xt7cfx73xt3z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cfx73xt3z/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1993-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 1993 text GLSO News, August 1993 1993 1993-08 2019 true xt7cfx73xt3z section xt7cfx73xt3z A Publication bv the LexngtonGN and Lesbian Servnce/Rfifirfieshglrl
“Don't ask, don't IQ". don't pursue." Maybe Clinton is just being very shrewd and
1 is actually planning on this proposal not working.
_ Don t bother. . _ _ Maybe Clinton has thought about all of this, and
President Clinton has finally made ["118 dCCISlOI'l on realizing hOW constitutionally weak [his proposal
where he stands on the 188116 0f gays m the is, he is hoping it will go to the Supreme Court and
military. After much political pressure and 21h eventually become a springboard for gays being
overwhelming drop in the approval P0115, Clinton given nation—wide constitutional protection.
has decided to propose a POIiCY OdeH’t ask don’t Whether this is the case or not I don’t know, but
tell, don’t pursue. I do know that it’s more important than ever that
Under this plan homosexuals Will be able to you call your senators and state representatives
march in gay pride parades, go to gay bars, Of (Wendell Ford opposes lifting the ban) and let
attend 83V churches. Unfortunately, they WOUIdh’t them know how you feel. This could be just the
be able to have relationships, tell friends who they beginning.
really are, or be free of unreasonable witch—hunts.
This new policy doesn’t ask gay men and . -
lesbians who serve in the military about their . Kate S comlng!!! .
sexuality, but it also doesn’t allow them to talk Internationally famous lesbian comic Kate Clinton
about it either. The new proposal suggests that by is coming for a Performance here in Lexmgton.
not talking about homosexuality, gay men and Hosted by UK LAMBDA and INS Events, Kate
lesbians can continue to serve honorably and Clintonw1llappearSeptember'18thattheSingletary
amiably just as they have done for centuries Center for the Arts on the UniverSIty of Kentucky
before. campus. Tickets are on sale now and gomg
Unfortunately, it isn’t about being able to quickly. Prices range from$13 (seniors/ students),
serve, it’s about not lying about who we are. This $15 (advance) to. $17 (at the d090- FOF tleketS,
law would force people to lie and be dishonest. please can the T1Cket Office at Singletary: 257‘
How can anyone think that simply by not talking 4929-
about something that it will not exist?
This policy is dysfunctional at best and grossly
unfair at worst. Clinton’s- plan would still allow CLNTOW? SPEctgL Cow if" 3394 .
people to be discharged 1f1t IS even suspected that 0N 6N5 IN Tim M'“
they are gay. Anyone who is suspicious or has a fix, 1,: ”m“ {A ..
grudge against a gay service person could out him ' ',0 ,. 1:" [F ,;'_ t2! . ‘32
or her and have him or her discharged, destroying <1 ~- I W" :1, j” {mfg/5'1? 4 , " r: ‘9' ‘7;
a career and sometimes, a life long dream and /, f5 "' 'Iiijifig" ‘74P; “t .' ,_ ; n ,
career. If someone reads your private mail and v; ., ;,l_‘3‘,"% u (3%; 0 a Pam
discovers you are gay you can be discharged. It (' "\i: fig} ‘5; g " ., It} ,3“
isn’tsimply about gays announcing theirsexuality at; , i.;.-,-_",/,"'j' it? “4% XL... 2/
in the military (which is very rare). It is about not QW/l. “.433 éfi‘fld “‘;fl:&( Dye
doing anything wrong and having your career D’Btl'T 45K Dort’r‘vgéi 790”" $.34“;

, -— x) 9&0 avsrwa «/ — - To The Editors:
Published Monthly by the Dear Editorsk 1 df f [h
I am ee in m name concea e or ear at
flexington gay/[5651011 CSEWLGM my opinions ma}; cast hie some valuable friends and
O’L an' aflon yes, this is a submission for the newsletter.
9 L1 I moved to Lexington from Southern California
PO. Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575 six years ago. I like Lexington and care much for the
Editors: community, especially the gay community. I care even
Bo Robertson and Kristin Smith more about those in our community having to live with
GLSO Annual Dues _ $1300 To date,1have lost 38 friends. One, two, three,
Dues for Couples — $20.00 fdolur, five; six, Cslefvlenagight, nine, ten, eleven . . .
_ irty-eig t goo rien .
NEVA/Slater Only $1000 Six years ago, when I arrived in Lexington, I
Vizusdoz‘opinions expirleyssedpin thetGLfg News :retzioszggth;°:::ho:; was struck hard by ignorance and intolerance. Then
erectinrsfsfiiiliis 3:551:29. file lamina". become the soon, I saw volunteers, fundraisers, and buddies:
33:53:25: 3132;115:3325$3:th GETSZELSSI’ET; :23: P601316 1 thongh‘ were 80mg ‘0 create Change The
meet publishing requirements, as well as the right to reject any Gay community had its ignition key turned. The
2222:::°::-..:.‘.:°“:::.:: 22:32:: 12;“: “:::.::::.“:::..::: engine roared, purred and then quickly died-
preference. What happened? Is the token “gay with AIDS“
, Qfix . [5‘ 4253}. I7}; . no longer the trendy crowd pleaser? Do you know if
\K " "' if he/she is even still alive? Is it so “in control” now that
DIPIOI'I'NICY in Queerdom: a YQGI' as also we need not be concerned anymore? Do you think all
. the social workers and clinicians are doing everything
“QWS CO-EdltOl' necessary and someone like yourself would just get in
by Jeff Jones the way? When you just don’t have the spare time or
With my dissertation looming ahead, it is time to turn energy to do anything about it, will you even make it
over the reins of the newsletter to new, fresh and able to your friends funeral next year?
hands: new co—editor Bo Robertson, his partnerJames, YeS, I see a few individuals burning themselves
Lisa Scott, BR. and the ever-able co—editoress Kristin out beyond no return. Some are my friends
Smith. I am excited about new additions that these The Gay Community is supposed to be the
energetic souls will add to the newsletter’s continuing battlefront of the AIDS epidemic, Lexington! Where
evolution. Equally, I take delight in being able to direct are you?
callers to B0, Lee and Kristin’s numbers: the newsletter Signed, the trouble with anger
can be considerable work. (not “troubled with anger," but “the trouble with
Despite the work the GLSO News has been at anger”)
times, I can say I have truly enjoyeid this position. I
have come to know, a preciate an at times isa ree _ _ '
with individuals her: in our amazingly divirse P FLHG LQXII'IQIOI‘I!
community. From a core of individuals, our city Plans are now gomgforw 3rd. to form a chapter Of
bubbles with laughter and concern for helping make P‘FLAG inI.ex1ngton thls fall. This national organization,
everyone’s lives better. Some of us wear leather or known as Parents and Friends Of Lesbians and Gays
sequins; some prefer lipstick to Birkenstocks; and prov1des a support system for parents, Siblings and
some march in parades and some shop together at friendsof lesbians and gays intheirefforttounderstand,
Krogers. Imay stay at home on Fridays to work on the accept, and support their loved ones with 10V? and
newsletter with my cats while a friend may go-go pride. P-FLAGsnational office is locatedinWashington
dance with “wolves” as it were. Although Lexington DC and currently conSists of 300 chapters throughout
can surely be said to have cliques that often do not the hahOh: , , .
know nor understand each other, there are also many If you are interested 1h becoming. part Of thls support
wonderful people who bridge these gaps with humor 8m“? or W‘sfih. to inquire. aboutit, watch for further
and integrity. 1 can only wish the new volunteers an details about itinthis publication in September. At that
equally enlightening, quirky and laughter-filled time a phone number to contact will be available. If
exploration of Lexington through these pages. Good you khquf others th.’ might be interested, please
luck to this fine group. share this information With them.

 I I O

t \ as:

1 //"/s5’ 60'6” I ”(6 , ’

g Kate

Clinton '

I 00-00.... 1%: ..'.IIIII

n Sat., Sept. 18th 5 ':

3pm 5 Rubyfirui‘c 5

6 UK. Smgletary ; F g

y, Center for the Arts : C5 3 :

if $13 students/seniors 3 Z
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é $17 at the door : Friday Och. 8th :

3 call 257-4929 for Ce)

it reserved seating 'éahurday Och 9th

as °°5P°ns°red by UKLAMBDA : 8pm Unitarian Church :
3 $10 \vihh reservations 2

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[h $00K“ HQ? 1'!


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3n $8 WITH RESERVATIONS fildou Det. fist (Daub

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If 7 l

we FM flaw/WM flow 04% 272-7782

_ , GLSO NEWS/ AUGUST 1993 - 3


Federico Pefia, Secretary of the US. Department of April 12, 1993 — Twenty Gay & Lesbian

Transportation (DOT) is among the first cabinet level professional, business and social organizations from

officials to support actively the lesbian, gay, and around the nation met recently in New Orleans to

bisexual employees in his department. The Secretary officially establish and fund Global: Gay and Lesbian
issued policy statements on May 27, 1993, covering Organizations Bridging” Across the Land. These groups
diversity and EEO. These statements are historic in that represent over 10,000 individual members. To date,
they are among the first policies issued by a Cabinet more than 40 other groups have asked for information

Secretary that include protections based on sexual on membership in Global.

orientation. The Secretary defined diversity as Global is a non—profit association of Gay and

“inclusion—hiring, developing, promotingandretaining Lesbian organizations which is inclusive of a broad

employees of all races, ethnic groups, sexual range of social and professional groups. Its mission is

orientations, and cultural backgrounds; the old, the to facilitate communication among its member
young, and the middle-aged; the able-bodied and the organizations, support their growth and success, and
disabled; men and women.” In his policy statement on encourage the sharing of ideas and opportunities for
EEO the Secretary stated “it is the policy of this professional development and social interaction.
Department that no one be denied opportunities “Global will create a sense of national community
because of his or her race, color, religion, sex, age, and provide aforum for the leaders of member groups
national origin, disability or sexual orientation," to network and exchange ideas for the betterment of
In addition to being among the first cabinet—level their organizations,” said Global co~chair Maureen
Departments to provide protection for the Department’s O’Leary.
lesbian, gay, and bisexual employees, the Department “As Gays and Lesbians mature into an established
will be the first cabinet-level agency to have activities community, with above average median income and
to observe lesbian, gay, and bisexual pride. The major education and combined household income of over
event will be addresses by Secretary Federico Pena, $400 billion, there is the need for our many diverse
and Congressman Barney Frank. The address will be professional and social groups spread nationally to join
on Tuesday June 15, 1993 at 11:30am in the DOT together and realize the potential of our economic
Courtyard. Other activities at the Department to clout,” acknowledged the group’s co—chair Craig
observe lesbian, gay, and bisexual pride are a lesbian, Nadborne.
gay, and bisexual history display in the lobby of the This sharing of management experiences and
FAA building, a seminar led by a panel from the programs will enrich each member organization and
Federation of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays expedite the creations of new groups by their being
on June 23, and a seminar on the effect of AIDS on able to call upon the national association for guidance.
workplace, family and friends led by the Department’s Individuals on their business and social travels will be
Employee Assistance Program on June 30. able to participate in the functions of the Global
Contact: Tom Sachs member organization in the city they are visiting. A
(202) 366-1423 quarterly newsletter will be provided for participating
groups to include in communications with their
members. There will be an annual conference of
(DEW HOUSQ Fund-m iSQf Global that will blend the sharing of ideas, programs,
Momma alwa told th t b Cl ' seminars and fun.
VS , you a eans an. “Ge Contact: Robert Safro
were good for you but did she also tell you that it was 202—265—6398
also good for your community? . Maureen O’Leary
The New Morning Coffee House and Community 51 0_652_1946
Peace Center has begun a weekly fund-raiser. Each Craig Nadborne
Sunday night from 6:00 to 8:00pm you can get beans 312-235-4858
and rice with optional fixings for $3.00 a plate.
This money is shared with worthy groups in
town like the Fairness Campaign and CKCP].
Everyone is welcome and you’ll be helping
these groups help you.

 DEHTH OF H FRIEND ouuuuuuuuvo
by Steve R. ’ ‘
Montie J. Ham (Monique) was murdered on July 3, { m 'm ammel Fm ’
1 1993. He was acquainted with most of the gay ’ l ‘
3 community in Lexrngton. While we like to think that { A. [53“ B MAW LON ’
3 we know a lot of people, Montie knew practically ’ (LESS BAND) . {
3 everyone. He was always boisterous and outgoing— { '. _ . “at: ’
5 he never met a stranger. He has been called the “Pied > {
3) Piper” of gay Lexington—he introduced hundreds of ‘ < B& \ / >
n people to each other. Montie started Green Earth } {
Landscaping almost 20 years ago. Among the larger { >
d interior landscaping 'obs he did were the Home
d Federal Bank in Paduclah, the Coca Cola Plant and the z WED IN A WW a com §
is Marriott Resort in Lexington. He did much work over
if the years for Ball Homes. He started Green Earth } ONWHHIE 1m m-SI'RHNK cal-[ON {
d Florist, and for a while had a retail shop at French ‘ I }
)r Quarter Square. In the early days of the Gay Services ’ ONLY $14.95 + 2.% PW ‘
Organization (now G.L.fS.O.) Montie was a strong g h
; supporter. He gave bene its at his home on Rain Court. .
:5, In the past few years he has been a consistent g SEND To' ‘
3f supporter of A.V.O.L., donating many floral
:n arrangements and services. Montie was buried at { Ls INK ’
Mount Carmel Cemetery in Paducah on july 10. He is } P.O. Box 25095 ‘
:d survived by a sister, step—father, and 2 step-brothers. A ‘ _ >
1d Memorial Service washeld at the Bell House last ’ Lexnngton. KY 40524 {
er Sunday, with around 100 eo 1e attendin . Five
3e speakers gave the service albngp with a mingister. A OHAVAVNAVAVAVAVAO
in donation of over $500 was presented to A.V.O.L. in his
LlC name. Anyone who would still like to contribute Pegasus Travel Inc.
ig should send the money under his name. If the
Lexington gay community learns anything from the ”ll/*5” mg‘k'g/‘WW' 75%"
(:1 death of Montie j. Ham, I hope that it is to be more , - -
ld careful and that we all have to take care of each other. M 5006 MP& 05W“ aka/“‘9
1g We, as a whole, have to love and support every single ;; is.» ———_-: :
:e. one of our gay brothers and lesbian sisters. Montie will 2.}: j 133; _fl €553;- :- -.= é:
3e be missed by many close friends and hundreds of 333;: 33-1332? :2 3:3; iii: *1: 1533;313 313:; 5i
,3] acquaintances. " " " " 7' ‘ " 4’ I ‘1 " ” '
A 800 228-4337 606 268—4337
mg LLDEF (use of the Month 2040 Idle Hour Center
eir byjeffJones Richmond Road, Lexington, KY 40502
of These cases are drawn from The Lambda Update, the GLSO DONATION WITH EACH PURCHASE!
as newsletter of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund.
7 Gressin v. Slattery —(New York): The New York District
Office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service M W
(INS) rejected a request to reconsider a decision [ad/‘62 E:- KV/a/(l 5
denying Bruce Gressin permission to a Russian child to , , ,
the US. as his adoptive child. INS rejected his claim on Jfima/Kw/a/k/o/‘fw
the grounds that although unmarried US citizens can gerfifié/giM/ba/paflefl/Mwy Clause/or
adopt foreign orphans, this statute does not cover
legally single people who will co—parent with a domestic _ gag/{5m fwmm
partner. LLDEF’s Suzanne Goldberg is appealing the _ [rawofifa/Hét //l6’flfl 4.36 1% $550,155,
ruling to the INS Commissioner arguing that Gressin —,&ét/b/r.r,é/r ’ [M [$310507
fulfills all legal requirements and that INS has no basis —6’ , 0 20/ "
in law or social policy to deny a visa because a child ”M, a m“ [606/254-9772
will have more than one functional parent.
, GLSO NEWS/ AUGUST 1993 - 5

("a A 1993 'm '
,3: )7 ugust JI MCKeIghen
1m GLSO' 20 Y f S ' C t al K tu TURF To REALTOR
fv. e . ears 0 emce to en r en 0 g
012 ——:— LEW 1A
properties. mc. .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Office: 606-268-4663
MCC-L'ville: llama/6:311: 5:30 pM CAP (AVOL) 6:30 pM MCC-L'ville 730 pM Men’s Chorus 7:00 PM Gay Men’s Spirit. 9:00 AM Frontnmncrs 2560 Richmond Rd. Home: 606-233-9995
7:00 PM NMCH Mt_. 7:30 PM WWW MAM 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of 8:00 PM GUESS-EKU Suite 200 Pager: 600231-4724
6:00 PM New Morning: 7:00 pM GLSO Board 7:30 PM ”Tm” °me+ L. 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS 800 PM 6:]. ob. mu . Svcs. Network Lexingfon, KY 40509 FAX: 606-268+4667
72W00 WES/12:51:11 AA @Linda’s 8:45 PM Rmnbow Bowlmg-S... 83PM Gay/Lesbian Sppt.Grp. . y Les an AA
8 9 1° 11 12 13 ‘4 Pm‘omw FUN
AVOgL Mtg win/5:01)") 5:30 PM CAP 7,133 :5 Gay/Rabi?!) $211011 3133 PM 24:88:11,111; fL 7:30 PM Men’s Chorus 8:00 PM Gay/ Lesbian 9:00 AM Frontrunners
4' PM 'vemi unincss 2 Partners 0 : — 0 . .
(AVOL) S 1. G . 3:00 PM Ga ”Mb. M 8:00 PM GUESS-EKU AA 10.00 AM HIV/AIDS -
23:3:pr 2:23}: 7:00 PM NMCH 8:4?PMrpRninbow Bowling- 10:00 PM 101313 Sholirn-Club U 8100 PM HIV/AIDS SPPLGW all 8“de Pfll Gpoomlng
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA Mtg. “um Sppt'Grp' Russian River Leather Weekend ( Elpfll‘iflnOGd
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 731, 'v
131331311: filafi/fiSOEE 5:30 PM CAP (AVOL) 3:33 :3 :y/DSbi?l;fiA‘ll-fimn 6:30 PM MCC-L‘ville 7:30 PM Men’s Chorus 7 :00 PM Gay Men’s '5: , 13 $1
3 B m .0 “6 7:00 PM NMCH Mtg. i "1“” ° . 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of 8:00 PM GUESS-EKU Spirit.Grp.Pot1uck 9:00 AM F mm ’.- , " 277 9365
7'°° PM Wm“ M 8:0: FMSCAVOLTPIay 3133133 {Xfibif'fiiwfiii 8100 PM G M b, 8:30 P1334 HIV/AIDS 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian 1% AM films 51:6 . 11W ' "
a e x @ my AA 8’ s ‘3" 1"“ ‘P AA ‘1 M M 3 CW Lli L.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Egg-Pgflll)? “film/1213017!“ 5:30 PM CAP (AVOL) 133;; gy/Ifismnglfimn 3'33 iii/126551.31“? ft. 7:30 PM Men’s Chorus 7:00 PM Dignity 9:00 AM
: 'vcnglty “aims 7:00 pM NMCH Mtg. 1 "3°” 0 + ‘ .‘ ° ‘ 8:00 PM GUESS-EKU Mass Frontrunners
5:00 PM Im n31 Ct-Club U. 8:00 PM AVOL Pin '51]; 3... 8:00 PM Ga lLesbmn AA
6:00 PM Ne}: Morning: Bee” 3300 PM AVOL Play 8:45 PM Rainbow Binagtnsu 10:00 PM ICPE Show-Club U 8100 PM HIV/AIDS 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS
7:00 PM Gay/LesbinnAA "Safe Sex" @ Transy Sppt.Grp. AA Sppt.Grp. R E A T I V E
' 9:00 PM COLTS Mtg.
29 30 31 DW
6mg: SE” (AVOL) 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al-Anon
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 7:00 PM NMCH 132 PM m” gaml‘i’ngg P 1
Mg. ~ w w I Y ESETT NG
July September G RAPH I C D ES 1 G N
1 2 3 1 2 3 4
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 KRISTIN B. SMITH
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1e 19 20 21 22 23 24 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (606)23 1 -8303
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30
Happy International Left-handers Day: Friday, Aug. 13. 7/ 17/ 1993
________—______________.—_—_.__ _______________________________

 are you a closet Thespiun? NEW LESBIHN BOOK
If you are, then the women’s theater group, call-“LOG MUNCH ED
“Between the ACES," is for you.' . , Two Vermont women have announced the opening of
Between‘the ACFS 15 holding auditions f?" a new Heartland Books, a catalog business carrying exclusively
play they’re domg [hls November called, Corning lesbian and feminist books. Linda Weiss and Joyce
30011" _ . McKeeman, of East Corinth, Vermont are offering a
"Coming 500“" 15 a comedy 9f errors taken Wide variety of lesbianfiction and non-fiction by mail.
from. a bOOk 0f plays called, appropriately enough, The 16 page annotated and illustrated Heartland catalog
LE’SbW" Plays 2 . . contains 125 book selections, covering such categories
Barbara, one Of three original members 0f the as fiction, erotica, biography, relationships, sexuality,
women’s theater group, describes the play as a funny, health and humor. Linda andjoyce are distributing the
Slhy play Wlth a nun 1“ lt- catalog free upon request. They can be reached at RC.
1 “The play says/Bit :11, ‘hoz can an army of Box 1105B, East Corinth, VT, 05040.
ex- over’s go wrong. ”’ ar ara sai .
Proceeds from the play 80 directly back to Heartland is the culmination of a passionate lifelong
Between the ACS In order to produce more plays. love of books by both women. For Linda, a native New
_ Betvveen the Acts does one to two plays a year, Yorker, compiling the booklist has been a treat. “It’s
sometimes in coniunetion With other women’s theater been really exciting to discover so many new and
groups like ‘Athena. . terrific writers of whom I was unaware. There’s so
Between the Acts has three officers but lots of much variety and talent in our community. For
people who work on each P13Y- The group has been someone like me, putting a book catalog together is
in ex1stence Since 1986 and has produced past shows like dying and going to Heaven.” Joyce takes a slightly
SUCh as ”8X1OGIOSSY” by Sarah Dreher, “This Broadway different view. “I grew up in Colorado and attended
Sky " also 133’ Dreher, “After All We’ve §een Through” the University of Wyoming in the 70’s. The frustration
by Leslea Newman, and “DOS Le5b053 and loneliness of trying to come out in an area devoid
MOSt Pf the? plays have lesbian themes but of lesbian resources was awful. I would have given
some deal Wlth feminist issues. anything for a service like this in those days.”
Between the AC“ is 1‘30th for five women for The women live and work in an old farmhouse in
this production. No experience is necessary and all are rural Vermont. They share their home with an
welcome to come. Auditions Whl be Sunday, September assortment of sweet-tempered dogs and eccentric cats.
12 1n the Main Street PUbhe Library , Room C at 2pm. When they’re not selling books, they can be found
For. more information contact Barbara at 277-3119 or growing vegetables, building birdhouses, planning the
Moira at 223‘9121- new woodshed, and, of course, reading.
Have you been discriminated against gfiargagli BOfoksL b. Wh L t R d
in the Commonwealth of Kentucky P5. 32x (30%: es “ms O we 0 63
for your sexual orientation? East Corinth, Vermont 05040
THEN REPORT lTl 8024595655
“fix _ __ _,. ”$35: 3:15:55; . _: ; _‘
o o ,
Be Wise - Advertise! 10 rem WW
- - 3 fie Mu aq
For information call [*0 55‘0““ “55 e
231 -8303 255—6209
8 - otso NEWS/ AUGUST 1993

 _I--—..I_ ‘IEI‘
i .p «I
LOUISIANA: A lower court has struck down the state’s
sodomy law as a violation of privacy. It is unknown
if the decision will be appealed at this time. NEVADA:
The state legislature has repealed the Nevada consensual
sodomy law. The law covered only same sex couples. GRE E K
Representatives stripped DC’s new domestic partnershi
law of any funding. This law would have given samIeD RE S TAURANT
sex couples equal benefits to opposite sex couples
legally able to marry. Local Rep. Scotty Baesler voted
in support of removing funding.
LOS ANGELES: Openly lesbian City Council candidate
Jackie Goldberg won a close race onJune 8 to become
the only openly lesbian/gay member of the LA City
Council. Goldberg gathered 51% of the vote.
DALLAS: Openly gay City Council candidate Craig \. . , ‘ ~. ,
McDaniel became the second openly gay elected ' ‘. "I ,, .
official in Texas on May 29 as the first openly gay ’ Wm Of”; ”/1? “
member of the Dallas City Council. He gathered 68% j» '9’ 5i .3 '
of the vote. State Rep. Glen Maxey is the first openly - , W “ ' .
gay elected Texan. ." . ‘- ~_
WISCONSIN: With 1 3 years of courtroom experience,
Shelley Gaylord became the first openly lesbian/ gay
judge in Wisconsin in an April 6 election. Gaylord
becomes a municipal judge in Madison. EVERY TUESDAY 5:50 PM — 9300 PM
LONDON: Amnesty International is considering support
for the case of Larry Meholick, a former US Navy sailor
convicted in 1990 of consensual sodomy and sentenced
to 12 years in prison. Witnesses in the case have since
recanted, and Meholick has faced mistreatment and
solitary confinement in Ft. Leavenworth.
WASHINGTON, DC: Secretary of the Dept. of ' Cl llCKliN, SEAN )( )1). Vlitlli'l'ARlAN
Transportation, Federico Pena, has issued a May 27
policy statement prohibiting discrimination on the . . : - .r : :
basis of sexual orientation in the DOT. He also BhLR AN D \X 13L
a dres da e1 celeb ation f PrideWeek forDOT
5mg?“ 5 r O . HOMEMADE BREAD AN 1)
What Do You Want?- (1 FREE T-Shlrt?
We want your input as to what you would like to
see in your GLSO NEWS. So send a postcard with your
thoughts along with your name, address, zip and shirt
size. (s—xx) Also tell us whether you would like to win