xt7cfx73xq9t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cfx73xq9t/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2006-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 2006 text GLSO News, February 2006 2006 2006-02 2019 true xt7cfx73xq9t section xt7cfx73xq9t M . i
\ . ~ ” 7 GAY and (g
Lexington, Kentucky 8 mar” 2006
A Publication of the Lexington flag and L‘esbian Services Urgunization
Volume 21 Number2
Lexmgton Pride Idol 2006 Kentucky Fairness Alliance
Last year the GLSO Pride Center and There are both negative and positive
the 2006 Pride Committee launched 'te bills introduced in the KY Legislature.
first search to find the indIVIdual who would Representative Joseph Fisher (R-68) has
become Lexmgton's first Pride 'ldol. AS we introduced two discriminatory proposals to
398',” congratulate lastyears Winner, M'33 be considered. HB 215would roll backthe
Virginia Thomas, we ask who W'" be the local Fairness laws in Lexington/Fayette
next Lexmgton Pride Idol? Will it be you? County, Covington and Metro Louisville.
The Pride Idol Contestis back and the HB 226 proposes a Constitutional
search 'e on. _D‘,"'”9 the months-of March amendment that would prohibit the state
and April, preliminary contests Will be held from ever extending legal protections to
at various participating locations. See the LGBT p—eople
complete list and additional information in Faimesst has set several lobbying
the middle ofthis newsletter. , l days and you are invited to join us. We will
.Unlike last year, the inc osed have someone from the Fairness staff
applications may be. mailed in prior to the available to teach you how to lobby.
night of any competition along With a $10 February 2 will be the day to voice
non-refundable application/ registration opposition to the anti-Fairness bills. Other
fee. You may also turn in the application lobbying dates have been set to support
and .fee the night Of a. competition. positive legislation.On February 15wewil|
Applications Will_ be available at all be gathering to support the Statewide
parti0ipating locations and at the Pride Fairness bill. On February 22 we will
Center, 389 Waller'Avee , support the School Harassment Coalition.
Up to twenty indiVIduals Will compete To add your name to the state
at each preliminary.Audience participation Fairness e-mail list or to get involved,
will select up to 5 individuals, allowing up to please contact the KFA office at 502-897-
20 people to compete in the second round. 1973. See pages 12 _ 13 for an article and
The semi-finals will take place atthe State more information about how to contact
Theater in May. Our panel of judges will your state legislator.
select 10 of these individuals to compete in
the Finals at this years‘ Pride Picnic.
Sponsor of the Month
M’55 Gay Valentine Dr. Ted Richardson O.D.
On Tuesday, February 14th, The Vision Specialist
Imperial Court of Kentucky will host the
annual Miss Gay Valentine Pageant atThe 1757 Alexandria Dr.
Bar Complex. Doors at 8:30, show at 9:30.
Cover is $5, with proceeds benefiting the 278 4201
charities of the Court. 277—4684
...Court News continued on next page

 e... GAY AND Imperial Court News continued .
\ LESBIAN On March 7th, Emperor JC Lewrs and the
y" SERVICES Court will present "The Rocky Horror Drag
' Show" at Club Z1 . Put on your best red lipstick
RGAN'ZATION and assist the Court in raising much-needed
" Lexington, KefitUCkV funds for local organizations.
On March 25th, the Court heads west,
5m NEW: hosting the Miss Big Bone Lick Pageant at
Louisville's Rudyard Kipling Theatre. The
V?" 21 N02 show will begin at 10 PM. with a $5 cover. Miss
P UbIIShEd Monthly by: Big Bone Lick is always one of the most
GLSO entertaining shows of the year, with categories
RO. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 like Creative Cave Wear and Bone Licking and
www.IexingtongIso@yahoo.com contestants from Cincinnati, Louisville, and
www,webspawner,com/users/glsoqxnet Lexington. This one's definitely worth a road
_.._._ trip.
News Editors Other upcoming shows in March include
Mary Crone & Jackie Cobern the Falsie Awards, held annually at the State
Theatre, the Entertainer of the Year Finale
Pride Center Office Manager show on March 29th at The Bar, as well as the
Bill Chandler EOY candidate shows. Look for more info
about upcoming shows on the Court's website
859 253'3233 http://www.impcourt.org/kentucky
GLSO BOARD GLSO Volunteer Meeting
Tom Collins, President
. A number of people have answered our
Joan Brannon! Vtce Pres' request for volunteers. We will be meeting on
Ben Salyers, Secretary Saturday, Feb. 11 at noon to discuss the
Thomas Co||ins various ways that volunteers can assist us.
Mary Crone This is an open meeting, we would love to
. . welcome new people.
Ltndsay Mattthgty We will also brainstorm ways to support
Terry Mullins each other in the work that we do. If you can
Cheryl Smith not attend this meeting but are interested in
volunteering, call the office and leave your
contact information. 859 253—3233.
GLSO Membership Here are some opportunities to get involved:
8: Newsletter 1 . Teen group adviser, call Mary Crone at 266-5904 .
individuals/Couples . There is an application process.
$20 per year 2. Join the Pride Month Committee - first meeting ison
See page 20 Monday, March 6. Volunteers can help plan the Pride
Opinions expressed in the GLSO Picnic, help with the Pride Idol Contest, help organize
News are those of the authors and the Pride Reading, or develop a new event.
thong hggsgan‘g/ resrirgsent those of 3. Keep the Pride Center open from 3 to 7, orfrom 5 to 7/8,
reieived afttfratiie deidriihiflowriitch is one dayaweek. . . .
the 15th of each month, my be cut 4. Work on this newsletter- write a column - SOIICIt
or not printed when space is limited. advertising. Deliverthe newsletterto Joseph Beth,
The staff reserves the right to edit or Become a news orfeatu re editor.
rejectsubmissions and ads. Moreinfo _ Call mary 266-5904
GLSO page 2 I

Community News
. 40+ Club
SisterSound The 40+ Club is a group for women
New Members Welcomed over 40 (and their younger friends) who
SisterSound presented a wonderful are interested in attending a wide variety
concert to a sold out audience in January of activities together. We meet the second
A great way to celebrate their tenth Sunday 0f each month WhiCh in February
anniversary year. Congratulationsto all. IS the 12th" Our plans for February We
They are now back in rehearsal for been changing so come to the meeting
their May 20th spring concert. There is no and fie wrllrsee whatvze can gttogitihlir‘ t
audition required to join SisterSound, you ave ques Ionsorwou ' e 0
anyone is welcome to show up at a be added to the 40+ mailing list, call or
rehearsal and give it a try. Rehearsals are email Gingerand Jane at 859-253—0061 or
at 6 pm every Sunday at Landsdowne ggclr@yahoo.comforInformation.
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 333
Reddmg Rd We Bar dompeax
February 5 is Super Bowl Sunday 224 East Mam
which means our rehearsaltime may not be On Friday, Feb. 10 we will have
from6to 8. Call Patti at 806-0243 or email another Flashback Friday: Totally 80’s
sistersound@hotmail.com forinformation. Part 2. We will feature classics from the
80’s so be ready to dance to Madonna,
Rainbow famifie, Culture Club, Price, and Depeche Mode. ’
Rainbow Families is an organization Get Into the mood by dressmg In 80 S
for gay and lesbian parents and our style. look in the back. of your closet fora
children inthe Lexington area. Our mission skinny t'?’ acid wash Jeans, leg warmers,
is to show our children that there are other Jellys, orJustflip up yourcollarand come as
families like theirs. We have some events you are. .
planned for the next few months‘ On Saturday, Feb 24 we wrll host a
On Feb 11 from 5 _ 7 we will have a Blackout Party. On March 10 we will be
Valentine's. Da otluck at the Pride hostingthe Miss Bar Complex contest. for
Center 389 V33"; Ave We ask that applications and information, contact
people contact us at 523-3083 for details. Natalie Gaye at the Bar 859255-1551“
After dinner on the 11th, we will host a Everyone '8 mvrted toiom usfor happy
game night from 6 - 9. Everyone is invited hour In the lemg Room Lounge, Monday '
to this event, not just Rainbow Family Saturyday,4to 7'
’ members. We will bring Parcheesi, Phase
10, Scrabble, Yahtzee and Sorry. Kids “Keep the love you find.
games, Candy Land & Memory, will also ‘ g ' Get the love you want!”
be available. '
Gay Pride Union of Kentucky I Jessllaca 3°I||nlger_ll_':SW_ t
ma 0 e a Ions I era IS
The Gay Pride Union is a newly formed 9 EMDR Traumallllork P
peer support group for the GLBT Co Ies F m'l Indiv'd l
Community in Somerset, KY. For more , up ’ :_ 'y’ 5|52u2533
informationemail:Alexstalcup@yahoo.com imagoconnecwncom '
I ...continued on next page
GLSO page 3

 Qurrk Cafe & Coffee £1 1 Sunday, Feb 19
film We” mi'es "m" Lex‘”9‘°”' 4. Central Library Theater
Qurrk Cafe & Coffee, can be found on , \.. 74-. '
Railroad St. in Midway, KY. The cafe is r; 2 pm Free Mowes
open Tues 10a-8p,Wed-Sat10a-5 '” . ..
p and Sun 118 _ 4 p_ Carryout, large warm,funny documentaries about ourfamilies
party seating and catering available.
(859)846-4688. Daddy and Papa and
We featureavariety oflive music in ' “I H n n
the café everyTue. Nightfrom 5:30 p-8 out “I 6 ea la (I
p. The ever changing musical talent made in KYfeaturing local GL parents
includesjazz, folk, pop, classical cello,
dulcimer, the blues and more. We also
featured great local groups including
Beleza and The Bats! We serve ourfull Moveolole F9031.
menu on Tue. evenings and our If youlcan drive ? car, you can
neighboring bookstore, the Odyssey, change a M?- We are '“ great need 0f
remains open. drivers to deliver food to our clients. You
Our menu offersa variety of salads, can volunteer once a week, twrce a
serve 23 different gourmet press pot know that the gas prices are discouraging
coffees & teas along with fresh baked but havrng a hot meal IS life savmg for
scones. For upcoming music events many ofourclients. Bring afriend along to
and other information, check out share the work and the cost. Call 252-
ww.kyga|lery.com/quirk 2867
Real Estate Service With
: Pnorlsssmunusm
v w T“ LAMA,
If Blasurrs KEHER
, INTEGRITY LB i 7:" ‘
Scott Ackerman ”EDIGATIDN
Mobile' 859-338-8483 E
Vorce Mail: 859-294-2055
Fax: _859 269'0065 Serving Lexington &
E'Mall: SACker4224@a0|.com A” of Central Kentucky
Call me With all your Real Estate Needs

 Dr. Ted M. Richardson, O.D.
Vision Specialist
The most thorough eye exam -
The highest standard of eye care
Immediate Appt. For Emergencies
——-——— Contact Lenses
—' Foreign Body Removal
—— General Practice
— Designer Eyewear
American Optometric Association
Gardenside Plaza 273 - 4201
1757 Alexandria Dr. 277 - 4584
Mon. thru. Fri. 9 to 6 . Sat 9 to 12
' Late Evening Hours By Appointment
Medical Cards Accepted
We will Complete Your Insurance Forms
1%! w Bluecross Blue Shield-Option 2000
HMO Kentucky Humana
E Medicaid. Medicare
m Vision Service Plan
. page

 p o
389 Waller Ave. 859 253-3233 .Mim. - .m. iii -3 Sat 10 - 2
pk”); CENTER OPE/V Pride Center Library Highlights:
In addition to business hours . African Americans
WED EVEN/N65 5 _ 7 As we celebrate Black History Month
_ why not highlight the works in the Pride
THURSDAYSS’ 7 Center Library that address the GLBT
. 2ND SAN/RDA}, FEB 1’ 6 ' 9 experience of African Americans. In
. . . addition to classics by James Baldwin and
13116102 Center IXChOItuzs Audre Lorde you will find new works from
. . . writers such as E. Lynn Harris and Jewelle
Lesbian MOW?“ nghts Gomez. Here are just a few of the books by
1st & 3rd Thurs 7 pm -see pg 8 and aboutGLBTAfricanAmericans.
. Forty-Three Septembers by Jewelle
Second Saturday nghts Gomez (PS 3557.04577 G633)
Feb 11 from 6 t0 9 ' Game Night Go the Way Your Blood Beats: An
We will have games for all ages Anthology of Lesbian and Gay Fiction by
African—American Writers (PS 509.H5715G573)
DISCUSSION GROUP Greatest Taboo: Homosexuality in Black
Every Wed. 7 pm Open to all Communities edited by Delroy
Jane: ladyjaneky@yahoo.com Constantine-Simms (HQ 76.3.U5 G74)
Just Above My Head by James Baldwin (F
40 + Women Bald J96)

Sunday, Feb. 12 2 pm Just AS lAm by E. Lynn Harris (F HarrE J96)
Long Goodbyes: A Virginia Kelly Mystery
by Nikki Baker (F BakeN L848)

teXihg‘EOh Insight Out! To Lead by Gideon Ferebee, Jr. (HQ

A group for Gay Men 76.2.U5 F349)

has. increased numberof meetings to Respecting the Soul: Daily Reflections for
tWIce a month. We WI“ be meeting Black Lesbians and Gays by Keith Boykin
on the first and third Fridays: (HQ 76.3.3687 R434)
February 3 and 10 Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde (PS 3562.L75
Pride Center 7:30 35’ . .
Please join us for an evening lively giggisfzrifogiggogi TXSSZEng'a'T-ft'gs'
conversation. Everyone is welcome. 3569'A379 $743)
Volunfeer Meefing Special Request from the Library:
S t F b 11 Please return all videos, DVDs and CDs
a ' e noon promptly. We have over 100 titles that are
open to all - see page 2 no longer available because they have not
. _ been returned. We never charge fines and
(I 14—50 BOfli’d Mee 1mg only want them back so everyone in the

Monday, February 20 community can enjoy them. Thanks!

7:30 open to all
— I
GLSO page 6

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GLSO page 7

 u bian Wie . IL Diamond, the deadliest criminal the world
5 M Na t has ever known. When D.E.B.S. star
Lesbian Movie Night is backl, this player, Amy, falls for Lucy, chaos erupts.
time on the first and third Thursdays of the Evil is so totally busted!
month at 7 pm. The center will be open Desert Hearts is a lesbian classic
anytime after 5 if you want to come after that you need to see, or see again. Vivian
work. Wewill haveanumberof movies to is a repressed English Professor who
choosefrom. goes to Reno for a divorce in 1959.
Saving Face is a new movie focusing During the time she is required to wait for
on intergenerational Chinese-American her divorce, she meets Cay, a young
women contemplating their lives and casino worker. Cay has hada number of
loves. Vlfilhelmina is a successful young casual partners but she believes that
surgeon who falls for a lovely ballerina, Vivian is the woman for her. Vivian resists
Vivian. When her pregnant mothershows the attraction, but is eventually
up on her doorstep, they have to examine convinced. The fabulous 50$ sound tract
their relationship to each other and to their is an added bonus.
cultural traditions. This movie is about Fried Green Tomatoes, a more
overcoming fear and following your heart. recent classic, is a wonderful film with an
D.E.B.S. is a detective/action spoof understated lesbian love story. Mary
full of eye candy. Recruited by the US. Stuart Masterson does a great job in
government for their unique ability to lie, portraying ldgie as a self-confident soft
cheat and fight, four young women butch. Mary Louise Parker is hertrue love
become secret agents known only as Ruth. Their story is told by Ninny
D.E.B.S.Charlie'sAngels watch out. They Threadgoode (Jessica Tandy) to Kathy
set out to capture vexing vixen Lucy Bates. Towandal
“Mefier Why or 83///'fly — eel/me for your red/eefdfe needs! ”
Experience Doesn’t Cost...It Pays! f " W I”,
Personal Service You Deserve .. .
ABR - Accredited Buyer Representative 5.1,. W »
GRI - Graduate, Realtor Institute w . “
Commited To Premier Service W"
PREMlt R Stet/ice“
Teresa Combs, ABR, GRI
Commonwealth GMAC Real Estate
GMA 843 Lane Allen Rd
Lexington, Ky 40504
| l fiRealEstate Fax: (859) 245-5156
. Cell: (859) 489—1150
GLSO page 8

 The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252-3914
A Charity Organization
Scott Ackerman.
For all your real estate needs.......................................294-2055(mobile) 338-8483
SisterSound 8060243
Diverse music for all women
Richardson Vision Center
1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside...............................................278-4201
Ernesto Scorsone
Attorney At Law 2545766
Unitarian Universalist Church
Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448
kentucky Fairness Alliance
Bluegrass Chapter8064114
Windy Knoll Farm
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding......................................299-7410
Quirk Café and Coffee859 846-4688
Railroad Street in Midway
Debra Hensley Insurance.............................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Ky. Department for Public Health1 800 420-7430
GLSO page 9

 O“. leeflgr figlendqr To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 ._. -- ,. ._ .
Visit us on the web at: www.webspawner.com/users/glsoqxnet \ ' ,/
February 2006 ————————_|
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sal'urday
The 2006 Lexington Pride Idol Preliminary Contest Dates: 7P GLSO Discussion cm"? pen 10a-7p 73309 Lexington Insight enter Open10a-2p
_ GI'OUP'PC 7p Lesbian MW“ Night-PC @ the Pride Center Vp Narcotics Anonymous w M I
*Friday, March 3rd. 9:30 p.m. at Crossings, 117 N. Limestone ”5 89 Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA c?" ‘0' Place 273'7103 ..kly M i .‘3
*Thursday, March 16th. 8:00 p.m. at Mia's, 120 3. Upper St. Call for place 278-7103 (call for place) 278-7103 763% iLexll’GA
*Friday, April 14th. 8:00 p.m. atThird StreetStuff, 257 N. Limestone. ( a mace) . M°nduvs= .
*Wednesday,ApriI26th. 8:00 p.m. atThe BarCompIex, 224 E. Main St. 8pm ' GOV/ Lesblan AA
Discussion/Speaker(Ca/l for
. . , . Location] 278-7103
9 d 11 uu Ch h . . c t n 10a-7 - ° Gentle'00!"19*"2Il’tl‘5l’4’l’
11:3 . 33ml: A. i it 6211“" 7. e" 9' 1’ ieil 33112218322113 m
(call for lace) 273_7103 , 66-5 ) Group-PC . 2p Narcotics Anonymous 7pm - GSA (Gay Straight Alliance]
p 8p Gay/Lesbian AA _ ' call for place 278-7103
Call for place 278-7103 “35“” Fr'day @ the 5WD RFOLKY Va'°"“"° Wedn da s-
Bar Complex Totally 80's Potluck-Call 523.3033 es Y _- ‘
part 2 7P-9P RFOLKY 6am” 7pm - GLSO DlSCUSSlon Group
Night 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA (Call for
—.—____________,___________—__________ Location] 278-7103
. . 9pm - Rainbow Bowling League
103'? 31' “jycrlalgm 5625 8pAAOpen 7p GSA (call for place ,1. Dis .._$ 5., 1.11 1; Center ppen 1'0a-7p 7:30p Lexington Insight Center Open 10a-2p Southland Lanes
0‘; 493169; any]: ' 14) Discussion/Speakers 266-5904) WWI”. C 7p Lesbian'MOVle Night-PC @ the Pride Center 2p Narcotics Anonymous
P - ree l in see P- _ t r - fifyfi p, ‘ _, ‘ 7:30 Free Film @ Public , - ll f , .
, p 40+ Women's Group-PC (call for place) 278 7103 Vila“ Library Travelers & 7.30 p Gay/Lesbian AA ca or place 278 7103 Fridays:
1p Integrity @ St. Michael's Val * I ay Glace-flil.iiliil-/‘ ll Magicians (call for place) 278-7103 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA
P S'S‘e’$°“”d Rehealsa' , {T (Call for Location] 278-7103
uplmperlal Court Mtg-PC 9:30 ICK' ‘ 3 Gay j . .
Lincoln's B'l‘lhdall Valentine @ The Bar Newsletter Dead-line “whys:
I ; 2pm Narcotics Anonymous
9a & 11a uu Church 8p AA open |7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion Center Open 10a-7p 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA Center Open 10a-2p 278-7] 03
10.30 a St. Mychal Discussion/Speakers 266.5904) Group-PC 5.30 & 7:30 Free Film @ (call for place) 278-7103 2p Namatics Anonymous
2p One World Films -Daddy (can for place) 278-7103 8p Gay/Lesbian AA Kentucky Theater can for place 278.7103 Sundays:
figfil’anii‘gmezgeLibrary l C3” for p'ace 2784103 (sate Side) 3'30“" Party @ The Bar 9:000m & l lam - uu Church
4p Gen Y Integrity Mtg. @ St. PreSidem's Day Washington's RIZE Complex Worship Services.
Michael's Birthday . 10:30 - Mass, St. Mychal The Martyr.
5P S'Stersound Rehearsa' 6pm - SisterSound Rehearsal @
7 ‘ l Landsdowne Presby. Church.
9a and 11aUU Church 8 AAQ en ! 7 GSA call for lace
10:30 a St. Mychal's DFi)scussign/Speakers i 226-59043 p t More information about many of the events are
3:30p Free Film-Osama-UK (call for place) 278-7103 1 in this newsletter. You may want to call or email II-woaldy:
Student Theater 1 the group to confirm the date and time, see the -
. , . 6pm - The Imperial Court
6p Imperial Court Mtg-PC directory on back page. .
6p SisterSound Rehearsal SoulForce -Co|| Jamie 230-5625
@ Landsdowne Presby. Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC 7309"“ Lexington Insight
Church Callfor Place ma beabbreviated-Call
Menlllly Adlvliles:
Mondays: Tuesdays: Wednesdays: Thursdays: Fridays: Sa'lurdays: Sundays:
7pm - GLSO Board Mtg. (3rd Mon. ] 7:30pm- LexDGA { 131‘. 807‘. J 2pm -Women 40+[2nd. Sun}
7:30pm - Fairness [2nd Mon.) 4pm- Integrity [2nd Sun]
8pm- Lexington Lyons {2nd Mon-Every 3 months] 4pm- Gen Y/ntegriiy [3rd
. Page 10

 KY fqifneu (“fiance monitor for other attemdpts to file afnd to
. pass bills banning gaya option and oster ‘
, lump, "“0 2006 sefi’on care. KFA has already set in place ‘
_ _ various dates for lobbying efforts .
The Kentucky Fairness Alliance has including February 2 to oppose the anti- ‘
been preparing and continues to gear up Fairness bills. 1
for the 2096 _'egis'a“"e season- KFA The flip side of the coin is that KFA
always meme!“ 3 hawks eye for antl- realizes that its mission includes more ‘
LGBT legislation and “"3 year has put than maintaining the status quo. As a ‘
S°me tOO'S '“ Place to make 't 933'” for result, KFAwill lobby for passing bills that '
everyone t9 VO'Ce concerns about those positively effect TGBL persons such as a I
proposed b'lls‘ _AS SUCh‘ KFAlntends to state-wide fairness bill. Of course, ‘
come out swinging and tolhelp defeatany lobbying dates exist for supporting 1
and alldetrlmental legislation. positive legislation: February 15%
Already ”"8 season 9LT? PeOP'e Support the Statewide Fairness bill, ‘
have felt the sting of discrimination February 22mins Support the School
blatantly written into two bills. The Harassment Coalition and March gthls
followinginformationistaken directlyfrom Friends & Family leficial KFA e-mail
the state KFAS e-mall sent cm to reports the following in regards to GLBT-
encourage people to v0lce strong friendly legislation-
opposition: “R ' .
,, ,h eps. Kathy Stein, Mary Lou
0“ WedneSday (J?"”ary 4 ), Marzian, Reginald Meeks, and Darryl
Representative Joseph Fisher (R-68) Owens stepped up for Fairness as
introduced a pair of discriminatory sponsors of HB 369 the statewide
proposals. HB 215, the anti-Fairness bill, Fairness bill. This crucial piece of
has langurshed in the last SIX legislative legislation would include lesbian gay
sessions. The bill would roll back your bisexual and transgender (L’GBTS
local Fairness law m Lexmgton/ Fayette Kentuckians in existing protections from
County, alongwnh those in Covmgton and discrimination in the areas of
MetroLoulswlle.. , , employment, housing, public
These cruelal ordinances include accommodations and credit
LCBT persons in protections from “No one should be fired from a job
discrimination m employment, WSW denied an apartment, turned away from a
2:31;: :cjctzgélmtofiatlonsloand creltiltt.hThe restaurant, or refused credit based simply
a. ' wou. . repea ese on sexual orientation orgender identity or
protections, and-make it illegal for other expression. But currently Kentuckians
, agitalfggrgfutfl'tfs to pass Fairness outside Covington, Metro Louisville, or
“I ste d fel) 0V3“ f th' Lexington/Fayette County have no legal
n. a 0 ac lng away rom '5 recourse when they're subjected to such
perennially unsuccessful attack on LGBfT discrimination. Passing the statewide
igualliéyr’t hconselzvatlvet extrferrlgosts Om Fairness bill will help ensure that every
an ave C osen 0 9° u er. n Kentuckian is able to work and live freely.”
Wednesday Fischer also filed HB 226, Of course KFA needs help and
proposing a Constitutional amendment hopes that the SLTG community will step
33%?” Iproglblt the tstate from“??? up to the plate; therefore, KFA is providing
e: le 9 eg pro ec ions 0 some tools to help people get involved.
p pof. KFAd t tth Already through various outreach
. course, oes no expec ese activities such as phone-a-thons and one-
bllls to be the end of hate—filled language on-on e contacts
perading legislation this season. KFAwill ’ continue d next page
GLSO Page 12

 members of KFA and the GLBT . . ,
community have sent nearly 400 e-mails legislators. A KFA employee w1|l meet With
to Senators and Representatives as well any volunteer to prepare and ‘30th that
as hundreds of signed statement sheets, person for a meeting w'_th a legislator.
and nearly 100 people have agreed to Check out the web srtes listed in the box
meet with legislators fa ce-to—fa ce. below to identify your representative, to find
Obviously these numbers represent out the current status of bills that have been
agreat start butthe battle has notended introduced in the legislature, to read KFA
and it is not too late to get involved. KFA information orto commit to fairness. .
has made it possible for people on the l' t If you are “.0" on the state KFA e-mail
KFA e-mail list simply to open an e-mail lls or are not involved and want to be,
and click on a button to express disdain p ease contact the KFA office at 502'897'
for prejudiced legislation. 1973. Stand up for fairness and help KFA
Also KFA always looks for more insurea better Kentucky and a betterfuture
volunteers to meet directly with their for all LGBT persons.
Important Web Addresses and Contact Information
The link to find out who one's legislator is:
A newer site that helps keep people informed of various bills:
The most up-to-date information on KFA:
The message line to leave a message for one's legislator:
Phone: 1-800-372-7181 Fax: 1-502-564-2144
TTY: 1-800-896-0305
Couples Union
Counseling Ceremonies
Rev. Kenneth Walbel
Professmnal Splntual D1rect10n
Ecumenical * Holistic * Inclusive
PO Box 12172 kypadre@aol.com
Lexington, KY 40581 (859) 338-1195
GLSO page 13

 One World film fellivol care, and interracial adoption, to the
struggle for full legal status as parents,
Again this year the One World Film Daddy and Papa presents a revealing
Festival is showing a series of FREE films IOOK at some 0f the 93V fathers WhO are
in Februaryand March. breaking new ground in the ever-
. f A .
Children of Heaven Sun. Feb. 12, Central $333an landscape 0 the merlcan
LibraryTheater 2&4130 reception 3:45 '
. . . . Out in the Heartland explores the
o. W... to
shogs and knows this will add to the gay marriage in Kentucky. Through the
f . l t f h' f 'I H' . t stories ofgay parents in ourstate,the film
lnanCIa s ress o IS aml y. I? 3'3 er, examines how their daily lives in
Zahra, reluctantly agrees to mm the neighborhoods churches and schools
redicament from their arents b sharin ’ . .
2W8 beat- up sneakers pThis filmyprovideg are affected by the anti-gay rhetoric that
. ' . . is part ofthis campaign. Some ofthe gay
3.152":’:Z'22.l§2§a‘aevatiiyy '23:"? we i." a
tenderness and youthful determination. panel discussmn followmg the screening.
Travellers & Magicians Thur. Feb. 16 $223328:“Zebé§:}nCentral “bra”
Central LibraryTheater 7:30pm ' '
. . , Rize an uncommon documentary,
Buddhist lama and filmmaker
. explores the phenomenon known as
Kh entse Norbu has made a beautiful film, . . . .
they first film shot in the Himala an krumping and clowning, a radical somal
kingdom of Bhutan Dondup isy a innovation occurring inthe South Central
westernized government official who aggcvgaflirjfiafn 0f Ligs Stilt??? fl:
wants to leave his post in a remote aggressive apndg’visually stunning
iguézgzseM‘inslgg: 1%; thsusexcggrgi': (i: Reminiscent of martial arts and ofAfrican
' . . ’ . dance, krumping also borrows moves
forced to hitchhike, encounterln an .
assortmentoffellowtravelers g from strippers and 'gymnasts.The
A Buddhist monk teases him about his gufigrgzouguinatfieutgelangargfstumeezr I
desire to esca e his beautiful count .This '
monk tells apmystical fable of argother Matureteensandadults. Krumpersface
young man, a magician in training, who is ofizneéolngggel tocfigfirrtgfionne 2:30:11
also seeking escape. The film weaves in . . .
and out of these two stories as the travelers competition IS Battle Zone.
pass through the extraordinary landscape Osama Sun. Feb. 26 Worsham Theater
of Bhutan. UK Student Center 3:30 ‘
Sunday, Feb. 19 Central Library Theater The first film to be made in ,
Daddy and Papa 2 pm and Out in the Afghanistan alter the fall of the Taliban, ‘
Heartland 3:15 Osama indicts the former extremist i
. . government by portraying oppression as .
Dadd and Pa a is a dell htful . . |
documentiary exploring the grog/ving part of the fabric of'everyday life. The i
phenomenon of gay fatherhood. Through Ezgiifer Sfimfi’idéjletge“;fiéfiezrog)‘:
the stories of four different families, the film . . l
delves into some of the particular vrvho ls forged to StOP working by the '
. . aliban. Le without a means of income, T
(62:26::Sezafzgmgpgjr: m:unrr‘ghgcdec'fg:t: the mother dresses up her daughter as a I
' g y, boy and sends her out to work with a 3
GLSO page 14 -

 sympathetic shopkeeper. The Taliban you happenio be an elderly female person-
then force her along with all the boys on I spent a great deal 0f time thinking about
the street into military training school, each character and the balance of the
Barmak shot this film in Kabul and story, working it OUt, trying to do it in a fall”
recruited his non-professional cast from kind 0fW3Y-"
orphanages and refugee camps, Proulx was not involved in making the
Violence and adult situations. film but she likes the outcome. "When I saw
_ it I was astonished. While I was writing the
Divan Thursdacyjl,7March 2’ Kentuckly story (the characters) became embedded
Theater 5pm an pm. in my consciousness. They became as real
When her parents divorced, to me as real, walk-around, breathe-
filmmaker Pearl Cluck left her JewiSh oxygen people. It took a long time to get
HaSSid'C community Wlth her mother. AS these characters out of my head so I could
an adult, she seeks to repair her get on with work. Then when I saw the film,
relationship with her father by traveling to they came rushing back. It was
Hungary to retrieve a family heirloom. a extraordinary, just wham, they were with
couch upon which esteemed rabbis once me again.”
slept. th Hungary she is deeply affected “Jake Gyllenhall's Jack Twist... wasn't
bythe historiceVIdenceiofthe devastation the Jack Twist that I had in mind when l
ofthe JeW'Sh communities. fl wrote this story. The Jack that I saw was