xt7cfx73xs3d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cfx73xs3d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2006 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 2006 text The Kentucky Press, December 2006 2006 2006 2019 true xt7cfx73xs3d section xt7cfx73xs3d Volume 77, Number 12 PRST'STD A
V iffy // ’/’;//// . m; s 7;} v1 ‘1; WI Kcnmeky Press Association U. 815315)ng
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December 2006 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service 6 I1
’ » , . ‘
People T. e - :
Ky' natlve [1011- D . ,: »._ s n f
O 3
ored for Flrst I n e S l g n .
Amendment 2., . .
///////////// 2%// / % 244 2, ' = .
Henderson native Judlth /////%/§/¢ ; /”//; s%//{;%flj , ”a . "ti - e .33 .'
Calebs has been honored by the 7., ”6:,ij // /%/~% , C/é/Wo -/ , 2 - , '2. ,, 1F . ...» 2.; :
Amendment Center at the ///%. s/////Z//7Za€ "
UnlverSIty of Kentucky for her é///f/x//g%;/%M ¢/ //%;Z%/§M;w’% |nDesrgn expert KeVIn Sllmp shows off a few tricks dur-
. . 4 ,, ”op/7’ 2” s:sj;:::,.3:..=.,.;-;s.92‘5”“ $4.106, , é . "‘2’ £44,; - -
efforts In promotlng or defend- , ”2;” Wgflf/éfi2 mg a workshop held at the Frankfort Capital Plaza. Over
ing the First Amendment and V fé ' M ”Willis: ”2%?35’? 200 participants t00k part in the training WhiCh W35
5 . ,,,g///}g:¥‘1{§,z:- I, , 2%? desi ned for different levels of experience. The Kentuc
the freedom of the press. , My, . , , ..,. . sisal ,. 9 . . .
Calebs who serves as presi- gag/g2, . . W Press Assomation was the sponsors for the event. For
I - - - é’g ' 7/4 ’2 ' ' more information on Slimp, go to www.kevinslimp.com
dent and chef executlve officer ;, 2 . ///~ .
- '
0f the ISCHPP?’ Howard .. z . , M PHOTOS BY JOHN WHITLOCK
Foundation, 15 the first person to s
u . M
be honored w1th th1s award. . O
Gale“ is a graduate °f Hall Of Fame SBCkS nomlnatlons
Henderson City High School
and the Universi of Kentuck . ,
She has also servtgld as editor 3} Nominations for Kentucky df. The 2007 . I , F
the Evansville (Ind ) Sunday Journalism Hall of Fame Due by Jan. The accompanying nomination installation will I” h
Courier & Press and The 5 . . . letter should outhne,1n detail, why be . held In .‘
Kentucky Post Nominatlons for the 2007 Induc- a nomlnee should be 1nducted into Lexmgton on j
' tion class for the Kentuck the Kentuck ournalism Hall of A ril 10 in con- j. :
y Y P ,s , .
. Journalism Hall of Fame are due by Fame, located at UK. junction with 5 I .
CNHI acqull‘eS Jan. 5, 2007. Nominees must have made sig- the annual Joe :
. o Nominations should be sent to nificant contributions to journalism, Creason Lecture 5"“
SIX dally Papers the Hall of Fame Selection and be either Kentucky natives or at UK. W”
Community Newspaper Committee, School of Journallsm Save spent a Slgmflcant port1on of h The Illectlure '
Holdings Inc., a leading local and . Telecommumcatlons, elgcareerSQn Kenfiucky. . onoCrs t e ate MARY
news and information company, UnllvierSIty of Kentucky, 107 Grehan . T ey fie riot aveI an assoc1a} {0e reason, a BINGH AM .
recently announced it has Bu1 mg, UK, lilexmdgtgn, KY:0§O6- Eon :71 t e UmverSIty 0 Co 11 Ig - t 1 m e
agreed to buy six daily newspa- 3242. Letters sf orllI B e mar e to ent}uc y.1 . . III ourler-Jouirnal . d UK' I
pers from Ottaway Newspapers e attentiono Ju 1e erry. I T e se ectlon committee w1 reporter an co ummst an Jour—
A nom1nat1on form 15 avallable at meet 1n late January to select nahsm alumnus.
www.uky.edu/ CommlnfoStudies/ J inductees. Those chosen will be con- The 2007 Creason lecturer is pho-
See PEOPLE on Page 10 AT/HallofFame/ Forms/ Nomineep tacted shortly afterward. tojournalist Molly Bingham.

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, December 2006
thermal-arises (Hermitfirjeseiis - :x‘, i._ . ,5, ; ; . ' ' _ ;
. pilblished -montlfil§%jbyjthe Kentucky . District 12 ~- Donna. Cairn-an, Casey , . . .
Carroll Knicely, former owner of ;,,:PAaa asaaaaoareaaaarrPage gamma ., ,
Glasgow Daily Times, passes away emit zoiasgoaar Kramer, .Dlst‘rlc‘sISa-VTom Cauemr- ,,., »:,»._ t
' -$ub’sonptron ‘ price 1;,r'sg. $8 'perfyaar; ”LexingtonHeraldeLeader:
Carroll F. Knicely, a former owner of the Glasgow Daily Times passed ‘rPeshnaeterl’Sehdldléfigehfvaédfesst9}.T . ., , ,. . ‘ .:_ ‘
away in central Kentucky, Nov. 2. He was 77. The Kenmclcy: Pros; 101- ‘Cofisum‘er, Dismay; 4 Scott C, Schlitz-J11, , ' _
Knicely rose from an apprentice linotype operator at a small Virginia LaneFrankfort/KYAGEGL(502)223—Adv'ocate Messenger _ ,1
newspaper to owner of a newspaper publishing group and a business .332}; ‘ f . State AtLarge ,_ i ,, :t
car1e and not as strong. For example, unlike domes- '
Records Act requests to the Lexington-Fayette SWI‘Chba‘éms‘lzs tic violence, it is difficult to imagine retaliation
Urban County Government for the recordings 58.881111113592535'2297 against someone for calling 911 to report a .
_ of the many 911 telephone calls alerting the plane crash. It is also more difficult to imagine '
1 authorities to the crash. tapes. that a caller’s identity could be ascertained in
The Lexington authorities denied the There has been only one reported judicial the same way as a domestic violence call.
requests, claiming that the 911 tapes were decision on how the Open Records Act applies The Attorney General ruled that callers’
exempt from disclosure under three separate to 911 tapes. That case was Bowling v. names and cell phone numbers could be
Open Records Act exceptions, primarily the Brandenburg, which was decided by the Court masked on the Flight 5191 recordings.
personal privacy exception. of Appeals in 2000. Some public agencies in While there might only be a handful of peo—
The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Kentucky, including the Lexington-Fayette ple who would be in a position to report a
Government routinely denies Open Records Urban County Government have interpreted given instance 0f domestic Violence, almost
Act requests for 911 recordings, relying on a that decision to create a blanket rule that all 911 anyone could witness a plane crash.
2000 Court Of Appeals decision. Both the recordings are immune from disclosure under Oh the other hand, the PUth'5 interest in I
Courier-Journal and WLKY appealed to the the Open Records Act’s personal privacy 911 calls about the crash of Flight 5191 and the
Attorney General, who is responsible for han— exception, which exempts ”Public records con- authorities’ corresponding actions is of a clear-
dling administrative appeals of Open Records taining information of a personal nature where ly greater magnitude than the public’s interest
ACt disputes. the public disclosure thereof would constitute in a routine domestic violence call.
On Nov. 20, the Attorney General issued a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal pri- The Attorney General made a similar ruling
companion decisions, 06-ORD-230 (WLKY) vacy.” in 2004 when the Lexington—Fayette Urban
and 06-ORD—231 (Courier-Journal). In the Bowling case, the Berea City Police County Government denied an Open Records
The Attorney General rejected Lexington's Department received a 911 call seeking assis- Act request for a 911 recording concerning a
policy of withholding 911 tapes in all instances tance from a caller who claimed that Bowling student with a medical problem on a school
and held that the 911 tapes must be disclosed had threatened to kill his own Wife, grandson bus.
under the Open Records Act. The Attorney and other family members. That ruling was appealed to the courts and
General also held that the privacy exception A police officer was dispatched to the is now awaiting a decision by the Court of
would only permit the Lexington authorities to Bowlings’ home, where both Mr. and Mrs. Appeals. While the Attorney General’s office
mask the portions of the tapes during which Bowling told the officer that there was not a continues to rule that public agencies cannot
callers identified themselves or provided their problem, and so the police took no further institute blanket policies against the disclosure
cell phone numbers. action in response to the call. of all 911 tapes, it appears that many public
The Attorney General’s decisions become When Mr. Bowling brought a lawsuit under agencies, including the city of Lexington, will
final after 30 days unless they are appealed to the Open Records Act to discovery who had continue to do so until there is a definitive rul-
the courts. The Lexington authorities have not called 911, the Court of Appeals ruled that he ing from the appellate courts.
yet decided whether to appeal. If the decisions was not entitled to do so. The court believed If you have questions about the Open
become final or are upheld on appeal, they will that the release of 911 tapes in a domestic vio- Records Act, please feel free call you hotline
carve out an important rule with regard to 911 lence case such as this could potentially identi- attorneys.

 ‘ Page 6 - The Kentucky Press, November 2006 The Kentucky Press, November 2006 - Page 7 E
C O n s e n t1 0 n j 73:" ' analyzing it and writing a good lead.” At the end, taking so far is a project called Operation Respect: Don’t
- Heinzman promises you will be able to think more like a Laugh at Me. It’s based on his belief that music, with the
-' " *éiessIti { reader and write stories aimed at getting 100 percent read- power to build community and serve as a catalyst for I
.: ership. Heinzman’s session will repeat during the after- change, can be a powerful source of inspiration for chil— 1
i. , . noon. dren. His song, ”Don’t Laugh at Me,” 1'
I Also on Friday afternoon, Al Cross, the dean of has become an anthem for the growing I ‘.
. .. Kentucky political writers as a former Courier-Journal movement to build safer and more
W ' reporter and columnist and now director of the Institute respectful school environments for
_ for Rural Journalism and Community children.
' Issues, headquartered at the . Mark Weiss, educational director of ‘
University of Kentucky, will lead a .v Operation Respect and a 20-year veter- I , _ ’,
breakout session on covering ,. an New York City school principal, . I? .
, ., . Kentucky’s 2007 gubernatorial cam- ; "It will present an afternoon breakout ses- ”I . Jr-
paign. sion on Operation Respect. The ”Don't ' ' , i
' ' v.1..." . , '7 ,, , This year’s KPA convention fea- M”; (w Laugh at Me Project" transforms : j ;
Annual KentUCky PIGS S ASSOClathn €V€nt .. -., t; ' ' ' tures an excellent round of circula- 5%: schools into more compassionate, safe . 3“ ' 7
- :1 3 2‘ . . . r“ e, . . STEVE I
. . . . "I? ’. I tion-rIelated breakout seSSioIns. Friday I“‘ I and respectful places for children by BUTTRY
scheduled for Jan 25 —26 in Lou1sv111e metmnseesnswthesessteneem- reduensrtdtctleeneeunyme- - .
. . 1:3 {1"313‘32‘1‘5 . a‘i‘.:,;:;j;=:-'.:.fI§;£:I;._;»III-.I ., paring the pros and cons of delivery , But don’t think this is all of the con- 'I
, . ' " f methods, primarily mail vs. carrier. A. vention program. AS the announcers ;
BY DAVID GREER nition for his work. I II "x _ , Greg Haynes is Circulation sales CROSS on those late-night III/IfOI'merClalS say, W I
KENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION There will be a separate registration \35 I “We 3 5 manager for Jones MEdla m walt’ there 5 m0?! . I '2 .
1 . If ,Ig‘ltig _ Greenville, Tenn. and has experience Steve Buttry, director of tailored 1
3 Innovation. Customer service. Research. These and fee to attend the Slimp and Jacobson \ converting mail papers to carrier and carrier papers to programs at the American Press I. . ,e‘
other important concepts in the future of newspapers will workshops.I _ ® mail. He’s a 28—year newspaper veteran with experience in Institute, will present a Friday morn— .
1 be an integral part of the 2007 KPA annual convention on Advertismg my“ take from and \M\\ ' the newsroom as well as working as a supervisor and ing session on Newspaper Next: ’r /’
. Thursday and Friday, Jan. 25 and 26 at the Hyatt Regency center stage on Friday morning as \ Owe . manager in the circulation departments of several Blueprint for Transformation.” N2, as ,w J
3’ in downtown Louisville. Kelly erSesl a 20'?an newspaper : \M§s\, _ ...M Wisconsin papers, including the Milwaukee Journal- it’s called, is a very specific and W
. Whether you want to brush up on _ I I veteran With experience as a sales \\\\§\ . rewmm , - Sentinel. . results-oriented plan for newspapers = ; a, , _ I
award-winning page design tech- manager, account executive, creative " “ .1 ”MIT‘r-sM» , Steve Wagenlander, corporate director of circulation of to reduce their declining revenues and '1 7 .'
t niques or learn how your paper can director and sales development and 3&3 IS§ ' " u f the Evening Post Publishing Co. in circulation and to find new and prof- ' I ' i ,7
‘ retain your best advertising account WW“ training manager, leads a two-hour KELLY " \ Charleston, SC, and a frequent we itable business models. The goal of N2 MARY 7
representatives or get tips on covering . .I“ breakout session on how to successful— WIRG ES PETER YARROW . newspaper industry speaker, also as W; is for newspapers to achieve 1 on g—t erm NESBITT ,
Kentucky’s political landscape in 2007, 9;; ”if" 1y sell against the Yellow Pages: sales reps. ”In this session, you will has day—to-day oversight of the cir- ; ‘86 survival and growth through innova- L
the KPA convention will offer some- " ... The YEIIQW Pages are a formidable , learn six essential. things you can do culation department at the Post 8: ‘ tion, according to the project’s web .:
thing for everyone. We’ll even find a w competitor m. everynewspapfimar- F 3‘ \3meéi3tel 33‘ “gt 3“ s? \\ ' Courier in Charlestege site. f
‘ wa t ' ' . ' ket, she sald, anapaieerssanleam . \\ . y 3%? ' ' - ~ 3 ;. - - - .
_ y o entice muSlC lovers With some -. get . . x \\ 3s§1§éfention regardlesse‘igmfigeefifiefit Wagenlander spenwhéaé‘iren years at 3;- , "3;: . . Buttry IS a 33 year newspaper veteran havmg been a 1
5 top-notch entertainers. k g how to direct a bigger mmfifad rev- ’ f 3 gEJturnover rates It Gregfiiiggigg ”By the Indianapohsfitaréi‘i’éj seven “K. ' reporter, editor and writing coach. Before joining API, he 1
_' The convention kicks off on KEVIN enue to the“ 0W“ bOtto§Kitmés _, ,- i th ’,. f th ,. ‘Wr ~. e -' ears at The Hofigfififiiémter in . was the writing coach and national correspondent for the 5
' 5 eale of Increas' fivenue . 6 way’ $0.1m 0 es§§xegies , . .- . , .. s y . .e its?
2 Thursday, Jan. 25 Wlth two great SL'MP p . g 1:? .: ' " ‘ involve giVingthe e yeevarg: ' = = \.M.L9X1nz.n- Heshasedegree from "‘ ~ Omaha World-Herald. E
3 speakers — Kevin Slimp and Alan Marc W113?“ CEO/gengggnager I increase in salary.” . §”Q‘§:§§ » ' I VMsegesfie’salsoserVed as a '9» Following Buttry, Mary Nesbitt, managing director of ‘.
S Jacobson. Slimp, director of the and founding partner ofi§e§g§g§ews . On the editorial si‘fiafifie‘%§§s '- . . *sMegfihfigxtgwfor Inlandl’ress the Readership Institute at the Media Management Center
Institute of Newspaper Technology, a ‘ W111 present a 60-minutegerfing pro- . . ~~j morning Will start wkfiéubégfifxég § \\§\?e§§§i§i§e§’sCirculationAcademy W AGSELEXEIDER of Northwestern University, will lead a breakout session
. ttstntngptegtsmtetnewspspet grammtwysté’ » " sortaiddseesarpe‘e‘ssett s ) resenywtteemnn en newspaper trending through see a
’ tered at the Uni'Versity of Tennessee, :fifflfr out sess10n W111 be repea£§défg;w MARC 333333 mfimfifiygfihred AP 333%” STAATS likhéfsfiésemw three onélfiwxfireakout sessions — home On Friday afternoon, Russell Viers, .4“ ,3
will present a three—hour morning pro- 5%; / afternoon. TOWHNEWSCQggfiw§ WILSON Pmmfinefimafigef Ed Staats. fiffishi’éryv 3&3” py Sfileshmi’dugtomer service. an Adobe certified instructor in
f gram onI”-What’s new in newspaper MW WltIh deep roots “1 commufiggriéur- ‘W , Mr. ... 36%33ng weeklyfigwwwrxmfie tradfigggtaiifl'ianging‘gfiéfiuard luncheon at InDesign and PhotoShop, among oth-
. technology 7" Slimp speaks to about , W3": nalism, now helps morefigrlfioo I ‘ , Mp®§®§§fl§§§§§inzman {Vet’s , ‘xthéfln Friday Willfeatifmififxgifiem Alice Rouse of the ers, presents a program on speeding - 7
Q 100 newspaper industry conferences Z, papers T weekly and daflYFF‘fi’hSh 1 pmsafiéaéfimmfitghreakout & st " is; Mbrrayglnt§t1imespresex§§§fi§fim president’s gavel production flow page. ”InDesign is ‘ 7
. and t snnnsuy. ttdtlmssg sets. weengtenseaesss es eeeeettetteelst KIhnoffiseHlde willinetodoalotoftheworkforus- 1
, Jacobson, head of Brass Tacks ’ Q the” clients are Lee, Lafimfigg M 3%" i Riki’ffhissssmtarshop om’fi‘ifisfis QMSpeci‘yalghest Peter Yarrow, a mérgbegéfl’eter, Paul and we just have to know how to ask,” “’ , _ '
¥ Destgn.vvtuptesentsentee—ttentettet- BStephenstH est tewrrtesmsessgtemzmanéifis .... Mryflrélesendary19608f01km11§36gr9flpwillentertain Vtetssstn."Intntssessenyenwtn 3
noon program on award-winning ALAN Paxton and a hOSt 0f otl‘s’gizshmIgII :éfitw ”Hg éié you writfi: “w,“ 5%; luriféfieon goers with his music. Aperfo‘fmér and activist, see many of the ’automatic’ features in i“ '
' newspaper design His consulting firm JACOBSON firms' . I??? “$333” gerrfdfiifiggemé” ... :flr'figrrow uses music to convey a messageflflwmamty and InDesign that Will allow You to work '
. provides editorial, advertising, market- On Friday aftegni 342%fo fimggmggfigfigfigfiwg g” :sifgeating community andmspirmgéztdiences to act smarter, not harder, to get your proj- RUSSELL
- ins.tesesrehendteenntestsuppetttet 0:31”th % ens.