‘ the federal gram Md J..
Wednesday, September 15, 197i LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 V0]. Lme x”, m ASS‘S‘antMamgmfi 5‘1"“. ”1 bu‘ldmgthk‘m‘t“?
m. Fourteen admlnlSll’flllVC MOTCSPHCC J '.
offices are scheduled for Ruschell said the space now ‘“ ’; .JJ
’ ° relocation this year. including occupied by the Student Affairs
ta mg pTO ems necessflate the Offices of Student Affairs Office and the Registrar will _- . :
and Admissions and Registrar. provide more space for graduate _ _J,' ',
. . . . Some of the moves require the offices as provided by the "
' Wildcat ubllcatwn sus enswn ”MW of federalgmm - a .
P p dilapidated buildings. Frazee Hall is now being J- '. '
' Those red clouds of sand and studied by architects and _'
By DAN MYSOCK Incorporated, was founded last fall by the dust which greet passersby on program officials to determine .‘
Kernel Staff Writer conservatively-oriented Student Coalition. Since their way to the Student Center what needs to be done to tht " .
A snag has hit this semester’s efforts to launch then the Wildcat has been published with funds are the side effects of part of the interior. The plans are not
the Kentucky Wildcat on its journalistic way. from advertising revenue and contributions. building restoration under way. definite. but the air—conditioning '. ‘ ._ J
The Wildcat, UK’s conservatively-oriented according to Bowden. Frazee Hall, which is being alone will require approximately ' J. .' ’
weekly newspaper, suspended publication Monday A survey was published late last semester to sandblasted and remodeled. is one-third of the 3300.001) . - ..'
night “because of a lack of qualified staff determine how effiently the Wildcat served UK. slated to house the Student allocated forthe refurbishing V .~ J .
members," according former editor Tom Bowden. Students in English 203 interviewed a AffaiIS and Student Financial In addition to Frazec. thc J ' -
“The main problem facing the newspaper was a representative sample of 200 students both on and Aid offices. Administration Annex is being J f '.-
small work force willing to work but unable to off campus. According to (ieorge J. remodeled to house the offices J. . -J
devote time effort to make it a success,” Bowden Analysis of the survey found 45 percent of the Ruschell, UK assistant vice of Admissions and Registrar. the g ‘. . . .
said. students on campus and 48 percent of the students president for business affairs. the Anderson Hall library has - i _ - .3
A different view was expressed by Terry Fox, off campus frequently read the Wildcat. It also changes are being made to utilize recently been overhauled and '4 ' “
faculty advisor for the Wildcat. “I think the major found 35 percent of the on campus and 52 percent office space and to make more two laboratories in the ,J , . -. .-'
reason for the suspended publications was a lack of the off campus students felt the paper space available for units now Funkhauser Biology Building are “ -
of interest in the staff.” frequently served them sufficiently. overcrowded in their present b e i n g r e m o d e l e d a n d ' J‘ N, '_
“Two key people recently resigned their Fifty-two percent of the students interviewed facilities. The moves from the air-conditioned. ~J
positions, and we have been unable to replace found the Wildcat biased. Patterson Office Tower for Three point seven million ., r . . '1
them,” FOX Sflid- “1 feel the Wildcat was beneficial From the data, of the surveyors concluded the offices such as Student Affairs dollars has also been allocated to -J . . '
in serving UK students, bUt interest has dropped.” Wildcat was doing an adequate job of serving the and Registrar are necessary, add to the Margret 1. King J__'J ..
The newspaper, published by Wildcat student body. Ruschell said, because of the library, and the College of _ J '-
JJ J J Architecture drawing rooms J ,' , ‘
i _ ' . l i, s. "a“? 5.. if a .3 I”; n V“ ‘ 3» 5' Se". . - have been moved to Miller Hall. .'
’ - .t. ' . ’ -. " « r. . - ‘.- ’ V . . . . I ‘ '
’ . ~ ' V .3“: 3‘3“: 7“ J ‘f “ UM“ ‘ Air conditioning ~ .' 3 J -
t ' w .4... J § - ; {if-r “J; ' "' ” '~ ' J. Ruschell also said those :J
- . “ n. . ~ . ’ 9ng = " . i ., 8" .. buildings which will be " - . '
.- Mr”. J " 2 .J . M} ,.JJJ‘J« ‘.. J, .,..J.JJJJJJJJJJJ J J. J l! i” ».g permanent and which are used as .' ~
g. , aw . WWW“? 2 JJ JJJ 1' ” ‘ 5'333‘9-‘M JaJJim‘gthgnJg J. g classrooms eventually will be . ' ' J
I. ~ 2» g 'z __ '9 .. .. M“ W* “W" - $1 . er re oca ions an tic J J
?[a ' W J i . 1“.“ I - ‘ KJ ' g iffy. J4. gt JJ, . 5 '..M approximate date of the moves '
_ ,. ‘J “1‘ng -..- atJJJ..m . {’6 Jay; .. ..J / ' .3: . .J D (olltgt of lngtnttrtng , : J
83:. ...,_. ’1'): A? ” ' w . i' 4 M ‘ M ‘ J 'I .W Y J; 't. ‘ Ki. ”‘4‘ ' 'figfjfl Office ot ('ontinttrng J‘
1 J w... é, 'JJ ’ 1%... i! » : °--"53‘”.c r“ ) \Q” 3 ‘ i W 1 . ,ilwi liducation. to seventh floor. . J 3
fig" .75. ‘2: 52..” “ J “ . ' -.OLJ'|o J J... i . Anderson Hall. ()Ll. I5 J J‘ J J
1.: ' 3‘ . ' MW WNW..- . € - " J .y» J J-J'x“ ('untinued on Page .".. (‘ol. 1
’... an“. “' t \sfls‘ .U ' .,.....-- -._..........-»- " ’\ . ‘.‘I i'\l ‘J . .
.2 . ‘ ‘ . _ 'tJ ,... . .3 w . ~ . T
dfi .- _ _ ,_ ._ . _....._ . _ , ' We gamed . _J
-.. - . ! it, ' J ma- J ..;"..'.".. ”is i A J‘ . J ’ r\ WW} on llh‘ dd huc . 4
g. '“ " 32;“---Wr ' J . . m... J, committee on alcoholism and -
“9M” . J, _.....M..‘“.* ..-~.J W ' Wt ' drug abuse in Tuesday‘s Kernel 'J .
‘ " " ‘ ’ “ ' ' *M ’ ' ‘ " ' " , stated that Dr. Frank ('ascio lS ‘ ’ .
Ah, the glories of owning your own personal firetruck. The men of Pi Kappa Alpha chairman of the committee. [)r - ‘
' 9 know full well that to keep a firetruck healthy you have to feed and groom it often Cascio does not serve in th . 4' i '
. . . at . - .
Keep on tTUCkln Daily rubdowns and a good'workout can do wonders for a ailing firetrucks. A walk capacity. The Kernel regrets the
once in awhile helps too. (Staff photo by Bill Craig.) error. . »
a .
‘ /

 mg etary 00 {s a ead '§* '- '- '
QQ _ » . _ iii-:1 . Q.
C O .- I. ”m >11 .. , Q -
desplte fundlng worrle -" , t 3 ‘3‘:
1 NEW; ,Q ‘ , - ,
By LINCOLN R. LEWIS, JR. In the first place, the fundsjiist ain‘t '~ I' " ': 3‘13 h x” f Q , ' . ,
Assistant Managing Editor what they used to be. The economic 3 $1“ ' § Q ‘I r
1“ PTCSidL‘m Otis A~ Singletary’s picture of the whole western world is ' ,3,“ I » . . “V, x Q, ‘ »- i Q Q ‘. '
“Stilt? 0f the campus” address gray. As for the weight of the g» 7 ; » V M ' . .1
' MOIldIW. he noted the financial Commonwealth‘s own piggy bank. it LET‘S "4‘: , vQ " Kr ' i '
prospects for higher education as a depends on who you ask. .~ Q~ M» Q :3: , Q ‘33,» ' - Q QQ. Q
whole. and UK specifically, were not , "T” Z i " . ‘
bri ht Election year v 15,, _ Q, . -. -, Q
g ‘ , Secondly it 15 an election year in ‘w t ‘ .
However, he emphasuied UK now _Q ‘ ' Q, - a . ‘ «3 Q-
has a strong position and there is no Kentucky. Very {SW 1”“ WQ'ng ‘0 Q M ' ' -, .
reason not to improve the situation guess who ”,1“ legislators “'1“ be or ' stew”... "A" i- _ , i 3 ' ‘
herein the next decade. what emphasis they will put on the Q Q - I . _r Q; 'Q
.___—___ state‘s system of higher education. :, " Q: ~__. " ' -. t.’
Commentary Bart Peak, D-Lexirigton. and last i: 1o A 1‘ x] ‘. ‘
___—___:___ session’s vicechairman of the House , Q. <- .' .Q
It is, perhaps. a necessary evil to Education Committee. told this “ diff \ ,
caution the campus community the reporter recently. “There is U feeling _Q ,‘fi‘rw I. _..... V’ Q“ :.19'.
“ax man may cometh” in the form of among legislators that higher Q " i I,» Q T . Q. '5';
budgetary restrictions. education in Kentucky is getting 8 Q g Q ‘ L .. , kg --Q'
As the president admitted, anyone larger CUt proportionally than primary Q r/w " :Q. . .»Q ‘
who is aware of the recent trends in and secondary education.” Q . 3- V i w: at V ' if '
w public support of higher education Peak said he hopes the legislature if ‘ 353%. " Q‘
cannot expect the legislature to fork Will “how the line” on funds for the "W Q ‘“‘ . $.33 y: 5 .
over mountains of funds sent with University. «Q . ,,;.;;." " '1 'Q
love. Continued on Page 6. Col. 3 ”it -’ g 5‘ .Q »_ . . Q' ,"QQ.
‘13s: ., -. " Q Q . .-:Q'»Q_'I‘Q¢>.< . Q. ., '.
e _ - ' v a if - 1'
s . . .:. T’s-t4 3 I , .
ZPG forum : "
Members of the audience at a Zero Population (irti‘Alll l‘oriiiii oi: i ‘2‘
birth control surround a ZPG information table after the meeting ‘ . 1
(Related story on page three.) (Staff photos by Bill (,‘raigi f ..
R i ii '
. ' 1 n ,., . .'
use ie _ pi omises N
o b ~-" . s
roomier offices - _ .
an independent newspaper published by students at the univerSIty of kentucky By DALE MATTHEWS terms of the federal gram Ma -Q, Q
I ‘VCdnCSdaY5 September 15, 197] LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 Vol. LXI” No. I“ Assistant Managing Editor in building the tower. ‘Q Q
W Fourteen HdmlnlstruilVL’ MOTCSPQCC ': V. '
offices are scheduled for Ruschell said the space now ‘ . 1‘
0 ' relocation this year. including occupied by the Student Affairs ' " "
Staffing problems necessuate me om... smdem mm mace and a. Ream.» mu . .
and Admissions and Registrar. provide more space for graduate , '. f
. . . . Some of the moves require the offices as provided by the Q. .

Wildcat ublicatwn sus enswn mm... 9f federaigmm. . . .. .

P P dilapidated burldmgs. Frazee Hall is now being 5 ._

Those red clouds of sand and studied by architects and i. -

By DAN MYSOCK Incorporated. was founded last fall by the dust which greet passersby on program officials to determine
Kernel Staff Writer conservatively-oriented Student Coalition. Since their way to the Student Center what needs to be done to the . ’

A snag has hit this semester’s efforts to launch then the Wildcat has been published with funds are the side effects of part ofthe interior. The plans are not . j
the Kentucky Wildcat on itsjournalistic way. from advertising revenue and contributions, building restoration under way. definite. but the air—conditioning -

The Wildcat, UK’s conservatively—oriented according to Bowden. Frazee Hall. which is being alone will require tipproxmiatei} j.
weekly newspaper, suspended publication Monday A survey was published late last semester to sandblasted and remodeled. is one—third of the $300.0ti0 i ' ,
night “because of a lack of qualified staff determine how effiently the Wildcat served UK. slated to house the Student allocated forthe refurbishing. ' .
members," according former editor Tom Bowden. Students in English 203 interviewed a Affairs 311d Student Financial in addition to Frazee. IlH‘ ‘i '

“The main problem facing the newspaper was a representative sample of 200 students both on and Aid offices. Administration Annex is being Q- , '.
small work force willing to work but unable to off campus. According to George J. remodeled to house the offices ‘ ' " ‘
devote time effort to make it a success.” Bowden Analysis of the survey found 45 percent of the Ruschell. UK assistant vice of Admissions and Registrar; the Q U
said. students on campus and 48 percent of the students president for business affairs. the Anderson Hall library has j , ' :Q .

A different view was expressed by Terry Fox, off campus frequently read the Wildcat. It also changes are being madeto utilize recently been overhauled and . ' » ' .
faculty advisor for the Wildcat. “I think the major found 35 percent of the on campus and 52 percent office space and to make more two laboratories in the ' ‘ . ,_. -'
reason for the suspended publications was a lack of the off campus students felt the paper space available for units now Funkhauser Biology Building are ’~ 1 ' "
of interest in the staff.” frequently served them sufficiently. overcrowded in their present b e i n g r e m o d e l e d and f » H 1

“Two key people recently resigned their Fifty-two percent of the students interviewed facilities. The moves from the air—conditioned. -
positions, and we have been unable to replace found the Wildcat biased. Patterson Office Tower for Three point seven million 3 ‘
them,” Fox said. “I feel the Wildcat was beneficial From the data, of the surveyors concluded the offices such as Student Affairs dollars has also been allocated to f f i-
in serving UK students, bl“ interest has dropped.” Wildcat was doing an adequate job of serving the and Registrar are necessary, add to the Margret l. King ’ ‘ ' 1 ' . »

The newspaper, published by Wildcat student body. Ruschell said, because of the library, and the College of .: " 1

_Q Q Architecture drawing rooms 5 g i
i Q ‘ Q l 13. is. .:‘.‘3 {a 1*: night}, 1" Q1. '5 if” a? 1ing . have been moved to Miller Hall. I ‘x '. .
‘ I I , '3; i ‘ . '1 3 .. f , is“: ‘ Air conditioning ‘7;
W k ' i in. , t m 2&3.» 21?: " ‘ a. Ruschell also said those ’Q‘ ._
' ~ _ " >7 . r . i “.W.‘ 3' i " » “4.» '. 55?? g b uildings which will be '7
W My.” Q " ' 2 , _j; ‘4 . ;Q‘, .3 ~=-~vvw.»-u~. Q Q Q: 5i “9‘ g permanent and which are used as . . "
i: Q Q , W8 4. Q w... “WW“ it -' " " 3*. 3‘5‘i‘r' Vi”: tWfii} $537}. . ”a classrooms eventually will be . Q '
a; r WW} , ;, ii .w d~~mmfl~fl Q j ‘ a.” “BENIN ‘ind ik‘mflmdltrionf‘idi » Q ‘
S .h I Q » , Q g Q _ w~~-~ -.. -Q-- M“ QQ ~ ‘ Q . . \r- ,7 mr re oca ions an to 4,
yifi W- “Q “Q " ..f s"; l ~ ‘1‘. __\ :3 I“ :rfifi M approximate date of the moves " ‘-
._ '1; ;;j""",-1'.'. 323W .2 . _ .Q J. i Q Q f1 .. D ('ollcge of l"ngineeriiig . 5
fi Qua! N“ ' {W M (i; f ‘ W". ': it: es. eta, mm or mmmumu :. . .
Q_ as. if-‘ Q ‘ :mec t ‘: f f' Q‘Q’ Q ‘ ‘ - "‘ f ,3, , ._4’5: l‘diit‘dtiriii. to seventh floor. ‘ .
. "if? £2 _ ‘ . i . 0L '“ .4» ‘ ; Q. \iiderson Hall. Oct 15 5 -\ ‘V
. \ Q: E: Q Q“ . ._ .., Q“ ““Z‘ffwf ,, .. ~ ' . Q .Q Q. ( nntmiied on Page ( 0'. I ~ ‘
; Q Q. - g Q ', ’ .
- i' ) I. ‘- "’ "‘"M' ”a” , m “355‘? 1943'“ »\ - . i t ’- i
.... . it. .. Q Q _Q Wrmg Q _. .__... .. Q 4...... , , . CO.mmlsttto:,\ [on 1”; lad hm; :
.19.“. - x.,__a~...--:4:=~ "“ ---<.;’?_"j° Q r»-.»-m-m*§j' .N.» C ‘ U .l (n 10 ism ant ' . ‘ Q
“a" w.”.. .. .. .. W..-" .WW drug abuse in Tuesday‘s Kernel ~ , ‘
' ’ " ; stated that Dr. Frank (fascio is ‘ .
th, (th lgloriiirls :f owning youfr own personal firetruck. The men of Pi Kappa Alpha chairman of the committee. Dr . ' *
° 9 now u we t at to eep a iretruck healthy you have to feed and groom it often. Cascio does not 5 ' I V I
Keep on tTUCkln Daily mbdowns and a good‘workout can do wonders for a ailing firetmcks. A walk capacity. The KerneCIniigrlgtsth: ' i
once in awhile helps too. (Staff photo by Bill Craig.) error. ~-
l .

 2 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. \Vednesduy. Sept. 15, N7] .______’_.__.—————-—-——-——'———
It rum AP reports {3 .
' s A l G o N The Nixon WASHINGTON The Justice we“ . I
-. - administration apparently has Department endorsed legislation V "
_ shifted its thinking on Tuesday to allow juries to , Eli-{II .m- I
‘ maintaining 'J residual force 01' convict defendants without a . e- r I5
' 20,000 10 50,000 men in unanimous vote. It was proposed ' 33% "- . I
" . , . 5 ‘ Vietnam after the Milk 0f along with plans to restrict . ~'. H
- - ' . American combat troops d o f o n d a n r s‘ Is t: al .55,» t it} 5 s
- - '. ' . ‘ withdraw. SOUYCCS Said maneuverings-suggestions aimed —- ' .
V. . ' ‘ . statements attributed to Gen. at recent Supreme Court rulings. ,:-;s7:“"‘:' ‘ . = . .
4;. ' . ' Creighton W. Abrams that he Another major suggestion was a (3" t‘ ~ - 5
' i does not envisage a residual measure aimed at banning , \- . ..,: I-. . an
' ‘ . - force of U.S. troops in Vietnam appeals based on constitutional 13%., /,r' - N . I "1;"!
. ; . indicated that the Nixon questions having no bearing on \eg’ I‘ 1 .-.
It . .f, 'tI administration is thinking in the defendant‘s guilt or “a II t . II II...» I III
f - . terms of an advisory mission. innocence. 5:" II 0;? i. F“, c, 'M. I. V“
" . . -,-' .5 rather than support for the ’ 's I ' if,
II 5: . . I; . Vietnamese troops‘ and over a — , t ‘5‘ .. x
5 I' . '.' period of nine to three years. t'or “- A S H 1 N(‘,’[‘ ON Adminis- ,. .. 15;. I, _ . '5., " ., "
. ' : ‘ ‘ the. U'S' Iorces that remain tration officials say the United I ' I ‘5 . . I H I
. . I' _ I . ' behind. Sm“; is 5“Exporting 30.000 "f I fiflziglitz II 0% .
5 I ‘ I, ~ troops in special guerrilla units ”a, I'm“; j gap“ #5? I" 5
-. _ . . git-52’- . ‘ ~22: 5 -' ~ .s.‘"'5it§=,r;:‘:';_-:;Z:‘§-g...:z,tt. 2‘. ‘ .. _:.
- 5' ' J ‘5 B l3 L F A ST N () R TM 1? R \' in Laos. which are CllUlPlls’d and z.” 225:; , “”355 it "-1 .
7 5 ‘ ~ 5 . IRELAND-- Two British soldiers ‘ " '5‘ l “ C d “l" ”‘9 ‘ ”PT“ ..,-“i l l ..
i - " ' .‘ were shot dead and tire others Intelligence {“19le H“: .1 VI N
. I I . .. I5 wounded in gun battles that testimony beiorc Senate Armed .2; . ., “s- E s .
- . 5. flared through scattered areas of SCFVlCt‘S Committee .1101; mg; m , , H ' .- ” sf
. ‘ - ; -:. I 4 - ‘ m July was made public on 3y. _________________ ,
. . .~ . . Northern Ireland Tuesday mg Trouper awards mght
- , . ' - 1 .~ and early Wednesday. The "‘0“le H¢ffl¢| .
. 4 five; .‘ A spate 0f bomb and bullet V T 9 _ . _ UK Trouper Karen Emberton receives a two-year service award
' . ' . attaCkS on army patrols was W A S H l lN G TOI\ — Senate- “mg“$33553“fifrfiflntugflyefi‘iy Tuesday night from organization president Nard Johnson. Troopers
'5 ’ '3 . ' - - repor;ed around this capital city. House conferees agreed today to ington, Kentucky 40506. Second class participate in acrobatics, juggling and gymnastics during the school
' , One soldier died and three were a bi“ provision that WOUId 1132351319 tliédtfmefi“t32§i§?§'d’fi‘i?tt‘;‘°l‘ilé year. Prospective troopers may attend tryouts to be held Tuesday.
' 5 ' . j. critically wounded by guerrilla p 0 st p o n e a s c h e d u l e d Eghpgésygagdeiégecgtthprliiggayfhgngugfig (Staff photo by Paul Smith).
' - I 7 Belfast and Londonderry underground explosion in Alaska pfh‘lliléihffs tiié’ifos?‘8ft‘lc§‘is§i“t§s’é‘. - -
5 5* unless President Nixon gave his gegtliIndas the Carilet 1nh189lt anal October SHI‘Vlval test awalts
. II I I- .- .5 "IN“ direct approval. gilrrmeislglicontmuous y as t e erne f
' - . __.. ’ ““60 n, ”4/“; T h e A t 0 me Energy .5252???ifiéipptfil‘s'iifidé‘ffil‘; ”his; members 0 Free U. class
.« .‘ - ‘ ‘L 031‘ ”5233'." ggsnrxisjlotxggémgfinngg :3: éflsiegg,$§‘iid¥§ea$325355?“ Shomd S o a p , electric shavers, repelling to swrmmingIare on the
'. . 5, I I Aleutian Islands of Alaska for sgsfrgmgp 32.113125?) toothpaste, make-up, Isoft beds class agenda. In addition a field
5 . ‘ - ' '. . STUDEEJSPgfi :25?! FREE some time next month The per cop‘y, from files __ $10 and yes, even food, Will be Icast trip to a game refuge is planned
. ' -‘ . ________'.___ experiment is designed to test KERNEL TELEPHONES asrde when the Free Umversrty’s where class members Will learn
'- '. ' Ed't , M g' Ed'to 257-1755 u - - - - -
-' - ~ - . 5 NOW SHOWING! the warhead of the Spartan noirgiiai éfize‘ttgmto; ' Cl?“ 0“,, 59mm "l the ‘0 new” “1"“? PlanFS- .
" . 3 . fl art of the Safe uar d Aébssotqiaite Egltolrs. Swabs 18257-1740 Wilderness decrdes to “rough A second trip Will involve
, i ' .‘ 5 '- -- Klsts‘beil'a t? M' 'le S stemg ti‘fnr 15m?" . . “,5 T‘éfisfinlrcu. 3.53-4046 it” this semester. extensive first-aid study and
5 '. . "1 a 151C 1851 y ' .——————————-———— Aims and objectives of the feature Paul Harrison, first-aid
. " -. ‘- ' ‘If ‘ : c ’ 23;; gig; , . . group were outlined to about 70 specialist in the Lexington Police
f a.“ g iii-3,535.},af «-I - Starts people Monday night by class Department. . .
5 . 5I 5 " fAMl‘LY : IDRNE r: ,_ FIRST 8:15 coordinators Jim Stacey and Practical application of class
- ' . ~. - _ . .g:gigé.iigégifzzgf-‘j'iai1:? ..-:_'=;3ié7if'::§'§i:§'3§§ {1 . , THEN .- RUN! Ad Denny Robertson. discussion and methods will
s. i i _' i 5 . .'i-fjigf.,:-:,.§:§:.:}::.-:i-i” 1.;:§:§:§:§:3:§:§:§f:§: ‘ ' ' ‘ ” 0 ma $1.50 . . . . .
. . ~ 5. ..._,.., According to Stacey, the culminate in a field trip Oct.
-_ . , . i 5 f"f{II'IEiifiiifigséiifi-fo? SEE Am STEREO SOUND r class’s main goal is that each 21-24. Members of the survival
'-. 1 . I; f '5 . I' I if; K 5“" “‘1: participant become capable of Class will be airlifted to a remote
- ~' ‘ -, '. ; Fl“ Clement! oFH'ieTrUrh Captured Live on Film . taking we of himself in all area with only 010th“ and a
- '5 .. ‘ , -‘ class is that men and women first aid procedures and the
.‘ r . -- : ~ able to do an arbitrary number plants will be employed by class
_: » - - 3.. g. soibT'NG Rock or sit-Ups and walk two miles m members before meeting at the
.. -' ' - . _ . «s at i less than 30 minutes. rick-up mini helicopter three
. _- . . , \ - . .5 6‘ Activities ranging from days later.
: .s 5' ' ., - , 4‘ 1 r ' 15* AREA SHOW'NG! 5
- ,5 ., j ~ 5. z g tt simiatmmththh “"5
, 5 ~ g , : i , I ”6‘ $19 Ph. 252-4495 , 8:15
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I . ,' :I! Mtraooaowmwvtnmscmtiot cocm MADDOGSG-ENGUSHMfN l§_°L°n:r_‘3'3"l...The ‘re
It " 7 " i z ' Lg" » I? wahlEONRUSSEll Elacuhveproducov remmoss Assoc-oteroduce'SlONEVlEVlN with... ,. . .. t t . y In 99““ by Themselves!
- ' - , ' «a - ‘~ W”. -« ”5 {fa ProducedbyHEmADlOGE HAMMAexsondROBERtAaEi-ottgmdbyntmAoiooe . . " W "l ‘_' ll ~"l .- ‘vh-lh' .. . - . ..t. _ .., ..
- Donald Sutherland as l A" “Mm"‘hA”°“°"°"W""C'°°"'°F'"“"’°"°‘°"'"C°'°' .' ' ' - 5 his :3
- ALEX IN 5 [53 I ~
, . . 5 nMGMPvesentatmnmMETROCOlORer‘SD plus "puny MAIDS ALL IN A ROW" MY FATHER'S MISTRESS"

 _________________________________ THE KENTllcm' KERNEL, wi-ilni-ulin, si-pi. l5. I971 — 3 " f ‘ ‘ '
. . o a . l'
1 ype styles on 1713’“? Pressure on ZPG forum provides information . , , . _.
' 0n contrace rive techni ues . ' '
i R B k R to revwe p q '
n are 00 00m ' 9 d ' In a paper entitled “A Better population growth while the , .. ‘
natlon S raft World for Fewer Children,” businessmen in the community , A _
‘ “Hi diddle dee dee . W A S H l N G T O N _ T h e George Wald expounds, ‘ The derive only direct profit from -I ' ‘ II
A" 0M“ spoke to me Pentagon sent its top brass to point is “01 hOW many people this growth. He proposed to I. '. '
He told me how he are his groats Congress Tuesday to push for one can feed on this planet, but attack the overpopulation , I
And how he praised his throaty notes . . . ” revival of the draft law amid new what population can best {Ulfill problem by I helping families - _: .1 ,
Poems like this one by John the private press capital of the warnings from Secretary of human potentialities,” . controlI their Size and by '. ' I
Jacob Niles are even more world.) Defense Melvin R. Laird of LaSt “lght the Lexmgton ffgl’lf‘tmg n the number "f . I. I‘
beautiful when printed in exotic John Jacob Niles has the most dangers facing national security. Chapter 0f Z610 POPUlatIOH immigrants ‘0 the Lexmgton - -, . ~
typographical styles. An exhibit impressive presentation. For ten The Joint Chiefs of Staff and Growth expanded on IWald‘s area, . ‘ :' . .
of such work is now on display dollars one can buy an the civilian heads of the Army, theory Iby sponsoring . a IFourth—yearI medical StUdCMS .
through Oct. 31 in the Rare illustration that appears in one Navy and Sir Force met with 90htr3cePhVC‘S forum PrOVIGmg Bl” Paul, Bl“ Hemp” 30b j. '
Book Room of Margaret 1. King of his books. All these drawings Sen. John Q Stennis, the information 0“ bhth CORUOI Granacher, and R0“ smglcrhnd {1. . ,
Library. are hand colored. An autograph Mississippi Democrat who is techniques and the” reliability. _Dr- John Green IpmV‘dCd '. .7”. .~
Ms. Carolyn Hammer, curator costs an additional fifteen chairman of the Armed Services Tom StiCklef, ZPG’S Informal?“ 0" _ Chemlcal and . . _' j ;'
Of the Rare BOOK Room, has dollars. Committee and Sen_ Margaret C a n dIi dIfl t e 5 f0 1' C l t y mechanical bll’tl’l contrOl " , ‘A. f'
arranged an exhibit of copies of Students enrolled in library Chase Smith of Maine, the commrssroner, Iattended Ithe methods and touched 0” ‘ .
the works of 10 private press science have designed the ranking committee Republican. meeting and said he believes abortion.
tYPOETaPhCI‘S- All were Printed book-jackets. Aides said the Pentagon’s new ‘many of Lexmgton’s problems Several hundred people '.- 2 I '- .
on her husband’s presses here at The American Uncial is one of lobbying blitz reflected Laird’s are caused by S” else aggravated attended the forum and
UK. (Lexington is considered the most famous American fear that the draft-extension bill by overpopulation.” part1c1pated in a question and . 'II
printing types. It is very pretty may be in deep trouble that SticklerI said the IaveraIge answer program followmg the _II. .. .
F d to look at because of the precise could result in serious manpower Lexnlgtonian ‘5 paying for _speeches. ' : ’
razee un er spacing of the words on every crunch for the armed forces. _________—__—————- .w
' line. The nation has been without a . , l' : , "
reconstruction Wood engravings or cuts by draft since June 30-when the old a EXIngton’s own Mam * - '. I.
Continued from Page 1 Fritz Kiedel are also featured in law expired. Efforts to renew ' # _ . n 6". _ ’ I. :
, We“.I Resources the exhibit. These too are the induction authority have 1‘ the 1 male vocalist ln theIUnlted States 1'1‘
. Research Institute, to colored by hand with the use of been tied up in congressional . JOdOY, In his first dramatic PerlormonCey
Patterson Office Tower, Stencils. battles over a Mansfield _ _' '— nil-ll: 5min -
‘ Oct. 15 The Rare 300k Room is on amendment to withdraw all US SOUIHIIAND. 'Aowi ”‘4 ' amount"; ; I‘. - '. .
l h S t a t e B 0 a r d 0 f the fifth floor Of the library. troops from Vietnam, __.____.—._ fTRf“ $23.23.: ¢ , ‘ I ~ "
1 Registration for Engineers .____.__.______————-—————————~ I_ I I I 277-76“ . ‘ 7“". . - g / .. - ~-
and Land Surveyors, to 641 . . I II , . . . I. "In" I.
' S. Limestone St., Sept. 1 The PertWIllaby Papers " 41“ ® Ea: ’35:", . ..’ , .
) Council on Aging, to . "~. see II 5W,’ 3.2219; .
' 343-345 Columbia Ave., by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg =‘- _ _, .' “kg? a all). _ ‘
Aug. 15 . . L ,, l i 3. ,
) University ExtenSIOn, to E -. 0. s‘fwga/Kr/ma’m;1,450.55 XM/‘f ”Reamer MA: I , . e, ‘ 5% gig? ' 51/13.; \ T
first floor, Kastle Hall, Nov. \gg 0F M ALL. war/IE SIC/ALL PERCl/A/WE m raiozm 3.; , .w. 3 I f , [I .1221 e . 1'
' 15 ‘. 3 I FM’D A DOM/(51557? z/Es mill/m 72/55; ‘ ‘5 ;;\,.€ ' - 32. ‘ In. ..
3 } Special Educational :4, :2 AI /_ _ I,_, WALL 5 II . f ,w . ‘3‘.» .. " RI I~
1 Instructional Materials E Ii ‘1. {3'15 74’ A, a ‘ I fi§. 2"" . . ,. DON’T . ..
1 Center, to Porter Building, h< Ku L: I 1L7VII_—_A’1/ Afifa /, All a I’, i . ,‘J "‘"-‘*II'I I.:.,.f .
1 Aug. 15 :4, W Q If Jun 1 z} 52:2 {10' . e :1
> Department of Geology E :2 {\I I'_. .1 :‘II'le'L' 3*? fi// 10' N I lv MUBK AROUND . II ' 4 -
e faculty offices and ole " j—I . y ”35,? ,I a " 1/7 . , I,-I1
w o r: I re ~ — M‘s ~u , . WITH A GREEN BERET s MAMA!  
d Bowman Hall Sept 13 W 1\ $ I l 3‘ '1'; i )7’w'i .19 ,1 38. , . g
a ' ‘r .'~ . VI, 1/". =. II'” ‘ ' ‘ ' ta 9. , . : ‘ -.l L '
e } Home Management 1 ”the? ' ~. ‘v W. Y; 2 E31 fiéfi 7 flfi/V / "'H_e" take ” , .
Group, to 439441443 110 * . :74 . hi .1 l *4 e ”3372-1795131 his chopper and ‘ "
‘5 Pennsylvania Ave., Aug. 21 Lu 143 3? '9‘" C“- r.,..vwwfi.,’; 1&9 l- ’ J I)", l ‘ - : ._ ~.
II p College of Social o 2| 7? ‘ I" 51 flat I“ I; II, ,I I k. ram It ‘
C. Profession’s Newgate a 3:1 Ml flu F woman" M57 ‘gI ’II : 53;, down ": '
11 Project, to 726 Avalon Park, I 1K p l“ ‘ tr I; ‘ 1 E .‘ g“ ‘ . . I .. II. I~I;I I . ,
6 Aug. 28 LL__J -7..- _-lLl ‘ ’ j) ._.._.___-Z..__...- 1 ‘2 ,. your I_ '